Children's competitions for a school matinee. New Year's games in elementary school

We have collected for you, dear readers, the best New Year's games for children 3-6 years old. May the holidays be fun and memorable! We are sure that you remember many of the games from your own childhood and will be happy to join the kids to plunge into the carefree atmosphere of children's laughter and joy.

If in this moment If you are storming the Internet for entertainment for children around the Christmas tree, this is the place for you. We will tell you among the family, on children's party and even directly on New Year's Eve. No complicated props!

Fortune telling and lotteries

There are plenty of options. You can put it in a beautiful vase spruce branch and decorate it with notes with predictions. Everyone who enters the house tears off a piece of paper and receives a prediction for the next year.

Why not offer your guests cookies and fortune-telling candies? Both adults and children will eagerly respond to this little surprise: everyone is interested in looking into the future. You can write anything you want - both humorous prophecies and serious ones.

For example:

  • Be careful, the frost is about to pat your cheeks.
  • It seems your parents are planning something good and gift against you.
  • It seems it's time for everyone to see your unique smile!

Who stuck to whom?

On pieces of paper, write the names of body parts (forehead, left ear, right cheek, nose, left index finger, heel, thumb right leg, stomach, etc.). Place them in a hat or magic box. Players must take turns taking out pieces of paper and “freeze” to the neighbor at the table (or to the previous player) with the part of the body that is written on the piece of paper. You cannot move after you are frozen. Each time it will be more and more difficult to “freeze”, you will have to get into strange and sometimes funny poses.

It is snowing?!

Make “snowflakes” from small balls of cotton wool. Give one to each participant. On command, players must throw up their cotton balls and blow on them, trying to keep the “snowflake” in the air for as long as possible. You can't help with your hands!

New Year at the Zoo

New Year is celebrated not only by people, but also by animals. People for festive table sit upright, use a fork and knife. How about the animals? Show us how you eat your New Year's dinner...

  • hippopotamus
  • turtle
  • giraffe

Don't laugh!

In advance, write one New Year’s-themed word on pieces of paper: pine cone, snowflake, icicle, Christmas tree, Snow Maiden, Santa Claus, snowman, garland, etc. Place the leaves in a box or hat. Each player pulls out one piece of paper and silently reads what is written there. The facilitator asks the participants prepared questions. The answer is the word that the player drew. The winner is the one who answers all the host's questions and doesn't laugh.

For example:

What is your name?
- Cone.
- What did you have for lunch today?
- Snowflake.
- Who do you look like?
- On an icicle.

Accurate snow thrower

Make a Christmas tree from a large piece of cardboard, cut holes in it with a diameter of 15-20 cm. Distribute paper balls to the participants in the game. From a distance (draw a line) you need to get into the holes on the Christmas tree. The most accurate sniper will receive a prize!

Another game option to compete in accuracy. Make “snowballs” from cotton wool, polystyrene foam, foam rubber or paper. You can buy tennis balls. Place a container (basket, large saucepan, basin, etc.) in the center of the room. Hand out “snowballs” to the players, place everyone around the “basket”, marking a conditional line that cannot be crossed. The task is to get snowballs into the basket.

Dancer in a hat

Music is playing. Everyone is dancing near the Christmas tree. The presenter puts a hat on any dancer, then must show various dance movements, and repeat the rest after him.

Photo proofs

Create an image for each guest. Arrange a casting with photo tests for the role:

  • the kindest Santa Claus;
  • the most greedy Santa Claus;
  • the most beautiful Snow Maiden;
  • the sleepiest Snow Maiden;
  • the most overfed guest;
  • the most cheerful guest;
  • the most cunning Baba Yaga;
  • the biggest snowflake, etc.

New Year's popcorn

Team game. Cups of popcorn are attached to the players' feet. Secure them with masking tape. You need to run the allotted distance, scattering as little popcorn as possible. Once the team's players finish, the popcorn is poured into the bowl. The team whose bowl is fuller wins.

Magic message

Kids will love the game. A few minutes before you start, prepare a sheet of paper. Using PVA glue, draw a thematic picture or make an inscription. The number of drawings must correspond to the number of players. Invite the children to cast a magic spell and blow a magic snowball (semolina) onto the drawing to bring it to life. A miracle has happened!

Let's make a snowman

There is nothing difficult about making a snowman: three balls, a carrot nose. And you try to make it together! Two participants sit next to each other at the table, you can hug. Left hand one participant and right hand the other must act synchronously, together, as if they were the hands of one person. It's actually difficult. Try pinch off a piece of plasticine, roll a ball between your palms... It is best to form pairs so that adults and children work together.

Who lives under the Christmas tree?

Prepare pictures of different animals (bunny, squirrel, dog, cat, mouse, chicken, etc.). Place the pictures on the table, face down. The player selects a picture and uses gestures to show everyone else what is depicted. Whoever guesses correctly becomes the leader.

Don't lose your socks

An active and fun game, suitable for any age. Everyone present puts colorful socks on their feet, gets down on all fours and tries to take off the socks of others, but at the same time save their own. The one who collects the most socks wins.

Geese and ducks

Participants in the New Year's competition line up one after another so that their hands are on the shoulders of the person in front. It's good if boys alternate with girls. The presenter approaches each of them and whispers in their ear either “duck” or “goose” (there should be more such people) so that the others do not hear it. After this, the presenter explains that if he now says the word “duck”, all the players to whom he said it will press both legs together. If “goose” - one leg. It seems that there is nothing special in this New Year's competition, but as soon as you say the cherished word out loud, you will understand how fun it is.

Attracting the symbol of the year

You need to compile several interesting and cognitive questions relating to the animal that will be a symbol of the coming year. The one who gives the most correct answers will receive a prize in the form, for example, of the animal’s favorite treat.

Now she's smart...

Team game. Each team receives Christmas decorations and clothespins. The task is to hang everything on... one of the team members. Let him spread his fingers and shine like a Christmas tree! The presenter keeps track of the time; you can turn on music or the “chime” to count down the time.

Funny, active, funny and amusing New Year competitions for children will make the holiday unforgettable. They give a good mood, a lot of positive emotions, bring together those who found themselves in the same circle that night. They reveal a variety of children's talents: some sing great, some draw masterfully, and some end up being faster and smarter than everyone else.

A child is always interested in comparing himself with others and learning how to lose deservedly. This educational moment also applies to New Year’s games, which can be arranged with both kids and teenagers. They will be useful for a school-wide New Year tree, events in kindergarten And family holiday.

