Water cycle in soil. Water cycle in nature

In nature, also known as the hydrological cycle, describes the continuous movement of water on, above, and below the Earth's surface. Although the balance of water on Earth remains essentially the same over time, individual water molecules can move in and out of the atmosphere. Water moves, for example, from a river to the ocean or from the ocean to the atmosphere, through physical processes such as evaporation, condensation, precipitation, infiltration, runoff, and also through underground currents. In this case, water passes through different phases: liquid, solid (ice) and gaseous (steam).

The water cycle in nature involves heat exchange, which leads to temperature changes. For example, when water evaporates, it absorbs heat from its surroundings and cools it. When it condenses, it gives off heat and warms the environment. This heat exchange affects the climate. The water cycle in nature is also associated with geological processes on Earth (erosion and sedimentation). And finally, thanks to it, life is maintained on Earth.


The water cycle in nature begins to be described for children as early as primary school, so everyone knows that the sun, thanks to which it occurs, heats the water in the oceans and seas. The water evaporates and enters the air as steam. Ice and snow can sublimate directly into water vapor, bypassing the liquid phase. Water also evaporates from plants and soil.

The air lifts the vapor into the atmosphere, where low temperatures cause it to condense into clouds. Air currents transported around the world, clouds collide, grow, and water falls from the upper atmosphere to some of which can accumulate in the form of ice caps and glaciers, which retain frozen water for thousands of years. Most of the water returns to the oceans or land as rain, forming runoff. Part of the runoff ends up in rivers, and from there into the seas and oceans. Stormwater and groundwater are partially collected in freshwater lakes. However most of soaks into the ground and infiltrates: penetrates deep into the ground and replenishes aquifers, which are reservoirs. Such aquifers can be located close to the surface, and water can seep back - this is how springs are formed. However, over time, the water returns to the ocean where it all began.

The processes through which the water cycle occurs in nature:


Most precipitation falls as rain. Other types: snow, hail, fog, pellets and sleet. About 505,000 km³ of water falls in the form of precipitation per year.

Sediment interception

Precipitation that is intercepted by plant foliage ends up evaporating back into the atmosphere rather than falling to the ground.

Melt water

Runoff from melting snow.


The different ways in which water moves through the earth. This can be either surface runoff or underground. Water can seep into the ground, evaporate into the air, be stored in lakes and reservoirs, or be used for agricultural and other purposes.


Seepage of water from the surface into the ground.

Underground streams

The flow of water underground, in the vadose zone and aquifers. Groundwater may return to the surface or eventually seep into the ocean. Groundwater tends to move slowly and replenish slowly, so it can remain in aquifers for thousands of years.


The transformation of water from a liquid into a gaseous state, during which it moves from the surface of the earth or bodies of water into the atmosphere. The source of energy for evaporation is primarily solar radiation. Total evaporation - about 505,000 km³ of water per year.


Transition directly from the solid phase (snow or ice) to water vapor.


This is the transformation of water vapor directly into ice.


The movement of water - in solid, liquid or gaseous form - through the atmosphere.


The transformation of water vapor into liquid water droplets in the air, the formation of clouds and fog.


The release of water vapor from plants and soil into the air.


Flow of water horizontally through the soil and rocks under the influence of gravity.

The water cycle in nature occurs thanks to solar energy. 86% of global evaporation occurs from the ocean surface.

The water cycle in the biosphere is a biogeochemical cycle, because... runoff is responsible for almost all of the movement of eroded sediments and phosphorus from land to bodies of water.

Conditions of water.. 2

The water cycle in nature. 4

Conclusion. 7

References.. 8

Conditions of water

Water in nature can be found in three states: solid, liquid and gaseous. Water can change from one state to another - from solid to liquid (melt), from liquid to solid (freeze), from liquid to gaseous (evaporate), from gaseous to liquid, turning into droplets of water.

Figure 1. States of water: solid, liquid, gaseous.

There are two types of liquid water on the planet's surface: salty and fresh. Salt water is found in the seas and oceans, fresh water is found in rivers, lakes, streams, reservoirs, and swamps. Groundwater can be either fresh or salty. In this case, the latter are called mineral waters.

The area of ​​seas and oceans on Earth is many times greater than the area of ​​all rivers, lakes, swamps and reservoirs combined. Therefore, there is many times more salt water on our planet than fresh water.

