Matinee autumn is an interesting preparatory gr. Scenario of the autumn matinee for the preparatory group "Queen of Autumn"

(Children enter the hall and stop near the chairs)

1st: Again the holiday comes to us in kindergarten,To please both adults and children!
2nd: Again the music sounds cheerful,In a joyful dance, he laughs and circles.
3rd: We waited so much, we worried,Gathered, dressed up...
All: Let's call autumnLet's sing a song together.
Presenter: Performing song "About autumn"

(Includes Autumn)

Autumn: How beautiful in your hall,A world of comfort and warmthYou called me to the songFinally I came to you.I am golden autumnMy bow to you, my friends!I've been dreaming for a long timeAbout meeting with you.
Presenter: Thanks Autumn! Our guys also want to say kind words to you.
Presenter: Performing song "Good morning!". Good morning! (spread their arms to the sides and bow slightly to each other)Smile soon!And today all day (spring)It will be more fun. (raise hands up)We stroke the forehead, (movements in the text) Nose and cheeks. We will be beautiful, (tilts of the head to the right and left shoulder)Like flowers in a garden!Let's rub our palms (movements in the text)Stronger, stronger!We will now rub our earsAnd save your health.Let's smile againBe healthy everyone! (spread arms out to sides)Autumn: That's so funny guys! I sit down, rest and listen to poetry.
1st: Painted Autumn Both parks and gardens. Standing in colorful attire Trees and bushes.
2nd: And the wind be carefulTrees uploaded.A little Autumn turned away -He cut the leaves!
3rd: The wind plays with themThrows and rustles And autumn is tired Everything is in a hurry to explain!I will hide you in the gardenfallen leaves,So that you don't freeze Cold winter.
4th: And again Autumn outside the window,Leaves swirl and fallMore and more cold rain pours downThe sun shines less and less.
5 th: circled over me Rain of mischievous leaves.How good is he!Where else can you find one like this?
Autumn: Thank you guys for the nice and kind words. I am the mistress of the forest. I take care of its beauty and purity. Quiet in my forest. You can only hear the breeze rustling and the leaves rustling.
Presenter: Guys, let's show Autumn how the wind plays with the leaves (game-exercise "Autumn leaves"). Presenter: A playful breeze flew into the forest:Children: Sh-sh-sh! Presenter: Quietly, softly, he sang a song to the branches:Children: Sh-sh-sh! Presenter: A strong wind also flew into our forest:Children: Sh-sh-sh! Presenter: Loudly, loudly to the branches, he sang a song:Children: Sh-sh-sh! Presenter: the breezes sang songs to the leaves in turn. That quiet...Children: Sh-sh-sh! Presenter: That loud...Children: Sh-sh-sh! Presenter: That quiet...Children: Sh-sh-sh! Presenter: That loud...Children: Sh-sh-sh! Presenter: And then they flew away!Children: Sh-sh-sh1

(Leaf girls run out with leaves in their hands)

1st: We are autumn leaves.In the wind we flyAbout autumn the artistWe want to tell you!
2nd: Scatters the sun sparksLeaf fall swirled.And on golden branchesRaindrops are trembling.
3rd: All paths and pathsAs if in colorful patches.It's autumn carefullyHe walks with paint in his hands.
Together: We are different leavesgold, red,Quietly, quietly rustling,We want to dance with you.

Presenter: Performing song with leaves "Yellow leaves"

Presenter: A lot of colored leaves flew in,We will make a beautiful pattern out of them!Guys, now we will play a game called "Paint a picture of the leaves." Game conditions: 3 white scarves are spread on the floor, leaves are laid out next to it. 3 children are called, each approaches a white scarf. Each child lays out a composition from leaves, “draws a picture”.
Autumn: Good in my forest! But sometimes ugly people come here. They're making such a mess! And now, do you hear? Someone is making noise there.

(Styopka-Rastrepka runs in with a slingshot)

Styopka-Rashrepka: I love walking in the forest. To scare the birds! Drive the animals! Throw, break, hurt insects all around!Autumn: Who are you? Why are you making such a noise?Styopka: I'm Styopka-Rashrepka!Presenter: Guys, can you guess why he is called that? You must be idle all day long. You are too lazy to even wash and comb your hair!Styopka: This is my hairstyle! And I have things to do in the forest, apparently-invisibly! Yes, I did so many of them today! Here, for example, a fire was made in the forest so that it was warm.Presenter: Is it possible to burn a fire in the forest?Children: No. Styopka: And I also threw cones at the birds so that they screamed more quietly.Presenter: Guys, is it really possible to throw something at the birds?Children: No. Styopka: Come on! What else is there to do in the forest?Presenter: Styopka, and the guys want to show you the dance. Would you like to have a look?

(Dance "Barbariki" is performed)

Styopka: Yes, the guys dance well, but what if it rains? Will you have to jump through the puddles? It's wet and cold!Presenter: Our guys are not afraid of rain,They have fun under the warm rain!Listen, Styopka, how our children sing, and if you know this song, then you can sing along with us.The song "About the rain" is performed (To dress the boy in "rain"). Presenter: Yes, well Styopka you sang with the guys!Styopka: Do you want to play with me?Presenter: Perhaps you again want to break something or offend someone?Styopka: Not! Let's play my favorite game "Stepka-Rastrepka".

The game "Stepka-Rastrepka"

(The first verse is spoken slowly and quietly, each repetition faster and louder.)Styopka-Rastrepka walked through the forest, (walk around) Styopka-Rastrepka collected bumps (collect cones) The sun is high! (raise hands tops stretch on toes) Stepka is not easy-oh-oh-oh (wipes sweat with hand) He sat on a stump (squatting down) The song was sung "la-la-la" (clap their hands). (2 times faster) Styopka: Here, I'll catch up with you! (children run to chairs, caught children dance with Styopka).Styopka: Autumn, is everything really so good in your forest? Are there bad animals? Like wolves?Autumn: Of course have. Only they are not evil. This nature is so arranged that there are predators, there are also herbivores. Let them live in the forest together.Presenter: Styopka-Rastrepka, and our guys have different animals at home. They do not offend them, but take care of them.Autumn: Sit down, Styopka with the guys, and I'll find out which of the guys knows everything. I will give you riddles.
    Crows awake
Dear, kind ... (Rooster)
    Who nibbles on a pine cone?
Well, of course, this is ... (Squirrel)
    Ready to take off from the flower
Multicolored ... (Butterfly)
    Who has been mooing in the barn since morning?
I think that ... (Cow)
    Lace web
Weaved skillfully ... (Spider)
    There's a big fight in the chicken coop:
Who are the perpetrators? Two ... (Rooster)
    Breaking the silence in the morning
Sings in the grove ... (Nightingale) Styopka: You are so kind, children! I will also become kind, I will love animals and protect nature. Presenter: Wait, first you need to put in order. Look: Stepan, a great little boy! Now no one will be afraid of you in the forest.

