Animals living in South America. Fauna of South America

The Andes mountain system in South America stretches across the seven countries of the continent in a north-south direction, from Venezuela to Chile. It is the longest continental mountain range with a unique ecosystem and a wide variety of animal species. About two-thirds of the Andean species are endemic to the region.

Of the 600 mammal species found in the Andes, 13% are endemic. 45% of the 600 reptile species found here are also endemic. This South American mountain range is home to about 1,700 bird species and 400 fish species, almost a third of which are endemic. Below are the most famous animals living in the Andes.


This mammal is one of the most common animals of the Andes of South America. Guanacos belong to the camelid family and can reach a height of 1-2.2 meters. They live in herds of females and offspring, led by a dominant male leader. The male protects the whole group of animals from predators and other threats. The thick skin on the neck of these Andes animals reliably protects them from attacks of predatory animals.

The life expectancy of a guanaco is 20-25 years. Legal hunting of these animals in the Andes is only allowed in some places within their range. Guanaco wool is of excellent quality and is of particular value.


The Andes of South America are home to these rodents, known for their fur, which is the world's second densest of all land mammals. They lead a twilight lifestyle, showing the greatest activity at dusk and at dawn. Chinchillas in the Andes are found at altitudes up to 4200 m.

The population of these animals is growing rapidly, but they are still most common in the Chilean Andes. Hunting for wild chinchillas in order to obtain their valuable fur is one of the main reasons that significantly affect the development of their population. Long-tailed and short-tailed chinchillas are listed as endangered by the IUCN.


This animal is a domestic variety of vicuña, which is bred in the Andean highlands of South America. Of particular value is alpaca wool, which is used to create clothing (in particular, shawls, socks, sweaters, gloves and hats).

The wool of two types of alpaca is most valued - Huacaya and Suri (Suri). Herds of these animals graze in the Andes at an altitude of 3500 to 5000 m. They differ from llamas in smaller dimensions.


This animal of the camelid family, domesticated by the Indians, has been inextricably linked with the culture of the Andean peoples for many centuries. Llamas were used by the people of this region as beasts of burden and also served as their main source of meat.

The height of these animals reaches 1.7-1.8 m, and their life expectancy is from 15 to 25 years. Llamas are known to be social animals and coexist peacefully in large herds. They are also considered highly intelligent and easily trainable animals of the Andes.

Peruvian and South Andean deer

These two species of deer are among the animals found in the Andes of South America. The Peruvian deer is found predominantly in Peru and Bolivia, while the second species is most common in Argentina and Chile.

Both animals are characterized by a massive body and short legs. In summer, they live at considerable heights, and by autumn they move to sheltered valleys, where they spend the winter.

Both species of deer found in the Andes feed on grasses, shrubs, grasses, and lichens.

Their life expectancy is up to 10 years. Poaching, destruction of their habitat and the introduction of non-native species are the main causes that lead to the threat of extinction of these Andean deer.

yellow-tailed monkey

These monkeys are an endemic species of Peruvian primates, which has only about 250 individuals and is on the verge of extinction. They are found in the cloud forests of the Andes - on steep cliffs, in deep gorges and dense thickets at an altitude of 1500 to 2700 m.

Due to human interference and destruction natural environment habitat of these primates, the population of yellow-tailed monkeys has decreased significantly. Only a few isolated groups of these animals remained in the Andes.

Spectacled (Andean) bear

The spectacled bear is often called the Andean. It is the only bear species found in South America. Also, the spectacled bear is one of the largest land mammals found on the South American continent.

Although these animals are omnivores, only 5% of their diet is meat. The Andean bear inhabits a wide area, including alpine grasslands, Andean scrublands and cloud forests. Basically, these animals of the Andes are found at an altitude of more than 1900 m.

South American foxes

These representatives of the canine genus are not much different from other foxes that live in the Andes of South America. The most common in this group of six species is the South American gray fox.

Other species include Andean, Pampas, Brazilian, Darwin and Securan foxes.

Guinea pigs

The ancestors of these popular pets are animals that live in the Andes of South America. Guinea pigs were domesticated by the indigenous South American inhabitants - the Incas.

