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In the period from five to 14 years, when cartilage tissue tends to recover quickly. The result of such an operation largely depends on proper care behind the ears after it.

Rehabilitation period after otoplasty

To ensure rapid healing of the ears and speed up the recovery period, you must strictly follow the doctor’s recommendations. You should be careful with your ears for 10 days, and constantly, then you can.

Healing of cut tissues proceeds differently for everyone, but in order not to injure the sutures, it is necessary to avoid sports and vigorous activity, which can increase blood pressure and, as a result, cause swelling of the operated areas. After 14 days, sports fans can resume their activities, but with some caution.

To determine for yourself what is possible and what should be avoided in the postoperative period, you need to know what is considered normal, and in case of any deviations you need to consult a doctor.

If in the first two days a person experiences pain, then this is considered normal, after this time they go away on their own.

How is recovery after surgery going?

It consists of several stages, as evidenced by:

  1. Destruction– during the operation, tissue and cells are damaged at the incision site, they are not immediately healed.
  2. Exudation– it develops, which almost always occurs after damage due to the flow of the liquid component of the blood into the intercellular space.
  3. Proliferation– the stage is characterized by cell division, and this process occurs at an accelerated pace, which helps restore tissue. At this time from connective tissue a primary scar is formed.
  4. Resorption– the final stage, after which the scar subsides a little and becomes less pronounced. Connective tissue cells are replaced by their epithelial counterparts.

All stages given rehabilitation period follow each other in exactly this sequence and contribute to the healing of surgical incisions.

The recovery period involves wearing a special bandage; it not only protects the operated ears from injury, but also contributes to the correct fixation of the resulting ear shape on the long years. When a person sleeps, the bandage protects the not yet fully formed scar from injury and keeps the weak cartilage in the correct position. As such a bandage, you can use not only products specially designed for otoplasty, but its textile variety; some use wide tennis tapes. The bandage also provides protection against infection and displacement of cartilage tissue. In order to strictly adhere to the recommendations after such an operation, the bandage should be changed daily, and solutions in the form of chlorhexidine, furatsilin or hydrogen peroxide should be used.

In addition to wearing a bandage, you should know a few more nuances:

  • You can speed up wound healing with cream -;
  • tight bandaging is used to prevent bleeding immediately after surgery;
  • with severe pain, which often occurs after extensive surgical intervention, use painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs (or);
  • To reduce swelling, special tight bandages are used, but they are only allowed to be applied by a surgeon.

The video below will tell you about rehabilitation after surgery:

Ear care

You need to direct all your actions to protect your ears from the influence of negative factors on them. The following recommendations will need to be followed:

  • Introducing into the diet during the rehabilitation period easily digestible foods high in protein and fruits, vegetables, fish and lean meats are required.
  • Limit physical exercise, eating junk food, and drinking alcoholic beverages.
  • Try to stay in comfortable conditions, at a temperature no higher than 25 degrees and no lower than 18. Until the stitches are completely healed, avoid going to baths and saunas, and also avoid.
  • Washing your hair is allowed only after 3 days without shampoo, but only warm water, then you can only use baby detergent.
  • Those who wear glasses need to worry about lenses in advance, since glasses cannot be worn for at least two months until the ears are completely healed.

Removing stitches

  • If during the operation a silk thread was used to sew the stitches, it will need to be removed in a medical setting after five days or a week.
  • But when using catgut, the stitches dissolve on their own.

The doctor will be able to evaluate the results of his work only after six months; if necessary, he will recommend the use of some hardware cosmetology techniques. The rehabilitation period is relatively easy, so when preparing for such an operation, you need to set aside a week of your vacation for it. After which it will be possible to constantly admire the beautiful shape of the ears.

Sensitivity in the ear area after otoplasty will be restored gradually, but there will be a slight discomfort; you will want to scratch the wounds, but this should not be done.

