Cool homemade weapon. Weapons for survival from improvised means DIY toy weapons

Wolfdog as a melee weapon. How to work with a top. Is this wolf XO? How to make a top yourself.

Girls and weapons

Myths and reality about girls and weapons.

Wooden weapons for survival

Basics of making wooden weapons. Wooden weapons of the First World War. How to make a baton. How to use a baton. A set of exercises with a bat. How to hit with a baton in battle.

The land of the extra. A. and M. Cruz

A series of books by Andrei and Maria Cruz about new world, into which “unnecessary” people are moved.

What can a knife be made from?

Making homemade knives with your own hands. Materials for making knives.

Making knives from a file

How to make a knife from a file at home with your own hands. Video on making knives.

How to make a crossbow

Survival crossbow, made with my own hands from things that can easily be found in ordinary life. No special tools or special skills are required to make a homemade crossbow.

How to make a dart

Homemade dart for survival. How to make a dart with your own hands and how to throw a dart correctly.

How to make a knife

How to make a knife with your own hands at home. A pit with three bricks instead of a forge, a bicycle pump for supercharging, a barbecue grill for cooking coals, a small sledgehammer, and a pry bar - from which a homemade knife is made.

How to make a knife with hand tools

Making a knife using hand tools. In case of power supply and power outage.

How to make a weapon

A small review about homemade weapon, historical excursion and making a sling, flail and brass knuckles from improvised means.

How to make a medieval crossbow

We make a crossbow with our own hands using medieval technologies. This crossbow can be made practically without tools, with only a knife and a drill, however, you can do without a drill.

Kalashnikov vs M16

Which is better - the Soviet Kalashnikov assault rifle or the American M16 and M4.

Rat Tower

The Rat Tower is not a survival guide, it is a literary book on the theme of post-apocalypse, however, it examines (in narrative form) situations that can arise both in ordinary life and in a situation of mild post-apocalypse caused by economic reasons. I recommend reading it! I liked this book.

Bow made from plastic pipes

How to do collapsible bow from PVC pipes. Video instructions for making a homemade bow.


Review of Chinese hunting arrowheads.

Drill knife

Manufacturing homemade knife from a drill using forging. Video on how to make a knife from a drill with your own hands. Hardening a homemade knife.

Elite special forces knife fight

In this article you can download the free book Knife Fighting elite special forces and learn to fight with a knife.

About axes and survival

How to choose an ax for a survivalist for a hike. What ax to put in the car. How to sharpen an axe. Operation of the ax

Prepper's Sling

A sling is the easiest weapon to make that you can make with your own hands from scrap items. The oldest sling known to history was found in the tomb of Tutankhamun, who died around 1325 BC. During excavations, it was found along with other throwing weapons, which historians believe should have been useful to the pharaoh while hunting. A calculation of the energy of a stone from a sling is also given.

Homemade metal crossbow

Making a homemade crossbow from metal parts. The tension force of the crossbow is 30 kg, the shoulder span is 60 cm, the stroke of the bowstring is 250 mm.

Homemade bow

How to make a homemade survival bow. Simple and compound (composite) bows. Is bow hunting allowed in Russia?

Homemade bow from raw wood

Making your own onions from freshly cut wood. Examples of homemade bow designs.

Homemade knife from a spring

Making a homemade knife from spring steel. The complete technology for creating a knife using simple tools is accessible to anyone and does not require a machine shop or even a workbench.

Finding yourself alone with nature, you have to survive by getting food using improvised means. It’s good if you have a bladed weapon or a hunting rifle with you. If you find yourself in a situation where you have neither one nor the other, you can make a weapon out of wood with your own hands.

Almost any weapon can be made from wood: a bow, a crossbow for hunting, a knife, a spear, a spear, a slingshot, an ax and even a gun. More details on how to make weapons from wood are discussed below.

Homemade knife, wooden

The choice of material for making weapons is a very important task.

  • Birch is a strong and unyielding material; it is best used to make batons.
  • Aspen, poplar and pine are softer and lend themselves well various types processing.
  • But the most suitable wood for homemade wood is oak. Oak wood is well processed, light in weight, durable, and does not lose its characteristics over time.