These animals played a special role in the culture of the Andean people and were used primarily as a source of food, as well as in folk medicine.

mountain tapir

These animals live in the Andes mountains and among the five species of tapirs are the second smallest in size. It is easy to distinguish mountain tapirs from relatives by thick wool.

These herbivores play one of the key roles in the development of the Andean ecosystem, as they contribute to the dispersal of plant seeds.


These wild representatives of the camelid family living in the Andes are national animal of peru. Vicuña is characterized by a slight coat, which at the same time has excellent quality. Previously only members royal families It was allowed to wear clothes made of vicuña wool. Now these animals of the Andes are under protection and hunting for them is prohibited.

In the old days, it was the unlimited hunting of vicuña that led to the fact that the population by 1974 was only 6,000 individuals. After considerable efforts aimed at the revival of these animals of the Andes, their number has increased to 350 thousand individuals. Vicuna is found mainly in the central Andes in Bolivia, at an altitude of 3200 to 4800 m and feeds mainly on low vegetation.

Animal world South America impresses with its versatility. Read also information about, including the numerous endemics of this mountainous region, and find out which of the animals that live in the vastness of South America are.


South American rainforests are located in the Amazonian lowlands. The fauna of this vast region is very diverse. Some, and its most diverse representatives, are interesting in that they have perfectly adapted to life on trees.

For example, broad-nosed American primates lead an arboreal lifestyle. Some of the most interesting are cybids and marmosets. Main Feature cybid or chain-tailed monkeys is a long and strong tail that plays the role of the fifth limb in these primates. With their tail, cybids cling to branches when moving in the crowns of trees. Tiny marmosets or claws have claws on their fingers, thick hair and tassels at the tips of their ears. The body length of the marmoset monkey is 13-37 cm. At the same time, the length of the tail, which they use as a counterweight when moving, is from 15 to 42 cm. They live in the upper tier of rain forests. They rarely come down to the ground. Omnivorous.

The sloth is an animal that lives only in South America, another representative of the fauna that prefers life in the crowns of trees. Inactive, spends most of the time in a hanging position. It rarely descends to the ground. Feeds on leaves and shoots of trees.

Tamandua, or four-toed, is an animal that leads mainly a nocturnal lifestyle. It spends most of its time in trees, has long claws and a prehensile tail. On the ground they move slowly. In contrast, a large anteater, also living in the Amazonian forests, lives only on earth.

An arboreal lifestyle is led by some representatives of raccoons and rodents - nosoha, kinkajou or flower bear, koendu or tree chain-tailed porcupine - as well as certain types marsupial rats or opossums. The largest representative of the rodent family, the capybara capybara, also lives in the Amazon forests, the body length of which reaches 120 cm.

And the forests are inhabited by a large number of amphibians and reptiles - the anaconda water boa, the tree dog-headed boa, many poisonous snakes and lizards, reptiles live in the rivers. The Orinoco crocodile is the largest South American animal. The body length of individual individuals reaches 5 m. But perhaps the most famous river dweller is the bloodthirsty predator piranha. Interesting representatives of amphibians are tree frogs.

A lot of birds live in the forests - hotians, harpies, black-billed herons, sun herons, a large number of parrots, among which the largest species is the macaw. A characteristic representative of birds is the hummingbird. One of the species of these birds, the hummingbird, is the smallest bird in the world. In addition, the South American rainforests are home to a huge number of insects - ants, beetles, butterflies.

In the South American savannah and subtropical steppes, there are no such large herbivores as in Africa. Here you can see small pampas deer, several types of llamas, armadillos, anteaters, wild pigs-peccaries. Coypu and marsh beavers live on the banks of reservoirs. In addition to the same predators as in the rain forests, here you can find cougars, cats and pampa foxes, Magellanic foxes, maned wolves.

South America has a length of 7500 km includes the Andes mountain system, the Amazonian lowland between the Brazilian and Guiana plateaus, Galapagos Islands, rivers, waterfalls.

Six in South America climatic zones. Mostly tropical climate. Favorable natural conditions have formed a rich animal and vegetable world! Some representatives of the flora and fauna of South America are unique and are not found anywhere else.

