Danio maintenance and care of the disease. What diseases await zebrafish? Prevention of possible health problems in zebrafish

In the aquariums of European zebrafish lovers, pink appeared in 1911. Since then, he has become their permanent resident. This is due to the unpretentiousness, peaceful and playful disposition of the fish and its good breeding ability. Danios are usually kept in a common aquarium. Even a novice can handle it.


The pink zebrafish belongs to big family cyprinids. It has an elongated and, as it were, flattened body from the sides, two pairs of antennae located at the edges of the mouth, shiny scales on the back and sides, having a complex combination of colors: olive, blue, green, gray.

The belly is colored pink. In sexually mature males, it acquires a rich bright pink hue. Young fish from the sides have red wedge-shaped stripes that run from the tail to the middle of the body, transparent fins with a greenish tint and a small cherry or red anal fin.

An adult pink zebrafish grows up to five centimeters in length. AT vivo you can find specimens up to eight centimeters.

In nature, this fish is widespread - from India to the countries of Indochina. There, large flocks of zebrafish live in the water of small streams and rivers.

Danio pink - how to distinguish a female from a male

Be able to identify gender aquarium fish ok important, especially if you want to breed them and get offspring in as soon as possible. Undoubtedly, you can experiment and gradually put several fish into a separate “house” and wait for the females to start spawning. In fact, there are signs by which an experienced aquarist determines the sex of the fish.


It’s good if the beginner managed to notice how the fish spawns, and he was able to mark it in some way. Then this individual can simply be placed in the spawning ground. It is more difficult when this is only the first offspring, or the female must be selected from the “herd” upon purchase.

The easiest way in this case is to focus on the size that the zebrafish has pink. The female (adult) is larger than the male, it has a rounded belly, while the male is smaller in length and much thinner. According to this principle, you can only choose adult fish of the same age, since the first few months the male zebrafish can be larger than the representatives of this species.


A method proven by many aquarists to find a male among fish is coloring. Pink zebrafish (male) has stripes on the body that are much brighter than the female. This is very important in mating season”, when the female before spawning chooses the largest and brightest partner for herself. It is always the leader in the pack. Some aquarists distinguish the sex of the fish by the shape of the anal fin - in females it is slightly rounder and larger. But this is an unreliable criterion for selection, in this case it is easy to make a mistake - in fish it has almost the same size. Try to watch the fish during the mating season. Males always develop a very high speed, circling around their "ladies of the heart." Therefore, inside such a circle is a female, and a fish rushing around her is a male.

For many beginner aquarists, the first fish is the pink zebrafish. Its content is not too difficult, a beginner can easily handle it. You will need a rectangular aquarium with a volume of at least 50 liters and a height of about thirty centimeters. It should be covered with glass or a lid, as these fish are not only swimmers, but also excellent jumpers.

You can use fine granite chips, clean and coarse river sand, pebbles as a soil. Plant small-leaved plants along the back and side walls. At the front glass, the space remains open.

Water parameters

It should be noted that the pink zebrafish is not too picky about the composition of water (chemical). For this species, it is not too important how many salts are contained in the water. A hardness not exceeding 20°dH is suitable for it. pH - 6-7.5. Comfortable water temperature +18 - +22°С.

The aquarium must be provided with filtration and artificial aeration of water. Once a week, you should change a fifth of the water to settled fresh.


Danio pink loves bright lighting. For this purpose, it is more expedient to use LB fluorescent lamps. They are best placed along the front glass. Danio pink will only benefit if oblique incident rays illuminate it. It is desirable that natural sunlight enters the aquarium for two hours a day.


Danio pink, as well as other members of its genus, is a peace-loving fish. She gets along well with other species that need the same conditions of detention, and at the same time is not very cocky.


I must say that this small fish has an excellent appetite. She eats all types of dry and live food of the appropriate size. You can feed danios with coretra, bloodworms, daphnia, young brine shrimp. They also pick up small insects from the surface of the water.

