Pies with carrots and beets. Sweet pies with beets and carrots

To prepare Beetroot Pies you need...

Crush the yeast and dilute it in warm water. Add sugar and mix well. Place in warm place for 15 minutes. Then add salt and gradually add sifted flour. Add vegetable oil and knead a soft, homogeneous dough. Cover it with a towel and leave in a warm place until it increases in volume.

Wash and peel the apples. Cut them into slices. Wash and peel the beets. Grate it on a coarse grater. Mix beets with apples and jam. Divide the dough into small balls. Leave them in a warm place for 10-15 minutes.

Then roll each piece into thin flat cakes. Place some beetroot filling in the center. Pinch the edges tightly and place on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Leave the pies in a warm place for 10-15 minutes. Turn on the oven to warm up to 200-220C. Place the pies in the oven and bake them until golden brown, about 20-25 minutes.

Those who were lucky enough to visit Ossetia had the opportunity not only to appreciate the fabulous beauty of nature, but also to try a real Ossetian pie. This pie always has the shape of a circle, resembling the sun in appearance. Baked goods are prepared with a variety of fillings, but almost always special Ossetian pickled cheese is used for preparation.

The most popular Ossetian dish

The arsenal includes a large number of diverse and delicious dishes. But one of the most popular and beloved is the Ossetian pie with beet tops. Once you try it, you will definitely never forget its wonderful taste. Any festive table in Ossetia it is always decorated with three pies. Why exactly three of them, you ask? Everything is very simple. They symbolize the earth, sky and sun. That is why they are posted in such quantities.

In our article we want to tell you how to bake a real Ossetian pie with beet tops. Having detailed recipe, even an inexperienced housewife can handle the preparation. Having prepared the pastries once, you will certainly fall in love with this wonderful dish and will be able to cook it yourself using a variety of fillings. IN big cities Now you can order such pies, but they do not always correspond to what they should actually be. Anyone who has ever tried a real pie in Ossetia will never forget its amazing taste.

To appreciate the taste of Ossetian pastries, we suggest preparing beetroot pie with young leaves. They have that sourness that is needed for the filling.

Ingredients for a real tops pie

In order to prepare Ossetian tops, we will need the following products:

For the dough:

  1. Three tablespoons of sugar.
  2. 200 ml warm water.
  3. Three tablespoons of flour.
  4. A packet of dry yeast or 60 grams of live yeast.

For the test:

  1. A kilogram of flour.
  2. Water or whey - 0.5 l.
  3. Margarine.
  4. One egg.
  5. A pinch of salt.
  6. Three tablespoons of vegetable oil.

For filling:

  1. Young beet tops - 0.6 kg.
  2. Dill - 100 g.
  3. Green onions - 100 g.
  4. Brine cheese (Ossetian) - 0.6-0.8 kg. If you don’t have exactly this type of cheese, you can replace it with suluguni, Adyghe cheese or simple feta cheese.
  5. Homemade sour cream.
  6. Salt.
  7. Ghee butter - 50 g.

Ossetian pie with beet tops: recipe

We begin preparing the pie by preparing the dough from the above ingredients. Let it sit and increase in volume. Next, sift the flour into a large bowl (you only need to take very high-quality flour) and make a depression in it, pour a little salt into it, break the egg, add vegetable oil and melted margarine. We also add half a liter of warm whey and knead the soft dough.

There are no special secrets in preparing Ossetian pies; the dough just needs to be kneaded gently, then the baked goods will be airy. Can also be used for cooking yeast dough. When it is already mixed, put it in a greased bowl. vegetable oil, cover with a towel and let it rise several times. If the dough has been prepared correctly, it will certainly try to escape from the bowl.

Meanwhile, let's prepare the filling. The beet tops for the pie must be young. It must be washed, dried, stems removed and finely chopped. Next, add chopped dill and green onions. Grate and place it in the greens mixture, adding sour cream and butter. Gently mix the resulting filling, add salt and pepper. You will certainly end up with excess liquid from the cheese in the dish. It must be drained by tilting the basin. The filling will already be incredibly juicy, so you can pour off any excess so that the pie does not drip.

