How to close holes in the aura. Occult Security - V

There are many ways to cleanse your energy. Here are the ones I use myself. I propose to first understand why clean the energy.

What does energy cleansing do?
In our time, people are increasingly coming to understand the fact that energy is primary and matter is secondary. Primitively, the formula for the generation of matter can be expressed as follows: matter = energy + information. For example, let's take any disease. She doesn't suddenly appear out of nowhere. Maybe, perhaps, such an illusion to be present when a person was still driving yesterday active image life, and today fell ill with incurable disease. In this case, negative information penetrated into the information field of a person much earlier and materialized. Like attracted like, until a critical mass of negativity gathered, and it manifested itself in physics in the form of a disease.

Information- this is what, first of all, is subject to careful filtration, as it is a component in the construction of the cells of the human body. Everything must be kept clean. As we wash our hands and brush our teeth, we get rid of energy dirt. And in addition to negative information, there is a lot of other energy impacts. But, as they say, you can’t keep track of everything, and you need to start from the realities. Energy dirt exists everywhere. But it is not terrible for those who get rid of it. How to clean your energy - read on.

Energy Cleaning Techniques

Washing the body sea ​​water(cleansing technique at the cellular level)
Close eyes. Imagine that you are lying on the seashore at the very edge of the water, with your feet towards the sea, and you are a hollow frame filled with white foam rubber with dirty spots in the places of diseased organs. On inspiration, the oncoming wave through the feet fills the frame to the crown. On exhalation, it rolls back and blurs dark spots on the foam rubber until the foam rubber is completely cleaned. The dirt is washed out and goes into the ground and water. Repeat nine times.

Purification of the etheric body with the Waterfall system
The etheric body is the framework of the physical. All negativity is first reflected on the etheric, then it is projected onto the physical in the form of diseases of specific organs. If there are energy holes, then it is precisely those organs that become ill, opposite which there is an outflow of energy through the hole.
you walk along summer forest and go out into the sunshine. You see a beautiful big rock. From it beats a waterfall of the purest water. You undress and go to the waterfall. On the ledge of the rock you find soap and a washcloth. With their help, wash yourself like in a bath. Go out to a sunny meadow, dry in the sun and be filled with solar energy.

We remove the evil eye and external pendants of someone else's energy
Introducing a huge bonfire (astral fire). We step into the middle of this fire, stand there and clearly feel how all the cobwebs, blackouts, spots, all negativity are burning. When they clearly saw that they had become a pure energy essence without dark blotches, they came out of the fire.

If you feel that you have come under a powerful negative influence - the next technique.

Simultaneous release of foreign energies
Introducing the river of fire. Above it is a phantom of a person (mentally imagined a person in a reduced size), in need of help, wrapped in explosives. Remote in hand in real time. We press the button and everything shatters into pieces, falls into the river and burns. The phantom remains completely white and clean. While inhaling through the legs, we draw in white energy from the fire on the river. It exits through the seventh chakra (crown) and envelops the phantom in a cocoon. We clearly see at the end the phantom of a person in the middle of a cocoon. After this technique, do the technique of eliminating energy holes in the biofield (described last in the article).

The following technique is very useful for everyone. But, it is especially necessary for people whose work is to influence other people with their hands. A lot of negativity clings to hands upon contact. They need to be cleaned.

Hand cleaning
We sit in the coachman's position (hands on knees, palms up) in a sunny clearing. In front of us we present a huge ball of divine energy and a fire. On inhalation, the flow of white energy from the ball through the fingers enters the arms up to the shoulders. On exhalation, the energy flow fills the hands and pushes the negative in the form of grayish balls into the fire. The very same white energy remains in the hands. Nine reps.

Foot cleaning
The same, only for the legs. Practitioners regularly shared the results of getting rid of fungal diseases on their feet.
We sit in the coachman's position (hands on knees, palms up) in a sunny clearing. In front of us we present a huge ball of divine energy and a fire. On inhalation, the flow of white energy from the ball through the fingers enters the legs to the pelvis. On exhalation, the energy flow fills the legs and pushes the negative in the form of grayish balls into the fire. The very same white energy remains in the legs. Nine reps.

And in the end, I will share with you the technique, which is one of the developments of E.A. Gulyaev. After he presented it, a wave of discontent arose among those who provide services to eliminate energy holes for a lot of money. But the information is given in order to be passed on. Information is like fire, if you hide it in your pocket, you will burn. This is the property of people and this must be understood.
The technique is very simple, but its effectiveness and benefits are very difficult to overestimate.

Technique for eliminating energy holes in the biofield
We put our hands opposite each other with palms inward. Between the palms we present a reduced human phantom. Through the top of the head on inhalation we get a clean Divine Energy, pass through the hands and on exhalation, we clearly imagine how white energy (or golden) comes out of the palmar chakras (middle of the palms) and envelops the phantom with a protective layer of an oval shape, forming a clean and dense biofield. We take several such breaths until we fill the biofield with a dense layer of energy. We distribute energy, as if we are sticking around a phantom from all sides, rolling evenly, like wet clay. At the same time, we clearly visualize the result: a reduced copy of a person in an even, dense, oval energy cocoon. We fixed the result and that’s enough, the information is deposited exactly where you project it.

If you do this technique for yourself every morning, you will not be afraid of any energy attacks. If you feel discomfort in the area of ​​some organ or part of the body for no apparent reason - quickly do this technique, most likely the discomfort is caused by a violation of the biofield.

Most importantly, you can do almost all of these techniques for yourself and your loved ones. At the same time, the distance does not matter, the work is carried out with a phantom, and you can form a phantom anywhere and at any time by the power of your own thought.

How often to do? The more often, the better, of course. After all, each time not only the recently introduced is peeled off, but gradually, like the layers of an onion, the old layers are peeled off.