Before making a workpiece, you need to select a material that does not contain knots, rotten areas, distortions, or heterogeneity of fibers, then dry it without exposure to direct sunlight. When the material is ready, weapons preparation is made.

DIY wooden slingshot


The simplest wooden weapon is a slingshot. With the help of this throwing weapons you can hunt birds and small game, and for production you need a minimum of materials - a strong elastic band or tourniquet, and a branch with a fork (it is better to use hazel).

The fork is cut from the main part of the barrel to the required size, polished, and a tourniquet is attached to both ends. For reliability, you can make small cuts at the ends of the slingshot so that the tourniquet does not slip off.

Wooden club

A similar simple weapon is a wooden club. The disadvantage of this projectile is that to use it you need to maintain a short distance, which can be very difficult during hunting. To make a club you need to use young tree, sawn close to the root, where the wood is strongest. The bark and all the knots are carefully removed from the surface of the workpiece, it is soaked for a day in water, then dried over a fire until black, which is then removed by sanding with sand and grass. This procedure must be done several times, resulting in a durable club that does not rot.

DIY wooden knife

Wooden knives

An equally complex homemade weapon is a wooden knife. It can be cut in one piece from a wooden block, or it can be made from two components. To do this, you need to draw a sketch of the workpiece on wooden blocks, then cut it out with a hacksaw. After this, both parts are glued together into a single whole. If the manufacture of a wooden knife is carried out in field conditions, then, as a rule, there is nothing to glue the component parts with. Therefore, it is cut from a single block.

The blade is well sharpened and carefully polished, after which it must be fired over a fire, giving it strength. If possible, you can varnish the knife, then it will not be afraid of moisture.

Wooden bow and crossbow

Bow or crossbow - effective weapon in the forest, made of wood. There are many video examples of crossbow making that describe the entire process in detail. First, the crossbow body with a groove for the arrow is cut out. An arc will be attached to one end of the body, and a trigger mechanism will be made at one third of the other end. It is better to make an arc from several layers of plywood glued together, which bend after drying. You can make it out of metal. At both ends of the crossbow arc you need to make holes for attaching the bowstring. The arc is attached to the body using a strong rope; if it is not at hand, using wire. The bowstring is attached to the bow in such a way that it passes closely over the body, but does not touch it. The task of the trigger mechanism is to capture the bowstring and sharply release it. The design of the mechanism can be made in the form of a wide arc or a complex system of hooks.

Arrows for crossbows are made of elastic wood, they are given a cylindrical shape, after which they are polished. The tip can be made of wood, metal or stone.

Not only “cold” weapons can be made from wood. You can make something like a pistol or shotgun, but you need to understand that it will not last long. The algorithm for making a pistol is simple: you need to make a frame from wood to which the barrel is attached, as well as a trigger mechanism with a striker, you can add a magazine. A metal tube is used as a barrel.

It is difficult to make a full-fledged pistol from wood, but you can make a dart shooter, which will become a full-fledged hunting projectile. In order to make it, you need to cut a cylinder from an empty aerosol can into which a piston cut from wood is inserted. To provide normal strength friction, a rubber skirt is attached to the piston. Next, the rod is made using a large nail and a spring. Inside the wooden frame you need to make a hole into which a cylinder with a piston is placed. The trigger mechanism is made in the same way as a crossbow; more detailed installation process can be found in the video. The barrel of the dart thrower needs to be made using a metal pipe, and nails for the darts.

Every self-respecting country that wants to have weight on the world stage spends almost the lion's share of its budget on the development of the military-industrial complex. Target factories are being built, new ultra-modern types of weapons are being developed. However, it is effective to destroy fighting forces the enemy can be attacked in another way - using homemade weapons. This, of course, is not as effective, but it works great in conditions guerrilla warfare. And exactly about homemade weapons we'll talk today.

1. Pit trap

Perhaps the most primitive example of a homemade weapon. The soldier does not see the hole, falls into it, runs into stakes or spikes, and loses his combat effectiveness. What could be simpler? Even ancient and primitive hunters used pit traps for hunting wild and large animals. But people are much smarter than animals, so the main problem is the effective camouflage of such pits. Best example tactics for using this homemade weapons demonstrated to us.