Coming up with your own New Year's competitions for children so that they get involved in any age category is a mastery of aerobatics. Firstly, nothing can surprise modern children; their demands for entertainment are quite high, and they can react to many competitions and games with a sour expression and refusal to participate in them. Secondly, the New Year theme involves the use of appropriate attributes and heroes, which must be taken into account when selecting certain competitions. Our useful tips will help you choose the best and most fun options from the variety offered on the Internet.

  1. Age

Decide on the age category of children who will take part in New Year's competitions. If outdoor games are important for kids, then you can organize intellectual battles for schoolchildren, and for teenagers you can include elements of gags and jokes.

  1. Place

The location of the competition for the New Year will also matter. For example, in kindergarten, children can be lined up in a round dance and have fun outdoor games around the Christmas tree. But at school you will need more serious joke games with jokes and intellectual tasks. And it is much easier to organize such events at home, in the family circle, when no one will be embarrassed.

  1. Plot

Carefully read the texts for children's competitions for the New Year, offered on various sites. Make sure that there was not a hint of vulgarity for adults, which is so much on the Internet today. Imagine the whole game from start to finish: wouldn't it be too difficult for children? Is everything clear to you during the scenario? Can you get all the attributes for the competition? Think through all these points in advance to make the holiday a success.

  1. Leading

Don't forget to decide who will be the presenter at the New Year's children's competitions. Can you organize them so that the kids don’t get bored on the holiday evening and get a lot of positive emotions? Maybe it makes sense to invite a professional to do this or invite actors in the guise of Father Frost and the Snow Maiden?

When choosing New Year's competitions and games for children, consider the smallest details. These are not just competitions that help while away a weekday evening in the yard or at home. They should be truly incendiary, fun, and memorable. They need to be carried out in such a way that even the losers are happy and choked with delight and overwhelming emotions. This is the essence of the New Year: only joy, laughter and no negative emotions - this is the main rule. Start your selection with the age groups of children.

Preschool age

Pick up interesting competitions for the New Year for children preschool age most difficult, since their circle is limited to the mobile and extremely simple games. On the one hand, children aged 3-6 years are very responsive and always willingly participate in such events. However, they may not always understand the terms and rules of the competition, and in case of failure, resentment may end in tears. Therefore, the selection of New Year's games for kids needs to be taken as responsibly as possible.

  • Nesmeyana

Game situation for the New Year's competition: on the eve of the New Year, the Snow Maiden was stolen, and only Nesmeyana knows who is hiding her and where. One of the adults pretends to be a sad, whiny princess, whom the children must make laugh so that she reveals her secret to them.

  • “I’ll freeze it!”

The Snow Maiden asks Father Frost:

- Grandfather, can you freeze everything?
- Yes! - he answers.
- But try to freeze our guys! Children, quickly hide what Grandpa wants to freeze!

To the accompaniment of cheerful, energetic music, the children around Grandfather dance in a circle. When he says:

- I'll freeze your ears! - everyone covers their ears with their palms.

  • Fun questions

The leader in a round dance asks the children funny questions about Santa Claus, which you need to be able to answer correctly. Not all kids can do this. Sometimes, out of consonance, they give incorrect answers, which amuses all the presenters.

— Is Santa Claus a cheerful old man? - Yes
— Do you like jokes and gags? - Yes
- Does he know songs and riddles? - Yes
— Will he eat our chocolates? - No
— Will he light a Christmas tree for all the children? - Yes
— Wears shorts and a T-shirt? - No
- He doesn’t age in soul, does he? - Yes
- Does it keep us warm outside? - No
- Santa Claus is Frost's brother? - Yes
- Is our birch good? - No
— Is the New Year closer to us, closer? - Yes
— Is there a Snow Maiden there in Paris? - No
— Is Santa Claus bringing gifts? - Yes
— Does Grandfather drive a foreign car? - No
— Does he wear a fur coat and a hat? - No
- Doesn't he look like dad? - Yes

Such New Year's competitions for young children will allow you to avoid pitfalls and have a fun holiday without unpleasant surprises in the form of grievances and tears. It would be better for this age category if the presenters represent Father Frost and the Snow Maiden or some other fairy-tale characters typical of the New Year. This will give the holiday an appropriate flavor and the kids will remember it for a long time.

7-9 years

For children 7-8 years old, you need to look for something more serious. Of course, outdoor New Year's games and competitions for this age category are not going anywhere, but they can already be diluted with creative and intellectual elements. This will make the holiday more exciting, will help the children open up and show their talents.

  • New Year's cap

You need to prepare a paper hat in advance and paint it in a fun New Year's way. Children are divided into two teams. Each of them has 1 representative. A cap is put on one of them. The second opponent is given a long stick (make sure its tip is not very sharp), with which he must carefully remove the magic headdress from his opponent and put it on himself. After that they change. All team members must do this. The task of the New Year's competition is considered unfulfilled if the cap fell to the floor or the opponent was painfully hit with a stick.

  • Christmas decorations

The guys are divided into two teams. The first one is Christmas tree decorations. The second one should decorate the New Year tree with them. Members of the first team must, without words, depict some well-known Christmas tree toy (a ball, a star, a gnome, etc.), and the opponents must guess what they are showing them.

  • Snowballs

For this New Year's competition, you will have to make a cardboard Christmas tree, cutting holes in it with a diameter of 15-20 cm. Prepare paper balls, which children should use from a distance to fall into the holes on the artificial New Year's tree. The most accurate sniper will receive a prize!

Undoubtedly, the most popular are funny New Year's competitions, when it is simply impossible not to laugh while watching those who take part in the announced competition. Parents should pay attention to them. There should not be so many serious, creative competitions: New Year was invented in order to have fun, and children should be given this opportunity!

10-12 years

At the age of 10-11, despite the proximity of adolescence, schoolchildren still love to have fun, so choose funny competitions for children that will not let them get bored either at school or at home. However, more subtle humor is acceptable here; it is worth taking into account the participation in games of girls and boys, who begin to show their first sympathies at this age.

  • New Year's popcorn

Children are divided into two teams. Paper cups filled with popcorn are attached to the players' feet with tape. So you need to run a certain distance, dropping as little precious burden as possible along the way. Popcorn is poured into the team's bowl. Whoever turns out to be fuller at the end of the New Year's competition wins.