The finished mixture of greens and cheese must be divided into three equal parts and each rolled into a ball. You need to do the same with the finished dough. Each ball of dough should have a slightly larger volume than the filling. Now you can start shaping the pie itself. To do this, press each part of the dough a little on top with your hands, and then put the prepared mass into the recess. Next, we pull the dough up, forming a bag, and pinch it. The filling should be completely inside. The more of it, the tastier Ossetian pies with tops turn out. Next, they need to be turned over with the tucks down and allowed to brew for another ten minutes. After time has passed, the baked goods must be turned over again and begin to carefully distribute the filling to the edges. Gradually the cake will increase in diameter. After this, it can be transferred to a greased baking sheet. Ossetian pie with beet tops (photos are given in the article) has a very wet filling, so it may leak during the baking process, but there is nothing to worry about.

Place the baking tray with baked goods only in a preheated oven. After seven or eight minutes, shake the baking sheet. This is done so that the baked goods do not burn. The pie is cooked until golden brown. The finished baked goods are transferred to a flat plate and generously greased with melted butter, after which they are covered with a basin and allowed to soak thoroughly. The Ossetian pie with beet tops and cheese is ready.

To make good pies, you need to remember some nuances:

  1. Pies need to be made quickly enough and immediately put into the oven, since they tend to leak.
  2. A manifestation of the highest skill is considered to be such baked goods, the dough of which is very thin and there is a lot of filling inside. Getting a pie like this isn't that difficult once you develop some skills in making it.
  3. Ready-made baked goods are perfectly preserved in the refrigerator (up to a week or more). In this case, it is better to cover the pie with a towel.
  4. Baked goods can be heated in a frying pan, in the oven or in the microwave. If you do this on the stove, then sprinkle the pie lightly with water and cover with a lid, and then heat over low heat. This simple method will keep your baked goods soft.

Ossetian pie with beet tops and cottage cheese

Ossetian pies in the form of flat cakes recently became popular among us, but were immediately loved by housewives. There are a considerable number of recipes for such a wonderful dish. And there are even more options for using the most different fillings. One of the most popular options is Ossetian pastries with tops and cottage cheese. For preparation we will need the following components:

  1. Vegetable oil - 4-5 tbsp. l.
  2. Water (warm) - 200 ml.
  3. Flour - 0.5 kg.
  4. A packet of yeast (fast-acting dry).
  5. Cottage cheese - 260 g.
  6. A teaspoon of salt.
  7. Beet tops

with cottage cheese and tops

To prepare, take flour good quality sift it and mix it with quick-acting yeast. Mix the resulting mixture well. When using this recipe, you don’t have to make any dough, since the instant yeast reacts on its own.

Make a hole in the resulting mixture and pour warm water into it and add a pinch of salt. And then knead the dough, which should not stick to your hands. To do this, you need to knead it thoroughly; the process will take at least ten minutes. Properly made dough is a 100% success

Place the resulting bun in a pan and cover with a linen towel. The dough should stand in a warm place, but without drafts, and rise. Its volumes should more than double. Then we thoroughly knead it again and send it back again (for thirty minutes).

Preparing the pie filling

While the dough is rising, you can start preparing the filling. For this you need to stock up on fresh homemade cottage cheese. It is better to use a coarse-grained one rather than a paste-like one, since during cooking the cake may leak due to the presence of excess liquid. First, we thoroughly wash the beet tops under water, then dry them and finely chop them. Next, mix the greens with cottage cheese. You can also add other aromatic herbs, parsley and onions. The filling can be lightly salted and peppered.

Assembling the Pie

The prepared dough must be divided into two equal parts and each rolled out into a layer, the thickness of which should be no more than half a centimeter. Place the filling in the middle of the crust. Next, we pull the dough towards the middle of the pie, leaving a small hole on top. It is necessary to allow air to escape during the baking process.