For those who don't know - Vietnam War, in which licensed peddlers of democracy massively sucked in the semi-savage Vietnamese people, partially sponsored Soviet Union. The very conditions of Vietnam completely neutralized the fierce superiority of the democratizers in armored vehicles and aviation, and the American infantry, as we know, sucks without support. And here it sucked especially hard - the jungle, high humidity, regular flooding of the territory, tropical diseases, mosquitoes, poor mobility - all this played against them. And then there are the evil Vietnamese, for whom “democracy” did not give in at all and who made life difficult with all their might American army. And it's not even about classic guerrilla tactics, speech and “quiet” war.

The fact is that digging holes in the ground, sticking them with stakes smeared with, excuse me, shit, and waiting for the water to fill them itself is as easy as shelling pears. And a soldier who is blindly wandering along a half-flooded path discovered with such difficulty will obviously not be happy to fail and run into these surprises with all his weight. There is also a more complicated version - in addition to the stakes at the bottom, spikes were installed on the sides, directed diagonally downward. If a soldier tried to pull his leg out, he also ran into these spikes. And a very difficult option - two logs studded with nails. The soldier steps on their joint, falls down, the drums rotate, the nails stick in...

2. Molotov cocktail

This homemade weapon has already become a classic for most modern riots. And all because it is extremely simple.

The hot Finnish guys were the first to come up with such an effective means of destroying manpower and armored vehicles during Soviet-Finnish war 1939-1940. And it was they who called these cute bottles “Cocktail for Molotov”, since Comrade Molotov was at that time the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the USSR and was, in principle, responsible for starting the war.

However, this one has homemade weapons and obvious shortcomings. The first and main thing is that a set fire to a rag unmasks a fighter, putting his life at risk. The solution was found using chemistry - a mixture of some chemical substances ignite upon contact with air, so the ampoule with reagents began to simply be placed in bottles with Molotov cocktail.

3. Samopal

Or in other words - homemade firearms . Honestly, it’s worthy of a separate article - there’s so much various options was invented, created and tested by local “Kulibins” of various nationalities. So for now we will focus on the simplest option - the “ignition” type self-propelled gun.

According to modern weapons classification, this is a single-shot ramrod-type pistol. That is, the charge and bullet are placed from the muzzle opening. On the opposite side, accordingly, there is an igniter hole. The barrel is a metal tube that is attached to an improvised butt. The charge is directly ignited either manually or using a trigger mechanism.

Despite the extremely simple principle, this homemade weapon quite effective. It can even kill at close range, especially if you hit something vital organ.

4. Kassam missile

This homemade weapon- in fact, a solid-fuel unguided surface-to-surface missile. It is still being actively carried out in the Gaza Strip with the aim of shelling Israeli territory.

The point is simple. The simplest and most accessible ingredients are taken, which we will not list here, but which can be found in any agricultural or hardware store. All this is combined in the correct proportions, and then the homemade rocket is installed on launcher and is launched towards the enemy.

Between 2001 and 2012, 27 people were officially killed, and another 700 were injured of varying degrees of severity. Actually, this is not an offensive weapon - low accuracy, low explosive power and heavy weight make it ineffective in active combat operations. But as a weapon of terror, it’s just right. Produced literally on the knee, inexpensive, unnoticeable. And not so long ago, a Palestinian garbage truck converted into a system was detained in the Gaza Strip volley fire with the help of the Kassams. No, this is truly brilliant - you can move around the territory unnoticed, in a matter of minutes prepare a salvo, shoot and hide just as unnoticed. In short, simple and effective in its own way homemade weapon.

5. “Shushpanzers”

Under this funny name, which originated in 2007 on thematic forums dedicated to military equipment, hiding any modern vehicle, covered with improvised armor. Wherever it was not used - both during the Second World War, when the USSR had huge problems with armored vehicles, so armor and weapons were even installed on tractors, and during the first Arab-Israeli conflict, when the Jews did not yet have their own Merkavas, and on eastern Ukraine, and from both sides of the conflict.

And all because this homemade weapons an extremely simple principle. A powerful wheelbase is taken (truck, tractor, anything that can pull a lot of weight) and sheathed with thick metal sheets. The thicker it is, the more reliable it is. Actually, that's all. From shrapnel and bullets it homemade weapon will protect, deliver the soldier to his destination. And if you install a machine gun, it will cover you with fire. In a word, simple and effective.

