Children of Apina Alena. At home I can allow myself to be sad and stupid

Alena Apina – popular Russian singer. Her biography is very eventful. The real name of the artist is Elena Levochkina. She was born on August 23, 1964 in Saratov. Since childhood, Lena has been creative. Her parents sent the girl to music lessons, and eight years later she entered a music school to study piano.

Little Alena amused her parents and wrote her own songs and poems. After graduating from college, she got a job at the Saratov club. Her learning doesn't end there. Alena decides to enter a higher music school, but she succeeds only on her second try. While studying at the conservatory, the young student was noticed by producers at a casting in female pop group. They noted that she has her own unique style of singing, which is really difficult to argue with. From this moment her star journey begins.

Alena Apina in childhood

The beginning of Alena Apina's career

In 1988, success overtook the Combination group and Alena moved to Moscow. After 3 years, the girl leaves the group and begins a solo career. Alexander Iratov helped her with this, her future husband. In the mid-1990s, the singer recorded her debut album “Street of Love”, and a year later she was already friends with Arkady Ukupnik. The singer became famous back in the 1990s, when her voice was heard from almost every window. She has long list awards

Alena Apina in her youth

These include:

  • 1992 - Winner of the hit parade of the year;
  • 1994 - Winner of the “Song of the Year” award with the song “Druzhochek”;
  • 1995 - Winner of the “Song of the Year” award with the song “Knots”;
  • 1997 - Winner of the “Silver Galosh” award for the song “Electric Train” (“Silver Rain”);
  • 1997 - Winner of the Golden Gramophone award for the song “Electric Train” (“Russian Radio”);
  • 1998 - Winner of the “Song of the Year” award with the song “Muscovites”;
  • 2004 - Winner of the Silver Disc music award;
  • 2005 - Winner of the “Super Disc” music award;
  • 2007 - Knight of the Order of “Service to Art” of the International Charitable Foundation “Patrons of the Century”;
  • 2012 - awarded badge of honor Governor of the Moscow Region for achievements in the field of culture and charitable events and many others.

Famous singer in the group "Combination"

In total, the singer has 17 albums:

  • 1992 - Street of Love.
  • 1993 - Dance until the morning (another title - It’s not that simple).
  • 1994 - Beach season.
  • 1995 - Limit.
  • 1995 - Lost soul.
  • 1996 - Rival.
  • 1997 - Declaration of love.
  • 1998 - Love like me.
  • 1999 - Poplars.
  • 2001 - About fate and about yourself.
  • 2003 - Come with me. Energy.
  • 2003 - Come with me. Lyrical.
  • 2007 - Plane to Moscow.
  • 2010 - Once again about love.
  • 2014 - Melody.
  • 2016 - Alena Apina.
  • 2018 - Let's do it this way.

Alena Apina: photo

Concert life

Initially, Alena Apina dreamed of being a pianist, but the whole country recognized her as a soloist. The increasingly popular group included two other students from the music conservatory. In 1991, Alena left the group with a big scandal. Her producer, Shishinin, considered this a betrayal.

Discography of Alena Apina as part of the group “Combination”:

  • 1988 - “White Evening”;
  • 1988 - “Knight’s move”;
  • 1989 - “Russian Girls”;
  • 1991 - “Moscow registration”.

Alena Apina

A television

In the late 90s, Alena Apina began hosting a successful program on the TV Center channel. Also, Alena tried herself as a movie star, she got one of the leading roles in the series “Emergency”. The acting was so good that Apina was invited to participate in several more Russian projects. She made her mark in the project “Parallel to Love”, the soundtrack to which was her composition, “Kill Bella”, “Provincial Passions”, “Girl from the North”.

Famous singer on the set

By the end of the 2000s, the star’s popularity began to decline, however, Alena Apina jointly recorded a track with Lolita in 2011, taking first place in all the charts.

Personal life

Fans are interested in the singer’s personal life. Alena Apina’s first husband was the artist Valery Apin, which is why the artist is known by that last name. However, the marriage was not happy. The couple soon divorced. Alena considered that she got married too early, and her main goal for this moment is a career.

Alena Apina and Alexander Iratov

Her second husband was Alexander Iratov, whom the future star met in Tashkent. The man not only made Alena a star, but also left a mark on her heart.

