A conspiracy to cleanse things from negative energy. General cleaning of your life: getting rid of rubbish and obstacles

Cleansing with candle flame and water. Take a candle, preferably a church one, light it and circle the flame several times around the thing to be cleaned counterclockwise, imagining how you burn out all the negativity.

Then cross the thing several times with a candle flame. If at the same time you still read a prayer, for example, “Our Father”, the purification effect will be greatly enhanced. Then take holy water (or self-charged water) and sprinkle it crosswise several times on the item to be cleaned.

If the thing can be washed or washed, rinse it properly under running water, imagining how the water washes away all the negativity.

After the cleansing ritual, do not forget to check with the help of the frame whether a positive effect has occurred, whether the energy of the thing has cleared, whether it has become positive. If not, repeat the ritual two more times.

If even after that the energy does not improve, nothing can be done, which means that the negative charge on things is so powerful that you cannot clean it off. You have to get rid of things.

Cleansing with an imaginary flame. This method is suitable when you are cleaning a large item (for example, a large piece of furniture).

Crossing such a thing with a candle flame also does not hurt, but this may not be enough.

To clean a large object, try the following: first, look at the candle flame for several minutes, remembering your feelings and the very appearance of the flame. Then look at the object being cleaned and imagine that it is all, completely engulfed in fire.

Here the flame penetrates inside - you imagine how it burns through every cubic centimeter of the thing being cleaned. There is nothing negative left. Do this several times if necessary, then also sprinkle the object with holy water. Don't forget to check the result with a frame.

Cleansing with your own energy. This method is suitable for small objects that fit in the palm of your hand, or, in extreme cases, for those that can be held on weight with both hands - figurines, jewelry, table lamps, inkwells, stationery, watches, etc.

It is best to perform the cleansing in your favorite corner, specially designed so that positive energy accumulates there, as we discussed in the previous chapter.

Rub your palms together until you feel warm. Now slightly spread your palms to the sides so that they remain parallel to each other at a distance of 20–25 centimeters.

Slightly bring your palms together again, then again slightly move them away from each other - make such oscillatory movements with your palms either towards each other or in opposite directions until you clearly feel some elasticity between the palms - the palms will seem to spring, as if something something does not let them to each other.

Now imagine that this “something” that springs between your palms and does not allow them to close is a bright yellow glowing energy ball.

Try to mentally make this ball bigger and brighter - add energy to it from your own palms.

When the feeling of the ball is clear and distinct, move it with two palms to the object being cleaned and mentally align it with the object - so that the object is completely inside the ball.

Continue to hold your palms on both sides of the object, imagining how the energy of the ball between your palms literally enters into the object, covering it entirely, to the very core.

When the sensation of the ball wears off, rub your palms together again and create a new ball. Do this until you get the feeling that the object is glowing from the inside, all saturated with bright yellow light, positive energy.

Sound cleansing. Church singing, the sound of bells or the singing of mantras are best suited for this purpose. If you can sing yourself, it's good, but it would be better if you purchase an audio cassette with the appropriate recordings.

It will be enough for you to turn on the tape recorder and put it next to the object to be cleaned.

All you have to do is imagine how sound vibrations literally enter the object being cleaned and the object also begins to sound, responding, like a sensitive string, to sounds from outside.

Such a “sounding” of an object in tune with high sacred sounds is a wonderful way of purification.

In what cases, none of the methods of purification will not give the desired result? Firstly, if there is some dark, dirty history associated with the item - for example, it was obtained as a result of a crime or simply fraudulently.

This does not mean that it was you who deceived someone to get this item - but you may not know its whole history and not know what ups and downs it went through before it got into your house.

Secondly, this can happen with things that the deceased person used before death. Especially if he was very attached to these things and loved them.

In both cases, you need to get rid of such things. I warn you: it is impossible to clean them, no matter how hard you try!

This is especially true for things that the deceased was in direct contact with at the time of death, that is, a bed, a blanket and pillows, bed linen, etc. Information about death is very difficult, and it eats into things very deeply.

You may have heard that at the front, during the Great Patriotic War, there was such a terrible sign: whoever puts on an overcoat taken from the murdered, he will soon die himself. The sign really did come true.

And this is not surprising: a thing that has witnessed the death of its owner literally absorbs the very spirit of death, a kind of deadly program. The person no longer exists - and his thing still carries this disastrous program.

And he passes it on to the one who inherits this thing, puts it on after the deceased person. So this program begins to work already in relation to its new owner, inevitably leading him to death.

Remember this and never put on things that once belonged to dead people, do not sleep on the bed on which a person died, do not use his things. This is more than serious.

If your life is dear to you, do not feel sorry for old things, take them out of the house, do not leave yourself!

In memory of a departed loved one, you can leave photographs (but do not rush to hang them on the walls, it is better to store them in a secluded place, in a special album).

Jewelry, personal items (but not clothes, but, for example, technical items, stationery, badges, awards, any special things - such as an icon or a kind of "amulets", which may include antiques, various kinds of valuable , antiques) with which the deceased did not come into direct contact in last years life.

When you thus clear your house of unnecessary, old things saturated with unwanted energy, you will immediately feel better. The very air in your house seems to become cleaner and more transparent.

And you will become healthier, more cheerful, calmer and internally freer. You will begin to like your home, even if you have not experienced such feelings for it before.

And no wonder: after all, now this is not just a house - this is a house whose aura you create with your own hands, this is a house that you create in your own image and likeness, striving for the house to become truly your home - a place where you feel comfortable , comfortable, calm, light and joyful.

Bring good things home

Now that your house has been cleared of unnecessary things, your task is to learn how to bring only bright, kind, good things into your house. In general, this is easy to do.

First rule: refrain from buying things that you don't really need. After all, many of us are subject to such temptations: you look at the store shelves - and you want to buy this, and this, and that, and the third ...