Danio pink - breeding

Two males go to spawn for one female. Sometimes several individuals are deposited in the same ratio. The fact is that female zebrafish, like other species of the genus, often have cysts. Because of this, the female may be infertile. And one more subtlety - decanting eggs from small fish is quite problematic, so females up to a year old are selected for spawning. Choosing males is much easier.

Two weeks before the start of spawning, females must be separated from males and kept separately. During this period, they are intensively fed with live food. During this time, the female's abdomen will noticeably round, which indicates readiness for spawning.

We prepare the spawning ground

It should be at least ten liters per female. We lay a separator mesh at the bottom. It covers the entire bottom and is located at a height of about two centimeters from it. Instead of a net, many aquarists use small-leaved plants that are pressed to the bottom with pebbles. It is important to properly prepare the water. It must be fresh and settled. One third of it should be boiled water. This will allow you to get optimal hardness - no more than 10°dH. pH = 7.

The water temperature when transplanting fish into the spawning ground should be the same as in the aquarium where they were previously kept. Water should cover the separator mesh no more than 5 - 8 centimeters.

In the evening, males are sent to the spawning ground, and after a few hours, females. Set the temperature on the thermostat to 26-28°C. And then the lights are turned off in the spawning ground. The next morning, at dawn or when artificial lighting is turned on, spawning begins.

It continues for several hours. During this time, the female spawns more than two hundred eggs, painted in a soft milky color. After that, the parents should be removed from the spawning grounds. In addition, you can remove the separator mesh by carefully but carefully brushing off the eggs from it.

Incubation continues for two days. After about four days, the fry will already be able to swim, and they will be able to get their first "lunch" - ciliates, Artemia nauplii, live dust. Over time, they are transferred to larger foods and moved to a larger aquarium. At six to eight months, the danio pink reaches puberty. Reproduction of these fish is not difficult, but it will require accuracy from a beginner.


Danio is loved by almost all beginner aquarists. This is an unpretentious, beautiful fish that does not create problems in the growing process. But, unfortunately, like other inhabitants of the aquarium, she can get sick, and her owner must be able to distinguish the symptoms of the disease and treat his pet.


Zebrafish diseases have various symptoms. In this case, the abdomen increases by 2 times. Beginning aquarists confuse this phenomenon with overeating or the presence of eggs, but in most cases this is a sign of a disease. Danios are prone to it, and owners often face this problem.

Danio lies at the bottom, almost does not swim. For treatment, use "Metronidazole" (1 tablet per 30 liters of water). After 7 days, the disease should go away. Such treatment will be useful for other inhabitants of the aquarium, as a prophylactic.


They appear on zebrafish pink extremely rarely. But if this happens, it is necessary to increase the level of salt in the water and the temperature. The fish should be placed in liter jar and add 2 tablespoons of salt (tablespoons). Hold it in this solution for 15 minutes (water temperature +28 degrees), then transplant into a common aquarium. The growths will come down in two days.

Swimming in circles

Sometimes you can notice that the zebrafish begins to swim in a circle, but at the same time remains quite active, reacting to its neighbors in the aquarium. Most often this happens when poisoning. Some specimens are too sensitive to nitrates, so you need to change the water, and change 1/3 of the aquarium water every three days.

bulging eyes

This disease is typical for adult fish. It happens during spawning. The body does not change its color, but the abdomen is significantly enlarged, which at first glance seems natural during spawning. But then, for fifteen days, the eyes of the fish protrude from their sockets, and then fall out. A blind fish dies of exhaustion. A white thick mass is found at autopsy behind the eyeball, which causes bulging eyes. Poor quality water is the cause of this disease. Treatment: water change (partial) - every 2 days.


The causative agent of this disease can be Trichodina ciliates. It has spike-like processes. With their help, it is attached to the fish. This mainly occurs on the gills and skin of zebrafish. It enters the aquarium along with soil, plants, food, if they have not been properly disinfected.

Symptoms of the disease: the fish rubs against hard plants and objects, more often than usual swims up to aeration. With the development of the disease, the body color fades, a grayish-white coating can be seen on the skin. It separates into large flakes.

