Consolidation after rhinoplasty. What happens to the nose after surgery? What symptoms and complications are observed in the patient during the rehabilitation period?

Now the operation is done. There is a small thermoplastic splint on the nose, slight swelling of the eyes and cheeks, and tampons in the nasal cavity. What to expect next?

1-2 days:

Swelling on the face increases slightly. The size of the “bruises” under the eyes depends on the individual characteristics of the patient. It is extremely rare that operations take place without bruises and with minor swelling, and the opposite option is also rare - large hematomas, significant swelling.

What to do? Lotions, compresses, ointments, physiotherapy? How to speed up the rehabilitation process? Or maybe limit salt intake, water or apply cold?

According to our observations, none of the above speeds up the process, and sometimes even worsens it. A calm, I would say “philosophical” attitude to the process, walking, and by the third day postoperative swelling decreases in the lower third of the face, and by the fifth day only slight swelling of the upper lip and cheeks remains.

7-8 days:

The splint can be removed; traces of yellow intradermal hemorrhages remain.

After removing the splint, looking at yourself in the mirror, the reaction can be different - from stormy delight to wariness. The nose is unevenly swollen, the skin under the splint is more compressed, and the skin around it is more swollen (especially the tip of the nose). The nostrils may be asymmetrical, their lumen is somewhat narrowed. Already during the examination and removal of the sutures, the swelling levels out. The size of the swelling depends on the patient’s skin (thick, porous skin is more prone to swelling) and on the size of the “new” nose.

If the shape of the nose is significantly changed, reduced in size, then the swelling is somewhat greater. It takes time for the skin to shrink from the size of the previous nose to the new size.

For a few more days, the entire skin of the nose is strengthened with a bandage made of special adhesive strips in order to contain swelling.

10th day:

The stitches and strips have been removed. The patient returns to ordinary life, and our inspections are becoming less frequent.

What should you pay attention to?

The operated nose is moderately swollen and this swelling, except for the patient and the surgeon, remains invisible to others.

No additional methods, physical therapy, massage, etc., can speed up the process. The thick tip of the nose and the wide and swollen bony part of the nose are preserved. The bridge of the nose in the bone department “loses weight” only by 3-4 months. The main contours of the new nose are already visible, but there is still no elegance and “chiseness”, no contouring of the cartilage of the tip of the nose. All these details will begin to appear gradually, closer to a year and a half after the operation.

Second month after surgery:

Scarring processes begin. They last six months, and only after this period the scar tissue begins to shrink, and the skin of the nose rarely swells. Thus, only the first 6 months after surgery the nose swells. Some have more, some have less. The nose swells more in the second half of the cycle and on “critical” days.

From the second month, due to scarring processes, and before fourth month , occasionally, the shape of the nose may resemble the nose before surgery, especially during periods of swelling: hints of a hump may be visible or there may still be no “bending” of the nasal bridge, if there was one in the project. This period can be especially exciting for the patient; it may seem that the “magic” has ended and the shape of the “old” nose has returned.

This is not true, this is a period of scar tissue activity and the skin may swell “for old times’ sake.”

The described processes do not occur in all patients, but they are possible and should not be scary.

About diprospan and strips:

How necessary are all these manipulations? Is it possible to do nothing?

Of course available. The skin will shrink in any case and become tight new uniform nose This is all it takes from 8-10 months to a year. Few people have the patience to wait that long. Therefore, you can use strips as a pressure bandage on “bulging” areas of the skin of the nose.

You can use diprospan injections into the scar tissue under the “bulging” skin at the tip of the nose. This injection will help slightly reduce the scar tissue and give the nose a more slender shape.

The rhinoplasty procedure is performed not only to correct the appearance of the nose, but also to restore respiratory functions. With the help of surgery, it is possible to eliminate both congenital defects that prevent breathing and mechanical injuries. But nose surgery always has a temporary side effect in the form of swelling.

Any incisions during surgery are considered injuries. Not only the skin is damaged, but also the smallest blood vessels. For this reason, blood circulation is impaired and fluid is retained in the tissues, resulting in swelling after surgery.