You buy, bring home - and it turns out that all this was not so necessary and, in general, the purchases did not change anything in our life, they only littered the already cramped space.

To prevent this from happening, make it a rule, before deciding to buy, ask yourself the question: “Do I just want it or do I really need it?” Answer this question honestly - and then refuse to buy the thing that you just want to have.

Buy only what you need! So you save yourself a lot of problems and save a lot of money.

The fact is that desires are very often empty and deceptive. They create the illusion that we need something that we really don’t need. Buying only the necessary, we really solve all our problems. Buying what we want, but not necessary, we create new problems for ourselves.

And the second rule- quite simple: try to acquire all the things you buy with love, with good feelings.

You can imagine that you are giving them some of your energy, or you can, as we did when clearing things, pass them a golden glowing energy ball. Then they will faithfully serve you and will not collapse for a long time, will not become unusable.

From the book “The House That Chooses Us. Harmonization of the Energy of Home and Man“, Anastasia Nikolaevna Semenova

Many people have doubts and inconveniences about things used by someone. Occultists and astrologers claim that there is a reason for this: the energy of things, which, if necessary, can be cleared.

Energy of things: how things can be dangerous

Most often, in this context, they talk about other people's things that have passed to you for use: everything that was bought in a second-hand store was inherited or found. Taking someone else's thing for use, you can suddenly begin to literally attract failures. In connection with what is this happening? Obviously this thing was loaded negative energy, which is now transferred to you. Quite often, it accumulates simply in old things, so it is better to get rid of some of them.

Impregnation with negative energy can happen not on purpose. For example, a person attended a funeral in one of his jackets, and then this jacket was transferred to someone else. And a person starts to get sick more often, he gets depression and things like that. And the thing is just that the jacket absorbed the pain of loss experienced by its previous owner. It also happens that before giving away a gift or other item, they deliberately damage it in order to harm it: that is, you simply ran into an ill-wisher who can ruin a new thing.

If this is a thing that can be washed with water or washed - do not hesitate and do it soon! Water is great for getting rid of negative energy. In order for the purification process with water to have maximum power, it is necessary to charge the water with silver (lower the silver thing into the water and let it brew overnight; it is advisable to do this on the Full Moon). Let things lie down in such water and then wash or rinse it to completely wash away the negative energy from the thing.

The second way is to pour salt into the water and put the thing in such water. Salt has the ability to absorb absolutely everything, so it will serve as an excellent cleaner. To be sure, you can rub the thing with salt. The main thing is to pay attention to the material: not every little thing can be rubbed with salt without spoiling it.

After carrying out such a ritual, in no case do not drain the water and do not throw away the salt without precautions: after all, you can transfer negative energy to someone else. Place this water so that it falls sunlight. It is best to leave it like this for a day. Then all the negative accumulated in it after cleansing your thing will go away. These two methods are suitable, for example, for cleaning jewelry inherited from deceased relatives if you are not sure how to deal with such an inheritance.

The third way is to saturate the thing with incense and drive away negative energy by ringing a bell over the thing. Instead of a bell, "wind music" can also be used. According to the beliefs of many peoples, evil forces do not like noise, therefore, for example, in China on New Year launch as many firecrackers as possible: drive away evil spirits with joyful cries and loud explosions.

Incense fumigation also helps to cleanse the object of negative force, since it is originally aimed at cleansing the space from other substances. It is not necessary for this to go to the store for incense sticks. You can collect wormwood and burn it: it is believed that this herb is the champion in exorcism.

Perfectly helps to cope with the negative energy of things fire. Light a candle and move it counterclockwise over an object that carries negativity. If it's a decoration, it can be smelted to create a clean new item that won't even be connected to the severe damage, which was applied to him before.

However, objects and things do not always carry negative energy. They can be positively charged and bring good luck. In this case, we can talk about a talisman.

Not only worn items, but also certain wardrobe items, such as uncomfortable shoes, can get you into trouble, according to esotericists. Be careful what you wear and don't forget to press the buttons and

13.06.2016 03:01

Many people agree that old things carry negative energy, ...

The energy of the previous owner can be both positive and negative, but in any case, it is better to clean the item from traces of the previous owner. This applies to absolutely everything - from the apartment to the shoehorn. So you will once and for all get rid of possible troubles associated with the thing, because negative energy can be transmitted through it.

Why things need cleaning

It happens that with the purchase of some thing a black streak begins: health problems, mood problems, troubles in personal life. This may be a mere coincidence, or it may not be a coincidence.
Cleaning should be done because there may be damage on the item that passes from owner to owner. It can be a vampire thing that drains energy, which is no less dangerous. If you do not promptly clean the things that you buy or, moreover, find, you can endanger yourself and your family.

It happens that on the subject there is a powerful negative program set by a professional in his field. Much more often, the thing was simply charged with the negativity of the owner, who experienced difficulties in life. Some things are sold after accidents and other incidents. Objects saturated with fear have the strongest negative component.
It’s not always that someone specifically puts damage on an item that they give or sell to you. It is enough just to experience some negative emotions so that the element of clothing is charged with grief or anger. It does not go anywhere until you remove this negativity yourself.

Things that can't be cleaned

Not all things lend themselves to the removal of negativity. It's not even worth trying to clear the following:
Minerals, stones-talismans. If you found or someone gave you a talisman stone, then make sure that it is new, and the person who gave you the present does not wish you harm. If the stone is new and was given to you by a person you trust, then you can keep it for yourself. It's best to ask where it was bought just in case. It is better not to accept such gifts from the hands of outsiders, as well as not to raise such finds from the ground.
If a close friend or a friend give you their talisman, it also cannot be cleaned, but at a very strong desire you can try to adjust. Let him lie down in your house for a week. wash it every day cold water, saying: "Forget the past, but get used to the new." This is a simple ritual, but very effective.
Crosses. Catholic and Orthodox crosses received or found, as well as other religious paraphernalia should "go" to the church. It is advisable to do so, even if the cross is golden. You can try to melt it down, but it's better to do it as soon as possible. Donated crosses are best accepted only from relatives. A cross must be bought only in the temple. If these two conditions are met, then everything is fine - such a gift can be accepted.