They can be eliminated either surgically or conservatively, depending on the clinical situation.

Asymmetry of the ears

It is discovered some time after the operation, when the swelling subsides and the bandages and sutures are removed.

Complete symmetry of the ears is quite difficult to achieve, so minor asymmetry does not require repeated surgical intervention. If the asymmetry is significant, then a repeat operation is performed.

Prevention of complications after otoplasty

It is not recommended to wash your hair for some time after surgery. For 1-2 months after surgery, you should not engage in active or traumatic sports. In addition, in the first time after surgery, you should carefully avoid household head injuries, which can lead to damage to the ears.

The risk of complications after otoplasty will be minimized if the patient carefully selects a qualified plastic surgeon and also carefully follows his recommendations in the postoperative period.

Otoplasty is a branch of aesthetic surgery that helps correct the size and shape of the ears. It is used to correct congenital and acquired ear defects, eliminate asymmetry and give them a beautiful shape. Modern equipment and effective medications make the operation as quick and painless as possible. After otoplasty is performed, rehabilitation is the most important point, on which the final result of the entire procedure depends, so it is necessary to treat it with special attention.

How is otoplasty performed?

Otoplasty is one of the few plastic surgery which are successfully performed under local anesthesia. It takes from 30 minutes to 2 hours, depending on the degree of difficulty. Virtually no preliminary preparation is required. But in order to make sure there are no medical contraindications that can cause various complications, you will have to undergo a series of laboratory tests.

The incisions are made with a regular or laser scalpel behind the ears, where they will subsequently become completely invisible. After all necessary manipulations have been completed, the incision sites are closed with cosmetic sutures. How long rehabilitation after otoplasty lasts largely depends on the individual characteristics of the body, as well as on the amount of correction performed.

Stages of rehabilitation

Typically, after otoplasty is performed, recovery begins within a couple of hours. Immediately after the operation, the ears are fixed with a special plaster, a cotton compress with a healing agent is applied to them, and a tight elastic bandage around the head maintains the correct position. The entire rhinoplasty rehabilitation period is divided into several key stages.

It is advisable to avoid playing ball, contact martial arts and other sports in which the ears can be injured.

Postoperative dressing

The bandage, which must be worn during the rehabilitation period after otoplasty, reliably holds both conchae in the correct position. In addition, it is necessary to prevent their displacement before the tissue healing process begins.

This product copes well with the following tasks:

  • protects ears from injury;
  • prevents the spread of hematomas and edema that usually form in the operated area.

Note that the bandage after otoplasty has a very convenient feature. Manufacturers produce it in the so-called universal size. But it fits on any head, as it is equipped with a special clasp.

What does it look like

This medical accessory has a ring shape. In essence, this is a simple bandage - elastic or ordinary. If desired, it is permissible to wear a bandage instead.

Today you can buy a special head bandage in pharmacies or specialized medical equipment stores. In terms of characteristics, it is no different from a compression bandage after otoplasty. But it looks much more presentable.

This accessory is very similar to the headband that athletes usually wear. It can often be seen, for example, on tennis players. It differs, as already mentioned, only in the presence of an adjustable fastener (Velcro).

Duration of wearing

Many people are interested in how long they will have to wear the bandage. As a rule, the doctor recommends walking in it for at least a week. The maximum period is 14 days. This accessory can only be removed with the permission of a doctor.

After the doctor has put a compression bandage on the patient, the patient can go home. True, then he will need to make several more visits to the clinic so that the surgeon can monitor how the rehabilitation is going and make dressings.

It is necessary to change the bandage. This is necessary to maintain hygiene and prevent the development of pathological processes.

The patient must be bandaged at least twice:

  1. The next day after surgery. At the same time, the doctor evaluates the work done.
  2. On day 8. The stitches are removed. The surgeon carefully examines the ears and gives recommendations for care.

Proper wearing of a compression bandage after otoplasty and compliance with all rehabilitation rules will largely determine the cosmetic effect of the intervention.

