Loose skin on the abdomen. How to remove and tighten a woman’s flabby belly

Loose skin on the abdomen develops over the years in many women.

With age, elastic skin loses its elasticity and is affected by external and internal factors.

Preventing a problem is much easier than fighting it.

By choosing the right treatment method, sagging aging skin can be given beauty and freshness. An integrated approach and patience in the struggle for elasticity will bring visible results, but not immediately.

Causes of loss of elasticity

Flabby - skin with reduced tone and elasticity is called. Its scientific name is atonic, which in Latin means “denial of tension.”

Due to anatomical abilities, under the influence of time or other factors, muscles increase or contract, and the skin that covers the muscle tissue does not always return to tone.

There are many reasons for loss of elasticity:

  • heredity;
  • insufficiency of muscle tissue;
  • pregnancy, childbirth;
  • weight loss or sudden weight gain;
  • natural aging;
  • chronic internal diseases.

Among these factors, the natural aging process becomes the main cause of sagging skin.

Causes of sagging

With age, all processes in the body either slow down, or a chain of interconnected processes fails.

Sagging skin is associated with loss of moisture necessary for firmness and elasticity, which is inevitable.

Hyaluronic acid, which is responsible for moisturizing the skin, is produced in smaller quantities over the years, and its deficiency affects the condition of the skin as a whole. The growth of collagen and elastane fibers, which maintain the elasticity of the dermis, slows down.

Sagging skin is associated with the onset of menopause in women, a change in hormonal levels, which instantly leaves an imprint on the skin.

Metabolic processes in tissues slow down the elimination of metabolic products, which affects the color and appearance of the skin surface. The condition can be aggravated by an unhealthy lifestyle, neglect of sports, and abuse of bad habits.

In addition to the main age-related changes, the causes of skin sagging are:

  1. Losing weight and changing mass, especially in old age, clearly affects the condition of the skin.
  2. Lack of vitamins and nutrients. Poor nutrition and lack of external care affect the skin, which is in great need of care.
  3. Chronic diseases internal organs. The skin reflects all diseases like a mirror. With age, there are more of them, which cannot but have an effect.

How to get rid

It is possible to completely get rid of or stop the withering process; it is necessary to identify the cause from the inside.

It is necessary to choose individual care, choose the right nutrition plan, and enrich the diet with nutrients and fatty substances.

It will be useful to take vitamin complexes and microelements designed for people over 35 years of age.

This method will benefit not only the skin on your stomach, but will strengthen your hair, nails and body. For women during menopause, it is important to choose the right hormone replacement therapy. Hormonal therapy will help the body rebuild itself without complications.

Injections of hyaluronic acid, Botox and a number of tightening procedures carried out in beauty salons have played a major role in the fight for elastic skin in modern cosmetology. Creams and lotions containing artificial analogues of collagen have become popular among the means available to everyone.

There are instant masks, but they give a short-term effect, and useful action they do not provide. Naturally based products have healing effects, but they help those who have patience. It is recommended to supplement comprehensive care with therapeutic exercises and restorative massages.


Professional and self-massage

Massage has a local effect on the affected area. By stimulating the inner layers of the epidermis, the skin regains its elasticity and firmness.

To achieve the effect, the massage must be done by a professional, but independent warm-ups give results. The procedure for massaging the abdominal area is not the most pleasant, but with the right approach this method gives the best results.

For the massage, warming honey is used, which improves blood circulation in the tissues, and essential oils, which enrich the skin with everything it needs.

Experts have developed a movement technique that helps get rid of flabbiness in the abdomen. These are various stroking, circular movements, clapping. When using lotions and honey, movements are aimed not only at rubbing the product into the skin, but also at changing the nature of movements.

As an auxiliary therapy, self-massages are recommended using various massagers, vacuum cans, or manually. The self-massage technique welcomes circular smooth movements in a clockwise direction using anti-cellulite creams, essential oils.

The number of procedures depends on individual indicators and the effectiveness of the manipulations performed.