Solid water can be found in the form of snow and ice. Ice on Earth is found in glaciers. Glaciers can be mountain or cover. Mountain glaciers are located on the highest mountain peaks, where due to low temperatures Throughout the year, the snow that falls does not have time to melt. The largest glaciers are located in the Caucasus, Himalaya, Tien Shan, and Pamir mountains.

Water gas is water vapor in the atmosphere that we see from the ground as clouds. Clouds form at different altitudes and therefore have different type and shape. Depending on this, clouds are divided into stratus, cirrus, cumulus, etc.

Water cycle in nature

The importance of the water cycle is great, since it not only unites parts of the hydrosphere, but also connects all the shells of the Earth with each other: the atmosphere, hydrosphere, lithosphere and biosphere. During the cycle, water can be in three states: liquid, solid, gaseous. It carries a huge amount of substances necessary for life on Earth.

Under the influence of sunlight, the world's oceans and land heat up. As a result, water changes from liquid to gaseous (steam) and rises. The ocean supplies 86% of the moisture in the atmosphere, and only 14% of vaporous moisture is formed by evaporation from land. The water that evaporates from the surface of the ocean is fresh. Thus, the ocean can be considered a colossal factory fresh water, without which it is impossible for life to exist on Earth. It is known that the temperature in the atmosphere decreases with altitude. Water vapor, encountering increasingly colder layers of air, begins to cool and form clouds. On land, water evaporation occurs not only from the surface of streams, rivers and lakes. Water vapor enters the atmosphere as a result of volcanic activity and is evaporated by the surface of plants.

Often, water that has evaporated from the ocean returns to it in the form of precipitation that falls from clouds located above the seas and oceans. Another part of the clouds is transported to the mainland by the wind. There, they can also precipitate in liquid or solid form. Part atmospheric precipitation ends up in rivers. They, meandering and flowing into each other, ultimately carry water into the seas of the World Ocean or into closed bodies of water such as the Caspian or Aral Seas, replenishing their losses due to evaporation. The other part of the water that falls to the ground in the form of precipitation seeps down from the surface of the land and from groundwater flows back into the World Ocean or rivers. This is a very important stage in the water cycle as it regulates river flow over time. If it were not there, there would be water in the rivers only during short periods of precipitation or melting snow. A third of the water that falls on the ground in the form of precipitation can penetrate the soil, and from there rise through the roots to the top of the plant and evaporate through the leaves. This stage of the cycle is very important for plants, since dissolved substances enter with water from the soil through the roots. minerals, necessary for plant life. Plants cannot eat dry food.

Not all water returns from land to the ocean at the same time. It lingers the longest (hundreds and thousands of years) in glaciers and deep underground waters.

Water returning from land can evaporate again and end up back on land. This is how its cycle occurs: ocean - atmosphere - land - ocean. This continuous process of moving water from the ocean to land through the atmosphere and from land to the ocean is called the global water cycle in nature.

Significant role in the water cycle in nature with recently started playing economic activity person. The creation of industry, the destruction of forests, the plowing of vast territories, the drainage and irrigation of lands, the creation of giant reservoirs and dams, the use of water for various economic needs - all this has significantly changed the hydrological processes on Earth. And although economic activity has had little effect on the total volume of the hydrosphere, it significantly affects its individual parts. The flow of some rivers has decreased, others have increased, and the intra-annual distribution of flow has changed. As a result of the withdrawal of water from land waters, evaporation has increased in many areas of the world, because it is for evaporation that a significant part of the water withdrawn by humans from sources goes to evaporation.

Part of the water that a person consumes and which is part of the products he produces falls out of the general circulation for a long time, which is why it is called “irretrievably withdrawn.” This term, of course, is quite conditional, since this water is not completely excluded, but its return may occur with a large delay in time and in a completely different area. Many industries use relatively little water irrevocably - no more than 10%. The rest of the water is discharged into water bodies as wastewater after use. They are contaminated and render unusable many times the volume clean water. It is the threat of pollution water resources is now the main danger, much greater than the threat of physical water shortage.


