History, myths and gods of the ancient Slavs. Monument to the founders of Kyiv

Lybid is the legendary sister of the founders of Kyiv, Kyi, Shchek and Khoriv.

Unlike his brothers, Lybid appears as a negative character. Despite this, most of the toponyms in Kyiv are dedicated to her, associated with the four legendary founders of Kyiv. There is a river with the same name, the Lybidska metro station is located nearby. There are Lybidska and Vladimirsko-Lybidska streets. In old Kyiv, there were also Naberezhno-Lybidskaya streets (now part of Gorky street), Novolybidskaya (now Volgogradskaya on Solomenka) and Lybidskaya lane (now Panas Lyubchenko street).

The legend about the founders of Kyiv calls Lybid not a sister, but the daughter of a prince. According to the plot, the girl was as beautiful as the May sun. Young knights, princes and queens came from all over the world to ask for her hand. But the princess did not want to hear about the wedding. Like, I won’t go, - and that’s it! The knights and queens wanted to seduce the princess with their wealth, courage, and strength. More than one bowed his head to please her, but all in vain. Then the applicants consulted with each other, shrugged their shoulders, mounted their horses and dispersed. More betrothed did not come to her. A few years later, the prince died. The luxurious palace passed to the next ruler, and Lybid had to vacate the castle. She built herself a hut outside Kyiv on a mountain, and lived there separately. But this monastic life seemed difficult to her. Day and night she cried, from her tears a stream gradually formed, which eventually became the Lybid River. And the mountain where the princess lived is called Maiden Mountain.

Lybid< др.греч. leibo "лить, проливать, струить, литься, разливаться, быть в слезах, горько плакать".

Libas, libados "moisture, water, source", libos "drop, tear".

Lybid - libados (moisture, water, source, drop, tear). Lybid could also come from the Greek "libadion" - meadow (lower reaches). From the Old Slavonic - "boggy place", "upper reaches of the river".

Khoriv (ancient Russian Khoriv) - according to Max Vasmer and A.I. Sobolevsky, the old Russian proper name Khoriv is derived from the name of the area Khorivitsa (Khorevitsa, Khoriv) - a mountain near Kyiv. This name is identical to the ancient Persian Haraiva- - the name highlands. The name Khorivitsa, apparently, comes from some Iranian language - Scythian or Sarmatian. There is also a version linking Khoriv with Croatia.

Khoriv< др.-греч horeio "учреждать священные пляски; устраивать хороводные пляски, водить хороводы; плясать, танцевать; славить хороводными плясками; справлять или праздновать с хороводными плясками; побуждать к пляске, кружить в хороводе".

We had fun on Khorevitz.

Since ancient times, there was a transport across the Dnieper in the Kyiv region.

Kiy, Kyiv< лат. cieo (двигать).

From the Latin "cieo" came the word KIY "pole". Through these poles, the movement on the ferry was carried out.

According to the legend cited by the author of The Tale of Bygone Years, Kiy, who lived on the Dnieper mountains with his younger brothers Shchek, Khoriv and sister Lybid, built a city on the right high bank of the Dnieper, named Kyiv in honor of his older brother. Also, Kiy is named the founder of the town of Kievets on the Danube. From Kyi and his brothers, the chroniclers deduced the Polyana tribe: “And he came to the Danube and took a fancy to the place, and cut down a small town ...” This town was called Kievets. The Bulgarian village of Kiovo is still located on the Danube today, it was in its vicinity that at the beginning of the 2nd century the Roman legions under the command of Emperor Trajan crossed the river.

Quite right, as we see. Because there are so many KIEVs (transportations) in Europe.

Kyiv has many namesake cities (Kyiv, Kievo, Kievitsa, Kiya-ny, Kii, etc.). M.Yu. Braychevsky counted one and a half to two dozen of them in the West Slavic lands, especially in Poland. There is a village of Kievo in the land of Chelm, in the Sredsky district there are two of them. In Inowroclaw County, in addition to Kiev, there is also locality Kievitsa and the village of Kyiv Volya. On the territory of the Penchkovsky district there are the villages of Kiyany and Kii. There are villages with the name Kyiv in the Novo-Radomsky district and in Silesia. In Mazowsze there is the village of Kievitsy. There are Kiyany villages in Western Volhynia and in southern regions Lithuania. Villages with the name Kievets - in the counties of Slutsk and Byalsk. The city of Kyiv is in Moravia, the village of Kyiv is in Hungary. The village of Kiy is in the Serbian Luzhica, the village of Kievo is in the region of Kosovo.

Shchekavitsa (Skavika, Olegovka, Olegova Gora) - a mountain in Kyiv above Podil. Immediately behind Podol, skirting it from the south side, there are three mountains elongated in one line: the southern one, closest to the chronicle "Mountain" (later it was called Andreevskaya or Starokievskaya) - Castle Hill (Kiselevka, Frolovskaya Mountain); further, to the northwest - Shchekavitsa, and behind it, the furthest from the Dnieper - Yurkovitsa (Jordanian Heights).

The origin of the toponym Shchekavitsa is associated with the name of one of the founders of Kyiv - Shchek.

Near the foot of the mountain there are Slavic burials of the pre-Christian period of the VIII-IX centuries. On the mountain itself, as legends say, Prophetic Oleg was buried:

“And they buried him on a mountain that is called Shchekavitsa. His grave is still there today. That grave is called Oleg's (The Tale of Bygone Years, 912).

Skavika-Shchekavitsa (yar, failure) - since ancient times used for necropolises - is equated to the Lower World. Ak. N. Marr points to the clearly chthonic nature of this name, emphasizing that “two names, Shchek and Meltey (an analogue of the name Shchek in the Armenian version of the founding of Kyiv), mean the same thing - “Snake”.

cheeks< греч. skafeus "землекопатель",
skafeo "subject to trough torture (torture among the Persians, which consisted in the fact that the executed was put in a trough and covered with another trough, leaving his head, arms and legs open and dooming him to a slow death from insect bites)",
skafe "trough, pool, bath, canoe, boat".


Khoriv (ancient Russian Khoriv) - according to Max Vasmer and A.I. Sobolevsky, the old Russian proper name Khoriv is derived from the name of the area Khorivitsa (Khorevitsa, Khoriv) - a mountain near Kyiv. This name is identical to the ancient Persian Haraiva - the name of a mountainous area. The name Khorivitsa, apparently, comes from some Iranian language - Scythian or Sarmatian. There is also a version linking Khoriv with Croatia.

Come on ... The mane is today a chain of hills. hillock, possibly overgrown. What does the Persians and Scythians have to do with it?
And this is not an imitation like Yes - Yes!
After all, the mane is really the TOP part of the horse (and overgrown: o) The usual metaphor ...

Kyiv is not from a cue - a pole, but from the water KUYA (or Latin A "QWA, taking into account the Atlantean article A), and therefore Idrisi Kuyava, or Ku (Chu) - Kuyava (Chuguev, epic Kyiv on the Donets). And that means water KUYA road -VA (length: teti-va, beche-va, kana-va, Dra-va, Mora-va, Vlta-va, Ne-va - NOT-long: o)

Mount Sinai (Hebrew הַר סִינַי‎, Har-Sinai; also Mount Moses, Mount Horeb) is a mountain on the Sinai Peninsula in Egypt. According to the Bible, God appeared to Moses on this mountain and gave the Ten Commandments.

Do you remember the mountain? The choir is a high place in the church.

1) top of the head
2) top, tip
3) highest point
ex. τὸ κατὰ κορυφέν σημεῖον Plut. - zenith
4) mat. vertex

Resettlement of the Slavs

The Slavs came and sat down along the Dnieper and called themselves glades, while others - Drevlyans, because they sat in the forests. And they sat down between the Pripyat and the Dvina and called themselves Dregovichi, others sat down along the Dvina and called themselves Polochans along the river that flows into the Dvina and is called Polota. The same Slavs who sat down near Lake Ilmen were called by their own name - the Slavs, and built a city, and called it Novgorod. And others - sat down along the Desna, and along the Seven, and along the Sula and called themselves northerners. And so the Slavic people dispersed, and after his name the charter was called "Slavic".

Kiy, Shchek and Khoriv

And there were three brothers: one named Kyi, the other - Shchek and the third - Khoriv, ​​and their sister was Lybid. Kiy sat on the mountain, where the Borichev rise is now, and Shchek sat on the mountain, which is now called Shchekovitsa, and Khoriv on the third mountain, which is called Horivitsa after him. And they built a town in the name of their elder brother, and called it Kyiv. There was a forest around the city and a large forest, and they caught animals there. And those men were wise and sensible, and they were called glades, from them a clearing to this day in Kyiv ...

