Proper nutrition during fitness for girls. Proper nutrition for sports

Of course, professional athletes and people who for a long time are engaged in physical exercises, they know what proper nutrition should be for playing sports. Well, for those who are just starting their journey, it will be interesting to know what kind of food and in what quantities it is better to eat when playing sports.

Nutrition during sports: what, when and how much?

During sports activities, it is important to monitor not only the contents of the plate, but also observe certain rules which will help to make the exercises as effective as possible.

If you actively attend sports activities in gym or do exercises at home, you need to eat 2 hours before or 2 hours after training. Eating immediately before a workout will create a feeling of heaviness and discomfort in the abdomen. If you eat earlier than 2 hours before class, you may be tormented by hunger and lack of energy, because the body will not have enough energy for exercise.

If sport is an additional method for losing weight for you, then your diet should be calorie-restricted. To find out the calorie requirements for your training regime, you need to use calorie calculators that are designed for weight, gender, age and physical activity.

Do not forget that you should not allow a decrease in calories below 1200-1500 kcal, even if you want to lose weight. This is how many calories the body needs to maintain basic metabolism.

If your goal in sports is to increase muscle mass, it is necessary that a sufficient amount of protein enters the body. It is what muscle tissue is built from. Chicken meat, fish, milk, cottage cheese, eggs are sources of protein.

Do not forget about the right carbohydrates during sports. It is these substances that give our body the energy we need for exercise and physical activity.

Carbohydrates are different. Those contained in sugar, honey, confectionery and flour products are almost instantly absorbed into the blood, give a lot of energy that the body does not have time to use up. Then there is a sharp decline, the blood sugar level drops, the person feels tired and overwhelmed. Such carbohydrates are absolutely not useful for those who want to lose weight and are actively involved in sports.

But complex, "long-playing" carbohydrates provide the necessary energy, are slowly released and absorbed into the blood. Such carbohydrates are found in cereals, vegetables, whole grain bread, durum wheat pasta, walnuts, peanuts.

Don't forget about fats. They also need to be consumed, in moderation, giving preference to vegetable unrefined oils High Quality.

You need to eat food during sports 5-6 times a day. And be sure to remember about the drinking regimen: you need to drink at least 2 liters per day clean water. During training, it is strictly not recommended to eat, but you can and should drink water in small sips. If you are hungry after a workout, you can drink a glass of low-fat yogurt or kefir.

Nutrition for sports: healthy foods

To make it easier to choose a daily diet when playing sports, we will consider the most useful and important products below.

  • lean meat (chicken, beef, veal, rabbit, turkey);
  • fish;
  • eggs;
  • kefir;
  • milk;
  • low-fat cottage cheese;
  • natural yogurt;
  • cereals;
  • vegetables;
  • berries and fruits;
  • unrefined vegetable oils;
  • peanut, walnuts, dried fruits.

By using these products in the correct ratio, you can be sure of your health when playing sports. If we talk about the method of cooking, then preference should be given to boiled, stewed and steamed foods. Vegetables and fruits are best eaten raw.

It is worth giving up salty, smoked foods, marinades, canned food, fast food, dishes with a lot of sugar and fat ( confectionery), with artificial additives.

  • Don't go hungry while exercising. Exhaustion of the body will not give the desired result, but can lead to weakness and disease.
  • You need to carefully monitor your diet, do not eat in a hurry, on hastily. In this case, there is a high risk of overeating.
  • If possible, before compiling a diet, it is better to consult a trainer or sports doctor.
  • Listen to your body. Eat when you are really hungry. Do not rely on sports to “remove” everything superfluous and burn calories. Get into the habit of eating right, no matter how active your physical activity is.

With the approach beach season Many people seriously think about losing weight. Someone chooses diets, and someone likes sports training, because they give the body tone, burn calories, improve mood and relieve stress.

Give preference to complex carbohydrates in your diet, reducing the amount of simple sugars to a minimum. This will help put all the energy into the work of the muscles, and not to the deposition of excess fat.

Eat fractional portions, avoiding intervals in eating for more than 3 hours, then you will not experience excruciating hunger, eat a much smaller portion, and all the energy of food will go to the needs of the body.

Breakfast is the basis of success

In order to have enough strength and energy for all workouts, and the body does not experience discomfort, it is necessary to have a hearty breakfast and devote at least an hour a day to sports. This combination is the most successful from the point of view of physiology.