Of course, the professionalism of the doctor during rhinoplasty is important, but it has absolutely no effect on the appearance of edema. The intensity of the reaction is determined by the volume of surgical interventions, as well as the individual ability of the patient’s cells to regenerate. The duration of wound healing and the formation of edema depend on what was susceptible to change, the skin and cartilage or bone segments. In some cases, due to increased tissue sensitivity, the nose begins to swell during surgery.

Often, rhinoplasty without surgery provokes the formation of nasal swelling. This phenomenon is the body’s reaction to tissue expansion using the gel.

Types of swelling

Based on reviews from patients and observations from doctors, swelling after rhinoplasty always goes away slowly. This takes from 3-4 months to 1 year. In some cases, almost imperceptible nasal swelling may be present for several years. The restoration of the normal state of tissues occurs smoothly and gradually, in the process, swelling of varying intensity is observed:

  • Primary.
  • Secondary.
  • Residual.

1. Primary.

Swelling occurs during surgery or immediately after its completion. At the end of the manipulations, tampons soaked in special healing substances are placed in the nose. A fixing plaster cast or splint is applied on top to prevent tissue swelling and deformation. The greatest swelling appears 2-3 days after the nose job.

Tissue swelling after procedures appears on the nose and around the eyes. Often the amount of accumulated fluid is so great that the patient is not able to open them in the first days. After 5 days, the swelling decreases significantly. After this time, the fixing plaster cast is usually removed. As a result, the swelling may increase slightly.

2. Secondary.

Secondary swelling begins from the moment the plaster is removed. Swelling after rhinoplasty is characterized by the appearance of noticeable tissue compactions. The area of ​​the back and the tip of the nose expands. Based on patient reviews, this period lasts 4-6 weeks. Despite the duration of the stage, swelling is much less pronounced than in its initial appearance.

3. Residual.

The duration of the stage ranges from 8 weeks to 1 year. Most often, by the 4th month, the swelling noticeable to others practically disappears. The nose takes on its final form appearance. Adjustments, if necessary, can be made six months after the first rhinoplasty.

Prevention of edema

In order for nasal swelling after rhinoplasty to go away faster, it is important to take preventive measures even before surgery. To do this, you must begin to adhere to the following recommendations at least a week before the procedure:

  • Refuse admission medicines non-steroidal type with anti-inflammatory effect, acetylsalicylic acid and Ibuprofen.
  • Do not eat salted, smoked or containing a large number of spice dishes.
  • Complete cessation of smoking and drinking alcohol.

These requirements are due to the ability of these products and substances to negatively affect tissue repair and saturate the blood with toxins and cholesterol. Failure to follow the rules of preparation for the procedure and the subsequent long secondary period result in swelling on the nose subsiding unevenly. To improve the condition, the observing doctor may prescribe special medications that relieve inflammation.

Ancillary measures after surgery

To understand how to deal with swelling on the nose that occurs as a result of rhinoplasty in a particular case, you need to consult with your doctor. However, there are general recommendations, allowing you to significantly speed up the process of disappearance of swelling. After this, the nose will take on the desired shape much faster.

The main conditions for quickly relieving swelling are:

  • lack of large physical activity, especially accompanied by forward bends;
  • avoiding any injuries to the nose;
  • visiting saunas and baths is prohibited, a hot bath is also not welcome;
  • quitting smoking and alcohol;
  • must be avoided negative emotions, such as anger or tears, as they lead to the onset of nosebleeds;
  • stay away from hotspots of cold infections;
  • Use protection from direct sunlight to avoid skin burns. Particular sensitivity is observed in patients after rhinoplasty of the tip of the nose.

The swelling goes away much faster if you follow a diet. It is not recommended to eat foods with a high content of spices. Salted and smoked food only in limited quantities. In an effective way How to remove swelling is to sleep in a semi-sitting position. This position favors the outflow of blood.

After removing the plaster cast, the attending physician will prescribe auxiliary medications that accelerate healing and improve the general condition. In some cases, attending procedures is attributed to:

  • phonophoresis;
  • electrophoresis.

To achieve a quick positive effect, physiotherapy requires the use of additional medications in the form of specialized ointments and solutions.