The rainforests are home to freshwater venomous snakes and lizards, anacondas, marmoset monkeys and spider monkeys. There are many birds on the continent, especially hummingbirds, macaws and other colorful birds.

Rodents settle in the savannahs and steppes (tuko-tuko, nutria, swamp beaver), predators (puma, ocelot). Throughout South America, the pampa fox, Magellanic fox, and maned wolf are common. And what are the most famous representatives of the fauna that live on the continent?


Cougar - large predator, a member of the cat family. The body length of the animal is 100-200 cm. Weight is 800-100 kg. Larger than a cougar, only a jaguar, a lion and a tiger.

Cat cubs are born spotted, by the first year of life the spots disappear, and the animal becomes monophonic. Cougar milk is 6 times fatter than cow milk.

It is interesting! On the plain, the cougar is capable of reaching speeds of up to 65 km / h, but it quickly gets tired and, in case of chasing it, tries to quickly climb a tree.

Cougars adapt to any natural conditions: they live in mountain, coniferous, tropical forests. Their range is limited only by the lack of food and shelter. The cougar feeds exclusively on food of animal origin. The cougar's pursuit of prey in 82% ends with a positive result.

The cat is active both day and night. The time of wakefulness and hunting depends on hunger. The animal easily climbs trees and rocks in search of prey, easily climbs mountainous terrain.

Also, cougars can purr like domestic cats.


Jaguar - predatory mammal kind of panther. Outwardly similar to a leopard, but much larger than it.

The main habitats of the animal are tropical and mountain forests, the ocean coast (where the cat looks for turtle eggs).

It is interesting! Jaguars are able to get food in the water, and are excellent swimmers and divers.

Jaguars - do not like intrusions into personal space and are menacing to representatives of another kind of cat. Therefore, the territory per animal is from 25 to 50 square meters. km.

The diet of jaguars includes waterfowl, snakes, rodents, monkeys, possums, livestock.

Important! The jaguar is a non-aggressive animal towards humans. He can follow people in the forest out of curiosity without attacking. Although occasionally there are cases and attacks.

spectacled bear

The spectacled bear is a predatory mammal. The only representative of the bear living in South America. Height - 150-180 cm, weight - 70-140 kg.

The animal lives in the mountain forests of the Andes slope, in open meadows and savannahs.

Spectacled bears are not fully understood, as they are on the verge of extinction. It is known that the animal does not hibernate and is a herbivore - it feeds mainly on grass shoots, fruits, corn crops and rhizomes.

The spectacled bear is peaceful. Maximum - growls at an uninvited guest, and he leaves the territory.

At Darwin's fox the fur is dark gray with reddish patches on the head and muzzle. The animal does not mate with other members of its genus. It is smaller and darker colored. Its legs are shorter than those of continental species. The weight of the fox is 2-4 kg, which is significantly less than the weight of the South American fox, which weighs from 5 to 10 kg.

The Darwin fox is a typically woodland animal found in southern, temperate rainforests. Leads a solitary life. It is active primarily at dusk and before dawn. Feeds on insects, small mammals, birds, amphibians, berries and carrion.

There are 200 animals on the island of Chiloe, and less than 50 animals on the continent. The species is classified as endangered. Destruction of forests around national park and dogs that carry infections and attack foxes are the main reasons for the low population.

The body length of an adult capybara reaches 1-1.35 m, the height at the withers is 50-60 cm. Males weigh 34-63 kg, and females 36-65.5 kg (measurements were made in Venezuelan llanos). Females are usually larger than males.

This giant rodent is a fat animal with an elongated body, covered with coarse, shaggy hair of mottled brown colors. The front paws of the capybara are longer than the hind ones, the massive rump does not have a tail, and therefore it always looks like it is about to sit down. She has large paws with wide webbed toes, and the claws on her front paws, short and blunt, surprisingly resemble miniature hooves. Her appearance is very aristocratic: her flat, broad head and blunt, almost square muzzle have a complacently patronizing expression, giving her a resemblance to a pensive lion. On the ground, the capybara moves with a characteristic shuffling gait or waddle at a gallop, while in the water it swims and dives with amazing ease and agility.