Effective sports exercises

Therapeutic exercises will help tighten sagging skin and restore its elasticity. It is aimed at strengthening the abdominal muscles and natural stretching of the problem area.

  1. Lie on your stomach. Take an emphasis, lying down, resting on your toes and elbows. Tighten your buttocks and abdominal muscles for 2-3 minutes, return to the starting position.
  2. Place emphasis on your legs and forearms, raise your buttocks for 3 minutes.
  3. Lie on your back, raise your legs, torso as high as possible. In this position, take deep breaths.
  4. Lie on your back, raise your pelvis as high as possible, and lower it slowly. Every day the pace increases. Do the exercise starting 5 times.
  5. Stand on a flat surface, place your feet shoulder-width apart. Perform bends one by one in different directions, touching the surface.
  6. Take a lying position, put your feet on a raised platform, it can be a sofa or an armchair. Raise your buttocks off the floor, holding your hands behind your head.

It is not always possible to get an ideal body without flaws after losing weight. Flabbiness and folds create an effect known as fat skinny, i.e., thick skinny. If you know how to tighten the skin on your stomach after childbirth or losing weight, then becoming the owner of your dream figure is as easy as shelling pears.

Causes of stretching and sagging skin

First of all, the problem lies in skin type and genetic predispositions. The main reason is a slowdown in metabolic processes. The epidermis does not receive the required amount of vitamins and minerals, and blood circulation is impaired. As a result, folds and various sagging appear. The area in the lower abdomen is especially susceptible to this.

Causes of sagging epidermis:

  • Slowing down the production of hyaluronic acid, which is the main “building” material for collagen fibers;
  • A sedentary lifestyle, which negatively affects blood circulation in the lower body;
  • Sudden weight loss or childbirth. If long time the skin was in a tense state, it is not surprising that if this factor is eliminated, it will sag. After a natural birth, the tightening process rarely takes more than six months, but after a cesarean section, the tummy may never return to its original shape.

Non-surgical methods

Non-invasive skin tightening techniques are good because they are safe and free from unpleasant sensations: the integrity of the epidermis is not compromised, the entire process takes place exclusively on its surface. These methods include:

  • Diet. This means not limiting yourself to consuming certain foods, but eating right. In order for the body to repair damaged fibers, it needs to receive a large amount of nutrients. These are complex carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins and minerals;
  • Exercises. Fitness trainers and coaches in aerobics, stretching, shaping, etc., have developed hundreds of complexes aimed at restoring tone. Of course, effectiveness will manifest itself exclusively in combination with normalizing nutrition and improving the quality of life;
  • Wraps. They help speed up metabolism and help to locally influence weakened areas of the epidermis. There are several types of procedure: cold and hot. The first is aimed at strengthening existing elastane fibers, and the second at improving the metabolism of nutrients;
  • . It is considered one of the most effective ways to get rid of stretch marks. When performed regularly, they help smooth out the upper layer of the epidermis, normalize the body’s self-cleansing process, and improve the “breathing” of the skin;
  • Massage. Like wraps, they significantly speed up metabolism and allow you to get rid of the most difficult type of fat - subcutaneous fat. To improve the effect, various oil mixtures, acidic components, vitamins and others are used.

Selection of diet and drinking regime

There are several fundamental rules that must be followed. First: eat only when you are hungry. Second: watch your food.

To completely restart the skin regeneration system and saturate it from the inside with useful substances, it is important to introduce the following products into the diet:

  • Fruits and fresh vegetables. The main emphasis should be on apples (iron), carrots (carotene) and currants (antioxidants);
  • Protein-rich foods. First of all, these are homemade eggs, chicken fillet, turkey, and fish meat. To improve digestibility, it is important to combine them with green vegetables;
  • Polyunsaturated fatty acids. They're in a huge number contained in the most useful olive oil. To add variety to your diet, you can also try drinking in the morning on an empty stomach. linseed oil or sesame;
  • To renew collagen production, retinol is very important. It is found in delicacies (red caviar, red fish, liver), vegetables and berries (pumpkin, raspberries, strawberries, cherries), and some fruits. Margarine and butter, but it is worth remembering that these are heavy fats that may help restore the skin, but will be largely deposited on the body;
  • Vitamin B12 is essential for cell renewal. It is found in beans, beans, peas, shrimp, mussels and various dried fruits. Walnuts and pine nuts are considered powerful sources.