If you have a good breakfast, you will not be very hungry by lunchtime, which means you will eat much less than usual. In addition, for those who do not have breakfast in the morning, metabolic processes are disturbed, because they overeat in the evening.

Another way to awaken your appetite is to run or exercise in combination with a contrast shower. This activates the metabolism and encourages the stomach to work. With such a diet, your weight loss will be more active, especially if you play sports daily.

The breakfast menu must contain proteins, complex carbohydrates and a little fat, these substances are necessary for the body to work actively. If there is no way to eat in the morning before going to work, drink milk shake and take breakfast with you to work.

Fiber and water!

For the active work of the intestines and the full assimilation of most nutrients, it is necessary to consume a sufficient amount of vegetable fiber. It stimulates peristalsis and helps to eliminate toxins.

Your diet should include at least 400 grams of vegetables per day, and potatoes should be excluded from this list. If you eat few vegetables, add pharmacy fiber to your food.

For a full metabolism, you need to drink enough liquid. Under the influence of liquid, the fiber in the intestine actively swells and stimulates the digestive process. In addition, during training, a lot of fluid comes out with sweat, so it must always be actively replenished.

During the day you need to drink at least 8 glasses of clean water. Sometimes more fluid is required, you can control the state of water balance by urine - if it is a bright saturated color, you drink little.

Proper nutrition when playing sports

Healthy fats

We are accustomed to the fact that fat is the first thing that is excluded from the diet when

This article will not be about sports nutrition» i.e. anabolic drugs and various dietary supplements, information about which can be found on specialized resources, and the positive effect of which on the body causes us certain doubts, namely, how to eat regular food while playing sports.

The human body must receive a sufficient amount of carbohydrates and proteins daily, as well as some fats, vitamins, minerals and lots of water. The effectiveness of sports activities is associated with a significant activation of protein synthesis in working muscles. The formation of the necessary protein structures that ensure the specific work of the muscles is associated with an increase in gene activity and requires a complete protein diet. In people experiencing great physical exertion, nonessential and essential amino acids in the diet should be contained in certain proportions. Unfortunately, our usual diet does not provide the body with a sufficient amount of easily digestible proteins, especially amino acids, in the required ratio. Therefore, with increased muscular activity, there is a need for additional protein nutrition or the use of special products of increased biological value (with the optimal content of essential amino acids, vitamins, mineral salts, etc.).

The main function of proteins is to form and repair the tissues and cells of the body. Carbohydrates are the main source of energy needed by the body at large physical activity. Fats are the second most important source of energy. During physical activity, more proteins, carbohydrates and fats are required than in their absence.

With high physical exertion, it is desirable to use 5-6 meals a day. Such nutrition is more physiological. The first breakfast is 5%, the second breakfast is 30%, additional meals after training are 5%, lunch is 30%, afternoon tea is 5%, dinner is 25% of the daily calorie content. The volume of food should not be too large: for 70 kg of body weight from 3 to 3.5 kg of food per day. Fruits and vegetables should make up 10-15% of the diet.

On sports days, breakfast and lunch should be nutritious. In the afternoon, at about 2-hour intervals, you need to eat several times. It should be a high carbohydrate food, it will give you strength before starting classes. Drink plenty of water throughout the day, especially during last hour before the start of classes.

Try to eat as little as possible hard-to-digest foods - these are cabbage, beans, lentils, beans, peas, pork and lamb fat. It is better to use such products less often than others and only after training sessions. An important point is the variety of food, as well as the quality cooking food. After that, ground, boiled, steamed meat, mashed legumes, oatmeal in the form of jelly with milk are easier to digest. Frequent repetition of dishes and monotony of food are undesirable. Neutral soups should be alternated with sour ones. It is advisable to avoid the same side dishes. In hot climates, calories should be slightly reduced. In cold climates, it is necessary to increase protein intake, but the amount of fat consumed should be reduced.

Meals before class

The body cannot digest a large number of food during exercise, so it is unwise to eat right before class. But doing sports requires a lot of energy. Carbohydrates are the best source of energy, so they should be included in breakfast or lunch 3 hours before the start of classes, or eaten in small portions no later than an hour before they start. Carbohydrates are rich in foods such as: oatmeal with skim milk, boiled potatoes, crispbread, crackers, toast, bread with jam or honey.