The couple lived together for 25 years, but, according to Alena, divorce was inevitable. Alena’s friend, Natalya Sturm, said that it was not easy to tolerate a producer in the Apina family. They were both constantly nervous and aggressive.


Alena Apina dreamed of children even in her first marriage with Alexander Iratov. The singer has a daughter, Ksenia Iratova. She was named after the singer’s first solo album “Ksyusha”. Ksenia was born by a surrogate mother, since the singer herself was treated for infertility for 7 years. Despite this, the girl lives happy life and takes all the best from his parents. Alena Apina is sure that her daughter will follow her path and will also be a famous artist.

The singer with her daughter and husband

Alena Apina now

After the divorce, the singer's image changed a lot. Fans saw a different side of her: independent, but at the same time daring and sexy. Over time, the artist’s audience has not diminished. Alena still gives solo concerts and takes part in national teams, often appears on television and gives interviews.

Alena Apina today

In 2017, the artist released several new videos, in one of which she appeared before the audience in a lace peignoir. This caused a great stir in the media; those interested were divided into two camps. Some argue that a singer who has a child cannot afford this, others argue that the artist made a really beautiful and interesting performance. These photos can be seen on glossy magazine covers.

Alena runs her own column on FaSol radio, and also participates in various projects, for example, she appeared on YouTube channel at Natalia Krasnova's. She also maintains an Instagram page where she talks about all the latest news and shares her thoughts.

Alena Apina went through a difficult path that led her to fame. The personal life of the pop star was not very successful, however, Alena has many famous friends and acquaintances, many projects and plans that do not allow her to sit still.

Today children of Alena Apina- this is not only her twelve-year-old daughter Ksyusha, but also students of one of the Moscow schools to whom she teaches music. When the popular singer was asked why she went to teach, and does it for free, she replied that she simply loves music very much and prefers to spend time not on parties and presentations, but on communicating with children. Now Alena Apina’s children, including her own daughter, are preparing to stage a musical together with their famous teacher, for which she has used all her connections and acquaintance with professionals in this field.

In the photo - Alena Apina with her daughter Ksyusha

Looking at how the singer communicates with schoolchildren, it becomes clear how much she wanted to have her own children. When, after several unsuccessful attempts to give birth on their own and long-term treatment, Alena and her husband, producer Alexander Iratov, completely lost hope of becoming parents, she decided to take a desperate step at that time - to give birth to a child with the help of a surrogate mother. This story received a loud response - journalists often visited Alena, she was invited to all sorts of talk shows, and in order to eliminate all rumors, in one of the television programs she openly talked about the fact that Alena Apina’s children would never have appeared in the usual way, and about everything she had to go through to become the mother of a little daughter.

The singer and her husband are quite wealthy people who were able to afford this operation, which then cost them twenty-five thousand dollars. True, at first Alena, unlike her husband, did not really believe in success and was already preparing to adopt a child from an orphanage, because she could not imagine a family without children at all. Fortunately, everything worked out for them, and Alena Apina and Alexander Iratov got little Ksyusha.

In the photo - Alena Apina with her students

The biography and personal life of Alena Apina is familiar to all fans Russian stage. Alena Apina is a pop singer who was also the lead singer of the group “Combination”. She performed a lot of songs that remain in the memory of many music lovers to this day.

Alena Apina is a Russian singer who was born in the province. Her parents worked for the benefit of the USSR, her father was an engineer, and her mother worked as a salesman. Alena was the only daughter of her parents, so they put all their soul and love into her upbringing. From childhood, Alena’s parents followed her lead, showing their boundless love. At the age of 5, they gave her an expensive piano so that she could develop her talent as much as possible.

It was at the age of 5 that Alena began to try herself as a singer. Very often Apina organized concerts at home, she gathered all family members and arranged small concerts for them. Alena couldn’t pronounce the letter “r” for a very long time, which is why her songs are preschool age They were very nice and delighted the family.

As soon as Alena grew up, she was sent to a music school. Now Apina says that she really enjoyed going to music school, she simply counted the hours until the next trip. At the music school she was also given homework assignments, which she completed first. Alena Apina’s managers noticed that even at a fairly young age she showed very amazing knowledge that was not typical for her age. The girl has always been stubborn, assertive and purposeful, and this is what helped her achieve such tremendous success.