Capybara is a phlegmatic, good-natured vegetarian, devoid of bright individual traits inherent in some of his relatives, but this lack is made up for by her calm and friendly disposition.

Capybaras are social animals living in groups of 10-20 individuals. Groups consist of a dominant male, several adult females (with their own internal hierarchy), cubs and subordinate males located on the periphery of the group. 5-10% of capybaras, mostly males, live alone. The dominant male often expels competing males from the group. The drier the area, the larger the groups; in a drought, up to several hundred individuals sometimes accumulate around water bodies. A herd of capybaras, on average, occupies an area of ​​​​about 10 hectares, most of the time, however, spending on an area of ​​\u200b\u200bless than 1 hectare. The site is marked with secretions from the nasal and anal glands; there were conflicts between its permanent inhabitants and newcomers.

It is interesting! About 300 years ago, the Catholic Church classified the capybara as a fish. Thus, the ban on eating capybara meat during fasting was lifted.

Maned wolf

The maned wolf is a predatory representative of the canine family. It has unusual appearance more like a fox than a wolf. The animal has disproportionate body parts: the body is short - 120-130 cm, the legs are very long - 75-85 cm, high ears and a short tail. The weight of the wolf is 20-25 kg.

The animal can be found in the savannah, on grassy and shrubby plains. The diet of the animal contains food of animal and vegetable origin: small rodents, birds, reptiles, bananas, guava.

Maned wolves are monogamous: they choose a mate for life.

Geoffroy's cat is the same size as a domestic cat. Its length is 60 cm, and the length of the tail is an additional 30 cm. The main coat color is gray or yellowish-brown, with the first phenotype found mainly in the south of the range, and the second in the north. The coat is covered with small black spots. Quite often there is melanism (completely black individuals).

Geoffroy's cat lives in the southern part of the continent, its range extends from Bolivia and southern Brazil to Patagonia. Found only east of the Andes. The preferred habitat is forests and forest-steppes.

Geoffroy's prey includes hares and rodents. Since it often hunts fish in the water, it is also called the "fishing cat" in South America. In scientific terminology, however, this name refers to a different species (see fishing cat). Geoffroy's cat is active at night and sleeps in trees during the day.

A cross between a Geoffrey cat and a domestic cat is called a safari cat. However, it is known that this mixture is not so easy to obtain. Geoffroy's cat, who lived in the Hapley Zoo, killed all the male domestic cats that found themselves in her cage. All attempts to get offspring from her and a domestic cat were fruitless.

Wool of this type for a long time valued in the production of fur coats. However, due to the fact that the Geoffrey cat has become extremely rare and seriously endangered in our time, it was listed in the Washington Convention for the Protection of Nature and any trade associated with it or products made from it is prohibited today. In the year before the entry into force of this convention, more than 5,000 individuals entered the market, which was one tenth of its total population.

Nine-banded armadillo

Settles in forests and shrubs from Northern Argentina north to Mexico and west to the Andes. Over the past hundred years, it has spread from Mexico to the southern United States, reaching Florida, Texas, Louisiana and Oklahoma. The length of its body is 40–50 cm, the tail is from 25 to 40 cm and the body weight is about 6 kg.

It digs holes in the banks of streams and rivers, always near trees and shrubs. Such a burrow is a straight passage, into which sometimes 2–3 manholes 15–20 cm in diameter and up to 7 m long lead. The nesting chamber at the end of the burrow is lined with dry leaves and grass. This litter, especially after rains, the animal often changes, throwing out the old one, so that rotten leaves accumulate at the entrance. On hot days it leaves the burrow only in the evening; in cool weather seeks food during the day.

For the claws of armadillos, even asphalt is not a hindrance - having sensed the danger, they immediately dig up the upper solid layer of the road surface and quickly burrow under it.

Coming out of the hole, he sniffs, holding his sharp muzzle near the ground. Moving in zigzags, he travels about one kilometer per hour, stopping at every step to dig up a worm or insect, which he smells at a depth of up to 20 cm. not so easy to extract. In the hole, the armadillo is wedged by its shell and paws, and it is difficult to grab onto its slippery conical tail.

