Those who have conquered old age: how do they do it?! Jared Leto: “The secret of youth is sleep, food and the blood of virgins. Healthy lifestyle.

There are stars in Hollywood for whom years have no meaning - after all, they manage to remain young and beautiful for decades. Jared Leto, Enrique Iglesias, Pharrell Williams, Jennifer Aniston and many others - in our review of forever young celebrities

Photo: Legion-Media

Jared Leto

Jared Leto(Jared Leto) - American actor, rock singer, member of the alternative band 30 Seconds To Mars, and just handsome man with an unconventional appearance. Many believe that Jared, like a modern Dorian Gray, “gave his soul for eternal youth“- at 43 years old, the actor looks 20 years old. This incredible fact he finds one explanation - a healthy lifestyle. The singer also believes that the main factors contributing to the prolongation of youth are meditation and regular proper rest.

Jennifer Aniston

Jennifer Aniston(Jennifer Aniston) is a popular American actress, whom many know as Rachel Green from the cult comedy series Friends. The series ended in 2004 and time passes, but Jennifer does not change. Maybe it’s the memorable image and the famous “Rachel” haircut that the actress has worn for many years, but the 45-year-old actress herself claims that she works hard on herself, does yoga, spends hours training in the gym and eats a balanced diet.

Pharrell Williams

Famous American singer and producer Pharrell Williams(Pharrell Williams) has more than once found himself the main subject of jokes and rumors about “vampire abilities”, thanks to which he does not age. But Farrell, 41, reacts with humor. And when asked by journalists about how he maintains his youth, he always answers that he simply washes his face often.

Will Smith

Will Smith, an American actor and star of the films “Independence Day” and “Men in Black,” looks great at 46 years old. The only thing that distinguishes Will from his 27-year-old self is the appearance of gray hair. Smith himself says that he is grateful to his parents for this - it was from them that he inherited good genes. And also the actor’s constant motto in the fight against time is “Sport, sport and more sport.”

Alicia Silverstone

Alicia Silverstone(Alicia Silverstone) is an American actress, as well as a close friend of Liv Tyler (the girls starred in Aerosmith videos together when they were very young). Let us remember that Alicia starred in such films as “Blast from the Past” (1998), “Games of the Gods” (2013), where she played the main roles. Everyone knows Silverstone as a very strict follower of vegetarian ideas. This is probably her secret of youth. Now the actress is 38 years old, but outwardly she remains the same 20-year-old beauty.

Tom Cruise

American actor, director and screenwriter Tom Cruise(Tom Cruise) has remained at the peak of popularity for many years. And it’s not only about his talent and charisma, but also about his beautiful appearance: Tom is now 52 years old, and he plays 30-year-olds with great success. Cruz himself believes that in order to prolong your youth, you need to follow simple rules: Lead a healthy lifestyle, eat right and avoid alcohol.

Gwyneth Paltrow

Gwyneth Paltrow(Gwyneth Paltrow), American actress, fighting girlfriend of Tony Stark in the science-fiction action film " iron Man"directed by Jon Favreau, is always irresistible. What helps 42-year-old Gwyneth throughout for long years maintain the charm of youth? According to Paltrow herself, everything is very simple - the secret of her beauty is natural cosmetics prepared at home, and, of course, proper nutrition.

Halle Berry

Halle Berry(Halle Berry) is an example of a case where age makes a woman even more beautiful. The 48-year-old actress looks almost the same as she did 20 years ago. She manages to stay young thanks to constant training in the gym and proper nutrition. By the way, Hallie hardly eats sweets. This is the kind of lifestyle that helps ex-girlfriend Bond is always on top.


For a 56 year old Madonnas(Madonna) there are no boundaries in perfection. Everyone knows about the singer’s obsessive desire to overcome time while maintaining her youth and splendor. To do this, she uses all kinds of means - she exhausts herself with training, plastic surgery, yoga and vegetarian diets. It may not be easy for the pop diva, but she is happy with the result, and we agree with her.