Treatment of trichodinosis: it is necessary to increase aeration, increase the water temperature to 31 degrees. Such therapeutic baths should be done in a separate aquarium with the addition of table salt or tripaflavin.

To prevent diseases of zebrafish pink, simple rules should be followed. All items that are placed in the aquarium must be thoroughly disinfected in manganese or boiling water.

Diseases often affect weakened fish. Usually the behavior of a sick fish is different from the behavior of other fish. A sick fish swims differently, breathes often, hides in thickets of plants, scratches on the ground or plants. A sick fish loses its appetite, and the fins are compressed. All these are signs of the initial disease of the fish.

Often one of the reasons for the disease of fish is their improper maintenance, so you need to carefully monitor aquarium fish. If the fish grow in adverse conditions, then they become unarmed to infectious diseases. Often the fish get sick due to low water temperature and insufficient oxygen content in the water.

Also, one of the reasons for the disease of fish is improper feeding. Starvation for adult fish practically does not harm them, but for fry this is a big minus. In the first days of life, fry need to eat well in order to grow. Overeating for adult fish causes obesity, which later leads to their death, since obesity is not treated. Feeding a monotonous diet can lead to inflammation of the stomach and intestines. With such a disease, the appetite, as a rule, does not disappear in fish, but their color becomes darker, and their movements are more constrained. Inflammation of the stomach and intestines in fish weakens them, and this is a big chance that the fish will catch infectious diseases.

How to cure fish?
1. When adverse conditions of detention, improper feeding and in case of injuries to fish, the only treatment is to create optimal conditions for the fish.

Curable diseases: clouding of the eyes of the fish, damage to the fins, mucus on the gills, discoloration of the gills, fading of the color of the fish - all this is treated with short-term, but repeatedly repeated baths (water 30-32 ° C with a high concentration of methylene blue). They also use baths if the fish move a little, are covered with all the various specks or spots. In the intervals between baths, fish are kept (as already described above) in a separate vessel.

Incurable diseases:
If a fish loses its balance and swims with its tail down or sideways, then such a fish is incurable.
Bulging of one or both eyes is incurable.
Tumors on the gills and skin of fish are incurable.

Schooling aquarium fish of the Danio genus enliven any aquarium as much as possible.

All varieties of Danio are small graceful fast creations with small, shiny, dense scales. The elongated slender body is decorated with stripes and spots, often passing to the fins. The mouth is oriented upwards. The dorsal fin is slightly offset towards the caudal region. The tail fin is bilobed.

Danio species

The genus Danio belongs to the carp family. Its river and lake relatives in middle lane- carps, bleaks, crucians and minnows, and aquarium "relatives" - barbs, rasboras, labeos and cardinals.

Rod Danio in aquariums

Currently contain, propagate and grow the following zebrafish species:

  • Rerio. A silvery fish up to 7 cm long is decorated with long longitudinal dark blue stripes located not only on the body, but also on the fins, which may have a yellowish border.

  • Malabar (Devario). Longitudinal bluish stripes run along a silvery background from head to tail, interspersed with golden yellow areas. This variety grows up to 10-12 cm.

  • Dangila (olive). Reaches a size of 10cm. On a grayish-olive background of the body, darker chain patterns are located, behind the gill cover there is a dark spot.

FACT: it most aggressive zebrafish– in a flock they can attack more than big fish, as well as bite the veil fins of the neighbors in the aquarium.
  • Erythromicron. Small bright variety - only 2.5 cm long. On a golden-bronze background, it is painted with “brindle” dark blue transverse stripes. Gill covers, anal and ventral fins are reddish-orange.

  • Burmese (fagradei). It has a bluish body up to 8 cm long, dotted with golden spots; marked with an orange-yellow spot behind the gill cover.

  • Bengal. The light background of the body from the dorsal to the caudal fin is painted with blue longitudinal stripes and intermediate yellow lines. The dorsal fin of this species is the longest among zebrafish. Grow up to 7-8 cm.