Nutrition after sports activities

If you've done a good physical job but haven't eaten for 5 hours, your blood glucose levels drop so much that exercise becomes excessive. If there are no obvious painful sensations, it still negatively affects endurance and the ability to concentrate in the process of exercising. Try to eat within two hours of finishing class. If exercise suppresses your appetite, grab a high-carb snack as soon as possible. Here are a few dishes that are perfect for this: oatmeal cookies, fruitcake, pasta with vegetables, fish or chicken, baked potatoes with low-fat seasoning, boiled rice and sweet corn salad, fruit salad with oatmeal, vegetable stew.

Carbohydrates are digested with different speed, so blood sugar levels may rise slowly or quickly.

Starch, contained in potatoes, bread and rice, gives up its energy slowly, and simple carbohydrates contained in jam, honey, fruits, juices - quickly.

"Energy-fast" foods (raisins, bananas, honey, jam, glucose, candy, chocolate, sweet biscuits, as well as rice, bread, sweet corn, potatoes, beans) are best consumed before exercise; foods at a moderate rate (pasta, oats, sweet potatoes, oatmeal, grapes, orange, oatmeal cookies) that increase sugar levels - immediately after exercise; and "low speed" (milk, yogurt, ice cream, apples, plums, grapefruit, dates, figs and legumes) even later.

Vitamin preparations

Among the pharmacological means of restoring performance during increased physical exertion special place belongs to vitamins. Their loss during work or a chronic lack of food lead not only to a decrease in working capacity, but also to various painful conditions.

To meet the body's needs for vitamins, they additionally take, in addition to vegetables and fruits, ready-made multivitamin preparations.

1. Aerovit. Increases physical performance, accelerates the recovery of the body after heavy physical exertion. Dosage: 1 tablet 1 time per day for 3-4 weeks.

2. Decamevit. Strengthens protective functions body, accelerates the course of recovery processes, prevents the aging process of the body. Dosage: 1 tablet 2 times a day for 2-3 weeks.

3. Undevit. It is used for recovery after heavy physical exertion. Dosage: 2 tablets 2 times a day for 10 days, then 1 tablet 2 times a day for the next 20 days

4. Glutamevit. Accelerates recovery processes during heavy loads, increases physical performance. Dosage: 1 tablet 3 times a day for 2-3 weeks.

5. Tetravit. Accelerates recovery after heavy loads. Dosage: 1 tablet 2-3 times a day.

6. Vitamin Bg(calcium pangamate) - increases the body's resistance to hypoxia, increases glycogen synthesis in muscles, liver and myocardium, and creatine phosphate - in muscles and myocardium. It is used to speed up recovery during periods of great physical exertion, with myocardial overstrain, pain in the liver.

7. Vitamin E (tocopherol-acetate) - has an antihypoxic effect, regulates oxidative processes and promotes the accumulation of ATP in the muscles, increases physical performance during anaerobic work. It is used for high physical loads of anaerobic and speed-strength orientation.

8. Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) - deficiency of this vitamin is manifested in increased fatigue, a decrease in the body's resistance to colds. Prolonged lack of ascorbic acid leads to scurvy. Deficiency is usually observed at the end of winter and in early spring. Vitamin C is an effective stimulant of oxidative processes, increases endurance, accelerates the recovery of physical performance. Included in all multivitamin complexes, nutritional mixtures for use during training and endurance competitions and rapid recovery of the body.

Fitness activist Yulia Fedosova explains why you can't go on a diet while exercising, and makes up ideal diet for a day.

fitness activist Actively going in for sports and setting specific goals for ourselves, sooner or later we begin to ask ourselves: what, how and when to eat in order to improve our result and progress further? After all, proper nutrition during sports is 70% of success! We are used to the fact that calories (read: carbohydrates or fats) are bad! They are associated with cellulite and overweight. We don’t need it, we want to “pump up”, so we add protein to the diet.

This is partly the right approach, but too superficial. In fact, it is impossible to completely exclude carbohydrates and fats and sit on proteins alone - this is fraught with large and dangerous problems in future. When you are "in sports" (as it is now fashionable to call it), and carbohydrates, and fats, and proteins are yours. best friends! All three nutrients must be supplied to the body in sufficient quantities, this is the basis of our nutrition. Under no circumstances should any of these components be excluded because:

Energy source for muscles, brain and all internal organs. With their lack, there can be no question of any muscle growth! No, that doesn't mean you can in good conscience binge on pastries and cakes (yeah, put your poppy seed aside for now).