  • Liberator of the Snow Maiden

In the New Year's competition, a fabulous situation is created: on New Year's Eve, the Snow Maiden was stolen and locked away. Two opponents are offered two locked locks and a bunch of keys. Whoever picks up the key faster and unlocks his lock is considered the winner and the noble liberator of the Snow Maiden.

  • Creative competitions

In this age group, be sure to hold New Year’s creative competitions for children: who can better draw a New Year’s tree of the future or a modern Snow Maiden. Here they will show their talents in all their glory.

For this age, New Year's competitions for children and adults will be quite useful, since their interaction will certainly be productive and will give many pleasant and fun minutes. Children aged 10-12 like to feel equal to adults and even be better than them in some ways. If you give them such an opportunity for the New Year, their delight will know no bounds.

13-15 years old

Most interesting age- 13-14 years old, when teenagers should be called children with caution, because in their essence they are no longer such. However, they will also be happy to have fun on New Year’s Eve, especially if the company is of different sexes: boys and girls of this age love to flirt with each other, and where else, if not in games, can this be done in front of everyone? If you have a gathering of young people, look for New Year’s competitions for children and parents, in which absolutely everyone will participate: in this case, this is the best option.

  • Geese and ducks

Participants in the New Year's competition line up one after another so that their hands are on the shoulders of the person in front. It's good if boys alternate with girls. The presenter approaches each of them and whispers in their ear either “duck” or “goose” (there should be more such people) so that the others do not hear it. After this, the presenter explains that if he now says the word “duck”, all the players to whom he said it will press both legs together. If “goose” - one leg. It seems that there is nothing special in this New Year's competition, but as soon as you say the cherished word out loud, you will understand how fun it is.

  • New Year's makeup

Distribute the teenagers into boy-girl pairs. It is better to warn the participants of this New Year's competition in advance and select only those who really would not mind such an “extreme”. Young people are blindfolded and given eye shadow, blush and lipstick. And they start putting makeup on their partner's face. Usually the competition is a great success, because the results are very inspiring and fun for everyone present.

  • Sausage for the New Year

Very funny competition, which will cheer up the festive New Year's table everyone. The presenter asks the guys various questions about the New Year, and they, in turn, must always answer with one word, and it must be formed from the word “sausage”. For example:

— How did you celebrate this New Year? - Sausage!
— What will you do on January 1? - Suck it!
— What do you want to receive as a gift for the New Year? - Sausage!

The main condition of this funny New Year's competition is not to laugh under any circumstances and always answer with a serious face. Whoever laughs first is out of the game.

  • Attentive Ensemble

All the children present are invited to sing together the song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest.” The conductor of this New Year's competition is selected (an adult, the presenter, can take on his role). He warns teenagers to take a closer look at his hands. As soon as he clenches one hand into a fist, everyone should suddenly fall silent. As a rule, not everyone succeeds in this and some continue to sing the New Year's song alone.

In fact, you can find a variety of funny and very interesting children's competitions for the New Year, which will so lift your spirits and cheer that everyone will remember the holiday for a long time. Parents should take care of the selection of games in advance in order to have a large number of competitions in their arsenal that will not let them get bored. The child will be delighted if he spends New Year's days with friends in a fun and exciting way. Well, don’t forget to choose a gift, and if you don’t know what to give, read.

Games and entertainment for the New Year


All participants in this game stand in a circle. Each child is given inflated air balloons. But one participant is not given a ball. The presenter includes some New Year's song or, if you have the ability, musical instrument, plays the melody himself. When the music plays, players pass each ball to their neighbor. When the music stops, the player who ends up without a ball is out of the game. After a player is eliminated, one ball is also taken away. If someone's ball bursts during the game, that participant is also eliminated from the game. The winner is the one who remains last in the game.


The participants of the game stand in one row. Everyone is given a landscape sheet, which they will hold by the corner at arm's length. When the leader gives any command to start the game, for example, ringing a bell, or says: “One, two, three - start!”, then each player must crumple his piece of paper into a ball (into a fist) with one hand (without helping the other). At the same time, you cannot lower your hand with the piece of paper. Whoever completes this task raises his hand (with a crumpled piece of paper) above his head.


Let's choose the three most daring "cheaters". They need to be given an uninflated balloon. Participants must inflate the balloons until they burst.

The player whose balloon bursts the fastest will win. As a prize you can give a whole and brand new balloon.


In this team game Any guest who wants to feel like a real artist can participate. Participants are divided into two or more teams of 3-4 people. Each team is given a sheet of paper, preferably in A1 format, so that there is a large field for artistic activity. And each participant is given a felt-tip pen (or marker). To make it more interesting, each “artist” is blindfolded (with a handkerchief or scarf). The presenter names the topic for drawing, it’s better if it’s something New Year’s (snowman, Father Frost, Snow Maiden), then commands: “One, two, three - start drawing,” and everyone starts drawing at the same time. The team that draws the fastest will win. But in this competition one must also take into account the accuracy of the work performed.


There may be several participants in this competition. The presenter must take a pre-prepared Whatman paper with two holes cut for the hands. Each participant stands behind a Whatman paper and puts their hands into the slots. Then everyone is given a felt-tip pen (or marker) and a landscape sheet. The presenter says what exactly the participants should draw (preferably something New Year's and not very complicated). The participant must, without seeing what exactly he is drawing, complete the task of the presenter. The winner in this competition is the one who displays the task on a piece of paper more accurately than others (whoever is most similar).


This competition develops reactions among the assembled participants. To start this competition, you need to place two chairs with their backs facing each other at a distance of 1 m and hang a jacket on each back of the chair, but only the sleeves of these jackets must first be turned inside out. You should place a rope under the chairs so that its ends “peek out” a little from under the chairs. Contestants stand next to each of their chairs. At the command of the leader (the ringing of a bell or the words: “One, two, three - start!”), both participants must each take “their” jacket, turn out the sleeves, quickly put it on, fasten all the buttons, run around the opponent’s chair, sit on their chair and pull the end of the rope. The winner will be the participant who completes all the proposed actions faster than the other while wearing a correctly put on and buttoned jacket.


Both individuals and teams can take part in this competition. For this, you need to prepare a large number of clothespins in advance. It is better if they are bright and colorful. Participants are given the same number of clothespins.

