Mk from polymer clay for beginners. Modeling from polymer clay: master class for beginners

Oh, this polymer clay that excites the minds of needlewomen, forcing them to sculpt jewelry, costume jewelry, accessories and trinkets! Why is he so attractive? It's all very simple: working with polymer clay at home is extremely easy.

To do this, it is enough to have a smooth board for modeling (tile or glass will do), an oven to bake the resulting masterpieces, and, of course, some supply of polymer clay for experiments.

So, watch and enjoy the video master classes on making jewelry from polymer clay.

Do you doubt that something worthwhile can come out of this children's fun? Then welcome to the master classes of experienced needlewomen.

1. Butterfly brooch made of self-hardening polymer clay

Many craftsmen are in love with self-hardening clay, but working with it requires certain skills and speed, since the product can harden ahead of time. If you're ready to give it a try, start with a butterfly-shaped brooch, which looks incredibly realistic. (MK)

2. Unusually shaped ring from Bettina Welker

Plastic (another name for polymer clay) can take any shape, according to the wishes and imagination of the master. Maybe that’s why needlewomen love to experiment so much and give their products unusual look. (original idea)

3. Pumpkin-shaped earrings

When handled skillfully, polymer clay produces very realistic products. Like, for example, miniature pumpkin earrings. (Master Class)

4. Beads with gold leaf made of polymer clay

Plastic favors combinations with other materials. Combination with gold leaf gives the appearance of gold-plated or aged objects. ()

5. How to make a drawing on polymer clay

Beginning authors may wonder how intricate patterns on plastic jewelry are created. The answer to them is given in one of the master classes.

6. Flower earrings

Polymer clay is a material that allows you to sculpt very realistic flowers, which can later form the basis of any decoration. (original master class)

7. Snake ring

To make the product more durable, wire is often placed in its base. A master class on making a ring in the shape of a snake explains how to do this. (MK)

8. Brooch “Czech courtyard” made of polymer clay

The urban theme is completely embodied in polymer material. This brooch, inspired by the Czech Republic, is made from polymer clay and painted with acrylic paint. (idea)

9. Mosaic technique lesson

The mosaic technique is quite simple, but with its help you can get a huge variety of shades. (MK)

10. Cake earrings

Sometimes masters of sculpting from polymer materials resort to interesting techniques. To obtain a porous surface in this master class, for example, ordinary table salt was used. ()

11. Ring with distressed leather effect

Knowledge of some special effects allows you to expand the scope of conventional modeling. This master class describes in detail how to achieve the effect of worn leather. (idea)

12. Jewelry made of polymer clay - Brooch "Golden Autumn"

The prints look great on the clay surface. Some use beautiful buttons for this process, some use fabric with an unusual structure... In this master class, the author suggests making an impression of leaves on polymer clay. (Master Class)

13. Knitted plastic bracelet

Taking a casual glance at this bracelet, it may seem that it is knitted from wool thread. But the trick is that this is polymer clay, skillfully repeating the weaving. (idea)

14. Corsage decoration in the form of a flower

Video on making jewelry from polymer clay:

15. Necklace "Poppies" made of clay

A necklace made of polymer clay is not only beautiful blanks, it is also the art of combining them in such a way that they look harmonious. (idea)

16. Ring-bouquet

It takes some skill to sculpt small flowers for jewelry. You can combine them with beads and metal fittings. (

Useful tips

Polymer clay - a relatively new and very popular material that is very malleable and allows you to make unique products. We have already talked about what interesting flowers are made from polymer clay, and today I would like to talk about another very popular product: jewelry.

DIY polymer clay decorations. Sausages made of polymer clay

Sausages made of polymer clay- these are blanks for future jewelry, including beads, from which thin pieces are cut plates-drawings. "Sausages" also called "canes" or "kanes"(English) cane).

We offer you a master class on how to make a very beautiful black and white sausage, which can be used to create stylish and very original jewelry.