A dance is being performed

Presenter: In the first month of autumn, when the sun is still warm, the day is clear, the wind is kind, mushrooms gathered in a clearing in the forest. Rejoiced that autumn has come again.
(Children-mushrooms come out and perform movements in the text) Mushrooms have grown under the warm rain, Get fit and let's have some fun. They put on a real concert. They sing the song "We are mushrooms" Presenter: Oh, and the mushrooms danced! Yes, they were so tired that they sat down to rest and fell asleep (mushrooms sit down in Turkish and lower their heads down). (Only the main mushroom took off his hat and put his head down and laid it on the barrel. At that very time, Autumn inaudibly approached, smiled, took off the hats from the sleeping mushrooms and put them in her basket). (Autumn puts his finger to his lips and leaves).
(Mushrooms woke up, stretched, looked at each other, point to their heads).
1st mushroom: What jokes? 2nd mushroom: What are we to do now? 3rd mushroom: Where can you find our hats? Presenter: And then the most intelligent mushroom said its word. Smart Mushroom: I know what to do. There is one wise mushroom in our forest, he lives in the world for a long time and knows everything. Let's tell him about our trouble! Mushrooms (in chorus): No sooner said than done! (2 claps in front of them. They walk in a circle to the music, at this time the Borovik mushroom in glasses comes out and sits on a stump, unfolding a newspaper). Mushrooms (with a bow): Hello, dear Borovik mushroom! Good health to you! Borovik (gets up, puts down the newspaper): Have a nice one you too! Who are they? What did you complain about? Mushrooms (lower their heads): We are forest mushrooms! Do you see that our hats are gone? Borovik: How did it disappear? 1st mushroom: We were so happy about the arrival of autumn, we danced so merrily that we got tired and fell asleep right in the clearing. 2 mushroom: And when we woke up - there were no hats! 3rd mushroom: What are we mushrooms without hats? Borovik: Indeed, without hats, you and mushrooms are not alike. Let's go to Boletus. (They walk in a circle after Borovik. At this time, Boletus sits down, puts a basket in front of him and begins to sort the mushrooms). Borovik: Hello, dear friend, the smartest Boletus! (Boletus Boletus clapping their right palms, hugging). Will you help us in one important matter? Our brothers' hats are gone. Boletus: Yes, you are bad! But I will help you if you help me sort out the mushrooms. Presenter: And we will ask the guys to help - they know all the mushrooms.

Game "Disassemble the mushrooms"

Game tips: Two children sort into 1 basket edible mushrooms, in the other inedible.
Boletus: You know mushrooms well! Here is a note to my friend. He lives in the garden. He is kind and helps everyone. (Mushrooms go in a circle. The Scarecrow enters the center, "chasing away the crows").
Scarecrow: Shoo-shoo! How importunate crows are - they will pick up all the vegetables and peck fruits. But I will not allow this - I will protect the garden from them! Shh! Shh! Mushrooms: Hello, dear Scarecrow. Scarecrow: Oh who is it? What guests came to my garden. Presenter: Sorry, Scarecrow, that we distract you from work, but we have important business for you. Here is a note from Boletus (reads and shakes head). Scarecrow: As long as I live in the garden, I have never seen mushroom hats here. Now I'll assemble the Fruit and Vegetable Squad, maybe they know. Hey, you are vegetables and fruits, We need your help! Return to the garden Your little people are waiting.

(At this time, vegetables come out and sit on the carpet)

Presenter: And now, guys, guess the riddles that the Scarecrow has prepared for you. (Children call a guess - the vegetable says "here", gets up and bows).
    Alena dressed up in her green sarafan,
She curled the frills thickly, and her name is ... (cabbage)
    Our piglets grew up in the garden,
Sideways to the sun, crochet ponytails. (Cucumbers)
    long red nose
Rooted into the ground up to the top, Only stick out in the garden Green heels... (Carrot)
    Before we ate it
We had time to cry. (Onion)
    And green and thick
A bush has grown in the garden, Dig a little Under a bush... (Potatoes)
Presenter: These are the vegetables grown in the garden! Who helped them grow?
Children: Friendly guys!
Presenter: Each vegetable in a round dance calls gardeners, Who was not afraid of work - He dances and sings! Guys, let's play with you in a game called Find Your Vegetable. Game conditions: Children-"gardeners" form 5 circles. A “vegetable” child stands in the center of each circle, holding a tambourine in his hands. To cheerful music, "vegetables" play a tambourine, children walk in a circle. Part 2 of the music children clap, "vegetables" dance. With the end of the music, the children squat, close their eyes. At this time, the "vegetables" inaudibly change places. Presenter: Worked out, tired Our kids dozed off. Vegetables play hide and seek Find them guys! (Children open their eyes and quickly find their vegetable, forming their own circle around it)
Presenter: We solved riddles They played with you. Have you seen mushroom hats? Where was the cabbage? Cucumbers, carrots and onions?
Vegetables: You ask Autumn Tell me about your trouble!
Autumn: My dear friends I was just joking with you! Here are the mushroom caps back And today I treat you all! Guys, it's time for me to go to the forest, Goodbye, kids!

(Children stand in a circle and sing a song)

presenter: The song for Autumn "Goodbye, Autumn" is performed.
Children: Farewell, sweet autumn!The mistress of the pores is golden.We loved you very muchFor affection and warm peace!We all thank youAnd we say "Thank you"!

Treats Autumn with apples

How to spend an autumn matinee in the preparatory group? We offer you an option finished event associated with this amazing time of the year.

Purpose of the event

Scenario autumn matinee in the preparatory group is aimed at the formation of stage and creative abilities in children preschool age. When thinking over the forms and methods of work, age and individual characteristics of a given age period are taken into account.