Complications after rhinoplasty

Serious side effects after rhinoplasty are quite rare. Their number does not exceed 4% of all those who underwent this operation. However, the nature of the disorders is varied and depends on the individual characteristics of the patient’s body. Among the most common side effects can be distinguished:

1. Increase in body temperature to 37.5-38°C. This indicator is the body’s natural reaction to damage. However, if the condition persists for more than 3 days and the temperature exceeds 38°C, this is direct evidence of the presence of infection.

2. Swelling inside, which prevents breathing through the nose. Only a doctor can tell how long this type of edema goes away after performing an examination, but usually the process lasts 3 months.

3. Lack of smell. This complication is quite rare and is associated with the individual susceptibility of the patient. Functional restoration occurs independently.

Among the serious side effects, various curvatures are most common. The nose in this case can be asymmetrical, with depressions or humps, or irregular shape tip. The reason is inaccurate cutting of the cartilage. This problem can be eliminated with surgical correction.

More are possible serious consequences rhinoplasty, in which the nose completely loses its functions. Inside, pus forms on the mucous membrane, and the cartilaginous septa atrophy. As a result, the nose has a through hole. All this is the result of untreated infections in the patient’s body.

Aesthetic complications: surgeon mistakes

Despite the development of technology, the improvement of surgical techniques and the emergence of new proprietary techniques, surgical interventions continue to be performed by people who are not immune to mistakes. Pitfalls await plastic surgeons at every stage of appearance modeling, from the stage of planning correction and drawing up tactics for surgical intervention to the rehabilitation period.

Of course, the most “dangerous” stage in terms of the final result is the operation itself. During rhinoplasty, the surgeon’s actions are aimed at modeling miniature anatomical structures. Nasal cartilage and bones are tiny in size. At the same time, they are closely integrated into the overall structure of the nasal skeleton, and they have to work in conditions of extremely limited space in the surgical field.

If the patient had the opportunity to attend a nasal surgery operation, he would understand how many difficulties from a technical point of view this surgical intervention is fraught with. There is no doubt that understanding the full degree of responsibility that lies with the doctor, in combination with the degree of complexity of the tasks being solved, would force a person to look differently at the problem of choosing a surgeon who can be trusted with appearance, health and beauty.

The slightest mistake during resection of nasal cartilage or osteotomy leads to irreversible consequences.

Excised tissue cannot be returned to old place. The situation can only be corrected by transplanting the patient’s cartilage tissue, but this is another story, which is related to revision (repeat) rhinoplasty.

An unjustified increase in the volume of tissue removed during cartilage resection or osteotomy can lead to many aesthetic complications. When removing a hump, such an error creates a deficiency of tissue in the area of ​​the bridge of the nose. This changes the direction and strength of the tissue tension vector, causing the tip to rise upward. An upturned nasal tip is one of the possible complications of nasal surgery operations, the purpose of which is to correct the hump.

Another consequence of this error may be the formation of a depression or pit on the back of the nose in place of the removed tissue. Such a defect is usually called saddle-shaped deformation. Another one possible problem- asymmetrical tissue removal on the left and right halves. It is easy to understand that as a result of this mistake by the plastic surgeon, curvature or asymmetry develops.

So, even minimal trimming during tissue removal can lead to the formation of the following defects after rhinoplasty:

  • Saddle-shaped deformity of the nasal dorsum.
  • Upturned tip of the nose.
  • Asymmetry of the nose.
Note that overcorrection can result from an error both during surgery and during the planning stage. If there is a lack of experience, a plastic surgeon can perform operations exactly as he intended, but initially an incorrect assessment of the required amount of correction will lead to disastrous consequences.

Let's discuss such a topic as rhinoplasty of the nose, plastic surgery on the nose.
Who did the nose job? What is your feedback after rhinoplasty? Do you like the shape of your nose?

I had rhinoplasty of the nose with osteotomy, three weeks passed.
And after removing the plaster for a week or more, the nose was smooth and narrow; a week passed, and a small ball appeared in the place of the former hump.
It’s almost invisible to the eye (you have to try to see it), but if you touch it in that place, you can very well feel the hard lump, like a bone! Now that's a day of nerves!
What to do? Who had this?
Did it go away on its own and there’s no need to be afraid, or did you have your nose re-corrected?
P.S. I can’t go to the surgeon himself, because I had a nose operation in another city, then who should I contact in my city about this issue?
My nose after rhinoplasty photo.

