In what city from year to year. Year of foundation of great novgorod and its history

Moscow is one of the most major cities in Russia, founded in the 12th century and subsequently united the whole country under its leadership. Moscow in the 16th century became the capital and continues to be so to this day.

Moscow was founded by Prince Yuri Dolgoruky on Borovitsky Hill at the confluence of two rivers - the Moscow River and the Neglinnaya River. Profitable geographical location of the city was one of the main reasons due to which the city very quickly gained economic independence and, consequently, political influence.

Historical settlements and the founding of Moscow

To date, little information has been preserved about what was on the territory of modern Moscow long before its construction. There is evidence that on the river bank at the site of the modern Cathedral of Christ the Savior, long before the founding of Russia, the Dyakovo settlements were located ( iron age), they are considered the first settlements on this earth.

Later, shortly before the appearance of the Russian state, these lands were chosen by the Finno-Ugric tribes living along the coast in scattered farms. Soon Slavic villages and villages belonging to the Vyatichi tribe began to appear here. At that time, there was no single centralized settlement in this place, and the lands were inhabited separately.

The exact date and even the century of the founding of Moscow is unknown; historians are still arguing about this. Scientists have put forward a version that Moscow was founded already in the 9th century by Prince Oleg, but there is no convincing evidence for this. A more generally accepted version says that the city was built in the 12th century, but the exact month and year are unknown.

The first mention of Moscow appeared in Russian chronicles (Ipatiev Chronicle) in 1147. During this period, Kyiv gradually begins to lose its power, the Russian lands cease to obey a single, centralized authority. The chronicle tells how the Grand Duke of Kyiv Yuri Dolgoruky convenes a military council and calls for a conversation with Prince Svyatoslav Olegovich. The council takes place, presumably, on the territory of the future Moscow, since the call "To Moscow" is mentioned in the annals. It is believed that at the time of the mention in the annals of the city, this place did not yet exist, but there was a fairly large settlement.

As for the more precise date of the founding of the city, there is a little confusion. According to one version, Moscow was founded in 1156 by Yuri Dolgoruky, who ordered to build a wooden fortress on the site of the old settlement and lay the foundation for the city. This version is criticized, since during this period the prince was in Kyiv, and the chronicle very vaguely mentions his visits to Moscow lands. Another version claims that the laying of the fortress took place a little earlier, in 1153. There is also an opinion that it was not Yuri Dolgoruky himself who could have founded Moscow, but his son Andrei.

Nevertheless, despite the disputes of scientists, it is generally accepted that Moscow was founded in 1147 (according to the date of mention in the annals) by Prince Yuri Dolgoruky. Because the exact date foundation is a mystery, City Day in Moscow is celebrated on the first Saturday of September.

Built in the 12th century, Moscow quickly began its rise, but only by the 15th century acquired the status of the capital, when Ivan the Terrible ascended the throne. In 1712, with the coming to power of Peter 1, Moscow lost its capital status, giving it to St. Petersburg, but after the revolution in 1918 it again became the capital and remains so to this day.

Moscow Kremlin

The history of any ancient Russian city begins with the construction of a fortress. The first fortifications on the territory of Moscow were built by Yuri Dolgoruky, had wooden walls, a small diameter and served mostly for living and household needs. Only in the 14th century the old fortress was rebuilt, the walls were made of white stone, the territory was expanded. From here Moscow received the name Belokamennaya. The Kremlin was rebuilt twice more, in the 15th and 18th centuries, after which it acquired its final form.

City name

The name of Moscow, like many other cities, is associated with the name of the river on which it stands. As for the name of the river itself, there are several versions of the origin of the word. Firstly, according to the Old Slavic, the word "Moscow" comes from the root "mosk", which has a dual meaning and means both "wet, wet" and "mind". The second version is connected with the Finno-Ugric tribes living in this territory. Moscow in this case is the result of a combination of several Mari words, meaning "Bear" and "Mother" in translation.

The most common version today is the origin of the word "Moscow" from the Komi language, in which the term means "Cow River". The river itself and the settlements located along its banks were called Moscow.

The question of which city in Russia can be called the oldest is still open. There are various hypotheses various studies, but there are no comprehensive data.