Eva Longoria

« Desperate Housewife» Eva Longoria(Eva Longoria) is the ideal of beauty for many women in the world. The actress is 39 years old, but she still looks the same as she did back in 2004, when she first appeared on the screens of the series as Gabrielle Solis. In order for her “eternal youth” to continue to delight her fans, Longoria carefully takes care of her skin, making all kinds of vitamin masks and peelings. She also follows the principles of proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle.

Enrique Iglesias

Spanish singer Enrique Iglesias (Enrique Iglesias) never ceases to amaze with its energy, sexuality and youth. 39-year-old Enrique only increases his beauty every year. How does he achieve this result? It is only known that Iglesias is an ardent fan of sports - he spends four to five hours a day training several times a week. Probably, sport is his “elixir of youth.”

Shannon and Jared Leto are perhaps one of the most famous brothers in show business, revered by fans and admirers from all over the world. Together they are members of the rock band 30 Seconds to Mars, which everyone knows.

Many people wonder how two brothers, participating in the same project, manage to maintain such a warm family relationship? And were they always so happy and successful?


The brothers do not really like to share memories from their childhood, but they have repeatedly given interviews on this topic and said that their childhood was not the most rosy. The brothers' father divorced their mother, Constance, when they were very young. Native father The boys married another woman and had 2 more sons, but he later died. Constance's second husband, Carl Leto, adopted the brothers, but later abandoned the woman.

As children, their family moved frequently and the boys traveled a lot. Sometimes the family had nothing to live on; the boys often sneaked into other people’s houses and imagined that it was theirs. own house. Shannon, Jared's older brother, looked after Jared, and they spent time together since childhood. The boys grew up in creative family and it was their mother who instilled in them a love of music. From the age of 4, Shannon knocked and drummed on all objects, and the boys’ favorite music was classic rock performed by “DeepPurple” and “Kiss”.

By nature, the boys grew up rebels and went through all the trials together. They went through everything - street fights, drugs, and weapons. And while Jared was able to come to his senses and go to school, Shannon continued to sell drugs and steal cars until he realized that it was time to stop. His younger brother helped him get out of this.

Incredible: Photo of a girl Kristen Stewart.

From the age of 12, Jared worked as a dishwasher, car washer, and doorman. In 1992, Jared entered the Philadelphia University of the Arts and later transferred to New York. During his college years, he wrote the script for the film “Crying Joy” and acted in it. Shannon, meanwhile, worked in a jazz workshop, but due to his lack of knowledge of notes, he had to leave there.

Create a group

In 1998, the brothers decided to create the group 30STM. They rehearsed for 6-7 hours every day, honing and improving their skills. The group also included Tomo Milisevic, a guitarist and violinist of Croatian origin. On this moment the group has released 4 albums and has great popularity and a huge number of fans in different countries.

Interesting: All about Angelina Jolie's children.

Jared comes to the fore and is the leader of the group, but Shannon is not offended by this; on the contrary, he is happy for his brother and helps him in every possible way. The brothers never quarrel, they don’t even have reasons to do so. They write lyrics and music together and work on albums.

Jared usually speaks in interviews, and Shannon occasionally complements and agrees with the younger man. In an interview, Shannon admitted that he feels like Jared is an older brother because of his self-confidence and determination. As if there is a strong and invisible connection– they understand each other perfectly. They call their group " family business"and feel a huge responsibility to themselves and their fans.

The Leto brothers are very versatile personalities. Besides music, they are interested in professional photography, sports and abstract art. They often thank themselves for having each other, and also thank their mother Constance. It was she who raised them throughout their childhood, and it was she who instilled in the boys a love of art.

At the moment, the boys do not keep in touch with their adoptive father, but they communicate with their mother. At the Oscars, Jared invited Constance, and everyone was delighted with her radiant smile and appearance. And she, in turn, was proud of her sons.

The guys have said more than once in interviews with their fans that if they weren’t brothers and didn’t have such a wonderful mother, they wouldn’t be who they are now, and they would hardly be doing their favorite thing - a band and music.

