Increase in the average check: your profit is not far off. How to increase the average check in the store

Increasing monthly profits is a challenge that every entrepreneur sets for himself. It doesn't matter what he does. It can be a shop or a boutique, a cafe or a restaurant. But what is average check, a good owner should know. Moreover, it is his responsibility to convey this information to employees. Only in this way will you be able to build relationships with consumers in the most effective way.

Basics of trade

When starting a business, a person is very worried about profit. This is logical, because it now depends on her whether he will be able to return the invested money and recoup his personal contribution. And sometimes from the very beginning, luck smiles, and customers come all the time. It would seem that success is assured. But gradually the revenue begins to decline. The buyer just got used to your services, and they ceased to be something special.

How to raise profit? Many will say that you just need to find new customers. Yes, due to this, you can increase sales, but how to achieve this? Usually, to implement such a scenario, huge investments in advertising are required. If the budget is already scheduled, then you will have to look for other methods. Here it is worth remembering what an average check is.


This variable is important for every entrepreneur. At the same time, you can easily calculate it yourself, without resorting to the help of economists. What is an average check? This is the average amount spent by each customer over a certain period of time. It can be a day, a week or a month. The formula is very simple, it's revenue divided by the number of checks.

Whatever period you take, the number will still be indicative. This is the average amount a customer leaves at the checkout. If you increase it, then the income will increase. Let's imagine that a supermarket serves five thousand customers a day. At the same time, the average check is 1 thousand rubles. If you increase each of them by 10 rubles, then the company will receive more profit by 50 thousand rubles. But this is just the price of chewing gum or similar trifles. You just need to find a way to convince the client that he needs it. Now we know what the average check is. How can it be increased?

Working in a supermarket

Each of us regularly makes purchases here and is well acquainted with the structure of these trading floors. There are rows with products where sales assistants are on duty, as well as cash desks where you pay. You will see the form of the check already at the checkout, but for now, walk along trading floor, you quite calmly fill the cart.

Store marketers take advantage of this by placing tempting discount offers, advertising posters and other material that encourages you to make purchases. What can be done here to increase the average check?

Possible options:

Pre-cash zone

And back to the practice of the supermarket. During a walk around the trading floor, you have chosen a product and come to the checkout. Notice how bright it is. Chewing gums, chocolates, cigarettes and other little things just hang around the cash register from all sides. Remember, the customer hasn't received the blank check yet. He can only guess the amount in his mind. And of course, while he is standing in line, the thought may well come to mind that it would be nice to buy a chocolate bar for a child. In this case, nothing critical happens, because the amount will increase slightly.

The next moment is the cashier himself. With learned words, she offers a package. Again taking care of you, and again the growth of the average bill. Seeing that you have bought tea, many will recommend fresh cookies that they brought recently. And so on.

Catering establishments

There are differences here, so we will single them out in a separate category. Sales volumes are equally important for restaurant owners. Therefore, they also do analytics and look for ways to increase profits. But the implementation of the plan will be somewhat different.

The average check in a restaurant can be calculated in several ways. Usually the calculation is done by dishes. As a result, the average check can be considered the cost of the main course, dessert and appetizers, excluding alcohol and drinks. But you can choose another way. For example, the average check can be considered the amount paid by the waiter to the cashier per day, divided by the number of guests served.

How can I increase it

There aren't many options here. Staff need to be trained to work with customers. Sales volumes directly depend on the quality of service. It is strictly forbidden to use rude methods of "sucking in" and deception. Your goal is to keep the customer's loyalty.

Nothing new has been invented here. To increase the average check, you need to sell items from the menu in addition to the general order or offer more expensive alternatives to the selected dishes. And this should happen unobtrusively, as a sincere manifestation of care. The waiter can remind you of bread or crackers for broth, a special sauce for meat, water or another drink.

Check increase methods

Marketers have not deduced the relationship between the average check and profit today, therefore the methods are not new either:

  • Upselling - offering a more expensive alternative. For example, two guests order sushi each. Why not offer them a set that includes more flavors?
  • Cross-selling is an expansion of the line of orders. Here the waiter has just endless scope for imagination. Guests can be offered sauces and gravies, salads and snacks, topping for ice cream, additional toppings for pizza.