Since Alena Apina (see photo) has mastered all the skills of playing the piano, she decided to devote her personal life and biography to music. This was also the dream of her parents, who did everything for their daughter to achieve success and build her career. After music school Apina went to a music school to develop her abilities and receive the appropriate diploma. After receiving her diploma, the future singer spent 2 years diligently trying to enter the conservatory, passing a huge competition among her competitors. At this time, it would be impossible to do without support, and just in Apina’s life a big revolution occurs.

On the advice of her friend, Alena Apina went to gain knowledge at the faculty of folk singing. Apina really had a fairly strong and beautiful voice, as well as an unusual timbre. She performed folk songs with her own style and presentation; some said that Apina developed her own “Apin” style.

The “Combination” team in the life of Alena Apina

During summer holidays in 1987, Apina managed to work part-time in the “Combination” team. They were recruiting girls for the new group, and she was offered to try her hand at it. At that time, this was the only decent part-time job that still brought pleasure to the girl. From that moment the real rich life with rehearsals, tours, performances, fame.

The concerts of the “Combination” group really attracted a lot of people, even the stadiums were filled. The producer also prepared performances for the group in America, but at the last moment everything fell through. Apina suddenly announced that she wanted to go on a free voyage and that she was leaving the team.

The singer was the lead singer of the group “Combination”

As we found out later, Alena Apina left the group because she met her lover. Once upon a time on another tour in Tashkent, she managed to meet a charming gypsy with whom she immediately fell in love.

Their first meeting was very romantic; Apina did not even expect that she could fall in love so quickly and give up her favorite business because of him. Arriving in Moscow, Apina began to look for an opportunity to meet that charming gypsy, and suddenly a miracle happened. He called her himself

Alena Apina's solo career

Alena Apina’s producer was Alexander Iratov, it was he who gave her the opportunity to express herself to the fullest, to fully develop the singer’s activities, to gain popularity and demand among her fans. Later he played big role in her work and personal life.

Apina records her new song “Ksyusha”, which simply causes a sensation among her fans. This composition is played on radio stations several times a day, and can be heard in every tape recorder. As Alena Apina now says, the song “Ksyusha” has passed the real test of time, because to this day it is listened to not only by residents of the USSR, but also by young people.

In 1992, Alena Apina’s long-awaited album, “Street of Love,” was released. The first song of her album was precisely the song “Ksyusha”, which at that time gained quite a lot of popularity. At the end of the record there was an equally famous and beloved song of all her fans - “Accountant”. It is worth noting that the singer wrote the words for some songs from the first album herself. She already worked with composer Arkady Ukupnik on her next albums.

The next album was called “Dance Until the Morning”. It was this record that captivated her fans the most; her songs can even today be heard on the radio and at large parties in the 80s.

Singer Alena Apina received the title of laureate of the Ovation Prize several times; in 2002, the star was awarded the title of Honored Artist of Russia. To this day, the singer tries to please her fans with interesting and memorable songs; she performs on big stages and gathers audiences. It is worth noting that during her career, the singer managed to give concerts not only in Russia; she has also performed in such countries as the USA, France, Ireland and others.

Singer Alena Apina in the cinema

As Alena Apina’s personal life and biography 2017 shows, she developed not only as a singer, but also as a film actress. Alena could not resist such an experiment, and yet tried her hand at another area. Filming in films was also the most successful for her; the singer was very quickly trusted main role in the series "Emergency", where she really showed herself as a true professional.

After filming this series, Alena Apina was also noticed as a successful actress; she began to receive offers to star in various films. Apina managed to star in the following TV series:

  1. "Kill Bella"
  2. "Girl from the North"
  3. "Parallel to love."
  4. “Provincial passions” and more.

Now Alena Apina continues to receive offers to star in films and TV series, but the singer nevertheless decided to stop there and devote more time to music.

She believes that she was simply born for the stage, for music and would not exchange it for anything. Filming TV series and films is a kind of hobby to which Apina devoted a certain period of her time.

At the end of 2010, her new album was released, which confirms great love to art. Music will live inside Alena Apina forever, every year she looks at her work in a new way, tries to put more soul, warmth and emotions into it.

Personal life of Alena Apina

Alena Apina supplemented her biography with her personal life in her distant youth; her husband was composer Alexander Borisovich Iratova, with whom they dreamed of a future and children. Alena, like many artists, very quickly fell in love with her composer, and it was mutual. Some time after the meeting with Alexei Iratov, their wedding took place. Now Alena Apina can boast of a successful personal life, despite the fact that she divorced her husband (see biography).