And after the death of these brothers, their offspring began to reign among the glades, and the Drevlyans had their own reign, and the Dregovichi had their own, and the Slavs had their own in Novgorod, and another on the Polota River, where the Polochans.

Tribute to the Khazars

And the Khazars found them sitting on these mountains in the forests, and said: "Pay tribute to us." The meadows, having consulted, gave swords from the smoke. And the Khazars took them to their prince and to their elders, and said to them: “Behold, we have captured a new tribute.” They also asked them: “From where?” They answered: "In the forest on the mountains above the Dnieper River." Again they asked: “What did they give?” They showed the sword. And the Khazar elders said: “This is not a good tribute, prince: we found it with weapons sharp only on one side, that is, sabers, and these weapons are double-edged, that is, swords: they will someday collect tribute from us, and from other lands." And all this came true, because they did not speak of their own free will, but according to God's command.

The calling of the Varangian princes

In the year 6370 (862). They expelled the Varangians across the sea and did not give them tribute, and began to rule themselves. And there was no truth among them, and generation upon generation stood up, and they had strife, and began to fight with themselves. And they said to themselves: "Let's look for a prince who would rule over us and judge by right." And they went across the sea to the Varangians, to Russia. Those Varangians were called Rus, just as others were called Swedes (Swedes), and others were Normans and Angles, and others were still Gotlanders - that's how these were called. Chud Rus, Slavs, Krivichi and all said: “Our land is great and plentiful, but there is no order in it. Come reign and rule over us." And three brothers with their clans were elected and took all of Russia with them, and they came to the Slavs, and the elder Rurik sat in Novgorod, and the other - Sineus - on Beloozero, and the third - Truvor - in Izborsk. And from those Varangians the Russian land was nicknamed. The Novgorodians, on the other hand, are those people from the Varangian family, and before that they were Slavs. Two years later, Sineus and his brother Truvor died. And one Rurik seized all the power, and began to distribute cities to his men - Polotsk to that, Rostov to that, Beloozero to another. Varangians in these cities are finders, and indigenous people in Novgorod - Slavs, and in Polotsk - Krivichi, in Rostov - Merya, in Beloozero - all, in Murom - Murom, and Rurik ruled over all of them. And he had two husbands, not his relatives, but the boyars, and they asked for leave to Tsargrad with their family. And they set off along the Dnieper, and when they sailed by, they saw a small city on the mountain. And they asked: "Whose town is this?" The local residents answered: “There were three brothers Kyi, Shchek and Khoriv, ​​who built this town and disappeared, and we are sitting here, their descendants, and pay tribute to the Khazars.” Askold and Dir remained in this city, gathered many Varangians and began to own the land of the meadows. Rurik at that time reigned in Novgorod.

Askold and Dir
Oleg's death

And Oleg lived, the prince in Kyiv, having peace with all countries. And autumn came, and Oleg remembered his horse, which he once put to feed, deciding never to sit on it. For once he asked the sorcerers and sorcerers: “Why will I die?” And one magician said to him: “Prince! From your beloved horse, on which you ride, you will die from it! These words sunk into Oleg's soul, and he said: "I will never sit on him and I will not see him again." And he ordered to feed him and not to bring him to him, and lived for several years without seeing him, until he went to the Greeks. And when he returned to Kyiv, and four years had passed, on the fifth year he remembered his horse, from which the sorcerers once predicted his death. And he called the elder of the grooms, and said: “Where is my horse, which I ordered to feed and take care of?” He answered: "He died." Oleg laughed and reproached that sorcerer, saying: "The wise men say it is wrong, but all that is a lie: the horse died, but I am alive." And he ordered to saddle his horse: "Let me see his bones." And he came to the place where his bare bones and naked skull lay, dismounted from the horse, laughed and said: “Should I accept death from this skull?” And he stepped with his foot on the skull, and a snake crawled out of the skull, and bit him in the leg. And because of that, he fell ill and died. All the people mourned him with a great cry, and they carried him and buried him on a mountain called Shchekovitsa. There is his grave to this day, it is reputed to be Oleg's grave. And all the years of his reign were thirty and three.


In the year 6500 (992). Vladimir went to the Croats. When he returned from the Croatian war, the Pechenegs came on the other side of the Dnieper from Sula; Vladimir opposed them, and met them on Trubezh at the ford, where Pereyaslavl is now. And Vladimir stood on this side, and the Pechenegs on that side, and ours did not dare to go over to that side, neither those to this side. And the Pecheneg prince drove up to the river, called Vladimir and said to him: “You let your husband out, and I let mine out - let them fight. If your husband throws mine to the ground, then we will not fight for three years; but if our husband throws yours to the ground, we will ruin you for three years.” And they parted ways. Vladimir, having returned to his camp, sent heralds around the camp, with the words: “Is there no such man who would grapple with the Pecheneg?” And didn't show up anywhere. The next morning, the Pechenegs arrived and brought their husband, but ours did not have it. And Vladimir began to grieve, sending all over his army, and one old husband came to the prince and said to him: “Prince! I have one smaller son at home; I went out with four, and he stayed at home. Since childhood, no one has thrown him to the ground. Once I scolded him, and he crushed the skin, so he got angry and tore the skin with his hands. Hearing about this, the prince was delighted, and they sent for him, and brought him to the prince, and the prince told him everything. He replied: “Prince! I don’t know if I can grapple with him - test me: is there a big and strong bull? And they found a bull, big and strong, and ordered to enrage him; they put a red-hot iron on him and let him go. And the bull ran past him, and grabbed the bull by the side with his hand and tore out the skin with the meat, as much as his hand grabbed. And Vladimir said to him: "You can fight him." The next morning, the Pechenegs came and began to call: “Is there a husband? Here is ours ready! Vladimir ordered to put on weapons that very night, and both sides agreed. The Pechenegs released their husband, but he was very great and terrible. And Vladimir released her husband, and saw his Pecheneg and laughed, for he was of medium height. And they measured the place between the two armies, and sent them against each other. And they grabbed, and began to firmly press each other, and he strangled the Pechenezhin with his hands to death. And threw him to the ground. There was a cry, and the Pechenegs ran, and the Russians chased after them, beating them, and drove them away. Vladimir rejoiced and laid the city at the ford, and called it Pereyaslavl, for that youth took over the glory. And Vladimir made him a great husband, and his father too. And Vladimir returned to Kyiv with victory and great glory.

Belgorod kissel

In the year 6505 (997). When Vladimir went to Novgorod for the northern soldiers against the Pechenegs, since there was at that time a continuous Great War- the Pechenegs learned that there was no prince here, they came and stood near Belgorod. And they didn’t let them leave the city, and there was a severe famine in the city, and Vladimir could not help, since he had no soldiers, and there were many Pechenegs. And the siege of the city dragged on, and there was a severe famine. And they gathered veche in the city, and said: “We will soon die of hunger, but there is no help from the prince. Is it better for us to die like this? - let's surrender to the Pechenegs, - let them let them live, and let them kill them; We are already dying of hunger anyway. And so it was decided at the meeting. There was one elder who was not at the veche, and he asked: “Why was the veche?” And people told him that tomorrow they want to surrender to the Pechenegs. Hearing about this, he sent for the city elders and told them: "I heard that you want to surrender to the Pechenegs." They answered: "People will not endure hunger." And he said to them: "Listen to me, do not give up for another three days, and do what I command you." They gladly promised to obey. And he said to them: "Gather at least a handful of oats, wheat, or bran." They happily went and collected. And he ordered the women to make a chatterbox, on which jelly is boiled, and ordered to dig a well and insert a cad into it, and ordered to look for honey. They went and took a basket of honey, which was hidden in the prince's medush. And he ordered to make a sweet full of it and pour it into a cad in another well. The next day he ordered to send for the Pechenegs. And the townspeople said, having come to the Pechenegs: "Take hostages from us, and yourself enter about ten people into the city to see what is happening in our city." The Pechenegs were delighted, thinking that they wanted to surrender to them, they took hostages, and they themselves chose best husbands in their families and sent to the city to see what was happening in the city. And the people said to them: “Why destroy yourself? Can you get over us? If you stand ten years, what will you do to us? For we have food from the earth. If you don't believe me, then see with your own eyes. And they brought them to the well, where there was a mash for jelly, and they scooped them up with a bucket, and poured them into pots. And when the jelly was cooked, they took it and came with them to another well, and scooped up food from the well, and began to eat first themselves, and then the Pechenegs. And they were surprised, and said: "Our princes will not believe us, if they do not taste it themselves." The people poured them a pot of jelly solution and were fed from the well and gave it to the Pechenegs. When they returned, they told everything that had happened. And having cooked, the princes of the Pechenegs ate, and marveled. And taking their hostages, and letting the Belgorod ones go, they got up and went away from the city.