The modern autumn matinee in the preparatory group, the scenario of which is proposed, performs several important pedagogical tasks:

  • in educational field it is supposed to consolidate the ability of expressive and clear performance of poems, songs, dances;
  • development musical ear, the formation of a sense of rhythm, singing skills, coordination of dance movements with music;
  • fostering friendly relations between preschoolers, a sense of mutual assistance and compassion.

preliminary activities

Autumn matinee in the preparatory group involves learning dance moves, musical composition, creating special costumes and scenery. The teacher is looking for audio recordings with sounds autumn forest, the sound of rain. From the scenery you will need umbrellas, costumes of a bear, fox, bunny, ant.

In addition, toy mushrooms, baskets of fruits and vegetables are included in the script for the autumn matinee in the preparatory group. Together with the children, the teacher prepares beautiful maple leaves, as well as dummies of birch trees.

The progress of the matinee

The autumn matinee in the preparatory group begins with the fact that, to the music of Chopin's "Autumn Waltz", kids with leaves enter the hall. They walk, enjoy the melody. After she stops, the children take their places, the holiday begins.

First baby:

Autumn came to us quietly

She brought magic to the house.

Second baby:

Made a mountain ash red

Yellow leaf on the bushes.

Third child:

The sun laughs golden

It beckons with its beauty.

Fourth baby:

We smile with you

Let's go for a walk.

Fifth speaker:

Watching autumn outside the window

Have fun from the heart.

You hurry to the holiday to us,

And bring gifts!

Autumn matinee in the preparatory group involves the performance of songs by the kids. For example, "Who said that autumn is a sad time."

This interesting autumn matinee in the preparatory group can be continued creative game, which is called "Dress for Autumn."

From maple leaves prepared in advance, kids create an original outfit.

The teacher can divide the group into two parts, arrange a competition for the best dress. Parents of children are involved as members of the jury.

Musical pause

Waltz dance performed by preschoolers senior group can continue the autumn matinee in kindergarten. The preparatory group will see how the older guys move beautifully, this will be an excellent incentive for them to further self-development. Further, the word is taken by Autumn, which is surrounded by girls.

The modern autumn matinee in the preparatory group, the script of which is proposed, continues the dance of Autumn and her girlfriends.

The hostess says about herself:

They call me golden autumn

Sad and sad times.

But I'm cheerful and happy

That today everything is next to me.

Autumn invites the children to sing a cheerful song with her. The kids sing together with the hostess of the holiday the song “Golden Autumn!”

Fancy insert

She will become funny scene at an autumn morning. The preparatory group shows the parents how they prepared for the matinee. Some guys cut out the leaves, others interfere with them. The teacher, clutching his head, laments, trying to bring everyone to order.

How to continue the autumn matinee in the preparatory group? The scenario - interesting and bright - can be supplemented with an autumn round dance. Preschoolers surround Autumn, she sings a song, and the guys dance around her.

There are a lot of vegetables in the basket,

Both in a salad and for cabbage soup.

But I came to play with you

And offer riddles.

Riddles for kids

1. Golden and mustachioed,

He has a lot of kids! ( Ear)

2. The sun has appeared

From a small grain. ( Sunflower)

3. Yellow side, smooth side.
There is a bun in our garden. ( turnip)

The autumn matinee at the preschool continues. The preparatory group performs the song "Bad Rain". Next, the parents conduct a comic relay race. The guys are divided into two teams, each is given a raincoat, galoshes, an umbrella. The “puddles” run around the kid in turn, moving in galoshes under an umbrella.

Fairy-tale heroes

A fluffy bunny appears in the middle of the hall, shaking with fear:

Oh, it's getting colder every day

I'm chilly out here in the rain.

I'm all wet, I'm so trembling

I'll hurry to you guys.

I would like a house without rain

Oh, and a coat for warmth.

Appears on the impromptu stage beautiful girl with an open bright umbrella, under which she takes a chilled bunny to her, runs away with him, then the cheerful “eared one” appears again, which dances with the girl, rejoices at the arrival of Autumn.

A fox runs up to them, trying to fit under an open umbrella. Then a bear appears and also tries to be under the umbrella. The sparrow, the ant that appeared on the matinee also end up "in the house."

Holiday "Droplets"

We offer interesting matinee"Autumn Ball". The preparatory group is children who can demonstrate their Creative skills parents. That is why it is so important to include active actions in the holidays: skits, round dances, dances.

The leader of the holiday is the educator preparatory group. She invites children and their parents to the autumn ball.

The teacher talks about what an amazing and unique season autumn is. The teacher notes not only the richness of the harvest during this period, the uniqueness of shades and colors, but also the sadness of the falling leaves, the rustle of rain.

1st child.

I looked into every house today is a holiday,

Because autumn is walking outside the window.

Let there be no sadness, happiness awaits everyone

Rainy, wet, but happy day.

2nd preschooler.

This summer has flown by,

I didn't have time to enjoy it properly.

May autumn bestow upon us generously,

Sun, warmth and delicious grapes.

3rd child.

On the golden road

Autumn is upon us.

The chest will bring us

Children sit on chairs, the host of the holiday takes the floor (her role can be played by the mother of a preschooler).

She talks about the fact that in Russia it was customary to thank autumn for an excellent harvest. Mass festivities were held in the villages. People danced round dances, sang songs, had fun from the heart.

The holiday continues with outdoor games, comic competitions.

The importance of matinees in kindergarten

Childhood is that golden time when it is important to introduce kids to the world of beauty. Holidays are essential for the realization of this goal. Fun, joy, celebration, characteristic of such events, remain forever in children's memory.

If the educator involves parents in the organization and holding of the autumn holiday, during joint activities contact and mutual understanding is established between the kids and their dads and moms.

For example, during the autumn festival, the scenarios of which are given above, the guys from the preparatory group join the world of art, enrich their vocabulary, learn to be creative in drawing, modeling.

Such a festive day will cause unforgettable, strong impressions among preschoolers. In order to achieve this effect, the teacher, together with the parents, thinks over bright and unusual costumes for children. fairytale heroes, "invited" to the fun.

The autumn holiday is a celebration that can unite people with joint experiences, form the right artistic taste in the younger generation.


The word "holiday" in the encyclopedia is explained as a day dedicated to an outstanding event, an important date. For example, which is offered above, is dedicated to the amazing beauty of the season - golden autumn.