Mirrors. If you moved into a new apartment, then it is better to throw away the mirrors. Firstly, this is a kind of portal to the world of illusions and negativity, which can be opened due to the problems that previous residents had to endure. The mirror in the bathroom and in the corridor can only be left if they are relatively new. Old and dilapidated, and even more so broken mirrors should always be thrown away. They are not amenable to any purification.
Old furniture. Old, dilapidated furniture is a source of great problems for your mood and health. Old furniture should be thrown away first if you move to new house where other people used to live. But relatively new and strong furniture can simply be cleaned using the methods below.

Methods for cleaning things

You can clean almost everything - from the apartment to the shoes. In total, there are three methods: cleaning with fire, air and water.
Fire cleansing. This cleaning is carried out with the help of a church or simple candle. Be sure to do this either in the early morning or in the evening, at night. If you are cleaning a thing that cannot catch fire, then you can drive the flame directly on the thing. It is best to clean with fire some hard elements of the interior of an apartment or house, decorations made of precious metals as well as dishes. You can clean your apartment or car with a candle. In an apartment or in a house, you need to go through all the corners, saying: “With fire and the power of thought, slowly and quickly. I drive out the old fear and anger. So that nothing gets into my house. May it be so". The candle should be allowed to burn out.
The car needs to be cleaned with fire inside and out. It is better not to touch the paint and the interior with a flame. Sit inside and read the plot three times: “The danger goes away, and with it the echoes of trouble. And on a bright day, and on a dark night, I will find the leading tracks home.
Water cleaning. It is better to use holy water. If there is none, or you are not a religious person, then dial clean water in the source. Do not buy water from the store or collect from the tap. All you need is natural water. It is best to clean the dishes from the negative energy of the previous owner with water - for this you just need to wash it. Holy water can be sprinkled throughout the room to rid it of negative energy. The same can be done with clothes, furniture, cars. It goes well with pure natural salt water. small items and jewelry can be cleaned by rinsing in salt water. If you use holy water, then you can and even need to read prayers: for example, “Our Father” or “Living Helps”.

Air cleaning. This is incense cleansing. Having impregnated a thing with incense, you will expel all the worst from it. Best to use this method when cleaning purchased clothes, a car, as well as a bathroom and hallway in a new apartment or house. Incense is a very powerful cleaning agent, but it will not work on jewelry, dishes, furniture. It is desirable that the thing or object to be cleaned is saturated with a smell. The best helper is cinnamon, citrus fruits. These smells are the most powerful in terms of rejection of negative energy flows.
If you do not clean the things you bought or found, then problems can come into your life spontaneously, or slowly and imperceptibly. Sometimes it's better to play it safe and just throw away something you don't need. Even those things that belong to you for a long time accumulate negativity.

Everyone has a "sacred" pantry at home, where you can find everything: from a pack of unnecessary magazines to a worn sweater. Is this good or rather bad? Can things influence the fate of the owner? There are old things, there are old things. Both undoubtedly store information about the events that happen to them, in them and on them.

Antiques - this is a rare chest of drawers self made, antique dishes, ancient records of thinkers and much more, as well as old things stored in the pantry - all, without exception, are information carriers.
If we do not touch on the issue of energy for now, then I would like to ask the reader - where is it more pleasant to live: in a shed with cobwebs, clogged with old unnecessary things, or in a spacious, bright room without unnecessary rubbish?

The answer will be obvious to most. Therefore, I do not recommend anyone to score shelves junk, store unnecessary clothes in closets, store old magazines or newspapers under the bed (with the thought “what if they come in handy”).

Everything that is not used, not cleaned, not washed - sooner or later becomes overgrown with a bunch of negative and the more old things in the house, the more the total negative of this apartment accumulates. It is useless to clean some rooms energetically: no matter how clean it is, the negative comes back from old things.

How to determine what kind of energy things carry: positive or negative?

This is very easy to do with the help of dowsing, i.e. a method that in the old days was used to determine the location of water and minerals.
But even without owning dowsing and not knowing what kind of energy a thing carries, it can be “cleaned” with the help of simple energy techniques. Untrained people will have to clean more than once, but over time you can achieve a good result.

Which material stores information about the previous owner better: artificial or natural?

I would say that it is healthier to wear natural things. This is connected both with the number of types of energy in artificial and natural materials, and with the fact that natural materials have natural, and most importantly, positive properties that have been tested for centuries. Artificial fabrics often “empty” a person instead of “feeding” him with energy.
But information is stored by any things. Whether they are natural or not, it doesn't matter.

If it turns out that an old wooden box has good energy, is it still worth “cleaning”?

Well, it certainly doesn't hurt, although it doesn't have to. I clean everything at home and in the complex. A minute of doing the cleaning exercise and everything is clean in my apartment. But will I be sure that tomorrow everything will remain as I did? It is not difficult for me to clean the apartment every day. And I know for sure that energy cleaning is easier and faster than regular cleaning with a vacuum cleaner, a rag and a mop.

It turns out that the found things are also fraught with danger: after all, it is not known what kind of energy they have.

Some advise to melt them down, and some - just change them to new ones.

Is it correct? Why?

You can put it this way: "as it came, so it went." If you were walking along the road and accidentally found something, let it also leave without any hassle. I say this based on folk wisdom, but in general, any thing can be quickly cleared of negativity. One of the most strong methods are fire and water. Hold the thing under running water or carefully burn it on a live fire - and the thing is “clean”. The same can be done with the visual exercise of cleansing with fire or under the flow of a waterfall ...