The following should be known about carbohydrates: they are divided into “slow” (they are also called complex) and “fast” (simple). The principle of action is already in the name: “fast” carbohydrates (found in pastries, sweets and, attention, fruits) give us strength and energy, which quickly disappears, and also contribute to the deposition of “excess” into fat; "Slow" carbohydrates (can be found in oatmeal, buckwheat and other cereals, whole grain flour, pumpkin, cabbage and vegetables), on the contrary, gradually saturate the body with energy throughout the day. And now, attention good news: Simple carbohydrates can be taken before and immediately after training, as they will quickly saturate the muscles with glucose, which will speed up the recovery process. It is best, of course, to obtain such carbohydrates from fruits and, for example, buns without fillings (that is, with a minimum fat content). The recommended norm for exercising: 5 g of carbohydrates per 1 kg of your weight ( specific gravity in the daily menu - 40-60%).

Proteins (aka proteins)

Building material for muscle growth. Without them, there is no way to gain mass (including not to pump up a Brazilian ass). For muscle growth, you need to eat from 2 g of protein per 1 kg of your weight (the share in the menu is 20-30%). You can get protein from meat, fish, eggs, dairy and soy products. Within half an hour after a workout, our body especially needs proteins, because the so-called protein-carbohydrate window opens, when the proteins and carbohydrates eaten go to restore muscles and contribute to their growth.

There are two types: saturated and unsaturated. Saturated are found in animal products: milk, eggs, meat. Unsaturated (omega-3, omega-6) - in fish and plant products (nuts, oils). Saturated fats should be eaten less, but not eliminated. It is also important to maintain a balance between omega-3 (fish oil, linseed oil) and omega-6 (sunflower, corn oils, seeds and nuts). The optimal balance of omega-3 to omega-6 fat intake is 1:5.

An important point: after training, you should limit the consumption of fats, as they interfere with the absorption of proteins.

Actively playing sports, do not forget to eat not only properly, but also often (every 2-3 hours), drink plenty of water and get enough sleep. Pay attention to the composition of products, manufacturers are trying to deceive us by placing phrases like “100% natural and healthy” on the labels! Remember, the shorter the composition of the product, the better. Dyes, preservatives, antioxidants, stabilizers and thickeners can be really dangerous to health. Therefore, do not be lazy and find tables on the Internet with E supplements and their effect on our body. You will be surprised what manufacturers “feed” us.

On the path to proper nutrition and healthy lifestyle life, no matter how hard and sad it is, will have to give up sausages, sausages, smoked meats, soda, chewing gum, sauces and chips! Don't buy porridge fast food, ready-made breakfasts, sweet yogurts and packaged juices (they contain a lot of sugar, but the benefits are not very good). Eliminate foods containing palm and rapeseed oils, modified starch and corn syrup from your diet.

Follow these rules and you will be able to "build" the muscles, and therefore the body of your dreams!

And now from theory to practice: how to use this knowledge every day

Breakfast: morning is best to start with slow carbohydrates (provide the body with energy for the day) and proteins (muscles need to be recharged after sleep). Great option: oatmeal on the water with milk and stingy whey protein. I also recommend drinking a spoonful of linseed oil in the morning.
Lunch: four egg whites and two egg yolks omelet with a slice of whole grain bread.
Dinner: baked chicken breast, buckwheat, vegetables (alternative: fish and rice)
Pre-workout meal: homemade cottage cheese casserole with banana.
Immediately after training: protein/gainer or a full meal.
Before bedtime: load the body with protein that will fuel the muscles throughout the night. We take it from cottage cheese or protein (such a “slow” protein is called casein).

Remember: nutrition should be as diverse as possible so that the body receives all the necessary nutrients, vitamins and trace elements!

Proper nutrition during sports is the secret to achieving almost any result, whether it is a set of muscle mass, weight loss or drying. Often, not so much training as your nutrition is a clear indicator of how you look now and what you need to do with it all next. Let's talk about food.

So, the first thing you need to know, regardless of your goals, is that nutrition in any case should always be complete. In other words, whether you set yourself the goal of losing weight or gaining weight, your diet in any case should include proteins, fats, carbohydrates, fiber and vitamins. How is this possible? Remember. Of the products that we will consider further, among what is possible, everything is allowed. Depending on your goals, only three indicators are regulated: the caloric content of a serving of food, the size of a serving of food, and the number of meals per day. However, we already talked about this in the article, where I described the basic knowledge that you need to arm yourself with when starting training with iron.