In 2016, information appeared online that Alena Apina was divorcing her husband Alexander Iratov. Apina only said that this divorce was inevitable, but did not further find out the reason for this decision. Let us remember that Apina and Iratov lived in marriage for 25 years, but the divorce still took place. As her friend Natalya Shturm said, keeping a producer in the family is worth a lot. They are all very nervous, aggressive and selfish.

Alena Apina is very grateful to her husband for making her popular and for helping her career develop. Their life was not easy; the singer many times had to endure his rude attitude, scandals and quarrels. They also failed to give birth to a child, they had to turn to help surrogate mother. Alena Apina is happy with her biography, and she did not regret for a second that her personal life turned out this way (see photo).

Let us recall that Alexander Iratov was Apina’s second husband, her first husband was Valery Apin. To date ex-spouses don't communicate. Despite the divorce, Apina did not give up his last name and return to the past again. She also refused to take the surname of her second husband, since at that time she was already recognized as the talented and popular singer Alena Apina.

Alena Apina said that the greatest achievement in her life is her daughter Ksenia. Now Apina is ready to do anything for her daughter, even sacrifice her concerts, prestigious offers and tours.

She tries to raise her the way she herself was raised. As a child, she was also not denied anything; she was allowed to have whatever she wanted.

As shown last news Alena Apina built her personal life with the help of a surrogate mother, who gave birth to Ksenia (see biography). From the age of 4, a girl has everything in life that she needs for full development. She attends a music school, works with the best teachers and mentors who try in every possible way to develop the girl’s talent. Alena Apina is confident that her only daughter will follow in her footsteps and over time will also be popular and recognizable.

In this article I would like to talk about the singer, actress and poet Alena Apina, who managed to unite several generations with her creativity. Not a single disco was complete without her compositions, and her songs were heard from every window. The most interesting thing is that she achieved everything herself. She is a performer of such popular songs as: “Accountant”, “Ksyusha” - these hits are still listened to by both older people and young people. Let's find out the history of this talented person, find out what she lived and how she worked.

Height, weight, age. How old is Alena Apina

As soon as the first songs sounded from the TV screens, the country simply fell in love, lost its head when it saw the fragile and beautiful girl who sings such fiery songs. At that time, there was little information about her, but now we can say exactly what her height, weight, and age are. How old is Alena Apina today? It’s no longer a secret, and she doesn’t hide it. She was born in 1964, which means that she is now 52 years old, although she looks much younger. Her height is 164 cm and her weight is 54 kg, which means that the star watches her figure, plays sports and monitors her own weight.

Biography and personal life of Alena Apina

The biography and personal life of Alena Apina (Elena Lyovochkina) begins on August 23, 1964, in the outback of Russia, the city of Saratov, where a girl is born into the family of a young engineer and saleswoman. The child was the only one in the family, so the parents tried to indulge her whims. When their daughter turned 5 years old, they gave her a piano. It was at this time that the little girl began to try herself as a singer. She gathered all the household members, sat them down on chairs and began to sing. The audience applauded, and the girl gained confidence in her own talent.

When it was time to go to school, the parents again fell for their daughter’s whim, sending her to both a regular school and a music school. And returning from school, she first did music assignments, and then proceeded to the usual school lessons.

While studying at school, teachers always set her as an example to other children, as the most successful student in studies and music. It was then, according to Alena, that she told her parents that she wanted to connect her life with music. After listening to her, they agreed to help her realize this dream.

After graduating from school, the future star immediately enters the music school, which is located in her city. And after graduation, she submits documents to the music conservatory, but then a surprise awaited her.

The competition was so high that she only managed to enroll in the folk singing department. In his free time from classes, in order to earn money, he sings in various restaurants and cafes, where he meets the young artist Valery Apin and, after a short acquaintance, marries him. After the wedding, she takes his last name, which she still bears to this day.

In the summer, Alena agrees to audition for the group “Combination” and brilliantly becomes its member. This is where the real work begins: rehearsals, tours, performances. At home, there are frequent scandals with her husband due to her constant absence. Valery is not happy with this and decides to file for divorce.