Waiter job in a cafe

Here, customers are somewhat different from those who entered the restaurant. But even for them there are a sufficient number of techniques with which you can increase profits. The average bill in a cafe also depends on the quantity and cost of what visitors bought. There is a great way to sell more just by offering an aperitif. Eat certain rules, according to which this can be done easily and naturally:

Instead of a conclusion

All these techniques work only in one case: if quality comes first. The products sold must be good, proven, otherwise you will lose a buyer. Food in a cafe should be tasty and of high quality. It is useless to try to increase the average check and save on such basic things.

The first thought that comes to the mind of an entrepreneur who wants to increase sales, is an increase in the number of visitors. However, this option is as obvious as it is expensive. He assumes serious investments into advertising. Unfortunately, if the company does not have a serious budget, then you can forget about such an undertaking.

Today, every business owner can increase their income with a more efficient approach. It consists in increasing the average check. This indicator is calculated as the average amount of a customer's check for a fixed period. If you do not know how to increase this indicator, then get acquainted with several of the most productive ways.

Four ways to increase the average check

1. To increase the average check, attract a customer to the store with cheap goods, but always try to sell more expensive ones:

  • The seller should gradually switch the attention of buyers from a cheap product to a more expensive one, so the company should develop a line of products of different price categories - from cheap to expensive;
  • Sellers should be financially motivated to sell more expensive goods, so you need to introduce special incentive bonuses;
  • So that sellers do not forget to offer more expensive goods each time, they should have a reminder in front of their eyes. You can make it right on the price tag, marking similar products of a higher cost.

EXAMPLE: An advertisement for flip charts for trainings shows a low price (for a regular board without additional options). Subsequently, the client is offered to choose a more advanced and convenient model - on wheels, made of light alloy, compact, with a special coating, etc. As a rule, the choice falls on a more expensive, but advanced version of the product.

RESULT: On average, 30% of buyers agree to purchase a product that is more expensive, but more attractive, if it is offered to them.

2. The increase in the average check will be affected by the inclusion of cheap goods with a large margin in the assortment

It is easy and pleasant to offer cheaper products, so there is no need to additionally stimulate sellers - it is enough to include these products in the assortment.

EXAMPLE: Many Chinese products are cheaper than their Russian counterparts, but their markup can reach a maximum mark (for example, compatible printer cartridges).

RESULT: First, cheap goods will attract consumers to the store, who will eventually buy a more expensive product. Second, selling cheap products at high mark-ups can help keep profits during periods when buyers are different reasons start saving.

3. You can easily achieve an increase in the average check if you offer related products for any purchase

To start selling related products, you need to perform several actions:

  • Determine which products can be considered related to specific products;
  • Write a tip for sellers. It should list the main advantages of all products, the reasons that encourage buyers to purchase something extra, as well as more expensive and cheaper analogues of the product;
  • Ensure that a hint document is available to each salesperson (usually the hint is printed on reverse side promotional materials at the checkout);
  • Involve customers in monitoring the work of sellers. To do this, it is worth hanging noticeable signs: “If, when buying product N, the seller did not offer you to familiarize yourself with product M, you are entitled to a gift!”.

EXAMPLE: A tie in addition to a shirt, a purse in addition to a bag, etc.

RESULT: On average, 25% of buyers respond to an offer to buy related products. Profit will grow by 10-15%.

4. Don't know how to increase the average check? Don't leave a client empty-handed!

If the customer is already leaving the store without a purchase, at the exit the seller can make him an offer that is hard to refuse: buy a product at a special price. In large stores, this function is performed by sales tables and advertising posters, which are clearly visible only to those leaving.

EXAMPLE: In Top Shop stores, there are hangers at the exit with clothes according to bargain prices, and in Zara stores - sales tables with a bunch of discounted items.

RESULT: Of course, sales cannot bring a lot of profit, but they give a chance to increase sales (increase the average check) in the future, namely:

  • help to establish a trusting contact and leave a good impression with a new buyer;
  • increase the conversion (that is, the number of store visitors who left it with a purchase);
  • allow you to get the contact details of the client (when filling out the questionnaire in exchange for a discount or special offer);
  • provide an opportunity to increase the volume of subsequent purchases made by new customers (for this, marketing tools are used - promotional cards, certificates, coupons, etc.).

These four simple ways help increase the size of the average check and let you get more money from your clients.

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There are a number of business metrics that every entrepreneur should track regularly. Of course, a grocery store and an engineering and construction company will have a different set of such KPIs. But they all lead to revenue and profit analysis.