There are more methods than you think. However, there are materials or the shape of objects that will eventually begin to radiate the same way as before. Any decoration is a radiation generator. It is important what the decoration is made of and what shape it has. As an example, I do not recommend wearing an inverted horseshoe or a five-pointed star.

And if the found thing is not worn, but put in a nightstand, for example, will its influence decrease?

Firstly you are already in contact with the thing when you pick it up and carry it home. Secondly, if a thing is cleansed, then it does not matter what kind of radiation it had before. It can be stored in a nightstand and used. If a thing of a negative form or day by day returns its negative influence? Clean several times a day and wear. I just want to ask: "why?"

Jewelry inherited from my grandmother hard fate, also store a danger to their daughter or granddaughter? What then to do with them? After all, you don’t want to “cleanse” a thing in which there is, as it were, a piece of the soul loved one

The main thing is that love and memory live in your heart. But things still need to be clean. But visually, you can’t distinguish a “cleaned” thing from a “dirty” thing. After all, what happens after cleaning? A piece of clothing or jewelry will become more pleasant to wear and they will not form anything negative in you. However, if there is a desire to get yourself the same diseases as your grandparents - please wear without cleaning - your right.

What metal has best memory and why (gold, silver or platinum)?

Crystals have memory, not metal.

Let's now talk more about used books. Some people find it much more pleasant to hold a copy with light book dust in their hands, bought somewhere at a flea market. Is it connected with admiration for the age-old wisdom of books, or is it not only this?

The book is also a store of energy, like any other thing in this world. The only thing that is still involved in the formation of its energy, in addition to the material from which it is made and the energy of the people who used it, is the text that is contained inside.

Like objects, a book can be antique, or it can be well-worn consumer goods. The energy of the book is increased by the number of people who read it on Earth (their emotions, thoughts).

There are also books whose texts themselves are information with high and pure species energy. Such books will push away any dirty energy and will remain clean.

Antiques are energetically saturated most of all, because in the history of its existence it changes many owners. What antiques are the most energetically informative and why? (Maybe this is due to the material from which they are made, or something else ...).

The most informative items of antiques are mirrors and crystals. Mirrors are one of the most magical things man has ever made. No wonder sorcerers and sorcerers often work with mirrors. With the help of mirrors, we can not only view our reflection, but also influence ourselves energetically.

If you wake up in the morning, look at yourself sleepy and say something bad, expect it to start to happen and quickly enough. If you give positive messages to your reflection in the mirror, i.e. praise yourself, young and beautiful, then such thoughts will be very useful for you.

But can you imagine how many antique mirrors you have seen? How many faces, emotions and desires did they reflect? Mirrors have a wonderful memory, and if, for example, a mirror from places of deprivation of liberty is hung in a kindergarten, children will not see anything good there.

Along with mirrors, according to the strength of the impact on a person, there are icons, paintings and other objects of art. In addition to the fact that behind each icon there is the highest energy of a particular saint, the energy of the spiritual impulses of the masses is also imprinted on the icon - hence the “prayer icons” appear.

Can you wear second hand items? What needs to be done to protect yourself from the imposition of someone else's fate?
People wear it, so you can, although you already know that a thing can often carry information about the diseases of the former owner. To remove the negative energy of such a thing, it is enough to wash it thoroughly and rinse it in cold running water. A jet of water erases most types of negative programs.

Absolutely new things need to be cleaned? Why?
Yes, you need to clean it, because the thing to the shelf or to the hanger of the store makes a long journey and is in different hands: in production, when loading into transport, in a wholesale warehouse, and the like - a lot of people touch this thing. In the store, your thing can also be measured several times ... In general, you need to clean it: either energetically, or as I described above - in running water, or by mentally holding it on fire until it is completely mentally whitened.

If you fix a broken thing, its energy will improve. But what will happen if you show a little imagination and decorate, improve, etc., old furniture or a vase? How will the energy of the thing change?
It depends on what you fantasize... For some, beauty is drawings of skulls, blood and death, but for some it is flowers and heavenly light. Fantasize, decorate, "clean" - all this energizes your thing. It is also very important that your jewelry brings you joy and elevates.

Money is the most dangerous thing in the world. No wonder they talk about them as evil. You can’t “cleanse” all the money, but you can learn bad things from them in a second. Is it better to use credit cards? Or does it not matter in what form to hold money in your hands?

How can you protect yourself from negative impact of money?

There are three things that you can talk about forever and not agree - money, religion and politics. I myself do not consider money a dangerous thing and do not consider it evil, but for those who think in the way in which the question was asked - for them money really becomes a source of danger and evil.

Yes, money is in the hands of millions of people, it can bring a lot of things into our energy, but if you carry a one-dollar bill in your wallet, then the energy negative of money disappears without a trace. This is due to the pyramid symbol painted on this bill. Or carry a positive energy generator in your wallet.

What could it be? Buy some cleansing symbol from an esoteric store. Sandalwood smoke can also be used to purify money.

Plus, to protect yourself from germs, wash your hands regularly.

Almost every car owner can say that he (the car) has its own character. Especially when it comes to a used car, which, for example, may stall at the most inopportune moment or not open if the owner wants to give a ride to a guest, friend, etc. Can the cause of these “conflicts” lie in the different energies of the car and the new owner? What to do in this case? (Will a regular “cleansing” help?)

Of course, this is all real, it happens that if a car is very kindly asked to start and drive to a car service, it will reach even a broken one - and the craftsmen will be surprised how this car could arrive at their workshop on its own. In a car, in no case should you swear, say that you are selling it - when the car “hears” that you want to sell it, miracles of breakdowns and accidents occur. And everything is completely “accidental” and unexpected.