Then we transfer the resulting cake onto parchment and knead it very carefully. Next, using a rolling pin, you can level the cake to an even thickness. You need to work with the dough very carefully so that it does not tear. Of course, if you are preparing the dish for the first time, the task will seem quite difficult to you, but gradually you will develop certain skills that will allow you to prepare an Ossetian pie with beet tops, which has a lot of filling and very little dough. This type of baking is considered the best. The pie is placed in a well-heated oven and baked for 20 minutes.

As soon as the cake is browned, you can take it out. The finished pies are greased with butter so that they are well soaked. A dish consisting of three flatbreads is served on the table, one placed on top of the other.

Features of the pie assembly technology

Preparing such a traditional Ossetian dish from tops as a pie requires some skills and abilities from the housewives. It’s not for nothing that in Ossetia a woman who knows how to bake wonderful pies is considered a good housewife. It is for this reason that girls begin to be taught the intricacies of making good baked goods from childhood.

To get a beautiful and little kneading good dough and make a delicious filling, you still need to be able to assemble it correctly. And this is not at all a simple matter. This requires practice and knowledge of some nuances.

To get a real pie, you need to thoroughly knead the dough, then divide it into equal parts, from which you form balls. Of course, every housewife makes baked goods in the sizes she likes. But to prepare an Ossetian pie, it is optimal to take as much dough as will fit in two women’s palms. It’s not difficult to work with such a quantity, and the cakes will turn out to be of normal size.

The prepared dough balls are laid out on the table and each of them is stretched with your hands, but you can also use a rolling pin. The result should be some kind of circles. Place more filling in the center of each. Real Ossetian pies contain a lot of filling and very little dough. It is not so easy to prepare such a culinary masterpiece. The dough must be collected from all sides into a ball, gluing the edges in the center, but leaving a small hole. The tuck should not be rough, but at the same time it should hold well.

Next, a depression is made in the center of each pie, from which the filling is gradually stretched to the edges. After this, the resulting pancake must be very carefully transferred, seam side down, onto a baking sheet with parchment and smooth its surface again. Ossetian housewives do this all very carefully with their fingers, and not with a rolling pin. The pride of every woman is a pie whose thickness is the same on all sides. At the same time, you need to try not to tear the pancake and at the same time not to spoil its shape, which must always remain round. This is due to the fact that Ossetian pies are filled with a certain symbolism and centuries-old traditions of baking just such pastries.

Another important point is the ability to stretch the dough so that the pie has the same thickness over the entire surface. The ideal flatbread is one in which the ratio of filling to dough is exactly the same in all places. It is especially difficult to make such a pie with beet tops filling; it is very juicy, and therefore there is always a risk of the product getting soggy. Of course, making such a pie is not easy, but real Ossetian housewives can do such magic.

There is one more small nuance in preparing the pie. There must be a hole on its surface that will prevent the baked goods from breaking through during cooking. Through the hole, steam can easily escape to the surface without damaging the integrity of the pancake. Cook the pies at 200 degrees for fifteen or twenty minutes. After which their surfaces are generously greased with butter. As a rule, three pancakes are served on the table, stacked on top of each other and cut into sectors, like a cake.

Instead of an afterword

In our article we provided recipes for preparing traditional Ossetian pies with tops. We hope that our advice will help housewives understand the nuances of preparing this wonderful dish and please their loved ones with amazingly tasty and aromatic food.

Many young mothers are surprised when, after giving birth, doctors often prescribe them to drink a glass of beet juice three times a day instead of new-fangled medications. However, they would not be so surprised if they knew that after such a large loss of blood, beets, like no other product, will help restore hemoglobin in the body.

This vegetable was known in ancient times; it was especially popular in Ancient Rome By the way, not only the fruit itself was eaten there, but its leaves were also used, often pre-soaked in wine.

It came to the territory of Rus' in the tenth century, and immediately became a favorite here. People immediately noticed its beneficial properties and began to use it not only as an edible product, but also as a medicinal product. So they found out that beets lower blood pressure, lower the level of bad cholesterol in the blood, and are also very useful for liver diseases.

Useful properties of beets.