At first, of course, it makes sense to be zealous, and then work to maintain the effect, as you feel that you need to clean up.

Today we looked at some practices for cleaning and restoring energy. In subsequent articles, I will give practices for protecting and gaining energy, as well as clearing chakras and energy channels. I urge you to share your practices and best practices at the bottom of this post so that others can read and choose as close as possible for themselves. Do not hide such information, share, make room for the new.

(advice from a bioenergy practitioner)

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If there are energy gaps in a person's aura, then he almost constantly experiences a lack of energy. This leads to the fact that the things he does also become energetically low charged, "leaky". A person’s lack of control over his own consciousness, which can manifest itself in such qualities as: optionality, fuzziness, inability to keep a secret, a tendency to outbursts of emotions, are the features of a person with a pierced aura. The luck magnet of such a person is extremely weak and cannot create a strong attraction for positive energies.

All these shortcomings prevent both the active attraction of favorable opportunities, when a person purposefully builds a certain plan and system of actions, and the passive one, based on a properly built expectation system.

1. Identify your energy gaps and shift your attention to the place of curvature and discomfort, stay there. Imagine that the energy of your self, as it were, patches this hole.

2. Imagine that you can breathe in the place where you feel the hole: that you have nostrils there, lungs. Mentally breathe in this place, letting in and out of the breath and concentrating on it. The process of breathing can be imagined in two ways: either that pure energy enters and exits, or that energy enters, and slags, traumas, and depression come out. Try both methods and choose the one you like best.

3. Transfer your attention to the region of the heart, to the center of the energy ball of the aura, and from there mentally stretch the thread to the place of the hole. Let the inexhaustible energy of the pantry of the heart flow into the place of the hole and heal the sore spot.

4. Imagine that your aura is harmonious, that you are filled with positive emotions and mentally transfer yourself to those circumstances in which your aura was pierced, where you contracted and felt your weakness. Imagine that you have enough strength to cope with the situation, and mentally relive it the way you want. Then the energy hole will be completely patched up.



It is important to carry a field of positive energy with you wherever you go. This field helps to reverse the unfavorable situation of the environment, energetically impose its program on the environment. People of a passionate, energetically strong warehouse in critical situations, for example, when other people are sharply negatively opposed to them, can turn the tide with their powerful aura. However, it is better not to create such situations at all, not to lead to a crisis, but to be able to prevent adverse circumstances. By itself, a positive attitude repels many of them. It is known, for example, that people with the psychology of the victim attract aggression to themselves, force the aggressor to act, in some cases by external behavior, gestures, movements, all the way that it radiates outward, in other cases - at a subtle vibrational level. It has been proven that if shipwreck victims who find themselves in the water experience strong fear, they attract flocks of sharks to this place. electromagnetic pulse fear is unmistakably captured by predators and serves as a beacon for them. Those who do not panic, get a much better chance of life. The right attitude builds a kind of preventive system around a person, unnecessary energies bypass him. One who is not afraid of anything does not attract many possible dangers - sharks.

1. Recall the state of inner uplift. To do this, recall from memory any event in your life that was accompanied by this emotion, and imagine it as vividly as possible. Then try to bring this image closer to yourself and step into it, as if you were stepping into the magical country of the Looking Glass, and mentally transport yourself there. Try to feel the state of spiritual uplift as deeply as possible. Step back into the world while holding this state. Remember that you are happy that you are on a roll.

2. Repeat to yourself: "I am in a favorable flow, and nothing can knock me out of it." Imagine this stream dyed alternately in different colors, bright and clear. You are both in a moving stream and in a certain center of yourself. Imagine some obstacle in your way and imagine that it breaks on your cocoon, like a wave on a rock, like ice on an icebreaker.

3. It is good to imagine harmonious pictures of nature: the state of morning and sunrise, for example. A sunbeam touches your skin and illuminates you. Your whole inner being is filled with its sensation. Negative circumstances-shadows are trying to influence you, but you are reliably protected by the light of the rays surrounding you.


You need to have not only a bold heart, but also a clear head. Along with faith in himself, in his success, a person must be able to foresee what turn things will take. A wise man will not go where a strong danger may lie in wait for him, with which he risks not coping. Such foresight is based, firstly, on past experience. If a person has encountered in the past some people or circumstances that brought him something unfavorable, a threat, then he can already assume that, having appeared again, they will pose a threat to him again. It's like some kind of gangster quarter, where it's better not to look after a certain hour. Not going there does not mean "afraid of bandits". But even if you are not afraid of them, this does not mean at all that you need to deal with them. If you are not afraid of cars, then this does not mean that you need to go into their cluster or stop in the middle of the street, trying your luck. I knew a man who tried to conquer his fear of death by running across the road in front of a full speed train. Once a train hit him and he died. This behavior is called the temptation of fate.

1. Recall the signs that accompanied past negative circumstances in your life. Quite often, these signs are repeated. We must learn to feel them: the way animals feel the approach of natural disasters.

2. Think about whether you have enemies, those to whom you have crossed or are crossing the road with your current business, who can harbor evil against you or envy you. Such people may be filled with a desire to take revenge on you, and it is better to keep them in sight.

3. If you have committed some kind of evil and have not corrected its results, then its consequences may overtake you and return as a boomerang in the form of a negative consequence. Once you have identified your flaws and mistakes, try to correct them if possible.

continuation of a series devoted to the rules of occult security. We draw the attention of readers to copyright.

Occult Security- V. Discharge of negativity and redistribution of energy

Energy violations, namely: damage, curse, substitution of essence, obsession - are "contagious". In the sense that communication with a corrupted or possessed almost always entails a violation of energy, which experts usually call breakdown.