So, for example, a user of the PlanFact service, Vladimir Goretsky, said in an interview that for the network of his pizzerias under the Dodo Pizza franchise, he monitors: unit costs, labor costs, EBITDA, network-wide expenses, capital expenditures, net profit before and after dividends, labor productivity , products per person per hour, orders per courier per hour, number of new customers per week, number of new orders, average daily revenue in a weekly context, percentage of orders through mobile app And average check.

How to increase the average check, and will be discussed today. This universal baseline, right job with which raises profits.

What does the average check show?

Calculating the value of the average check gives the entrepreneur valuable information about the state of affairs. On its own or in combination with other figures, the average check answers many business questions.

Here are a few of them:

  • Who is your client and how solvent is he?
  • Is there a good range of goods and services?
  • Is merchandising properly organized?
  • Are consultants doing a good job?
  • Is the buyer ready for an expensive purchase?
  • When does the influx of customers occur?
  • Is the action effective?
  • From what amount can customers be issued discount cards and make discounts?
  • When high and low seasons sales?

Average check formula: elementary, but you need to look in dynamics

The average check is calculated using a very simple formula:

However, a one-time analysis of checks will not bring results. To get answers to all these questions, you need to do an analysis in dynamics. Consistency and frequency are important. For small businesses, a monthly analysis is suitable. But if the intensity of purchases is increasing or high seasonal demand for your goods or services is expected, then it is recommended to conduct a weekly analysis.

Suppose you have analyzed the average check and want to increase the store's revenue by 20% using this indicator. Let's take a period of 30 days as a basis. Let's calculate how many customers make purchases in the store per day (average 380). The average check is 620 rubles.

First, let's calculate the monthly revenue for this moment: Average bill*Number of customers per month = 620*380*30 = 7,068,000 rubles. Then we consider an increase in revenue by 20%: 7,068,000 * 1.2 = 8,481,600 rubles. Let's find a new average check of the store. Average check = monthly revenue / number of customers per month. During this period, the store is visited by 380 * 30 = 11400 people. Then the average check = 8,481,600/11400 = 744 (rubles). Thus, you need to increase the average check from 620 to 744 rubles.

The average check is not the average temperature in the hospital

This indicator helps to evaluate the effectiveness of sales of a whole group of goods or services. Such an analysis is good when it seems that one product does not make a profit, but in general a group of products sells well. Or vice versa: it seems that the product is very profitable, but the sales of the segment are sagging. Thus, it is very important to track the average check for certain categories of goods or services. This will help to better form the assortment, add a new product category or product to it, and in case of poor performance, quickly eliminate unfavorable elements.

For example, the owner of a coffee shop believed that the main marginal product was brewed coffee to go, but after analyzing the average check, it turned out that selling coffee beans of their own roasting brings more profit. As a result, its sales volumes were increased, and budgets were also invested in the author's packaging of grains and a stand at the cash desk.

How to increase the average check. 6 ways

Marketers identify 2 main principles for increasing the average check - upselling and cross-selling.

Upselling- offer the client a more expensive or premium analogue. In the process of choosing a specific model or service, the buyer is offered to abandon the initial decision in favor of buying a more expensive product. There may be several reasons for this: a more modern model is already available, there is a product with the best performance or a more well-known and respected brand has gone on sale.

An interesting example of upselling in the sale of services. So, in 2018, Russian car sharing services have already increased the average bill by 23-33%. BelkaCar explains such positive changes by the appearance of business-class cars in their fleet.

Cross-selling This is a cross selling method. Its essence lies in the fact that at the time of purchase, the client is offered to purchase, in addition to the main product, also related ones. So, accessories are always offered for gadgets - cases, screen protectors, extended warranties, etc. A good waiter in a cafe is simply obliged to offer an additional pizza topping or ice cream topping.

The principles of up-cell and cross-cell require quality work sales assistants or waiters (if we are talking about cafes and restaurants), which is only possible through thorough training in sales methods and perfect knowledge of the assortment. For online sales, it is very important to add the following blocks to the site: “Buy with this product” or “Similar products”, “Buy together”, recommendations from experts or other users, etc. There are a wide variety of widgets for this. By the way, we recently wrote about ways to increase online sales using widgets.

There are many ways to increase the average check. Consider the 6 most effective.

1. Loyalty program

The scheme is based on a system of rewarding regular customers and is well suited for retail. According to experts, a well-designed loyalty program helps to increase the average bill by 30%.