It will strengthen the walls of your capillaries, have an antispasmodic, sedative effect, and help with heart failure. It will also help with sclerosis and generally has a good effect on the cardiovascular system.

Its fruits contain a lot of substances (namely copper and iron) that promote hematopoiesis, which is successfully used for such diseases as anemia. It is also very effective if you have a loss of strength or your body is exhausted. In this case, triple application of beetroot juice before meals will help solve all your problems associated with these ailments.

Few people know that beets (by the way, like cabbage and carrots) can heal wounds and relieve inflammation. To do this, just apply beets crushed into porridge to the sore spot. So it can cure an ulcer or tumor, relieve toothache and even cure a disease such as scurvy.

Beetroot juice is taken as a mild laxative for vitamin deficiency and illness gastrointestinal tract. Even with a runny nose, you can drop its juice into your nose.

They say that drinking half a glass of its juice three to four times daily can alleviate or completely cure cancer.

Well, now we can start culinary recipes with beets.

Salad with beets and carrots.

Salads using beets are very popular here. Here is one of these salads - called “Beet Fairy Tale”. For this you will need one carrot, one beet, small seedless grapes, garlic, walnuts, cheese, mayonnaise and salt. Then we do everything simply - first lay the carrots in layers (first grate them on a medium grater) mixed with grapes (by the way, you can use raisins instead, just steam them first). Next, add grated cheese mixed with pressed garlic and mayonnaise. And the last layer is boiled and grated beets mixed with mayonnaise and finely chopped walnuts. Can Walnut put on top, not mixed with beets. It turns out very beautiful and very tasty, the main thing here is not to overdo it with garlic and not to skimp on the nuts. More important point, the nuts should be chopped or sliced, and not ground in a blender.

Beetroot garnish.

You can also prepare a beetroot side dish (this is not very common here, but it’s still very tasty). For it you need to take one large beet, medium-sized carrot, one head onions, a couple of tablespoons of ketchup, add salt and black pepper to taste, a bunch of herbs (to your taste), a couple of cloves of garlic, vegetable oil (for frying). Let's start cooking - finely chop the onion and fry it until golden brown in a preheated frying pan with oil. Add carrots to it and fry further. Then add grated beets. Take half a glass of water, add salt, pepper and ketchup, mix well and add to the pan, begin to simmer under the lid, stirring occasionally. Once cooked, sprinkle with finely chopped herbs and add garlic passed through a press. Our side dish is ready.

Beetroot dessert.

As a dessert, I suggest makingbeetroot sponge cake with cocoa. We will need 180 grams of flour (approximately one incomplete glass), four eggs, 200 grams of sugar, 100 grams of beets (pre-grate them on a fine grater), 75 grams of butter, two teaspoons of baking powder, two tablespoons of cocoa powder. Let's start cooking. Using a blender or mixer, beat the eggs and sugar thoroughly. Add softened butter and grated raw beets. Mix thoroughly. The next ingredients for the additive are baking powder, cocoa, and then flour. Mix well. It will turn out like regular sour cream, don’t be alarmed. You need to pour it into a greased form and place it in a preheated oven at medium temperature.

Orange beets.

You can also make orange beets. To do this, take half a kilo of canned beets, a tablespoon of corn beets, 120 milliliters of orange juice, two tablespoons of honey, a teaspoon of orange zest, one nutmeg, a quarter of a teaspoon of figs and 300 grams of canned tangerines. Place flour in a glass baking dish, add orange and beet juice, as well as other products (only without beets). Mix all the ingredients thoroughly and place in a preheated oven for about four minutes (it should thicken a little). Stir a couple of times, then add the beets themselves. Put it back in the oven for the same amount of time, take it out, stir once and add the canned tangerines. Leave it like this for a few minutes, and then you can serve it.

Beetroot pie filling.

You can also use beets as a pie filling. To do this, you need to boil it and pass it through a meat grinder, boil it separately or steam the prunes (separate them from the seeds), pass them through a meat grinder, add a little sugar (decide how much). Now our filling is ready. It is most suitable for products made from yeast dough. When the beets are cooked, do not forget that the water in which they are cooked should not be salted.