Possible complications

Otoplasty is not a complex or traumatic operation, therefore, if all recommendations for the rehabilitation period are followed strictly, complications are extremely rare. Negative consequences after otoplasty occur in cases where:

  • the sutures become infected and rot;
  • inflammation is activated due to refusal of antibiotics;
  • bleeding occurs due to mechanical injury;
  • The ear is deformed due to displacement of the fixing bandage.

It is extremely rare that due to insufficient qualifications of the surgeon, complete or partial loss of ear sensitivity occurs, as well as curvature of the shape of the auricle. Therefore, before deciding to have an operation, it is necessary to collect as much information and reviews as possible about the doctor and the clinic where otoplasty will be performed.

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Otoplasty literally means “ear reshaping” and in most cases this procedure is used to correct excessively protruding ears.

Abnormally protruding ears occur in approximately 5% of the population.

Protruding or protruding ears can cause psychological trauma from a patient due to unpleasant comments. The ideal age for correcting this defect is from five to seven years, because at this age the ears are already fully formed and have an adult size, and also to prevent stressful situations for children who often face ridicule.

Otoplasty can help men, women and children of all ages overcome embarrassment and frustration caused by irregular shape ears or protruding ears.

Otoplasty is one of the most commonly performed cosmetic procedures for children. The ultimate goal of the surgeon is to create a natural, proportional and symmetrical appearance ears.

Ears may appear enlarged due to the following factors:

  • the ear cartilage is formed without bending close to the upper edge,
  • an excessive amount of cartilage forms in the middle of the ear,
  • the angle between the ear is greater than normal.

Progress of the operation

The operation is performed under general anesthesia and is usually performed on both ears, but sometimes people have only one protruding ear that undergoes correction. Surgery on both ears can take approximately 120 minutes and is performed under local anesthesia, with additional intravenous sedation. For children, general anesthesia is used.

Otoplasty is performed by refining or thinning the cartilage structure of the ear. Surgical incisions are usually placed behind the ear in the natural crease (where the ear meets the head) and therefore scars from this procedure are usually not visible.

The technique varies depending on the problem that needs correction, and is usually a combination of cartilage resection and removal of excess soft tissue behind the ear. In most cases, surgery involves placing permanent stitches to position the ear closer to the head. After surgical cartilage correction, the skin at the back of the ear is secured in place using surgical sutures and then maintained in its new position using carefully applied pressure (bandage, compression bandage). If non-absorbable materials are used, sutures are usually removed 5-7 days after surgery.

Postoperative stage

During the postoperative phase of otoplasty, it is important to follow all instructions from the surgeon. Otoplasty is often performed on children younger age Therefore, parents and caregivers play an important role in providing postoperative care. In general, the postoperative period for ear surgery is 7-10 days and includes normal recovery. Complications are rare.


Postoperative dressing is very important part surgery. After the procedure, the bandage compresses the surgical area and should remain in place for 48 hours. It will help maintain the new position of the ear in the immediate postoperative period, but mainly helps prevent the accumulation of blood (hematoma). You cannot manipulate the bandage yourself, even if there is slight bleeding (which is normal and should not frighten the patient).

It is important to monitor children after ear surgery to ensure that the bandage remains in place for the first 24 hours. The dressing is changed on the second and fourth days after surgery.

The dressing remains on the treated areas for the first five to seven days of the postoperative period. It is important not to move the bandage as this may increase the risk of infection and other complications. After removing the bandage, it is recommended to wear a compression bandage (elastic bandage) at night for 30 days. This will provide protection for your ears while you sleep to prevent them from shifting when moving. A compression bandage is needed to complete the healing of the cartilage.


In the postoperative period, the patient may experience mild pain. The pain is usually very minor. However, if the patient is hypersensitive to pain, the use of analgesics is recommended.