To make your skin elastic, also don’t forget to drink. It is best to drink plain still water - it cleanses the stomach and intestines, helps remove toxins and harmful compounds from the body. Alternatively you can use green tea or fruit infusions (without sugar).

In addition, introduce the rule of always starting and ending the day with a glass of water. This will reduce stomach acidity and help improve the quality of your diet.

Effective exercises for tummy tuck

Most effective method To remove sagging skin on the stomach after losing weight is to perform special exercises. It is important to understand the process of this method. He won't with a magic wand, which with a wave will eliminate all the flabby membrane. Instead, playing sports will help restore muscle tone, due to which lifting will occur.

  • . The simplest and most effective. You need to lay a rug on the floor and lie down, resting your elbows and toes on it. You need to stay in this position for at least 20 seconds. Try to extend the time each time. Do 3 approaches;
  • Press. If you go to Gym, then be sure to pump up your lower body while hanging. If not, then simply raise your torso and perform a “fold.” “Fold” is an exercise that combines simultaneous lifting of the legs and upper body. To succeed, you need to do at least 20 times in 3 approaches;
  • . This is a fun and very powerful cardio workout. It speeds up your heart rate, lifts your mood, strengthens your leg muscles and eliminates cellulite on your thighs and sides. In addition, it “forces” the stretched line of the waist and abdomen to tighten. The advantage of the method is the absence of contraindications. Unlike abs, you can jump rope even a month after pregnancy;
  • Strength exercises. Such tightening methods are suitable only for sagging skin after losing weight. Constant bending over and high loads will help tighten the skin on your back and legs, strengthen your muscles and give your figure definition.

Masks and wraps

Cosmetology is also extremely important in eliminating sagging. The easiest way to tighten the abdominal skin at home is with masks and wraps. Honey-containing products have proven themselves especially good.

But there are more affordable options:

  • Seaweed wrap. Every pharmacy sells dried seaweed. To use, you just need to dilute them with water to the consistency of rich sour cream. If this method does not work, then buy fresh kelp sheets;
  • Badyaga and mumiyo act extremely harshly, but quickly. Badyaga is a sponge-like algae that, when applied to the epidermis, begins to irritate it. As a result, the top layer of skin peels off, and the body receives a command for urgent regeneration. A great way to combat stretch marks and small folds. Mumiyo works similarly, but without removing the spinous layer;
  • Coffee wraps, masks and scrubs. Coffee is a strong antioxidant. It cleanses the skin and makes it smooth and velvety. For wrapping, it is recommended to use only finely ground grounds. For scrubbing, coarsely ground grains are more preferable. The level of doneness does not matter;
  • Clay masks. Blue clay guarantees a lifting effect, improved blood circulation in the skin of the abdomen and saturation of cells with minerals. Moreover, this is the most cheap way of all of the above.

Surgical skin tightening

Not always traditional methods you can solve the problem of sagging epidermis. Many reviews claim that even after several years, sagging skin on the abdomen cannot be removed with anything. In this case, invasive techniques come to the rescue.

What medical methods are used to tighten the skin of the body:

  • Implantation of gold threads. Necessary for sagging large quantity muscle fibers or tears;
  • “Sewing up” the press or lipoabdominoplasty. Rarely, but still, there is a clinical case when the abdominal muscles are torn after childbirth. After this, any exercise is prohibited and the only way to restore the flatness of the stomach is to sew up the gap in the navel area;
  • Lifting. These are various operations aimed at artificial lifting. The idea is simple: certain areas of the skin are stretched over others, resulting in a natural effect. Sometimes, excess epidermis is cut out;
  • Mesotherapy. This is piercing the skin with a special roller and introducing a small amount of active substances under the upper layer of the epidermis. In particular, hyaluronic acid.