And here are the comments received:

Contact a doctor at your hospital, a surgeon or an ENT specialist.

Read the results of rhinoplasty work on the website of plastic surgeons.
Photos before and after rhinoplasty, nose surgery, results of work, general gallery.
Photo results before and after rhinoplasty (nose job) of all represented plastic surgeons.

Nice nose. What is the price of rhinoplasty?

Yes, this is nonsense, if you can’t see it, don’t worry, I have these bumps and other nonsense on the tip of my nose plastic surgery- in bulk, nothing is visible, our bones are not perfectly smooth, there are various irregularities. No re-fixing of the nose is necessary.

I read that callus formation is possible. Go to your surgeon and have him examine you.

I also have a slight swelling at the site of the hump. It is too early to evaluate the result; the nose after rhinoplasty will change throughout the year. Contact your doctor by phone and he will advise you.

This is the remnant of a hump, a slight roughness of the bone, most likely hammer it in, I wholeheartedly advise, as a last resort, then the doctor will remove it with a rasp for nose correction, this is nonsense.

The profile is very beautiful, send the photo to the surgeon, let him take a look.

Now many doctors provide online consultations, write to them.

I had it and it went away, I had the same rhinoplasty, it will resolve, I assure you.

Not a nose, but a dream. After all, plastic surgery works wonders.

I don’t see anything in the photo after rhinoplasty, everything is fine, but do you have a photo before the operation?

Do not be afraid of anything! To evaluate the final result after nose surgery, at least six months must pass! And my advice to you is don’t touch your nose! Otherwise, you might actually rub something on yourself there. In the meantime, just pay less attention to him!

I fell in love with this nose. Great nose, I wouldn't worry about it.

I agree, but what else can you do when you’ve read a lot of scary tales on the forums while you’re waiting for the day you have an appointment with the doctor?

Great nose. What's wrong? I do not see. What nose job are you talking about?

Too much rhinoplasty, and it only takes three weeks for your nose to just heal.

What I’m most afraid of is nose surgery because of calluses, because the operation was simply terrible mentally. And the only way to get rid of these calluses is through revision rhinoplasty, but in my life I will never agree to such an operation again. I made an appointment with the doctor, the next appointment was in 3 days, and during these 3 days I’ve been thinking a lot of things, I’ll go crazy soon, I’m going to the doctor tomorrow.
How long did it take for the bump on the tip of your nose to resolve? Did it bother you?

It's a good nose, but I probably wouldn't risk going to a surgeon. The consequences can be very terrible.

Yes, of course I was! I cried, I thought that I would have a nose job again. A month or two - maximum.

Then you understand me, and plus I started searching on the Internet what it was and why it appeared on my nose. I read about calluses after plastic surgery on the nose, tumors, cracks. Someone had something growing there, rotting, stinking. As a result, I got upset, cried, ate the brains of all my family and already decided to write here too, asking if anyone had the same experience. Tomorrow I’m going to the ENT specialist, we’ll take an x-ray, if it’s a callus, then in the picture it will be visible as a bone shell, which means everything is very bad and I was not worried in vain. And if there is swelling or something else, then it won’t be visible on the picture and the doctor may help with the question, but still not 100%. Hence the excitement, nerves and such a spontaneous decision to write about it on the forum.
But thank you very much, you give me hope that everything will be fine.

I don't see the ball. Very beautiful nose shape after rhinoplasty, don’t worry.
- Don’t worry, after a week of tip rhinoplasty, I also ran to the ENT specialist about the ball and the smell of pus. As a result, they looked at me like I was a fool and said, well, the threads in your nose are dissolving, of course, there will be a smell, and the bump will dissolve, just give it time.

Thank you very much, I also like how they did it for me, much better than before the nose correction, but on the back of the nose you can feel the bump if you touch it. I am timid by nature and now I’m worried whether it’s a bone callus.

However, this is a small thing and not worth the money. Nothing is even noticeable. Better buy yourself something.

Thank you very much, it was not in vain that I wrote, thank you very much.

I hope your fears are unfounded, the nose is wonderful.