What you will need:

- White and black polymer clay

- Knife or metal plate with blade

- Ruler

- Extrusion press

Let's get started:

Take two identical pieces of white and black clay and roll them into two squares 8 by 8 centimeters thickness approximately 0.5 centimeters.

Place one layer on top of the other and then divide them into two equal parts. Do this procedure again. You should end up with something like this striped "sandwich".

Squeeze the resulting rectangle so that you get elongated round sausage.

Then twist the sausage with your palm to get spiral. Simply press the sausage onto the table with your palm and roll it in one direction. Do this very carefully so as not to damage the drawing.

If you cut the resulting product in half, there should be here's a drawing:

Place the sausage inside clay extrusion press and squeeze out a thin long sausage.

In cross section it will look like this:

Thinly slice the sausage drawing up a drawing:

As a result, you can use the drawing for a variety of original decorations:

The simplest sausages made from polymer clay master class (video lesson):

Polymer clay beads

Multi-colored beads, which can be used to make a wide variety of jewelry, can be made from multi-colored polymer clay. If you don’t know the specifics of their manufacture, it seems as if the design was applied to these products using paint, but only multi-colored clay was used.

See for yourself.

What you will need:

- Self-hardening polymer clay of 5 colors (in this case white, gray, green, brown and yellow, but any others are possible)

- Knife or metal ruler with blade

- Rolling pin and board for clay

- Rubber gloves to avoid leaving fingerprints

Let's get started:

In order to get a design in the form of a daisy, first you need to “make it up” from clay of different colors. Take white clay and roll it into a sausage about 8 centimeters and diameter 4 centimeters.

Roll out a plate of gray clay about 2 millimeters.

Wrap the gray platinum about halfway around the white cylinder, cut off the excess knife or ruler.

Take green clay, roll it into a plate and also wrap the first piece on top of the gray layer. Trim the resulting sausage, remove excess from the sides.

Using a ruler, make cuts on the white part of the piece as shown in the picture. First in the middle, then two more cuts on the sides, so that between them there is approximately same distance.

Then insert the cut out rectangular pieces of the gray plate into the cuts.

Squeeze the resulting sausage, but not too hard, so that all the parts stick together and between them the air layer has disappeared. With your hands you can form the shape of the future petal. The photo shows a petal in the form truncated triangle. The entire sausage reached a length of approximately 30 centimeters.

The length of the sausage depends on how many petals you wish to receive. For example, for this flower the author of the master class is going to make 9 petals, so the length is 32 centimeters, that is 3.5 centimeters for one petal. Divide the sausage into 9 parts.

Let's start making the center of the chamomile. Take yellow clay and roll it out into a sausage length 5 centimeters and diameter 2 centimeters.

From brown clay, roll out a plate with a width of approximately 6 millimeters and completely wrap it around the yellow sausage.

You should get something like this chamomile:

Fill in the empty spaces between the petals pieces of green clay:

Wrap the chamomile completely in the rolled out green plate.

Squeeze chamomile sausage so as to release all the air between the parts.

Then you can start slicing. If you have some of the chamomile sausage left over, save it for future products. wrapped in film without air access. Cover the clay ball with daisies cut from the sausage, then smooth it out.

You can make several options beads:

Polymer clay decoration master class. Beads (video lesson):

Hairpins made of polymer clay

Very simple hairpins can be made using invisible and polymer clay. Here's one option:

What you will need:

- Polymer clay of the desired color

- Invisibility pin

- Glue

Let's get to work

Roll from a piece of clay small ball, and then crush it into a round disc with your fingers.

Pinch the edges to get petal. Make as many petals as you wish.

Connect all the petals together. If you have fire clay, bake the flower to harden the clay. Then you can stick it on a bobby pin with using a piece of thick fabric.

With this simple technique you can make a variety of bobby pins:

By the way, hairpins can be made using ready-made flowers and base accessories. You can take advantage of the master classes from the article Flowers made of polymer clay.