In 1991, Alexander Iratov invited her to become his wife, leaving the team and starting his own solo career. From that moment on, he becomes not only a producer for her, but also loving husband. The songs “Accountant” and “Ksyusha” began to be heard, and in 1992 the album “Dance Until the Morning” was released, which made Apina the most popular singer, and her songs took first place in the charts. Alena begins to receive awards, she is given various titles, and her career is rapidly going up.

In 2001, a child appeared in the singer’s family - the daughter of Alena and Alexander, baby Ksenia. The singer’s career began to go down smoothly; she began to appear on stage less and less, devoting more time to her family. Other performers began to replace Alena Apina and they gradually began to forget about her.

Alena, her husband and daughter moved to the Moscow region, where in 2012 the girl went to work as a music teacher at the gymnasium where her daughter Ksenia studies. There she created the group “Lyalki”, consisting of gymnasium students, for which she herself writes lyrics that are heard on local radio.

In 2016, the headlines “Alena Apina and Alexander Iratov divorce” appeared on newspaper pages, after more than 20 years married life the couple began to have disagreements and decided to separate.

Family and children of Alena Apina

Fans have always been interested in Alena Apina’s family and children, and the singer herself tries not to advertise this. The first time she married while still a student was a young but very talented graphic designer, Valery Apin. Their acquaintance remains a secret even for her fans.

When Alena began to gain popularity, her husband could not stand the rehearsals and her constant absences, and filed for divorce. At this difficult moment in her life, Alexander Iratov, whom she met while working in the “Combination” group, provided support. And after the start of their solo career, they became very close, and in 1991 they got married. As the singer herself says, it was happiness that her loved one was always there, both at concerts and at home. In 2001, Apina became a mother, and a daughter, Ksenia, appeared in their family. And the family becomes complete, right up until 2016, when Alena decides to leave Alexander after more than 20 years of married life.

Daughter of Alena Apina - Ksenia

Alena Apina's daughter, Ksenia, was born on December 7, 2001. Her birth was shrouded in mystery for a long time. While Alena herself admitted on one of the television programs that for a long time she tried to get pregnant, but due to a busy touring schedule and constant moving, she suffered several miscarriages. Afterwards she abandoned these attempts and decided to use the services of a surrogate mother. The girl was born healthy and strong. Today, Ksenia lives in the Moscow region with her famous mother Alena. He studies at the gymnasium and music school. In the future, she wants to repeat her mother’s career and become a world-famous singer.

Alena Apina's ex-husband - Valery Apin

Ex-husband Alena Apina is Valery Apin, a talented artist and designer whom she met while studying at the conservatory. Looking at him, the future singer saw support and stability in her life. It was with him that she wanted to return to her hometown, get a job as a music teacher at school and sit at home raising their children. But everything went differently. Tours and concerts began in her life, which were a burden for Valery, since he constantly sat at home, and Alena traveled all over the country. And after their next quarrel, a decision was made to divorce. After a while, Alena erased the man from her memory, leaving only her last name.

Alena Apina's ex-husband - Alexander Iratov

Alena Apina’s ex-husband is Alexander Iratov, the singer’s producer and muse, whom she fell in love with as soon as she saw her, but she didn’t have the courage to even come up to talk. She thought that he was a person, and she was a simple provincial girl to whom a man simply would not pay attention. Therefore, the girl first got acquainted with all his friends, finding out what he was up to, and then began making attempts to make him fall in love with her. And she succeeded in 1991, when they were already close. He offered her a solo career and volunteered to become her not only a producer, but also a loving husband who would always support her in difficult times. Their relationship lasted more than 20 years, they were able to build a house and raise a wonderful daughter, Ksenia. But in the fall of 2016, Alena Apina stated in an interview that they decided to break up with Iratov. She did not specify the reasons for the divorce, only said that she no longer needed him and his support.

Photo by Alena Apina in Maxim magazine

Fans of the singer’s work constantly regret that the fashion for being photographed for popular magazines has arisen recently, which means that they will not see Alena Apina’s photos in Maxim magazine or in other publications. But how sometimes you want to see a photo of a naked favorite, in order to appreciate all her charms. And all that remains is to look at the photo of the singer in revealing outfits or in a swimsuit, which, to be honest, also looks quite seductive on her.