One of the remarkable discoveries of geochemistry is the discovery that the movement of many chemical elements carried out in the form of circular processes - cycles. It is these elements that make up the earth’s crust, the liquid and gas shells of our planet. Their circulations can occur in a limited space and over short periods of time, or they can cover the entire outer part of the planet and huge periods. At the same time, small cycles are included in larger ones, which together form colossal biogeochemical cycles. They are closely related to the environment.

In the biosphere, as in every ecosystem, there is a constant cycle of carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, phosphorus, sulfur and other chemical elements. Energy enters ecosystems during photosynthesis and is dissipated primarily as heat when organisms use it to function. Due to the continuous loss of energy, it is necessary that it equally continuously enters ecosystems in the form of energy sunlight. In contrast, water and nutrients undergo a continuous cycle.

The topic I have discussed is very relevant in the light of modern ecological situation. Water is the source of life on earth. But, as it turns out, it is not infinite. The fact is that pollution of the earth's water resources is currently global in nature.

It is very important to ensure “nature” the normal functioning of its basic metabolic cycles.


1.Zakharov E.I., Kachurin N.M., Panferova I.V. Fundamentals of general ecology: Textbook. allowance. - Tula: TulSTU, 2002.

2. Mirasov O.B. Physics is all around us. - M., 2006.

3. Nebel B. Science of environment: How the world works: In 2 volumes - M.: Mir, 2006.

4. Odum Yu. Ecology: In 2 vols. - M.: Mir, 2003.

5. Reimers N. F. Nature conservation and surrounding a person Wednesdays. – M., 2004.

6. Semenov V.P. Kashina O.M. Physical processes in nature. - M., 2006.

7.Stadnitsky G.V., Rodionov A.I. Ecology. - M.: Higher. school, 2006.

8. Fazilov N.R. Physics of nature. - M., 2000.

Nebel B. Environmental science: How the world works: In 2 volumes - M.: Mir, 2006.

Water cycle in nature

Water cycle in nature (hydrological cycle)- the process of cyclic movement of water in the earth's biosphere. Consists of evaporation, condensation and precipitation.

On earth, water exists in three states of aggregation: liquid, solid and gaseous. Without water, living organisms cannot exist. In any organism, water is the medium in which chemical reactions occur, without which living organisms cannot live. Water is the most valuable and essential substance for the life of living organisms.


The constant exchange of moisture between the hydrosphere, atmosphere and earth's surface, consisting of the processes of evaporation, movement of water vapor in the atmosphere, its condensation in the atmosphere, precipitation and runoff, is called the water cycle in nature. Precipitation partially evaporate, partially form temporary and permanent drains and reservoirs, partially seep into the ground and form groundwater.


There are several types of water cycles in nature:

  1. The Great, or Global, Cycle - water vapor formed above the surface of the oceans is carried by winds to the continents, falls there in the form of precipitation and returns to the ocean in the form of runoff. In this process, the quality of water changes: with evaporation, salty sea ​​water turns into fresh, and polluted water is cleaned.
  2. Small, or oceanic, cycle - water vapor formed above the surface of the ocean condenses and falls as precipitation back into the ocean.
  3. The intracontinental cycle - water that has evaporated over the land surface again falls on land in the form of precipitation.

In the end, the sediments in the process of movement again reach the World Ocean.


Transfer speed various types water varies widely, and the periods of consumption and periods of water renewal are also different. They vary from several hours to several tens of thousands of years. Atmospheric moisture, which is formed by the evaporation of water from the oceans, seas and land and exists in the form of clouds, is renewed on average every eight days.

The waters that make up living organisms are restored within a few hours. This is the most active form of water exchange. The period of renewal of water reserves in mountain glaciers is about 1,600 years, in the glaciers of polar countries it is much longer - about 9,700 years.

Complete renewal of the waters of the World Ocean occurs in approximately 2,700 years.

Over 10 million years, photosynthesis processes a mass of water equal to the entire hydrosphere.



Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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Water is one of the foundations for the emergence of organic life in the Universe. This is one of the important elements on our planet. Water plays an important role in human development, being the basis of his life. At school, during science lessons, we were told about the water cycle on the planet.

The diagram of this process is very simple (Fig. 1). Water evaporates from the surface of the oceans and land, the vapor molecules rise upward, where the water condenses in the form of clouds and falls as precipitation on the ground. In the mountains, the snow melts and streams are formed, which, merging together, create a river... Have you ever thought about how much snow must constantly melt in the mountains, but there the snow lies all year round and does not melt to maintain the flow of even one river?