The usual enemies of the armadillo are the wolf, coyote, cougar, as well as dogs, people and cars; a lot of armadillos die at night on the roads under the wheels of cars.

Armadillos can walk underwater. They have a very low oxygen demand and can hold their breath for up to 6 minutes, keeping air in the trachea and bronchi.

The body length of the armadillo ancestors reached 3 meters. From their shell, the indigenous people of South America made roofs for huts. It turned out a kind of durable tile.


At the foot of the Andes are tropical rainforests. When climbing uphill, deciduous and coniferous forests are replaced by shrubs and herbs. Here, at an altitude of 3500-5000 m above sea level, the llama grazes - a mammal from the camelid family.

In appearance, llamas have much in common with camels. The head is small, the ears are high, pointed, the coat of medium length is soft to the touch.

The animal was tamed 4000 years ago by the Indians of the central Andes (now Peru). Used to this day for the transport of goods across highlands where no vehicle can reach.

Only adult males are loaded. If the load is too heavy, the llama will not budge. When trying to punish, he will spit at the drover.


Nosukha is a mammal of the raccoon family. It got its name from the mobile proboscis formed by the upper lip and elongated nose.. Body length with tail - 1-1.5 m, weight - 10-11 kg.

Nosuhi are distributed almost throughout South America. They live in tropical forests and deserts. The animal is successfully tamed by people, it can be a pet.

Russian anthropologist Stanislav Drobyshevsky called nosuh "ideal candidates for sanity" in connection with the arboreal way of life, sociality and developed limbs.


Alpaca is an artiodactyl animal of the camelid family, domesticated 6000 years ago.. Growth - up to 1 m, weight - about 70 kg.

Most of the alpacas live in the Peruvian Andes at an altitude of 4000-5000 m above sea level.

The animal has long fleece hair (15-20 cm in length on the sides). They make blankets and warm clothes from it. valuable material It has healing properties sheep wool, while it is warmer in wool times.

Alpaca is inquisitive, but shy, afraid of the touch of hands. It has a peaceful disposition and never spits at people - only at each other in the struggle for food.


Crocodile is a reptile that belongs to the order of aquatic vertebrates. It is a cold-blooded animal whose body temperature depends on temperature. external environment. Of the living representatives of the flora, the closest relatives of the crocodile are birds..

The length of the reptile is 2-8 m.

Crocodiles live mainly in fresh water. Most of the day is spent in the water, only in the early morning or evening they go out on land to "warm up". Crocodiles love the heat, live at a temperature of 32-35 ° C. Temperatures below 20 °C are fatal to the animal.

Crocodiles move with the help of their tail and are able to reach speeds of up to 17 km per hour.

Contrary to popular belief, not all crocodiles are dangerous to humans. Some species (such as gharials) never attack humans.


The snake is a reptile from the squamous order. Live in South America bushmaster- deadly poisonous snake, oriental rattlesnake, coral snake, flying snake, water muzzle etc.

All snakes are predators. They feed on vertebrates and invertebrates. Non-poisonous reptiles swallow their prey alive or suffocate and clench their jaws, pressing them to the ground. Poisonous - kill the victim by letting poison into her body.

In search of prey, snakes use the sense of smell: they use a forked tongue to collect particles of soil, air, water and pass them on for analysis. chemical composition in oral cavity. This method allows you to detect prey and determine its location.

Turtle is a member of the order of reptiles. Lives in tropical and temperate climatic zones lives in water and on land. It has a hard shell that protects the reptile from enemies, a hard beak for biting off food. Turtles have no teeth, but have hard incisors on their beaks. At predatory species they are very sharp, so they serve as knives for cutting prey.

The size and weight of the turtle depends on the species. The largest representatives of the species are leatherback turtles. The length of their shell can reach 2.5 m, the span of the front flippers is 2.5 m, and the weight is up to 900 kg. The smallest is the Cape speckled tortoise. Her body length is 11 cm, weight is 240 g.


Lizards are reptiles from the order of reptiles. The species is distributed throughout the continent.