  • Blue (carry). From the head to the tail, the olive color turns to bluish, along the body there are two brilliant pink stripes. Dimensions - up to 5 cm.

  • dotted. The coloring is close to the zebrafish - dark longitudinal stripes on a light silvery background, however, the dotted view can be distinguished at a glance: in the lower part of the body, the stripes break up into separate dotted dots. The length of the fish is not more than 4 cm.

  • Pearl. It grows up to 5 cm, the color is light, bluish. The blue tone intensifies in the caudal part of the body, where the middle orange stripe also passes. According to this strip, it is easy to distinguish it from the similarly colored pink zebrafish.

  • Pink. The maximum length is 4.5 cm. Pink danios are painted in the main silver-blue tone, more saturated towards the caudal fin. The lower part of the body is shiny, bright, pink; a stripe of the same color runs along the anal fin.

  • Firefly (Chopra or Hopra). Miniature three-centimeter zebrafish with an orange-yellow color. A shiny stripe of the same sunny color runs over the back from the head to the dorsal fin.

  • margaritatus. The most picturesque variety with a dark gray body and fins painted with bright yellow dots and rich orange stripes.

IMPORTANT: Feel good only in a flock of two dozen individuals

Breeding forms Danio rerio

  • Veil. The length of the magnificent caudal fin reaches 2 cm.
  • Leopard. The original even stripes of zebrafish are turned into miniature rings and spots by the efforts of breeders.
  • Fluorescent (GloFish). Genetically modified forms of aquarium fish with bright colors, especially shining under soft ultraviolet light. The bright red GloFish zebrafish carry coral genes, the shiny green ones carry jellyfish genes, and the sunny yellow ones carry both alien gene regions. Luminous genetic chimeras are capable of reproduction.

Habitat in nature

Flocks of frisky zebrafish inhabit slowly flowing moderately warm rivers, streams and backwaters on the Hindustan Peninsula, in Nepal, Bhutan, Myanmar, Thailand and Laos. They stay mainly in the upper layers of the water. AT natural conditions these beautiful fast swimmers masterfully hide from danger in thickets of aquatic plants. Reproduction takes place in shallow water.

Graceful sparkling danios are among the most unpretentious, hardy, easy to care for, maintain and breed fish species. They are generally recommended for beginners.

Optimal conditions

The main characteristics of the zebrafish tank, its contents and equipment are not rare and complex.


To make shiny flocks of fast zebrafish look more profitable, a layer of gravel or coarse-grained river sand is poured onto the bottom dark color. Before placing in the aquarium, the soil must be well disinfected in a solution of potassium permanganate and rinsed thoroughly.


The central part of the aquarium for swift swimmers should remain free from plants, and along its edges it is imperative to arrange thick shelters from myriophyllum, vallisneria, and kabomba. Plants are also disinfected and washed before planting in the ground.

Water parameters

The aquatic environment for successful keeping of zebrafish should be neutral or slightly alkaline (pH from 6 to 8 units), soft or medium hard (5-19dH).

The water temperature should be maintained at 18-24ºС. The minimum allowable limit is +15, and the maximum is +30ºС.

IMPORTANT: At least once a week it is necessary to replace 20-25% of the total water volume of the aquarium with a portion of fresh water.

Aquarium dimensions

For each aquarium fish size up to 5 cm should account for at least 4 liters of water. Based on the fact that danios are a schooling species and are kept in aquariums in groups of 6-8 specimens, the minimum vessel volume for small danios is 25-30 liters. Larger ten-centimeter fish will need a capacity of 50-100 liters.

An aquarium for keeping a mobile flock must necessarily be elongated in length.

IMPORTANT: Aquarium with Danio must be covered with glass, as nimble fish effortlessly jump out of the water.


Since plants are planted in the vessel for keeping Danio, they will need sufficient light. If the aquarium is located in a shaded area, lighting should be provided.


Air blowing is necessary, as lively fish need an abundance of oxygen. Aeration is especially needed when the water temperature rises to the upper limits.