Here are some examples:

Polymer clay earrings

Very simple earrings can be made from clay, foil and wire. They are ideal for winter outfits.

What you will need:

- Self-hardening polymer clay (white and pearlescent)

- Knife

- Accessories for earrings (wire, rings, hooks)

- Foil

- Molds

- Sequins

- Needle nose pliers

Let's get to work

Roll out the clay to the desired thickness (approx. 3 millimeters). Divide the white piece into three parts. The fourth will be pearlescent color. From them you will cut mugs for details. Place foil on one sheet.

Using round molds with a diameter of approx. 5 millimeters cut circles from each sheet.

Cut the wire into lengths of approximately 7 centimeters. Place each circle on a wire. Do this very carefully so as not to make a hole in the circle in an unnecessary place.

Wrap the shiny circle again foil.

Roll some of the white circles in glitter.

Make as many details as you wish. The author of this master class used 13 parts for each earring. Allow the clay to dry and harden.

Wire tip on each piece bend it into a loop using needle nose pliers.

Shorten some parts wire.

Connect the parts in pairs different colors and different lengths(one part remains without a pair).

Connect the parts of one earring using wire ring.

Attach accessories for earrings.

Original earrings made of polymer clay (video tutorial):

Polymer clay pendant

What you will need:

- Self-hardening polymer clay (black)

- 2 sheets of aluminum foil (gold and silver)

- Drop shape

- Cutting blade for working with clay

- Shiloh

- Pasta machine or rolling pin with a board for rolling out a thin layer

Let's get to work

Roll the foil into tight ball. This will be the central element of our pendant. This core will allow the product not to be too heavy. You can make the center out of clay, but if you wear such a pendant for a long time, it will remain on your neck. imprint from the chain.

Roll out using a pasta machine or by hand thin layer of clay and cut out an even circle. Wrap it around a ball of foil. Remove excess clay.

Once the ball is ready, pierce it pin for jewelry through.

Roll out a sheet of black clay to a thickness of approximately 3 millimeters, cover it with a very thin layer gold foil and squeeze out drop parts using a mold.

Then start attaching the drops one by one to round base future big shot. Don't worry if the thin layer of gold cracks, it will give a special stylish look to your product.

Cover with drops all over bump until the very end.

If you are using baked clay, bake the product at recommended temperature. Once it has cooled, attach the chain.

Modeling from polymer clay. Pendant (video lesson):

Polymer clay beads

We invite you to get acquainted with unusual technology creating jewelry using polymer clay, balls and wire using the following example of creating beads. You can make entire sets in the same way: beads, earrings, bracelets, pendants.

What you will need:

- Self-hardening translucent polymer clay (several shades)

- Small rubber balls

- Thin wire

- Scissors

- Accessories for jewelry (pin with loop, chain)

- Pasta machine or rolling pin with a board for rolling out a thin layer

- Pin

Let's get to work

1. Inflate rubber balloons desired size. You can make balls of different sizes, as shown in this master class, or the same ones. The number of balls will determine the size of the product.

2. Twist several segments wire as shown in the photo to make a loop.

3. Place a loop on the ball where it is tied knot.

4. Wrap the ball with wire to make it net.

5. You should end up with a covered ball wire mesh.

6. 7. Remove excess wire ends using scissors.

8. Roll out very thin sheet made of translucent polymer clay.

9. Completely wrap the clay sheet around the ball. wire mesh.

10. 11. Pop the ball inside with a pin and pull it out out through a small hole.

12. Press the clay inward to make a little dented sphere. Do this very carefully so as not to damage the thin layer of clay.

Let the clay harden thoroughly, and then use special paints to apply desired drawing.

Polymer clay video. Beads

Polymer clay bracelet

This original bracelet is made using an old glass dish with floral relief pattern. Perhaps there is something similar in your kitchen.