How to tighten your skin after childbirth

The most difficult time to tighten excess skin is after the second birth or cesarean section. Here you need to use all the methods described above (except for the operation). Although, if necessary, doctors prescribe invasive interventions.

Tips on how to quickly tighten excess skin after pregnancy and childbirth:

  • Try to sleep on your stomach. This will relax the already tense fibers and help the body direct all its strength to restore them;
  • Make a schedule of procedures and follow it. Let’s say you do abdominal massage twice a week, special exercises three times (only after the doctor’s permission) and wraps two more times. At the same time, a correct lifestyle is maintained and the kitchen culture is controlled;
  • Wear a postpartum bandage. This is necessary for the same reason as why you need to sleep on your stomach;
  • Use professional cosmetics. Find a suitable cream to tighten and nourish the skin and apply it to the skin every evening after showering and scrubbing. There is no need to think that loud slogans are just a cunning marketing ploy. Many well-known companies(Weleda, Vichy) offer truly working products;
  • Walk a lot. To make your skin elastic again and your figure toned, you need to walk as much as possible. Constant loads on the lower body strengthen blood vessels, accelerate blood flow and normalize metabolism.

Video: How to tighten your stomach after childbirth

Abdominal skin tightening after weight loss

After sudden weight loss, as well as after the birth process, the skin of the abdomen needs to be tightened and restored. It is important to combine everything with each other known methods and update them regularly.

Video: How to tighten your skin after losing weight? Where did my skin go after losing 55 kg?

  • Don't neglect folk remedies. Honey massage together with coffee scrub works very effectively. Many girls say that only these two methods helped restore the epidermis to its former turgor. It’s best to do cold wraps every evening (with honey, coffee or clay), alternating them with each other;
  • Do exercises from two groups: cardio and strength. The first ones tighten the skin, and the second ones help increase the relief. Together they can literally deal with even the most old and unsightly folds in just 6 weeks;
  • This item is allowed to be used only after consultation with a doctor. Apply hot wraps to and around the problem area. They will dilate blood vessels and allow useful substances get to the epidermis several times faster;
  • Lead active image life. Spend as much time as possible on fresh air, ride a bike, jump rope, if possible, run;
  • Watch your diet. The table should be varied and useful. Combine fruits, vegetables, as well as carbohydrates, proteins and fats in the menu - and the body will quickly begin the recovery process without putting on extra pounds;
  • Take a contrast shower and visit the sauna (phytosauna, infrared steam room) at least once a week.

As we age, our skin loses elasticity. The results of such changes are not only wrinkles on the face or visible veins on the hands, but also loose skin throughout the body. The stomach becomes a particularly problematic area. Constant weight changes, pregnancy, age-related changes will not leave this once elastic part of the body in its previous state. Now the woman faces new task- flabby.


Before you rush headlong into solving a problem, you need to know it real reasons, because they largely determine the strategy of behavior. So, 5 reasons why your stomach turned out to be flabby

Solutions to the problem

The main condition for transforming the abdomen is an integrated approach to the problem. Here are the answers to the question of how to remove flabby belly at home.

Useful exercises

An excellent solution to how to remove a flabby belly after losing weight is to perform simple physical exercises. You don’t have to limit yourself to spinning a circle or exhausting yourself by jumping rope. Just a couple of exercises and your skin will return to its previous state.

Alternating upper and lower press

Lie on the floor, bend your knees, clasp your hands behind your head and, without lifting your lower back from the floor, lift your body up. Stay in a lying position, hands behind your head, legs extended. Lift one leg alternately, then the other, or both together if you want to increase the load. This will strengthen your upper abdominal muscles.