Signs of energy breakdown

Signs of an unexpected breakdown of the biofield can be noted quite objectively:

A sharp deterioration in well-being, similar to an "instant" cold, manifested, as a rule, in an increase in body temperature by 1-2 degrees, sometimes - the appearance of perspiration.
Dizziness, accompanied by sharp jumps in blood pressure, sudden shortness of breath or lack of air.
Unpleasant sensations in the heart or abdomen, manifested as tingling, aching pain or spasm.
The appearance of an inexplicable state of anxiety, fear, danger, accompanied by a desire to leave this or that place.
Unexpected affectionate hiccups or yawns, a state of incomprehensible drowsiness and loss of strength.

People around try to avoid a corrupted person, and a similar rejection occurs on a subconscious level. Many readers have probably noticed that some completely strangers met in public place- transport, shop, just on the street - cause a strong desire to stay away from them. At the same time, a person who causes such an incomprehensible from the point of view of sound logic, but very obvious and quite distinct reaction, can be completely unfamiliar and quite ordinary in appearance. How can one “feel” the danger and undesirability of not only close communication, but also being close to this or that person? These are the signals of our subconscious, which (unlike consciousness) never rests, even during sleep.


The subconscious mind is a vigilant guardian and the best assistant. Listening to the signals of the subconscious is not only useful, but also necessary. Each person is a little psychic, in the sense that almost any person is quite able to feel both damage, and the presence of an entity in the room, and the threat of danger - according to the signals of his intuition. Of course, someone's subconscious, as a channel of extrasensory perception, is better developed, someone's worse, nevertheless, there is no person who would never receive any information from the subconscious. Most often, the opposite is observed - a person's refusal to perceive the signals of his own subconscious, and this reaction (or rather, its absence) is caused by nothing more than consciousness.

What happens is literally the following: a person feels that he should not (or vice versa, should) do this and that. But consciousness, loaded with logic and imposed dogmas, intervenes in the process. it is impossible to believe, because it is a sin”, etc.

The most interesting thing is that it is impossible to check what would happen if a person listened to his subconscious, if he actually did not. Only in conditions of serious troubles, and even troubles, can one be convinced that the information that comes as supersensory perception should be trusted. That is why, for example, at least 10% of passengers do not get on a doomed airliner. While the usual probabilistic no-show on a flight is noticeably less and amounts to 2-5%. That is why the owner of shares can suddenly get rid of them a few days before a complete and objectively unexpected collapse of quotations. For the same reason, a person who has avoided traveling by subway for many years may suddenly, with all confidence in the correctness of his today's decision, suddenly refuse to drive a car.

Reset or transfer of negative from the spoiled

But back to the main topic - the transmission of negativity. If we talk about corrupted people, then they also have a subconscious, whose task is the same concern for the owner-man - reducing the level of possible danger to the biofield, maintaining the continuity of the physical and energy fields, i.e. life. That is why the subconscious directs a person with damaged energy (damage) to people and conditions that can contribute to reducing the level of existing negativity. For the same reason, the spoiled one comes to the healer on his own, without coercion - the subconscious mind pushes him to this step. But that doesn't always happen. Why do many people who need such help suffer for years, but do nothing to finally solve the problem? Because the consciousness of such people turns out to be stronger, coming up with a completely logical and far from the true state of affairs answer for each sign of damage: “I’m just unlucky”, “I don’t get a normal doctor”, “I don’t have the strength for anything, because I I work a lot”, “I don’t have a personal life, but so do many”, etc.

Nevertheless, a spoiled person needs to be recharged from the outside, because during damage, even energetically strong man loses the ability to receive energy in a simple and natural way - from the earth, sky, sun, stars, creations of nature, works of art. There is only one source of additional energy left - other people. This is where the effect of redistribution manifests itself: a spoiled person receives energy from a healthy person and gives him some of his negativity.

Countering the transmission of negativity

On the other hand, an energetically healthy person is not at all interested in such forced “donation”. His subconscious mind will help to avoid situations associated with the return of his positive energy and the "reception" of someone else's negative. This is easy to do in public places in relation to to a stranger. Many readers will surely agree that they sometimes found some undesirable neighborhood in their immediate vicinity. Having found it, they avoided it - they changed to another subway car or another bus, crossed to the other side of the street, left a store or other public place.

If we talk about occult security in relation to public places, then this is an absolutely correct line of defense - simply avoid interaction, without entering into conversations or bickering with a person who causes a feeling of incomprehensible hostility. At the same time, a corrupted person (and especially with a shared essence or, worse, possessed) will be all possible ways attract the attention of others: try to enter into a conversation and generally behave intrusively, and often aggressively or defiantly. There is no doubt that examples should not be given - any reader has come across this more than once.

special occasions transmissions of negativity can be considered those when it is difficult or even impossible to avoid interaction with a spoiled person. For example, when this person is a close relative or colleague, especially the boss. The style of behavior of such a spoiled one is dictated by one thing - to get the opportunity to redistribute energy. And this style is chosen, as a rule, intuitively, i.e. subconscious prompted. Spoiled relatives, in order to get the opportunity to “feed”, usually try to arouse pity and compassion, involving their potential “donors” in numerous troubles associated with their person.

A spoiled colleague behaves in much the same way - he tries to "get into best friends”, Constantly crying into a vest, consulting. In a word, it condenses the interaction with the “donor” as much as possible.

A spoiled boss, on the contrary, usually keeps a certain distance, periodically causing a wave of emotions among potential “donors” with his nit-picking. In a team led by a corrupt boss, periods of relative calm give way to moments of almost open war. And the reason for this style of the boss is the need to redistribute energy, i.e. receive from subordinates its positive component and give it away - negative. At the same time, a smart boss (and a complete idiot rarely gets on leadership position) will try to prevent the dismissal of the insurgent "donor", it is not profitable for him. He will redistribute energy, having received relief from his energy state, and then he will immediately cover up the scandal that had flared up.

