Biography. Nikolai Novichkov: “Initiate a search for history Nikolai Novichkov Advisor to the Minister of Culture of the Russian Federation

In 1997 graduated with honors from the Volga-Vyatka Academy civil service majoring in “State and Municipal Administration”. Doctor economic sciences

1995 - 2003 – activist of the Congress of Russian Communities (CRC) Dmitry Rogozin.

1998 - 2006 – Deputy Chairman of the “Native Fatherland” movement (Chairman - Eric Lobach, former manager the Youth Union "Yabloko" (YBU), which broke away from "Yabloko" in 1997; "Native Fatherland" - renamed in 1998 MSYA).

In September-December 2003 - candidate for deputy State Duma FSPO for the federal electoral district from the Rodina (People's Patriotic Union) electoral bloc No. 5 in the list of the regional group of candidates for Moscow.

2005 - 2006 - was the chairman of the Coalition of People's Patriotic Forces "Motherland", which claims succession from the 2003 "Motherland" bloc.

2009 - 2010 – scientific director of the ANO “Institute for the Study of International Integration Issues”
In January 2010, he was appointed to the position of deputy. Head of the Administration of the Governor of the Perm Territory. From December 2010 to September 2012, he served as Minister of Culture of the Perm Territory.

Then Nikolai Vladimirovich worked as deputy head of Rostourism, and since January 14, 2013 he has held the position of advisor on tourism issues to the Minister of Culture of the Russian Federation.


Expert advice on the topic: Culture, Media.

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Perm region enters an era of change. At least, many people want to think so. The head of the region has changed. Viktor Basargin, who led the region for almost five years, sharply changed the course set by the previous government team. What awaits us with the arrival of Maxim Reshetnikov?

We talked about this with Nikolai Novichkov, ex-Minister of Culture of the Perm Territory, head working group for Tourism Development of the Expert Council under the Government of the Russian Federation.

Super goals

Marina Safina, AiF-Prikamye: What was the most difficult thing for you as a minister?

Nikolay Novichkov. Born on December 24, 1974 in the Vladimir region. In 1997 he graduated from the Volga-Vyatka Academy of Civil Service. Doctor of Economic Sciences. In 2010-2012 – Deputy Head of the Governor’s Administration, Minister of Culture of the Perm Territory. Since January 2013 – Advisor on Tourism Issues to the Minister of Culture of Russia. Married, daughter 12 years old.Nikolay Novichkov: Find mutual language with regional elites. I mean not only bosses, but representatives of artistic creativity, the intellectual elite and public figures. It seems to have succeeded. We worked productively.

- What advice would you give to the new Minister of Culture Galina Kokoulina?

N.N.: She won't have to build this relationship. She knows everyone. Therefore, I simply wish you patience and personal courage. From a professional point of view, I would like to wish that, along with solving current operational problems, she does not forget about global ones. It is necessary to set yourself goals that seem impossible at first glance.

- Did it work out for you?

N.N.: It's not for me to evaluate. But in any case, we did a lot. For example, the first month-long festival of festivals “White Nights” in Russia. He was popular not only among Permians. In 2012-2013 recorded a million visits. This actually says something. This was a huge task for us, and I’m glad it worked out. There was no one's personal merit in this. It was a team effort.

- Many people still feel sorry that the festival no longer exists.

N.N.: I foresaw this situation; it was not news. More likely - an unpleasant signal. But this is not the only “not very good” thing that has happened in the region over the past five years. The list could go on for a long time, but I don’t want to kick the team that is now leaving. Other people will come - more professional, more interesting, loving the Perm region.

- What would you say are the biggest losses in culture over the past five years?

N.N.: Festival movement concept. This is a phenomenon that creates the quality of life and attractiveness of the region. After all, this is not just dancing or having a good time. Such events attract additional attention to the region not only from spectators and tourists, but also from investors. These are not just economic miscalculations, but strategic miscalculations in the management of cultural policy.

You probably heard Teodor Currentzis’ statement that he will leave if there is no new stage for the opera house?

N.N.: Yes, sure. Teodor Currentzis is the number one conductor in Russia, one of the first in the world. Naturally, he needs space to work, an environment that meets world standards. I don't think this is blackmail. This is a conversation. And it needs to be carried out objectively: to build road map, move step by step towards the appearance of a new stage and reconstruction of the theater. This is not the only object that requires attention both in Perm and in the region. But if a world star lives and works with us, then it is absolutely clear that she requires an appropriate attitude towards herself.

How to create a thread?

- What else do we need to develop tourism?

