What is dysgraphia in school-age children? Dysgraphia in primary schoolchildren: correction, exercises, prevention, causes

Abstract speech therapy session with 3rd grade students

Topic: Unstressed vowels

    speech therapy: isolating vowel sounds from words;

    lexical: flowers;

    grammatical: finding and checking unstressed vowels in the root, verified by stress.



    • practice writing words with an unstressed vowel at the root of the word, checked by stress;


    • improve sound-letter skills and syllabic analysis and synthesis based on the scheme and in the mental plane;

      clarify and enrich the vocabulary in the process of forming the semantic field of the word “flowers”, developing the valences of words, introducing synonyms and antonyms into speech;

      develop inflection functions;


Equipment: custom mirrors, board game“ABC mosaic”, subject pictures, visual aid “flower with removable petals”, cards with supporting words.


I. Organizing time

1. Pronouncing vowels using individual mirrors (detailed consideration of the articulation of vowel sounds).

2. From a series of letters, remember the vowels and find the corresponding letter in the mosaic alphabet

R, A, B, I, K;
O, Z, X, W, U;
L, X, S, E, T, F, M;

Speech therapist:

What vowel letters do you still know?
– Name all 10 vowels.

3. Reporting the topic of the lesson

Speech therapist: Vowels in writing give us a lot of trouble. After all, we often hear one sound, but denote it in writing with a completely different letter. You should know that if a vowel is stressed, then it is both heard and written. What if the vowel is unstressed?

Children: This means that it is necessary to choose a related word in which the dubious vowel is stressed.

Speech therapist: Today we will find vowels at the root of a word, determine what position they are in, and learn to check the unstressed vowels at the root of a word.

(Children write down the topic of the lesson in their notebooks)

II. Main part

1. Development of phonemic analysis and synthesis.

Speech therapist: And you will determine the name of our assistants if you choose the right word for the diagram.

(On the magnetic board there are pictures: flower, tree, apple and sound patterns)

2. Expansion and clarification of the dictionary through the formation of the semantic field of the word “flowers”, the development of word valences.

Speech therapist: Our helpers will be flowers, namely this flower. But look how ugly he is. It has no petals. We will decorate it and attach petals. But at the same time you must fulfill one condition: on each petal you must write a word associated with the flower.


Speech therapist: Write down words with the same root for the word “flower”.

(Children write words on flower petals. Words: flowers, flower, colored, florist, flower girl, blooming, colored, floral, blossom)

To help, the speech therapist asks questions:

a) the room where flowers grow;
b) a person who grows flowers;
c) a woman who sells flowers;
d) a kiosk that sells flowers.

Speech therapist:

Highlight the common part of related words.
– What vowel comes after the letter v?
– What is the name of the common part of related words?
- Put emphasis.
– What position is the vowel in the root?
– How to check the correctness of its spelling?

(Petals with words written are attached to the flower.)

Words denoting characteristics of an object

Speech therapist: Guys, what kind of flowers are there?

(A question is written on each petal. Questions: What are the names of flowers growing in a field, in a forest, in a room? Flowers growing in spring? Flowers that smell?)

Speech therapist: Answer the question and write down the answer word back side petal

(Answers: field, meadow, forest, indoor, spring, fragrant).

Speech therapist:

Place emphasis.
– In which words does the stress fall on the vowel at the root?
– Which words have an unstressed root?
– Choose test words.

(Test words: field, forest, spring, smells. Children write the words on the petals and attach them to the flower).

Speech therapist: What color are the flowers?

(Children write words on the petals and attach them to the flower).

Physical education minute

Picking flowers is easy and simple
Small children.
But to the one who is so tall,
It is not easy to pick a flower.

(Children perform appropriate movements while counting).

Words denoting the actions of objects

Speech therapist: Now let's decorate our flower with petal words that indicate the actions of the object. What actions can a flower perform?


makes me happy

Speech therapist: Connect the words that are synonyms with red arrows, and the words that are antonyms with blue arrows.

(Tasks are completed on the petals and attached to the flower).

Development of the inflection function

Didactic game“Say the word.” Change the meaning of the word "flower".

... (flower) bloomed in the flower garden.
There is no better thing in the world... (flower).
We are very happy... (flower).
We are bringing home...(flower).
We admire...(flower).
And we sing about...(flower).

Development of valences of the word “colored”

Speech therapist: Make up phrases with the word “colored” using the given pictures.

(Pictures: balls, TV, cabbage, pencils, scarf, lanterns)

In what phrases can the word “colored” be replaced with the word “multi-colored”?

Development of coherent speech

Working with deformed sentences and text.

(Words - supports: In spring, snowdrops bloom. Children are happy about the first flowers. They admire their beauty).