Well, you can appreciate the talent of the Leto brothers, as well as look at the crowd of Thirty Seconds To Mars fans in the video below:

Today Lucy Liu turned 49. Over the past thirty years, the actress has changed only a little, over the past twenty years she has not changed at all. ELLE is about celebrities who seem to know the elixir of youth.

Damn, it's hard to believe, but Lucy Liu will turn fifty in a year! What is the secret and happiness of the actress, how was she able to maintain her youth? It turns out there are no secrets. Except Pilates and running - Lucy loves both of them very much. Besides (of course), no bad habits, but at the same time complete freedom in choosing food. The actress admits that she has never had problems with weight and, in principle, is prone to moderate meals. Lucky.

Cruise has been haunted by various rumors throughout his career, including those that explain the actor’s incredible youthfulness. The tabloids have repeatedly claimed that Tom uses the services of plastic surgeons. Even a specific name was mentioned - Ivo Pitangi, a master in this field: his clients were Jacqueline Kennedy and Frank Sinatra. The actor himself says that it’s all about sports. Rock climbing, running, rocking, yachting - maximum loads(under the supervision of specialists, of course) allow the body to maintain flexibility. The day begins with running and tennis for at least an hour and a half. Plus a strict diet - oatmeal, vegetables, fruits, chicken. As for the face, they are again talking about plastic, but it is possible that it’s all about proper care and complete absence of bad habits. However, perhaps it’s not about external reasons, but about internal ones: “I know how to plan my life. I know how to prepare, save energy, accumulate it and use it at the right time. Think about it". We'll definitely think about it, thanks, Tom.

Walking on fresh air, long sleep, contrast shower, diet under the supervision of a personal specialist - this is what allows Gwyneth not to age. There are suspicions that under such conditions anyone will look like a cucumber. The actress also exhausts herself with trips to the dermatologist, who monitors the condition of her facial skin, and allows herself to relax quite well on the weekends. A glass of wine and even a cigarette - Gwyneth speaks about these excesses without hesitation. In September, the actress turned 45. It’s hard to believe.

The actor and musician is often asked how he manages to look almost half his age, and Jared invariably answers that it’s all about vegetarianism, yoga, cycling... “I have a lot of shortcomings and unnecessary habits, but alcohol is definitely not on this list. I think the reason is good sleep And proper nutrition", he believes. Even the experiments with weight that Leto went through twice for filming (for the film “Chapter 27” he gained 30 kilograms, for “Dallas Buyers Club” he lost 14 kilograms relative to his usual weight) did not affect his fresh appearance. By the way, Jared’s older brother Shannon, who turned 47 in March, also looks very young. Perhaps it's all about genes.

Stephanie has nothing to hide. According to the singer, the key to eternal youth is sports, a strict diet and children's skin lotions. Moreover, by sports the artist does not mean yoga and Pilates, but hard options - rocking and boxing. As for baby lotions, Gwen is convinced that they cause minimal harm to the skin. In terms of nutrition, everything is quite predictable: a minimum of flour, a lot of water, fruits and vegetables. In her youth, by the way, Stephanie looked rather militant, wearing sweatpants and a T-shirt, but in the end she switched to feminine outfits, which only gave her freshness.

Avril began her musical career as a schoolgirl at the age of 18, but today she looks the same as she did in 2002. How she manages to do this is a big question. Perhaps it's a matter of stable habits. Lavigne still wears black eyeliner, goes out with tousled hair, and prefers a rock style of dress. However, despite the eternal rebellion, the singer categorically does not accept bad habits: she does not smoke, does not drink alcohol or drugs. But Avril is very familiar with sports and regularly appears in the gym, although she doesn’t really like it.

Jared Leto - actor, composer, singer, master of disguise and just unique personality. In this article we will tell you the most Interesting Facts from the life of a celebrity.