Rice. 1. Diagram of the water cycle in nature

The above diagram gives a correct explanation of only some natural phenomena and is far from the real processes occurring with water on the planet. This diagram does not explain why clouds form in winter; at 30 degrees below zero, water cannot evaporate. We are told that the wind brings clouds to the middle of the continent from the seas and oceans, but in calm weather clouds also form over land. This scheme cannot explain the difference between total precipitation and the amount of water evaporated. An even bigger mystery is the amount of water carried by rivers.

Scientists have calculated the amount of water on the planet - 1,386,000 billion liters. However, such a huge figure only confuses, because the assessment of precipitation, steam in the atmosphere, and annual water flows is carried out in different units of measurement. Therefore, many cannot connect obvious things into a single whole. We will try to analyze the numbers in the usual units of liquid measurement - liters.

If we take into account the entire planet, then an average of approximately 1000 millimeters of precipitation falls per year. In meteorology, one millimeter of precipitation is equivalent to one liter of water per square meter.

The surface area of ​​the Earth is approximately 510,072,000 square kilometers. This means that approximately 510,072 billion liters of precipitation falls over the entire area. This is a third of all water reserves planets.

Based on the basics of the water cycle in nature, the same amount of water should evaporate as precipitation falls. However, evaporation from the surface of the oceans is, according to various sources, approximately 355 billion liters per year. Precipitation falls several orders of magnitude more than evaporates from the water surface. Paradox!

With such a cycle, the planet should have been flooded long ago. Another question arises: where does the excess water come from? Having studied reference materials, you can find the answer - water is contained in a huge number in the atmosphere. This is 12,700,000 billion kg of water vapor.

A liter of water, when evaporated, gives a kilogram of steam, that is, in vapor form, 12,700,000 billion liters are distributed in the atmosphere. It would seem that the missing link has been found, but again we have a contradiction. The presence of water in the atmosphere is approximately constant, and if water were to irrevocably spill onto the earth in such quantities from the atmosphere, then within a few years life on the planet would become impossible.

Calculating water flow in rivers also gives conflicting data. For example, according to Wikipedia with reference to official sources The volume of falling water at Niagara Falls alone is 5,700 cubic meters per second. In terms of liters, this will amount to 179,755 billion liters per year.

But let’s take a break from calculations to admire the beauty of Venezuela. As can be seen in (Fig. 2), the top of the mountain is a flat plateau with no snow or lakes to sufficiently support the waterfalls. Nevertheless, the rivers of the Amazon, Orinoco and Essequibo basins originate at the foot of this mountain.

And it is impossible to explain the presence of the source of the waterfalls on Mount Roraima according to the school diagram of the water cycle in nature.

Rice. 2. Photo of Kukenana Falls, Mount Roraima, Canaima Park, Venezuela, Brazil and Guyana.

From the history of science it is known that V.I. Vernadsky assumed the existence of gas exchange between the Earth and space. Vernadsky assumed that in the earth's crust the decay of some substances and the synthesis of other substances occurs. In 1911, he delivered a report “On the gas exchange of the earth’s crust” in St. Petersburg at the Second Mendeleev Congress. This is now considered a scientific fact.

Much later, Irish, Canadian and Chinese geophysicists modeled the conditions that are characteristic of the Earth's interior and showed that water arose as a result of its synthesis in the interior of the planet. The research materials were published in the journal Earth and Planetary Science Letters.

The dew we are accustomed to can only be found in the morning on the grass, but farmers are well aware that there is underground dew, as well as daytime dew that settles inside the arable land. So Ovsinsky I.E. in his book “The New System of Agriculture” talks about these phenomena. The synthesis of water in nature was confirmed by the cases of the “ice tsunami” (Fig. 3), captured on video in 2013 in the US state of Minnesota and in Canada. Snow was synthesized in the spring in May, and such cases are not isolated.

Rice. 3 Photo of the 2013 ice tsunami, Minnesota, USA. Source: www.wptv.com

Scientists have established the fact that during its movement in space, the Earth loses part of the atmospheric substance. However, the planet's atmosphere remains, which means that the lost matter is being restored. This is true for other substances that make up our planet.