According to some sources, I managed to compile a list of the ten oldest cities in Russia:

0. Derbent - A medium-sized city that is part of the Republic of Dagestan. Date of foundation - the end of the 4th millennium BC. e.
1. Veliky Novgorod - A regional center with a small population. The date of foundation is 859.
2/3/4. - Medium size city. It is part of the Vladimir region. Year of foundation - 862
2/3/4. Rostov the Great is the same age as the city of Murom, a small city included in Yaroslavl region. In 1995, the Rostov Kremlin Museum-Reserve was included in the collection of especially valuable objects of the cultural heritage of the peoples of Russia.
2/3/4. Belozersk (first name - Beloozero). The same age as Rostov the Great. Small town. Year of foundation - 862
5. Smolensk - Big City, the regional center of the Smolensk region. The date of foundation is 863.
6. Pskov - Small in number of the regional center. The year of foundation is 859.
7/13 Uglich - First mentioned in the annals in 1148, however, some local sources provide other information: 937, 947, 952 and other years.
7/8. Trubchevsk is a small city in terms of population. The year of foundation is 975.
8/9. Bryansk is a regional center. The city was founded in 985.
9/10/11/12 - Regional center. The date of foundation (one of the versions) is 990.
10/11/12 - A small town, which is part of the Vladimir region. Date of foundation - 999, or 1024.
10/11/12 Kazan - Regional center, the capital of the Republic of Tatarstan. The date of foundation is 1005.
11/12/13 Yaroslavl is a large regional center. The date of foundation is 1010.

It is believed that the most ancient city in Russia is Derbent. It existed when there was no Ancient Russia, and its approximate age is 5000 years. However, this city became part of the Russian state only in 1813. Now Derbent belongs to the Republic of Dagestan as part of the North Caucasian Federal District.

However, the oldest native Russian can rightly be considered a city of Russia Velikiy Novgorod . This city was founded in 859 and is the progenitor of Christian faith. On the left bank of the Volkhov River in Novgorod is one of the most beautiful Kremlins in Russia.

The ten oldest cities in Russia include two cities that are part of the Vladimir region. According to some sources, Suzdal was founded in 999 and also claims to be among the ten most ancient Russian cities.

Murom It is considered the third oldest city in Russia, along with Rostov the Great and Belozersk. The first written mention of him gives "The Tale of Bygone Years". From the chronicle, it becomes clear that Murom got its name from the ancient Finno-Ugric tribe "Muroma", which once lived in the Oka basin. The first prince of Murom was Gleb. Back in 988, he received Murom as an inheritance from the hands of his father, Equal-to-the-Apostles Prince Vladimir. Murom Spaso-Preobrazhensky monastery is one of the oldest in Russia.

Vladimir - one of the most beautiful cities in Russia, which stands on the banks of the Klyazma River. According to recent studies by local historians, according to information from a number of chronicle sources, Vladimir-on-Klyazma was founded by Vladimir Svyatoslavich Monomakh in 990. The most ancient inhabitants of this region were the Finno-Ugric tribes (VI-VII centuries), some of which were subsequently assimilated by the Slavs.

Another ancient citySuzdal it is first mentioned in the chronicle when it speaks of the uprising of the Magi in 1024. According to other studies, Suzdal was first mentioned in written sources under the year 999. It is believed that the city arose on the site of the most ancient agricultural and trade settlements, which, there is every reason to believe so, appeared here no later than the 9th century. Now Suzdal is a city-reserve, which is part of the Golden Ring of Russia. By the abundance of architectural monuments and the integrity of its appearance, he knows no equal.

If we talk not only about cities, then we can recall another ancient locality- this is the village of Staraya Ladoga, which until 1703 was a city. In 2003, the 1250th anniversary of Staraya Ladoga was celebrated, during which the village was positioned as the "ancient capital of Northern Russia."

The history of the formation of the Russian state includes several hundred years of formation, political struggle and geographical changes. Let's try to find out when Russia appeared.

  • The first mention of Russia appeared already in 862 ("The Tale of Bygone Years").
  • The very word "Russia" was introduced by Peter I in 1719-1721.
  • The Russian Federation was founded on December 25, 1991 after the collapse of the USSR.