There are lizards with developed limbs and legless ones. Legless is very easy to confuse with snakes - only an experienced biologist can distinguish them.

Most lizards are predators: they feed on mollusks, frogs, birds and small mammals. Sometimes they attack large animals - wild pigs, deer.

Some species of lizards are herbivores (iguanas, skinks). They eat the pulp of ripe fruits, leaves, flowers.

Scientists were waiting for great success when they went in search of rare and new species of animals and plants in Suriname - a country on the northeast coast of South America. The visit resulted in the description of 1,378 species in the highlands of Suriname, including 60 species that are new.

Let's get to know some of them.

Ants are important scavengers in nature and in this photo they (Camponotus sp.) are eating dead insects. This is just one of 149 ant species found during the expedition. (Photo by Trond Larsen | Conservation International):

granite mountain

This is a unique granite mountain, towering 700 meters above tropical forests. From here it is good to observe the surroundings. Scientists have found several unusual species animals, including some types of water beetles, which were new to science. (Photo by Trond Larsen | Conservation International):

Big blue beetles

Coprophanaeus lancifer is the largest of all dung beetles in South America. Both males and females have long horns on their heads, which they use when fighting other individuals of the same sex. The huge difference in size is primarily determined by how much food was available to the developing larvae. (Photo by Trond Larsen | Conservation International):

tree frog

The tree frog (Hypsiboas Sp.), like other amphibians, has a semipermeable skin that makes it very sensitive to changes in environment(climate, availability of water). (Photo by Piotr Naskrecki | Conservation International):

Where was science made?

Palumeu river in Suriname. In this place it is wide and seething, but the base camp scientific group was much upstream, where the Palumeu river was so narrow that scientists could cross it on a fallen tree:

sensitive flower

This orchid (Phragmipedium lindleyanum) is one of several rare and beautiful views orchids discovered on top of a previously unexplored mountain called Grensgebergte. (Photo by Trond Larsen | Conservation International):

midget bug

The tiny midget beetle (Canthidium cf. minimum) is probably the new kind for science, perhaps even a new genus. With a length of only 2.3 mm, it is the second largest of all described beetle species in South America. (Photo by Trond Larsen | Conservation International):

carnivorous grasshopper

While most grasshoppers are herbivores and feed on leaves, this species (Copiphora longicauda) uses its powerful, sharp jaws to prey on insects and other invertebrates. (Photo by Piotr Naskrecki | Conservation International):

The night Watch

Because many mammals are very elusive and difficult to see in the forest, scientists use automated camera traps. The camera detects the animal using an infrared sensor and releases the shutter. From 24 large species of mammals encountered on the expedition, many were discovered using such camera traps. And this is a long-tailed cat (Leopardus wiedii). (Photo by Conservation International):

Suriname is not a paradise for all living creatures. This photograph, taken during one of the scientists' night walks, shows a wolf spider feeding on a frog. (Photo by Trond Larsen | Conservation International):

Numerous streams, streams and waterfalls in the region are important environment habitat for a large number of terrestrial and aquatic species. (Photo by Trond Larsen | Conservation International):

I see you

Beautiful tree frog(Hypsiboas geographicus). She is one of 46 frog species found during the scientific expedition, including six frog species that may be new to science. (Photo by Trond Larsen | Conservation International):

colorful frog

This poison dart frog Anomaloglossus Sp. releases powerful toxins. Her poison is used local residents during the hunt. (Photo by Trond Larsen | Conservation International):

Don't mess with this grasshopper

This grasshopper species (Pseudophyllinae: Teleutiini) is so strange that it actually represents a whole new genus in science. It is unusually long, lanky, and its legs are covered with sharp spikes that help deter predators. (Photo by Piotr Naskrecki | Conservation International):

colorful snake

Bright colors a la coral snake give Erythrolamprus aesculpi protection from predators, although this snake lacks deadly poison, which real coral snakes have. This is one of 19 snakes found during the expedition. (Photo by Piotr Naskrecki | Conservation International):

I like to eat…fruits

Yes, this bat (Artibeus planirostris) eats fruit, and its sharp teeth help it grasp large fruits. (Photo by Burton Lim | Conservation International):