For each employee in such a “worked out” team, an individual key can be selected - a nitpick or a remark that infuriates specific person. It is known that all people are divided into visualists, audiolists and kinesthetics. At the same time, each person has his own “little secret cockroach” - something that quickly and smoothly takes him out of a state of emotional, and then energy balance. It is useless to raise your voice at one employee (visualist) to piss him off. But it is quite enough to quietly notice that he is supposedly casually dressed. To another, in order to unsettle him for half a day, it is enough to touch him with some meaningful meaning (kinesthetic) or snatch, for example, a folder with documents from his hands. The third one can be yelled at. Particularly sophisticated spoiled bosses, including those who have been trained in “sales promotion”, NLP, and so on, skillfully combine all the methods known to them. At the same time, they, as a rule, are sincerely convinced that they simply master the art of managing a team.

Examples of reset attempts and countermeasures

We can cite some general methods of attempts to negatively reset and pump out energy, practiced by spoiled people - random interlocutors, relatives, colleagues.

Forcing a conversation- involvement in their actual and energy problems of a potential energy "donor" in order to obtain the possibility of discharge and redistribution of energy.

The spoiled one who chooses such tactics is, as a rule, an auditoryist, i.e. a person whose main information channel is sound. An audiologist is also selected as a potential "donor". Long and almost always boring conversations and complaints are designed to establish emotional contact at the level of attention or compassion.

For a spoiled audiologist, a personal meeting is not necessary, and a telephone is quite suitable. Methods of effective countermeasures can be described by the well-known Russian proverb: "it flew into one ear - it flew out into the other." Since the main channel of influence is sound, then you should just ignore a significant part of what was said. At the same time, the emotional bridge either does not improve at all or is unstable. The corrupted, not getting the opportunity to reset or redistribute energy, quickly loses interest in the victim.

Reset by assuming threatening postures and anything that can be described as "flashing the evil eye". Such spoiled ones can be seen quite often in public transport. These are the so-called visualists. They prefer to establish eye contact with a potential "donor" and thus build a kind of energy bridge for the same purpose - the release and redistribution of energy.

This selects a victim who is also a visualist. That's why the brighter a person is dressed, the more chances he has to be in sight. The optimal method of counteraction is to get out of the "line of fire". Those. the so-called one hundred and first technique of karate - flight.

If the reader feels that in public places he is often exposed to such corrupted ones, then for his own safety it is worth considering a change of image. At least in the choice of outerwear, which just attracts attention.

Being in a public place, you can, of course, create the so-called mirror protection - put an imaginary mirror in front of you with the reflective side away from you. However, it should be recognized that for an ordinary, untrained person (not a specialist who does this on the machine), this is a rather tedious task. Much easier to move to another car.

Entering into physical contact is also used to release and redistribute energy, namely, touching, pushing, stepping on the foot, etc. Methods of counteraction - calmness. Those. if they stepped on their feet or pushed, then indignation and a verbal skirmish are expected. And this is exactly what you shouldn't do.

There are also many combined reset methods. For example, first they yell, then they push, or vice versa. With regard to the behavior of spoiled leaders, first - a caustic remark, then a verbal scolding, then throwing objects or slamming doors - an attack at the level of visual perception.

Active energy attack

The attentive reader will now understand why the gypsies usually act this way and not otherwise, starting to seduce another random victim. Gypsies are self-taught psychologists. They are well aware that people are divided into visualists, auditoryists and kinesthetics. Determining the type of random victim right off the bat is not an easy task, so everything is applied at the same time:

Counting on the fact that the person you meet will turn out to be an audialist - chattering, the use of frightening terms, a hissing-threatening or singsongly viscous timbre and manner of speaking.

In the expectation that the potential victim is a visualist appearance- glaring eyes, sorting through colored skirts, an abundance of bright massive gold jewelry. As well as figurative speech with comparisons from the series: "you are beautiful, but you have grief."

Based on kinesthetics - attempts to touch, look at the hand (fortune telling), passing objects back and forth (coins, banknotes, rings, etc.), pulling out hair, etc.

All methods together almost guarantee the success of the impact. It is difficult for an unprepared person to cope with such pressure, especially if he actually has problems with energy.


The main task of a person who is subjected to attempts at an energy reset or an active attack is to maintain the integrity of his biofield. To do this, only two things are needed: composure and the suppression of any attempts to interact.

ENERGY BREAKDOWN arise under certain conditions when you cannot come to terms with something or accept some fact of your life. This destroys the energy, as a result of which a person begins to leak energy!

A breakdown in the energy sector may be accompanied by excessive emotionality, instability nervous system, poor-quality interaction with other people, stressful situations ...

For example, if you constantly experience shame or embarrassment about your body, behavior in relationships with people, physical or mental state ...

Breaking old ties...

An important factor in any completed relationship is the rupture of the energetic connection with the former partner. I advise you to do this without fail so as not to subsequently detect an energy leak.

It is, of course, up to you to maintain old connections or not, of course, only you, but remember that they can greatly interfere with a person in the future. Try to get rid of obsessive memories, try to learn how to create new positive and cool feelings in your life.

If the old connections do not cease to torment you in any way, this means that you already have an ENERGY BREAKDOWN, through which energy flows away with furious force.

In this case, any attempt to pump yourself up energetically leads to the fact that emotions associated with the breakdown are activated and a person falls into a rather difficult condition, from which it is difficult to get him out.

And all the energy flies with a whistle to those people who created this test for him!

For example, a gynecological disease is an energy breakdown. Surprised?…

How to close the energy breakdown?

There are many techniques to help remove energy breakdowns.

And some of these techniques I give you in the audio course.

After all, in fact, it is not difficult to remove energy breakdowns if you know the technology.