What you will need:

- Baked polymer clay (desired color)

- Metal forms for bracelet

- Glass saucer with relief

- Nail polish of different colors

- Satin wide ribbon

- Scissors

- Pasta machine or rolling pin with a board for rolling out a thin layer

- Glue

Let's get to work

1. Roll out the clay into a long strip approximately 0.5 centimeters. Use a saucer to draw a design. You can use any molds that you have in stock.

2. Using scissors or a clay blade, cut out an even rectangular strip width, which is slightly larger than the width of the metal bracelet mold.

3. Wrap clay around a metal mold.

4. Fold edges of clay inward. Then bake the product until the clay completely hardens.

5. If desired, you can paint the product nail polish. To hide the metal shape inside, you can glue satin ribbon.

DIY polymer clay. Bracelet (video tutorial)

Polymer clay ring

We offer you a master class on making very simple but original polymer clay rings in the shape of a bow.

What you will need:

- Polymer clay (desired color)

- Blade

- Pasta machine or rolling pin with a board for rolling out a thin layer

- Sequins

Let's get to work

Knead the clay in your hands so that it becomes more pliable, and roll out a plate with a thickness of approximately 0.5 centimeters.

Use a blade or knife to cut details for the bow: two rectangles (one wider, the other narrower). Fold the edges of the longer one inward, and wrap the other rectangle around the first piece.

You should end up with something like this bow:

Make it out of clay ring, then attach a bow to it. In order for the ring to fit you, you need to wrap it first around own finger and adjust to the desired size. Don't worry if there are fingerprints or imperfections on the ring. By using sequin this problem will be masked.

Cover the ring glitter and let it harden.

Polymer clay for beginners. Ring (video lesson):

Polymer clay rings photo

Almost 90 years ago, an excellent material for sculpting was created in Germany. Initially, they planned to make doll heads from it, but the sculptural mass made it possible to convey fine details of faces, amazingly imitated various surface textures, and became strong after processing.

The doll's faces did not fade and remained cute for a long time. This is how a wonderful plastic mass appeared, which was so loved by craftswomen and needlewomen.

What is polymer clay?

A modeling mass with a specific smell that looks like plasticine. Contains plasticizers that impart plasticity to the workpieces and facilitate the creation of the required initial shape.

During heating, these chemical additives evaporate. The polymerization of products made from such clay is irreversible; the mass hardens so much that it does not change its shape in the future.

What is polymer clay used for?

The ease of working with such clay and the availability of technologies for its processing are used by masters of decorative and applied arts and designers of small forms. Selling beautiful clay products self made became a source of income.

Polymer clay is used to make:

  • women's jewelry, costume jewelry;
  • souvenirs
  • small-sized interior items;
  • Christmas tree toys;
  • designer dolls.

Not only a professional designer or sculptor can make beautiful products; this article will help you turn your favorite mug into a unique and unique art object. Just watch a master class on modeling with clay with your own hands and make a decoration in the form of an applique on the wall of a mug.

Types of Clay

There are various plasticizers in the composition of polymer modeling masses, but they all require heating for polymerization. Sometimes polymer clay is called plastic self-hardening masses that do not require heating to fix the shape.

Polymer clay is sold in packaging of various weights and color scheme. Manufacturers produce these ornamental masses with different properties: colored, transparent, shiny, matte and other effects. All these properties are marked on the clay packaging, as well as the shelf life.

Important: If the clay's shelf life is coming to an end, refuse such a purchase. The mass may crumble during preparatory kneading, and nothing can be made from it.


Modeling tools are sold in art and craft stores, located on the shelves next to the polymer clay. Beginners don’t necessarily have to buy anything at once; they can make do with improvised means.

Before you start creating your own masterpiece, you need to prepare. For full work you will need:

  • work surface, you can take ceramic tiles or glass;
  • PVA glue, which is useful for gluing parts;
  • sharp knives, or office cutters;
  • sanding sheets for processing uneven surfaces;
  • a piece of suede for polishing;
  • toothpicks to help create effects;
  • rolling pin for rolling the mass into a flat sheet, it is better to take a glass bottle.