Those impressions that will be formed in preschoolers will become the main emotions that the child will retain in his memory throughout his life.

The joy of creativity, the possibility of self-expression, emancipation - these are the distinctive characteristics of any matinee organized in preschool educational institutions. The main task of teachers is to synthesize the enthusiasm and curiosity of their students in the formation of moral, aesthetic, mental skills and abilities.

The holiday is a wonderful situation that contributes to the development of speech, the formation of its communicative function. During the matinee, a positive speech environment is created, which is vital in educational process children. The holiday opens up amazing opportunities for the harmonious development of the younger generation, which is the main requirement of federal educational standards. It contains different types creativity: music, theater, literature, painting, pantomime.

The autumn holiday can be considered the sum of almost all varieties of art, which contributes to the growth of the horizons of preschoolers. Participation in such an event is a way of creating norms of behavior for a preschooler, developing his creative abilities.

Various activities that are expected during the holiday allow children to express themselves in every possible way: sing, draw, dance. Toddlers learn to listen to music, make rhythmic movements to it.

At the matinee dedicated to autumn, the kids do not just read poetry, sing a songbook, they learn to communicate with each other.

Children feel their involvement in the events that take place on an impromptu stage. The original design of the hall, the festive atmosphere, music, beautiful costumes, all this contributes to the aesthetic education of preschoolers.

Dances, round dances, games, singing, not only strengthens the children's body, but also positively affects the coordination of movements. The teacher prepares for the holiday systematically and purposefully, without making adjustments to the usual rhythm of the kindergarten.

Of particular importance is the involvement in the process of organizing and holding any holiday in the preparatory preschool group, parents of pupils. The joint activity of mothers, fathers, grandparents, with future first graders not only brings children and adults together, but also helps social adaptation preschoolers. The guys get some social experience from the older generation, demonstrate their creative abilities.

Autumn fairy tale game for the preparatory group



Adults: Host

Children: Autumn ___________ September _____________ October ____________ November _____________

Lemon ___________, Grape _____________, Apple ___________ Carrot ________________, Cabbage ___________, Turnip ______________, green onion ____________, Pea ___________

Wind, Leaves, Clouds, Rain, Umbrellas


Before entering the hall, the teacher says to the children:

"Friends! Today we will go on an extraordinary journey - to the beautiful country of fairy tales, to the holiday of the Queen of Autumn. On the road, we will take valuable luggage: jokes and laughter, songs and dances, otherwise we will simply not be allowed into the fabulous autumn kingdom.

Before entering the children, addressing the assembled guests in the hall.

Muses. leader - To your magical and beautiful palace

Autumn called us to the holiday.

From distant and wonderful wanderings

I brought a new story with me.

Entrance of children to the hall:

Pair dance

Muses. P. Maria "Love Is Blue"

After the dance, the boys come to the center of the hall - September, October, November


Attention! Attention!

Today, Queen Autumn invited all her subjects and overseas guests to her castle for a ball!


Attention! Attention!

To all Vanyushkas and Katyushas,

To all Andryushkas and Tanyushkas,

To all Sveta and other children!

Strict order: have fun, sing and dance at the festival until you drop!


Attention! Attention!

Our Empress, Autumn, will arrive at the merry holiday.

Yes, here she is! Meet! Music! Music!(Fanfare sounds)


I open the autumn ball! I invite everyone to the holiday!

Let's have some fun today!

And then someone came up with the idea that autumn is a dull time!

Song "Autumn Gifts"

Muses. and sl. V. Shestakova

Reb. __________

Verse by G. V. Shkuratov"Autumn mood"

Autumn! You can be sad and laugh

Cry like rain, then smile.

Bright colors to please us,

To threaten the gloom of the sky every time.

You really want to surprise us all.

We will love any autumn!


All tools are placed on tables and sit on chairs.


My son - September, show your helpers.


The songs of summer rang out

Autumn is knocking on the window again

With a good tasty harvest,

Like a generous queen.

I arrived not alone with me a whole retinue of vegetables, berries and fruits!

Dance Out of Fruits and Vegetables

Muses. arr. Agafonnikov "In the garden, in the garden"


Come through, come through

How will you surprise your guests?

Tell us about yourself.


I am a fragrant prince - Lemon,

Valuable in every season.

imported foreigner,

Love it, here it is(circling)

The one who drinks tea with lemon

Don't get sick all year round!


I beauties - Grapes.

Grapes are different;

Black, yellow and red.

There are green, large, small.

Everyone loves grapes.

Grape juice useful

He drives away illness.


The apple is a wonderful fruit.

I am growing here and there.

striped, colored,

Juicy and plump.

My juice is also useful to everyone,

Helps with diseases.


I am a beautiful girl, a green pigtail!

I am proud of myself: I am good for everything!

And for juice and cabbage soup,

For salads and borscht,

In pies and vinaigrette,

And ... bunnies for lunch!


Guess the name of this beauty?(Guest responses)


I am white and juicy

I am useful and tasty!

I stand on a thick leg

My boots creak!


And this is ... (Guests answer)


And please guess me!

I'm like the sun

I grew up in the garden too

Sweet and strong

And I am called .... (Turnip!)

green onion

And I don't have to guess! I'll tell you who I am.

They say I'm bitter, they say I'm not sweet!

With a green arrow I grow in the garden.

I am the most useful

In that I give you my word!

Eat green onions - you will be healthy!


On a hill under a maple in a green house

The crumbs settled - green peas.

In autumn, trouble came - the sweet house cracked

The round guys jumped in all directions.


Hey pea, watch out! Catch and eat!

Game "Pea"


Thank you, son, September! I really liked your assistants!

A noise is heard at the door: “You can’t come here!” "Let me through!"

“You can’t go to the ball like this!” "Let me through!"

A garden scarecrow runs into the hall.


Our queen gold autumn! They didn’t order them to be executed, they told them to say a word!

"I dress out of fashion,

All the century I stand as if on a clock,

Whether in the garden, in the field, in the garden,

I instill fear in the flocks.

And more than fire, whip or stick,

Rooks, sparrows and jackdaws are afraid of me.

I'm not some kind of bum or lazybones. I work without giving up.

And they don't let me go to the party. They say the outfit is not fashionable. What issued!

And then if I stand dressed up in the garden, who will be afraid of me?


Don't be offended, Scarecrow. Come in, sit down, be a guest!