They begin to build a "bridge" by attaching one clothespin to the tip of another. The winner will be the participant (or team) who builds their multi-colored “bridge” faster than others. If there are too many clothespins, and not enough time is allocated for this competition, then you can limit the competition in time. The host can stop the game at any time by giving some kind of signal to end. This could be a ringing bell, a whistle, or the words: “One, two, three - stop the competition!” In this case, the winner will be the one with the longest “bridge”.


This game develops attention and visual memory. All players freeze in some position. Before this, a presenter is selected (from among the little guests), who must remember as much as possible better poses participants and what clothes each participant is wearing. After this he is taken out of the room. All participants try to change something in their poses and clothes (five changes in total). The returning leader must return all changes that occurred to the participants to their original state. If he remembers everything correctly, then he is awarded some kind of prize (or his real wish is fulfilled), and the presenter can be replaced and the game repeated. If the presenter could not remember the initial position and clothes of the players, then he needs to lead again.


In this competition, the presenter acts as a judge. All participants are divided into pairs. Pairs perform in turns. The participant draws some figure on his partner’s back (maybe some animal, an object that can be depicted). The rest of the participants do not see the “back painting”. The partner must guess and draw what his “colleague” drew. This must be convincing so that his “pantomime” will be guessed by the other players to whom he showed all this. Every couple does this. The pair that guesses the most figures wins. For each figure guessed, the presenter can give the pair a “snowflake”. In this case, the winner is the pair with the most snowflakes.


This competition develops reactions in young participants. All participants in this competition stand in a circle, and the presenter (who is selected from the small guests) stands in the center of this circle. When the music sounds, the presenter begins to dance, and the rest of the participants repeat all the movements after him. During the dance, the leader must unexpectedly and imperceptibly step on someone's foot, and the players must dodge in every possible way. If someone didn’t have time, then he takes the place of the leader, and the game starts again. It can be carried out until all participants are in the role of presenter. If time for the competition is limited, then the game can be played for 5-10 minutes.


For this competition, you need to attach a felt-tip pen (marker) vertically at a distance of 1-1.3 m from the floor (a chair with a writing object attached to the back of it with tape will do). A participant who wants to play the role of an “artist” is given a sheet of paper (landscape paper is suitable for these purposes). The newly minted artist begins to move a piece of paper under a felt-tip pen, drawing some kind of design. It could be something New Year’s (it’s best to choose something simpler for the drawing: a Christmas tree, a snowflake, skis). When everyone has had enough of playing, you can hold an exhibition of all the “works of art” with a detailed story from the author himself about his work.


It is better to make two boys participants in this “cowboy competition”. They should stand opposite each other. Each participant must put one banana in their pocket. At the leader’s signal (this may be a whistle), the “cowboys” must quickly grab their bananas from their pockets, peel them and eat them. The “cowboy” who is the first to handle his “weapon” will win.


This is a very active game. It should be held after “sedentary” and calm competitions. All small guests present are divided into two teams. The leader places them in two lines facing each other and draws a line between them. Pre-prepared inflated balloons are thrown between the players. There should be a large number of balls (20-30 pieces), the more there are, the more interesting the game will be. At the leader’s signal (whistle, bell), each team must try to throw the balls out of their territory and throw them into the enemy’s territory. The game can last 3-5 minutes.


This competition is best held after the active one, when the players begin to feel thirsty. All participants in this competition are given glasses with a viscous liquid (this can be jelly, liquid semolina, thick tomato juice) and straws. You can pour the liquid into baby bottles with a nipple. At the leader’s command (these words could be: “You’re a baby, start drinking liquid!”), all participants begin to drink (each from their own container). The winner is the participant who drinks everything faster than the rest. The reward may be a glass of juice (if the participant has not yet drunk).


Anyone who wants to participate in this competition must tie their hands behind their back. The presenter gives him a piece of paper (a sketchbook sheet may well be suitable for such a creation) and a felt-tip pen (marker, pen, colored pencil). The player must hands tied draw some object or animal (preferably something related to the New Year). After the “artist” has finished his “masterpiece,” those around him must guess what he painted. This game can be played as a competition. In this case, there should be several “artists”. Those who guess the “artist’s” idea are given a “snowflake” cut out of paper. Of those who guessed, the winner will be the one who collects the most “snowflakes”, and of the “artists” - who will convey his idea more accurately in the drawing.


For this competition you need to prepare the jelly in advance. Each participant (the number of participants depends on the number of servings of jelly) is given a portion of jelly, blindfolded and given the smallest spoon that you have in your hand. Participants need to eat this jelly faster than others. The winner will be not only the fastest, but also the most accurate. You can make the competition more difficult (depending on the age of the children) by giving them toothpicks instead of spoons.


This is a very fun game. All participants must be placed in a circle one after another. Everyone is given a scarf. In this game, each participant must tie a scarf to his neighbor, who has his back to him. At the same time, the “matryoshka” itself should not adjust anything on itself, but at the same time tie its scarf to the “matryoshka” in front. When all participants have completed the task, a parade of all the “matryoshka dolls” is held. You can hold a parallel “matryoshka” beauty contest and award the prize to “The Most Charming”, “The Most Sloppy”, “The Funniest” (that “matryoshka” that will never stop laughing at itself and those around you).


This game is best played last of all games. She will be remembered by all the children for a long time and will become the most beloved. For this game you need to prepare some prizes in advance and wrap them in colored bags. If the bags are made of white paper, then they can be painted with colored markers and decorated with tinsel. These bags should be hung on strings and attached to a long rope.

When the presenter hangs all the bags on a rope, each participant in turn covers their eyes with a scarf (or scarf), is given scissors in their hands and turns around their axis with the words: “I twist and turn - I want to cut off the prize.” At last words The presenter turns the participant to face the prizes, and the participant cuts off the first bag that comes to hand.

Several song-related competitions can be held. Songs are best suited for New Year and winter. “Song” competitions can be held alternately with regular ones. Here are some competitions you can offer using the songs themselves and lines from them.


Several people can take part in this game, but as many as the number of participants can be observed by the presenter. Each participant chooses a song and begins to sing it out loud. At the same time, he should not pay attention to his neighbor, who, shouting over him, sings “his” song, and should not stray from the motive and words of “his” song. When the leader claps, everyone continues to sing their song mentally. After the presenter claps his hands again, everyone again begins to sing out loud, shouting over their neighbor. The presenter carefully observes that all participants sing the motive and words correctly. The participant who strays from “his” song is eliminated from the game. The winner is the one who sings his song to the end without missing a beat. As a prize, he can be offered to sing a verse of his favorite song that he sang, but without any interference.