Instagram and Wikipedia Alena Apina

Instagram and Wikipedia Alena Apina are sources of inspiration for most young stars who, following the example of the singer’s success, will be able to reach the same heights as her.

The singer’s Instagram is more like a personal diary, which she does not forget to fill out. In it you can find both her childhood photographs, in which she is still small with her parents, and selfies of her family life, where she acts as a loving mother and an experienced mentor for her charges.

Wikipedia is a complete illustration of Alena’s life, by reading which you can learn about all her ups and downs. Evaluate the difficult path of a young girl from the province who managed to achieve such success on the stage and learn a lot from her experience.

Alena Apina is a popular singer who shone on the stage in the difficult 90s of the last century. Who of those living in Russian Federation and neighboring countries did not know her hits! “Ksyusha”, “My best guy”, “Electric train”, “Knots” were sung by everyone. Songs sounded literally from everywhere.

Suddenly the popular star disappeared. She did not give concerts and refused to tour. Only after some time it became known that Alena gave up her career for the sake of the daughter that fate gave her. Currently, the woman works as a music teacher in one of educational institutions near Moscow region.

Height, weight, age. How old is Alena Apina

Immediately after the release of songs performed by Alena Apina, the pop star gained a large number of fans. He knows everything about this pop singer, including her height, weight, age. How old Alena Apina is currently can be found out quite officially by turning to various sources.

The woman was born in mid-1964, therefore, by performing simple mathematical manipulations, you can easily calculate that in 2018 she will celebrate her 54th birthday.

Alena Apina, whose photos in her youth and now are interesting for fans to compare, is still just as attractive, despite her no longer young age. With a height of 164 cm, the star of the 90s weighs 54 kg. She sticks healthy eating, performs sports exercises every day.

Biography and personal life of Alena Apina

In 1964, a girl was born, whom her parents named Elena. Father - Evgeny Viktorovich Lyovochkin was an engineer. Mother - Lyudmila Vladimirovna Lyovochkina was a salesman. The girl grew up in comfort and bliss. All the whims of the only daughter were fulfilled immediately.

At the age of 5, the girl received a piano. From that time on, our heroine began to dream of becoming a singer. Mom, father, grandparents were amazed at her talent. And Lenochka was sure that she would certainly become famous. At the age of 7, the girl went to first grade in one of the Saratov schools. In addition, Lena began to study music.

Our heroine has always amazed those around her with her diligence and talent. After receiving a certificate, she becomes a student at a music school in her native Saratov, where she was one of the best. Her teachers predicted a good future for her.

Supported by her family and teachers, Elena goes to the capital Soviet Union to continue your education. Due to high competition, the pop star managed to enter the faculty where the talent of folk performers was improved.

In the evenings, the girl earns money by pleasing the taste of the public who comes to the restaurant. It was here that Lena met with the young artist Valery Apin. The young people dated for several months, after which they decided to formalize their marriage. Soon the wedding took place. The celebration was attended by close friends and relatives of the couple. It was from this time that the biography and personal life of Alena Apina began.

After a short time, the girl is invited to the newly organized “Combination” group. Alena begins to stay late at work, which her young husband does not like. Soon, in order to scare his wife, he files for divorce. Alena agrees to end the marriage.

Since that time, she has been immersed in rehearsals, tours, and performances. In the early 90s of the last century, a proposal was received from Alexander Iratov for solo career. A man talks about his feelings. Alena agrees to the proposal.

Soon the songs of the pop star become incredibly popular. “Ksyusha”, “Electric Train”, “Knots”, “Druzhochek” and many others are still loved. The younger generation listens to them, not noticing that some compositions are 15-20 years old.

The pop star was presented with many prizes and awards. For example, she becomes the winner of the “Silver Galosh”, “Song of the Year”, “Golden Gramophone” and many others.

At the beginning of the new millennium, Alena Apina became a mother. She gave birth to a baby daughter, who was named Ksenia. From this time on, the star begins to perform less. She decides to raise Ksyusha herself and take care of the well-being of the home. Soon there were fewer and fewer performances, and at the same time the popularity of the star of the 90s began to fall.

So that the daughter is raised in good conditions, a popular singer moves out of town. Alena is raising her daughter. To be closer to her, the woman gets a job at a gymnasium. Here she teaches children to listen and love music.