In my research, I often checked emergency equipment - airplanes, cars - and found out another pattern - all emergency equipment was “reversed polarity”. In fact, the program for the accomplishment of an accident or breakdown appeared some time before the event itself. I often put “protection on the car” for my students, this allows the driver to drive on the road without energy risk and programs that lead to accidents even for sober and careful drivers.

What photos can be dangerous from the point of view of bioenergetics? How to secure them?

You should not keep photos of dead people, tragedies, disasters, funerals in your bedroom, and indeed in your apartment, and if you do, then by no means not a photo dead man next to you. Even a photo against the background of monuments with people of the past, whom someone remembers with hatred or scolds, will not add health to you. Especially if these monuments are located in the cemetery ...

An amulet is a thing that brings good luck and protects from misfortune. Is it possible to purposefully do it yourself? If so, how?

The amulet performs the function of not only a generator of energy due to the form and material, but also directs a person’s thoughts to the fact that he is protected. This is already a lot, but no amulet will protect against targeted interference. If you have a craving for creativity and want to make an amulet with your own hands - do it - but it's easier to go to the temple and buy, illuminate an ordinary Orthodox cross.

Energy cleansing.

Probably any of us had to use things that were used before us. Old things can accumulate negative energy. How can you get rid of the negative influence of the energy of old things. They need to be energetically cleansed.

It is believed that antiques purchased in a store do not carry negative energy, they do not need to be cleaned. Energy cleaning of the apartment must be done if you have moved into a new room and feel uncomfortable. Usually a dwelling carries the energy of former residents, information about them.

Find out who lived before you in this apartment. If you feel incomprehensible discomfort in a new house, your mood deteriorates, be sure to carry out an energy cleansing of the room. Otherwise, you can attract a lot of negative things into your life.

For example, the former owners had money flowing through their fingers, and after a while you notice that there was not enough money. Or, the former tenants liked to sort things out and you feel constant irritation with your loved ones.

Start energy cleaning of the apartment by washing the floor, you can add a little sea salt to the water. It is better to take a bucket of dirty water outside. Wipe the corners in the house, baseboards, window sills as thoroughly as possible. Pass the most inaccessible places. Dust also take out outside the apartment.

If someone died in the apartment before you, put a candle on him in the church and mentally ask him not to disturb you. Believers sprinkle holy water on all corners. Usually all the negativity accumulates in the corners of the room under the ceiling.

Perhaps you got furniture from the previous owners. It is better to get rid of it, if you rent an apartment with furniture, try to take care of things, giving them positive energy.
The dishes are easy enough to wash.

The bed is better to buy a new one. The bed most strongly influences in the power plan. The bed carries the energy imprint of the previous owners. And if the person who slept on the bed was seriously ill, then the likelihood that you will get sick is quite high, because you sleep in bed for 8-10 hours, and during sleep the person is not particularly protected in terms of energy ..

If for some reason you can’t get rid of the bed, then try to change all the accessories, replace the mattress. Sprinkle the bed with water consecrated in the church (or water with sea salt), fumigate the bed with a church candle.

When fumigating a room, it is necessary to move around the apartment from the threshold clockwise, lingering in the corners. Our ancestors knew about the magic of surrounding things.

Sometimes you get clothes from someone else's shoulder. With someone else's clothes, you can acquire the problems and illnesses of the previous owners. But this rule does not apply to second-hand goods.

These things go through multiple processing, passing through many hands things are cleared. But to buy Wedding Dress by hand or rent is possible. After all, brides do not experience negative feelings on their wedding day, and such an outfit is safe from the point of view of energy, such an outfit has positive energy. When buying clothes or some things from your hands, listen to your feelings.

Your intuition will tell you whether or not to buy a thing. First of all, inspect the pockets of clothes and get rid of small things, get rid of combs, hairpins, paper clips, because human hair is a strong carrier of information.

Never pick up objects on the street, and especially at intersections, even Montecs at the intersection of roads. So you can bring other people's problems and misfortunes into your home. However, things are easy enough to wash and then iron. Water perfectly cleanses of all negativity. It is enough to stretch the thing in washing machine and there will be no trace of negativity.

Sometimes mothers are given used children's things - you can safely take them - children, especially the smallest ones, have such powerful energy that they soak clothes with it, displacing someone else's.

Nadar in the old days there was even a tradition to keep the baptismal shirt of a newborn, saturated with sacred energy, it created an aura of protection on long years, it was enough to take it in hand.

If in doubt about an item, you can clean it. solar energy, just put it in the sun for a few hours - the energy of the sun will cleanse it. Or you can rinse an object near a candle, a fireplace or a fire and imagine that the energy of fire cleans the object from the inside.

Energetic cleaning of jewelry.

Separately, it should be said about jewelry. Jewelry is able to accumulate information. A gift from a loved one does not carry negative information. The same can be said about things bought in an antique store. Antiquities keep the history of the former owners.

But you should buy jewelry from your hands with caution. Religious cult objects have the strongest energy, you can’t wear someone else’s pectoral crosses, as they say, carry a “foreign cross”. It is useful to clean jewelry once a year with sunlight or moonlight, put all stones and jewelry in sunlight or moonlight for several hours.

You can clean the stone by putting it in a glass of salt water for a day. Purchased products, even new ones, can store energy in themselves, because someone made them, picked them up, jewelry can be cleaned with a burning candle, moving in a clockwise circle around the jewelry.

However, do not take old things too seriously, once they get into your house, they begin to new life and it is up to you to fill them with positive energy. But if you suspect that with the advent of jewelry, a series of undesirable events began in your life.

For example, minor and major troubles happen all the time, with no end in sight. Or you fall into depression, which was not typical for you before, health problems and other unusual conditions appear.