Cutting molds can be replaced with plugs from plastic bottles, these will be the easiest figurine templates for beginners.

Methods of sculpting and textured surfaces

Before you start sculpting, you need to knead the mass in your hands and warm it slightly, similar to plasticine. Single-color works only require checking the homogeneity of the mass when creating product parts, for example, when making designer dolls.

In multi-color works, such as in the manufacture of beads or small souvenirs, they use different techniques. For beginners, we can recommend techniques that will show you how to learn to sculpt with polymer clay:

  • smooth transition, the simplest and most common technique, when two bars are taken and kneaded at the same time, after which the necessary parts are formed;
  • sape, in which layers of different colors are placed on top of each other, then carefully rolled into a roll, the parts are cut crosswise.

Other techniques, such as filigree, kaleiloscope, salt, can be mastered later.


Securing the shape of parts

Polymerization requires compliance with the clay manufacturer's conditions. It is important to follow the instructions and not violate the baking temperature indicated on the package. Products that are underheated will not retain their shape; products that are overheated will lose color and become dark.

Flat parts are baked on a ceramic tile in the oven. Small details such as beads are pricked with toothpicks onto a ball of foil. Baked parts should cool gradually, under natural conditions.

Connecting parts

Sometimes, with complex techniques for making products, the parts are glued together immediately after firing. To do this, use PVA glue; it must be applied pointwise, so the parts fit together more accurately.

Finishing surface treatment

Before coating the polymerized product with a special varnish, the surface is cleaned of irregularities with sandpaper and, if necessary, polished with suede.

Varnishing gives the final look to hand-made masterpieces, as can be seen in the photo of polymer clay stucco. Matte and glossy varnishes are chosen according to the design of the craft. Manufacturers of polymer clay also make their own varnishes that are most suitable in terms of chemical composition.


The varnish is applied in layers in two ways:

  • Using a brush, covering the product in the usual way.
  • Dipping the entire product into varnish at once. To do this, you need to secure it, for example, on a toothpick, dip it in the solution and turn it in it. Then take it out, stick a toothpick into the foam, let the excess varnish drip off.

Ideas and instructions for modeling with clay will bring the joy of creativity, only if you follow safety rules. It should be remembered that in normal conditions polymer clay is non-toxic. But the polymerization process is accompanied by the release of harmful volatile compounds due to heating.

Important: When firing products, ensure that the room in which the polymer clay is baked is ventilated.

Photo of modeling from polymer clay



Most polymer clays harden at high temperature, so they should be baked to remove the plasticizer from the material. Some polymers harden in air. You can work with polymer clay using various techniques, creating the effect of glass, ivory, clay, plastic and many other materials.

Before sculpting the product, thoroughly knead a piece of clay desired color to give it plasticity. If you have never sculpted clay products, start practicing by sculpting simple round ones. Roll out a piece of plastic, cut the sheet into squares, and roll each square into a small ball.

Before baking, the beads need to be placed on toothpicks to keep the hole in them. You can sculpt beads from either one-color plastic or mix two or three colors to get beautiful patterns.

Having mastered bead modeling, try making a product using the kaning technique, using any -class found on the Internet. The essence of the method is that plastic of the desired colors is rolled into thin sausages, and a pattern is laid out from the sausages, which should appear on the cut of the finished product. The finished part, assembled from several sausages, is compressed and stretched, and then cut into pieces of the same size, which can be used for any purpose.

You can also make beautiful textures on pieces of plastic using prints, if you have suitable stamps. Thin and long products, in particular dolls, need to be sculpted on a wire frame.

When your product is ready, proceed to the crucial stage - baking the figurine. Make sure that the oven temperature clearly matches the baking temperature indicated in the instructions for your polymer clay.

Bake the product, maintaining the correct temperature regime, and then cool it completely. When the product has completely cooled down, you can work with it further - process it with sandpaper or a file, paint, polish, varnish, and so on. It is best to paint the product with acrylic paints.