Biography of Jared Leto

Born 12/26/1971 in the USA. Survived the divorce of his parents, and after some time the death of his father. Mother married a second time. The marriage broke up a few years later. Jared has several brothers and sisters, some half-siblings. Not everything worked out with everyone a good relationship. From an early age the boy was interested in art and grew up as a confident child. At 12 I got a part-time job. After school he began studying artistic arts.

Jared Leto's career

2. On the road to glory

In 1992, the guy moved to Los Angeles and set his sights on becoming an actor. The first role was in the small series “My So-Called Life.”

Since 1994, he began appearing in major projects, starring with such celebrities as Winona Ryder, and. The actor's real fame was brought to him by the project "Requiem for a Dream", which instantly won the hearts of the audience and became a cult favorite. Separately, it should be noted the historical epic “Alexander”, which brought the actor world fame.

3. Unusual images Jared Leto and sacrifices for the role

For the film “Chapter 27,” Jared had to gain 30 kg, which was difficult, since the actor monitors his weight and nutrition. After filming, he began to get into shape.

Want to know how he gained weight and then lost it quickly?

4. Joker

There was a lot of hype around the Suicide Squad project when it became known that the star would play the Joker. The actor took filming as seriously as possible, spending time talking with real criminals, practicing with psychologists, and practicing chilling laughter. After the film's release, Jared himself and the fans were disappointed. The film included a minimum of material with the Joker; the character could not be revealed.

5. Jared and music

Many people know Leto more as a musician than as an actor, since the group is quite popular. In 2005, she occupied a leading place in the world charts.

Personal life of Jared Leto

6. Love affairs

There are a lot of rumors about the celebrity's love affairs. Most of turns out to be true. The man had affairs with Cameron Diaz, Scarlett, Paris Hilton, Lindsay Lohan, as well as with popular models.

Each romance was quite stormy, but short-lived. Jared explains this by saying that he strives to devote the lion's share of his time to creativity, but this does not suit the girls.

7. Healthy image life

Jared is a committed vegetarian and spends a lot of time maintaining physical fitness and looks incredibly young for her age. IN last years adheres to veganism and deviates from these rules only when it is necessary to gain weight for a role.

8. Life on the street

To film “Requiem for a Dream,” the actor had to not only lose a lot of weight, but also literally live on the street for some time in order to feel the atmosphere and get used to the role. However, the actor was disappointed with viewing the finished material, since the main part of the takes, where he gave his best and for which he tried, was not included in the film.

9. Ritual

Before each concert, the musician performs a certain ritual. For an hour he remains alone, turns off gadgets and does not make a sound. Stays still all the time and practices holding your breath.

10. Crazy fans

At one of the concerts, the fans got very angry, as a result of which Leto’s nose was broken. The musician calls the strangest gift from fans a severed human ear sent by mail.

11. Echelon

The singer prefers to call his fans this word, since the word fans irritates him. He claims that he strives to treat the audience as a family and wants to be one with them.

12. Justin Bieber

In an interview, Jared said the phrase: “I believe that we should look at ... with a loaded gun in our hands.” The words were spoken with humor, although Bieber's fans did not appreciate the joke. In general, musicians have a neutral attitude towards almost all performers and musical styles.

13. Hobby

Despite her busy work schedule, Summer devotes a lot of time to hobbies. Loves skateboarding hiking trips, drawing, devotes a lot of time to old computer games.

14. Oddities

The musician hates soap and handshakes. The first is replaced with shower gel or shampoo, the second with friendly hugs.

When asked who he would invite to his dream dinner, the man answered: .

In one of the interviews, the musician admitted that he was in prison. The fact has not been officially confirmed.

15. Failed romance

During the filming of Alexander, the actor became seriously interested in Angelina. The latter ignored him and preferred to have an affair with Colin Farrell. Afterwards, Leto admitted that this greatly affected his self-esteem and said that he would never again try to build a relationship with a woman who is more popular and successful than him.