You can even track the sensations of a new thing: if you feel some physical discomfort when wearing a piece of jewelry, then maybe you should give up this thing.

Perhaps the stone was not given to you from a pure heart and you acquired or gave you a person who is jealous of you, for example, your success, personal life, etc.

Perhaps you yourself bought a stone or jewelry that is not suitable for you according to the zodiac, maybe the jewelry stores the energy of the previous owner.

In ancient times, unlucky stones - amulets were simply buried in the ground. But if you are not ready to give up jewelry, you can clean it from negative energy. Carry the stone several times over the flame of a candle from the church. At the same time imagining how someone else's energy burns without a trace.

You can say: "Great spirit of fire, cleanse this stone in the name of joy, love and goodness, let all troubles turn into smoke."

Cleaning can be done with sea salt. Pour into a clean crystal vase sea ​​salt put a stone and cover the pile with salt and leave for three days. Salt will clean the energy of the stone, bring harmony into it. After three days, wash the stone with cold water, dry it in the sun, discard the salt..


Usually, a dwelling carries the energy of the previous owners, stores information about them. If your mood deteriorates in a new place, you feel incomprehensible discomfort, be sure to carry out an energy cleansing of your premises. And you can attract a lot of negative things into your life.

Find out who lived in this apartment before you. For example, the former owners had money flowing through their fingers - and you began to notice that there was no longer enough money. Or the former tenants of the premises liked to sort things out - and you are constantly annoyed with your loved ones. Energetic cleaning of the apartment must begin with washing the floor, you can add sea salt to the water. Take the bucket of dirty water outside. Thoroughly wipe the corners in the house, window sills, plinths. Walk with a cloth and a brush through the most inaccessible places.

Take the dust out into the street. If someone died in the apartment you purchased, then go to church and put a candle on it, ask them mentally not to disturb you. Believers sprinkle all the corners with water, as all the negativity usually accumulates in the corners of rooms and under the ceiling.


Perhaps you got the furniture of the previous owners. Try to get rid of her. And if you rent an apartment with furnishings, try to take care of other people's things, endowing them with your positive energy.

Just wash the dishes with salt and water. It is better to buy a new bed, as it most strongly affects a person in terms of energy. The bed carries the energy flow of the former owners. And if the person who slept on the bed was seriously ill, then the likelihood that you will get sick is quite high. After all, you spend almost half a day in bed, and during sleep a person is not protected especially in terms of energy.

If for some reason you cannot get rid of the bed, then change all bedding, replace the mattress and bedspread. Sprinkle the bed with sacred water or water with sea salt, surround the bed with a lit church candle. When fumigating your premises, it is necessary to move around the apartment - from the threshold clockwise, stopping in the corners.

Get rid of small other people's things: hairpins, combs, bows, because human hair is a strong carrier of your information. Never pick up objects on the street, and especially at intersections. With them, you can bring other people's misfortunes and problems into your home.

But antiques purchased in a store, that is, for money, do not carry negative energy in themselves and do not need to be cleaned.


Sometimes you buy someone else's clothes. With worn clothes, you can acquire the diseases and problems of the previous owners. This rule does not apply to second-hand goods. These things are being processed well - after going through a large number of hands, things are cleaned. However, it is possible to purchase a wedding dress from hand or rent it. After all, brides do not experience negative feelings on their wedding day, and such an outfit has positive energy, which means it is safe.

When buying things from your hands, you can listen to your feelings. Your intuition can tell you whether or not to buy this item. First of all, inspect the pockets of your clothes and shake them out.

However, things just need to be washed and then ironed. Water wonderfully cleanses of all negativity. Sometimes mothers are given worn baby clothes - you can safely take them. Children have such a powerful energy that they soak clothes with it, displacing someone else's.

If you doubt the energy of any object, you can simply clean it with solar energy: place your object in the sun for several hours. Or you can put an object near a candle and mentally imagine that the energy of fire cleans your object from the inside.


Let's talk about jewelry. Jewelry and stones are able to accumulate information of the owner. A gift from someone close to you does not carry negative energy. As well as things bought in an antique store. Antiques keep the history of the previous owners, so you should be careful when buying jewelry from your hands. Religious objects have strong energy, you can’t wear other people’s crosses, as they say, you will “carry someone else’s cross”.

However, you should not be too wary of old things. Once in your house, they start a new life, and only you can fill them with good positive energy.

But if you assume that your life with the advent of jewelry began a streak of unwanted events - large and small things happen all the time and troubles that have no end, or you constantly fall into depression, which was not typical for you before, health problems have appeared, you feel some kind of physical discomfort, then you need to give up this little thing.

Perhaps the stone was not given to you from a pure heart, or you were given a piece of jewelry by a person who is simply jealous of you - for example, your success, personal life, etc. Or you yourself may have bought a piece of jewelry or a stone that does not fit your zodiac sign, or maybe , the decoration keeps the energy of the former owner.

In the old days, unlucky amulets were taken and buried in the ground. But if you do not want to give up your jewelry, you can simply clean it of negative energy.

Even new purchased products can store the energy of those people who made them and picked them up.

Ornaments can be cleaned with a burning church candle, circling clockwise over them.

All stones and jewelry are useful for sunlight or moonlight once a year, for this, put them on such a saucer for several hours. open window. You can clean the stone by placing it in a glass of salt water for a day or by passing it several times over the flame of a church candle.

At the same time, one must imagine how someone else's energy will burn without a trace. You can say the following words:

“Great spirit of fire, cleanse this stone in the name of joy, love and goodness! Let all troubles turn into smoke.

You can clean it with sea salt. To do this, take a crystal vase, pour sea salt into it, put your jewelry with a stone, sprinkle salt on top and leave for 3 days. The moth will bring harmony to the energy of the stone. Then wash the stone with cold water, dry it in the sun, and discard the salt.