Proper nutrition for sports (both professional and amateur) is formed from foods containing proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and fiber. These components are full and integral components of the correct and healthy eating. This is not to mention the fact that the diet of any person who is not even engaged in physical activity should include them all. We will receive proteins mainly from meat and dairy products. In smaller quantities, they will also be found in many other products. We will definitely use fats, but not saturated ones, and even then not all. What this means will be said later. We will use complex carbohydrates, although in exceptional cases we will resort to the use of fast ones. The source of fiber, which is extremely important for our body, will be fruits, vegetables, legumes and grains. Vitamins, finally, will nourish us with all kinds of vegetables, fruits and berries.

Now in detail for each item.


Squirrels- this is organic compounds, which are the structural elements of all living organisms, including humans. They regulate metabolism and the processes of biochemical reactions. They perform such functions as creating the structure of cells, protecting them, regulating metabolic processes, transporting and storing nutrients, but not only. The basis of proteins are amino acids that the human body cannot synthesize on its own, which means you must get them from your diet. It is for this reason that proteins are important part proper nutrition during sports.

The protein we need to build new muscles is found in foods such as milk, cottage cheese, eggs, cheese, meat, fish, poultry, legumes and seafood.

We will use non-fat milk, cottage cheese too, mostly chicken eggs, although we should not disdain quail, however, this is an amateur question. How to distinguish fatty cheese from non-fat cheese, you can ask at the store. Usually, not oily is dry enough, but almost dripping from oily. We will use beef and veal meat. Pork is considered fatty, and whether you eat it or not is up to you. Poultry, of course, is not limited to chicken and turkey, you can also eat goose, wild or domestic duck, etc. In smaller portions, protein is found in legumes, and as for seafood, decide for yourself, squid and shrimp are rather products"for an amateur", although there is plenty of protein in them.

At this stage, this list of protein foods will be more than enough for you so that your diet can be called fully diverse.

Fats are the next item to consider.


Fats(they are also triglycerides) are organic natural ingredients which are composed of fatty acids and glycerol. These are one of the most important components of human cells, standing on a par with proteins and carbohydrates. Triglycerides form cell membranes, connective tissue, phospholipids, lipoproteins. In the human body, they are primarily responsible for structural and energy functions.

Fats are divided into saturated and unsaturated. Forming proper nutrition for sports, the use of margarine, butter cream and butter should be reduced to a minimum, and it is desirable to stop their use altogether. Unsaturated fats, such as olive oil and flaxseed oil, are an excellent substitute for regular refined oil. You can fry on olive oil, and flaxseed, say, to fill a salad. Fats of the omega group are generally necessary for the human body, so eating fish, walnuts, beans and fish oil is recommended for everyone, both those who are gaining weight and those who are losing it.

Triglycerides are both beneficial and harmful. The main thing in their use is to be able to distinguish one from the other. But even when eating healthy fats, you need to maintain a certain balance and not overdo it with the use of foods containing triglycerides.


Carbohydrates(they are also saccharides) are the most important structural elements that make up human cells and tissues. They are necessary for the construction of ATP, DNA and RNA, serve as a source of energy, and also store nutrients in the form of glycogen. The course of the processes of protein and fat metabolism in the human body occurs with the direct participation of saccharides. Together with proteins, they are involved in the formation of hormones, enzymes and other important compounds.

Carbohydrates are also divided into two types. Simple (fast) and complex (slow). Fast carbohydrates are usually sugar containing, confectionery and flour products. Their use should be minimized, although it is not worth completely refusing. Honey, for example, albeit in a small amount, can be added to cottage cheese with a banana, in addition, it contains many useful substances, and with the help of jam, you can make a homemade protein-carbohydrate cocktail, but this is already separate story for those looking to gain weight. If we are talking about slow carbohydrates, then proper nutrition during sports should be based on them when compiling a diet. We will use such cereals as buckwheat, rice, barley, wheat, pumpkin, corn and others. Same way important place oatmeal and muesli will be in the diet. And of course, in some cases, pasta and potatoes.