This opossum (Marmosops parvidens) belongs to tree species and eats insects and fruits. One of 39 species of small mammals (rats, the bats, possums) discovered in the virgin forests of Suriname during the expedition. (Photo by Piotr Naskrecki | Conservation International):

In the arms of a tree

The amaranth tree (Peltogyne venosa) has massive roots that provide support, especially during extreme storms and floods. (Photo by Trond Larsen | Conservation International):

The mountains and vast untouched forests in the southeast of Suriname are often shrouded in clouds. This is one of the wettest areas in the country. (Photo by Trond Larsen | Conservation International):

Frog debut

This tree frog is one of six new frog species discovered by scientists in Suriname. (Photo by Stuart V Nielsen | Conservation International):

Water all around

A rain-flooded science camp in southeastern Suriname. (Photo by Trond Larsen | Conservation International):

Are you looking at me?

Neusticurus (Neusticurus bicarinatus). This lizard is an excellent underwater swimmer. (Photo by Stuart V Nielsen | Conservation International):

Smart disguise

Many types of parasitic insects exude wax from the abdominal cavity, sometimes long threads form from it, as seen in this photo. Such clever disguise can deceive the predator, and he will attack the wrong part of the insect. (Photo by Trond Larsen | Conservation International):

Shed light on new species

This is one (Hemigrammus AFF. Ocellifer) of 11 new fish species discovered during the expedition. (Photo by Trond Larsen | Conservation International):

long-tailed cat

Long-tailed cat (Leopardus wiedii). It looks like a smaller specimen of its related ocelot. (Photo by Brian O "Shea | Conservation International):

Himalayas and Grand Canyon Mariana Trench and Niagara Falls… Nature created them, but didn't stop there. The planet is inhabited by very unusual animals, whose appearance is surprising, their habits are alarming. Where do the most unusual animals in the world live? The answer to this question is simple. Almost everywhere. They live on land and under water, their habitats are deserts and tropical forests.

Unusual animals of Africa

In the wetlands of Central Africa, the shoebill lives. This is a huge bird, the body length of which reaches 1.5 m. The wingspan is also impressive - from 2 to 2.5 m. The unusual animal is classified as a stork, the shoebill is photogenic and extraordinarily beautiful. In those moments when he stands in one position for a long time, you can spend a whole photo session.

Unusual animal of Africa - shoebill bird

Kitoglav is called the royal heron

Kitoglav - the most unusual animal from Africa

Kitoglav has an unusual giant beak

On the same continent, a little further south, you can find the African civet. It is often referred to as the "African cat". Indeed, in terms of body shape, this unusual animal resembles an animal, and if you catch a young individual, then it is easily tamed. Civet is an animal with a very unusual color. It has a yellowish-gray coat with dark spots all over its body. It can hardly be called very beautiful, but his tail is unique. It is covered with very thick fur with pronounced rings, and ends with a dark tip.

Unusual animal of Africa - African cat civet

African civet baby

One of the most beautiful and unusual animals in Africa is the civet.

In the rocky regions of Africa and in the southern part of the Sahara desert, very unusual lizards live with an equally original name - belttails. The body of reptiles is covered with massive rectangular plates - scales, in some subspecies it has very sharp spikes, which makes appearance unusual animals are highly aggressive. The sizes of belttails vary from 14 to 70 cm. They defend very interestingly. Large ones swell up, small ones curl up into a ball and bite their tail, it is impossible to unfold such a scaly ring.

The most unusual lizard African - dancetail

Unusual animal of the world from Africa - dancetail

Unusual Animals of America

In Central and South America, there is a very unusual animal with an even stranger name - the capybara. The Guarani call this representative of the capybara family respectfully - "Mr. Grass". This is a calm animal friendly character- the largest rodent on the planet. The body length of this very unusual animal is 1-1.5 m, height is from 50 to 60 cm. Phlegmatic capybaras weigh “only” 40-60 kg, females are even larger.