Cleansing with candle flame and water.

Take a candle, preferably a church one, light it and circle the flame several times around the thing to be cleaned counterclockwise, imagining how you burn out all the negativity. Then cross the thing several times with a candle flame. If at the same time you read a prayer, the purification effect will be greatly enhanced. Then take holy water and sprinkle the thing to be cleaned several times crosswise.

For many, second-hand clothes have become an excellent alternative to novelties from boutiques: they are both cheaper and more exclusive, because you can find them in second-hand interesting models. Just before you put on a thing from someone else's shoulder, you should protect yourself from the negative influence of someone else's energy!

Any thing, especially clothes, carries information about its owner. If you buy an outfit worn by a stranger, there is no guarantee that he was not sick or not going through the worst period of his life. Perhaps someone else's energy will affect you: troubles will begin at work, in the family, health problems. What to do?

Listen to a few tips on how to clean clothes from someone else's energy:

You need to wash the thing with the addition of two tablespoons of sea salt;
- light the incense and pass over the item several times so that it is saturated with their aroma;
- you need to "ring out" a thing, i.e. take an ordinary bell or "wind chimes" that anyone who wants to improve the feng shui of their home should have and ring to your heart's content. You will know when to stop.
- at the end, you can read a prayer or mantra three, seven or nine times.

Some experts in bioenergy advise not to wear a newly bought thing in a second-hand store, but to let it hang or lie in your closet to soak up your energy.

Cleansing rituals: how to cleanse yourself, house and magical objects from someone else's energy.

Home Cleansing Rituals That Eliminate “Energy Spam” In our lives, it is not always possible to surround ourselves with only new things. The lion's share of our household items (including clothes, dishes, jewelry) may previously belong to another owner, and there is nothing strange in this.

The desire to save money, gifts, gifts, inheritance - this is not a complete list of reasons due to which we become owners of second-hand things. However, they, unfortunately, often affect the life of a new owner not the most in the best way. Is it possible to cleanse these objects and yourself from someone else's energy? How to do this without harming your own well-being?

Who and what has energy?

Any object, even a stone in a wasteland, has its own energy. Especially when it comes to products created by human hands, as well as received by shipment (when a lot of people touch the item), or things that were in use by the previous owner.

For example, when inheriting family heirlooms, jewelry or other items, you should definitely find out if there are sick, murderers, envious people among its former owners, since their energy is very strong at a negative level, and can be transferred to you.

In addition, being carried away by magical artifacts, such as amulets, talismans, amulets, you need to know that any of them, created "to order", that is, if it was not made by you, but by another person, already carries someone else's energy, from which he needs to be spared.

How to correctly "assess" the magical potential of other people's things?

First of all, when receiving a gift that is no longer a new item, try to find out everything about its former owners. If a curse “hangs” on an object, then you should immediately get rid of it, since sometimes even the strongest purification ritual can not cope with it. For example, you received a new diamond ring from your mother.

This will be the first stage: after all, you should like the thing first of all. Further, if there were no particularly serious sins for the previous owners, you should fill the ring with salt, say, in matchbox or a glass, put in the freezer, and wait a few days or even weeks. After the allotted time, remove the ring, rinse thoroughly under running water.

Why is it so important to cleanse someone else's energy?

The strength of the negative energy inherent in the subject does not appear immediately. Perhaps it is you who will be the object of her goal, or maybe your children and even grandchildren!

For example, a mother gives her daughter a beautiful fashionable sweater for 16 years, knitted by her at night with love. At the same time, my mother kept saying: “It would be nice if my daughter were modest and homely, even if nothing happened to her, why discos, walks, dates?”

The daughter rejoices at the gift, wears it all the time, and cannot understand why she does not get along with young people? All her friends have already jumped out to get married, and she is modestly sitting at home alone, because she doesn’t feel like dancing, everything is the Internet, the Internet ...

She meets a guy in a virtual network, they get married, but again everything goes wrong. She becomes pregnant and the couple divorces. And again the girl is at home, with her mother, modest, quiet, because she has nowhere to go ... Now her mother scolds her for her unlucky life. And who is to blame?

Even a new thing, especially metals, gems that deeply “absorb” feelings and emotions should be subjected to purification rituals.

For example, after guests, you should clean your house to clear it of unnecessary energy waste.

1. Plant trees under your windows: cherry, apple, apricot can survive even on the most polluted street, and their energy can clean even high-rise buildings.

2. Plant live plants around the apartment / house. As you know, they absorb negative energy. Carefully monitor their condition! Dried branches and leaves can signal that a rather strong energy has settled in your house, which must be eliminated with more powerful forces.

3. Get rid of unnecessary items. We like to arrange on our balconies the so-called dumps of old things that are a pity to throw away. Beware! They can be sources of "bad energy".

4. After the guests have left, wash the dishes and tidy up the room and kitchen to eliminate any negative information after them.

5. Every thing that you bought even in the most fashionable boutique should be “smoked” with incense or washed and rinsed in running water.

6. Get a cat in your house that drives negativity out of every corner.

How to cleanse yourself of negative energy.

First of all, when you get home, wipe your shoes. By doing this, you will not only clean it of dirt, but also wash off the “strange eye”. Then go to the shower, it is advisable to take a contrast, and then put on comfortable home clothes. During the shower, imagine how you wash off all the dirty energy from yourself. As a rule, when your consciousness is cleared, and you can no longer imagine all this dirt, this will mean complete cleansing.

And, of course, use amulets in your life that protect your well-being. In addition to water, the earth has cleansing properties (it is enough to stand on it with bare feet), correct breathing(imagine how you exhale the negative), burning (swipe figuratively over your body with the fire of a candle).

Rituals for the purification of objects.