N.N.: Over these five years, we have lost our uniqueness. For example, there is no Perm-36 museum. Let's be honest: it doesn't exist now. And this was important element uniqueness of the region. We do not have the White Nights in Perm festival. We no longer have the spirit that allowed people from other regions to come to Perm as a holiday. This is all we have lost. Currentzis remains. But this is only one of the pillars. And there should be several of them, which would shape the cultural, intellectual and even economic development region. Now it is very difficult for a person to answer the question: “Why go to the Perm region?” And both for tourists and investors. So far the only answer is: a great maestro works for us.

Previously, there was something to attract people’s attention, and we recorded an increase in tourist flow.

Help the governor

- What, in your opinion, awaits the Perm region with the arrival of a new governor?

N.N.: I have great respect and sympathy for Maxim Gennadievich. I sincerely wish him good luck. He came to the region at a difficult time. Over the past five years, the Perm region has lost a lot in all respects. He at least needs to correct this situation. And at the same time solve strategic problems. There are many people in the region who are ready to help him. Precisely to help, and not to take advantage of his presence.

With the arrival of Maxim Reshetnikov, they began to say that the cultural revolution would return to Perm. Is this possible?

N.N.: I don't think it's a direct revolution. But some elements of a modern, attractive and strategically important cultural policy for the region are possible. Everything will depend on the cultural team that will be next to the head. And I hope this happens.

-Are you ready to help?

N.N.: I'm definitely not ready to return to Perm to work. There are personal reasons for this. And I have never refused to help from a distance before.

Co-chairman of the Union "International", chairman of the Coalition of People's Patriotic Forces "Motherland", political strategist.

In 1997 Graduated with honors from the Volga-Vyatka Academy of Public Service with a degree in State and Municipal Administration. Doctor of Economics (2004).

February 1, 1995 based on the results All-Russian competition International Foundation"Reform" ("Shatalin Foundation") won the title "Today a student, tomorrow a prime minister."

M.L.Shakkum's authorized representative at presidential elections 1996 (initiative group - employees of the Reform Foundation). Participated in the collection of signatures for the nomination of Shakkum. In the elections of June 16, 1996, Shakkum received 277,058 votes (0.37%; 9th place out of 11) - i.e. half as many signatures for the nomination.

Since March 1996 - member of the Socialist People's Party of Russia (SNPR) M. Shakkuma.

From 1998 to 2006 - deputy chairman of the "Native Fatherland" movement (chairman - Eric Lobach, former head of the Youth Union "Yabloko" (YBU), which broke away from "Yabloko" in 1997; "Native Fatherland" - renamed YYA in 1998 ).

In 1999 he ran for the State Duma of the Russian Federation on the list of the bloc "Congress of Russian Communities and the Yuri Boldyrev Movement".

Since November 2001 - Member of the Central Board of the Social Democratic Party of Russia (SDPR).

In August 2004, at the socio-political forum "Elections 2003" he signed on behalf of the "Native Fatherland" the "Agreement on joint actions of people's patriotic forces" (Glazyev, Skokov, Shein, Igrunov, Dugin, Baburin, Heydar Dzhemal, etc.), Novichkov's signature is at the beginning of the second ten. On the basis of this agreement (with the addition of Rogozin and the removal of Igrunov, Dugin, Dzhemal and certain others), the Rodina bloc was created in early September 2003

Since September 2003 Deputy Executive Secretary of the Federal Council of the Rodina (People's Patriotic Union) electoral bloc."

In September-December 2003 - candidate for deputy of the State Duma of the FS for the federal electoral district from the Rodina (People's Patriotic Union) electoral bloc No. 5 in the list of the regional group of candidates in Moscow.

On September 4, 2004, he was re-elected as a member of the central board of the SDPR (the new party chairman is Vladimir Kishenin).

In November 2005, he declared himself chairman of the Rodina Coalition of People's Patriotic Forces, which claims succession from the 2003 Rodina bloc.

On March 10, 2006, decision No. 524 of the Political Council of the OPOD "Native Fatherland" was expelled from the organization with the wording "for actions contrary to the statutory and program provisions of the OPOD "Native Fatherland", expressed in anti-patriotic cooperation with M.A. Gelman, aimed at the collapse of friendly OPOD " "Native Fatherland" organizations, namely the Rodina party and for inducing other figures of the patriotic opposition to similar actions for funds in foreign currency, as well as for immoral behavior and drunkenness."