And now let's look at the history of our state in more detail, highlighting the main historical periods development, and also find out what Russia was called at different times.

Old Russian state

First mention Russian state in literary monuments, the calling of the Varangians in the "Tale of Bygone Years" is considered. In 862, Russia already existed in the form Old Russian state, with the capital first in Novgorod, and then in Kyiv. The Rurik dynasty ruled the ancient Russian state. Subsequently, in 988, under the rule of Prince Vladimir, Russia, at that time already Kievan, adopted Christianity.

In 1132, when the last of the rulers, Mstislav Vladimirovich, died, the period of fragmentation of the Old Russian state began, and further, until the middle of the XIV century, Russia existed in the form of separate principalities, suffering from the Mongol-Tatar yoke and attacks from the Grand Duchy of Lithuania.

Moscow State

Finally, in 1363, the Russian princes managed to combine their efforts and form a new Moscow principality, and later, thanks to the reign of Ivan III and the weakening of the power of the Golden Horde, Moscow stopped paying tribute to it, thus marking the end of the Mongol-Tatar yoke and a new milestone in the history of the Russian state.

In 1547, Ivan IV the Terrible came to power, and now the head of state is not a prince, but a tsar. Despite the fact that Ivan the Terrible was known for his cruelty, it was he who managed to significantly expand the borders of Russia.

After the reign of Ivan the Terrible in Russia, Time of Troubles- the era of coups d'état and unrest. The Time of Troubles was brought to an end only in 1613, when the Romanov dynasty came to power.

Russian empire

At the beginning of the 17th century, when Tsar Peter I came to power, Russia began to develop by leaps and bounds. Actually, the word "Russia" itself was introduced into general use by Perth I, although it was used every now and then earlier in different sources, but mostly as a country name for foreigners. If before that the phrase "All Russia" was added to the title of the ruler (for example, Ivan IV the Terrible - Grand Duke of Moscow and All Russia or Mikhail Fedorovich - Sovereign, Tsar and Grand Duke of all Russia), then even before Peter I took the title of emperor, the following was engraved on the coins: "Tsar Peter Alekseevich, ruler of all Russia."

Further, thanks to the reforms of Peter I, Russia strengthens its army and becomes an Empire, at the head of which emperors often change after the death of Peter I. Under Catherine II Great Russia wages war with Turkey, the development of America begins, and entry into the territory of the Russian Empire itself is allowed foreign citizens and their residence in the country.

Russian republic

At the beginning of the 20th century, the first civil revolution took place (1905-1907), and then the second February Revolution 1917. After it, the Provisional Government decided that from now on Russian empire becomes Russian republic. In October of the same year, the country becomes Russian Soviet republic thanks to the efforts of Vladimir Lenin and the Bolshevik Party.

In 1922, the Russian, Ukrainian, Belorussian and Transcaucasian republics formed the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics headed by V. I. Lenin.

After his death in 1924, Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin, famous for his repressions and dictatorship, comes to power. Under him, industrialization begins, which led to the fact that industries National economy developed unevenly, therefore, many goods and products consumer goods were in short supply. In branch Agriculture collectivization was carried out, which led to famine in Ukraine, the Volga region and the North Caucasus.

In 1955, Nikita Sergeevich Khrushchev became secretary of the Central Committee. Stalin's personality cult is being debunked. Many regimes established under Stalin are weakening.

In 1985, Mikhail Sergeevich Gorbachev came to power, under whom perestroika began, and after that, the collapse of the Soviet Union.


The basis of perestroika was the political and economic reforms in the USSR, but in reality the situation in the country only worsened. Again there was a shortage of goods, a card system was introduced, which had been forgotten since 1947. The national republics were dissatisfied with centralized power, as a result of which ethnic conflicts. Each republic demanded recognition of the priority of its own laws over the general laws of the Soviet Union.

In August 1991, an attempt was made to stop the collapse of the country, but it failed, and on December 8, the heads of Belarus, Ukraine and the Russian Federal Republic signed an agreement on the creation of the CIS, which became the actual date of the collapse of the USSR.

Here Short story of our country, which will help shed light on the origin of its name and better understand the history of the state.