The scarecrow bows to the Queen of Autumn and proudly, raising his head, holding a broom like a gun, passes a row of chairs where the participants of the holiday are sitting, and sits down next to him.


And now it's my turn! Show your skill and creation!

Autumn at the edge of the paint bred,

On the foliage quietly moved with a brush

The hazel turned yellow, and the maples blushed,

Aspen purple, only green oak.

Autumn consoles - do not feel sorry for summer,

Look at autumn - dressed in gold!

October and the helper girls hand out leaves to the children (one each)

Children sit or lie on the floor in different positions. They are all leaves. The leading breeze child, running between the leaf children, lightly touches them with his fingertips (scarf) or blows on them. A breeze child can imitate tossing leaves up. The leaf touched by the breeze rises and begins to spin. With the end of the music, the leaf children smoothly fall to the floor and take a beautiful pose.

“The last warm breeze, feeling the approach of autumn, decided to fly to the southern lands. His path lay through the park where his leafy friends lived. The breeze at all costs wanted to say goodbye to them. Flying up to the park, he looked down and gasped with admiration: on the ground lay extraordinary beauty carpet of colorful leaves - yellow, red, green, orange! "Oh! How beautiful they are, thought the breeze. He sank down and began to move the leaves, to play with them. He picked up one leaf after another from the ground and circled them in the air, as if in a dance.

But here comes the breeze last time waved his warm wing and flew away. And the leaves began to gradually fall to the ground. They tried to lie down in such a way that a bright multi-colored carpet with an unusual pattern turned out.

1 dev.

It suddenly became twice as bright,

Yard in the sunshine

This dress is golden

At the birch on the shoulders.

2 dev.

In the morning we go to the yard

Leaves fall like rain

Rustle underfoot

And fly... fly... fly...

3 dev.

How good it is to visit autumn,

Among the golden birches.

They wouldn't drop the gold longer,

The forest would have been purple and quiet.

4 dev.

The trees are so beautiful on an autumn day.

Now we will sing a song about golden leaves.

Song "Leaves"


Let's play my favorite game: "Find your branch"

(Autumn distributes 3-4 branches with leaves from different trees. The rest of the children have a leaf from one or another tree in their hand. While the music is playing, everyone is moving around the hall scattered. With the end of the sound of the music, you need to stop at the branch that owns the leaf in your hand).

Game "Find your branch"

Muses. "Little Waltz" N. Levy,


What fun they played.(Bird calls)

What are those sounds I hear?


I, I know. These are birds. They are getting ready for winter. Someone flies to the south, and someone makes pantries and stays here to wait out the winter. Guys, do you know the name of migratory and non-migratory birds?

Now I'll check how you understand birds?

(The scarecrow calls or shows the bird, and the children, if the bird is migratory, stand up and wave their arms like wings, and if it is non-migratory, they remain sitting on chairs)


Thank you, son, October! And I really liked your assistants.

And now it's your turn, my serious son, Frosty November!


The earth has cooled, the birds have flown away,

Ended in nature leaf fall.

Prickly cold and first snow

November already covers the bare garden.

I can’t even imagine how to please you, mother, amuse.


Brrr! Well, what are you, Tsarevich November, you are catching up with melancholy! Let me help you - and I will amuse your mother, and please the guests!

(bows to the queen and her sons, and then goes to the center of the hall and addresses the children)

Are you willing to help Tsarevich November?(children's answers)

- Good! Then we split into two teams. Those on the right will represent the wind, and those on the left will represent the rain.

(Referring to those on the left)

Hey, you daring helpers, have you forgotten how the rain beats on the roofs?

(Children loudly: Drip-drip-drip-drip)

Do you remember how the wind howls outside the window?

(Children in chorus: Woo-oo-oo-oo-oo)

We begin, from which side I raise my hand, they will begin to depict rain or wind.

(Raises his hands, like a conductor, now to the right, then to the left, and directs the noise game).

Well, what, November, it seems?


It seems!


I'll give you another riddle:

“A blot appeared in the sky,

If the blot roars,

All the people will run away.

Only the wind was cunning

He flew in and erased the blot! (Cloud)

The game "Whose cloud is bigger"

Muses. play "Rain"

Goal: String as many rings with blue ribbons on sticks as possible while playing a piece of music.


cloud, cloud,

What are you not lying?

Give us a cloud of rain!

We will hang out with you

Do not spare water for us!


Cloud-cat, tail pipe,

A cloud with a long beard

Cloud-horse, cloud-beetle ...

And there are only two hundred of them.


The poor clouds are very crowded,

There is no place for clouds in the sky.

All two hundred will quarrel,

And then they will pay together.


And the people below shout:

"Run, it's raining!"

Dance "Rain and Umbrellas"

Muses. P. Maria "Pegase"


We celebrated well today. Yes, I am different - cheerful and sad, sunny and cloudy, with cold winds and frosts.

But I am very glad that you love autumn. Low bow to all!(Bows).


And now, dear guests, you are welcome to the autumn table, to our group

taste the delicious gifts of autumn!

Children stand in pairs, to the sound of music. P. Maria everyone bows and leaves the hall


for September-October 2013 for the preparatory group №11

Entrance to the hall. Hearing:

"March" by S. Prokofiev, "Little Waltz" N. Levy,“Love Is Blue” by P. Maria, “Autumn Dream” by A. Joyce

Music-rhythm. movements:

March ("March" by Y. Chichkov) , calm walking (“And I am in the meadow”), a simple dance step (from a toe). Bow (curtsy).

Movement in a circle, in all directions and back (single and in pairs).

Rebuilding in columns, in a semicircle.

Circling in pairs "boats", "stars".

"Pair dance"

Muses. P. Maria "Love Is Blue" (2 disc 1 track)

I.p. - Introduction - Couples, holding hands, enter the hall.

1 hour (2 phrases) - Arrange in columns of 3-4 pairs. Facing the audience. I.p. – legs in 3 positions.

2h. 1 phrase - Girls - curtsy to the right - to the left;

2 phrase - Boys - bow to the left - to the right.

3h. Lose - Couples stand facing each other. I.p. - "boats"

1 phrase - two circling "boats" to the right, for repetition - 2 circling - to the left.

2 phrase - the boys sit down on one knee, facing the audience. The girls run over the boys


4h. The couples form a semicircle.

Music-rhythm. movements:

Toe step, light run, jump.