Since April 2006 - co-chairman of the Union "International", (other co-chairs are Vladimir Kishenin and Oleg Shein)

Nikolai Novichkov was born on December 24, 1974 in the Vladimir region into a family of employees. In 1997, he graduated with honors from the Volga-Vyatka Academy of Public Service with a degree in State and Municipal Administration. Doctor of Economics (2004). Since March 1996 - member of the Socialist People's Party of Russia (SNPR) Martin Shakkum. From 1998 to 2006 - deputy chairman of the Rodnoe Fatherland movement. He is considered one of the founders of the Rodina party - in September 2003 he became deputy executive secretary of the Federal Council of the Rodina electoral bloc. In September-December 2003 - candidate for deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation in the federal electoral district from the Rodina electoral bloc, No. 5 in the list of the regional group of candidates for Moscow. On March 10, 2006, by decision of the political council of the socio-political movement “Native Fatherland”, he was expelled from the organization “for actions contrary to the statutory and program provisions of the OPOD “Native Fatherland”, expressed in anti-patriotic cooperation with the current head of the Perm Museum of Modern Art, Marat Gelman, aimed “at the collapse organizations friendly to the movement, namely the Rodina party, and for inducing other figures of the patriotic opposition to similar actions for funds in foreign currency, as well as for immoral behavior and drunkenness.” In January 2010, he was appointed to the position of Deputy Head of the Administration of the Governor of the Perm Territory. From December 2010 to September 2012 - Minister of Culture of the Perm Territory. Then he worked as deputy head of Rostourism, and from January 14, 2013, as an advisor on tourism issues to the Minister of Culture of the Russian Federation.

Nikolay Novichkov photography

In 1997 Graduated with honors from the Volga-Vyatka Academy of Public Service with a degree in State and Municipal Administration. Doctor of Economics (2004).

On February 1, 1995, following the results of the all-Russian competition of the International Fund "Reform" ("Shatalin Foundation"), he became the owner of the title "Today a student, tomorrow a prime minister."

M.L. Shakkum's confidant in the 1996 presidential elections (initiative group - employees of the Reform Foundation). Participated in the collection of signatures for the nomination of Shakkum. In the elections of June 16, 1996, Shakkum received 277,058 votes (0.37%; 9th place out of 11) - i.e. half as many signatures for the nomination.

Since March 1996 - member of the Socialist People's Party of Russia (SNPR) M. Shakkuma.

From 1998 to 2006 - deputy chairman of the "Native Fatherland" movement (chairman - Eric Lobach, former head of the Youth Union "Yabloko" (YBU), which broke away from "Yabloko" in 1997; "Native Fatherland" - renamed YYA in 1998 ).

In 1999 he ran for the State Duma of the Russian Federation on the list of the bloc "Congress of Russian Communities and the Yuri Boldyrev Movement".

Best of the day

Since November 2001 - Member of the Central Board of the Social Democratic Party of Russia (SDPR).

In August 2004, at the socio-political forum "Elections 2003" he signed on behalf of the "Native Fatherland" the "Agreement on joint actions of people's patriotic forces" (Glazyev, Skokov, Shein, Igrunov, Dugin, Baburin, Heydar Dzhemal, etc.), Novichkov's signature is at the beginning of the second ten. On the basis of this agreement (with the addition of Rogozin and the removal of Igrunov, Dugin, Dzhemal and certain others), the Rodina bloc was created in early September 2003

Since September 2003 Deputy Executive Secretary of the Federal Council of the Rodina (People's Patriotic Union) electoral bloc."

In September-December 2003 - candidate for deputy of the State Duma of the FS for the federal electoral district from the Rodina (People's Patriotic Union) electoral bloc No. 5 in the list of the regional group of candidates in Moscow.

On September 4, 2004, he was re-elected as a member of the central board of the SDPR (the new party chairman is Vladimir Kishenin).

In November 2005, he declared himself chairman of the Rodina Coalition of People's Patriotic Forces, which claims succession from the 2003 Rodina bloc.

On March 10, 2006, decision No. 524 of the Political Council of the OPOD "Native Fatherland" was expelled from the organization with the wording "for actions contrary to the statutory and program provisions of the OPOD "Native Fatherland", expressed in anti-patriotic cooperation with M.A. Gelman, aimed at the collapse of friendly OPOD " "Native Fatherland" organizations, namely the Rodina party and for inducing other figures of the patriotic opposition to similar actions for funds in foreign currency, as well as for immoral behavior and drunkenness."

Since April 2006 - co-chairman of the Union "International", (other co-chairs are Vladimir Kishenin and Oleg Shein)