Ear sensitivity is a normal post-operative symptom that subsides quickly.

Patients typically describe feeling "pain and discomfort" rather than experiencing specific pain. These symptoms usually improve quickly after the surgical dressing is removed.

Swelling and bruising

During the first 2-3 weeks, noticeable swelling is observed. Bruises (bruises on the skin) may resolve spontaneously or require surgical drainage. It is important to remember that the body needs time to recover from surgical trauma. Your surgeon may recommend arnica ointments and medications to help relieve swelling and bruising post-oplasty. In some cases, the temperature may rise slightly over the course of two to three days.

Bleeding and bruising are rare. Sometimes slight bleeding may occur and, as a result, a hematoma forms between the cartilage and the skin, which quickly resolves on its own.

Patients are advised to stand as upright as possible during early stage recovery so that residual swelling and bruising resolve more quickly. After surgery, you should not take aspirin or medications containing aspirin or ibuprofen, as they have an anticoagulant effect.


It is important for patients to pay close attention to personal hygiene during the early postoperative period. You can take a bath 48 hours after the procedure, but you should not get the bandage wet.

After suture removal (7-14 days after surgery), patients are advised to gently shower and wash their hair daily to keep the wound healing area as clean as possible. It is recommended to wash your hair with warm water and mild shampoo (for example, baby shampoo). To dry your hair, use a soft towel, blotting it with gentle movements.

After the procedure, patients may be prescribed a week's course of antibiotics to minimize infections.

Chemical hair treatment (coloring, perm) is not recommended for several weeks after surgery, and only after consultation with a doctor. The earrings can be worn two weeks after surgery.

Sleep and rest

In the early postoperative period, the patient needs to sleep and rest as much as possible.

Young children should be kept at a low level of activity for the first few weeks after surgery.

During sleep, the patient's head should be supported by two or three pillows to keep the head elevated at 45 degrees relative to the horizontal position. It is also advisable to use two pillows on each side to avoid turning on your side during the night, which can cause harm to the operated area. The ideal position is on your back, with your head and body slightly elevated to reduce swelling.

Physical activity

The behavior of cartilage after remodeling is difficult to predict in the early postoperative period.

In the first 7 days, it is necessary to exclude any activity, exercise, or sport that can raise blood pressure and cause swelling.

To minimize injury, contact sports should be avoided. After two weeks, you can resume sports activities, but with caution so as not to subject your ears to excessive stress and possible injury.

Contact sports may be permitted after six weeks postoperatively. After a month, the patient can return to his normal physical activities, including gymnastics, swimming, etc.

Sun and warmth

The operated areas are sensitive to light for the first few weeks after surgery. Exposure to the sun is allowed only after 30 days. Until then, short walks in the sun are allowed with mandatory use. sunscreen. It is recommended to wear sunglasses for a month. Avoid extreme heat (eg, sauna, solarium). The skin is still sensitive and such exposure can cause 3rd degree burns.


Otoplasty scars are usually not noticeable because they are hidden in the groove behind the ear. In case of development of pathological scars (keloids), doctors practice local corticosteroid therapy and the use of silicone patches.

Possible risks and complications

Complications can occur with any operation. Cosmetic surgery is usually performed voluntarily on healthy patients. Complications after otoplasty are rare.

Complications that occur in the postoperative period may include wound dehiscence, infections, partial or complete necrosis of the skin of the ears, and large hematomas requiring drainage.

Due to the nature of otoplasty, some of the nerves that provide sensation to the ear will be shortened, and the ear may lose some sensation. Most of sensation will return, but some parts of the ear may remain numb. Changes in sensation and numbness in the ears are a common side effect up to 12 months after surgery.

Ear cartilage has “memory,” which means that the cartilage tends to return to its original shape.

After any otoplasty, it is possible for the ears to return to a protruding or protruding state.

Rare infections can be successfully treated with antibiotics.