Write later how it all ended. I am also planning rhinoplasty.

Okay, I’ll write, but after the operation I decided that I would not advise anyone to do rhinoplasty of the nose, it’s just hell, especially with local anesthesia, when you feel how they break your bone, saw, move, clamp, cut and even touch your bones.
If you have a good nose, I don’t recommend it to anyone at all, unless it is mandatory for health reasons.

Terrible! During my consultation I was told about general anesthesia for rhinoplasty. The feelings are certainly terrible, I sympathize. But the nose is great!

Perfect nose. Cast aside all doubts and worries.

General anesthesia is more dangerous than local anesthesia, because General anesthesia may not work; as a result, your body will not move, because... you will sleep, but your brain may not fall asleep, and you will feel pain, but you will not be able to say anything, or move, most likely you will simply faint from the pain. Therefore, under local anesthesia, I had a nose operation, 9 injections around, it felt like a dentist was just digging into my nose.

I made it in Makhachkala for 50 tons of rubles, Gadzhi Radzhabovich, I chose it because... everyone I knew who did it did it with him.

Girls, who has done it - can you tell me the contacts of doctors tested for rhinoplasty?

I'll do it myself in the summer. It's very scary, of course. But I’ve already made up my mind, it’s terrible to read so much.

In Makhachkala, a good surgeon did it to my acquaintances. After removing the plaster, the nose was small and smooth, but after a couple of days a lump began to be felt and I panicked. What have I not thought of? Maybe some special light treatment should be done, I know that after removing the cast from the leg, the hands are definitely prescribed.

But for some reason I don’t like the nose.

Can't go? But you must have a connection with him in any case! Phone, Skype, etc., don’t talk nonsense. He is in charge of your operation and you can contact him.

Don’t touch it, for sure, time will pass after rhinoplasty.

That's what my mother tells me.

A year ago I had a nose operation in Baku famous doctor, the result is that there were consequences, plus instead of a hump a small bump appeared, it was terrible.

Is she visible? Or just by touch? And when did they start noticing her?

Calling your doctor or writing is not an option?

Great nose. Do not bother. Rehabilitation will do its job, from 6 months. up to 1 year.

I just have an appointment with the surgeon next Friday, I’m very afraid, but I’m determined.
Your nose is perfect, the bump will go away.
My mother and her friend had drooping of the tip of the nose after tip rhinoplasty - this is really scary.

Yes, it’s visible, I noticed it as soon as the plaster was removed, just like that, plus a white spot appeared on my nose.

What a beautiful nose. For some reason, it’s the same for me even without rhinoplasty. But I’m still going to have surgery on my nose.

Should I contact the surgeon via Viber or something else?

General anesthesia is safe for rhinoplasty; it is better than local anesthesia for such an operation; there is less discomfort for the patient.

Your nose is normal. You think about it more, nose surgery is not a simple thing.

Regret. And I didn’t have a bump after the cast was removed.

Don’t read all sorts of horror stories on the Internet, but go to the doctor!

You can write to your surgeon and ask to contact you, send a photo after rhinoplasty and describe the problem. I would do this instead of starting to visit all the doctors.

A friend of mine had her nose corrected under general anesthesia.
Apparently something went wrong. It was like she was in a coma. I heard everything. I felt it. I almost went crazy, poor thing. It turns out that some people are not 100% responsive to anesthesia.
Therefore, you need to take some tests or something like that. Don't know.
In general, talk to your doctor. You never know.

My best friend had her breasts done three months ago, generally speaking, of course, she says - she passed out, then she woke up with new boobs. I hope this will be the case for me.

I’m looking for a good surgeon who will correct the mistake of that doctor whose arms grow out of his butt.

I broke my nose as a child, because of this my septum is crooked and I want to straighten the tip of my nose.
Only now it’s doubly scary.

If plastic surgery with general anesthesia is safer, then so be it; for me, both were scary. With a local you lie for an hour with eyes closed, you breathe through your mouth and talk with the surgeon, but the only unpleasant thing is that you don’t feel the pain, but you feel the bones being touched.
But if you are only going to change the tip of your nose, you won’t feel anything at all, general anesthesia is a terrible stress for the body, and local anesthesia is the same as going to the dentist. I also had a deviated septum, because as a child I played football and got hit on the nose many times.