Children of the 90s generation did not have newfangled toys and computer games, but there was a wild imagination that allowed him to come up with incredible ways of entertainment. The favorites had something you could shoot with or set on fire. Although these entertainments were considered favorites among children during perestroika, many of them could be harmful to health and even lead to death.


Who remembers homemade slingshots? They were of two types - classic and keyed. The classic ones were cut from a thick hazel branch with a fork, a wide gray rope was bought at the pharmacy, a piece of leather was obtained (you could secretly cut houses from a travel bag and dump it on your sister) and everything was fastened with copper wire or blue electrical tape.

Such a slingshot was loaded with smooth pebbles, which were often brought into courtyards along with sand or unripe berries, such as rowan, plum or cherry, which grew in abundance behind the house. The power of the stone shot was sometimes enough to shatter a champagne bottle from 3 meters away. Such a slingshot was valued because not everyone had the skills and funds to create it. It could be exchanged for other valuables such as inserts from Turbo, CinCin and Final90.

While walking and having nothing to do, it was possible to make a simpler slingshot - a keyed one. To do this, in a landfill it was necessary to find a thick aluminum wire in a braid and find a flagellum. As a rule, there were no problems with the latter - it was easily obtained from the elastic band of panties. The newer the panties, the better the flagellum. From all this, something like this was assembled (pictured on the left). Such a slingshot fired with dowels - pieces of copper or aluminum wire bent into a horseshoe.


A heavier version of the slingshot was the crossbow. A wooden clothespin was attached to the board, and an elastic band was attached to the other end in such a way as to create a “loop”, the saddle of which falls just on the clothespin. With the necessary stretching, of course. A “bullet” was placed in the elastic loop, the elastic was stretched and clamped into a clothespin. When the clothespin was pressed, a shot was fired. They shot with the same rowan berries, peas, peppercorns or pellets.


The most advanced version was called self-propelled guns. This is closer to a real firearm. A thick-walled metal tube was sealed at one end (flattened and topped with lead), and a 1mm hole was drilled near the blind end. The pipe was attached to a wooden stock, usually in the shape of a pistol (again, sometimes the same chair leg was used). “Sulphur” from matches, a wad and a homemade sub-caliber lead bullet were driven into the tube using a ramrod. The shot was fired when a special striking frame, released by the trigger, struck the head of a nail inserted into a small hole. The bullet had a very serious destructive force - 15 match heads in a 4mm barrel drove the bullet 5 centimeters into the tree. It would have been better not to end up with the police with a crossbow...

Match shooter

Another lightweight weapon was the match shooter. It was made from wooden clothespins. Do you feel the usefulness of this Soviet device? He shot with ordinary or burning matches at a distance of 10 meters. To make it, a wooden clothespin was disassembled, a file was used to grind out a place for a spring (from the same clothespin), a “barrel” was sharpened, a spring was put on one of the halves, the halves were connected downsides and wrapped with electrical tape. The spring played the role of both the trigger and the pusher at the same time. Sometimes a piece of “chirkash” from matchbox so that the match would light itself at the moment of the shot. More often they simply passed the box over it and immediately shot.


Probably only the lazy didn’t play the game of darts; we also loved throwing darts as children. But they weren’t sold or they cost a lot of money. Therefore, almost any boy in our yard could make it himself. In terms of its flight and insertion qualities, the dart turned out to be no worse than the factory one. A piece of paper, 4 matches, a needle, office glue and thread. They hung a homemade target from a notebook sheet on the wall carpet and played.


Who had such a revolver that fired such caps? But it was more interesting to poke something sharp at the brown spots and watch them ignite. Or it’s even more interesting to roll up a roll from a strip of piston and hit it with a hammer. Ringing in the ears for 10 minutes was guaranteed!

Who sees the connection?

Scarecrow made of bolts

And here?

I think our generation will easily explain the connection between these objects. They hammered the dowel into the asphalt with a brick, took it out, crushed matches into the hole, inserted the dowel and threw a brick on top... Bang! and the piece of asphalt was gone... :) Matches cost 1 kopeck per box and were freely bought in the store.

And these are already “rockets”

Slate in the fire

I think you can easily remember what happens to slate in a fire :) That's right, nothing good - it shoots a lot. In pieces.