Ancient times there was no peace for the Rus on the Don River, and then the princes-brothers and their sister Lybid gathered to hold council with their Clans.

There is no more urine to live here, - rivers Kiy, - more people die in our country than are born, and there is no end in sight to the war.

As soon as we fight off some enemies, others come, and all with fresh forces, - added Shchek.

Gotta go to quiet lands, - answered Horeb, - where you can live in peace, sow bread and raise cattle.

And some Elders, grey-bearded Grandfathers, sighed:

Once we left Yabulaki for the Don, brought seeds, planted apples, and now, it turns out, someone else will eat them?

If we want to live, we must leave, - others said, - and in the other side we will plant apple orchards and a vine. Lead us, prince-brothers!

And the brothers ordered their people to gather on a long journey and go to the Carpathian Mountain and the Danube.

And the brothers-princes remembered their father Orey, who had long been gone from the world, he died even before the Russ came to the Don. And now, because of the wars and Pestilence, you again have to go look for other lands.

The women and the old men cried that they would not have to die in their native land, but there was nothing to do, they collected the good, put it on carts and went, went for the brothers to the great sunset. And Shchek and Khoriv were the first to leave for the Carpathian Mountains, and after them, Kiy and his sister went on a campaign.

For a long time they walked through the wild steppes and suffered a lot from unkind people, and in order to defend themselves from all sorts of robbers, they moved in the following order: in front of the prince with a retinue, then wagons in two rows to the right and two rows to the left, behind, too, a military squad, and on the sides - riders . And in the middle between the wagons walked on foot, who could not sit on the wagon and wanted to stretch their legs. And on the carts rode old men, wives, children, sick people, as well as sheep with their feet tied, because the sheep themselves cannot go far.

So they went until the evening, then they stopped by the water. They watered the cattle, drank themselves, collected dry grass for a fire, cut down bushes and set in large cauldrons to cook supper for all people. The camp was surrounded by carts for the night, and the cattle were kept near the shore, so that they could eat fresh grass and drink clean water as much as they wanted. And sentinels were sent half a mile further into the steppe. A bonfire was burning all night near the shore, and with it was Ognevoy or Baba-Kostrunya, and they made sure that the fire did not go out.

In the river at night, nets were stretched from shore to shore, and in the morning on Dawn they took out fish, baked it on coals and prepared a brew for snacks.

Then they filmed and went in the same order to the sunset. At lunchtime, they stopped only for an hour, and then walked again until the evening.

And the Ancestors walked across the steppe, and the carts could go, because the riders in front nailed the tall grass, and it did not wrap around the wheels.

And more than once or twice, enemies met on the way and wanted to rob the Rus, but the horsemen were on the alert and dispersed the uninvited guests.

So the Ruses reached the Rotten Swamp, and there - no good grass, no drinking water. The cattle began to roar from thirst and hunger, and Kiy ordered to give her a little water from those furs that they were carrying for themselves and feed them with millet. None of the people objected, but everyone was left without food and drink. And people suffered a lot on that road, and many along the way died from all kinds of ailments, thirst and hunger.

And they came to Stavry. Kiy sent messengers, they returned and said that the Stavrs themselves were starving and could not give either millet or bread, but only as much water and salt as they wanted, and even cabbage. Kiy sent people with carts to Novgorod Stavrsky, and they brought supplies, and even bought a little buckwheat.

And again they walked for a long time, and a lot of suffering fell to their lot, but people strengthened themselves and supported each other. And when they reached Nepr, running into the sea, they stood on the shore in fear, because nowhere, except for the Volga, such a mighty river was seen.

And Kiy-prince ordered to cut trees on the shore, build a large boat and transport people. And soon everyone was on the other side, and went on to the Danube.

And when they came to the Danube, they could not settle there, because they met many enemies. And they went to the Tysha River and set up the city of Kievets-Dunaevets. And there, because of Volokhov, they could not live long. And then they retreated back to Nepre, and set up Kiy another city of Kyiv.

From there, the Russian land of Kyiv went, rich and glorious on the Slavuta-Dnieper.

And the glory of Prince Kiy will never die, forever!

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If only a sister was brought in under the guise of a maid or a doctor under the guise of one of the colonels - after all, a man is 72 years old! The next morning, the fourth, someone had the idea that there might be a myocardial infarction on top of that. A young doctor arrived from the hospital, removed

From the book of Bylina. historical songs. ballads author author unknown

The death of one of the three brothers Yes, not three brothers of their relatives served in the same regiment, In that regiment it was Preobrazhensky, in the first company of the grenadiers.

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Legend and suffering and praise to the holy martyrs Boris and Gleb * *Anonymous legend Lord, bless, father! “The generation of the righteous will be blessed,” says the prophet, “and their descendants will be blessed.” And so it happened shortly before our days under the autocrat of the whole Russian


3. Otho comes to power through a woman, and Godunov - "through" Irina, allegedly his sister This is what Suetonius says about the rise of Otho. “After the death of his father, he flattered himself to one STRONG AT THE COURT freedwoman and even pretended to be in love with her, although she was already

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9. Appearance of three impostors, three False-Neros These are three "False"-Dmitries in Russia-Horde of the late 16th - early 17th centuries. As we have already understood, the "ancient" Vitellius is superimposed on the "False"-Dmitry the First. At the same time, for some reason, Suetonius does not directly call Vitellius an impostor,

From the book Scythian Gold: Secrets of the Steppe Mounds author Yanovich Viktor Sergeevich

5. Scythian prototypes of Kyi, Shchek and Khoriv e. However, subsistence settlements cannot be considered

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30 That (Tigram) sent his sister Tigranukhi to Tigranakert; about Anush, the first wife of Azhdahak, and about the settlement of the captives. It is also narrated that after such an outcome of events, Tigran, with royal honors and with a huge retinue, sends his sister Tigranukhi to Armenia, to

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"The War of the Three Brothers" But if the death of Louis the Pious did not upset anyone, then it did not bring joy either: peace did not work out. Karl Bald. Miniature from the "Bible of Charles the Bald" Now three brothers remained in the historical arena: Lothar, Louis and Charles.

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CHAPTER 40 different time proclaimed basileus.

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The legend of the flood is not a Jewish legend at all But here is what is especially interesting: the legend of the flood is not a Jewish legend at all, which means it is not “God's revelation”. It came to the Jews from another country, from another people. It is recorded in the Assyrian books. And recorded for

From the book Why Ancient Kyiv did not reach the peaks of the Great Ancient Novgorod author Averkov Stanislav Ivanovich


author Averkov Stanislav Ivanovich

17 There are many legends about the emergence of Kyiv. Oles Buzina embellished one of them by calling Kyi, Shcheka and Khoriv bandits. Many state and non-state figures thought about the longevity of Kyiv.

From the book Like Grandma Ladoga and Father Velikiy Novgorod forced the Khazar girl Kyiv to be the mother of Russian cities author Averkov Stanislav Ivanovich

18 Specialist in eastern peoples academician N.Ya. Marr found family nest Kiya, Cheki and Khoriva where would you think? Of course, in Armenia, Nikolay Yakovlevich Marr was born on January 6, 1865 in Georgia, in Kutaisi. He was a prominent Russian and Soviet orientalist, as well as a Caucasian scholar,

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"GRIGORIEV SASHA IS LOOKING FOR HIS SISTER PARADISE" By evening, the house is filled like a basin with water. Gradually. From the first floor to the fourth. The students of the technical school live on the first floor - they come before everyone else, and for some reason there are only girls. Only two boys with glasses. On the second - teachers, they

From the book Dream of Russian Unity. Kyiv synopsis (1674) author Sapozhnikova I Yu

14. ABOUT THE DEATH OF KIY, CHECK AND KHOREV and about their heritage from them. ALWAYS THE PRINCE OF THE RUSSIAN THREE BRETHREN, Kyi, Shchek and Korev, or Khorev, in his contented reign over the Rosses, changed his belly to death; according to them, whoever in their place would dominate the city of Kyiv by natural property, the greatness of this

From the book Encyclopedia Slavic culture, writing and mythology author Kononenko Alexey Anatolievich

Kiy, Shchek, Khoriv and Lybid Kiy in the east Slavic mythology hero, ancestor, ancestor of the Polyan tribe. Cue is a male symbol of fertilization; it can be assumed that outstanding persons were honored with this name, whom the people, elders of the clan, princes respected. AT

This chapter presents legends about the founder of Kievan Rus, Prince Kiy, his brothers Schek and Khoryv, and sister Lybidi.