Attention! Side effects…

After elimination of breakdowns, most people experience:

1. A sharp increase in sexual energy, resulting in it

After all, if there is a lot of energy in a person and he does not take it away, it begins to burst him from the inside. That's when a person becomes, to put it mildly, stupid.

It looks like this...

He wants to fuck everything that moves, climbs where it is possible and impossible, trying to take possession of the bodies of other people. But this is still half the trouble ...

2. Accumulating, energy awakens and starts dormant processes in the body.

As a result diseases begin to intensify and worsen urogenital area, as well as all untreated and other phenomena.

3. Old grievances and complexes come out.

The emotions that you experienced earlier as a result of the offense inflicted on you, when they start to just go off scale. A man unable to cope with his emotional state, often commits inadequate actions and rash actions. Remember this!—

And all because the energy of Svadhisthana has increased and each organ or emotion receives its portion. What is good for us will become even better. And where it is not completed, the disease begins to progress, and falls on a person as side effects ...

And the most important thing…

Any of your uncontrolled thoughts, backed up by sexual energy, tends to come true!!! Always remember this...

Try to get in touch with your consciousness and make it concrete. First of all, deal with your beliefs, complexes and fears. You should not practice Swadhisthana techniques when you have a mess in your head.

Plays a very important role...

How to be? After all, you need a whole range of techniques that will complement each other ...

There are always 2 ways out of a hopeless situation ...

1. You still decide to develop your energy

This method is suitable for those who are not afraid of change and are ready for any changes in their lives.

Then my audio course will help you a lot, which is built in such a way as to easily go through all the side effects that fall on a person at the beginning of working with energy.

In it I collected 11 practices to activate the sexual chakra, harmonize and increase energy. The practices of sexual energy have been carefully selected and tested by me personally, as well as by my students for several years.

And now I can say with full confidence that the information from this course can be used by people WITHOUT special training!!!

We will learn new knowledge, techniques for lifting, redistributing, balancing energy ...

As a result of classes, you will invariably get a new you, able to manage your energy and understand the processes from the inside. How this will affect your life, you probably already guessed.

2. You take the easier path by choosing not to change anything in your life.

You just live your old life, with all its sores and problems. Do not try to change anything and continue to create new outflows for yourself to leak energy outward.

What will happen in this case? NOTHING…

This is how you live now, and you will live, not believing and not daring to count on something more.

Choose only for you.

Good luck…

Always with you, Konstantin Dovlatov.

What is an attack or run over?

Attack- this is any action or statement that aims to deprive a person of psychological or energetic integrity. In order for this to happen, the action or utterance must be accompanied by an outburst of energy from the chakra so powerful that the corresponding chakra of the attacked person cannot process the received energy. Or, on the contrary, the action will allow you to absorb an amount of energy that exceeds the reserve of the human victim.

Hitting can be done with the help of any chakra. Of course, a person uses to attack the chakra that is most developed in him. As a result of a successful attack, the normal functioning of one of the chakras may be disrupted in the victim. In this case, they say that the chakra is broken. Depending on the strength of the impact, this can be expressed in the oppression of the chakra or the violation of the integrity of the field, which causes the attacked person to experience a feeling of discomfort.

Attacks differ mainly in energy levels, plus they can also be both spontaneous and targeted, short and long. Let's consider the most common of them.

At the astral level, an attack is usually colored by emotions, feelings. All negative emotions are sent from the energy field of the attacker to the biofield of another person. Moreover, depending on the emotion, the feeling produced, an attack will be made on a certain area, a specific chakra. There is discontent, aggression, anger, condemnation, contempt. These feelings are manifested from the five chakras, while the other two relate functionally to the sources of energy consumption of space and earth.

Energy exchange during communication

The relationship of people is a complex process of energy exchange, which is not always beneficial to all its participants. Very often a person comes out of communication in a state worse than before it was started. The purpose of this work is to describe a set of psychological and energy self-defense techniques that could help to avoid such situations.

By and large, we can distinguish two types of functioning of the energy structure inherent in each person in the process of communication.

1. Emission of energy

With this method energy work a person puts the energy of any of the chakras into speech or action and brings it to the interlocutor. And the greater the invested energy, the higher the power of actions and statements. Of course, not everyone knows how to do this consciously. In addition, you can only bring out the energy of those chakras that are at least a little ajar. By the way, according to this criterion, you can determine which of the centers are developed by your interlocutor. So, if his speech is very convincing and understandable, he probably has a well-developed third eye. If you are simply pleased to listen to the interlocutor, regardless of the content of the conversation, then he puts the energies of anahata or svadhisthana into his speech, and if what is said makes you shrink, then manipura.

2. Energy absorption (struggle to capture energy)

Attracting someone else's energy in a person's field occurs when he attracts the attention, thoughts, desires of other people. However, not everyone can absorb the attracted energy, but only a person with a certain arrangement of energy centers, provided that these centers are open. The ability to attract energy to the center determines the degree of human development. Of course, each center absorbs the energy of its own spectrum.

Typical correspondences of some types of energies according to energy centers (chakras):

AJNA - intellectual,

VISHUDHA - interest,

ANAHATA - feelings such as love, tenderness,

MANIPURA - respect,

SVADHISTHANA - sexual desire,

MULADHARA - vital force.

Both absorbing and emitting chakras can be used for energy attack, however, both its pattern and mechanism are different. The difference lies in the fact that the absorbing field does not penetrate the field of the attacked with a directed energy flow, but, as it were, clings to him, provoking a return of energy.

Muladhara Attacks cause fears and rob you of peace - it's like a series of threats, or a series of pessimistic statements that make you think about how everything will end badly. Fear is a loss of energy in muladhara. If someone is able to cause fear in you, then he is able to spill the reserves of your life force. The one who is afraid is defenseless, since he himself deprives himself of vital energy.

Discontent - Svadhisthana.