For this game you need to prepare leaves in advance (you can take landscape ones). On each piece of paper you need to write 1-2 lines from some New Year's songs. There should be as many leaves as there are participants in this game.

The presenter lays out the leaves on the floor, lines down. When the game begins, the participants take pieces of paper and read the lines on them. This game is best played with participants who already know how to read. They need to find players with words from the same song. Those participants who find each other faster than others will win.


The presenter begins to perform a song (preferably some well-known New Year's song). But the words from one song are sung to the tune of another song (For example: the words from the song “A Christmas Tree Was Born in the Forest” are sung to the tune of the song “Little Christmas Tree”). The winner is the participant who guesses which song was used as the basis for the performance. The winner can become the host and mix up the next song themselves. It will be more incomprehensible if there are two presenters and they perform the proposed songs in a duet.

New Year's Eve is a long-awaited time for all children and adults. If you want to arrange a real holiday for the guys, then hold fun New Year competitions. The tasks we offer are suitable for large quantity children, however, if there are none, adults can also take part in the game.

Your item, which you will pass from hand to hand during the competition (relay race), will be a magic wand, which you will imbue with your Magic. The wand, passing from hand to hand, becomes more and more magical, and at the end of the holiday it will be able to create a Miracle.

Team captains are chosen, for each team - a Captain and a Captain, a boy and a girl.

Children's New Year's competition "Who can unite their team faster"

Presenter: We have chosen captains, now let's think: “When does a team win? When we're all together. Each captain must unite his team, make it friendly and united.

Each team lines up. The team captain will “tightly connect” his team, captains are given a rope. When the whistle blows, each of them begins to “thread” each participant with a rope through a suitable part of clothing - a strap, a shoulder strap, through a sleeve and collar, etc. The fastest one wins.

Props: long rope – 2 pcs.

Competition for children for the New Year “Let’s decorate the Christmas tree”

Presenter: Guys, Santa Claus is already on his way, racing on reindeer, because he loves giving out gifts so much. But before his arrival we need to have time to dress up the Christmas tree. Let's see which team is more agile and can prepare for the holiday faster.

For two teams, two artificial Christmas trees are placed on 2 stools. Near each Christmas tree there is a bucket containing Christmas tree decorations. On command, the guys from each team begin to decorate the Christmas tree. Each participant decorates the Christmas tree with one toy and quickly returns to the team, passing the baton. The team that decorates the Christmas tree the fastest wins.

Competition "Let's make a Snowman and collect Snowflakes"

Presenter: Guys, we need to sculpt a Snowman and collect Snowflakes in his headdress (bucket on his head) so that as much snow as possible will fall on New Year's Eve. And the more snow falls, the more Magic there will be in the new year. Each team begins to mentally sculpt a Snowman: the children mentally roll snowballs, make all kinds of passes with their hands, imitating the process of sculpting a Snowman. Time for modeling – up to 5 minutes. Then everyone turns away, the Captains of 2 teams will use the Magic Wand to “humanize” the Snowmen. 2 boys are brought out, identically dressed as Snowmen, in white loose clothes, to which mittens are attached. There are New Year's hats on their heads, and everyone has a bucket in their hands. The children are shown what cute little Snowmen they have made. Each child in the team is given 2 snowballs “Snowball” (a large lump of cotton wool, it can be sewn with white thread for density). Children take turns, each team approaches their own Snowman, who offers them a bucket, and each child takes turns throwing 2 snowballs. The relay participants go one after another, and the Snowman helps catch Snowflakes with a bucket. The team with the most snowflakes in the bucket wins.

New Year's competition for children “Drawing a Goat – 2015”

2015 is the year of the Goat. 2 teams draw a Goat blindfolded. A sheet of whatman paper is attached to the wall, they draw: 1 participant draws the torso, 2 - the head, 3 - legs, 4 - tail, 5 - horns, 6 - beard. For the next 6 participants - a new sheet. The participant is given a felt-tip pen and blindfolded; he draws “blindly.” The winner is the team whose drawings produce the most successful Goat. The teams can be divided into subteams, then the best one is selected from all the drawings.

This competition can be modified. 2 or more (4, 6) Whatman papers are attached (depending on the number of groups of participants), on which the muzzle and torso are already drawn. Need to attach: horns, beard, legs, tail. Legs and horns are additionally made from cardboard, a beard from wool, a tail from rope, attaching these objects with plasticine to whatman paper.

2 options win: “The most natural goat” and “The funniest goat”

Captains' competition "Who is stronger"

They draw a line. Team captains go to the line and grab each other by the belt. The winner is the one who wins the “enemy” to his side. You can make a general competition, when all players compete in pairs, the team with more winners wins.

Children's New Year's competition "To victory on the children's potty"

Presenter: Guys, you know that Santa Claus congratulates only children; he can also congratulate adults, but not so willingly. Are you really still kids? Small ones? Now we will check it...

Each team is given a plastic pot with a handle, and each participant, holding the handle and sitting on the pot, must jump the distance to the finish line (indicated by a stool) and back as quickly as possible, passing the pot to another. This competition can only be done for boys.

Props: plastic pot – 2 pcs., stool – 2 pcs.

Competition for children for the New Year “Who can drink a cocktail the fastest”

Presenter: Indeed, boys, you are still children. What about the girls? We'll check this now.

The competition is held between team captains. Each person receives a plastic bottle with a nipple into which is poured milkshake or juice, and the Captains drink from the nipple at speed.

Props: plastic bottle - 2 pcs., cocktail or juice, 2 packs (200g.) - 2 packs.


Competition "Who can wind the rope faster"

Take a rope, tie a knot in its center and take 2 sticks, tying them to the ends of the rope in the middle. You need to twist the stick and wind the rope around it. The one who reaches the middle (node) first wins. Players take turns participating in the competition. The team with the most winners wins.

Props: 5 m rope, two sticks.

New Year's competition for children "Funny Cows"

Presenter: Guys, Santa Claus and Snow Maiden need to prepare a refreshing drink, because they are coming to us from Lapland itself. I'll even tell you a secret what they like. It turned out that they only drink melted ice and drinks white, especially milk, but only cold. Therefore, we now need to immediately find a cow. Don't believe we'll find it? Now see for yourself how many cows we have.