The water must be filtered. It is best to install a high-performance internal filter, which will not only effectively clean the aquatic environment, but also create a gentle current in it, especially favorable for zebrafish.


Danios feed mainly from the surface of the water and in its upper layers, practically without picking up food from the bottom. Therefore, these fish are preferred floating food.

Live food is the best. However, getting it is not always easy and convenient.

Available for sale frozen daphnia, bloodworm, cyclops. A package weighing 100g costs about 600 rubles.

The popular line of Tetra dry food is represented by a wide range. For zebrafish different ages the following options apply:

  • Balanced dry food Tetra Min. 500 ml cost 620 rubles.
  • Dry food with carotenoids to enhance the color of Tetra Pro Color. Visible results appear after 2 weeks of feeding. A 100 ml package costs 170 rubles.
  • Small dry food enriched with protein for fry - Tetra Min Baby. 66 ml costs 230 rubles.
  • Liquid food with brine shrimp for fry early stages development - JBL Nobil Fluid Artemia. 50 ml can be purchased for 475 rubles.

Danio and other aquarium fish: compatibility

Danio, with the exception of the dangil species, are peaceful and even shy fish. Therefore, they can be kept, in addition to other zebrafish, together with medium-sized representatives of peace-loving species:

  • minor;
  • tetra;
  • thorns;
  • scalar;
  • rainbow fish;
  • catfish;
  • parsing;
  • swordsman;
  • mollies;
  • neon.

Incompatible even moderately aggressive with zebrafish

  • barbs;
  • gourami;
  • macropods;
  • laliuses;
  • labeo.
ATTENTION! Neighborhood with large aggressive cichlids, chromis, astronotus is absolutely unacceptable.

Danio diseases: prevention and treatment

Under optimal conditions of maintenance and care, unpretentious viable zebrafish practically do not suffer from diseases.

The best preventive measures are:

  • systematic weekly change of 20-25% of water,
  • constant aeration,
  • uninterrupted operation of bottom filters,
  • regular, dosed and varied feeding.

Therefore, food must be purchased from trusted sellers and carefully reviewed before use in order to distinguish and remove third-party harmful components.

Plants, like soil, must be kept in a solution of potassium permanganate before being placed in an aquarium, and then rinsed.

Acquired fish should be observed for 3-4 weeks in a separate quarantine vessel before being placed with the rest.

However, despite precautions, zebrafish can suffer from the following diseases:

  • Pleistophorosis. On the body of the fish, gradually growing, whitish spots appear. The dorsal and caudal fins are disheveled and pressed, the tail falls down, so that the zebrafish swims at an angle of 45-60 degrees, constantly trying to assume a normal position. The fish is emaciated, trembling and suffering from ulcers. In this case, obviously sick zebrafish should be destroyed, the soil removed, and the aquarium should be disinfected with bleach or a five percent solution of hydrochloric acid. Surviving inhabitants can be treated with food. To do this, erythrocycline (50 mg solution in one liter of water) or griseofulvin (10 mg/l), trichopolum (5 mg/l) or methylene blue (10 mg/l) are added to the usual dry feed mixture. Fish whose condition worsens during treatment are also destroyed.
  • Trichodinosis. Disease due to the reproduction of pathogenic ciliates. Danio begins to rub against hard objects and plants. The color of the fish fades, a grayish coating appears on the body, which is separated by flakes. Treatment consists in enhanced aeration of the aquarium with an increase in water temperature to 31 degrees, as well as the gradual addition of a solution of table salt in the amount of 1 tablespoon per 10 liters of water. This concentration is maintained until the zebrafish fully recovers within 7-30 days, and then salinity is eliminated by regular water changes.

For all other disease states, the following general rules apply:

  • clouding of the eyes, damage to the fins, mucus on the gills and discoloration, tarnishing and spotting of the color can be cured by regular five-minute baths in a solution of methylene blue (3 ml of a 1% solution per 10 liters of water) at a temperature of 30 degrees.
  • Conditions with loss of balance, bulging eyes and tumors on the gills and skin are incurable.