When did humanity first learn about Russia? Who was its founder? What is the date of foundation of Russia? The first mention of the state appeared in chronicles in the tenth century. The memoirs of the Byzantine king mainly tell about the ceremonies that took place in the state and how it was ruled.

Our compatriot chroniclers mentioned the word "Russia" in Cyrillic four centuries later, and in the title of one of the metropolitans, Kipran, it was indicated that he was "Metropolitan of Kiev and All Russia." The modern spelling with two letters “s” appeared in the middle of the 17th century, and was finally fixed during the reign of Peter I. Four centuries have passed since then, and Russia has become one of the most powerful states in the world. When did she declare herself as a power?

Date of foundation of Russia as a state

The country has come a thorny path to the present day and has reformed at least five times. But that she was single state with a huge territory, everyone knows. The first mention of Russia as a state occurred in the XIII century, when all the Slavs united under the banner of the Rurikovich, and it was named Kievan Rus in 862.

List of the most ancient cities

A list of the founding dates of Russian cities is presented to clearly show the oldest cities of the state. The most interesting thing is that neither Moscow nor Tula were included in this list, although they are also considered one of the most ancient cities in Russia. All data are presented as of 2014.

  • Ryazan. With a population of 533 thousand people, this city is known for its tourist spots, because it is one of the most ancient lands in Russia. A lot of architectural monuments attract tourists from all over the country and the world, making it possible to feel that time and that atmosphere.

As chronicler Cyril Murom mentioned?

City Murom first mentioned in the chronicle "The Tale of Bygone Years". Only with the help of her was it possible to find out the origin and name of this city. A long time ago, tribes of Finno-Ugric Slavs lived on the site of the city, who called themselves "muroms". In 988, this city came under the control of Prince Vladimir's son Gleb. Tourists are showing interest in the Spaso-Preobrazhensky Monastery, which is called one of the most ancient in the whole country.

In ancient chronicles for 1024 the name of the city is mentioned Suzdal, as well as the uprising of the Magi, which glorified this city. There are also earlier records that this settlement was created from the merger of several villages. Interesting fact in that on the territory of this city is great amount of various monuments, and only 10 thousand people live there, but every year more and more tourists arrive there.

Smolensk is our hero

Hero City Smolensk with a population of 330 thousand people, for the first time, like the city of Murom, it is mentioned in the Tale of Bygone Years in 946 as a settlement in which the Krivichi lived - a mixture of East Slavic tribes. According to the chronicle, Prince Oleg, who captured this city and, having made it his own, put his son Igor to rule there, who could not cope with his task due to his young age.

Velikiy Novgorod can rightfully be considered one of the most famous cities in Ancient Russia, as well as one of its centers from the beginning of the date of the founding of Russia. Until 882, it was its center, until the city of Kyiv, located on the territory of Ukraine, became one. Saint Sophia Cathedral- the oldest attraction in Veliky Novgorod along with the Novgorod Kremlin. All tourists traveling along the Golden Ring visit this city, because only there you can feel the very atmosphere ancient Russia. On the this moment 200 thousand people live there.

Staraya Ladoga used to stand on the border with all the warring states with the ancient Russians. It was destroyed and rebuilt countless times, and in one of the so-called restorations, it was made into a city, not a frontier fortress. This restructuring dates back to 753 and is notable for the fact that it was here that the first of the Ruriks lived. The population of Staraya Ladoga is only two thousand people.

Independent Russia

In 1990, when the first president, Boris Yeltsin, was elected, and the country itself gained independence and became Russian Federation, can rightly be considered the Day of Russia, and the date of the founding of the state - June 12. Having gone through a thorny path, the state turned out to be completely free and began to proudly bear the name - Russia. Since 1991, June 12 is a non-working day; currently, on this day, the president of the country issues state awards in the Kremlin. Throughout the territory of the state, it is customary to consider the date of the founding of Russia as City Day, which means that at the end of the day, festive fireworks rumble throughout the country and solemn events.

Political party ruling the country

The most famous Political Party - « United Russia”, the date of foundation of which is considered to be December 1, 2001. It is considered in the country as the “party of power”, which has been at the head of the country for many years. The leader of the party is Dmitry Medvedev, who holds office under the current president, Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin. In addition to this party, there are more than 15 political blocs in the country