A medical glove is taken, inflated (the stronger, the more interesting) using a pump - the cow's udder is ready, it is tied to a rope. 2 members of each team run “for four” with an udder tied to the finish line (stool), near which you need to moo loudly and run back, after which the next participants run, to which the udder is quickly tied. The team whose members arrive first wins.

Props: Medical gloves – 2 pcs., rope – 2 pcs., stool – 2 pcs.

Presenter: That's good, guys, our cows moo loudly and are generous with milk, we can treat guests from Lapland.

Competition "Dance-sketch of fairy-tale characters"

Children take apart the balloons, and they must burst them, because each balloon is “encrypted” for each child. It contains that fairy tale character whose character and habits will be portrayed by the child who received this ball. But to do this, the ball needs to be crushed somehow. Someone will do this with their foot, someone will burst it with a toothpick, or you can hug the 2nd or 3rd children, and the balloon is inside them, press on the balloon and try to burst it using the pressure of their bodies.

So, the children take out notes with the name of the character and brief description his character.

Each team is given 10 minutes to rehearse, and then the children perform their skit to the music. You can interact with each other, you can simply show your hero and his character with movements. The movements are performed silently. The team whose skit is more successful wins.


Pinocchio – main character- a mischievous boy with long nose. Wears a striped cap and shorts.

Papa Carlo is Pinocchio's father, an old man who made Pinocchio out of a log and now can't get enough of him.

Karabas is the most formidable and furious director puppet theater Karabas - Barabas, the owner of a huge beard.

Fox Alice is a cunning, cunning fox who is together with Basilio the Cat.

Basilio the cat is a cunning cat, pretending to be blind, who, together with the Fox, is looking for fools whom he tries to outwit.

Tortilla Turtle is a wise turtle who lives in the swamp for 300 years.

Malvina is a beautiful girl with blue hair who loves to study, teach and educate.

Pierrot is always sad and lyrical, a poet and musician in love with Malvina.

The dog Artemon is a devoted dog, named Artemon, of the poodle breed.

Harlequin is cheerful and mischievous.

Props: radio tape recorder - music (songs from the film “Golden Key”), balloons into which a note (a small long strip of paper) is inserted before inflating; 2 teams are given balloons with a set of characters according to the number of people. If there are not enough characters, you can add trees and objects, for example, a Primer or a Tree growing in the Field of Miracles in the Land of Fools.

Children's New Year's competition "Who can crumple up the newspaper faster"

Two teams are given (each player) a sheet of newspaper. On command, everyone begins to crumple the newspapers with one hand. The team whose player does not have time to crumple up the newspaper loses.

Props: newspaper

Competition "Roll the Ball"

The children of each team are divided into pairs, better boy and a girl. Each team has a ball at its disposal. Each pair stands next to each other at the first line - Start. The girl stands with her back to the boy, he lifts her up, takes her by the elbows, and she stands with her feet on the ball and begins, spinning it with her feet, to roll to the finish line, which is drawn in advance or glued with adhesive tape. The first couple to reach the Finish line wins. Then the second pair is launched. The team with the most winning pairs wins.

Props: ball

New Year's competition for children “Gluttonous Dragon”

Presenter: Guys, what should we do, we are waiting for Santa Claus, and in our area lives a terrible Monster - a fire-breathing Dragon. The hot flames that fly out of his mouth can ruin our holiday. What should we do, tell the children?... That's right, the Beast needs to be fed, then the satisfied Dragon will fall asleep with his belly up.

A chair is turned upside down, and clothes are put on the protruding legs. plastic bag, which will imitate the huge mouth of a dragon. A lot of soft small toys are placed next to the children (you can put balls and balls instead). Participants must throw as many toys into their mouths as possible in a few minutes (the time is selected depending on the number of children and toys). A package that imitates a mouth can be pre-painted bright colors. The team that feeds the Beast the best wins.

Competition for children for the New Year “Find a Snowflake”

Presenter - Guys, do you know what the evil Troll did? He hid the Snowflake “WHERE IT’S HOT” so that it would melt and we would be left without snow on New Year’s Day. But New Year's Magic always comes with snow. It is necessary to save Snowflake so that she does not have time to melt - and then there will be snow.

Children are given 5-7 minutes to discuss, and then they look for Snowflake, they must guess that it is behind the battery. The winner is the team whose members find the Snowflake.

Props: large Snowflake (cardboard).

Competition "Menagerie"

Each child is given a balloon, they need to be tied well. Markers are placed in front of the children. Each child draws an animal on the ball. Each team's balls are then tied together. The team whose menagerie is the most beautiful wins.

Props: balloons, markers.

Captains competition "Fat-Fat"

The captain and captain of each team enter. The captains wear the same T-shirts large sizes, and the Captains on the team must put as many balls as possible under the T-shirt of their Captains, the T-shirt cannot be held with their hands, the balls themselves must be held under the T-shirt. The “fattest team” wins, the captain of which will have more balls.

Props: Balloons, 2 T-shirts.

Children's New Year's competition "Penguin"

Presenter: Guys, what animal is not at all afraid of the cold and lives at the North Pole? That's right, Penguin! Now we will get to know him better.

Each team is given a ball, which is passed along the relay. Each participant holds a ball between their legs and waddles like a penguin. The participant walks to the finish line and back. Players who jump and run come back.

Props: ball, stool (finish line).


New Year's game “Warm me up, Sunshine”

2 children are selected: “Frost” and “Sunny”. Morozko is trying to freeze as many children as possible and warm Sunny. Children touched by Morozko remain in the position in which Frost caught them and “frozen” them. And the Sun tries to unfreeze everyone, touching him with his hand, he unfreezes the children, they start running again. After a few minutes the drivers are changed.

DIY New Year's collage

Each child is given a piece of cardboard and glue on which he must make a New Year's picture. Next to the children are placed colored pencils (you can do without them) and a bucket with various small things, which are cut into pieces: rain, New Year's garlands, candy from a firecracker, branches of a Christmas tree, pine, paper clips, satin ribbons, buttons, bright fabric, etc. Each child You are allowed to use a mug to scoop material for a collage from a common bucket 2 times. The task is given from 5 to 10 minutes to complete. Then all the works are attached to whatman paper. If this is a competition, then whatman paper 2 wins best team, if there is a general collage, then there is only one Whatman paper on which all the works are attached.