One week after surgery, initial aesthetic improvements in the shape and position of the ear can be assessed. After removing the bandage, patients immediately notice an improvement. Results will continue to improve over the next six weeks as residual swelling subsides, although the healing process is not yet complete.

Otoplasty is a type of surgical intervention on the soft tissues and cartilage of the auricle, which is used to correct protruding ears and eliminate deformities and defects of the auricle.

Types of otoplasty

  1. Aesthetic otoplasty: The operation is performed to give the ear a more aesthetic appearance.
  2. Reconstructive otoplasty: used to restore individual missing areas or the entire ear.

Indications for surgery

Contraindications for surgery

  • acute infectious diseases;
  • oncological diseases;
  • blood clotting disorder;
  • diabetes;
  • chronic inflammatory diseases external and middle ear;
  • Some clinics do not allow surgery to be performed during menstruation.

Photo: before and after ear surgery

Necessary tests

  • general analysis blood, general urine analysis;
  • biochemical blood test, coagulogram;
  • blood tests for markers of viral hepatitis, HIV, syphilis;
  • electrocardiogram, fluorography.

Video: Ear plastic surgery

Operation methods

Today, there are about 170 different types of surgery on the outer ear. This is due to the large number of structural features of the auricle and the need to preserve the individual structural features of the outer ear after surgery.

In each specific case, the surgeon selects the optimal method of performing the operation, taking into account the existing anatomical defect or deficiency and the expected result.

The only thing you need to decide on is the method of making the incisions during the operation. They can be performed with a scalpel or laser. A number of operating doctors insist that using a laser has its advantages:

  • postoperative scars are less pronounced and may be absent altogether;
  • healing after surgery is faster.

It is quite possible that they are right, but much here depends on the individual characteristics of the patient’s body.

How is the operation performed?

First of all, pain relief is performed. For children, the operation is performed under general anesthesia; for adults, the surgical area is numbed locally, in much the same way as teeth are numbed in dental practice.

Then an incision is made with a scalpel or laser, excess skin and ear cartilage are excised, and a new position and size of the auricle is formed. The surgical wound is sutured with regular or absorbable threads.
A special bandage is applied to the operated ear. The compression bandage after otoplasty must be worn for several days so that the new position of the auricle is maintained throughout the healing process.

Video: Otoplasty, ear surgery

Rehabilitation and recovery

In most cases, surgery and wearing a compression bandage, which is changed once every 2-3 days, is sufficient. Some patients need to undergo several additional corrective procedures prescribed by the doctor to achieve optimal results. As a rule, the doctor informs the patient about the need for such procedures at the consultation stage before the operation.

Sutures after otoplasty are removed 8-10 days after surgery, unless self-absorbable suture material was used. During this time, you should not wet the postoperative wound. It is recommended to limit physical activity for 2-3 weeks after surgery.

You may experience slight swelling and pain for 1-2 weeks after otoplasty, which subsequently goes away without treatment. Sometimes your doctor may prescribe painkillers.

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Complications after otoplasty, adverse effects of surgery

    • suppuration of the postoperative wound, dehiscence of the wound edges; The photo shows a fragment of the ear where the sutures on the cartilage have separated and a section has formed filled only with skin.

    • formation of pronounced scars, including keloids;

      • bleeding from the surgical wound;
      • development of severe edema and extensive hematoma, which may require additional drainage;
      • development of diffuse external purulent bacterial or fungal otitis;

    • in the long-term period of the operation, it is possible for the operated cartilage to grow into vessels with gradual resorption of the cartilage and secondary deformation of the auricle;

  • noticeable traces of surgery on the outer surface of the ear.


The price of ear surgery largely depends on the type of anesthesia used. Local anesthesia will cost much less than general anesthesia. In addition, in some cases, after an operation performed under anesthesia, the patient will have to stay in the clinic for several days under the supervision of medical staff, which will also affect the cost of treatment. Prices for otoplasty in Moscow and St. Petersburg may differ depending on big side, since often it is in major cities they use advanced methods of anesthesia and surgery, which requires additional costs, both necessary materials and equipment, as well as for training specialists.

