Rules for submitting documents to universities. Secrets of submitting documents to the admissions committee

In order to submit your application to the university commission in a timely manner, you must prepare all the required documents for admission.

For the full-time department, it is important to collect the following documentation:

  1. Photocopy of passport. Some universities require it to be notarized.
  2. Certificate from school. Original required.
  3. Application for admission. The form is issued by the admissions committee and filled out in its presence.
  4. Certificate with Unified State Exam results in compulsory and specialized subjects.
  5. Photos. 6 photographs in 3x4 format are provided.
  6. Attribution certificate. If available - military ID (for guys).
  7. Medical certificate in form 086/у.
  8. Diploma from college/technical school (for college graduates).

Documentation from candidates with disabilities

What documents are needed for admission to a university for applicants with disabilities?

Often such candidates are physically unable to pass exams in Unified State Exam format Therefore, special internal tests are provided for them, which are carried out directly at the university, where conditions are organized taking into account the physiological disorders of applicants.

The list of subjects taken here will also depend on the specialty they have chosen. Thus, providing a certificate with exam results in this situation is not necessary. However, upon admission, this category of persons must provide additional information to the admissions committee:

  • medical report from the psychological and pedagogical commission;
  • certificate of disability.

From disabled people of groups 1 and 2

Disabled people who decide to go to college need to prepare a number of additional documents. For this category of applicants, each university is obliged to establish a quota, which must include at least 10% of total number places on a budget basis. After passing internal exams, this benefit applies to:

In addition to the main list of documents, this category of applicants must provide the following documentation for admission:

  1. A conclusion from doctors allowing you to study at the chosen university.
  2. Certificate of disability.
  3. Individual rehabilitation program.

For admission to the master's program

Many graduates who have received a bachelor's degree wish to continue their studies in an advanced master's program. Admission to a master's program requires applicants to provide a number of additional information. They need to submit the following documents to the university:

  1. Diploma confirming higher education.
  2. Application for admission to a university for a master's degree.
  3. Identity document.
  4. 3x4 photographs (from two to six photographs).
  5. Certificate from the clinic (only for some specialties).
  6. If there are benefits, a corresponding certificate of entitlement to benefits.

Documentation for the correspondence department

The list of documents in this case is identical to the list of documentation submitted upon admission to the full-time department. However, in some cases additional information may be required.

So, if an applicant enters a correspondence course with the aim of obtaining a second (third) higher education, he must attach the original diploma to the general package of documents. Some institutions insist on providing a certificate of employment.

In some cases, when enrolling in the correspondence department, the university does not require presentation Unified State Exam results in specialized subjects. This rule applies to applicants who will study as part of retraining. However, in this case they must present a diploma of first higher education.

For the second higher education program

  1. Statement.
  2. Photocopy of passport.
  3. Diploma confirming first higher education. If this document does not correspond to the state standard, you must attach a copy of the university license and a copy of the accreditation of your specialty.
  4. A document with a list of subjects you have already studied.
  5. Photos in 3x4 format (from four to six pieces).

Methods of submitting documents to the university

There are only three ways to apply to a university:

  1. Personal appearance. The most common method is when applicants personally appear at the admissions committee, where they fill out an application and provide its members with all the necessary documentation.
  2. Sending documents by mail. Very convenient way for those who are going to study in another city. But here it is worth considering that sometimes the post office delays the delivery of letters, so documents should be sent as early as possible.
  3. Sending documents via the Internet. Maximum operational method, which, however, is not acceptable by all universities. Some educational institutions Still, they insist on the personal appearance of candidates. Therefore, check in advance whether the university accepts documents in electronic form.

School is over, all the exams have been passed, the results have been received, but there is no time to rest and relax, the time has come to choose a future specialty, professional activity, and, consequently, places to receive specialized education. Young people often have questions: What documents are needed to enter a university? What is the deadline for submitting a package of documents for admission to the institute? How many universities can I apply to? Are there any benefits for admission and for which category of citizens? In this article we will try to answer these and some other questions in detail.

Mandatory list.

  1. Statement. Each university has its own application form. It is filled out by the applicant and contains information about the applicant’s identity, chosen specialties (directions), Unified State Examination results, consent to the processing and verification of the provided data.
  2. A copy of your identification document. As a rule, a copy of your passport. You can also use a foreign passport, driver's license, military ID and other documents that replace a passport as an identification document.
  3. A copy of the state-issued education document. That is, a school leaving certificate. The original is provided directly upon enrollment at the university.
  4. Photos. Every educational organization determines how many photographs are needed for admission to the university. As a rule, it varies from 4 to 6 pieces, measuring 3x4 centimeters in black and white.
  5. Medical certificate in form 086/у, which certifies the absence of contraindications for training. This certificate can be obtained from your clinic to which you are assigned, or from paid medical examination clinics.