Location - Sacrum, in front - four fingers below the navel. Dissatisfaction with Swadhisthana. If the emotion of discontent was of sufficient strength and broke through the biofield, the person of the victim has a feeling of dissatisfaction with what is happening, or dissatisfaction with himself. Sadness creeps in.

The bioenergetic system of a person in a state of discontent or anguish is inoperative, because due to the violation of svadhisthana, the functionality of the astral body, the production of hormones are disrupted, and most importantly, the flow of the earth to the higher chakras is disturbed. All higher chakras suffer from this lack of energy supply. The performance of each of them is reduced.

Incidentally, in Everyday life there are people, cynics, who speak cynically about people, about politics, about life, or about something else. Svadhisthana for such people works in the mode of discontent, that is, in the negative mode. As a rule, these are poor people. Because there is a constant expenditure of vitality to create negative cynical discontent about everything around. Thus, positive energy does not accumulate in Svadhisthana, without which it is not possible to attract material wealth into a person’s life.

And now, imagine how such a cynic treats 10-15 acquaintances in a month, crushes the situation in the country, the culture of the country with his arguments, sorts out the bones of acquaintances, and also complains about life. His energy attack during a joint gathering breaks through Swadhisthana in the listeners, bringing them into a state of longing, worries about their lives, about the ill-fated country in which they live, about an unsuccessful culture, about unfortunate acquaintances who behave very badly. As soon as you feel cynicism. Be careful. If someone starts telling you negative things, ridiculous absurd stories about the behavior of other people, or complaining about the terrible situation in the country, put up protection or try to avoid talking with such a person. Otherwise, there is a chance of getting a charge of negativity through Svadhisthana, which will upset you.

If the situation does not allow you to refuse to talk and leave, hold out calmly for the right time, carefully checking the emotions that arise in you, do not let the negative inside. There may be parents, relatives in front of you, if you just start running away from them, they will suspect something is wrong with you, and there will be a conflict, sooner or later they will get to the bottom of your motives, and they are unlikely to consider you normal, then they will brainwash you daily with their thoughts and morals. The same applies to friends.

By the way, longing and pity are also related to discontent and cynicism that are born in Swadhisthana. There is a type of whining, complaining about the fate of people who, with their stories, will drive you into a situation that causes you deep pity. By showing pity, you will transfer your energy to them from svadhisthana. This is pure vampirism.

Poor kid syndrome allows you to suck energy from others. Most often this happens unconsciously. Therefore, it is not worth getting angry, offended by such people. And in no case blame them for having this syndrome, it can ruin your relationship and cause a powerful wave of negativity towards your personality, with all the ensuing consequences of spreading rumors about your personality.

You may remember the movie Basic Instinct. The main character, played by Sharon Stone, used this technique very effectively, for example, during the scene of her interrogation at the police station. The essence of the attack on svadhisthana is to express signs of sexual sympathy to a person at a moment when he is not ready for this. In our society, where, due to the traditions inherited from Christian morality, sexuality has not been lifted as a taboo, this type of assault can be very effective. Vulgar jokes or anecdotes, obscene gestures, etc. can also be attributed to svadhisthana attacks.

Non-verbal forms of such raids are erotic movements, swaying of the hips, inviting glances, playing with objects.

Aggression - Manipura.

Location - Solar plexus (under the sternum)

The attack on Manipur includes aggression, suppression of will, disrespect. Aggression is most often manifested, openly during conflicts and quarrels, disputes. The emotion of aggression is a negatively charged impulse of the will, which is designed to suppress the opponent’s resistance, de-energize him so that he gives up, in a dispute, in a conflict, so that he leaves the “game” or submits to the will of the aggressor.

The suppression of the will most often occurs either with the words “you must”, “you are obliged”, “it is your duty”, or hopeless suppression, when the victim is placed in a rigid framework of choice, deprivation of something in case of refusal. Showing disrespect openly, actions or abusive words addressed to a person, insults, are made in order to hit the victim. According to the logic of the human reaction, a person who has been disrespected becomes indignant and becomes aggressive. This is a natural reflex ordinary person. If some word or phrase breaks through his manipura (self-control and self-confidence), he either experiences a depressed state, or begins to behave aggressively, thereby producing negative energy impulses that further destroy the harmony of Manipura. The defeat of Manipura de-energizes a person, the desire to do something disappears. Self-control is lost, doubts arise in oneself, in one's actions. It disrupts human activity. Laziness, lack of willpower may appear for some time.

The breakdown of Manipura is a fairly common occurrence, as people often get into disputes, conflicts, difficult situations, both family and professional, public. Non-verbal forms of influence can be expressed in aggressive clenching of the fist, playing with weapons, chewing during a conversation, etc. An interesting variant of the attack on the manipur is to hold in the field. If at any time during a conversation you felt that you no longer wanted to communicate, and something was preventing you from leaving, uncomfortable, then you were the victim of such an attack. Of course, over time, a person who finds himself in such a situation will be able to stop communicating, but he will take with him a certain feeling of guilt, which at the energy level is a breakdown in manipura.

Anger, hatred, sadness, skepticism and disbelief - Anahata. Center of the chest, at the level of the heart

Surely in your life there was a case when you were embarrassed by a compliment. If this is so, you were pierced by anahatic assault. Despite the seeming absurdity of this fact, only a very small percentage of people are able to accept sincere compliments (as well as give them) without a shadow of embarrassment. Another variant of influence through anahata is pity. For example: “Look what you did to me”, “What life has brought me to”. As a result of such an attack, a feeling of pity or a feeling of guilt arises, appearing in the region of the heart and representing the return of anahatic energy.

The non-verbal form of an attack on anahata is the expression of one's love with a look, a gesture, as well as sobbing, crying, addressed to the attacked. A reasonable question may arise: how, in fact, does anahatic attack differ from a sincere expression of love? Basically nothing. Sincere love naturally destroys a person who is not ready to accept it (due to the closeness of the anahata or the presence of appropriate inserts).

