Using essential oils to activate chakras. Chakras, their functions and aroma oils

All plants, animals, and people have a distinct scent, although a sophisticated sense of smell is sometimes necessary to detect and distinguish between different smells and aromas. Our smell expresses our individuality, our individual characteristics and our well-being. We usually associate a pleasant fragrance with health, vitality and harmony. A healthy newborn baby gives birth to a delicate, lovely and sweet scent that is reminiscent of a ripe peach. People who have completely cleansed their bodies by repeated fasting, healthy eating and meditation also have a similar scent.

Every time we feel something pleasant, we automatically inhale and fill our lungs with a life-like fragrance that has an energizing and rejuvenating effect on us. When we encounter an unpleasant odor, we instinctively hold our breath so that something unhealthy and wrong does not enter us, which is not beneficial for life. What we perceive as pleasant or unpleasant depends entirely on our past experiences and our lifestyle. A smoker, for example, has a positive and very different impression of the smell of cigarette smoke from someone who feels nauseated by the same smell.

Throughout history, man has been accustomed to incense in front of kings, priests, and holy objects. Burning smoke of all kinds is possibly the first form of aromatherapy, and is also used to ward off plague and other diseases. Many times people have used distinctive scents to ward off evil spirits, invoked the favor of the gods, or coordinated certain people with the higher realms. The ancient Greeks, Egyptians, Babylonians, Hindus and Chinese and many other peoples used aromatic oils to correct imbalances, harmonize energy, treat and prevent disease, cleanse and activate.

As with many other natural healing methods, the therapeutic use of fragrances has been discovered since ancient times and is of great interest today.

The essence of each plant has its own individual characteristics and its own message, and it wants to serve us with its colors, its active substances and its fragrance, improve our health, give us joy and expand our consciousness. Plants, having their roots deep in the earth, release their leaves into the light, absorbing earthly and heavenly energies, which are then transformed into beauty, color and fragrance to pass them on to us.

You may have already experienced cases where the smell of aromatic wax can change the atmosphere of a room, create a "climate" that relaxes and relieves our body. We feel the subtle, luminous essence of our soul, remembering that it has wings, that the weight and gloom of problems are not related to its true being, and that they are free and can be elevated above space and time. With the help of fragrances, we really leave the problems behind us, or we learn to see them more objectively, from a new point of view. A pure and light feeling of joy spreads within us as we see things from a more subtle level.

Recent research has shown that scents make the strongest impressions of all other sensory stimuli and that they directly affect our mental state.

No other sensory function affects the information stored in our subconscious so directly as the sense of smell. At some point in your life, you will no doubt smell a certain scent that will suddenly take you back in time, to another place and time, to relive the feelings associated with that smell. Usually the memories that come to us in this way are extremely vivid. These essential substances operate at a very deep and fundamental level of our being in a realm that is far beyond our blocked energies and unresolved issues in the soul realm. Essential oils can bring us to these levels of health by dissolving blockages that would otherwise be in our way.

Subtle aromas of flowers and plants touch the energy body of people, the place of the chakras and spread their healing, harmonizing energies.

Be sure to use only the purest essential oils when you use chakra aromatherapy because all artificially produced perfumes do not have the vital energy of plants or the complex blend of ingredients that only Mother Nature can combine.

Since these fragrances are of natural origin, their effects are in perfect harmony with the needs of body and soul. Often they also have a smoothing effect, meaning they tend to induce a healthy and harmonious state of well-being.

first chakra

Cedar :

the intense aroma of your cedarwood oil blends you with earthly energies and all forms of natural life. It helps you gather energy and gives you peace and security in the arms of Mother Earth.

Carnation :

clove oil helps to dissolve blocked energies in the root chakra. It enhances the mood by releasing old and restrictive social standards stemming from the need for protection and security, and helps you discover new "fresh" energies. So, if you tune your vibrational thoughts, it will lead you to transformation and renewal.

Second chakra

Ylang Ylang

This gentle essential oil, which comes from the flowers of the Ylang Ylang tree, is one of the most famous aphrodisiacs. It has a relaxing effect and at the same time helps you become aware of sensory sensations. Its sweet scent makes you feel secure and encourages you to trust yourself in the flow of your feelings. Blocked and accumulated emotions or disturbed feelings are dissolved and removed from its fragrance.