Such facts of the synthesis of substances became the recovery of oil in depleted wells. It turned out that 150% of the previously estimated oil reserves were produced in long-discovered fields. And there were a lot of such places: the border of Georgia and Azerbaijan (two fields that have been producing oil for more than 100 years), the Carpathians, South America etc. Deposit " White Tiger“In Vietnam, it produces oil from the thickness of the fundamental rocks, where there should not be oil.

In Russia, the Romashkinskoye oil field, discovered more than 70 years ago, is one of the ten supergiant oil fields. international classification. It was considered 80% depleted, but every year its reserves are replenished by 1.5–2 million tons. According to new calculations, oil can be produced until 2200 and this is not the limit.

In the Old fields of Grozny, the first well was drilled at the end of the 19th century, and by the middle of the last century, 100 million tons of oil had been pumped out. Later, the deposit was considered depleted, and after 50 years, reserves began to recover.

Based on these facts, we can conclude that the synthesis of elements on the planet is not a miracle or an anomaly - it is a natural phenomenon. Water is synthesized under certain conditions and in certain areas of heterogeneity on our planet. The water cycle undoubtedly exists in nature, but it is a process of transformation of matter, which is associated with the process of the emergence of our planet Earth.

To understand why the synthesis of substances occurs on the planet, it is necessary to know how our planet was formed. We find the answer to these questions in the books of the Russian scientist.

Our universe is formed by seven primary matters that have specific properties and qualities. By merging with each other, primary matters form hybrid forms of matter. The substances of our planet are formed from them.

The fusion of primary matters is possible only under certain conditions. This condition is a change in the dimension of space.

Dimension is the quantization (division) of space in accordance with the properties and qualities of primary matters. A change in dimensionality sufficient for the formation of hybrid forms (matter) occurs during the explosion of a supernova. At the same time, concentric waves of disturbance of the dimensionality of space propagate from the epicenter of the explosion, which create zones of spatial heterogeneity in which planets are formed. More about education planetary systems can be read in.

When primary matter enters these zones, they begin to merge and form hybrid forms of matter, including physically dense matter. This process will continue until the entire heterogeneity zone is filled. As a result of the process of synthesis of matter, the dimensionality in the inhomogeneity zone is gradually restored to the level that was before the supernova explosion.

As a result of the process of synthesis of physically dense matter and other hybrid forms from primary matters, six material spheres are formed in the zone of heterogeneity of dimensionality, which are nested within each other. These spheres are created from hybrid forms of primary matters and differ in the number of primary matters included in each of these six spheres. This is exactly the structure our planet Earth has (Fig. 4.)

Physically dense sphere ( 1 ) of the Earth, consists of 7 primary matters, the substance of this sphere has four states of aggregation - solid, liquid, gaseous and plasma. Different states of aggregation arise as a result of fluctuations in dimensionality by a small amount.

Rice. 4. Planet Earth in the zone of heterogeneity of space. (Source: Levashov N.V. Essence and Reason. Volume 1. 1999. Gava 1. Qualitative structure of planet Earth. Fig. 6.)

Each substance has its own level of dimensionality, in which this substance sustainable and is distributed according to the difference in dimensionality from the center of formation of the planet. Heavy elements have a maximum, and light elements have a minimum dimensionality within the heterogeneity zone.

Water is formed by the synthesis of light elements - oxygen and hydrogen and is a liquid crystal. The atmosphere is 20% oxygen. Hydrogen is the lightest among gases, but its amount in the atmosphere is insignificant - 0.000055%. Nevertheless, it rains on our planet - water molecules change from a gaseous state (steam in the atmosphere) to liquid (Fig. 5).

If fluctuations in dimensionality occur at the level of the boundary between solid matter and the atmosphere, dew falls; if at the level of cloudiness, the drop formation process becomes chain-like in nature, and it rains. The atmosphere loses its substance. The heterogeneity of space remains uncompensated. After the completion of the formation of the planet, the forms of matter that created it continue their movement through our planetary heterogeneity without merging with each other. But when appropriate conditions arise, the primary matters again form matter. Water is restored in the form of steam in the atmosphere.

Many scientists are inclined to the theory that hydrogen and other gases come from the bowels of the Earth. This was suggested back in 1902 by E. Suess. He believed that water is associated with magma chambers, from where it is released into the upper parts of the earth's crust as part of gaseous products.