It should immediately be noted that there are layers of different time periods here. The very fact of the existence of three brothers - Kiya, Shchek, Khoriv, ​​as well as their father Aria-Orey goes into such a depth of millennia that it is most often perceived as a legend.

The Tale of Bygone Years presents us with its own version of the three brothers and sister: “And there were three brothers. One is called Kiy, and the other is Shchek, and the third is Khoriv, ​​and their sister is Lybid. And Kiy sat on the mountain, where the Borichev rise is now, and Shchek sat on the mountain, which is now called Shchekovitsa, and Khoriv on the third mountain, which was nicknamed Horivitsa after him. And they laid the town in the name of their elder brother and called it Kyiv. And there was a forest and a great forest around the city, and animals were caught there. And (those men) were sensible and wise, and were called glades, and from them glades-kiyans to this day.

Well-known scientists-researchers N. Ya. Marr and B. A. Rybakov note the similarity of Kiy, Shchek and Khoriv with the heroes of the Armenian legend Kuar, Meletey and Khorean, who built the cities that were named after them.

The Arabs were well aware of the city of Kiya - Cuiaba. big and rich.

A. I. Asov cites the Indo-Iranian version of the legendary Shah of Iran, Kay Kavus, known in the Avesta as Kavi Usizan, and in the ancient Indian Vedas as Usanas Kaviya, who built a city on Elbrus and owned the territory from Elbrus to the Caspian Sea.

The “Book of Veles” dates the time of the life of Orey and his sons very accurately - “and it was from Father Orey to Dir one thousand five hundred years”, that is, the VI century. BC e. At this time, the Aryans reached the Karpen Mountains. All data indicate that the Caucasus is meant by the Karpensky Mountains in the Veles Book. Here father Orey offered his sons to separate and settle "everyone on his own land." Kiy settled in the Caucasus and founded a city in the Elbrus region, Orey moved north and founded Golun (in the Seversky Donets region), and Shchekh and Khoriv moved to the west - apparently, to the current Carpathians, which were then called the Russian Mountains. The Kievan and Golunsky principalities became the largest in the Ruskolan Slavic state, which stretched "from the Pa-river to the Nepr and Karpan." When later the clans of Kiya left the Karpensky mountains to the Dnieper and further, obviously, in memory of Kiya - Kay Kavus, Kaviya Usanas - the mountains were called Caucasus (Caucasus). And the Russian Mountains, where the newly arrived "carps", "carpen" settled, were called the Carpathians. Such a difficult toponymic alignment took place in our history.

The exodus from the Caucasus, where the Slavs lived for five hundred years, took place, according to the Book of Veles, in the 1st century BC. BC e. Then Slavic clans came to the Dnieper and settled in its upper reaches - on the Pripyat, where they lived for another five hundred years, until the Goths came with the Huns and destroyed Ruskolan, which broke up into Kievan Rus (a new principality) and Antia.

The period of the blessed Troyan Ages, the foundation of which was laid by Father Orey and his three sons, who became the Trojan Tsar in Russia, has ended. This is how the legends explain the origin of the concept of "Trojan". The Troyan land, which stood for a thousand years and was ruled by the heirs of the Oria and his sons, ceased to be such when civil strife began, which led to the fall of Ruskolani, and the Khazars, who took advantage of this, seized power in Russia, eliminated the Veche and planted their princes.

The end of the Troyian centuries falls at the turn of the 4th-5th centuries. n. e.

The period dating back to the 5th century AD includes the founding by Prince Kiy (a descendant of the Kiya-Oshcha family) of the city of Kyiv-on-the-Dnieper. It is about this time that the tales of this chapter are narrated, in which, as already noted, there are some layers of time epochs, as well as Yu. Mirolyubov’s not entirely correct understanding of the place and time of the action, again due to the confusion of toponymy. So, under the Carpathians, on which Prince Kiy lived for five years, before going to the Dnieper, one should understand the Caucasus (Karpen), where the Slavic tribes lived for five hundred years. And the wandering of Prince Kiy across the steppes for fourteen years, again, should be most likely taken metaphorically as the migration of Slavic tribes from the time of the Exodus from Semirechye (IX century BC) until the founding of Kyiv-on-the-Dnieper (in 430 BC). Stryikovsky) - that is, not fourteen years old, but fourteen centuries!

Only knowledge of the materials of the Book of Veles made it possible to reconstruct the times and events reflected in the legends.

The fact that Kiy (the last) with his clans came to the Dnieper from the Don is quite probable, since many Russian tribes remained in the Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bAzov until the Great Migration of Peoples (and some remained after it). The presence of the brothers Kyi, Shchekh, Khoriv and their sister Lybidya with Kiy is most likely legendary, since it does not coincide historically. The Book of Veles does not mention sister Lybidi at all, but speaks of the son of Kyi Lebedyan. Again, it has not yet been established exactly which dynasty of Kiya (Lebedyan, Veren, Serezhen) is in question - Caucasian or Dnieper?

In any case, it is known about the existence of the lands of Lebedia, which could have been preserved in the Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bAzov since the time of Kiy the father and his son Lebedyan (the city of Lebedyan still exists on the Don). The name of the wife of Germanarekh Svanild is also translated by linguists as Swan from him. Schwan.

The wanderings of the brothers with their sister are also similar to the 14-year walk of Sloven and Rus with their sister Iromera (in the Veles Book, Sloven and Scythian) described in the Mazurinsk chronicler. And about the stay of Kiy on the Danube and the construction of Kievets there is also mentioned in the "Tale of Bygone Years".

Thus, the historicity of the "Tales" is confirmed by well-known sources, while the evidence of those statements that are still unknown to us is a matter for the future. Only archaeological finds can confirm whether Prince Kiy really set horses (border markers) of white stone, on which the “Russian Sun” was depicted. A tenfold enlarged footprint of a princely and Kiy is a princely name.

As for the “princely footprints”, the image of human feet dates back to the era of the Indo-Aryan god Vishnu, who created the world through “three steps” and left his mark on the stone. Homer in the Iliad speaks of the "feet" of the god of the sea, Poseidon, one of whose functions was to get with a trident fresh water from sources. Also, paired feet are known on numerous anthropomorphic steles of the Northern Black Sea region, and with attributes-symbols of power - a staff, a horseshoe, etc. Full name Kiya - Indica, which speaks of the times of the Indo-Aryan community, when the Aryan tribes visited India. Their gods have a common origin - Vishnu corresponds to the Most High (Vyshen), Indra - Ondra-Perun, etc. And Poseidon in Slavic mythology corresponds to Svarog with a trident.

Therefore, common traditions should also seem unsurprising, in this case, the image on the foot stone.

“And Kiy ordered to set horses,
to mark their land.
And those horses are pure white stone,
and on it - the footprint of the prince,
only ten times larger.
Sun Russian. Trident Svarogov and the Great Cue,
and that Kiy is the name of a prince ... "

The “Tales” describe how Kiy first came to the Ros-river (a tributary of the Dnieper) and there he equipped the Knyazhgorod, which belonged to the glades: he deepened the ditches around the city, strengthened the walls, paved the roads and put up a watchtower - “vezhu”. And then he went to the Dnieper lands and put the city on the "caves", that is, on the caves.

The legends describe the reign of Kyi, his military campaigns, the arrangement of the principality and wise rule. So he created health resorts, healers, in which healers and chiropractors treated people, among whom there were even Romans, there were also Czechs with Croats, and the prince himself was well versed in the Volkhov case. From the passages cited by Yu. Mirolyubov in his books, it also becomes known about the opening of schools for children in Kyiv, where Czechs who were skilled in various sciences taught.

The legends give a list of clans that lived at that time in the adjacent territories: Polyana, Dryagova, Migroshchi, Drevlyans, Volynians, Pokuta, as well as Zhmer, Cherniga, Bykhovshchina, Goryn. Not all of them recognized Kyi, but then, in the face of great danger - the arrival of the Goths and the Huns - they united under his command, thus becoming part of Kievan Rus. At the same time, the concept of “Rus” consisted of several formations: in addition to Kievan Rus, there was also Carpathian Rus, Forest Rus (Bor-Rus or Borus), there was Busova Rus (possibly Antia), Surozh Rus (in Crimea). Northern Russia. Volyn Rus and others.