The artist organized a vocal and instrumental group from high school students, which is popular not only with high school students, but also among young people. The musicians perform songs written by Alena Apina. This is where the pop star of the 90s of the last century sees his calling.

In 2014, misunderstandings began to arise between the spouses. Alena Apina and Alexander Iratov, who divorced in 2016, are currently communicating on friendly terms. They saved a good relationship for the sake of my daughter Ksenia.

Family and children of Alena Apina

The family and children of Alena Apina have always aroused interest among admirers of the talent of the popular pop singer. She herself tried not to talk about her personal life.

Our heroine’s father and mother tried to do everything to make her a successful singer. Alena set off to conquer the capital. Her parents could not support her financially as living in the city was expensive. Was in the country financial crisis. The girl had to perform in restaurants to earn money.

In her youth, Alena became the wife of a very talented graphic designer. He gave her a sonorous surname. But the marriage lasted only a few years, since the girl was constantly engaged in creative activities. On young spouse There was very little time left. Soon it was the husband who decided to divorce Lenochka. The girl herself did not interfere with this.

Soon Alena fell in love with Alexander Iratov, who became her husband and producer. It was in this marriage that our heroine’s only daughter, Ksenia, was born. After two decades of endless happiness, disagreements began to arise in the family, leading to divorce. Currently, Alena works as a music teacher at a gymnasium and is raising her beloved daughter.

Daughter of Alena Apina - Ksenia Iratova

For a long time, the popular pop singer dreamed of having a child. She even thought about adopting a child from an orphanage.

At the beginning of the new millennium, our heroine became a mother. She gave birth to a wonderful girl. They decided to name the baby in honor of Ksenia of St. Petersburg, since it was on the birthday of the patroness that she was born. Gave birth to a girl surrogate mother, since the woman herself could not give birth.

Alena Apina's daughter, Ksenia Iratova, is supported by her star mom in everything. She is a student at the gymnasium and music school. According to some reports, the girl is incredibly talented. She sings well. With her artistry, Ksenia has already captivated the audience in her hometown. The girl’s dream is to become a world-famous artist, whose singing will drive millions of listeners crazy.

Alena Apina's ex-husband - Valery Apin

While studying at the conservatory, the future popular singer had to earn money. She performed in various restaurants. It was there that she was introduced to a talented young graphic designer. After meeting her chosen one, Alena had a desire to become a happy wife and mother. But the lovers decided to wait until the girl received her diploma.

When Alena started touring with the group “Combination”, her husband began to tell her to pay more attention to him.

Alena Apina’s ex-husband, Valery Apin, filed for divorce after some time. With this he tried to reason with his wife. But the heroine realized that she had made a mistake by marrying a man. After the divorce they never communicated again.

Alena Apina's ex-husband - Alexander Iratov

While working in the Combination group, the pop star met Alexander Iratov, who was famous Soviet producer and a musician. The girl fell in love with him at first sight. She believed that such a celestial being would not pay any attention to her. Alena considered herself ordinary.

But in the early 90s of the last century, a conversation took place with Alexander, as a result of which it turned out that the man was also in love. From that time on, they first began to date, and then live together. After some time, the marriage was registered.

Alena Apina's ex-husband, Alexander Iratov, suggested that our heroine take up solo career. The only daughter, Ksenia, was born into the marriage.

The couple recently separated, maintaining friendly relations. A man sometimes comes and talks with his daughter.

Photos of Alena Apina never appeared in Maxim magazine, since the woman was popular in those days when it was not fashionable to appear naked in photos for magazine publishers. The singer at the time of her fame, which occurred in the harsh 90s of the last century, became desirable. Her portraits were everywhere, but she never appeared openly, which many now regret.

On pages in in social networks Pictures of the star in a swimsuit are presented. It was filmed on vacation in Crimea and Sochi. These photographs are rare. Currently, Alena does not post explicit pictures, believing that the teacher should not appear naked.

Instagram and Wikipedia Alena Apina

Alena Apina's Instagram and Wikipedia are sources that inspire new performers. Aspiring artists, learning about the fate of the singer, dream of becoming as successful as our heroine.

Wikipedia is a source that tells about life and creative activity stars. The page presents full list songs, awards.

Alena Apina is not registered on social networks. But the woman’s fans provide the most detailed information about our heroine. Among other things, here you can listen to songs performed by the star of the 90s, view her photographs taken in different periods creative activity. Article found on