Animal world of mixed forests presentation. Presentation on the theme "mixed forests"

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Presentation on the topic " Animal world zones of mixed and deciduous forests"can be downloaded absolutely free of charge on our website. Project subject: The world. Colorful slides and illustrations will help you keep your classmates or audience interested. To view the content, use the player, or if you want to download the report, click on the appropriate text under the player. The presentation contains 9 slide(s).

Presentation slides

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The presentation was prepared by a primary school teacher

MBOU No. 40 of Simferopol, Republic of Crimea Nikolashina Inna Ivanovna

slide 6

This mighty giant weighs almost a ton. A powerful scruff, a heavy shaggy head with horns, a gloomy look from under a shaggy bangs instill awe in anyone. And when the bison rushes, jumping over fallen trees, stumps and pits, it seems that he will sweep away everything in his path! The adult bison is so strong that he has no natural enemies... except for a person. At the beginning of the 20th century, hunters killed the last bison living in the wild. Fortunately, there are a few bison living in private zoos. Western Europe. In 1923 it was created International Society rescue bison (there were only 56 of them by that time), and scientists managed to save these powerful, beautiful animals.

Slide 7

The wild ancestors of domestic pigs - wild boars - are covered with long and stiff bristles. The male is larger than the female, and by the age of five he becomes so powerful that even a bear can fight back. Help him in this sharp, strong fangs. Boars have poor eyesight, but hearing and instinct are excellent. Sensing danger, they hide like a bullet in the forest thickets. And they eat everything: nuts, acorns, rhizomes of plants, fruits, bird eggs and chicks, mice and rabbits, and even carrion. At the beginning of summer, the boar makes a lair with thick walls, soft bedding and a roof of branches and dry grass. Here, striped babies are born and spend the first two weeks of their lives. Leaving the nest, a caring mother covers the piglets with bedding. Within a week after birth, nimble babies follow their mother everywhere.

Tips on how to make a good presentation or project report

  1. Try to involve the audience in the story, set up interaction with the audience using leading questions, the game part, do not be afraid to joke and smile sincerely (where appropriate).
  2. Try to explain the slide in your own words, add additional Interesting Facts, you don’t just need to read the information from the slides, the audience can read it themselves.
  3. No need to overload your project slides with text blocks, more illustrations and a minimum of text will better convey information and attract attention. Only the key information should be on the slide, the rest is better to tell the audience orally.
  4. The text must be well readable, otherwise the audience will not be able to see the information provided, will be greatly distracted from the story, trying to make out at least something, or completely lose all interest. To do this, you need to choose the right font, taking into account where and how the presentation will be broadcast, and also choose the right combination of background and text.
  5. It is important to rehearse your report, think over how you will greet the audience, what you will say first, how you will finish the presentation. All comes with experience.
  6. Choose the right outfit, because. the speaker's clothes also play big role in the perception of his speech.
  7. Try to speak confidently, fluently and coherently.
  8. Try to enjoy the performance so you can be more relaxed and less anxious.

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Slides captions:

Animals of the forest Description, features appearance forest animals.

Hedgehog is a small animal. The hedgehog lives in mixed and deciduous forests, preferring edges, clearings, thickets of bushes.

White hare The white hare lives in the taiga and mixed forests; prefers spruce areas with deciduous undergrowth and grass cover. It can be seen in overgrown clearings and burnt areas, in willow thickets along the outskirts of swamps.

Chipmunk The animal is slightly smaller than the squirrel. The hind legs are slightly longer than the front. The tail is less fluffy than that of a squirrel. The chipmunk prefers to live in coniferous forests on the edges, in bushes, on burned areas and clearings, wherever there is deadwood.

Wolf The wolf is a large animal with relatively high and strong legs; the muzzle is elongated, the ears are pointed. The wolf is widespread on the territory of our country, except for some islands of the Arctic and Pacific Oceans. The wolf lives in the forest, forest-steppe zones, even in the steppe, but prefers sparse forests

Wild boar Lives in mixed and broad-leaved forests, along the banks forest rivers and lakes. Wild boars are kept in herds, sometimes consisting of several dozen animals. They are active mainly at night, and during the day they sleep under the protection of trees or in thickets of shrubs and tall grasses.

Elk Elk is a typical forest animal, prefers young forests, overgrown burnt areas and cutting areas located among old forest areas, as well as floodplain forests with dense thickets of willow near forest swamps and reservoirs rich in wetland vegetation.

Squirrel common squirrel lives in taiga, mixed and broad-leaved forests. In summer, it is active in the morning and evening hours and in winter all day long.

Fox The fox lives in various parts of the forest, but avoids dense massifs, preferring the edges of mixed forests, old clearings and burnt areas, banks of forest rivers, lakes.

Brown bear Favorite places a habitat brown bear- taiga coniferous forests, less often - deciduous forests with abundant windbreak.

Badger The badger lives in mixed forests, preferring edges, copses, forest ravines.

Common shrew Outwardly, the animal looks like a mouse or a vole, but has a pointed muzzle with an elongated proboscis, small ears and tiny eyes. The shrew lives in coniferous, mixed and deciduous forests, preferring wet, impenetrable areas. Often found in floodplains of forest rivers and streams, in forest ravines.

Crossword " forest dwellers» 2 3 2 3 4 4 1 2 3 2 3 4 4

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Lesson of the world around in the 3rd grade. Topic: Consolidation of the material covered on the topics: "Ecosystems of the forest, lakes, swamps and meadows." NRK "Animals and plants of ecosystems of forests, lakes, swamps and meadows Chelyab

Lesson-consolidation of the material covered on the topics: "Ecosystems of the forest, lakes, swamps and meadows." NRK "Animals and plants of ecosystems of forests, lakes, swamps and meadows of the Chelyabinsk region". Organization of a lesson on...