In the “Veles book” we read: “Osedenya had their father, when they had cities on the other side of the Ros / Volga /. And so the Russians left Belaya Vezha and Ros to the Dnieper lands, and there Kiy founded the city of Kyiv. And the meadows, the Drevlyans, the Krivichi and the Poles united together with the Rus and became Rusichi ”(Dash. 33). The word Ros itself is written in the ancient version as ROS, that is, ROS and RUSS are one and the same. And it is no coincidence that Ra-Ros-Volga is still considered the heart of Russia. Thus, the Slavic tribes formerly lived from the Volga to the Don (the city of Belaya Vezha was located at the mouth of the Don). From the region of the Don lands, according to the "Tales", Kiy led his people to the Carpathians and the Dnieper, where there were "other Slavic clans" (previously resettled glades, Krivichi, Drevlyans and Poles). The direction and time of this migration does not contradict and scientific research. So, speaking about one of the oldest Slavic tribes - the Serbs, the famous modern ethnographer A. S. Strizhak notes: “Centuries will pass, and in the storms of the Great Migration of Peoples, in particular the times of the Hunnic hard times, the Serbs ... its part to the one that was laid long before them by the Iazyges-metanasts, Roxolans, Aorses, Ozeriats and many others. It is clear that in these movements, the Serbs had to cross the Dnieper and the Southern Bug, the Dniester and the Carpathians ... "

As a result of one of the waves of this Great Migration, Kievan Rus-on the Dnieper, which became the "mother of Russian cities."

Let us honor and remember the great deeds of our Ancestors and increase the glory of our land with labors and deeds.


even before Prince Kiy came to the Dnipro, our Shchurs and Ancestors walked along wild field, drove cattle on green grass. And they had an Elder Kondyr-Grandfather, so old that his white beard had already gone green. And many people still remember how kind and caring he was, and therefore life was simple and happy with him.

Shchur-Ancestors drove our cattle across the steppe, fed on sour milk, cottage cheese, when necessary, got meat on the hunt - in those days there were a lot of every animal and bird in the steppe - wild goats, bulls, sagaidaks, fat bustards and little bustards. So in the morning, the youth went hunting, and the children looked for grass - rolls, wild sorrel, garlic, Perun's batogs, katran, cattail-root, they took it and carried it to the cart, and there their mother cooked borscht from grass with meat.

And Tsar Kondyr lived on the cart, spoke with people, judged disputes. And then Spivakov will gather and listen to songs about ancient times, and a large fire is burning nearby, and on it the queen prepares a brew for him, listens to songs and sighs when Russians are told about Trouble or Hardships in them.

And one evening the Rodoviki gathered at the royal fire and began to complain:

These steppes are good for everyone, and the grass is fat, and the water is sweet, only there is no peace from the enemies, you will not end up with grief! Last week they attacked, and now the cows have been stolen again! They ride with long swords and lassoes, and there is no control over them, and more of our people are already dying than are being born. What to do, how to get dirty, where to look for peace?

And Kondyr-Grandfather said:

We must leave the steppe, go to other places, go to the forests and live there!

Well, lead us, the people agreed.

The Slavs got up on Dawn, harnessed the wagons, put the sheep and lambs next to their children, and drove the rest of the cattle like that, and took the path to midnight. They reached the river, stopped, spread out camp for the night, put carts in a stake and did not forget the watchman. And the next morning they went on to midnight. And a month later the paths reached the Bogolesiy Dubovy, and from there up the river, until there were no villages, no people around. Then they looked at the kob, and the Prophetic Bird showed them the place where they settled.

Huts were set up on the midnight bank of the river so that the river separated them from the steppe, and the enemies could not easily attack. And they set to work: they built large paddocks for cattle, mowed hay, dried it, and put it in stacks. Who went to catch fish, salt, dry for the winter, who went to the forest to hunt. And when Ovseni came, people saw that their life had become quiet, peaceful and satisfying, and they thanked Kondyr-Grandfather for that.

As time went on, the children began to forget how difficult it was for their fathers in the steppe, how hard it was to keep the herds, how every day they had to fight the enemy. And now the youth was growing up and did not know how to cut sword against sword, how to stand to death in the field - they did not even want to hear about the war. The Fathers-Grandfathers were worried, they came to Kondyr and said:

If the enemy attacks, they will destroy every single one!

Kondyr-Grandfather answered:

How will it drop out more snow, it is necessary to send messengers to Volhynia and ask them to send the Prince to teach our youth about military affairs.

The Fathers-Grandfathers agreed, and as soon as the snow fell, they sent five horsemen to Volyn. They returned to Kolyada Christmas time, and with them the good Prince on a sleigh along with his homeland.

And the Volynsky Prince began to gather a squad, began to teach the youth military science. And already in the summer, Trouble came - enemies attacked from noon, two villages were ruined, children were beaten, cattle were stolen. The Prince and Druzhina chased after them, repulsed the captives and cattle, and took away the enemy's property - horses and swords, and those enemies did not come anymore. And the Ancestors respected the Volyn Prince for that and paid him a part from the polyudya, so that he had everything necessary and protected his people. And he also brought with him the prince of the Witch Doctor, so that he would treat the Ancestors, and also teach them that there is Nava, Rights and Russian Java. And since those times, the Ruses called the Right some of them Right, and some - Rava. And they also called Rava the Russian River that flows near the Carpathian Mountains beyond Pokut, which means it is our Right, and from that Right comes Truth, and without Truth, only Lie remains in life.


In ancient times, there was no rest for the Rus on the Don River, and then the princes-brothers and their sister Lybid gathered to hold council with their Clans.

There is no more urine to live here, - rivers Kiy, - more people die in our country than are born, and there is no end in sight to the war.

As soon as we fight off some enemies, others come, and all with fresh forces, - added Shchek.

It is necessary to go to quiet lands, - answered Khoriv, ​​- where you can live in peace, sow grain and raise cattle.

And some Elders, grey-bearded Grandfathers, sighed:

Once we left Yabulaki for the Don, brought seeds, planted apples, and now, it turns out, someone else will eat them?

If we want to live, we must leave, - others said, - and in the other side we will plant apple orchards and a vine. Lead us, prince-brothers!

And the brothers ordered their people to gather on a long journey and go to the Carpathian Mountain and the Danube.

And the brothers-princes remembered their father Orey, who had long been gone from the world, he died even before the Russ came to the Don. And now, because of the wars and Pestilence, you again have to go look for other lands.

The women and the old men cried that they would not have to die in their native land, but there was nothing to do, they collected the good, put it on carts and went, went for the brothers to the great sunset. And Shchek and Khoriv were the first to leave for the Carpathian Mountains, and after them, Kiy and his sister went on a campaign.

For a long time they walked through the wild steppes and suffered a lot from unkind people, and in order to defend themselves from all sorts of robbers, they moved in the following order: in front of the prince with a retinue, then wagons in two rows to the right and two rows to the left, behind, too, a military squad, and on the sides - riders . And in the middle between the wagons walked on foot, who could not sit on the wagon and wanted to stretch their legs. And on the carts rode old men, wives, children, sick people, as well as sheep with their feet tied, because the sheep themselves cannot go far.

So they went until the evening, then they stopped by the water. They watered the cattle, drank themselves, collected dry grass for a fire, cut down bushes and set in large cauldrons to cook supper for all people. The camp was surrounded by carts for the night, and the cattle were kept near the shore, so that they could eat fresh grass and drink clean water as much as they wanted. And sentinels were sent half a mile further into the steppe. A bonfire was burning all night near the shore, and with it was Ognevoy or Baba-Kostrunya, and they made sure that the fire did not go out.

In the river at night, nets were stretched from shore to shore, and in the morning on Dawn they took out fish, baked it on coals and prepared a brew for snacks.

Then they filmed and went in the same order to the sunset. At lunchtime, they stopped only for an hour, and then walked again until the evening.

And the Ancestors walked across the steppe, and the carts could go, because the riders in front nailed the tall grass, and it did not wrap around the wheels.

And more than once or twice, enemies met on the way and wanted to rob the Rus, but the horsemen were on the alert and dispersed the uninvited guests.