Related article

After the fashion for products made from macrame and beads, crafts made from plastic or polymer clay became popular. Jewelry made from it looks original and fashionable, and is also quite durable.

You will need

  • - polymer clay;
  • - baking dish;
  • - wax paper or a piece of plexiglass;
  • - tools for work;
  • - container for preparing the product;
  • - varnish;
  • - oven or stove.


First you need to purchase clay. It comes in different brands, varieties, colors and differs in consistency. Each plastic manufacturer produces several types of clay. It can be standard, soft, flexible, doll-like and with different effects: fluorescent, mother-of-pearl, metallic, translucent, imitating natural stones etc.

Beginners are usually recommended to use polymer clay from the German brand Fimo, which is the most popular. Also in demand are the brands Sculpey (USA), Cernit (Belgium), Kato Polyclay (USA), Premo (USA), Sonnet (Russia), “Tsvetik” (Russia), etc.
Each type of clay differs from others in softness and strength after the baking process.

You should choose clay depending on what kind of product you want to create from it. On the packaging you can read about the purpose of each of them. For example, ultraviolet clay is different in that it glows under UV rays. Jewelry made from it will appeal to nightclub lovers.

Before you start making a plastic product, prepare workplace. Cut the clay of the desired color or several colors into pieces. Then mold them into a product: a pendant, earrings, magnet, ring, flower, doll, figurine, etc. If desired, you can mix several colors of plastic. Don't be afraid to use your imagination and let your imagination run wild. If you don't feel confident in your abilities, start by sculpting the most simple product, where no special skills are required. For example, it could be multi-colored beads or decoration for a keychain.

Elizaveta Rumyantseva

Nothing is impossible for diligence and art.


IN Lately Handmade products are in great demand. Modeling from polymer clay and cold porcelain is very popular; any novice needlewoman can make such crafts with the help of master classes and even without tools. In order for the finished product to be of high quality, it is necessary to follow a certain technique and sequence of actions.

What is polymer clay

This substance was created artificially German woman Fifi Rebinder for creating heads for handmade dolls. Polymer clay for modeling has a specific herbal smell and contains plasticizers, which give it plasticity. When baked, they are absorbed, the mass hardens and can no longer change its shape. Polymer clay (or plastic) comes in two types: self-hardening and thermoplastic.

The latter requires heat treatment, but you can sculpt anything from it - from small details to figures large sizes. The self-hardening material dries naturally in the sun, which will take at least a day. If you have not heard about the properties of clay before, then know that after drying, the finished product decreases slightly in size, the surface is uneven, but it can be drilled and processed with a file. This type of material is more suitable for sculpting dolls and other large crafts. The mixture should be stored in closed packaging.

What can you make from polymer clay?

Modeling from polymer clay opens up great scope for imagination. You can do anything from graceful jewelry to handmade dolls and figurines. Thanks to unique properties plastic, working with it is easy and simple. Some types of thermoplastics can imitate the properties of different natural materials: stone, wood, metal, fabric. For those new to sculpting, it’s best to start with simple techniques, techniques, gradually moving on to more complex ones.


Decorations, costume jewelry, key chains, pendants, souvenirs, and refrigerator magnets are often made from plastic clay. Plastic is non-toxic, so it can be used in games with children. It’s easy to teach a child how to make vegetables, fruits, and simple flowers. More experienced needlewomen sculpt complex items from polymer clay, such as doll heads, arms and legs. The properties of the mass allow you to make crafts as similar and realistic as possible.

Ideas for modeling with polymer clay

Inspiration for creating masterpieces from polymer clay can be found in different sources. There are special printed publications on sale that teach such modeling. There you can find a lot useful information, step by step instructions and many craft options. Modern needlewomen find ideas for modeling on the Internet, where there are photo/video instructions with detailed description actions.