This is a general list of documents for all higher educational institutions our country. It is important to remember that when providing a copy of any documents (passport, certificate, diplomas and others), you must have the originals with you to certify the copies!

Additional documents.

  1. Military ID (if available) or registration certificate for young people subject to conscription for military service.
  2. Certificate of disability of group I or II, death certificate of one or both parents, if you are applying for a quota for disabled people and orphans.
  3. Portfolio. It must include documents confirming the individual achievements of the applicant (diplomas and certificates of participation and winning prizes in school Olympiads in general education subjects of different levels, sports competitions, confirming the presence of the GTO badge, etc.), which can serve as the basis for the assignment of additional points upon admission.
  4. Original target direction from the organization carrying out similar work and an agreement with this organization.
  5. The list of additional documents for admission to medical school has not been established; the set corresponds to all other specialties.

A special, additional list of documents may be established for admission to military specialties, universities of the Ministry of Defense, Federal Law Service, Ministry of Internal Affairs and others with access to state and official secrets. Details of admission to these educational institutions can be found on their websites.

Procedure for submitting documents

A certificate of passing the Unified State Exam is no longer required! All information about your results on Unified State Exam Universities will receive from a single database to which they are given access. However, some universities may require a certificate from the school confirming that you have passed the Unified State Exam.

According to the admission rules approved by the Ministry of Education and Science, documents can be submitted in person at the university admissions committee, as well as by registered mail. In this case, all copies of documents must be notarized!

Documents can be submitted to no more than 5 different universities, in each of which you can choose no more than 3 specialties (directions).

Deadlines for submitting documents

The period for accepting documents for admission to a higher educational institution and conducting entrance examinations is installed at each university individually and must be posted on the information stand of the admissions committee and also on the university website. As a rule, reception begins in late June and continues until the end of July. In early August, students are enrolled and training contracts are drawn up on a paid and budget basis.

Admission without exams

According to the Law of the Russian Federation on Education and the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia on approval of the procedure for admission to study programs higher education, without passing entrance examinations, the following categories of citizens have the right to be enrolled in a university to undergo training at the expense of the budget: winners and prize-winners All-Russian Olympiad schoolchildren and other Olympiads of the first category (according to the Procedure for holding Olympiads for schoolchildren, approved by the Ministry of Education and Science), participants of the Russian national team in international Olympiads in general education subjects, winners and prize-winners of the Olympiad, Paralipiad, Deaf Olympiad, world and European champions (in the specialty physical culture and sports).

Admission information

In mid-late July, each university creates lists of those recommended for enrollment and posts them on information stands and on the organization’s website. For final enrollment you must: submit an application for consent to enrollment and provide original documents (certificate, diplomas, diplomas, etc.).

Finally, school, along with exams and the accompanying worries, are over. No longer a schoolboy, but not yet a student (and not even an applicant yet) must answer one of the most important questions in his life: “Where to go to study?” Having decided, it is necessary to clarify what is needed to enter the university.

General rules for admission to university

The process of entering universities for current school graduates is very exciting. The exams have already been passed, the results have been received, it is no longer possible to change them this year. If a person has already decided on the profession that he would like to master, he must choose suitable educational institutions. An applicant has the right to apply for admission to 5 different universities, in each of which he can choose three directions (specialties). Moreover, this choice can be very diverse - for example, you can simultaneously apply to medical, theater and economics institutes. Within one university, the areas may be similar, from the same faculty, or completely different (for example, in a pedagogical university you can choose mathematics, physical education and foreign language). There are no restrictions, but you must pass the Unified State Exam in those subjects that are necessary for a specific specialty. What documents are needed to enter a university, when and how to submit them? Each educational institution publishes this information on its official websites.

Deadline for submitting documents (2013)

The documents required for admission to the university must be submitted no later than July 25 this year. This applies to those who are admitted only based on the results of the Unified State Examination. If the competition for the chosen specialty involves an additional exam of a creative nature, then the documents must be submitted much earlier (approximately July 5). Approximately on the 10th, the acceptance of applications from persons taking additional specialized exams, which the university conducts independently, ends. Documents for correspondence departments are accepted from August 1 to August 19.

What documents are needed for admission to the university?

Each university sets its own requirements and regulates the package of documents provided. This means that you will only learn on the spot what documents are needed for admission to a university with a specific specialization. Typically, an applicant must attach originals or copies of the following documents to the application for admission: passport (identity document and Russian citizenship); a certificate of secondary education or other state document; 4 photos, original or copy of the Unified State Examination certificate, military ID (if any); a copy of the pension insurance certificate (it and the military ID must be presented upon enrollment). When enrolling in the 1st year, you must also provide a fully completed health certificate (form 086/у).


In the application for admission, the applicant must indicate the following information: full name, date of birth, passport data, information about previous education and documents confirming it, selected areas of study in priority order, information about passing and results of the Unified State Examination, about the presence of a diploma of the winner of the relevant Olympiad (if yes), there is a need for a hostel.

Submission of documents

To some universities, the applicant is required to submit documents in person by signing the application in the presence of a representative of the educational institution; others accept packages of documents by mail. Even electronic submission of an application is acceptable. It is very important to carefully read the admission rules for a particular educational institution. this year, they contain exact information about what documents are needed for admission to the university, and how they need to be submitted.

Admission to a higher educational institution can be compared to a quest, which is by no means the most pleasant and interesting. One of its stages - the Unified State Exam - has been completed, but there is still the submission of documents ahead, and within a limited time frame, and a nervous wait for the list of applicants. To reduce your stress level as much as possible and get rid of multiple visits to the admissions office, you need to find out in advance and prepare a complete package of documents for admission.

What documents must be submitted to the university?

  1. Statement. As a rule, a template is already printed, but sometimes a written version is required. An application is drawn up on the spot, in front of members of the admissions committee.
  2. Photocopy of passport. However, you need to take the original with you so that the admissions committee can certify the copy. You can also bring a notarized copy.
  3. Original or copy of education document. These are a certificate, a diploma with an appendix (if the applicant has graduated from college).
  4. Original or copy of the certificate of passing the unified state exam with the number of points scored.
  5. Photos size 3x4. It is better to look at the exact number of photographs on the official website of the university. Usually they require 4-6 pieces.
  6. Medical certificate in form 086/у. It can be obtained at a clinic at your place of residence or at a paid medical institution. Not all majors require a certificate, so you need to find out the exact information on the official website of the university.

What other documents may be needed

  1. Young people may be asked for a registration certificate or military ID.
  2. Copies of documents confirming the applicant’s priority right, as well as the right to admission under a quota. This applies to preferential categories of persons, for example: orphans, disabled people of groups 1 and 2, children of military personnel, low-income families, etc.
  3. Diplomas of winners or prize-winners of the Olympiad, as well as other documents confirming individual achievements.
  4. SNILS.
  5. For those who enroll under a targeted agreement, that is, on a paid basis, a copy of the agreement on targeted training.

How can I submit documents for admission?

  1. Personally. Most applicants prefer to come to the admissions office themselves and personally submit a package of documents to the admissions committee.
  2. Sending by mail. This method is most convenient for those who plan to enroll in another city. However, it is advisable to send the documents in advance, since this procedure takes quite a long time.
  3. By e-mail. Not all universities provide this opportunity, so you must first clarify this information on the official website of the university.

In addition to the above, it is worth saying that the applicant has the right to apply to 5 universities and 3 directions in each. The original documents are sent to the last and highest priority university for the applicant.

The order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation determines the list of entrance tests for admission to study in educational programs higher education - bachelor's degree programs and specialty programs. (Complete list).

In this case, the results of the Unified State Exam in the Russian language and in the relevant subject for the given specialty must be taken into account. Universities are given the right to choose one more third exam from several recommended for a given specialty.
(Procedure for admission to universities, order No. 890 dated July 22, 2016)

In 2018, the Unified State Examination results for 2014–2018 will be valid.

Two universities - Moscow and St. Petersburg State Universities have a special status. These universities have the right to independently decide to conduct one additional entrance test of a profile focus when admitting them to undergraduate programs and specialist training programs.

By order of the government, the right to conduct their own entrance examinations for certain specialties may be granted annually to some more universities. The form of these exams (written, oral, testing, interview) is determined by the university.

The right to conduct ( in addition to the Unified State Exam) one in-house entrance test in a core subject was given to 5 universities:

Universities that have the right to conduct additional tests for applicants
(for some specialties)

  1. Moscow State Law Academy named after O.E. Kutafin (jurisprudence)
  2. Moscow State Linguistic University (political science, jurisprudence, linguistics, etc.)
  3. Moscow Pedagogical State University(sociology)
  4. National Research University" graduate School economics" (philology, linguistics)
  5. Nizhny Novgorod State Linguistic University named after. N. A. Dobrolyubova (translation and translation studies)

Additional tests may also be conducted by universities when applying for creative and sports majors. Some entrance tests may be considered by the university on a pass/fail basis, while others may be considered competitive. Universities must determine the final list of entrance examinations and admission conditions by February 1 of the current year.

Admission to universities without entrance tests

Without entrance examinations (Unified State Exam results), only winners and runners-up can enter the university final stage All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren, members of Russian national teams that participated in international Olympiads in general education subjects, for training in areas of training (specialties) corresponding to the profile of the Olympiad.

Winners and prize-winners of additional Olympiads, the list of which is established by the Olympiad Council operating on the basis Russian Union rectors, receive benefits at the discretion of the educational institutions themselves, where they enter in accordance with the profile of the Olympiad