If they show anger towards you, openly or covertly, this will have a destructive effect on your Anahata. It is important here not to create the same emotion yourself, if in the heat of emotions you yourself begin to experience hatred or anger, you yourself will suffer first of all. Therefore, you need to be able to control yourself, keep your emotions under control.

To protect Anahata, you need to create a positive background that will not let negative energies into your biofield. A person who is able to treat the enemy with love will always be protected from energy attacks from their side. The buffer is the energy of love, which neutralizes absolutely any type of negative energies, no matter what chakra they were produced on. Love neutralizes any dirt - this is one of the unique properties anahata energies.

If someone feels anger or hatred towards you, try to communicate with this person for less time, if possible, exclude him from your life altogether. Don't try to repair the relationship. If you need it, life will bring you karmically. If there is no karmic background for the relationship, then for God's sake, do not try to fix the relationship, correct the situation

Condemnation, criticism, disputes, foul language - Vishuddha. Location - Base of Throat

Very often people are condemned. This is one of the most common phenomena when, having committed an act, a person is condemned by others, criticized. It is difficult for an unprepared person to endure criticism, it is difficult to listen to condemnations addressed to oneself, one wants to achieve justice, change the opinion of the interlocutor. He enters into an argument, and begins to defend himself, and condemn the actions of the enemy. This is a real verbal struggle at the level of Vishuddhi. Prolonged or high-quality condemnation develops disagreement between the participants, which in itself is already negative, the very presence of disagreement indicates that tension has arisen in vishuddha. It is felt as such an unpleasant discomfort in the chakra area.

If a person is offended, his Vishuddha is blocked. There are several types of resentment - active and passive. Active resentment is when the Vishuddha of a person breaks through, a violation of the chakra occurs, and this is accompanied by negative mental activity, with the sending of unkind thoughts to the person. Passive, on the other hand, differs in that a person receives a charge of information that conflicts with his reality, perception and causes unexpected changes. For example, a sudden change of opinion about someone or something. Because of this change, part of the picture of the world breaks down or the attitude towards something changes, it always causes a certain amount of regret and the need to complete the picture of the world already on a new one.

Therefore, by the way, a change in worldview can have a painful effect on the human psyche, if the old worldview simply collapses and then builds up for a new one, this unsettles a person for a long time. The change of outlook should be done gently, gradually replacing one block with another. Now imagine what would happen if a pragmatic skeptic met with a fanatic ideologue. It is highly likely that they will start a verbal war, a fight for their point of view. The skeptic will simply tear the Vishuddha of the ideologue to shreds. First, a skeptic is a specialist in destroying information, a specialist in breaking it into pieces, he can criticize any idea. This is exactly what is taught in the Soviet school of philosophy. This happened in connection with the political situation in the country, a system of philosophy was needed that would help a person to criticize any idea of ​​the Western world and destroy its usefulness in the eyes of society. So, it is useless to argue with a skeptic. It's like tapping on concrete with a wooden stick. Therefore, do not even try to convince them, change their worldview, another tactic is needed here.

In the meantime, be careful in communication, do not waste your energy on arguments. Any argument begins with the fact that two people begin to defend their point of view. If you are firmly convinced that you are right, you do not need to prove your words. When you are asked to provide evidence, facts, you are already obviously, although criticized - therefore, it is best to end the conversation as early as possible than to start a long debate, not a single long dispute has led to a useful result. In philosophy, Socrates' method of arguing is studied, it is certainly effective, however, philosophers forget one detail. Those who did not love Socrates initially, even if they were forced to agree with him, still did not love him after that. So arguing is useless. It is one thing when you are asked with interest to explain your point of view, and another thing when the interlocutor has a completely different worldview than you and he criticizes you for your words. The chances that you will change his worldview in a few hours are zero.

If someone condemns you or enters into an argument - stay on the alert, this is an attack, conscious or unconscious, but for you the main thing is a minimum of energy loss. Initially, it will be very difficult to control all these situations.

Foul language is words charged with low frequency energy. All swear words have sharp changes in frequency, from hissing to vowels, from vowels to hard. They can seem powerful, meaningful, enhancing the effect of information transfer. It is difficult for many people to refuse abusive words in the lexicon, because without them it is harder for them to convey their feelings, their thoughts, the power of influence of their words is lost. But in fact, these are low-frequency words with powerful negative content. They lower the high frequency of Vishuddhi. For an ordinary person, this is the norm, but for a spiritual developed person it is a lowering, a violation of harmony. Now, during a quarrel, when people shout at each other with abusive words, the energy of both is being destroyed in all respects, and mainly at Vishuddha.

You need to be able to put up protection against negative condemnations, disputes, incitement to disputes, and foul language. This protection is based on self-confidence, self-sufficiency, independence from surrounding opinions. The attack on vishuddha includes various methods of information pressure, designed, first of all, to deprive a person of the possibility of consistent logical thinking.

The following methods of attack on vishuddha can be distinguished:

- the use of special terms that are obviously unknown or not entirely clear to the interlocutor;

- an abundant speech flow, complex logical constructions that are pronounced faster than the listener is able to critically rethink them.

Contempt - Ajna. Location - Bridge of the nose, between the eyebrows

An attack on ajna is an attempt to impose on a person some ideological attitude or way of seeing the world. Such an attack is based on the inability of the attacked to check all the components of this concept (which is the weakness of his ajna).

There are two basic forms of influence on ajna. The first of these includes any statement expressed in a categorical form and addressed to the interlocutor.

For example: Man was created to work (love, suffer).