In an aquarium, small species of zebrafish up to 5 cm in size, with proper care, live 3-4 years. Larger, ten-centimeter varieties live 5-7 years.

average price

Price aquarium zebrafish depends on the rarity of the species. The most common Danio rerio cost from 21 rubles per copy. Fluorescent fish cost 29 rubles apiece, and Danio firefly is sold for 137 rubles.


Sex differences

A common feature by which females can be distinguished from males is body size and degree of fatness. Males are somewhat smaller and slenderer than females, they have a smaller abdomen, and the color is usually brighter. In addition, some species have additional color nuances that allow you to reliably distinguish the sex of the fish:

  • Malabar zebrafish - the ventral and anal fins of the male are bright pink, the female is pale, pinkish.
  • Danio firefly - the dorsal stripe is orange in males, and yellow in females.
  • Burmese danio - anal and pelvic fins males have an orange stripe. In females it is white.
  • Spotted zebrafish - the female's abdomen is orange, the male's is white.


Juvenile Danio develops rapidly, going from egg to larva in no more than 3 days. In the larval stage young growth hangs on glass, substrate and plants, in a day it begins to swim freely and actively eat microscopic food. In the practice of aquarium fish farming, the following methods of feeding young fry are used:

  • Feeding ciliates-shoes propagated on hay or banana peel. The process is time consuming and requires skill.
  • A treat with a few drops of water suspension crushed boiled yolk. At the same time, it is necessary to carefully monitor the purity of the water in the aquarium: the uneaten yolk quickly deteriorates. This method of feeding is used as a temporary or auxiliary.
  • Nutrition with specialized food for juvenile aquarium fish, frozen plankton. Then, as they grow, use dry food for fry.

Receiving offspring

Under natural conditions, Danios breed in shallow water, at night and in the early morning hours.

To ensure productive spawning, prepare a separate aquarium with a capacity of 20-30 liters. A substrate is placed at the bottom, which will serve as a shelter for the eggs, since after spawning, the producers willingly eat them. The protective bottom cover can be

  • fine mesh;
  • small stones;
  • glass balls;
  • undersized small-leaved aquatic plants Riccia, Javanese moss.

The breeding aquarium is half filled with water, an aerator, a heater and a low-power sponge filter are installed in it.

Danio is prepared for spawning: they raise the temperature of the content to the upper norm (24-25ºС), maintain a neutral water reaction and provide abundant protein food, consisting of live or frozen daphnia, artemia, and bloodworms.

Females ready for breeding can be distinguished by a rounded abdomen, and males by a particularly bright color. The best producers are planted in a prepared separate aquarium for spawning. At the same time, there are 2-3 males per female. The water in the spawning ground should also be heated to 24-25 degrees. Then, to stimulate the onset of spawning, cool fresh water is added little by little, lowering the temperature by evening. aquatic environment up to 20ºС. Spawning in this case occurs at night, and in the morning the producers should be returned to a regular aquarium. The temperature in the spawning ground is raised to 28 degrees to speed up the release of the larvae from the eggs.

  • Easy to care for, Danio rerio has become a favorite model object for geneticists. Large translucent rapidly developing embryos of this fish are very convenient for genetic manipulations. Intensive reproduction with a rapid change of generations (Danio rerio is capable of spawning already at the age of six months) is an additional plus for those who experiment with heredity.
  • As a result of the fluorescent rerio-GloFish can be considered the first ever publicly available genetically modified pet.

Photo and video

Usually it does not create any problems in the growing process. But, like other inhabitants of the aquarium, she can get sick and therefore you need to know how to cure a pet.

When buying a Danio, special attention should be paid to the integrity of the skin and fins. At the same time, the fading of the color does not always indicate illness, just moving - transplanting during the sale process could cause a shock.

But even if the zebrafish looks healthy, it must be kept in a separate aquarium in quarantine for a couple of weeks.

Danio fish are very disease resistant. And yet, despite the fact that she gets sick very rarely, you need to have aeration in the aquarium.