Conditions sufficient for the synthesis of complex molecules arise in the bowels of the planet, since primary matter, passing through planetary heterogeneity, carries with it light elements, the synthesis of which is possible within the entire heterogeneity. Magma actually contains water in the form of steam, and magma also contains almost all the elements of the periodic table.

In an effort to occupy their level of dimensionality, hydrogen and oxygen molecules enter zones of heterogeneity where water synthesis is possible. Steam, rising from the depths, reaches the boundaries of the solid surface, where, due to minor changes in dimensionality, water molecules pass from a gaseous state to a liquid state. This is how rivers are formed.

The boundaries of the stability ranges of matter are the levels of separation between the atmosphere, oceans and the solid surface of the planet. The stability boundary of the planet's crystalline structure follows the shape of the heterogeneity, so the surface of the solid crust has depressions and protrusions.

Rice. 5. Distribution of substances on the planet.

Most of the Earth is covered with water. She happens to be the most important element for all living organisms and plays a fundamental role in their life.

Water fills seas, rivers and oceans, is found in clouds or clouds, and when condensed, is removed from the atmosphere in the form of snow, rain or dew. It is in constant motion and is capable of changing its state from solid to liquid or gaseous.

This process is called the water cycle in nature and is considered the key to the existence of life on our planet.

What is the water cycle?

The water cycle in nature is the cyclical movement of liquid within the Earth's biosphere. Its essence is the evaporation of water from earth's surface and transfer air masses to other parts of the planet, followed by condensation and return back to earth.

The total amount of water on the globe always remains unchanged, but it continuously circulates and thereby ensures a constant exchange of moisture between the earth's surface and the atmosphere.

For the first time, Chinese residents paid attention to such a process. Subsequently, the connection between rainfall and wastewater in reservoirs they were noticed in India, and about five centuries ago they learned about water exchange in Europe.

The earliest ideas about the cycle were expressed by Leonardo da Vinci, but the full-fledged doctrine of these processes belongs to the French scientist Pierre Perrault, who developed the concept of the hydrological cycle in the 17th century.

How does the water cycle occur?

The engine of water exchange is the Sun. It heats the water in the seas and oceans, as a result of which it evaporates, turns into steam and rises into the air. Similar processes occur on the ground - under the influence of elevated temperatures, water on the soil surface is converted into steam particles or evaporates from plants through their external organs.

Once in the air, the vapor is carried by the wind until it reaches an area of ​​low temperature. Here it turns into drops of water or pieces of ice and continues to move in the clouds, and then falls onto land and into the seas in the form of precipitation.

When falling, a significant part of the liquid is intercepted by plants, the rest ends up on the ground or in water bodies. Subsequently, it heats up again, evaporates and rises into the atmosphere, that is, the cycle is cyclical and occurs continuously.

What types of cycles are there in nature?

Depending on the changes occurring in water, several types of water exchange are distinguished. Great Gyre involves the evaporation of steam from the surface of the ocean, its transfer to continents and precipitation on land. During such processes, liquid returns to the oceans in the form of waste.

As it moves, it completely changes its characteristics, that is salty water becomes fresh, and dirty becomes clean. The Little Gyre is a phenomenon in which water evaporates from the oceans, condenses, and is released back into the oceans.

During the intracontinental circulation, the same processes occur on land, that is, the water that rose from the earth’s surface falls again on land.

How often does the water cycle occur?

The cyclical cycle and complete renewal of water in different regions of the Earth has different speeds. It is believed that the oceans are renewed on average once every 3.2 thousand years, and glaciers - every 5-10 years. The cycle on the soil surface occurs in just 1–2 months, in fresh water bodies – in 15–17 years, in rivers – in 17–19 days.

Water exchange occurs most quickly in the atmosphere - it takes only 10 days for water to be completely renewed in the air. According to scientists, for plants to be able to completely process the entire mass of water present, they will need 11 million years.

What is affected by the water cycle in nature?

The importance of the cycle for our planet is difficult to overestimate. It unites all the earth's shells and has a direct impact on climate formation.

Due to the movement of water, to the globe transferred a large number of useful substances necessary to maintain the life of all creatures. In addition, due to the circulation, liquid reaches almost all corners of the planet, and the waters of the World Ocean are well cleaned of pollution.