Prices for otoplasty in Moscow at the clinic plastic surgery"DeltaClinic".

Prices for otoplasty in St. Petersburg

Otoplasty (Surgeries on the ears)
Correction of protruding ears (1 ear) from 18,000 rub.
Correction of protruding ears according to the author’s method of A.V. Kulikova (1 ear), incl. previously operated RUB 39,500
Correction of protruding ears (2 ears) RUB 23,500
Correction of protruding ears according to the author’s method of A.V. Kulikova (2 ears), incl. previously operated RUB 51,500
Reduction of the auricle (1 ear) 18,000 rub.
Reduction of the auricle according to Kruchinsky-Kulikov without external sutures (1 ear) 40,500 rub.
Reduction of the auricle (2 ears) RUB 23,500
Reduction of the auricle according to Kruchinsky-Kulikov without external sutures (2 ears) RUB 55,500
Correction of ear deformities (1 ear) 17,500 - 54,000 rub.
Earlobe correction (1 ear) 10,200 - 22,000 rub.
Restoration of the earlobe after tunneling (1 ear) 17,500 rub.
Reconstructive operations in the ear area + 20% to the cost of aesthetic operations in the corresponding parts of the ear


How long should I wear the bandage? The duration of wearing the bandage is determined individually in each specific case and depends on the speed of healing of the surgical wound. Typically, the wearing period ranges from 1 to 3 weeks. At what age can otoplasty be performed? Otoplasty is not usually performed until the baby is six months old. Before this period, the formation of the auricle occurs, therefore, if there is a slight deformation, then the elimination of protruding ears is carried out without surgery, by fixing the auricle in the correct position. If fixation was not carried out before the six-month period and the ear cartilage is fixed in the wrong position, then it is better to carry out the operation before the child reaches the age of 6 years in order to avoid the formation of complexes about his own appearance. What is the best way to do otoplasty, with a laser or a scalpel? The choice is yours and your surgeon. In any case, the incision is made along the back surface of the auricle and will be securely hidden in a fold of skin. Is free otoplasty possible? Possible. But such an operation, as a rule, is performed only for medical reasons. Is it possible to correct protruding ears with surgery? Can. Correction of protruding ears is the most common indication for ear surgery. How is otoplasty done? There is no single method of operation common to all cases of otoplasty. Therefore, for each patient, the surgeon chooses his own method of performing the operation, based on the patient’s needs and his own capabilities. Is revision otoplasty possible? Repeated otoplasty is quite possible if the patient does not receive the desired result after the first operation. Is revision otoplasty more expensive? The cost of the operation in this case will depend on the indications for repeated otoplasty. If this is the elimination of a slight asymmetry, then the operation is unlikely to be more expensive for you. If it is necessary to eliminate keloid scars, secondary deformation of the auricle, etc., then the operation can cost much more. Therefore, you will only be able to find out the exact price for repeated otoplasty during a personal consultation. How long does it take for repeat otoplasty to be performed? The period is determined by the operating doctor during a face-to-face consultation. In some cases, repeated surgery on the auricle is not performed due to the development of gross tissue deformation and the unpredictability of the effect of repeated otoplasty. What side effects of the operation can there be? Most often after surgery there are complaints of slight pain and swelling of the tissue in the immediate vicinity of the surgical wound. It is not dangerous and goes away within 1-2 weeks without treatment. How is the postoperative period of otoplasty? If you follow all the doctor’s recommendations and come for dressing changes on time, then postoperative period goes through without any problems. The only restrictions are not to engage in heavy physical labor or sports for 2-3 weeks and not to wet the postoperative wound until the stitches are removed. How long after surgery do my ears hurt? Usually the pain goes away within a week or two.