Do your favorite exercises from childhood and cycling, so that the problem of how to get rid of a flabby belly will no longer arise. Those who have forgotten their essence, let us remember together. For the first exercise, you need to lie on the floor, put your hands at your sides or put them behind your head, stretch out and lift your legs, and then perform movements as if cutting something. In the second case, also lying on the floor, raise your legs bent at the knees and imitate riding a bicycle. This is how you pump up

Oblique exercises

An excellent conditioning exercise is the crunch. Remaining in a lying position, place your hands behind your head and interlock your fingers. Elbows should be perpendicular to the body. Now, turning and lifting your body towards your feet, try to touch your left knee with your right elbow and vice versa.

You can also change your position and instead of your arms, pull your legs towards your body. After just a week of daily training, the results will become noticeable.

And if you are not yet ready for such loads, start with simple side bends or body rotation. These exercises can also be used to warm up your muscles.

Mask recipes

We remove a flabby belly with the help of effective measures aimed at increasing skin tone, folk remedies.

The simplest masks are made from salt and lemon. For the first, you will need a bath of hot water and sea salt, as well as three free days a week to fully enjoy this procedure. But for the second, squeeze out lemon juice, soak a folded bandage in it and apply to problem skin for no more than half an hour.

Also get into the habit of using a yellow clay mask. It is sold at the pharmacy in the form of a powder, which must be mixed with warm milk and applied in a thick layer to sagging skin. You can use it every day or every other day for a couple of weeks, then take a break and resume the procedures.

A little more about massage

For effective massage make a special cream that will enhance the effect. The recipe is simple: mix baby cream, vitamins A and E in equal quantities, and also add a couple of drops of essential oils. They can be anything, but it is better to look for citrus fruits, for example, orange or lemon.

And now the massage itself. Apply a little cream to your hands and begin rubbing the problem area clockwise with rhythmic movements. When you feel that the skin has warmed up enough, you can move the edges of your palms from top to bottom in the direction from right to left. You can also pinch yourself a little and pat yourself lightly.

How to remove a flabby belly? Reviews about the methods

Which method is the most effective? Based on the reviews of many women who have encountered this problem, it follows that the result depends on several factors. If the loss of elasticity is not sufficiently pronounced, then masks and massages, as well as a review of nutrition, will be effective. If you notice that your stomach is out of shape, then you should try exercise. And if the skin hangs and spoils appearance, then even a set of measures will only cope with the problem halfway. The remains will have to be removed surgically. In any case, the first thing you should pay attention to is nutrition. This is the conclusion reached most of owners of flabby belly.

Interestingly, half of women agree on the benefits of a swimming pool. Its effect is visible even in difficult situations, after the birth of the second and subsequent children. In combination with running, jumping rope and hoop training, you can achieve visible results in a short time.

There is only one conclusion - watch yourself, lead healthy image life and strengthen your muscles.


Now the problem of how to remove a flabby belly does not seem so unsolvable. You just have to be patient, good mood and choose the right motivation to fully achieve your goal. And the experience and advice of friends in misfortune will help in this difficult matter.

What to do if your skin becomes saggy after losing weight? Many people, mainly women, make all sorts of sacrifices in their quest to achieve a perfect figure. In order to get rid of excess body weight, they exhaust themselves with heavy exercises for hours. physical activity in gyms, they uncontrollably observe all kinds of “fasting” days and fasting diets.

This leads to very rapid loss of body weight and sagging of soft tissues in various parts of the body, which not only does not improve the figure, but very often makes it aesthetically unacceptable. How to tighten your skin after losing weight or after childbirth?

The feasibility of skin tightening after weight loss

The skin is not just the surface layer of the epidermis. They are a special organ consisting of several layers associated with the underlying structures and with the entire organism as a whole. Each of these layers performs strictly predefined functions.