No, it’s a complicated rhinoplasty, I’ll also break a bone, since in profile, on one side there is a straight nose, and on the other side there is a small hump (I don’t know at all how this happened).
I want a snub nose.

Did you play football? Cool, I can’t even hit the ball a couple of times.

So, good luck to you! I advise you to choose a surgeon in whom you are 100 percent confident.

Thank you. You can’t be 100% sure of anything, but he pieced my mother’s nose back together after 3 unsuccessful plastic surgeries, I hope I’ll be so lucky. Good luck to you too!

Where is the ball? What ball? Who has the ball??! For the life of me, there are no balls in sight!!

Keloid scar on the nose after rhinoplasty, maybe read about it.

No matter how closely I looked, I didn’t see the ball. Normal good nose.

Call the doctor. Or go to a surgeon in your city. What should I write here?

You have a perfect nose, your nose that suits you and looks harmonious, why touch your beautiful nose?

Normal nose in the photo. No more nose correction is needed.

They do plastic surgery, and then they suffer. More naturalness, girls!!

Haven't they told you that you might get an implant?
I know people who did rhinoplasty and touched the bone, then they inserted an implant in this place for “evenness”.
For some, it was shaking, and for others, it was “slipping.”

Her lump is normal, the callus is bone or not finished, implants are usually placed during secondary surgery on the nose, but during primary surgery - this needs to be discussed separately.

It’s just that I also had rhinoplasty, but they didn’t touch my bone.
I saw enough of these in the clinic, the bone is, of course, dangerous.

Am I the only one who doesn’t see some kind of ball?

Have you tried to find the name of the clinic on the Internet and call for a consultation?

Beautiful nose, absolutely beautiful, I don’t see the ball to be honest.

It is expensive?? What is the price of rhinoplasty?

It will resolve, Orbakaite spent a long time treating the boil after plastic surgery, wore glasses on purpose, but you can’t see anything.

Did you have surgery in the basement? What prevents you from consulting with your surgeon by phone, Skype, etc.

After surgery, the nose still takes a year to form, but still call your doctor and ask.

Sorry, what are you planning to operate on? Seriously, I don't understand. People want to get the same nose, they go to surgeons, but what you don’t like about it is that there is no hump, the nostrils are small, the nose is straight!

I, like any girl, choose the right, successful angle, in fact the septum is curved, the nose itself is broken, there is a small hump, no, the nose is ordinary, normal, but for my face it is too big and rough.

Perhaps this is not tactful, and I’m not dissuading you, don’t think about it, your life and, of course, make the decision yourself. But I note that it is small for your face, not too big by any means.
The most difficult angle is the full face!
Most people take photos in profile or in half-turn, but you pose straight and look great.
No, it’s up to you, of course, but personally, I don’t like big noses!
They really add age!
Everything about you is so neat and beautiful, I don’t know.
Still, we see ourselves differently, probably people from the outside see us completely differently.

As requested, I am writing the result of my “self-criticism”.
I went to the ENT specialist, she told me that it was swelling and there was no need to worry, it was formed because the skin was “torn off” from the bone, and it would go away in a month or two.

What do you think about rhinoplasty?

Bone callus is the result of the body's natural reaction to surgical intervention, a kind of protective mechanism. Similar formations after rhinoplasty, they often cause complications and pain in patients. Modern physiotherapy, medications and repeated surgery can solve the problem. How to effectively remove bone formation and save yourself from suffering?

Read in this article

Causes of a defect on the nose

The appearance of a callus should be considered as a protective reaction of the bone. After all, surgical intervention involves damage to the internal structure of the nose, and the body begins to regenerate and restore missing elements. The main causes of the defect are considered to be the following:

  • tendency to over-educate connective tissue with the formation of rough scars;
  • unprofessional work of the surgeon.

Structure of the nose

A similar problem can be detected one year after rhinoplasty. During this time, three successive stages of callus development occur:

  1. connective tissue appears at the site of damage;
  2. the formation of thin bone fibers begins;
  3. calcium salts create a hard build-up.

The size of the formation depends on the scale of the operation performed and the individual characteristics of regeneration.