Grandma's pies are one of the most delicious childhood memories for almost everyone. Ruddy, crispy, and very tasty! And how many different fillings there are for pies! Every housewife has her own favorite set. From sweet to fish or meat. But they are still quite traditional. We want to offer you several unusual options.

Pies with beets

Beetroot makes a wonderful filling. Stew it, adding fried carrots and salt. It will make a wonderful snack. You can also make a sweet version for tea: just add apple jam to the stewed beets, or stewed apples in pieces with sugar.

Pies with cottage cheese

Traditionally these are sweet pies. But cottage cheese can make a wonderful salty filling. Grind the cottage cheese with sour cream, and add finely chopped garlic, parsley, and dill.

Pies with sweets

They turn out very tasty, but a little sugary. Crush caramel into small pieces, or cut marshmallows and halva. And use it as a filling.

Meringue pies

Beat the egg whites with sugar until stiff, add the nut crumbs. The result is a very original and tasty filling.

Pies with onions

Well, of course, not only with onions. Usually minced meat is fried with it, but it will turn out very tasty if you use minced meat instead chicken liver or heart, adding (optional) fried carrots or mushrooms.

Pies with greens

This is a spring version of pies. Dill with parsley, sorrel or nettle will do for it. It’s a good idea to add a hard-boiled and crumbled egg to the greens.

Pumpkin pies

They can also be made sweet or not. The base will be boiled pumpkin cut into pieces. For something sweet, add vanilla and sugar. For savory ones - dill, black pepper and fried mushrooms.

Pies with mixed vegetables

Frozen vegetables make a great filling. They need to be brought to readiness. But then you can simply fill the pies, or you can first pass them through a meat grinder. Poultry meat is suitable as an addition to this filling.

Pies with sauerkraut

To use it for filling, you must first squeeze out the excess juice. And then mix the cabbage with fried mushrooms.

Sausage pies

You can use either sausage or sausage for this filling. Cut into small cubes, fry with onions. And the delicious filling is ready!

Pies with canned food

Canned fish Mash with a fork, add boiled rice or stewed cabbage.

Secrets of making delicious and proper pies

Many people think that baking or frying pies is very easy. In fact, to make the pies tasty, you need to follow some simple rules:

  • When you prepare dough for pies, remember that the dough must be “alive”. This is the name for dough based on yeast, sour milk, sourdough or other dairy products. You can, of course, use unleavened or puff pastry. Here, as they say, it’s a matter of taste;

  • If you are preparing dough for pies with a salty filling, you can put less eggs and butter there. And the dough itself needs to be kneaded hard so that the pie turns out with a thin crust and a large content of filling;
  • when are pies prepared? meat filling, it is advisable to put fat and butter there so that the filling is juicier;
  • When making pies with sweet filling, on the contrary, they try to make the dough more fluffy and rich. This is due to the fact that the sweet filling seems to eat away at the dough, and it spills out. Therefore, the layer of dough should be as thick as possible;
  • If you use yeast dough, be aware that the dough must rise at least twice. This is necessary in order to get rid of the sour taste of the yeast dough and so that the dough bakes better;
  • when preparing pies, remember that the filling is put into the pies already cooled, not hot;
  • a little secret for salty pies: you need to add a little salt to the filling, then the pie won’t seem bland;
  • Also a little secret for sweet pies: you can put a little starch in the filling. This will prevent the filling from spreading and leaking out of the pie;

As you can see, there are certain tricks that will help make your pies the most delicious and unforgettable.

Filling for pies: what they are.

Thanks to the skills and efforts of the housewives, there are a huge variety of fillings. Let's look at the most delicious and unusual ones.