Surprisingly, the first loyalty program appeared in the 1970s: American Airlines introduced the accrual of bonus miles that could be redeemed for tickets. Today, loyalty cards carry out promotions, closed sales and tastings, give bonuses and gifts. In addition, cardholders are also a source of sales statistics. Thus, the company can save on marketing research.

2. Product-locomotive

Such a product is a “highlight” on your “sales cake”. A locomotive product attracts the attention of buyers with its benefits. A low cost or even free giveaway of a product can bring more customers to the point of sale. Then well-organized merchandising, competent work of consultants, and accompanying promotions come into play. Thus, the buyer will purchase more than one thing, increasing the average bill at times. By the way, many leave without buying a product-locomotive.

Here is an example of such a proposal from a small print shop. Business cards are printed for free. True, the circulation is very small and on the back there will be a link to the site of the printing house. However, the first purchase will be made in this way, and with a good result, the client will most likely return or place an accompanying order when printing business cards.

3. Sets

Buyers are very fond of ready-made solutions. You save their time and help them make a balanced purchase with your expert opinion. And for the company, this is a great opportunity to increase the average check. Convenient and mutually beneficial! In cafes and restaurants, these are ready-made business lunches or sets. For cosmetics, perfumes or clothes, these are thematic sets for the New Year, March 8, a trip to the sea, etc.

Sets are also convenient in that you can add an unpopular or poorly sold product on your own. A great solution would be a special discounted price when buying a kit.

4. Competent merchandising

Properly arranged products are half the store's success. There are many merchandising techniques. But to increase the average check great importance has a placement of related products nearby. So, in a well-organized store space, refrigerators with dumplings will always have ketchup, and next to bakery products - a shelf with chocolate paste.

Equally important is proper zoning. Yes, the most expensive popular item recommended to be placed at eye level. Planning a customer's journey through the store is worth the departments of products that increase appetite, for example, fresh fruit or hot buns.

5. Checkout counters

The zones at the checkouts are the most tasty morsel. Usually there is an inexpensive and hot commodity. It is there that the client makes a choice in favor of impulsive purchases. Due to the implementation of such trifles, the average check and sales volumes of the store as a whole increase significantly.

This method works well not only for grocery stores, but also for clothing and even building materials. You can always find hair clips, socks, scarves, etc. at the checkouts of famous clothing brands. Retailers of building and finishing materials always place batteries and adhesive tape at the checkouts.

6. Training and motivation of employees

However, the most big role well-motivated and competent employees play a role in the growth of the average check - store consultants or waiters in a cafe. Employees must be able to offer the client a more expensive product, related products and additional services, etc. For this, a system of salary + bonuses is introduced. Moreover, in many companies, employees receive bonuses not for large sales of the main product, but for the sale of "additional products".

The consultant must perfectly know his range and quickly navigate it. To do this, it is necessary to conduct training trainings on a regular basis. Many manufacturing companies organize such trainings or online webinars, which can be accessed by pre-registration.

Late autumn is a great time to increase the average check in almost any business. Buyers are happy to take shelter from the weather in shops and cafes. Those who prefer not to go out shopping are happy to do online shopping, because off-season discounts have already begun and very soon Black Friday, followed by the New Year.

Don't miss this great chance to boost your sales!

The average check is one of the key indicators of business performance. This is one of the main numbers that the owner keeps track of. It makes up profit. However, many entrepreneurs are still confident that the main thing is to lure the client. The issue of him leaving as much money as possible with the company is often ignored. The lucky ones are those who can provide themselves with a constant stream of incoming customers. And what to do in the case when your service or product is not mass-produced and every purchase matters?

Small spool but precious

An increase in the average check immediately deprives you of several headaches:

  • You begin to work not for quantity, but for quality. Now it is not required to attract a hundred customers, half is enough, but the profitability will be higher;
  • The motivation of employees increases: the higher the check, the higher the bonuses;
  • It is easier to develop loyalty programs, to reward customers not for simply coming, but for making a purchase from the required amount;
  • With a regular increase in the average check, your business will be more resistant to inflation and crisis. in plain language, there is room to go down if necessary.

11 ways to increase the average check

1. Price increase

The simplest and most effective, however, difficult to apply due to the modesty and indecision of business owners. Very often, people feel uncomfortable when they need to increase the price of their services. main reason- no one will buy it for a high price. But do not forget that you are selling not just a product, but a value. Now try to put a price on time, convenience, good mood, knowledge. "Priceless" - you will say and you will be right. Increasing the price in no way reduces the importance of your services and products for customers.