How to sculpt from polymer clay

To create with polymer clay, you don’t need any special skills, because the mass is similar to plasticine. In your hands it becomes soft and pliable, ready to create any crafts. To make the product beautiful and durable, choose for creativity quality material. There are many types of polymer clay: Sculpey, Cernit, Viva Pardo, Deco (Japanese), Kato Policlay, Sonnet, Pro, Flower (sold in sets) and others. Most jewelry is created from Decoclay and Fimo clay.


Polymer clay tools can be purchased at any arts and crafts store. Some items can be replaced with improvised materials, but some special tools cannot be done without. Before starting work, you need to prepare for the process. You will need:

  1. Large work surface made of glass or plastic.
  2. PVA glue. It is useful for connecting thermoplastic parts together.
  3. Sharp knives, maybe stationery.
  4. Sandpaper to remove roughness.
  5. A piece of suede fabric that adds shine to the finished product.
  6. Toothpicks, rolling pin for rolling.
  7. Cutters are special molds for cutting out figures.
  8. Extruder, rolling pin.

Modeling techniques

There are several popular techniques that are used in creating crafts from different types plastics:

  1. Smooth transition. The method is to mix two different colors.
  2. Sausage (sape, cane, millefiori). Several layers of different polymer clay are combined, and then the mass is rolled into a roll.
  3. "Kaleidoscope". Multi-layered, using the kaleidoscope technique, the pattern is symmetrical and multi-colored.
  4. Watercolor. A technique for smooth color transitions when sculpting.
  5. Filigree. Complex, requires professional skills and patience.
  6. Salt technology. Salt is used in sculpting to add texture to the creation.
  7. Mika-shift. Creates a 3D effect.
  8. Mokume Gane. It consists of layering several layers of plastic clay of different colors.

Some parts need to be glued together after firing to avoid damage during baking. Use liquid or gel glue for this purpose; it is better if it is fast-acting and will set in 15-20 seconds. This way you will have the opportunity to adjust the details as much as possible better friend to friend. Do not apply glue in strips to avoid smudges, do it in the form of separate droplets.


This process requires certain conditions to be met. The most important thing is to adhere to the baking temperature indicated on the packaging by the manufacturer. If you violate this indicator, the product may not bake or change color. It is better to bake the mixture in the oven on a ceramic tile or a regular baking sheet covered with parchment paper. Small parts need to be pinned onto a toothpick and placed on a ball of foil, so they are baked better. Flat parts are laid on a flat surface.

Complex crafts can be baked in several stages, for example, if they are made using the filigree technique. Each stage lasts a certain amount of time (from 1 to 15 minutes), and the total duration of the process can take up to half an hour. It is also necessary to remember that in its raw form the material is not toxic, but when heat treated it emits an unpleasant, harmful odor. Follow safety precautions: ensure the room is ventilated, remove food from the kitchen, and wash the oven after firing.


Finished products are coated with a special varnish, which gives them a finished look. There are matte and glossy varnishes; you need to choose them based on the desired effect of your craft. Many plastic manufacturers also make varnishes, so you can purchase products from the same brand. It has a composition that will not fade over time and will not begin to stick to your hands. Some needlewomen varnish their creations with water-based varnishes for wooden floors. The main thing is that they do not contain latex, which is incompatible with thermoplastics.

You can apply the varnish with a brush, but it is better to “put” the product on a toothpick and dip the whole product into the liquid, twisting it around its axis. This way the substance will be distributed evenly and the excess amount will drain off. Next, the toothpick with the craft is inserted into a piece of foam plastic (or other material) and left to dry. If after a while a drop of varnish forms at the bottom, it must be carefully removed. It is necessary to cover the crafts in several layers, drying each of them for a certain amount of time (indicated on the packaging), sometimes this time is several hours.

Safety precautions

Working with any material, even food, has its own safety rules. If you decide to sculpt from plastic, take the following precautions:

  1. After sculpting, be sure to wash your hands with soap, or better yet, wear rubber gloves.
  2. Do not burn the mass in the oven where you cook. If there is no other, and you are forced to do this, wash the oven thoroughly and ventilate well.
  3. Observe the baking temperature, and if the material is burnt, be sure to ventilate the room and wash the oven.