*if you received antique metallic gold or silver jewelry as a gift, followed by a bad past, a banal meltdown can be a great way to get rid of the negativity contained in them. Fire will destroy traces of negative energy;

*clothes that have been used by another person can be worn, but first they must be soaked in a salt solution. Just fill it with salt water, and after three days wash it in the usual way;

* if for some reason the thing cannot be washed or washed, “smoke” it with smoke from burning grass, for example, sage;

* the effect of burning negativity is a candle. Lay out objects, say, on a table or on the floor, and move a lit candle over them.

Very often, various things pass to us from other people: we buy something, we find something, we inherit something. If the thing was in use, it is necessary to clean it from someone else's energy.

The energy of the previous owner can be both positive and negative, but in any case, it is better to clean the item from traces of the previous owner. This applies to absolutely everything - from the apartment to the shoehorn. So you once and for all get rid of possible troubles associated with the thing, because negative energy can be transmitted through it.

Why things need cleaning

It happens that with the purchase of some thing a black streak begins: health problems, mood problems, troubles in personal life. This may be a mere coincidence, or it may not be a coincidence.

Cleaning should be done because there may be damage on the item that passes from owner to owner. It can be a vampire thing that drains energy, which is no less dangerous. If you do not promptly clean the things that you buy or, moreover, find, you can endanger yourself and your family.

It happens that on the subject there is a powerful negative program set by a professional in his field. Much more often, the thing was simply charged with the negativity of the owner, who experienced difficulties in life. Some things are sold after accidents and other incidents. Objects saturated with fear have the strongest negative component.

It’s not always that someone specifically puts damage on an item that they give or sell to you. It is enough just to experience some kind of negative emotions for an element of clothing to be charged with grief or anger. It does not go anywhere until you remove this negativity yourself.

Things that can't be cleaned

Not all things lend themselves to the removal of negativity. It's not even worth trying to clear the following:

Minerals, stones-talismans. If you found or someone gave you a talisman stone, then make sure that it is new, and the person who gave you the present does not wish you harm. If the stone is new and was given to you by a person you trust, then you can keep it for yourself. It's best to ask where it was bought just in case. It is better not to accept such gifts from the hands of outsiders, as well as not to raise such finds from the ground.

If a close friend or girlfriend gives you their talisman, you can’t clean it either, but with a very strong desire, you can try to “adapt”. Let him lie down in your house for a week. Wash it every day with cold water, saying: "Forget the past, get used to the new". This is a simple ritual, but very effective. Site site experts advise to avoid such gifts, even if the intentions of the person are pure.

Crosses. Catholic and Orthodox crosses received or found, as well as other religious paraphernalia, must “go” to the church. It is advisable to do so, even if the cross is golden. You can try to melt it down, but it's better to do it as soon as possible. Donated crosses are best accepted only from relatives. A cross must be bought only in the temple. If these two conditions are met, then everything is fine - such a gift can be accepted.

Mirrors. If you moved into a new apartment, then it is better to throw away the mirrors. Firstly, this is a kind of portal to the world of illusions and negativity, which can be opened due to the problems that previous residents had to endure. The mirror in the bathroom and in the corridor can only be left if they are relatively new. Old and dilapidated, and even more so broken mirrors should always be thrown away. They are not amenable to any purification.

Old furniture. Old, dilapidated furniture is a source of great problems for your mood and health. Old furniture should be thrown away first if you are moving into a new house where other people used to live. But relatively new and strong furniture can simply be cleaned using the methods below.

Methods for cleaning things

You can clean almost everything - from the apartment to the shoes. In total, there are three methods: cleaning with fire, air and water.

Fire cleansing. This cleaning is carried out with the help of a church or simple candle. Be sure to do this either in the early morning or in the evening, at night. If you are cleaning a thing that cannot catch fire, then you can drive the flame directly on the thing. It is best to clean with fire some hard interior elements of an apartment or house, jewelry made of precious metals, as well as dishes. You can clean your apartment or car with a candle. In an apartment or in a house, you need to go through all the corners, saying: “With fire and the power of thought, slowly and quickly. I drive out the old fear and anger. So that nothing gets into my house. May it be so". The candle should be allowed to burn out.

The car needs to be cleaned with fire inside and out. It is better not to touch the paint and the interior with a flame. Sit inside and read the plot three times: “The danger goes away, and with it the echoes of trouble. And on a bright day, and on a dark night, I will find the leading traces home..

Water cleaning. It is better to use holy water. If there is none or you are not a religious person, then draw clean water from the source. Do not buy water from the store or collect from the tap. All you need is natural water. It is best to clean dishes from the negative energy of the previous owner with water - for this you just need to wash them. Holy water can be sprinkled throughout the room to rid it of negative energy. The same can be done with clothes, furniture, cars. It goes well with pure natural salt water. Small items and jewelry can be cleaned by rinsing in salt water. If you use holy water, then you can and even need to read prayers: for example, “Our Father” or “Living Helps”.

Air cleaning. This is incense cleansing. Having impregnated a thing with incense, you will expel all the worst from it. This method is best used when cleaning purchased clothes, cars, as well as bathrooms and hallways in a new apartment or house. Incense is a very powerful cleaning agent, but it will not work on jewelry, dishes, furniture. It is desirable that the thing or object to be cleaned is saturated with a smell. The best assistant is cinnamon, citrus fruits. These smells are the most powerful in terms of rejection of negative energy flows.

If you do not clean the things you bought or found, then problems can come into your life spontaneously, or slowly and imperceptibly. Sometimes it's better to play it safe and just throw away something you don't need. Even those things that belong to you for a long time accumulate negativity.

A happy life is a life without problems that drag you to the bottom and constantly remind you of yourself. Negativity can come from people and things around. Choose the right environment so that life gives you only pleasant emotions. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and