The lesson talks about the diversity and life of plants, the benefits that they bring to man, the need to protect the flora of our Motherland, the rules of conduct in the forest; improve...

Natural zone of mixed and broad-leaved forests

Geographical position
The zone of mixed and broad-leaved forests stretches from the western borders of Russia to Ural mountains, and then a thin strip to the source of the Ob River.

Typical appearance of the forest zone
In this zone, a mixed nature of the species composition of the flora is observed. Here you can find linden and maple, oak and pine and, of course, birch.
Birch is my birch! White birch, curly birch. You stand, birch, in the middle of the valley. On you, birch, the leaves are green. Under you is a birch tree, silk grass ...

The climate of the forest zone
This zone is in the temperate climate zone where summers are long and warm, and winters are short and cold. The average July t is from +16° to +24°С, and in January from -8° to -16°С. Precipitation falls up to 600 mm per year, mainly in summer, moisture is sufficient.

Soils and their properties
The soils here are soddy-podzolic, gray forest. They contain a large number of nutrients, well drained, do not have excess water.

Vegetable world
The flora of forests is diverse: “Soft, gentle forest. A spruce grows next to an oak, a pine tree with a disheveled top soared over the forest in a copper-trunk column, a sharp-leaved maple and a round linden appeared, an ash-tree waved its feathery leaves, an aspen started up ... "N. Mikhailov.

Animal world
Representatives of many species live in mixed and deciduous forests - these are badger, hedgehog, wood mouse, moose, squirrels, hares, roe deer, lynxes, dormouse, beavers, woodpeckers, black grouse. The animal world is also rich in giants - Ussurian tiger, Amur snake, Ussuri relic barbel.

forest animals
Red fox
black grouse

Zone Resource Usage
-Mixed and broad-leaved forests are the most best places for recreation -These forests are areas for collecting mushrooms, berries, medicinal plants -Mixed forests are a paradise for hunters

Problems of protection of the natural zone
Cutting down a significant part of forests, draining swamps - all this was reflected in the species composition of the zone. Now forests occupy 30% of the area of ​​the zone. In their place are arable lands, orchards and pastures. Reduction of the species composition of flora and fauna.

"Animals of the Arctic" - Animals of the Arctic. We are again going with you to where the kingdom of cold, snow and ice! Walruses. animal that appears in northern seas summer. Conclusion 2: the sea feeds the animals. Whale. Bears rub their backs - the Earth is spinning. The Arctic is located ... But even in summer the sun's rays are only ... Polar bear lives in the snow, in the ice, so ...

"Deserts and semi-deserts" - In rare places in deserts, where they come close to the surface The groundwater, oases are formed. Desert animals live in burrows or burrow into the sand. Oases. Other animals, such as the camel, may long time go without water. Animals. Desert types. Content. Plants. Desert dwellers.

"Palearctic region" - Deciduous forests Animals. coniferous forests Plants. Flora is represented by stunted vegetation: mosses, lichens, sedges, stunted shrubs. Tundra Animals. The fauna is represented by: Lynxes, wolverines, moose. Tundra Plants. Of the plants, mainly beech, oak, hornbeam, linden. Steppe Animals. Hardwood forests Animals.

"Forest resources of the world" - Plant resources of the world. Meaning forest resources. Heavily wooded. Quantification forest resources of the world. Rational use forest resources. Slightly leafy. 10 - 50%. total area forests in the world is 4 billion hectares. Medium forested. Less than 10%. Guiana (fr) Suriname Mozambique Japan Ecuador Congo Myanmar.

"Steppes and forest-steppes" - Xerophytes - drought-resistant plants. Forest-steppes and steppes. Thyme. Ephemeroids - perennial herbaceous plants. Wormwood mullein. Sage veronica. Tasks: Irises. Landscapes of the past. Ephemera are annual, small herbaceous plants. Animals of forest-steppes and steppes. New concepts: Plants. Adonis. Ermalaeva M.N.

Presentation on the topic: "Animal world of mixed forest" The presentation was prepared by:
8th class student
Koval Tatiana

What is a mixed forest?

Mixed forest -
conifers and
tree species.

Mixed forest climate.

In places
mixed forests,
usually warm
summer and relatively
cold and medium
winter. Annual amount
rainfall in this area
up to 600-700 mm.

Amazing birds of the mixed forest.




Listed in the Red Book.

Bison - the heaviest and largest
land mammal in Europe.
This is the last wild bull Old
Sveta. Bison hair at birth
has a reddish tint, but with
becomes dark brown with age.
Mink is a carnivorous mammal
from the weasel family, long
time was an object
trade for valuable fur. AT
its current population
shrinking across the board due to
displacement by mink

Why is a mixed forest very diverse in wildlife?

vegetation in this area.
due to differences
climate: temperature,
rainfall and
their dropout mode, and
also they are different
resistant to negative
environmental impacts
environment, mosaic
buildings. mixed forests
have a well-marked
layering.1) The lynx is quite interesting
to a person, she can easily break
his neck, but at the same time, avoids people and
does not attack them;
2) Lynx never attacks from above,
hiding on the branches of trees or on
the slopes of the rocks they track down their
prey or rest;
3) Wolves distinguish about 200 million
shades of smell, people are only 5 million.