You can use the trick from my personal experience- create a separate landing page where your services will cost more and see what happens. Perhaps the conversion will decrease, but the overall profit will increase. Also warn about a price increase after some time in order to fulfill your promise on the set day. This stimulates sales, as buyers will tend to purchase the product at the old rates.

2. Increase in the number of customers

The more customers, the higher the average bill. Of the total mass of buyers, somewhere around 20-30% of those who generate the main profit always stand out. This segment should be your main focus.

Your key task is to learn how to identify "good" clients at the start of cooperation and direct your attention to them. As practice often shows, we can spend hours persuading a difficult client to make a purchase, and give him preferences for this (discount, bonuses, installments and much more). Or they could devote this time to a client who previously made a purchase without questions and paid the required amount without bargaining. We could spend this time on this client in order to offer him new services and products that he would buy with a probability of 80-90%.

Key question: What do you choose? Courting a “bad” client or making money on a good one?

3. Product quality improvement

The better your product is, the more confidently you will sell it. When I work with executives or sales managers, one of the first steps is to improve the quality and value of the product itself: we identify all the benefits that this product provides.

As a result, there is an inner pride in the product and an increase in its value.

It is very difficult to give a quality product for a penny when you yourself understand its value.

Conclusion: The more you believe in your services / products, the higher the price you will name when selling it.

4. Nice addition

You can increase the value of the product through additional bonuses and gifts. For example, you buy an apartment - finishing or free parking near the house as a gift. You add value to your product, which affects both the final price and the customer's perception of it. You can also offer paid add-ons. At the time of purchase, we are as open as possible to buying something else. For example, along with sales technology, a manager is more likely to buy a CRM from you to automate the work of the department. It is important that these additions are cheaper than the main product and make it more comprehensive and convenient.

5. Creating a deficit

During the presentation of the company's products and services, you can indicate the limit of applications / units of goods. For example, I can consult only 5 people until the end of the month. There are about a hundred potential customers in the hall. If you invited people correctly, then they, one way or another, need your service. This is where the spirit of rivalry and the desire to be among the first lucky ones is born. People are ready to overpay for this, thus you get 5 clients at the exit, who are ready to overpay several times just for the right to work with you.

6. Implementing triggers

The most popular methods include:

7. Product packaging

8. Reviews

Very often, this instrument is not given due attention, limited to the banal: "everything was fine, I liked it." Ask clients to describe in detail what exactly they liked, in what part of the process, how it affected the situation. It is better to arrange it in the form of cases: what was the task, what was done and how it affected the result. Potential customers need to see the real experience and be able to test it! The more reviews, the easier the sales process. Opinion leaders in a particular area also work well: these can be famous people, bloggers, other businessmen whom everyone knows.

9. Sales funnel

One of the most effective tools in any business related to communication with customers. Often managers immediately start selling the most expensive product, and the client is afraid to make a decision. In my work, I always list all services from the cheapest to the most expensive. I understand that a person needs time. I offer one of the services low price, then the client realizes that he is working with a professional, and is already more actively buying more expensive products. At each stage, you can increase the value of the product and, thereby, raise its cost. The main thing is to choose the right audience and monitor the quality.

10. Up sale and down sale

Up sale - a tool for expanding the product selected for purchase. The client can take a basic package, or can expand their capabilities to VIP. So in car shops we are always offered a more upgraded version of the selected car. The same with new gadgets: every month there is a new, more advanced model.

Down sale - a tool for reducing the cost and packaging of services with the aim of their obligatory purchase here and now. In the case when the client doubts or cannot afford an expensive product, you can offer to break a large service into small ones and start with the basic one. For example, do not spend 100,000 on a sales increase program, but start with an analysis of the current situation in the company, which costs 20,000. So, step by step, the client will buy the service in parts.

11. Expanding the product line

Today people value time and comfort. Why is Amazon so popular? Because everything is there. You can find cheaper, of course, but not in one place. The same goes for information services. The more products and services, the higher the average bill. It is convenient for the client where they can immediately analyze the business, identify growth areas, conduct staff training, introduce new tools, and get results. Expand the assortment and your capabilities at least once a quarter, learn to anticipate the desires of the client. Remember that having bought from you once, the client does not disappear. He is still your potential buyer, who is more likely to buy something after a certain period of time. Don't miss out on these opportunities.