Does callus resolve or need to be removed?

Education bone tissue happens over time. Quite rarely prescribed. It is carried out in the following cases:

  • with hypergrowth of fibers;
  • for functional disorders of the nasal passages;
  • at elevated temperatures;
  • when elements of inflammation appear, for example, redness on the bridge of the nose.

At the first sign of a defect, you should consult a doctor.
The problem can be identified by the following symptoms:

  • the formation of a small hump on the bridge of the nose;
  • change in proportions, asymmetry;
  • swelling.

The defect can actually resolve if early stages take certain measures, in particular, take medications and undergo physiotherapeutic procedures.

It is very important to follow a postoperative regimen that will help prevent the development of bone tissue at the site of injury. You must visit the surgeon at least five times within one year. This allows you to record the result obtained.

About callus after rhinoplasty, watch this video:

Treatment of problems after rhinoplasty

The main goal of treatment is to eliminate possible complication using existing techniques and methods. They must be used almost immediately after surgery. A combined approach allows you to quickly achieve the desired result. However, the presence of individual contraindications (for example, temperature) may limit the choice of procedures. The first stage is to reduce inflammation in the area of ​​damage with the help of medications.

Treatment with medications

Drug treatment after rhinoplasty stops the growth of bone tissue, eliminates swelling and redness. The drugs contain hormones that stabilize the healing process. There are several well-known brands:

  • Diprospan. An injection containing high levels of hydrocortisone is given under the patient's skin to reduce inflammation.
  • Kenalog. Held intramuscular injection to stabilize the scarring process.
  • Traumeel S. A topical medication is used in the form of drops or ointment to relieve redness and swelling.

The effect of the medications will be noticeable after 6 to 12 months, so it is necessary to undergo regular examinations with a doctor. The drugs should be used only on the recommendation of a specialist.

How to remove a callus with surgery

Such a radical method as surgical correction is prescribed when other methods have not given the desired result. Often the defect manifests itself in the form of the following unpleasant sensations after drug therapy:

  • difficulty breathing through the nose;
  • elevated temperature;
  • redness of the bridge of the nose and pain.

After surgical correction (revision rhinoplasty) of callus

Based on the results of the examination and, if necessary, additional diagnostics, the method of the planned operation to remove the callus is determined. There are a number of techniques that can eliminate further formation of the defect.

Revision surgery is a rare occurrence among patients. The result of the surgical intervention will be noticeable only a year after the operation.

Physiotherapy on the bridge of the nose

These procedures are considered the most effective way eliminating education. The treatment process is under the supervision of a doctor for a long time. Special techniques aimed at resorption of bone tissue and improvement of regeneration. The list of physical procedures is as follows:

  • drug electrophoresis;
  • ultrasound therapy;
  • use of thermotherapy;
  • phonophoresis.

The presence of general contraindications may cause refusal of such procedures. Physiotherapy is also prohibited at elevated temperatures, so it is necessary to undergo a preliminary consultation.

Preventing the appearance of callus on the nose

There are simple rules for prevention after rhinoplasty for patients. The list of recommendations is as follows:

  • it is necessary to strictly comply with all conditions of the rehabilitation period;
  • You should consult a doctor if primary symptoms of callus occur;
  • it is necessary to observe bed rest for 3 days after plastic surgery;
  • It is better to avoid physical activity for a month;
  • It is forbidden to blow your nose for two weeks;
  • it is necessary to avoid hot baths, saunas, baths;
  • you cannot wear glasses;
  • better to limit long stay in the sun.

Recommendations are aimed at rapid and proper restoration of damaged tissues. Non-compliance simple rules leads to serious complications in most patients. Regular visits to the doctor significantly reduce the risk of developing a callus on the nose.

The body's natural defense system can cause certain troubles after rhinoplasty. The body's compensatory abilities lead to the formation of a bone formation on the bridge of the nose.

However, the use of medications and physical therapy can prevent further surgery. Under the influence of hormones and a set of procedures, the callus is successfully resolved. Attentive attention to the recommendations during the rehabilitation period allows you to forever preserve the natural harmony of the face and the functional abilities of the nose.

Useful video

About the rehabilitation period after rhinoplasty, watch this video: