Sample list of names for undergoing a medical examination.

Arranging medical examinations is the prerogative of the employer. The company’s personnel or an employee just being hired does not need to look for a medical institution to undergo a medical examination and find money for it. The HR department of any company is responsible for the timely execution of this event and must correctly draw up the relevant documents and monitor compliance with legal requirements. Let's figure out according to which order of the Russian Federation mandatory medical examinations are carried out , and what documents they must be supported by.

302 order on medical examinations: for whom they are mandatory

According to Art. 76 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, an employee who has not passed the mandatory medical examination is suspended from work. However, this does not mean that all employees must be examined, because we are talking about mandatory examination. Order No. 302 of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated April 12, 2011 approved a list of hazardous and harmful work and production factors, the implementation of which is accompanied by mandatory periodic medical examinations. The same act defines the procedure for conducting medical examinations.

  • age group up to 21 years;
  • those employed in hazardous industries, heavy and dangerous work;
  • related to traffic, incl. railway;
  • working in the energy and construction industries;
  • departmental security;
  • enterprises Food Industry, trade and catering;
  • medical and children's institutions;
  • employees of water pipelines and water supply facilities;
  • professional athletes.

The medical examination under order 302-n can be preliminary (i.e. upon entry to work), periodic or extraordinary. Any type of inspection is organized at the expense of the employer. Examinations are carried out on a reimbursable basis by medical institutions, with which companies enter into appropriate agreements. We should remember that medical examinations of workers (Order 302-n speaks directly about this) are carried out by medical organizations of any form of ownership that have a license to conduct them, as well as examinations of professional suitability. Mandatory details of such agreements are:

  • item;
  • information about the availability of a license to conduct medical activities;
  • list of paid medical services;
  • conditions, cost and timing of their implementation;
  • calculation procedure.

Stages of personnel work to implement the requirements of Order 302-

Personnel officers are guided by Appendix No. 3, which determines the conduct of a medical examination by order 302-n. Having concluded an agreement with a medical institution, the personnel service is obliged to establish an internal procedure for sending employees for medical examinations:

  • issue an appropriate order (sample) and familiarize employees with it against signature;
  • draw up a list of employees by name according to order 302-(sample below) who must be sent for a medical examination. It is issued in 2 copies - for the medical institution and the Rospotrebnadzor department. The list determines the full names of workers for whom a medical examination is mandatory, lists professions and positions, and indicates harmful production factor and the workshop or division where the employee works. The document is approved by the manager and submitted to the RPN within 10 days, and to the medical institution 2 months before the agreed date of the medical examination.

Sample list for medical examination according to order 302-:

Having received the list of contingents by order 302-n, the medical organization develops a calendar plan for periodic examinations, coordinates it with the company management, approves and submits it to the enterprise no later than 14 days before the agreed date;

  • fill out a form for a medical examination according to order 302-n, i.e. referral to a medical facility. 10 days before the agreed date for the start of the medical examination, the enterprise employee must be familiarized with calendar plan and hand him (against signature), following order 302 of the Ministry of Health, a referral for a medical examination. The company develops the form of the document independently, since there are no standardized forms provided by law. Sample referral for medical examination under order 302-:

Personnel officers record in the logbook each referral issued to employees for a medical examination in accordance with Order 302-. The log form is also developed at the enterprise, approved by management and used to monitor the completion of medical examinations by employees.

The results of the examination in the health care facility are recorded in the outpatient card stored in the clinic. The results of the employee’s examination, i.e., the medical report, are recorded in a special document - the form of the final act according to order 302-n - the employee’s health passport, which is handed to him. If this document already exists, then new entries are made into it and returned to the owner. In addition, the employee is issued a certificate according to order 302 for transmission to the employer. It contains the conclusion of the medical commission, indicating professional suitability, and is certified by doctors’ signatures, stamps and the seal of the medical institution. Sample certificate form 302-n:

Periodic medical examination

Order 302 requires medical examinations and tests. To issue a certificate under Order 302, opinions of a therapist, surgeon, ENT specialist, ophthalmologist, narcologist and psychiatrist are usually required, and blood tests and fluorography are also provided. This is a general set, which is adjusted by adding or excluding specialized specialists, detailed blood tests, etc., depending on the characteristics of the industry or profession. It is important to know that the certificate issued for the first time can and should subsequently be extended in accordance with the established frequency.

Employee health passport according to order 302-n: form

This is form No. 004-P/U, relating to medical documentation, which is issued to each person who has undergone a medical examination, and consists of a general and effective part. The general information includes information about the employee who applied, the company that sent him for inspection, working conditions and influencing factors, as well as length of service. This information is filled in by the company’s personnel officer, and the document number is assigned to the health care facility. The date when the medical examination ends is also indicated there. One health passport is issued for each person. For greater clarity, we present the document form.

Labor legislation obliges the employer to organize and pay for the employee’s medical examination(both preliminary, periodic and extraordinary). In addition to concluding an agreement for the provision of medical services, the employer must prepare several mandatory documents, the forms of which are not approved by law. Among such documents, a name list of employees for medical examination must be drawn up (clause 19 of Order No. 302n).

Name list of employees for medical examination according to Order No. 302n

Regardless of whether the medical examination is preliminary or periodic, all workers who are exposed to harmful and/or dangerous production factors (named in the List in accordance with Appendix No. 1 to Order No. 302n) and perform certain types of work (provided for in the List in accordance with Appendix No. 2 to Order No. 302n).

The presence or absence of such factors in the workplace is determined by the results of a special assessment of working conditions (Parts 1, 2, Article 3 of Law No. 426-FZ).

For this purpose, the employer determines the so-called contingent of persons subject to periodic and (or) preliminary medical examinations, indicating harmful (hazardous) production factors, as well as the type of work. The employer is obliged to submit this document to Rospotrebnadzor within 10 days after its preparation and approval (paragraphs 19 - 21 of Order No. 302n).

Based on the approved list of contingent, the employer compiles lists of employees by name.

After the list of names has been compiled, the employer must approve it and send it to the medical organization with which it has entered into an agreement for the provision of medical services. This must be done no later than two months before the start date of the medical examination agreed upon with the medical organization (clauses 19 - 23 of Order No. 302n).

For this purpose, the employer must, before drawing up these documents, decide in which medical organization the medical examination of employees will be carried out and within what time frame (dates). In practice, agreement on the date and plan for the medical examination is formalized as an appendix to the contract or in the text of the contract for the provision of medical services.

The form of such a list is not normatively approved, therefore, the employer can compile it in any form. Meanwhile, the legislator requires that the list of employees by name must contain the following data:

  • last name, first name, patronymic, profession (position) of the employee subject to medical examination;
  • name of the harmful production factor or type of work (from Appendices No. 1 and 2 to Order No. 302n, respectively);
  • name of the employer's structural unit (if any).

In practice, medical organizations conducting medical examinations impose additional requirements on the form of this document and ask to submit a list of names indicating employees by name in alphabetical order along with information about the employee’s length of service, his date of birth, gender, registration address, date last playthrough medical examination in both paper and electronic versions.

The list of contingents is necessary to ensure that each employee is examined by doctors for all factors present in his daily work. Download the sample for free, and in the article we will look at specific examples how to compose it correctly.

Read in the article:

How to prepare a list of workers subject to medical examinations

Drawing up this document is the most time-consuming, but also the most interesting part in organizing medical examinations. This is an important document, the correct execution of which will help to carry out the inspection without comments from the inspection authorities. It is being developed by the labor protection service.

According to clause 19 of Appendix 3 to Order No. 302n, mandatory preliminary and periodic medical examinations are carried out on the basis of lists of names developed on the basis of the list of contingents.

In addition to the results of SOUT, sanitary production control, when determining harmful factors in the workplace, the manufacturer’s operational documentation for equipment and raw materials is studied.

When choosing an organization to conduct a special assessment, the financial issue comes to the fore. But it is important to know that one of the bonuses when concluding a contract may be a detailed listing in the report on the implementation of the special environmental control system of all harmful and dangerous factors that the employee comes into contact with during the process. labor activity. The expert organization has such an opportunity. Many expert organizations themselves create a declaration of conformity, but many do not. And an inexperienced specialist does not know what useful things he can ask experts for for his work.

The correct identification of similar workplaces according to certain characteristics plays a major role in the safety management system, but it is difficult for a novice occupational safety specialist, or when conducting the first special assessment at an enterprise, to identify them on their own. Order No. 302n contains Appendix 1 - a list of factors, and Appendix 2 - types of work. Let's figure out how to correctly compile a list of contingents for these two applications.

Roadmap and 10 lifehacks for medical examinations that will save time and money

The editors of the journal "Handbook of Occupational Safety and Health Specialists" have developed road map, according to which you can organize medical examinations of employees. It clearly shows the sequence of mandatory stages of the procedure and helps to distribute responsibilities.

Name list for medical examination by order 302n

Appendix 1 indicates harmful production factors by profession. Most are occupied by chemical factors. There is an important clause in order No. 302n. Only five physical factors specified in Annex 1 are used to conduct MR: noise, sensory, physical overload, infrasound and light environment. But based on these factors, a medical examination of personnel is carried out only if a class of dangerous or harmful working conditions has been established at the workplace. If working conditions are optimal or acceptable, a medical examination according to this “five” is not carried out. For all other factors specified in Appendix 1, MO is carried out only on the basis of their availability at the workplace.

You may ask, “How do I know if there are aliphatic hydrocarbons in the forklift driver’s workplace? I'm not a chemist." Let’s answer this: not a chemist, but a specialist who has completed a retraining course in technosphere safety. And in this course we examined chemical factors, biological factors, etc.

Regardless of the extent to which the biological factor affects the employee, and how long this effect lasts - eight hours or ten minutes - all medical personnel are subject to this influence, therefore, doctors cannot be assigned class 1 or 2 for this factor.

If a special assessment of UT was not carried out at all, and there are no results of the previous certification of workplaces, just as there are no results of production control - yes, there are such cases - MO should still be carried out, and the basis for it will be data on the equipment or types of machines being maintained or operated, raw materials, etc.

Already when you have carried out the SOUT with instrumental examinations and compiled a list of works that require periodic medical examinations, then you will correct your list of contingents.

So, make yourself a sign in which you indicate all the jobs (professions and positions) in the staffing table. Now carry out identification with Appendix 1. To do this, you will need a passport for the equipment and a chemistry reference book.

Let's look at an example

The driver's work involves driving a vehicle, as well as professional contact with gasoline vapors, gasoline and industrial oils, exhaust, that is, waste gases that have passed through the entire power system of the vehicle.

Therefore, according to Appendix 2, point 27 is suitable for the driver, and according to Appendix 1, you need to look at what exhaust gases and gasoline vapors consist of.

Gasoline is a hydrocarbon, gasoline vapors are components of hydrocarbons (that is, mixtures), and this is paragraph 1.3.5 and aldehydes (aromatic substances). Gasoline is burned, therefore, we apply paragraph 1.2.37 - carbon monoxide. By looking at Appendix 1, you can determine that exhaust gases include aliphatic aldehydes (clause 1.2.2).

Regarding production noise, if SOUT was not carried out, the following must be established: the data is in technical documentation per car. When the SOUT passes, then the class will be established, but, as a rule, in modern cars the noise level is in the remote control, this is not a workshop, so the driver does not need headphones, and we do not write this factor.

In addition, the driver is constantly under the influence of vibration - general (clause 3.4.1) and local (clause 3.4.2). General vibration affects the body as a whole and is especially felt when working on a truck.

If goods or people are transported in a van or in the back, the oscillatory circuit is associated with road irregularities (shaking) and kinetic movement. The human body, due to the presence of soft tissues, bones, joints, internal organs, is a complex oscillatory system, the mechanical response of which depends on the parameters of the vibration effect.

If up to 2 Hz the human body is a rigid mass, then as the vibrations increase, resonance occurs. For a sitting person, the resonance is at frequencies of 4-6 Hz; in a standing position, 2 resonance peaks are found: at 5 and 12 Hz. The natural frequency of vibrations of the pelvis and back is 5 Hz, and the chest-abdomen system is 3 Hz.

When a resonance of the body’s own vibrations and external influences occurs in the body of a car driver, as well as a tractor driver or agricultural pilot, pathological displacement and mechanical damage to tissues, organs and various body systems occurs, for example, displacement of vertebrae or rupture of blood vessels.

Vibration applied to any area is generated throughout the body. The propagation zone when exposed to low frequency vibration is larger, since the absorption of vibrational energy in the structures of the body is less. Local vibration especially affects the hands (steering wheel), the fifth point (seat) and the feet (shock absorber, clutch and brake pedals).

Plan medical examinations easily: electronic service

The editors of the magazine "Handbook of Occupational Safety and Health Specialist" have developed a service that will tell you which of the employees is time to undergo a medical examination, will create a list of the contingent, a list of names and will issue ready-made directions for workers. Step-by-step instructions will help you use the medical examination planner.


The grounds for medical examinations are the following paragraphs of the appendices to the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development dated April 12, 2011 No. 302n:

1. According to Appendix No. 1:

  • clause 1.2.2 – once a year;
  • clause 1.2.37 – once every 2 years;
  • clause 1.3.5 – once a year;
  • clause 3.4.1 – once every 2 years;
  • clause 3.4.2 – once every 2 years.

2. According to Appendix No. 2:

clause 27 – once every 2 years.

Types of work for the contingent list

A medical examination of any employee, in addition to Appendix 1, is also carried out according to Appendix 2. This Appendix presents the most common professions and types of work. Let's continue the example with our driver.

According to Appendix No. 2, the driver must pass the MO because he controls vehicles specified in clause 27, with a frequency of 1 time in 2 years.

Thus, out of a set of six factors, two require a medical examination every year, and four require a medical examination once every 2 years. What should I do? You need to enter each item indicating the frequency. In the first year it is necessary to carry out the analysis for all factors, and in the second year - only for those factors that have an annual periodicity.

This will reduce the cost of the medical examination, but will add more work to you.

March 2018

  • clause 1.2.2 – once a year;
  • clause 1.2.37 – once every 2 years;
  • clause 1.3.5 – once a year;
  • clause 3.4.1 – once every 2 years;
  • clause 3.4.2 – once every 2 years;
  • clause 27 – once every 2 years.

March 2019:

  • clause 1.2.2 – once a year;
  • clause 1.3.5 – once a year.

if you have free time, then sit and select every year the grounds for the Moscow Region. In any case, when issuing directions, you will have to indicate to the driver also paragraph 27 of Appendix 2.

Don't make life difficult for yourself. Make a list of drivers and conduct medical examinations annually. They cannot be carried out less frequently than within the time limits specified in the annexes, but it is not prohibited to carry them out more often. The timing of the next MO starts from the moment the conclusion is issued based on the results of the previous one, and not from the moment you receive the final act. The medical examination can be carried out in June, and final act– closed in December.

Sample list of contingents of workers subject to medical examinations

Name list of employees for medical examination (sample 2019)

This document is prepared by the personnel management service based on the list of contingents prepared by the labor protection service. It indicates the personal data of the employee.

Where to send the contingent list

The document is sent to Rospotrebnadzor in a notification manner; approval is not required. Send it by letter with notification within 10 days after approval by the director of the company to the territorial body of Rospotrebnadzor at the actual location of the employer.

Rospotrebnadzor must have information about what harmful and dangerous production factors employees work with in the territory under its supervision. This is necessary, first of all, to obtain information on occupational diseases and their prevention.

If you conduct MO in separate division, for example, in the city of Norilsk, where it is located workplace employee, and not in Moscow, then submit a list regarding specifically “Norilsk” jobs to the Norilsk TO.

For computer users, the following should be clarified. To perform work to determine the actual time an employee is busy on a computer, conduct an analysis of working time costs. Involve a labor economist in this work, let him time the working hours. Each fact must have its own documentary evidence. You will appreciate this in practice when you explain to the state inspector of the GIT or Rospotrebnadzor why the entire accounting department does not pass the medical examination.

There is no need to develop and approve a list of contingents annually. If new jobs are created in the organization, then updates should be made to it. Within ten days after approval staffing table, together with cover letter, send a list of contingents to Rospotrebnadzor.

On the basis of labor legislation, standards are being developed designed to ensure the actions of bodies monitoring production processes enterprises. This is necessary to ensure that company employees receive timely medical care when external factors constantly impact them. To identify diseases, a list of contingents subject to periodic medical examinations is drawn up

Such activities should be carried out to monitor the health indicators of employees. A person working in a position receives negative impact for your health. As a result, he may develop diseases associated with professional activity. In order to detect such a negative impact in a timely manner and check whether a citizen is suitable for a given position after a certain period of time worked, organizations create a list of contingents subject to periodic medical examinations.

Based on the results obtained, it will become clear whether individuals are able to continue their activities and whether they have developed any deviations in their health. Every organization that has negative impact factors must undergo an examination of its employees.

Important: the organization is obliged to fully organize and finance such periodic events. If she does not do this, she may be brought to administrative responsibility.

Standards governing periodic inspections

First of all, these actions are regulated by labor legislation. Article 213 directly states that employees involved in hazardous or harmful production within the time limits established by law are required to undergo examination.

The main provisions for holding the event are enshrined in Order 302. It determines the entire necessary list events. In addition, this legal act defines production factors that are recognized as harmful and dangerous. Based on them, a list of medical specialists is set up to undergo an examination for each of the certain conditions of negative impact.

Yes, according to established standards, the list of contingents subject to periodic medical examinations, the sample form does not have a clear a certain form. This allows each organization to independently develop a content template. However, the order contains norms that describe the necessary items that must be included in the form being compiled.

How are working conditions assessed?

It is necessary to determine the influencing factors hazardous to health through special commissions, which, at on-site events, assess all the conditions in which workers find themselves. In addition, there are also two lists in Order 302:

  • List 1 determines the presence of existing harmful conditions that may affect employees of organizations. It lists all the factors that influence Negative influence for health;
  • List 2 defines specific types of work and professions for which employees will need to undergo periodic examinations in medical institutions.

By general rule. Before identifying a harmful or dangerous factor, workplaces must be certified. Only according to the conclusion of specialists, these directions will be recognized as dangerous. Based on them, a schedule of periodic examinations will be calculated, as well as lists of doctors required for examinations of workers.

Also, to determine the impact category, the following must be carried out:

  1. assessment of the equipment and mechanisms used according to the technological documentation used in production;
  2. laboratory control of the organization's activities.

Only on the basis of the listed actions can decisions be made on assigning certain degrees of threats or negative impacts to enterprises.

How is the contingent of persons for a medical examination formed?

As already noted, the list of contingents is compiled independently by the management of the enterprise. Using the developed form, production workers are selected and a time is set for examination by medical workers.

Since each harmful or dangerous factor has its own conditions and timing of inspections, as well as lists of doctors, the employer must be guided by the lists displayed in Order 302H. The lists presented have all necessary information on the frequency of inspections and the category of harmful factors. For each of them, a list of medical positions that employees will need to undergo is presented.

Based on these provisions, a final list of persons who are required to undergo commissions to check their health at the due date is formed. You can view an approximate list of contingents of employees subject to medical examinations, a sample form, here.

Order of conduct

The required papers must be provided in 3 copies. One copy must be submitted for registration to the supervisory authorities at the location of the company. The list must be sent within 10 days.

The list of registered contingents for medical examination will be stored in the specified department. One copy remains with the organization, and the second is sent directly to institutions, where employees will be required to undergo medical examinations and obtain opinions.

Sample of filling out the list of contingents subject to medical examinations

The drawn up papers are certified by the manager of the company. Thus, the contingent of employees subject to periodic medical examinations will look like this:


Avramenko Igor Stepanovich



" 20 " Martha 20_17 __G.

date of signing

List of contingents

subject to periodic medical examinations

________________CJSC Energoresursy ______________

____ _G. Togliatti __st. Labor 76_______________________

Labor area Job title Harmful effects Application paragraph according to order 302Н Last inspection date FULL NAME Date of Birth Floor Years of experience
1 Administration Secretary Electromagnetic fields wide spectrum actions 17.12.2015 Balkonskaya Anastasia Yurievna 13.11.1991 AND 3
2 Administration Accountant 17.12.2015 Zakharchenko Yuri Andreevich 18.12.1989 M 7
3 Administration Ch. accountant 17.12.2015 Bogdanov Alesey Sergeevich 03.07.1984 M 7
4 Administration Labor safety engineer 17.12.2015 Borisenko Sergey Stepanovich 15.05.1979 M 11
5 Transportation Department Driver 27.1, 27.5 03.03.2016 Yurchenko Anatoly Vladimirovich 01.12.1968 M 24
6 Transportation Department Driver Driving 27.1, 27.5 03.03.2016 Klimenkov Vladislav Andreevich 14.08.1987 M 8

The presented sample of employees subject to medical examination can be supplemented with other items. The results of the inspection are issued to the employer, where further, based on the conclusions, decisions are made regarding the employees of the enterprise.

Preliminary and periodic medical examinations are one of the most important measures aimed at preserving the life and health of workers during their work activities. Their goal is to establish a person’s suitability for the work performed, or the conditions in which they will have to work, to promptly prevent occupational diseases and prevent accidents.

Attention! Responsibility for organizing and financing mandatory medical examinations lies with the employer, who, if the established procedure is not followed, may be held administratively liable.

In accordance with Article 213 Labor Code Russian Federation workers engaged in heavy work and labor with harmful and (or) hazardous conditions labor(including underground work, as well as work related to traffic), undergo mandatory preliminary (upon entry to work) and periodic medical examinations.

Another category of persons who undergo mandatory preliminary examination are food industry workers, Catering trade, waterworks, medical organizations and children's institutions.

A medical examination is an event regulated by law and involves the preparation of mandatory documentation.

One of the documents that should be developed in preparation for medical examinations is list of employees subject to preliminary and periodic medical examination. This is local normative act organization, which contains information about the professions (positions) of employees who are required to undergo medical examinations.

Its form is not approved by law, clause 20 of Order No. 302n dated April 12, 2011 “On approval of lists of harmful and (or) hazardous production factors and work, during the performance of which mandatory preliminary and periodic medical examinations (examinations) are carried out...” (hereinafter Order No. 302n) only stipulates what mandatory data is indicated in it.

And so, the contingent of workers subject to preliminary and periodic medical examinations includes:

1. name of the employee’s profession (position) according to the staffing table.

Above we examined which employees are subject to preliminary and periodic medical examinations.

Important! Employees under the age of 21 undergo periodic examinations annually. Therefore, if you have positions/professions that employ people under the age of 21, also do not forget to include them in the list.

I would also like to draw your attention to the fact that not only the main employees, but also part-time workers are subject to medical examinations.

2. name of the harmful production factor.

Let us remind you that Appendix 1 to Order No. 302n lists harmful factors, when exposed to which an employee must undergo a medical examination, and Appendix 2 lists the types of work during which workers must also undergo a medical examination.

Note! harmful production factor, is established based on the results of certification of workplaces for working conditions (since 2014, a special assessment of working conditions has been in effect), as well as

As a result laboratory research and tests obtained as part of control and surveillance activities,

Production laboratory control,

Using operational, technological and other documentation for machines, mechanisms, equipment, raw materials and materials used by the employer in carrying out production activities.

In addition to the mandatory information provided for by Order No. 302n, you can include other information (name of the unit, number of employees in the organization, number of employees employed in work with hazardous working conditions). The appendix contains several forms of a list of persons subject to preliminary and periodic medical examinations.

The list of contingents is developed and approved once, before any changes in the organization (reorganization, commissioning of new jobs, improvement of working conditions). Name lists based on the contingent will be developed annually.

Since 01/01/2012, the procedure for coordinating contingents and lists of names with the bodies of Rospotrebnadzor is not provided, while the employer has the obligation, within 10 days from the date of approval of the list of contingents, to send it to the territorial body of the federal executive body authorized to implement the federal state sanitary epidemiological surveillance at the actual location of the employer. Thus, you can personally submit the list of contingents to Rospotrebnadzor, and a representative of Rospotrebnadzor must put a mark on your copy that he has received one copy, or send it by registered mail. In this case, the letter is sent with a notification, and the notification is kept by you as confirmation that you have fulfilled the requirements of Order No. 302n.

In conclusion, I would like to remind you that documents on periodic medical examinations must be stored in the organization for 3 years (clause 691, “List of standard documents generated in the activities of state committees, ministries, departments and other institutions, organizations, enterprises, indicating storage periods” (approved. Chief Archive of the USSR 08/15/1988) (as amended on 07/31/2007)).

S. Burlakova

Option 1


OOO "____________________"

A.A. Ivanov

"___" ____________ 201_



job title

Harmful industrial


clause according to Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated April 12, 2011 No. 302n


Developed by: occupational safety specialist


Option 2

List of persons subject to preliminary and periodic medical examination (examination)


OOO "____________________"

A.A. Ivanov

"___" ____________ 201_

Total number of employees: ______________________________

Of these, women ______ __________________ _ __ _ _________________

Number of people working in hazardous conditions : person_________________

Of these women: ______________________ _____________ _ people _______________

Of these, persons under 21 years of age :____ _____________ people _____________