"Live Quest" task

Presenter: So, children, you need to say in unison Magic words so that “Real Magic” happens for us on New Year’s Day. At this moment you will think of your “Greatest Wish”. Wishes have always been made on New Year's Eve. Now let's find out what these Magic words are that we all need to say together. Inhale, exhale, do you feel filled with Magic? And now - let's get down to business.

Each child (or several children who will guess one letter) is given a piece of paper with a riddle in which they need to guess the letter (riddles from the Internet). There are letters on the table, and on the back of the sheet with the letter, its serial number in the sentence “Under the magical chiming of the clock, the New Year has come with goodness.” A child (or several children), having guessed their letter, finds it on the table. Children need to guess to arrange the letters in accordance with the serial number and get a “magic” sentence:


If there are few children, then the phrase can be shortened. Some letters will be repeated, that is, some children will guess one letter, but their serial numbers will be different.

Options for holding a New Year's children's party with competitions

The last 3 competitions in our proposed scenario are assumed to be 3 common final games for all children. It is understood that the results of the competition of 2 teams are summed up before them and the winning team is announced, and then there are 3 general competitions.

If you want to make all games competitive, you can do this:

  • competition where there is a general creative work to create a collage, make it a job for each team, i.e. each team is given the task of making their own New Year's collage, and then the jury determines the winner. You can have each child make a collage on a separate piece of paper, and then glue all the pieces of paper onto a common stand for each team.
  • A last competition do this way. Give this task separately for each team, i.e. find the Magic Words for the Magic Wand. Each team has a set of letters from this phrase on its table. The team that completes these letters the fastest will win. (i.e. general work divided into team work).
  • As for the game about Sunny and Frost, it can be replaced with the competition “Find your pair, little glove.” Children bring their own gloves and each team puts these gloves in their bag. The presenter gives each child 2 different gloves (any). When gloves for 2 teams are distributed, the task sounds: “Find your pair and join hands!” The winner is the team that is the first to create its “Pair of Gloves” circle.

What Magic will the Magic Wand do?

Presenter: Someone won today, someone lost, yes, this happens in life. The main thing here is that you and I did everything so well: all our competitions turned out wonderful, you are all so cheerful and talented. We didn’t let the Snowflake melt and now it’s going to snow, most likely the real Blizzard Lady will come to us for the holiday, we fed the fire-breathing Dragon, so you don’t have to worry that the fragile Snow Maiden will melt, we made a Winter collage with our own hands, and found the key phrase for our New Year's holiday.

Children are given a piece of cotton wool, they must tear it into pieces and create a Blizzard. Fallen pieces of cotton wool can be collected and thrown up again. It is possible for a woman to come, personifying the Lady Blizzard.

Presenter: And now, children, the most important point: I am holding in my hands the Magic Wand, which you imbued with Magic, passing it along the relay race. Now we will say the magic words, wave With a magic wand, and... let's create Magic. And the New Year will bring us joy, happiness and... fulfill the innermost desire of every child present here. Five minutes for you to think of a wish, and now, pay attention, we all say in chorus the words that you guessed: “Under the magical chiming of the clock, the New Year has come to us all,” I wave my Wand, and everyone clearly pronounces their wish to themselves! (snow can be made after this point)

New Year's competitions for children suggested by Oksana Shevchenko

A family New Year's holiday involves a fun time for all family members, therefore, in this matter, it is worth paying attention to both adults and children. Active, cheerful, amusing competitions will make the younger family members an unforgettable holiday and give them a lot of fun and, of course, many sweet prizes.

Competitions for erudition are suitable for older family members; dexterity and a little frankness will also not hurt. We have selected best competitions for the New Year for children and adults, designed to be spent at home in an ordinary apartment. We hope the article will become useful instructions for spending a fun New Year's leisure time.

Fun competitions for children for the New Year

Little children love to take part in the fun, because in addition to Have a good mood they receive many prizes.

But there are some peculiarities in working with children, so I would like to recommend the following:

  • kids quickly switch attention, so you should not hold protracted competitions and it is better to make them dynamic;
  • several competitions in a row can tire little participants, so they should be diluted with musical breaks and performances by little artists;
  • be sure to give a lot of gifts not only to the winners, but also to the participants.

We offer a selection of diverse competitions, where there is a place for both active children who love attention, and shy, but no less charming children.

We dance, we dance

At any holiday there are picky people who are difficult to captivate with anything, or children who are quickly distracted and lose interest in what is happening. It is quite difficult to entertain these kids, but there is a fun activity that almost all children, regardless of age, enjoy - a round dance around the Christmas tree.

To the songs A Christmas tree was born in the forest and The little Christmas tree is cold in winter, the children are happily circling around the beautiful festive Christmas tree.

Game What kind of Christmas tree

The host announces the rules of the game. First you should ask, where do Christmas trees grow? Having received the answer, the presenter continues the story that Christmas trees can be high, low, wide and thin. Next, the guys stand in a circle and hold hands.

They should raise their hands if the presenter talks about tall trees, squat when they talk about short trees, make the circle wider when they hear about wide trees, and huddle closer together when they talk about thin trees.

Musical competition

The competition will be held using musical accompaniment songs about the good bug from the movie Cinderella.

Children should repeat the movements that are sung in the song:
  1. Stand up, children, stand in a circle, stand in a circle, stand in a circle! Clap your hands without sparing your hands! Jump like bunnies: jump and jump, jump and jump! Now stomp, not sparing your feet!
  2. Let's grab our hands quickly, more cheerfully and raise our hands up, jump higher than everyone else! We will lower our hands down, stamp our right foot, stamp our left foot and turn our heads!

These verses should be repeated twice so that the baby has time to jump and stomp properly.

Game Dress up the Christmas tree

Children are divided into two teams and in front of each, at a short distance, an artificial Christmas tree is installed. Teams are provided with a basket of unbreakable toys. Next, cheerful music is turned on, to which the team member takes one toy, runs to the tree, hangs the decoration on its branch and returns to the team.

Only after the player returns, the next competitor has the right to run. The team that decorates the Christmas tree the fastest will win. Entertaining small children is a difficult task, but sparkling eyes and a sea of ​​laughter will be a worthy reward for the efforts made.

And don’t forget to reward all young participants; at a young age it is very important to receive even a small prize for participation.

Competitions for primary school children

Grown-up children demand more serious competitions.

No one has canceled dancing and active fun, but it is possible to introduce intellectual puzzle games into the program.

Best Santa Claus

For the competition you will need:

  • gift bags;
  • boxes of unbreakable toys;
  • beards and Santa Claus hats;
  • blindfolds.