Ex. for hands: (“Little Waltz” by N. Levy), “Wind and Breeze” (“Lendler” by L. Beethoven)

Dance with umbrellas and blue ribbons "Rain and umbrellas"

Muses. P. Maria "Pegase" (disc 2, track 7)

1 hour Boys with blue ribbons in their hands jump around the hall, freeze

2 hours Girls with umbrellas move in a circle, along the line of dance.

3 a.m. Boys approach girls


Dance improvisation with leaves "Last summer breeze"

Muses. A. Joyce "Autumn Dream" or J. Cosmas "Fallen Leaves"

(Sat. "Music and miracles" program Ladushki)

Children sit or lie on the floor in different positions. They are all leaves. The leading breeze child, running between the leaf children, lightly touches them with his fingertips (scarf) or blows on them. A breeze child can imitate tossing leaves up. The leaf touched by the breeze rises and begins to spin. With the end of the music, the leaf children smoothly fall to the floor and take a beautiful pose.

The teacher reads along with the music:

“The last warm breeze, feeling the approach of autumn, decided to fly to the southern lands. His path lay through the park where his leafy friends lived. The breeze at all costs wanted to say goodbye to them. Flying up to the park, he looked down and gasped with admiration: on the ground lay an unusually beautiful carpet of multi-colored leaves - yellow, red, green, orange! "Oh! How beautiful they are, thought the breeze. He sank down and began to move the leaves, to play with them. He picked up one leaf after another from the ground and circled them in the air, as if in a dance.

The leaves were happy to spin in their last waltz along with the warm summer breeze. The leaves whirled, soared up like a flock of cheerful birds, descended, gathered all together in a large beautiful bouquet and scattered in different directions, and then circled again, circled ...

But then the breeze waved its warm wing for the last time and flew away. And the leaves began to gradually fall to the ground. They tried to lie down in such a way that a bright multi-colored carpet with an unusual pattern turned out.

Music in the orchestra "Polka"


Game "Find your branch"

Didactic, mobile.

The teacher distributes 3-4 branches with leaves from different trees. The rest of the children have a leaf from one or another tree in their hand. While the music is playing, everyone is moving around the hall scattered. With the end of the sound of the music, you need to stop at the branch that owns the leaf in your hand.

Game "Migratory and non-migratory birds"


Know and show (by name or by picture) which order the bird belongs to: migratory - get up, depict flapping wings or non-migratory - stay sitting on chairs.

The game "Whose cloud is bigger"

Muses. play "Rain"

Attraction game. Teams of 2-3 people.

Goal: String as many rings with blue ribbons on sticks as possible while playing a piece of music.

Game-song "Pea"

Muses. V. Karaseva - sl. N. Frenkel

Petya walked along the road,

He found a pea

And the pea fell, rolled and disappeared.

Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, peas will grow soon.

Exercise "Wind"

Muses. and sl. M. Kartushina (Sat. p. 22)

The wind is blowing, the wind is blowing - wow ....

Children swing their hands to the right and left in front of them

I am the strongest in the world - woo ...

I shake the tree - uh-uh ....

Swing arms raised from side to side

I inflate the sail - uh-uh ...

Connect the palms above the head "sail"

I play with leaves - uh-uh ...

Rotate with brushes, spreading arms to the sides

I'm lowering to the ground - uh-uh ...

Gently lower your hands down

Song "Autumn Gifts"

Muses. and sl. V. Shestakova

  1. Day after day in succession

Autumn is coming to us.

Every month of the year

Brings us joy. Chorus: September is golden

And October - with rains,

And November - with snow

Will play with us.

  1. Autumn colors the forests

Bright bright paint

With your generous hand

Distributes gifts.

Song "Leaves"

Muses. L. Belenko - sl. A. Shibitskaya

  1. Autumn holiday in the garden

And light and fun.

Here are some decorations

Autumn is here. Chorus: Every leaf is golden

Small sunny -

I'll put it in a basket

I'll put it on the bottom.

  1. I take care of the leaves

Autumn continues

I've been at home for a long time

The holiday doesn't end.

Scenario of the autumn matinee "Autumn harvest". preparatory group

Author: Korotkova Irina Evgenievna, musical director
Place of work: MBDOU kindergarten of combined type No. 16 "Mashenka"

To promote the development of musical and aesthetic taste and feelings in children,
Enrich artistic ideas about autumn;
To continue to develop in children a sense of collectivism and a friendly attitude towards each other;
Tasks: Create a festive atmosphere.

Adults: Autumn, Slush, janitor.
The progress of the matinee.
Leading: Good afternoon, wt. Guests! Today we have an autumn holiday in kindergarten! Let's greet our dear guys with a friendly applause!
Children enter the hall to calm music and stand in a semicircle.
Child: Through golden leaves
The blue sky is clear
I love autumn time
She is always beautiful.

Child: Here is a ray of sunshine
In the dew, a radiant light.
And the leaves are falling, circling
And they want to please us.

The song "Colorful leaves are falling" op. M.V. Sidorova music. I.G. Smirnova
(Journal Kolokolchik No. 56 2013 p. 1)

Colored leaves are falling
Autumn has come to visit us again.
Again she pleases us with colors,
This time is wonderful.

Chorus: The leaves are spinning, spinning, spinning,
Our house and our garden fall asleep.
This gives us autumn girlfriend
Falling leaves!

Sparrows bathe in puddles
Splashes are scattered all around.
Well, the leaves in the dance are all spinning,
Covering the whole earth with a carpet. (Children sit on chairs)

Music sounds in the hall Slush enters.
I walk the streets
Always after the rain.
Everywhere I breed slush,
Did you recognize me?

We didn't expect you to visit
Boots were not worn
They didn't put on their coats.
Well, tell us: who are you?

I go for autumn
I am very friendly with dirt.
I don't like winter cold
I love big puddles!
Black paint is mine
My name is Mud.

The children of Autumn are all happy.
Well, we don't need Slush!
Trampled. inherited,
How much dirt did you mix!
Need to call a janitor
We clean up the mess in the hall.

You don't have to rush!
I want to cool off.
(takes a basin of water and washes)
I don't part with water
Now I will wash, I will splash!
(splashes on himself)
As for the guests
For you, the water is dirtier.
I don't feel sorry for you
Now you won't feel hot either.
I will pour water on everyone
And you will love me.