Any changes in the body lead to corresponding histological and functional changes in the structural components. For example, metabolic disorders, endocrine disorders, a gradual or rapid increase in the volume of subcutaneous fat tissue followed by a rapid decrease, pregnancy, age-related processes lead to stretching of the skin, damage to collagen and elastin structures, the appearance of sagging, the formation of atrophic scars, etc. d.

Rapid weight loss especially affects your figure. Stretched, flabby, sagging excess skin after losing weight, which has lost its elasticity and tone, does not have time to shrink to the required extent, especially in places of greatest stretching - in the chest area, the front and side surfaces of the abdomen, buttocks, the back surface of the shoulder, hips, and subscapular areas.

In addition, with rapid weight loss, body fat decreases unevenly. In the listed areas they remain in significant quantities. The most problematic area in terms of reducing fat tissue is the abdomen. The skin in this area is subject to significant stretching, and stretched skin on the abdomen contracts especially slowly. The remaining adipose tissue leads to even more sagging and the formation of the so-called “apron”.

The resulting ugly folds are not only an aesthetic problem, but also a hygienic problem, since they lead to maceration, weeping and redness of the surfaces touching in the folds, the appearance of an unpleasant odor, etc. How to remove sagging skin after losing weight or giving birth and giving your figure the correct proportions and desired shapes and contours?

There are two ways to solve this issue:

  1. Radical surgical methods.
  2. Conservative non-invasive or minimally invasive techniques of aesthetic medicine and cosmetology.

Surgical methods

Plastic surgery represents the most radical and, at the same time, the most effective correction options. Their general meaning is the removal of excess skin after weight loss and/or the remodeling of shapes and areas of the body by replenishing missing volumes, which allows achieving the effects of tightening and restoring contours.

Surgical methods are designed for people with such pronounced changes that correction of the figure by other (conservative) methods is impossible. These operations are performed simultaneously with tumescent or under general anesthesia lipectomy (liposuction), which involves removing or redistributing excess fat tissue.

The main common surgical methods to tighten sagging skin in various areas of the body are:


Hardware techniques

Hardware for tightening the skin after childbirth or losing weight are represented by devices operating on the “Endermologie” system, or. They are a vacuum chamber with rotating rollers, as well as devices in which the impact infrared radiation can also be combined with rotating rollers or a suction effect - with bipolar high-frequency radiation. Other types of devices are based, for example, on a combination of diode laser exposure with massage and a suction effect. Ultrasonic cavitation, electrical stimulation, etc. devices are also used.

The action of these hardware techniques is aimed at compacting and tightening without incisions. However, their results are more than modest and require a series of treatment sessions. For patients with mild to moderate sagging without significant changes in tissue volume, broadband light sources, non-ablative laser lifting using a potassium titanyl phosphate laser, pulsed dye lasers, neodymium yttrium aluminum garnet lasers, etc. are most suitable.

Procedures using radio wave, or radio frequency, radiation, called procedures and others, are also highly effective. High degree effectiveness, especially for tightening sagging skin after pregnancy and childbirth, is characterized by devices in which radiofrequency exposure is combined with vacuum.

Home care

You can tighten your skin after losing weight at home by rubbing castor oil with the addition of lemon juice and lavender oil, applying a clay mask or a mixture of honey with rosemary and crushed hazelnuts to the abdomen and thighs. Baths with a solution of 1 kg of sea or regular table salt, followed by application of a seaweed mask, are also recommended.

The use of body scrubs consisting of natural ingredients (ground coffee, sugar, salt, oatmeal) should not be excluded. Manual, vacuum-roller and other types of massage using devices intended for home use have a good effect on sagging skin after losing weight (,).

All home methods have a predominantly preventive effect and a moderate short-term effect on “flaccid”, flabby and slightly sagging tissues. In this case, it is necessary to follow a certain diet, a balanced diet and perform a special set of physical exercises, but be sure to remember that rapid loss of body weight will lead to an even greater deterioration of the condition of the skin and the formation of new and deeper skin folds.