In this competition for children for the New Year, from 2 to 4 people are selected, preferably boys, because stage image more masculine. Each participant is blindfolded and led to boxes of toys and explained that they should fill their gift bag with decorations, but they can only take one item out of the box. Next, cheerful music is turned on for 30-40 seconds, and the children begin to complete the task.

The winner is the one with the most toys in the bag.

Looking under the Christmas tree

Attributes gaming competition the following things will appear:

  • big beautiful bags;
  • prize box;
  • Christmas tree.

Children are invited to split into two teams and stand at a certain distance from the Christmas tree. The point of the competition is to take away the prize, which in a single copy is located under the Christmas tree.

The participants’ task is to take turns jumping in bags around the spruce tree and pass the baton to the next team member. The last participant must take the prize with him and return to the team. The one who managed to do it faster won.

Game Congratulations from the Snow Maiden

Children's competitions for the New Year should be active, this is the only way to cheer up children. The game will require the following items:

  • chairs;
  • items of clothing for the Snow Maiden costume.

The competition is individual, several girls are selected from those who wish. There are clothes turned inside out on the chairs. The girls' task is to turn everyone out as quickly as possible, put on all the elements of clothing and at the end shout out congratulations - Happy New Year!

New Year's games for children 10-12 years old at school

Despite the fact that adolescence is already close, children aged 10-12 years still adore children's New Year's games. But it is already possible to select competitions with subtle humor and target games for boys and girls who may already like each other.

And the Christmas tree loves

New Year's games for children should not be a highlight at all holiday program. There are competitions that can be held before the feast.

And the Christmas tree loves - a children's New Year's competition-warm-up at the beginning of the holiday, designed to stir up only the arriving guests. Grandfather Frost appeals to those present with a request to help figure out what loves him christmas tree. He says the words, and the children must loudly confirm or deny with the words Yes or No.

The list of words could be as follows:
  • firecrackers, laughter;
  • cannons, beaters;
  • laughter and mood;
  • joy and fun;
  • songs, poems;
  • dancing, round dances;
  • sadness and adversity;
  • toys, tinsel;
  • tears and blues;
  • children and gifts;
  • stars, lights;
  • boredom and idleness;
  • quarrels, squabbles;
  • kindness and generosity;
  • jokes, jokes;
  • children's round dance and happy New Year.

There are no winners or losers in the game, and this will become great start evenings.

Competition I'm faster

Before you start, you should prepare:

  • two chairs;
  • ropes, tie hands;
  • two rather large containers with corn sticks.

The chairs are placed back to back so that the participants do not see each other. Next, the children have their hands tied behind their backs so that there is no temptation to help themselves with them, and they must eat corn sticks for a minute while listening to cheerful music. The one who ate more than his opponent won.

Game Funny Bunnies

You will need:

  • headbands with bunny ears;
  • a ball symbolizing a snowball.

You can use a ball covered with white paper as a snowball. Participants are divided into two teams, put on headbands, turning into bunnies. Everyone’s task is to take a snowball, jump with it to a certain place and back, passing the baton to the next competitor. The team that finished it faster won.

New Year's competitions for children and adults at home

It’s very good to celebrate a magical night in a warm family company, because busy families don’t often get the chance to do this, but funny Games and competitions will help you unite and get into a festive mood.

Game Pass to Another

The presenter puts items of clothing from those he finds in the apartment into the bag. To the accompaniment of catchy music, the bag is passed in a circle between the guests sitting at the festive table.

When the music stops, the participant who has the bag in his hands must, without looking, take the item out of it and put it on himself. The game ends when all the guests are dressed up and at the end they can dance a fiery dance in a new look.

Game Guess Me

The names of animals, professions, etc. are written on pieces of paper and placed in a hat or box. Each participant in turn takes out a piece of paper and, without showing it to the audience, tries to explain with gestures and facial expressions who he is at the moment.

In another interpretation of the game, words are written on stickers, stuck on each other’s foreheads, and a person, using leading questions, tries to guess who he is.

New Year's mafia

Many people know the course of the game, and although this is not a very New Year's game, it can be remade in a new way.

Have you ever played New Year's mafia?


For example, replace the main characters:

  • civilians - bunnies;
  • Commissioner - Santa Claus;
  • mafia - witch;
  • doctor - Snegurochka.

And the winner, as in the classic version, is the bunnies or the witch.

Games and competitions for corporate events with jokes

At a corporate party, you should start with games where guests can sit and not get up from their seats. As the temperature increases, it is possible to move on to more active and daring entertainment.

Game And in my pants

The presenter prepares phrases written on pieces of paper in advance and puts them in a special box. Then he approaches the guests with a microphone, offers to say the phrase: and in my pants... Then the participant takes out any forfeit and continues the said sentence.

And the endings are as follows:

  • dry and comfortable;
  • there are also balls in bloomers;
  • joy swells;
  • general cleaning required;
  • the quieter you go, the further you'll get;
  • nice to look at;
  • good mood;
  • You can look at it, but don’t touch it with your hands.

Game Lifesaver

A team of 6-10 people is recruited. Participants stand in a circle and are given a stick. To the music, the stick is passed around the circle, and the one on whom the melody stopped must go into the circle and complete the task.

For example, dance with a stick like a pole, fish, ride a horse, lift a barbell, or sing a song like into a microphone.

Fun My thoughts

Initially, you will need to prepare a hat with a brim or other interesting headdress as a prop. The hat is put on the guests one by one and at the same time the excerpt is played famous song, indicating what thoughts are currently in this head.

Excerpts can be used from the following compositions:

  • I'll send it to - Lolita;
  • We are all women bitches - Irina Alegrova;
  • Well, girls, little by little - Elena Kukarskaya;
  • I'm so cool - Leningrad;
  • Let's drink to love - Igor Nikolaev.

In the process of holding adult competitions, you should not be shy, but you should always remember who is at the table, so as not to go too far with too bold competitions.


Competitions and games during New Year's holiday are designed not only to amuse and entertain children, but also to instill in them the ability to communicate and work in a team. Games and competitions for the New Year with children will help them find mutual language and liberate them. Try to ensure that not a single child stands on the sidelines, and that everyone takes part in the New Year’s fun together.

It is possible to give felt-tip pens, Kinders, bubble, coloring books and much more, in any case you will like the prize, because it was honestly earned.