America's most unusual animal - a giant capybara rodent with cubs

Capybara - an unusual animal of South and Central America

Jaguarundi is an unusual animal, either a cat or a marten. It lives in South and Central America, individuals are also found in Texas, USA. These unusual and secretive animals have an "activity hour". It is 11 o'clock in the afternoon. It is at this time that they hunt, take water procedures. Jaguarundi are excellent swimmers, run across the savannah, and if necessary, climb. Their diet is reptiles and small mammals. In captivity, these unusual South American marten cats are not averse to snacking on fruit. They especially like bananas and grapes.

Jaguarundi is a unique animal of South America

Jaguarundi baby from South America

Unusual predatory animal of America jaguarundi

Tapir is a very shy, timid and extremely unusual animal. Its color can be different: from dark brown with white spots to variegated - light brown with small dots and stripes. The elongated head of tapirs ends with a very strange movable trunk. This part of the body is so funny that it involuntarily causes sympathy for these unusual and cute animals. The trunk of tapirs is very "multifunctional". It is necessary for the extraction of food, with its help animals give signals of danger, plus, it is an olfactory organ. Unusual and such photogenic tapirs are herbivores. Their favorite pastime is to bask in the water, from time to time snacking on algae and aquatic plants.

Unusual animal of South America - tapir

The most unusual animal in America and the world - tapir

Tapir - the owner of an unusual trunk

Unusual marine and freshwater animals

Also full of unusual animals. The most, perhaps, the strangest and most mysterious is the infernal vampire. This is the only deep-sea mollusk that feels great at a depth of up to 900 (!) m, where light does not penetrate, and the oxygen content is minimal. The size of this unusual marine animal is from 15 to 30 cm. The hellish vampire is a mollusk with an unusual color. It can be bright red and velvety black, piercing purple and dirty brown. He has very unusual eyes. Not only are they 2.5 cm in size, they change color from red to blue.

Unusual sea animal - hellish vampire clam

Amazing sea ​​shellfish- hellish vampire

Infernal Vampire - a unique marine mollusc

The full-flowing Amazon is inhabited by the largest on the planet river dolphin. The body length of Inia geoffrensis is 2.5 m, and the weight is “only” 200 kg. Those who have met Amazonian dolphin, are amazed by his intelligent expression "face". This unusual animal has a very round forehead, small but very expressive eyes, a strongly curved and very long nose.

Unusual animal of South America - Amazonian dolphin

Freshwater Amazon river dolphin in South America

Inia - an unusual freshwater Amazonian dolphin

This unusual animal, or rather a fish, has many names. The largest specimen even got into the Guinness Book of Records. This is the moon fish, the sun fish or the head fish. Sometimes an individual living in the waters of the Atlantic, Indian and Pacific Oceans called "mola-mola". Length - 3-5 m, weight can reach 2 tons. The shape of the animal is also unusual - it is an almost ideally shaped disk.

Unusual fish - mola-mola

Unusual inhabitant sea ​​depths- sunfish mola-mola

Unique Mola Mola Fish

Unusual animals of Australia

tasmanian devil or marsupial devil - a native of Australia, although now this unusual and very ferocious-looking animal is common in Tasmania. The small size of this bear-like creature cannot be compared with what menacing sounds it can make at night. It is because of the deafening and ferocious roar that he got his name. The Tasmanian devil reaches 80 cm in length and weighs about 12 kg.

Unusual Australian animal - Tasmanian devil

An unusual marsupial predator from Australia - the Tasmanian devil

The historical homeland of these unusual, but very cute animals - New Guinea. They have recently arrived in Australia. Outwardly, they surprisingly resemble small and good-natured cubs. The length of the body is from 50 to 80 cm, the bouncy fluffy can weigh from 5 to 15 kg. These are tree kangaroos, jumping like monkeys, fluffy and very mobile. During the night, these unusual animals can make “runs” through the trees, but they also move quite quickly on the ground. The daytime sleep of a tree kangaroo is 15 hours.

The wallaby tree kangaroo is one of the most unusual animals in Australia and the world.

Tree kangaroo wallaby with a cub

Australian tree kangaroo baby

This is only a small part of the amazing creatures that inhabit the planet. On each of the continents and in any of the seas and oceans you can find unusual animals. Nature is an amazing dreamer.

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