Of course, we will periodically change the diet for a change, and here you will have complete freedom of action. The essence of these words is this: choose what you like among what you can and build your diet from it. Try one, the other, the third, find what makes you "rushing" and focus on it. Someone rushes from pearl barley, someone from wheat porridge, someone from buckwheat. Try and decide.


Cellulose- these are food elements that the body's food enzymes do not digest, but they are processed by the beneficial intestinal microflora. Fiber does not supply a person with energy, but it plays an important role in the functioning of the body as a whole and the gastrointestinal tract in particular.

The importance of fiber in nutrition is underestimated by many. But it has a positive effect on metabolism and improves the process of digestion. So we also include it in the diet. When it comes to fiber, a proper diet for exercise should include vegetables, fruits, legumes, and grains. Fiber is rich in pears, apples, potatoes, carrots, beans, peas and more. By the way, it is also contained in the peel of apples and cucumbers, so the next time you are going to peel them before eating, think about the benefits of the peel. As for bread, stop with flour white bread and eat whole grain, Borodino and bran bread.

The benefit of including fiber in your diet is that it is wonderfully nourishing. intestinal microflora, the normal composition of which affects the correct functioning of our entire body. Among other things, it eliminates constipation, improves the speed of gastric emptying, the quality of absorption in the small intestine and affects the entire process of food passing through the gastrointestinal tract.


vitamins- organic compounds that regulate the processes of metabolism, energy synthesis, nerve conduction and prevent cell destruction. While vitamins are neither a source of energy for the body nor a structural element of tissues, they nevertheless play almost leading role in metabolism. Most of them are not synthesized in our body, so they need to be received in time and in the right amount with food.

Proper nutrition during sports cannot be imagined without vitamins, or rather, without products containing them. We will not stop here for a long time, everyone already knows that almost all vegetables and fruits, as well as berries, are rich in vitamins. And given that they are also rich in fiber, which we just learned about, eating them is not only desirable, but highly recommended.


Let's not forget about such useful products for our body as dried fruits. They contain a huge list of vitamins, minerals and more. Everyone knows about their benefits, but for those who do not know, now we will conduct an educational program.

Dried fruits include: dried apricots, prunes, dates, raisins, figs, peanuts, hazelnuts, cashews, walnuts and more. Dried fruits are rich in minerals and fiber. Some are able to raise immunity, as well as have a beneficial effect on the heart and nervous system, remove radionuclides from the body, as well as increase efficiency. Others are high in pectin, vitamins C, B and P. Still others are excellent sources of phosphorus, iron, potassium and calcium. In any case, the benefits of their use are as obvious as they are incredible, and their combined use is recommended, which is possible due to the dried fruit mixes widely represented on store shelves. Thus, proper nutrition during sports, as you already understood, makes demands on the use of dried fruits, since in addition to the properties described above, they are also rich in vitamins and fiber.


It's time to summarize the material covered. First, and most importantly, we learned that the diet of any person should be complete, that is, it should include proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and fiber. Secondly, we learned what all of the above components are and what functions they perform in the human body, which explained to us the need for their use. Thirdly, we learned what products each of these items is represented by, which will be discussed below. So, we repeat - proper nutrition for sports is formed from the following products:

Rich in protein are: milk (not fatty), cottage cheese (not fatty), eggs (proteins), cheese (not fatty), meat (beef, veal), fish (pink salmon, tuna), poultry (chicken, turkey), legumes (beans, beans) and seafood (squid, shrimp). And of course, this is not the whole list of protein foods, but even these are quite enough to complete your diet with its various sources.

Fats that can be included in the diet include: olive, flaxseed oil, as well as omega fats. The latter are found in foods such as fish, walnuts, beans, as well as pharmaceutical fish oil.

From carbohydrates, the diet is allowed: cereals (buckwheat, rice, pearl barley, wheat, pumpkin, corn), cereals (oatmeal, muesli), as well as potatoes in limited quantities and, in rare cases, pasta.

Vital fiber includes: fruits (pears, apples, figs, dates), vegetables (potatoes, carrots, tomatoes, pumpkin), legumes (beans, peas, nuts, seeds), cereals (black bread: whole grain, Borodinsky, bran).

With vitamins, everything is extremely clear - only good nutrition, with the inclusion of the aforementioned proteins, fats, carbohydrates, fiber and other food components, is able to fully provide your body with them, which in turn is necessary for its correct functioning.