Save at the expense of buyers!

With the right use of these tools, you will no longer need to constantly race for new customers. It is possible to work qualitatively with the existing base and, through an increase in the average check, reach higher business indicators. In my business, a client first buys a small service, and then begins to buy new services, which increases the average check by several times. During our work, we establish warm relations, so when creating new products, I just need to call and offer my idea. My clients trust me and are open to everything new! Build a sales system, be consistent and attentive to your customers!

To calculate the average check, the total value of the amount of purchases for the period should be divided by the number of checks issued for the same period. The higher the value obtained, the greater the value of the average check.

So how to increase the amount of the average check?

Method number 1. Additional sales

Practice shows that when buying the necessary product, people quite often agree with the proposal to purchase something else.

How it works?

As an example, consider the case where a customer purchased wall paint from you. Offer him to buy a quality brush or roller for painting. The secret here is that the accompanying product should not be more expensive than the main one.

Another method of upselling is to place attention-grabbing small items in the checkout area. This arrangement provokes the buyer to make impulsive purchases.

Method number 2. Anchor effect

Here we are talking about a markdown or discount on the goods. In this case, the buyer tends to compare new price(at a discount) with the original cost indicated on the price tag. At the same time, he does not analyze the realism of these prices and their correspondence to the average market prices.

How it works?

For example, consider sales. Even with a significant increase in the initial cost of the goods, the buyer sees his own benefit in the difference between the initial and discount prices. As a rule, such a benefit provokes a visitor to make a purchase.

Method number 3. Bigger Pack Benefits

Frequent sales of goods of a larger volume can significantly increase the amount of the average bill.

How it works?

An example is the sale of coffee at McDonald's. If a client orders a latte, then the cashier's question: "small or large?", he is more likely to answer "large", although perhaps a small one would suit him just fine.

Method number 4. Bonuses

There are many ways to earn bonuses, but most of them are designed for the possibility for the buyer to receive some kind of add-on if he makes purchases for a certain amount.

How it works?

Suppose that the average check in the store is 850 rubles. You can offer customers to purchase goods up to 1000 rubles, and in this case, receive a gift from the store for free (for 1 kopeck). As a rule, this works flawlessly. At the same time, store employees need to be instructed which commodity items are participating in the promotion.

Method number 5. Wrong math

This implies the holding of promotions "1 + 1 = 3", "2 + 1 = 4" or the sale of different products in sets, in which each constituent element costs much more on its own.

How it works?

You can offer a ready-made set to clients in a perfumery store, consisting, for example, of eau de parfum, body milk and soap of the same brand. At the same time, the price of such a set will be 20% less than in the case of buying each of the products separately.

Method number 6. Delivery is free

This method is often used when trading over the Internet.

How it works?

Let's say that the value of the average check in your online store is 2000 rubles, and the delivery of the purchase is 200 rubles. The limit amount is set, for example, 3000 rubles. A purchase for an amount exceeding this limit automatically guarantees the customer free shipping.

Method number 7. Proper display of goods

Proper placement of goods on the shelves of the store helps to increase the amount of the average bill. Often they use such a technique as the location of a number of goods that belong to different product groups.

How it works?

As an example, consider a monobrand store women's clothing. It would be correct to place nearby goods that complement each other (clothes, shoes, accessories).

Method number 8. Offer a cheaper product

It often happens that a client hesitates for a long time before buying an expensive product. Try to offer him an analogue at a lower price and some other related product with a significant margin, explaining that he gets the opportunity to purchase two necessary things for this money at once. This method not only increases the amount of the average check, but also significantly increases the loyalty of visitors to the object of trade.

How it works?

For example, if the buyer doubts the advisability of buying an electric kettle famous brand, then you can offer him to buy an analog for a lower price with the same functions and design, and even in addition to it, a thermo mug.

Method number 9. Discounts, promotions, sales

Holding promotions for the holidays, as well as seasonal sales allow you to significantly increase the amount of the average check in your trade object.

How it works?

Many chain stores have special stands where discounted goods are located. If a visitor sees ads “everything at 450” or “only today 50% off”, he will consider it expedient for himself to take advantage of the situation and buy several things at once.

In conclusion, I would like to note that it is worth trying different methods to increase the amount of the average check, select the appropriate options specifically for your direction and sometimes change them. All your efforts will help not only increase the level of sales, but also increase the loyalty of visitors to your establishment, which is guaranteed to make many of them your regular customers.