For the correct maintenance and prevention of diseases in zebrafish, the regimen is very important. clean water. When feeding her, one must adhere to the rule - it is better to underfeed than to overfeed. It is overfeeding that is usually the cause of the disease.

Also, for the prevention of diseases, it is necessary to adhere to simple rules. All items brought into the aquarium must be disinfected: in a manganese solution, in boiling water or with other disinfectants.

Consider the main diseases and methods of how to deal with them in order to meet the problem with all weapons!

The main diseases of zebrafish pink


Danio pink very fat

The first signs of the disease are - an increase in the belly by 2 times. Some aquarists confuse this with overeating or caviar, but in most cases it is bloating.

Zebrafish are prone to it and very often their owners are faced with such a problem. Danio lies on the bottom, practically does not swim, does not contact with fish, and the stomach is much larger.

Treatment - metronidazole (1 tablet per 30 liters of water). In a week the disease should pass. For prevention, you can “drink” other residents in the aquarium - there is nothing wrong with that.

Danio pink swims sideways

In some cases, the fish begin to swim in a circle, but remain quite active and react to other participants in the "movement". As a rule, this behavior occurs when poisoning. Some individuals are very sensitive to the amount of nitrates, so you just need to replace the water with normal composition and periodically (1 time in 3 days) change 1/3 of the aquarium water.


There are practically no such growths on zebrafish, but if such a disease occurs, then you just need to increase the salinity of the water and the temperature. Separate the fish into a jar and add 2 tablespoons of salt. Keep it there for 15 minutes at +28 degrees, then put it back in the general aquarium. The fluffy growths will die and disappear in a couple of days.

bulging eyes

Most often suffer from bulging eyes. The disease usually strikes them at the age of several years during spawning. The color of the body does not change, but the abdomen noticeably increases, which looks natural during the spawning period. For two weeks, both eyes protrude more and more from their sockets, then one by one they fall out. Blind fish die from exhaustion. At autopsy, a thick mass is found behind the eyeball. white color, which causes swelling. The reason is poor quality water. Treatment: partial water change every 2 days.

Danio pink turned white


The causative agent is the ciliate Trichodina, which has spike-like processes with which it is attached to fish. Localized on gill filaments and skin. Enters the aquarium along with plants, soil and food if they have not been properly disinfected.

Signs of illness: the fish begins to rub against hard objects and plants, more often than usual swims up to the aeration bubbles. As the disease progresses, the color of the fish fades, a greyish-white coating is visible on the skin, which is separated by flakes. Treatment of trichodinosis: increased aeration, raising the water temperature to 31 degrees. Therapeutic baths are made in a separate or shared aquarium with table salt or tripaflavin.

Danio pink is losing weight


How to carry out treatment? It is best to feed fish food with kanamycin or rifampicin.

You can simultaneously add these drugs to the water of the aquarium or a special jig in which the treatment is carried out.

If the fish no longer eats, but you really want to save it, then you need to besiege it and add medicine to the water.

Kanamycin - 3 g per 100 liters, rifampicin - 600 mg per 100 liters of water.

Antibiotics should only be added to the aquarium if absolutely necessary. They kill nitrifying bacteria in the soil and filter, and the failure of the biological balance in their application is inevitable.

Introducing antibiotics into the feed would be the best solution to the problem. The easiest way is to soak the bloodworm (preferably alive, but high-quality ice cream is also suitable) in a strong solution of kanamycin (0.5-1 g per 50-100 ml of water) for half an hour or an hour, and then feed it to the fish.

One feeding per day should be done with this food. Noticeable improvements occur after a week's course.

After two weeks, the fish begin to look quite healthy and the treatment can be stopped.

For prevention, it is worth conducting monthly weekly courses. It is difficult to saturate other feeds with antibiotics. It will wash out very quickly, which will adversely affect the beneficial microflora of the aquarium. So bathing bloodworms in medicine is the right thing to do.