Salty fillings:

1. From raw meat (beef, pork...) - fry the meat minced in a frying pan, and then grind it through the meat grinder again. Separately, fry the onion, hard-boil the eggs and cut them. Mix everything, add salt and pepper;

2. From boiled meat- fry the meat cut into small pieces in a frying pan. Also fry the onion and mix with the meat. Chop the boiled eggs and add to the filling. Season the resulting filling with salt and pepper to taste. If necessary, you can add a little broth for juiciness;

3. From poultry meat- Finely chop fried or boiled meat. Fry the flour a little, dilute with milk, then add salt, finely chopped herbs and mix everything;

4. From the liver with buckwheat porridge - rinse the liver (veal, lamb, pork) peeled from films in cold water, fry in oil along with onions. Then finely chop or mince, add salt and pepper. Pre-boiled eggs and buckwheat porridge add to liver;

5. From fish- salt and pepper the fish pulp and fry in oil. Add fried onions and herbs (dill). You can add a boiled egg or boiled rice;

6. From rice with eggs- rinse cooked rice, add chopped hard-boiled eggs, butter, salt, dill. This filling can also be made from buckwheat;

7. From mushrooms:

If the mushrooms are fresh, then they must first be boiled, then cut and fried with butter in a frying pan. Add sour cream, fried onions and simmer for 15 minutes. Then add finely chopped herbs and cool.

If the mushrooms are dried, then they also need to be boiled, then fry them for 3 minutes and mix with fried onions, chopped finely boiled egg and rice;

8. From cabbage- scald chopped cabbage with boiling water, pour over cold water and squeeze. Then fry in oil for 3-4 minutes, stirring constantly over high heat. Add boiled chopped eggs, salt and pepper. This is the filling for pies with cabbage in the oven. For fried cabbage pies, it is better to use stewed cabbage.;

4. From apples- Cut washed, peeled apples into thin slices and mix with sugar. You can pre-cook apples prepared in the same way until they become jam and use them as a filling;

5. From poppy- add pre-washed poppy seeds to boiling water and bring to a boil. Place on a sieve, drain and mix with sugar or honey. Then pass through a meat grinder 2 times, mix with raw egg and chopped nut or raisin kernels;

6. From dried apricots- washed in warm water dried apricots, boil in boiling water for 15 minutes. Place the cooked dried apricots on a sieve, spread on the dough and sprinkle with sugar.

All fillings turn out very tasty. Each of them is original and special in its own way. Try making these pies and you will be able to choose the most suitable ones for yourself.

If you like vegetable fillings in baked goods, you will be interested in this simple recipe sweet pies with beets and carrots, which can be served for dessert with tea or coffee, and can also become an independent snack on the road, at work, or on a picnic. The pies cook quickly and are eaten much faster.

We suggest baking sweet pies with beets and carrots in the oven from butter unleavened dough in butter with eggs, sugar and vegetable oil.

For the test:
- flour – 3 cups + a little for sprinkling
- butter – 200 g
- eggs – 3 pcs.
- sugar – ½ cup
- salt – ½ teaspoon
- vegetable oil – 2 tbsp. spoons

For filling:
- beets – about 300 g
- carrots – 200 g
- sugar – 4-5 tbsp. spoons
- potato starch – 3 tbsp. spoons

- vegetable oil for greasing the baking sheet - 2 tbsp. spoons
- egg for greasing pies – 1 pc.

Cooking sweet pies with beets and carrots

1. First boil the beets and carrots in salted water until tender. Then wait until the root vegetables have cooled, peel and grate individually on a coarse grater.

2. Sift the flour into a deep bowl, make a depression in the slide, add salt, sugar, and break the eggs. Then add melted and cooled butter and start kneading the dough.

3. Stir first with a spoon, and then mix with your hands, adding vegetable oil little by little. The finished dough should be smooth and elastic.

4. Combine grated beets and carrots in a bowl, add sugar and starch, mix well. The filling is ready.

5. Form a roll from the dough, cut it into equal pieces, from which roll out into flat cakes. Place the beetroot and carrot filling on each flatbread and pinch the edges of the dough to form oval pies.

6. Grease a baking tray with vegetable oil and line with baking paper. Place the pies on it, seam side down, brush the top with beaten egg and place in the oven, preheated to 200 degrees, for 2-25 minutes.