Another form of assault on ajna is an attempt to force a person to reflect on his problems, occupying his mental energy and distracting him from continuing communication. Usually this technique is used as an auxiliary to weaken the psychological and energy protection of the attacked, sometimes before using the first technique.

For example: A person always worries when he lacks love (money, communication ...).

What worries you now? – reception 1

Non-verbal forms of attacking ajna can be a fixed, analyzing look, an understanding or arrogant shake of the head, etc.

Contempt is very common in society. People despise openly or quietly, silently. They despise either those who are below the level of development, or above, those who live according to other laws, in other conditions. Contempt itself is essentially not a desire to perceive the world as it is, an attempt to block some of its elements. Contempt creates tension in Ajna, or it is constant, then the chakra simply cannot function, it is blocked.

An attack on Ajna, when someone despises you, is accompanied by words that criticize your behavior, your place in the world, and can lead to the fact that after the breakdown of the chakra, you will have contempt for yourself, for your actions. To protect yourself from such an impact, you need to realize that they want to deliberately humiliate you, and calmly wait until the person speaks out, not missing his words in himself. If possible, avoid talking to this person altogether.

So, here are the main types of energy attacks that occur daily at every turn. Now it is important to learn to consciously, look at the situation, and control your state, not to let emotions upset the balance in your biofield, and not to allow attacks from other people to penetrate.

Not typical rare species attacks - these are attacks on Muladhara (The end of the spine, between the anus and the genitals) and Sahasrara (Location - Top of the head, crown).

An attack on the Sahasrara is a series of words that carry information against the Egregors in which you are a member. Society, Christianity, humanity, any organization. If you allow negative perception another person in your inner world, the same non-perception is born in you.

An example, at the moment of failure, someone criticizes a Christian and says where is your God, why didn't he help you? There is no one God, you have to rely only on yourself in this life. And if the Sahasrara of a Christian breaks through, he accepts these words as facts, renounces religion, the connection with Christianity and God is cut off. Such situations occur not only with religion, but also with politics, business, employers, unions, associations.

Impact backed by egregor force

An attack on any chakra is greatly enhanced if the attacker uses not only his own energy, but also the energy of some egregor. This occurs when the attacker has the appropriate subkeys. There are several types of such "connections" and, accordingly, energy sources that are used in the attack:

- status: age, position, rank in some system, for example, “As your boss, I must tell you ...”;

- generic;

- representational, associated with reliance on concrete or abstract third parties, for example: “I am from Petr Petrovich”, “On behalf of the team, let me ...”, “People see what you did to me”;

- traditional-nationalist reliance on generally recognized norms: morality, traditions, generally accepted opinions.

For example, compare the phrases: “A person should not strive for wealth” and “The Bible says that a person should not strive for wealth”;

- ritual: relying on the accepted symbols of dominance, for example, the attacker takes a psychologically more advantageous position (on a dais, on the right side of the attacked, at the table, etc.).

Analyzing the above examples, it is easy to see that egregor connections can be used to enhance the attack on any of the chakras.

In human society, energy vampirism is very widespread, many do it unconsciously, due to an insufficient level of awareness development. We often meet such uneducated people who believe that there is a shortage of energy in the world and that energy must be taken from water, trees, animals, and other people.

Of course, there is a deficit if Sahasrara and Muladhara do not work. Emotional vampirism is the most common. This is when a person, during a conversation, turns the other on to emotional reactions and calms down when he receives a sufficient release of emotions from the interlocutor. Moreover, many do it so skillfully and unconsciously that you are simply surprised. Most often this happens according to the following scenario. A vampire man causes either discontent, or aggression, or anger, or condemnation, or contempt for other people. At the same time, there is a slander - a flow of information that breaks through the chakra or several of the interlocutor, as a result of which an emotional reaction occurs with the release of feelings. Less often, there are cases when a person runs into either compliments, approval of his actions, or regret and compassion. Due to the compliments expressed, approval, regret, compassion, pity for him, a person receives a certain amount of astral energy.

There are a lot of energy vampires, they are also among friends and parents, you can’t hide from them, but it’s useful to take care of yourself during communication. If you feel that you are literally being sucked out by Svadhisthana (sacrum, in front - four fingers below the navel), try to avoid communication with this person.

There are such storytellers who tell, tell something, you listen to them, and their stories are so bright, colorful that they blow up the listener with indignation, admiration, empathy. That's just these bright emotions they need. Any communication is an exchange of information and impressions, emotions. Try to set up your life in such a way that in your social circle there are as many interesting, positive people as possible and less boring, gloomy, negative people. You will immediately feel the difference in the change of mood and attitude to life.

The influence of music. Any music is, first of all, frequency fluctuations that have an impact on our chakras, on our body, on our emotional and mental state. Music must be chosen. Tell me what you're up to and I'll tell you who you are. Words carry a lot of energy. They literally tune the mental body to a certain wave. If you listen to music, it affects your mood, your thoughts, and certain chakras.

With the help of a conscious selection of music, you can put yourself in either an active state or a relaxed, sleepy state. If you listen to songs about love, romance, parting, you will have the same mood. If you listen to songs about lawlessness, anarchy, freedom from everything, you will be knocked out of the usual rhythm of life, opened from society. If you listen to songs about war and crime, you will want to fight, make war, there will be an aggressive mood towards others. If you listen to Era, Enigma, you will be led into a dreamy, depressive state, into deep thought. If you listen to meditative music at a time when you need to focus on lessons, preparing for an exam, your brain will turn off into a half-asleep state and it will be very difficult to concentrate. The same will happen if the music is too fast, dancing, you will be activated by the lower energy centers, and instead of focusing you will stray to the rhythms of music that activate physical activity. Therefore, you need to listen to music consciously, choose certain songs, compositions for yourself, sort them into collections - for mental work, for meditation, for activity, for Have a good mood, for romance and turn them on when you need to, and not all your favorite songs in a row.