So the Ruses reached the Rotten Swamp, and there - no good grass, no drinking water. The cattle began to roar from thirst and hunger, and Kiy ordered to give her a little water from those furs that they were carrying for themselves and feed them with millet. None of the people objected, but everyone was left without food and drink. And people suffered a lot on that road, and many along the way died from all kinds of ailments, thirst and hunger.

And they came to Stavry. Kiy sent messengers, they returned and said that the Stavrs themselves were starving and could not give either millet or bread, but only as much water and salt as they wanted, and even cabbage. Kiy sent people with carts to Novgorod Stavrsky, and they brought supplies, and even bought a little buckwheat.

And again they walked for a long time, and a lot of suffering fell to their lot, but people strengthened themselves and supported each other. And when they reached Nepr, running into the sea, they stood on the shore in fear, because nowhere, except for the Volga, such a mighty river was seen.

And Kiy-prince ordered to cut trees on the shore, build a large boat and transport people. And soon everyone was on the other side, and went on to the Danube.

And when they came to the Danube, they could not settle there, because they met many enemies. And they went to the Tysha River and set up the city of Kievets-Dunaevets. And there, because of Volokhov, they could not live long. And then they retreated back to Nepre, and set up Kiy another city of Kyiv.

From there, the Russian land of Kyiv went, rich and glorious on the Slavuta-Dnieper.

And the glory of Prince Kiy will never die, forever!


ancient times, when the Grandfathers of our Ancestors lived in the Don steppes, then there were the Yaruslans-kings with their Clans, and they were in friendship with the Grandfathers of our Ancestors, because they drank the Fraternal Cup with them and knew the language, understood each other.

Prince Kiy lived in those steppes with his brothers and sister - the beautiful Lybidya, and they walked in the steppes, drove cattle, reached Novgrad Stavrsky and Surozha. And then the Godis with the Huns showed up in those steppes, and endless wars began, and many peoples left there by sunset.

Prince Kiy also left for the blue Danube, reached the Danube neck and settled there. Yes, he and his people saw that there was no peaceful life there - every day there was war, and every day, a month and a whole year there was war, and blood, and the dead.

And Prince Kiy went to the Tyshche-Dunaev River, and set up the city of Kievets-on-the-Danube there, and settled in it with his people.

Yes, soon the war got there, the Volokhi haunted the Rus, and other peoples rebelled against the Kiyans, and Prince Kiy left those places and went to the Carpathian Mountains. However, even on the Carpathian Mountains there was no peaceful life, and there the war went on every day.

And he went to the Rosi-river and fortified Knyazhgorod there. And from there he went to the Dnieper to the Borichev stream and there he set the city of Kyiv on the caves. And there he already lived peacefully, and not every day there was a war, and from noon the Yaruslans-kings drove their cattle - horses and cows - they even before Kiya for Slavuta - Dnipro moved and now were again on friendly terms with the Rus.

And when the Volokhi came to the steppe to steal people into Volosh slavery, the Yaruslans took great cauldrons, covered them with leather and beat those cauldrons with clubs. And the weight of the Family in the steppe knew that the alarm was coming, and they gathered together and bravely attacked Volokh, and drove him beyond the blue Danube, and even reached Panshchina and collected all sorts of good there.

And the Volokhi will depart, the Romans will attack Russia from the seashore. They fight off the Greeks, again the messengers jump and warn about Volokhov. And somehow the Volokhi came with many forces - thirty thousand selected warriors - and they were led by Voivodes in red cloaks.

And the Russian tsars and princes prepared to repulse. And then the Yaruslan governor Ulyag-Sun the Red Sun said:

Let's release the bulls on them, brothers!

And when the bulls saw the governor of the Voloshskys, dressed in red clothes, they roared so terribly, they pounced on them, began to beat and trample. Then the Russian forces arrived in time, drove out Volokhov. And a good hundred bulls perished, and many had to be cut, skinned, salted.

Yes, the Ruses did not have time to accumulate meat, Prince Kiy and the Yaruslans did not have time to rejoice, when a messenger rode up with a new message - the Volokhi go to war on the Carpathian Mountain!

And the Yaruslan king Rusa-Sun the Good said that he would fly like a gray eagle into the sky and look from there at Volo-khov. And he hit the ground three times, soared like a gray eagle into the clouds, looked around everything, returned, hit the ground three times and again stood up as King Rusa-Sun. And thus the Prophetic king told them:

I saw all of Russia from the clouds, and I saw the evil Voloshin, and I saw their great army, and I saw how they grab slaves, how they burn our houses and crops. Let's ride, brothers, to the rescue!

Kiyane and the Yaruslans began to prepare for war. And on a stalemate night, other Ruses lived from them, who did not come from anywhere, and they were called the Great Siver, and they were Boruses and Crowns, and they wore fur coats-veitsirads and high beaver hats. And they came to the Kiyans and said that they wanted to give help against the Roma with the Roma. because a lot of Roma's people were kidnapped from them and driven into captivity, and if they defeat the Kiyans, then they will attack Sivera.

And the Sivertsy sent their warriors and supplies, and went along with the Yaruslans and Kiyans to the Danube, reached the Mezha, to the Panshchina, and from there to the old Kievets. And there sat Godyachina, angry, and would not let them go any further. And that Godyachina was with the Roma, otherwise it was against the Roma together with the Roma, or it wanted an alliance with the Rus both against the Roma and against the Roma.

And Kiy ordered not to conspire with Godyak, because they are great deceivers, rich in cunning and malice, and only the dead can trust them. Then Godiaka will not get up, will not deceive, will not outwit.

And Godyachina was always alone, and the Ruses were on their own.

And there was a war with the Volokhi not a year or two. Children were born, grew up, became parents themselves, wives became mothers, husbands became fathers and brave warriors. And the terrible war went on, and the Volokhi climbed into Russia, like waves on the shore, one after another incessantly, the Russians beat them, and they climbed.

And all the time the Yaruslans with Russia walked - all a hundred years. And during those difficult times, Russ learned not to be afraid of death, and the enemies saw that no matter how much Russia fought, they could not destroy it. And almost all the peoples of the steppe went to Volokh - and Komyri, who now became Kutigura, and Balangarskaya came Kutrigur, and Siver, and Vyatichi, and Radimichi.

And the whole steppe rose against the Volokhovs, and they went beyond the Danube and against the Greeks. Let us remember those glorious deeds of our brave Ancestors, only thanks to which we, their descendants, still live on our land!


in ancient times, as now, people were looking for a better life.

So, Kiy sat with Rods by the Blue Sea near the Don River. And strangers began to go in clouds, they would smash some - others would come. And Kyi said:

Let's get out of here, see how many enemies there are!

The Russ of Kiev took their goods and went, went to the sunset. They go, they drive the cattle in front of them, and they meet the river - they stay for the night. And so, by the seashore, they reached the land of Sourozh, where Rus of Sourozh lived, but they had no extra pastures. And the people of Kiev went further, and for fourteen years they walked through the steppes. Where they do not come, they see - it's bad. And Odud the Bird flies, shouting - “It's bad here! Bad here! It's bad here!

As soon as Prince Kiy hears that Bird, he orders to go further. And they came to the Danube and the Tysha River. Kiy sees - good places, and a lot of grass, and water, but there are many enemies there - since noon, Roma have been sitting and from those who live in Nur and Panshchina, they tear two skins and one more on top. And around the people go unkind - then the Godyaks attack, then the Bulgars fly with cavalry. Kiy sent messengers to Ruskolani, to the Turas and the fraternal Surozha, to help against the enemies.

Steppe Russ came and started a great battle with the Godyaks, defeated them that time, but many of their own remained on the field. And then Kiy said, - there are a lot of heads in the field and it’s not clear from them whether it’s one’s own or someone else’s. The Russians should grow a forelock, shave their beard, and wear an earring in their ear, as Sva-rog himself did when he was a living God on earth. And then, by the earring and the forelock, you can identify the head of Rus, take it, punch a hole in it so that the Soul goes to Svarog, and then bury it with honors and celebrate the Trizna over it. And let the crows peck at the heads of the enemy and let the wild beasts eat!

And since that time, the Ruses began to let go of their forelocks and wear an earring in their ear. And Kiy saw that there were too many enemies, and decided to leave Kievets-Dunaevets and go to the Carpathian Mountains by midnight.