Danio pink is losing color



  • Cough,
  • Excited behavior
  • Jump out of the water
  • Labored breathing
  • scratching
  • Bloating
  • Lightening of the color
  • splayed fins
  • Excessive mucus production

Acute alkalosis: dullness of the skin, splayed fins, rapid breathing are observed in fish, mucus is released from the gills, the fish begin to rush around the aquarium, tend to jump out of it.

Chronic alkalosis: Less obvious signs include difficulty breathing and "coughing", excessive mucus production, and itching of the skin as a result of irritation caused by acidity or alkalinity in the water. Problems with osmoregulation caused by chronic alkalosis can lead to bloating

This condition occurs when the pH of the aquarium water is above the optimum pH range for the species.

This disease does not necessarily affect all inhabitants of the aquarium, because the fish different types differ from each other in their acceptable range of pH values.

The disease can be acute if the change in pH occurs quickly, or chronic if the change occurs gradually over a period of time.

Alkaline water irritates the outer surface of the fish's body (including the gills) and can cause adverse physiological changes.


An appropriate pH level must be set. This can be achieved with a suitable pH buffer (available at pet stores).

For slow pH adjustment, it is best to use repeated partial water changes, with fresh water having a pH close to neutral. This is the most The best way solutions to pH problems, since repeated partial water changes will eliminate main reason- reduce too high mineral content, which usually leads to chronic alkalosis.


  • pH buffer
  • timely water change


Prevention. Alkalosis can be prevented by selecting fish species that have a suitable pH in the aquarium, or by adjusting the pH to suit the intended inhabitants of the aquarium while being pH compatible.

Choose the design of the aquarium in such a way that it does not adversely affect the desired chemical composition water. Check the pH value regularly to detect the first signs of leaching due to calcium contained in aquarium decorations.

Acute alkalosis: Survival of sudden major changes in pH is unlikely unless pH is returned to normal immediately. If you return the pH to normal gradually, then the fish will be exposed to water for too long. harmful effects inappropriate pH.

However, acute alkalosis is usually fatal, even if corrected quickly. Thus, it is very important to determine the cause of the problem and take necessary measures to prevent it from happening again.

Chronic alkalosis: it is necessary to slowly change the pH so that it falls into the optimal range for the fish. The rate of change in pH should not exceed 0.3 units. per day, so that the fish have the opportunity to gradually adapt to the changes.

There is a risk of infection accompanying or following alkalosis. Such infection is possible as a result of suppression immune system fish caused by stress (especially if this problem is chronic).

Due to the unsuitable pH value, gills and skin membranes are damaged, as a result of which they become vulnerable to secondary infections.

Danio is the favorite fish of almost every novice aquarist. She is beautiful, unpretentious, very friendly and does not create any problems in the process of growing. But, like other inhabitants of the aquarium, she can get sick and who, if not her owner, should study her “tricks” and know how to cure a pet? Consider the main diseases and ways to deal with them in order to meet the problem with all weapons!

The main diseases of zebrafish pink

Bloating. The first signs of the disease are an increase in the belly by 2 times. Some aquarists confuse this with overeating or caviar, but in most cases it is bloating. Zebrafish are prone to it and very often their owners are faced with such a problem. Danio lies on the bottom, practically does not swim, does not contact with fish, and the stomach is much larger.

It is necessary to treat with metronidazole (1 tablet per 30 liters of water). In a week the disease should pass. For prevention, you can “drink” other residents in the aquarium - there is nothing wrong with that.

Swimming in circles. In some cases, the fish begin to swim in a circle, but remain quite active and react to other participants in the "movement". As a rule, this behavior occurs when poisoning. Some individuals are very sensitive to the amount of nitrates, so you just need to replace the water with normal composition and periodically (1 time in 3 days) change 1/3 of the aquarium water.

growths. There are practically no such growths on zebrafish, but if such a disease occurs, then you just need to increase the salinity of the water and the temperature. Separate the fish into a jar and add 2 tablespoons of salt. Keep it there for 15 minutes at +28 degrees, then put it back in the general aquarium. The fluffy growths will die and disappear in a couple of days.