Lamps and picture tubes

It was a sin not to break a fluorescent lamp thrown into the trash. They broke with a loud bang if you threw the lamp end-on onto the asphalt. They didn't think about the environment back then...

But this find in the trash heap was extremely rare and always brought great joy to the boys. They cast lots to see who would be the first to throw a brick at the top lamp (the ray gun of the kinescope). She was the most vulnerable spot kinescope. When the lamp broke, the picture tube, due to the internal vacuum, collapsed inward with a very dull bang that echoed in the courtyards. Neighborhood boys immediately came running to see this action. But more often we found picture tubes with a broken lamp...

Siphon cans

Used cans for carbonation machines (siphon) were also sometimes used. They were filled with sulfur from matches and the hole was closed with a bolt. Then the infernal device was thrown into the fire... I must say that this thing was the most dangerous invention of the yard boys. Personally, I have never made such a balloon. And I categorically do not recommend it to others.


We mixed magnesium, crushed into powder by a file, in a certain proportion with potassium permanganate, which cost a penny at the pharmacy, and wrapped it in a tight paper bag, wrapping it with more adhesive tape. They made a hole and screwed a match to it, so that the head of sulfur was exactly in the hole. They struck a match on the box and abruptly threw it aside. The package exploded with a deafening noise and a bright flash.


In my opinion, every boy had a folding knife as a child, which was a source of pride. With its help they played “country land” and “tanks”. Each game had many types of rules. For example, “countryman”: they drew a circle and divided it equally by the number of participants. Everyone stood in their own area. Then, while standing, they stuck a knife into the enemy’s area and cut off a piece of his land. “I got wounded” (didn’t stick it in) - the move passed to someone else. And according to one rule, you had to stand on your land all the time as long as you can. According to others, you could stand outside, but in the event of a catastrophic reduction in your area, the enemy offered you to stand on it for 3 seconds. If you can't resist, you're out. You could even stand on tiptoes of one leg - the main thing was to hold out for 3 seconds.


Who remembers the magic stones with a specific smell that bubble in water? Carbide is a joy for the finder, for the whole day! When combined with water, it reacted and released the wonderful gas acetylene. It is remarkable because it burns well. Carbide was used in whatever form. And they simply threw it into a puddle, setting it on fire. And they warmed their hands, squeezing the carbide in their palm, immersed in a puddle. And they put it in bottles of water, plugging it with a stopper...

But most effective use carbide was a hand cannon. They took an empty deodorant or Dichlorvos bottle, cut off the neck, made a hole at the bottom, put carbide inside, spat on it generously, plugged all the holes, shook for a minute, opened it and brought a burning match to the small hole... VOLLET! !! :)


The absolute truth is that only our generation knows what the connection is between a child’s tumbler or a tennis ball....

But we know what will happen if pieces of this special, magical plastic are wrapped in foil or newspaper, set on fire and extinguished... How much nerve did the guys spend in their garages when such a miracle flew to them from the roof...


How much in this word merged for a child’s heart... And merged into literally words. Remember how you scoured garages and searched car dumps in search of old batteries?

They split them and extracted pure lead. They beat out the dried electrolyte and crushed the soft metal into tin can or in a bowl.They made a fire and waited for the liquid metal to sparkle in the jar.

And then they did whatever their heart desired!

Today, toy stores offer such a large and colorful selection that parents are clutching their heads and children are drooling. Unfortunately, the economic situation and one’s own capabilities do not always allow one to have enough income to please one’s own child with a good gift. Hands and head help us! You can always make some of the toys yourself. Many craftsmen cut cars, horses, whatever they want out of wood and sell them.

Wood is a very convenient material, with minimal skill in handling it and necessary tools, a lot can be done. For girls, you can cut out dolls, furniture, dishes from it, and for boys - a car, a pistol, a sword. The question of how to make weapons from wood is of great interest to them!

Wooden weapon options

In fact, you can do a lot, the main thing is, why do you need a specific thing? For a child who will play in the yard, for using weapons for their intended purpose, for role playing games, for hunting or maybe for a costume? Homemade weapons made of wood will take the shape and appearance that you desire.