He settled there for five years, and once three Elders from Lemki came to him and said:

Here we pray to the gods in the mountains and forests, and the gods give us Veda Malaya for this, so that we can tell people. Life is dangerous in the Wild Steppes - Zabrodni, Kumani, and predatory Godyaks roam there, and Ugry, and Roma, and we have not seen good from any of them. And there are also Slavic people on the Dnieper River, who have been living there for a long time. Go to that river, strengthen yourself, and Great Russia will be there, and we, when necessary, will help. Go boldly by midnight through the Wild Steppe right up to the Irpa River, we will give you Vodchikh.

Prince Kiy chimed in and went to the Nepre-river to settle.

And he set up hail, and then ordered horses to be set up to mark his land. And those horses are a pure white stone, and on that stone there is a footprint of the prince's foot, only ten times larger, the Russian Sun, the Trident of Svarogov and the Great Kiy, and that Kiy is the prince's name.

And the Bulgars-Kutryats came to the Russ of Kiev and brought dogs - a large kutek and presented them to the prince on Kut-nyu, so that they would carry guards in the night. And then those Bulgarians went to Ingulets and stayed there to graze sheep, and if they saw that in the steppe, they sent a messenger to Kiy. And the Kievan Rus gave them bread, lard and meat for that.

And from the time that Kiy put his horses with his feet on a white stone, the Russian border became there, and the enemy was not allowed to pass through it.

And then Godyachina left at midnight and disappeared, and then Kievan Rus and Antia strengthened.

And when Russia got stronger and expanded, Kiy set up new customs horses from Ingulets to Kyiv-grad, from the Gorynya River to the Dregova, and from there to the Donets River, and from the Donets River to the Upper Don itself and right up to Balangar on Vologa. And that Russian principality became great, and the Don land of Radim became the land of Seversk Russian. And the Kiyans did not let enemies on their land, and when they climbed, they beat them.

And they came from the Yaruslany steppe - Velikosun, Ulyag-Sun the Red Sun and Rusa-Sun the Good with their people, and the Kyiv horses recognized, and drank and ate with kiyans for three days and three nights, blew trumpets, and then again went to their steppes agreed to help each other in everything.


those times when Prince Kiy came to Russia, there were also Slavic people on the Rosi River for a long time. And Kiy asked them what kind of city this was and whose people were in it. And those answered that their city is called Knyazhgorod, and Prince Vuslav rules over them. And they took out Kiya bread and salt on embroidered towels, and served them with bows and kind words, and Prince Vuslav invited them to visit.

Kiy took bread and salt and looked around, and the walls near the city were squinting, and the old ereks were covered with earth, covered with greenery, and boobs swim in them and frogs call, everything is old, rotten and the earth crumbles.

Why don't you, prince, take care of your city, but enemies will come and attack? Get us to help!

And Kiy ordered to correct new walls and put up new pillars, and make logs on goydalks, so that if the enemy climbs, they beat him with those logs. And the townspeople with kiyans dug wells in the city, and the streets were paved as they should. And soon the city became clean and strong.

And one of the nights Zabrodni came from the steppe and, not knowing, climbed into the traps. And there their guards thumped like logs so that a dozen fell into a deep yerek at once, and the rest fled in an instant.

So it will be with all the enemies, - rivers to the townspeople Kiy. And then he ordered his people to go hunting in the forest-steppes, to beat the beast. And for those who were in the city, he ordered to put up strong oak stores to store meat, lard and skins there, and also to exchange grain, millet and buckwheat for them. And soon the stores were full - a good supply for the hours of the war.

And then Prince Kiy went to the Dnipro and set up Kyiv-grad there, and from Knyazhgorod he always had help and support.


oh, why is the earth humming, and what animals are running, oh, why is a cloud-dark over noon? Likho never comes from midnight, rarely comes from Sunrise, rarely comes from Sunset, but it goes all the time from Noon! And at noon, evil enemies live - predatory Roma with ganebny Greeks, and they go to our land for the youths. Oh, our Russian land, Polyanskaya land, you will never have peace from enemies! There is no long peace for you, no protection and no justice, and no one will stand up for you, except yourself!

So lamented Prince Vuslav Polyansky when the patrols brought him the news that again a black cloud had gathered over noon and unknown people with weapons were riding horses and riding with carts. And Prince Vuslav ordered to take swords, sit on horses and gallop towards the enemy.

And soon advanced patrols returned to Vuslav the Prince and brought strangers and said that Prince Kiy of Russia had come with his Clans, and that these were not enemies, but brothers, and they wanted to protect the Russian land together with the people of Polyansky.

And Prince Vuslav ordered to bring good honey, fresh bread, fat meat, goose and pig meat and announce to everyone that the hour of joy and fun has come. And he ordered to call the songwriters and play so that the Dnipro would dance and the mountains, and in the forests - Lesich himself with Berezich, and in the lakes - Mermaids with Vodyanik, and so that the earth and sky danced, and Did-Dub-Sheaf himself.

Triglav the Great has come to celebrate!

This is how Prince Vuslav Kiya accepted.

And Prince Kiy stood up in front of everyone and said this:

You are Slavic people, and so are we, and let the Bojans of the Prophets remind us of our past!

And two elders came out, dressed in white jackets, with boyan harps in their hands, and they were Boyan Prastep from Kiyan, and Boyan Did Malota from Polyany.

And Boyan Malota sang like this:

Our clans did not come out of the earth on their own and did not appear on their own in the steppe, but the Slavs came from afar - from the edge of the Holy Semirechye, where the Great Paradise River flows. When hard life began in ancient times, our Shchurs and Ancestors left the edge of the Semirechny to the sunset, their father Oseden took them away, and they reached the Nepr-river, which in any wars could be a stumbling block for enemies, and our Polyansky Clans settled here, and The Drevlyans are in the forests, and the Dryagovichi are in the Pripyat swamps, and the Krivichi are even further away, in the upper reaches of the Dnieper and Divuna. Since then we have been living here and suffering from the Roma and Greeks, and now the Godis have come with the Huns.

And then Prasten Boyan of Kyiv sang:

And our Shchurs with Ancestors left the region of Semirechny by noon, and Orey-father led them with his sons Kiy, Shchekh, Khoriv. And they came to the Great Mountains, and Orey said that the sons should be divided, and every one settled down to his own land. And Shchekh and Khoriv departed towards sunset, settled on the Carpathian Mountains, which were formerly called Russian. And Orey founded Golun on the Seversky Donets, and Kiy founded Kyiv in the steppes near the Karpensky mountains, which later became known as the Caucasian. And the land of Troyanov lay from the Pa-river to the Dnieper and the Carpathians, because then Orey said:

I have three sons good sign Triglav the Great, whom we revere. May they be after me the Trojan-king on our land, and each one will take care of his people and rule in justice!

And Tsar Troyan began to rule among our Ancestors, and then their glorious descendants. And the land of Troyanov stood for a thousand years, until the Goths came to our steppes and started a big war. And now new enemy- Gunas come from the Sunrise. And our Clans, which have long been sitting on the Don, were forced to leave their land and go to the Danube, and then here, to the Dnieper. And Kiy brought us from the Family of Kiy, the glorious father, who once laid the foundation of a great principality near the Caucasus Mountains. So now we must be united in order to beat off the common enemy from our lands!

You speak the truth, my brother, - Malota-Boyan answered him. As good honey becomes even stronger in honey pits, so our Slavic strength will also grow stronger. Previously, we were friends with Volyn and Goryn, and now we will be friends with Kievan Rus! It’s better to accept all the hardships for one strong principality than many will suffer from one Trouble of the Family. And we, like Grandfathers and Great-Grandfathers, must protect and protect our Slavic land - the land of Troy-nova!

And Kiy helped to equip Prince Vuslav with Polyansky Knyazhgorod, and then, when Kyiv-city on the Dnieper arose, Prince Vuslav entered the Kiev Grand Duchy with glades. And Kiy Rus ruled for another forty years, and died not from a wound or an enemy arrow, but from extreme old age.

And after him, Kievan Rus, through the efforts of our princes and boyars, continued, and still stands!


After severe suffering and many losses, Prince Kiy came to the Dnieper and began to erect walls of the city with towers-vezhas and equip the Russian land.

A messenger from Dryagova galloped up and said that the Dregovichi did not want to recognize Kiy as their prince. And after him, another gallops and carries the news that the Russians from the Rosi River recognize Kiy and offer him help. The third jumps from Migroschi, they do not want Kiy, and the Drevlyans do not want to know him either.

For the time being, I’ll manage with Polyany alone, - said Kiy, and if anyone wants to join, knows where Kyiv-grad is, let him come and talk to him heart to heart!

Meanwhile, a messenger flies from Volhynia:

And we support you, prince!