Speech therapist:

What flowers do you know?
– Make up sentences using supporting words.
– Arrange the sentences to form a coherent story.
– Read the resulting story. Write it down in your notebook.
– Indicate the unstressed vowel and place the emphasis.
– What related words will we check the questionable vowels?

(Children complete the task in their notebooks)

Verbal-logical tasks

Speech therapist: Read the sentences. Find words that have literal and figurative meaning.

    White roses bloomed in the garden.

    There is a colored carpet hanging on the wall.

    The florist's face blooms with joy.

III. Lesson summary

Speech therapist:

What did we talk about today?
– Listen to the poem:

If I pick a flower,
If you pick a flower,
If everything: both me and you -
If we pick flowers,
They will be empty
And trees and bushes...
And there will be no beauty
And there will be no kindness
If it's just me and you
If we pick flowers.

What is this poem about? How should we treat nature?
Look at our flower. How handsome he became. On the last petal write yours cherished wish. Our flower is magical and I hope that your wishes will definitely come true.

We stood at our desks all straight,

Everything is fine? Is everyone healthy? (children's answers).

They sat down quietly, with their backs straight.

The eyes are looking at me.

Let's start the lesson, friends!

Guys, what is our lesson now? (children's answers).

That's right, a lesson in writing and speech development, and since this lesson requires a lot of writing, first we'll stretch our fingers.


Before you start writing, let's do a warm-up.

  • Started the car engine (rotation of fists).
  • Let's show how our heart works

(clenches fist).

  • 1,2,3,4,5 (squeezing fingers).
  • The fingers went to sleep (fists tilted).
  • Fingers woke up (fingers ejection

From fists).

We did a warm-up. Now our fingers will be wonderful helpers for us.

III. A minute of penmanship.

Corrective exercise “Eliminating the unnecessary.”

Read the letters.

Which one is “extra”?

A, y, o, k, i, e

("extra" letter k, since it is a consonant, the rest are vowels).

Let's write the letter k. Attention to the board. First let's follow correct spelling capital letters K,

then to lowercase.

IV. Introduction to the topic.

Guys, try to determine the topic of the lesson yourself. To do this, name the objects shown in the pictures.

How to call it in one word. Who is this?


The teacher turns the pictures over. The theme is written on the back of the pictures:

What are the vowels that are stressed called? (Stressed vowels).

What are the other vowels called?


V. Vocabulary work.

To go on a journey we need to walk along the path vocabulary words and answer questions. Attention to the board. Now drawings will appear, and you write down their names in your notebook.Write words separated by commas.

Place stress, emphasize unstressed vowels.

Which words are capitalized?


Do you guys like to travel?

During our journey we will meet the rules of the Russian language and prove that we know these rules and know how to use them. We will continue to learn to write words with stressed and unstressed vowels. Give each other

a kind smile, because good deeds must begin with a good mood.

Open your notebooks, write down the number, great job.

What kind of fairy tale awaits us? Guess!

VI. Physical exercise.

For the eyes - presentation

VII. Consolidation of knowledge

1. Guessing riddles. Recording guesses.

In the middle of a dense forest

There is no house, no shed,

But it’s cramped in the den,

So he sleeps in winter... (Bear)

Red-haired cheat,

Cunning and dexterous,

Got into the barn

I counted the chickens. (Fox)

Who from the tall dark pines

Did you throw a cone at the kids?

And into the bushes through a stump

Flashed like a light? (Squirrel)

Put an accent mark in the words, underline the unstressed vowels.

2. Recording from dictation.

The fish soup is cooked on the fire. The hare has two long ears.

Find words that differ in stress. Name the unstressed vowels in them.

3. Exercise 12 p. 80.

Copy words, put accent marks, underline unstressed vowels.

I level II level

3 lines 2 lines

4. Game “Insert the missing letter.”


(There is a word with a missing letter on the screen)

Fill in the missing letter. Determine shock or unstress?

V. Homework.

Repeat rule page 80,

Ex. 16 p. 81.

I level II level 5 sentences 3 sentences

Topic: “Unstressed vowel”

Goal: developing the ability to select test words.


1. Corrective:

Development phonemic awareness, performances and phonemic hearing,
- development of the ability to compare the norms of pronunciation of words with their spelling,
- vocabulary enrichment,
- development fine motor skills and non-speech processes.

2. Educational:

Formation of the ability to select test words,
- development and improvement of grammatical formatting of speech and construction of a coherent statement,
- preventing errors, developing spelling vigilance.

3. Educational:

Development cognitive activity children.


computer, rubber balls, a picture with a kitten, individual task cards, large cards with words on the board, object pictures, “Unstressed vowel” lotto, evaluation cards.

Progress of the lesson:

1. Psychological attitude.

Our eyes look well and (see) everything, our ears listen carefully and (hear) everything, our head (thinks) well. We can do anything, we can do anything, we will succeed.