The slush takes the second basin with leaves and abruptly “poureds” on the guests.
Dvornik Metelkin enters.

Street cleaner:
Janitor Metelkin is coming to you,
He will restore order in the hall.
When the weather is wet
The janitor has a job.
You guys help me
Remove mud from the road.

Leading: Guys, look how slush has inherited us here. We need to clear everything now.
(the presenter calls a boy and a girl, who will quickly collect traces, the boy collects black traces, and the girl collects gray traces)

Game "Collect Traces"
The janitor at this time "sweeps" Slush out of the hall. But she runs in from another entrance, carrying puddles with her.

Aha! Removed my traces
Didn't they expect me with puddles?
Until the frost comes
Anyway, I'll be here!
It's useless to fight with me
Everyone should wear warm clothes.

Let's listen to your advice:
There is no escape from you.
We are hats and boots
We will dress
And through your puddles
Fun to jump.

Jump over puddles game
Children are divided into 2 teams, slush lays out puddles. Children jump over puddles, returning to pass the baton to the next participant.
Well, guys
It's time to say goodbye
So that next autumn
Meet again.

Sounds of music slush leaves the hall.

Song "Autumn Song" music. N. Lukonina
Autumn yellow leaf fall
Looked at the children in the garden,
These are the leaves that have turned yellow
And fly, fly, fly.
To the paths to the paths
The rain is pouring like a bucket
And the kids go out less often.

Chorus: We will collect the leaves in a bouquet
And put it on the window - 3 times
Autumn will dance
There will be light in the room 2 times
We are light.

Birds fly south
Starts to get cold
Cranes wish children not to be bored!
To the paths to the paths
The rain is pouring like a bucket,
A sad time is about to begin. (children sit down)

Sounds of music appears Autumn
Hello guys!
Today I have come to you to hear wonderful poems and songs about myself for the last time this year and to please you with my surprises.

Child: Autumn at the edge
I diluted the colors
Quietly through the leaves

Child: Flocks of birds fly away
Away beyond the blue sea.
All the trees are shining
In multi-colored attire.

Child: The sun laughs less
No incense in flowers
Autumn will wake up soon
And cry awake.

Autumn: I continue the holiday with you, I invite everyone to dance.
"Dance with Leaves"
Autumn: I'm glad you guys respect me.
With a beautiful song, a friendly dance, you meet me.
I'll wave the leaves now
I will invite everyone to the fairy tale. (Sits down on a chair.)
Quite a few years ago
In one lovely village
There was a garden, and next to the garden
Pears and plums grew in it.
And then one day in that garden
Grandfather planted a turnip.

The turnip comes out singing a song, at this time the children dress up for a fairy tale.

"Song of the Turnip"
(Journal Kolokolchik No. 48 2011 p. 23)

Here lay a grain like a crumb,
The rain poured water on him.
Day by day I grew little by little
It became round and big.

Chorus: (all children sing)
Turnip, turnip, turnip
Dedka planted here.
Strong, strong, strong (turnip sings)
I have grown into the ground.

Delicious and sweet
Like candy
I'm ripe kids
It's time to drag me.

Scene "Turnip" in a new way
(Journal Kolokolchik No. 48 2011 p. 23)

grandma: Hey, spoons come out,
Dance-dance backwater.
Let's see off autumn
Holidays are fun to celebrate.

Dance "Lozhkari"

How fun you guys are
Well, it's time for me to say goodbye
Return to the autumn forest
More things are waiting for me
Goodbye, kids.
Here are apples for you, like honey
For jam and compote,
Eat them and get better
Get your vitamins!

  1. To consolidate the knowledge, skills and abilities gained in the joint activities of the teacher and children - knowledge about the seasons, signs of autumn, introduce folk omens autumn;
  2. To develop the creative abilities of children;
  3. To instill in children a sense of collectivism, the ability to empathize with each other;
  4. Create an environment of emotional well-being;
  5. Cultivate love and careful attitude to nature.

Inventory: Maple leaves, basket with fruits, vegetables; for carrying out attractions - fruits and vegetables, two small hoops, two buckets, racks.

Vedas: Hello! Hello dear guests!

We invite you to the Golden Autumn holiday!

Music sounds, children enter, become a semicircle.

Vedas: Here again the time has come, for good gifts, it is called

Children: Golden autumn!

Vedas: Again the birds in October, flock to the south, because in the yard

Children: Golden autumn!

Vedas: And it’s not easy for housewives, replenishing stocks.

Gotta get it all done, right now?

Children: Golden autumn!

Vedas: And the guys are in a hurry, singing songs, because she came to us

Children: Golden autumn!

  1. Leaves turn yellow
    The birds are fussing in the garden
    The sun hid behind the clouds - Misha
    His ray does not play,
    Saddened over the river
    Willow with a yellow scythe.
    Only the wind just walks
    Gathers leaves in flocks.
  1. Autumn looked into the garden -
    The birds have flown away.
    Aminat is rustling outside the window in the morning
    Yellow blizzards.
    Under the feet of the first ice
    Crumbles, breaks.
    The sparrow in the garden will sigh
    And to sing - Shy.

Vedas: You and I, guys, are not at all shy, so let's sing a song loudly together“Oh, what an autumn!”

Children sit on chairs.

  1. Indeed, autumn is so beautiful!
    And the chrysanthemums are growing...
    They shine with the sun of heaven Ulyana
    Gilded bushes...

Birds sing and rejoice
Catching the last warm ray.
And here lies at your feet
A piece of the rainbow from the clouds...

  1. Blue skies, bright flowers
    Golden autumn of wonderful beauty.
    How much sun, light, gentle warmth, Artem
    Autumn gave us this Indian summer.
    We are glad for the last warm, clear days,
    Honey mushrooms on stumps, cranes in the sky.
  1. Fallen leaves crunch underfoot
    The whole earth, covered with a multi-colored carpet,
    And maple autumn cold flame Sophia
    Sparkles in the sun like a farewell fire.

And the wind plays with a rowan branch
And the clusters flash in the autumn foliage.
There has long been a sign among the people,
What a lot of mountain ash - to cold winter.

Vedas: There are other signs among the people, let's call them with you, and our parents will help us.