And Zhmer supported Kyi, but Cherniga and Bykhovshchina did not want to.

So the prince lived for the first years, not knowing whether the Childbirth would go under his hand or whether everyone would remain separate.

And then the Godyaks and the Gunyaks attacked Russia, and Cherniga asked:

Come, prince, help us!

And Bykhovshchina:

Come, prince!

And Dryagovshchina with Drevlyanschina also asked for help.

Kyi answered them:

Why should I lay down my life for those who do not want me? Recognize me as your prince - I will come!

In the meantime, there were rumors that the Godyaks were being seized in the Zabrodnya steppe and torn apart by horses. They will tie them up by the arms, by the legs, and then they will hit the horses - and in different directions. And other captured captives are sold to the Greek-Romans in full, and cattle are caught across the steppe and slaughtered for themselves.

The Ruses ran to Kiy to ask the greyhounds for help.

Kyi answered them:

When rain falls from the sky, then you remember by the hat, but if the Sun is shining, is it not needed? You have your Elder-Kin, let them keep you from the enemy.

Why do you reproach us, prince, we simple people, not governors, we ask for protection, but with your stubborn relatives, do whatever you want!

Here, the Relatives themselves did not have time for quarrels, because the great Trouble came from all sides. And all the Relatives and Governors came to Kiy and laid before him their staffs and clubs with ghouls. So they gave him signs of power and recognized Kiy as a single prince, and already under his command they began to fight with the Gods and Gunyaks.

And when the hard war ended, everyone came to the Great Trizna. And then he put Kiy in the Clans and Tribes of his Governors, and the Relatives only ruled the courts and ruled the needs of the gods, as expected.


just as a tree does not grow in one day, just as an apple ripens not in one day, so Kyiv-grad did not appear in one day.

Our Shchurs also did not live, and the oldest from the pot was two inches from the pot and clung to the mother's hem, so in those days the Kiy already set hail.

And now there is no hemp left of the old Oak that grew in Kyiv - it disappeared a long time ago.

And when the Kiy was placed in Kyiv-grad on the Dnieper, people began to fall ill. And the first thing the prince called the Knowing people to the Rada, and they told him, in order to protect himself from Black sickness, you need to eat garlic every day. And when in summer people get sick with their stomachs and suffer from the Heat, then one should drink sour milk, as well as boil barley for a long time and drink its strong broth. And the prince ordered to set up health resorts and keep all kinds of healers with them, who know medicinal herbs, make decoctions and ointments from them and heal any sick person. And there were noble Kostopravs already because of the blue Danube, there were also Roma and Romei, whom the Ruses once captured in battle, they worked for the Rus, and then, when they got their freedom, they did not want to turn back, and our people remained to be treated . There were also Moravians, Czechs with Croats, and from the Carpathian Mountains there were people who knew, and therefore, by the will of the prince, people were healthy and were not afraid of illness.

Kiy overcame that misfortune, and another came after it - a saran swooped in from the steppes and devoured everything, leaving bare land.

And Kiy ordered to lay out the great Fires, and surround the fields with a chain of fires, and keep the fire day and night. And Sarana climbed into the fires in clouds and burned there to the end.

And winter came, wolves ran in packs and began to fight sheep, pigs, cows and horses, and they would capture a lonely man - they would also tear him apart. And that winter, the princely army fought with wolves - they surrounded those places and beat predators until they disappeared.

And the animals left - predatory people came, the damned Huns came, attacked Volhynia, Morava and Panshchina, and they molested everyone, tortured everyone, and took away the cattle, and did not give people time to sow bread.

And then winter came, and with it the great famine. And Kiy sent carts to the Kivertsy, and they returned empty, because the Kivertsy were also starving. And those wagons that left for the Carpathians returned with supplies - the Crowns shared what they had recaptured from the Roma. And people held out until spring, and there the fish went strong in the Dnieper, and people began to dig the roots - a junk kug and a sweet katran, and ate little by little with fish. And people stretched out, survived, although they were emaciated to the bone. And when the grass went, they boiled it and drank a thick broth. And they did not touch the grains of barley with wheat - they sowed every single one. In the summer on berries and vegetables they have become obsolete, and there the Day of God's Day has ripened, He brought the First Sheaf.

As soon as people threshed, as soon as they ate their first bread, a new misfortune fell upon them - Godyak came to rob.

And Prince Kiy said to the people:

The Russian land stood before us for more than one thousand years and will stand for as long, because our Forefathers always defended it from the enemy, and now we will stand up for our lands!

And for two weeks there was a great slaughter, and the Kiyans drove the enemies out of the steppe.

And Ovseni came - the prince sent hunters into the forests to hunt the beast, and the wives at home salted the meat, dried it and made a supply. And Prince Kiy himself went to wild boars, and he himself more than once took a bear, and beat elan, and elk cows.

And at that time, the winter was hearty, and people cheerfully celebrated Kolyada, and let Kolo burning, and praised the kiyaz, and drank honey with braga in his health, and praised the gods from the heart.

And we remember and glorify that prince to this day, and we will never forget him, the Prophet, forever and ever, to the end!


Perhaps the Sun Chariots of the Proto-Slavs, found in priestly graves, are copies of some real mechanisms that used the energy of the Sun for movement? - Approx. our - V. and Yu. G.

It is possible that this information refers to the period of the reign of the Caucasian Kiy-father, since it is known that after the division of the Clans, part of the Czechs remained with the Kiyans. “When Schech went to sunset with his warriors, and Horvat took his warriors, the other part of the Schechs remained with the Rus. And so they did not divide the land, but created Ruskolan with them ”(VK, plank. 7-3). Although the Dnieper Kiy, who managed to rally the Clans and create a single principality, undoubtedly had the talents of an organizer and educator.

According to Pliny the Elder, the Serbs lived near Meotida - modern. Sea of ​​Azov, - approx. our - V. Yu. G.

Translation from Ukrainian our - V. Yu. G.

Kyiv- the capital of Ukraine, located on the Dnieper River. One of largest cities Europe. Kyiv was the capital Old Russian state and because of its significance, it is even sometimes called the "mother of Russian cities."

Today Kyiv is not only historical city, but also a modern metropolis with modern infrastructure, high-rise buildings and luxury hotels (For example, http://superhotel.kiev.ua, hotel)

Toponymy of Kyiv

According to one version, Kyiv was founded by the legendary leader of the Dnieper meadows, Kiy. According to The Tale of Bygone Years, Kyi, together with his brothers Shchek, Khoriv and sister Lybid, built a city on the right bank of the Dnieper. In honor of the elder brother of Kyi, Kyiv was named. However, this version of the origin of the toponym is criticized by some toponymists, who consider the legend of the founding of the city to be only an etymological myth designed to explain the names of Kievan areas.

An excerpt from The Tale of Bygone Years dedicated to Kiy:

The meadows lived separately in those days and were ruled by their own clans; for even before that brethren (which will be discussed later) there were already clearings, and they all lived in their own families in their places, and each was governed independently. And there were three brothers: one named Kyi, the other - Shchek and the third - Khoriv, ​​and their sister - Lybid. Kiy sat on the mountain, where the Borichev rise is now, and Shchek sat on the mountain, which is now called Shchekovitsa, and Khoriv on the third mountain, which was nicknamed Horivitsa after his name. And they built a city in honor of their elder brother, and called it Kyiv. There was a forest around the city and a large pine forest, and they caught animals there, and those men were wise and sensible, and they were called glades, from them the glade is still in Kyiv.

Some say that Kiy was a carrier; there was then a transfer from Kyiv from the other side of the Dnieper, which is why they said: “For transport to Kyiv.” If Kiy had been a carrier, he would not have gone to Constantinople; and this Kiy reigned in his generation, and when he went to the king, they say that he received great honors from the king to whom he came. When he was returning, he came to the Danube, and chose the place, and cut down a small town, and wanted to sit in it with his family, but the people living around did not give him; and until now the inhabitants of the Danube call the ancient settlement that - Kievets. Kiy, returning to his city of Kyiv, died here; and his brothers Shchek and Khoriv and their sister Lybid died immediately.

And after these brothers, their family began to reign among the glades, and the Drevlyans had their own reign, and the Dregovichi had their own, and the Slavs had their own in Novgorod, and another on the Polota River, where the Polochans ...

Translation by Likhachev D.S.

There are other versions of the legend about Kyi: Armenian, Novgorod and a fragment of Jan Dlugosh, which tell about the prince and his dynasty in more detail. Which of them is true and which is fiction remains a mystery to this day.