Not only girls, but also men dream of an ideal belly. But due to some reasons, it becomes flabby and unaesthetic, as the muscles lose their tone. Not everyone has the opportunity and time to go to the gym to eliminate this defect, so you have to turn to home methods for getting rid of a flabby belly.


Before you start effective fight with abdominal flabbiness, the true reasons for its appearance should be identified. It is the root cause of the loss of muscle tone that will become fundamental in choosing a method to combat flabbiness at home. Main The causes of a flabby belly are the following:

  1. Age. This is the most common reason. With age, the processes of hyaluron production in the body stop. Exactly hyaluronic acid responsible for our elastic skin and toned muscles.
  2. Metabolic disease. This may be associated with thyroid disease. The skin becomes less elastic due to changes in hormone levels.
  3. Poor nutrition. Overeating, undernutrition, lack of adequate water in the body, disorders eating behavior– there can be many reasons. But all of them are united by a violation of the process of eating.
  4. Stress. Overexertion and nervous stress have a very bad effect on the condition of the skin.
  5. Post-pregnancy period. It is biological changes in the body that form a flabby belly.

Solutions to the problem

The choice of method to combat abdominal sagging at home depends on the cause of its appearance. It is based on the reason that the main method of action is chosen. But regardless of the root cause, sport is a prerequisite for eliminating an unsightly belly. So, here are some ways to get rid of flabbiness at home:

  1. Sport exercises. Cardio exercises are best: running and jumping rope.
  2. Proper nutrition. Sweets and smoked foods should be thrown away. The diet should contain vegetables, lean meat, cereals and plenty of water. Fruits are allowed in limited quantities - they contain a lot of sugar.
  3. Wraps. They remove toxins from the body, saturate the skin necessary elements and pull her up.
  4. Bath procedures. Steam and hot water have antioxidant properties. Many toxins are released through the heated pores of the skin.
  5. Massage treatments. Improves blood and lymph circulation, which normalizes the body's metabolic processes and helps remove sagging.

Home exercises

Exercises to get rid of a flabby belly are quite simple. The main condition is that they should be performed in several approaches and half an hour before meals. With their help, blood flow to the abdominal cavity is activated and the muscles are tightened.

  • Exercises for oblique muscles. You need to lie on your back, clasp your hands behind your head, and bend your knees. When lifting your body, you should touch your elbow right hand to the knee of the left leg, and with the left elbow to the knee of the right leg. The cross press strengthens the obliques.
  • Exercise vacuum. You need to stand up and put your hands on your hips. As you exhale, you should tighten your abdominal muscles and hold your breath for as long as you can. As you inhale, relax your muscles and repeat the exercise as you exhale. This exercise is performed in 3-4 sets of 15-20 times. The back should be straight and the head slightly tilted forward.
  • Hula hoop. You need to spin the hula hoop for no more than 20 minutes in the morning and evening. This projectile perfectly works not only the abdominal area, but also forms a beautiful waist.


Wraps are one of the the best ways make the skin of the abdomen elastic and beautiful. It is best to combine them with physical exercise.

Coffee wrap

Need to mix sea ​​salt(3 tablespoons), lotion, cream or body butter (one tablespoon), coffee grounds of brewed coffee beans (one or two tablespoons). Mix the mixture and apply it to the stomach with massage movements, then wrap it in cling film and wait an hour. Rinse with water.

Yeast wrap

Mix brewer's yeast (25 grams) with half a glass of warm honey and half a glass of liquid cream. The mixture must be applied to the stomach, wrapped in cling film and wait twenty minutes. Rinse off with cool water.

Clay wrap

Blue or white clay (5 tablespoons) should be diluted in hot water until it becomes thick sour cream. Apply a thick layer to the skin of the abdomen, wrap in cling film and leave for forty minutes. Rinse with cool water and apply nourishing cream.

It is quite possible to get rid of a flabby belly at home. To do this, you just need to perform a small set of exercises and make an effort. Effective cosmetic procedures in the form of wraps or massage will help to consolidate the result.