2. Finger gymnastics with rubber balls.

Circular movements with palms
- transverse movements with all fingers,
- circular movements with each finger, without lifting your palm from the table,
- passing the ball with your fingers,
- spinning balls in one hand.

3. I'm on today e-mail I received a letter, guess from whom.

The forelock sticks out, he’s short himself,
There is a miracle book about him.
He is mischievous, wearing a wide hat,
Lives in Flower Town.
And you try, guess
What does everyone call him?


4. Let's look at the picture, what is drawn there?

This is the story Dunno came up with.


The girl Masha had a baby Fluff. He loved to sit on the ... tree and look at the flowers. One day he decided to take a walk in the village. The sound… the river jumped from the… horse into the tr… vu. Fluff ran up to a beautiful flower and smelled it. Suddenly a bee flew out of the flower and almost stung him. K...the little one got scared and ran to...my.

What is the name of this story? Why doesn’t Dunno know how to write the word “kitten”?
Let's say this word.
What sound is heard at the root of the word?
-The sound "a".
But there is a word “cat”, “cat”, “cat”. What words are these?
- Same root.
Why is the sound “o” clearly heard in them?
- Because it is under stress.
Let's put emphasis on the word "kitten".
So why did the vowel at the root of the word raise doubts?
- Because it is not under stress.
This vowel is called "unstressed".
Look at Dunno's story, what spelling does Dunno not know?
- Unstressed vowel.
Why does an unstressed vowel cause doubts in Dunno?
- It is heard unclearly, incomprehensibly.
What needs to be done to correctly write an unstressed vowel?
- We need to find a test word.

Let's learn how to select test words in class today and teach Dunno this.

5. How to choose the right test word, what needs to be done? Let's remember what we first highlighted in the word “kitten”?

1. Place emphasis.
2. Find an unstressed vowel.
3. Choose a test word.

6. What word will be the test word?

There are cards in front of you. The words are written in brackets. In each word, highlight the root,
put emphasis.

Tr...va (blade of grass, grass, herbs, grassy, ​​grass) Grass
Gr...by (mushroom, mushroom, mushroom, mushroom picker, mycelium) Mushrooms
D...wait (rain, rainy, rainy, rainy, rainy) Rain
In which words does the root vowel sound clear? Name only test words,
explain what it is

a) a word with the same root, with a stressed vowel in the root.
So, what letter should be written in words? (Give an explanation for each word)
The speech therapist puts the words on the board and we collect a dictionary. Read these words.
Did you manage to choose the test word correctly? Mark Difficulty
performance on the scorecards.

7. And now you and I will make up phrases, and again we will need
choose a test word.

Early autumn (aspen, autumn) Autumn
Clean in...yes (water, leads) Water
Forest trail (path, ladder) Trail
High mountain (slide, mountain) Mountain

Check with explanation. What word will be the test word in this case, what can we do?

b) change the word so that the unstressed vowel becomes stressed.

Mark on your score cards whether you did this correctly.

8. Now let's play the game “one - many”.

The speech therapist writes test words on the board, and the children write in notebooks.
For example: fox - foxes.
Why will these words be testing words?
- We changed the words so that the unstressed vowel became stressed.
(After explaining to the children, put the words on the board)
On the score cards, indicate whether you completed the task or not.

They are all spelled with an unstressed vowel, they are all nouns.
Close all words. Remember the words from our dictionary.
Children are given cards with words in which an unstressed vowel is missing.
D/i “Unstressed Lotto”
Insert the missing letter by selecting the test word (letters on the chips).
Then compare with writing the words on the board.
Mark the difficulty of the task on the score cards.

10. Throughout the lesson, you and I have been learning to select test words. Answer, which words will be considered test words?

Words with the same root, with emphasis on the root of the word.
- You can change words so that an unstressed vowel becomes stressed.
Let's see if Dunno has learned to select words with unstressed vowels.
Read the story, explaining the words Dunno wrote.
On the score cards, note whether you managed to choose the test words correctly.

Guys, today we worked with nouns, but in other parts of speech there can be an orthogram: unstressed vowel, look at our story. In the next lesson we will continue to find the unstressed vowel at the root of the word in different parts speech.

11. Let's summarize.

What did we learn?
What words will be tested?
What did you like?
Who found it difficult?

Annex 1.

Early autumn (aspen, autumn)
Clean in...yes (water, leads)
Forest path (path, ladder)
High mountain (slide, mountain)

Tr...va (blade of grass, grass, herbs, grassy, ​​grass)

Gr...by (mushroom, mushroom, mushroom, mushroom picker, mycelium)

D...wait (rain, rainy, rainy, rainy)

Gn...zdo (nest, nesting, nesting, nests)

Appendix 2.