16. Nude photos

The man claims that he has never sent his nude photos to anyone because he is afraid that they will end up online. As for professional photo shoots, well-known print publications have more than once offered the star fabulous sums for erotic photos on the cover, but have always been refused.

Jared Leto's weight gain and diet

17. How Jared Leto gains weight

As mentioned earlier, Jared Leto can quickly gain or lose weight for filming. In this he is similar to another wonderful actor -. But Leto has her own method of changing weight.

Since he is a vegetarian, he had to gain weight with the help of vegan pizza. Every day he ate one large pizza and also ate an incredible amount of rich soy ice cream.

To slow down his metabolism, the actor drank alcohol, although he had not previously drank it for several years.

Of course, such a terrible diet could not completely affect the man’s health. He became not only overweight, but also shortness of breath, gout and several other diseases.

It took him one year to return to normal. So how did he lose weight?

18. Jared Leto's diet

Before recruitment excess weight Jared took his health seriously, so returning to the path of sports and a healthy lifestyle was easy for him.

The actor started running again, going to the gym, and doing yoga.

A special diet helped Jared Leto actively lose weight:

  • For breakfast: vegetable salad, some nuts and one apple.
  • For lunch: tofu or legume dish, fruit and juice.
  • For dinner: low-calorie soy cutlets, some vegetables or berries.

In addition to this, the actor stuck to his basic life rules: giving up cigarettes and alcohol, meditation, walks in the fresh air and healthy sleep for at least 8 hours.

When asked how to look like 30 at 52, he answers simply: you just need to go to the gym. The actor sweats in training every day from 10 am, and after lunch he finishes off the signs of fading with strength training.

Pharrell Williams

“I'm just being a kid. I enjoy it and don't want to grow up» , said Pharrell Williams in one of his interviews. But the 43-year-old musician prefers to laugh it off about the secrets of youth: “Yes, there are no secrets, I just wash my face often!» Contacts of suppliers of holy water, which relieves him of wrinkles, the singer categorically refuses to drain.

Jared Leto

They say the 30 Seconds To Mars singer sold his soul to the devil so he could look 20 forever. 45-year-old Jared Leto himself refers to a healthy lifestyle, meditation and the ability to relax. And cosmetologists, in turn, believe that. “The most important thing is to feel comfortable, this is the key to everything» , says the actor. And we look him in the eyes and don’t believe him.

Ivan Urgant

Ivan Urgant seems to have not changed since his first broadcasts on MTV. He just added stubble to make sure that he was not 20, but still 38 years old. We think the secret is a sense of humor and a good salary. The showman also says that he is very unrestrained. Can afford to express his emotions vigorously and without embarrassment. But she doesn’t suffer from depression or a #enough-of-everything mood. Apparently, this is why he wins!

Tom Cruise

The actor, at 54, easily portrays characters who are barely in their fourth decade. And this, by the way, often became the subject of jokes: even colleagues like to tease Tom about strange skin masks, “beauty injections” and which, according to rumors, act on the artist no worse than a rejuvenating potion. The star himself has a more innocent explanation; he blames everything on his active image life and giving up bad habits.

Konstantin Khabensky

Since the days of “Deadly Force,” the actor has maintained an imperturbable calm and his not much aged face. One cannot suspect Konstantin Khabensky of cosmetic manipulation: he does not hide his wrinkles, but at the same time, at 45, he looks at least ten years younger.

Enrique Iglesias

The Spanish seducer is already over 40, but every year he seems to be fresher and blossoming. What is the secret of this beauty? And why are our friends at the institute not affected by this Benjamin Button effect? According to the official version, Enrique Iglesias manages to keep himself in excellent shape with the help of four to five hours of training several times a week, but we know that nothing rejuvenates as much as.

Will Smith

It's been 20 (!) years since the premiere of Men in Black. And 48-year-old Will Smith doesn’t want to be older than 25. Neither his figure, nor his facial wrinkles, nor his gray hair let him down. The actor thanks his parents for his eternal youth, citing good genes, but still does not forget to drop by the gym from time to time.