  • The leaf fall passed quickly - the cold will come soon.
  • Late leaf fall - to a harsh and long winter.
  • A clear moon is a harbinger of frost.
  • In autumn, birds fly low - to a cold winter, high - to a warm winter.
  • There are many nuts, few mushrooms - the winter will be snowy and harsh.
  • Poultry hides its head under its wing - to the cold.
  • Mosquitoes appeared in late autumn - by the mild winter.
  • A bird sits on the roof - to bad weather.
  • Clouds are rare - it will be clear and cold.
  • Warm autumn - to a long winter.
  1. In the morning we go to the yard -

Leaves fall like rain

Rustle underfoot

And fly, fly, fly. Maksim

Gossamer webs fly

With spiders in the middle

And high from the ground

The cranes flew by.

Everything flies! It must be

Our summer is flying!

  1. The beautiful autumn time has come,
    The rains have passed, summer has come.
    Leaves sparkled in the sun
    Trees, as if dressed in gold. Sonya

The forest froze, silence and grace,
Birches in festive attire.
And the leaves began to fall
Spinning in autumn leaf fall.

Vedas: Autumn has gilded everything, everything is golden around

And birches and aspens burn with golden fire

Everything in the neighborhood is dressed up in golden lace

As if in a dance, golden foliage swirled.

Vedas: I suggest you take a walk in our clearing and collect autumn leaves and play inthe game "We are the leaves."I read the words, the music plays, and you perform the movements.

We are leaves, we are leaves, (Standing, raise your hands up)

We are autumn leaves. (Swinging torso to the side)

We were sitting on a branch. (To squat)

The wind blew - flew

We flew, we flew. (Running in different directions)

And then they got tired of flying

The wind stopped blowing

We all sat down in a circle - (Sit down)

The wind suddenly blew again

And the leaves quickly blew away. (Running, slowly circling in place)

All the leaves flew

And they sat quietly on the ground. (Sit down)

  1. Autumn said goodbye to summer
    She remained the mistress of the forest.
    She has a lot of work
    Worries begin: Karina
    Need to paint the forest
    Collect mushrooms and cones,
    Lead the birds on the road
    Invite winter.

  2. Quietly the rain is knocking on the room.
    Autumn again looked into my house,
    Like a bright wondrous bird
    Waving me with his motley wing. Petya

There, outside the windows, a miracle palette,
Yellow-red colors burn.
Autumn did a tricky trick,
Throwing an outfit on the trees.

  1. Maples in dresses incredibly bright,
    On aspens, a golden outfit,
    And the birches are dressed royally,
    Poplars - in sundresses with a border. Dasha

The rain cleans clothes diligently,
Cleaning up the whole world.
Everything sparkles in generous autumn,
And the soul finds a dream.

Vedas: Autumn walks through the gardens,
Walking, smiling
Like in a fairy tale, here and there
All colors change.
Autumn walks along the paths
And at the window - knock-knock-knock:
“Let it pour like a ringing rain
Songs of multi-colored sound.

Children sing a song"Look at what's outside the window..."

  1. The time has come - autumn decided
    She packed her things:
    Dropped to the bottom of the basket
    Golden raindrops, Olya
    I put yellow paint
    And don't forget about red.
    Gray wind covered everything
    And hurried on the road.
  1. Here the mountain ash burns with a fire,
    Crimson and aspen,
    Juicy grapes beckon, Cyril
    ripe apple aroma,
    Yellow leaves in the garden
    Clouds float in the pond.
    Every year it happens
    When autumn comes to us.

Vedas: The ball is in full swing, songs, laughter, music calls us all.

Have fun, dance, just don't imagine!

They boldly gave a hand to a friend, everyone stood in a circle.

A circle dance is performed.

  1. Loves autumn yellow color:
    Dawn with yellow rain
    yellowed grass
    And fallen leaves, Yegor
    Leaves yellow pages
    When the birds fly away
    Likes to mourn in the morning
    Autumn is yellow time.
  1. September is suddenly sad
    The rain invited me to visit
    He led all the birds to the south.
    The rain is something dull, Milana
    Sounds slapping through the puddles,
    And he doesn't need anyone.
    He's been crying since morning
    Autumn is a sad time.

Vedas: Let's sing with youa song about rain

Children sing a song, the presenter enters, carries a basket of vegetables

Vedas: I have a basket in my hands,

It contains autumn gifts.

All that autumn is golden

Brought for the kids.

Brought you vegetables from the garden

And here, to know them,

Riddles must be solved.

  • In a golden shell

I really like him

Worth peeling off the husk

I'll start shedding tears. (Onion)

  • Round, ruddy.

Juicy and sweet

very fragrant,

Fluffy, smooth. (Apple)

  • Round, crumbly, white,

She came to the table from the fields,

You salt it a little

After all, the truth is delicious ... (Potato)

  • 100 clothes and all without fasteners. (Cabbage)
  • The red maiden sits in the dungeon,

And the spit is on the street. (Carrot)

  • I am long and green, I am delicious salty,

Delicious and raw. Who am I? (Cucumber)

Vedas: Well done, guessed all the riddles.

And now let's executea song about the harvest "We carry baskets ..."

Well you sang the song

It's obvious that everyone did it!

You didn't waste your time

Harvest quickly!

But still, I want to check how you prepare for the winter, help your parents.

There are entertainment games.

1 game - "Fruits-vegetables"

Inventory: 3 hoops, 2 racks, apples - 4 pcs., carrots - 4 pcs.

Rules: 2 teams, one team collects fruits in the "garden", the second - vegetables, the game takes place in the form of a relay race.

Vedas: Yes, you are good gardeners - fast, dexterous. Do you know what is hidden under my napkin...?

Game 2 - "Guess the taste"

Inventory: 2 plates with chopped fruits and vegetables (apple, orange, carrot, cabbage, grape, tomato, banana) covered with a napkin, dark eye masks.

Rules: Guess the taste of what is on the plate.

Vedas: Well, well, winter is coming, you need to hurry up with the harvest, so sometimes you need to work late, and it gets dark early in the fall ...

Game 3 - "Night gardeners"

Inventory: apples - 5 pcs., potatoes - 5 pcs., carrots - 5 pcs., onions - 5 pcs., dark eye masks according to the number of participants, buckets or baskets.

Rules: participants pick fruits and vegetables with their eyes closed.

Vedas: I think that our holiday cheered you up!

I want to sing, always smile,
Children, do you agree with me?

Children: Yes!

Vedas. We invite everyone to a festive tea party.

To the music, children and parents go to the tables for tea.