If the main purpose is a game, then the main thing in this case is durability. All paint and thin fragile parts will fall off in a few days, if not immediately. When schools hold military training camps, and schoolchildren are given wooden Kalashnikov assault rifles, 50% of the guys tear off magazines on the first or second day. But these machines are made in bulk, not really caring about beauty, painting them in one color and trying to make them stronger. How to make a weapon out of wood that won't break, you ask? No way, the item will remain intact only if you do not use your product.

For roleplayers, the situation is much more complicated; they need weapons that are both beautiful and durable, so they often use other materials. If it is wood, then they make two swords or knives, one beautiful, the other durable.

Material selection and processing

The choice of material determines how much processing time will be required. Birch is a very strong and unyielding tree; it is good for making a club; without special treatment the product will be heavy. Aspen, poplar, and pine are softer and easy and pleasant to work with. Oak is rare in many regions of Russia, but if you decide to make a weapon with your own hands from wood, then better material You're unlikely to find it. It is easier to process than birch, lighter in weight and stronger than pine, and retains its quality well over time.

The wood for products must be free of knots, wood holes, rot, with a uniform direction of fibers, and without curvature. It is necessary to dry it, preferably in a dry room or under a canopy. It is necessary that the wood dries evenly without direct exposure to sunlight, otherwise it will begin to crack and bend.

Making a Club

The simplest wooden weapon is a club or stick. What could be simpler, break off a branch - and you're done. But if you suddenly decide to take this issue seriously, you want to make a durable, light, comfortable product, then you are faced with the question “how”. Making a weapon out of wood according to all the rules is not easy.

For the club, choose a young tree of suitable size. They cut down closer to the root, since at the butt the fibers begin to intertwine, making the material even more durable. Then, carefully, so as not to damage the top layers, remove the bark, cut off the knots, give the desired shape to the handle, and if necessary, soak the workpiece in water or special brines for a day. Then the drying begins, a fire is lit and, using the smoke, protecting the future club from the flames, it is dried. As soon as the tree has turned black, the blackness is removed with fine sand or hard grass. This is repeated six times, the surface becomes smooth and dry. Even if birch was chosen, the final product will be light and durable. Such wood does not rot.

Using the same principle, our ancestors made strong arrows and spears without steel tips.

Shield and sword

How to make weapons from wood for role-playing games and historical reconstructions? If for beauty and ambience, then it is very convenient to cut out a shape from plywood with a jigsaw, smooth the edge, varnish, paint, and insert decorations. If the paint is good, without holding the item in your hands, it will be difficult to determine what material it is made of. For combat, it is worth making a weapon from thick, durable wood, with a comfortable handle, so that the vibration from the impact is less transferred to the hand, otherwise you can damage the hand or simply drop the object during the first hard collision.

The shield can be made perfectly from plywood, but for combat it is better to use iron-bound or steel versions with a shock-absorbing lining. During reconstructions they usually show a wall battle in which to apply swipe into a shield is extremely difficult. A good and durable one is needed for individual combat; for all other cases, plywood is suitable.

Firearms mockups

No matter how much you would like to, it is impossible to make a homemade firearm out of wood that will shoot. Maybe for one or two shots, and it’s not a fact that the weapon won’t explode when the gunpowder explodes.

All self-propelled schemes come down to one algorithm. The tree is a frame to which the barrel is attached, a trigger with a striker, and sometimes a magazine is added. Inconvenient, short-lived, but cheap and cheerful.

Hunting weapon

Do you remember running around the yards with slingshots as a child? If you haven't run, be sure to try it, you will like it. Modern elastic materials impart such striking power to a small metal ball or pebble that, with proper skill, you can knock down targets from thirty paces. But the frame of a slingshot can be easily made from wood.

Drawings of weapons made of wood for hunting are quite common. This is how crossbows and bows are made. It's not that difficult to make a wooden frame; it requires sleight of hand and no magic. But there is an important detail that is needed to make weapon lethal and effective over long distances. For this you need shoulders that are flexible and strong, as well as a bowstring. There are old technologies for making shoulders, but nowadays it is too labor-intensive and difficult to implement at home. Easier to apply modern materials type of plastic.

It is best to make the main frame from wood, and the shoulders from flexible, rot-resistant plastic; a synthetic cord will go to the bowstring. A little decoration and paint, and you’ll get a very attractive and effective bow.