Having prepared everything necessary materials, tools, you can start creating different masterpieces. Watch a few simple modeling lessons and start with the basics, moving on to complex crafts as you gain specific skills. Over time it exciting hobby can grow into a small business that brings in a good regular income.


Polymer clay crafts for beginners

For those who have basic knowledge and are starting to work with plastic for the first time, a simple master class on sculpting a refrigerator magnet from polymer clay will help:

  1. Stock up on: self-hardening polymer clay in pink, yellow, white, green, light green colors, a soft magnet, acrylic paints, glue, scissors, toothpick, beads.
  2. Roll small balls from yellow, white, pink polymer clay, form a drop out of them, cut the thick edge into 4-5 pieces with scissors.
  3. Flatten them and give them relief with a toothpick. You will get flowers.
  4. Form droplets from green-colored material, flatten them, and make veins with a toothpick. These will be the leaves.
  5. Making buds: on a drop white we press the strips, imitating unopened petals. We wrap the bottom of the workpiece with a piece of green mass.
  6. Paint the magnet with paint of a suitable shade and glue the resulting blanks onto it, creating a composition. Complete it with decorative beads. Leave until completely dry.

New Year's crafts

An excellent gift for New Year will become a magic ball made at home from polymer clay:

  1. Prepare: a small transparent spice jar with a screw-on lid, plastic (white, black, red, pink, beige), glitter, glitter, glycerin, vodka, pin, glue.
  2. Roll 2 white balls of different sizes, put them on a pin (thin wire) to make a snowman.
  3. Make indentations for the eyes and insert 2 black balls there. Insert a carrot made of red plastic into the recess for the nose. Draw a smile.
  4. Roll 4 white balls, flatten 2 on one side - these are the legs. From the rest, make elongated droplets - these are hands. Build a snowman.
  5. Roll out 2 thin long sausages from beige and pink polymer clay. Twist them with a rope. Form them into a scarf and hat for a snowman. In the same way, we make a candy in the form of a hook (we use red and white mass), insert it into the hand. Bake.
  6. Coat the inside of the jar lid with waterproof glue, place a snowman in the center, and sprinkle glitter around it.
  7. Pour different medium-sized glitters into a jar, pour 1 tbsp. l. glycerin and vodka, add water, taking into account that the snowman should still fit.
  8. Coat the lid threads with cream, tighten, and let dry. Shake, turn over.


As a decoration, try making a simple “knitted” bracelet for your wrist that imitates real yarn:

  1. You will need: a base for a bracelet, plastic of the desired color, liquid gel plastic, an extruder, a knife.
  2. Place the plastic mass into the extruder and extrude. Take 2 strips and twist them into a rope. Do the same with the other two strips, twisting them in the other direction.
  3. Coat the surface of the base with gel, apply the first tourniquet, cut the required length. Then attach the second tourniquet as tightly as possible to the first one, cut it off.
  4. You will get an imitation of knitting. Repeat the steps until you have knitted the entire bracelet. Do the same on the inside (optional). Bake it.


Modeling toys using thermoplastic is a great pastime with children. Try making a turtle like this:

  1. Stock up on baked polymer mass (blue, light green, pink), a brush and 2 small black beads.
  2. From blue color make 4 large drops - this is the preparation of the legs.
  3. From a piece of light green plastic, form a blank in the form of a bell with a recess inside - this is the future shell.
  4. Place the legs side by side with the wide part down and put the shell on top. Using the handle of the brush, holding it vertically, make a depression in the front of the future turtle - a place for the head.
  5. We form a head blank: roll a ball and a cylinder out of blue plastic, connect them. You should end up with a head on your neck. Attach it to the body.
  6. Roll pink balls, flatten them, stick them to the shell - these are spots. Make eyes from beads. Roast the turtle.