Sandalwood :

in the East, sandalwood oil is often used to increase sexual energy and to elevate the union with a beloved partner at the level of spiritual experience. In addition, it stimulates the imagination and awakens the joy of creative activity. The vibrations of sandalwood oil harmonize spiritual energies at all levels of thought, emotion and action.

third chakra

Lavender :

Lavender oil has a calming and relaxing effect on the third chakra when hyperactivity is present. Soft, warm vibrations help to assimilate and dissolve accumulated emotions.

Rosemary :

oil extracted from rosemary is especially suitable for poor chakra functioning solar plexus. Its stimulating and rejuvenating effect helps overcome inertia and promotes readiness for action.

Bergamot :

the vibrations of the oil extracted from the fruits of bergamot contain enough light in them. Its fresh "lemon" aroma strengthens vital energies and gives confidence and inspiration.

fourth chakra

rose oil
: no other flavor harmonizes so much of our overall well-being as precious rose oil. Gentle vibrations that emit soothe and heal the wounds of the heart. They awaken the concept of love, beauty and harmony throughout Creation. A deep joy and readiness of devotion pour into our hearts. Rose oil also stimulates and perfects sensual pleasures and at the same time helps to transform them into transcendental love.

Fifth chakra

Sage :

the pungent aroma of sage represented by the healing vibrations on the "seat of the tongue." Releases tension in the throat chakra and allows us to express what we have to say with a harmonious and actively helping us communicate the soul's inner messages effectively.

Eucalyptus :

The tonic aroma of eucalyptus cleanses and enhances the fifth chakra. Its vibrations open up to our inner voice and give our thoughts creativity and naturalness.

sixth chakra


The life-giving scent of mint breaks down congestion in the area of ​​the third eye and helps a person to get rid of old restrictive thought patterns. It purifies and illuminates the mind and stimulates self-concentration.


With the subtle scent of jasmine, our minds open to images and visions that carry messages of a deeper truth. Its vibrations sharpen our senses and combine the energy of the third eye chakra with the energy of the heart chakra.

seventh chakra

Incense :

It is no coincidence that classical incense burned in religious ceremonies is composed of frankincense resin. Its fragrance invigorates the mind and soul and purifies the atmosphere. Everyday life goes astray, religious convictions deepen, and souls become "chalices" of Divine Light.

Lotus : the lotus flower developed in water is a symbol of beauty and spiritual fullness in the East. This shows that an enlightened person lives in muddy water material world, but this in no way affects his true self in his union with the universe. These people radiate light and harmony, they spread love, joy and knowledge in the world. The fragrance of the lotus brings the same message, guiding the receptive and prepared soul on the path of oneness with the universe.

In this article, we will briefly look at the chakras and their functions, as well as the signs of their malfunctioning and how to harmonize them with the help of aroma oils. We will find out which essential oils affect which chakras and how to use them correctly to achieve maximum effect. Dedicated to everyone who is going to seriously engage in meditation on the chakras and the study of various blocks and injuries with the help of the “model of 7 chakras”.

Chakras and their functions

1. Muladhara.

Function: vitality, will to live, vitality, endurance and vigor, resistance to disease, the ability to solve problems by force, constancy, stability, the ability to protect and achieve worldly goals.

Dysfunction: selfishness, the desire to manipulate people and use black magic, incomprehensible fears, inability to protect oneself and others, detachment from reality and life in dreams.

Actions that close the chakra: masturbation, pornography, sexual intercourse when the partner hates, the use of violence (violation of ahimsa).

2. Swadhisthana.

Function: sexual function, sexuality, emotions, sociability, the ability to have fun, contentment, the ability to perceive beauty, creative pursuits.

Dysfunction: jealousy, greed, stinginess, lust, excessive orientation to the material side of life, unstable mood and emotions, hysteria.

Actions that close the chakra: indulging whims, depraved life (violation of brahmacharya).

3. Manipura.

Function: willpower, discipline, the ability to achieve material well-being, the ability to organize and lead people, protect yourself and others, the desire to move forward, the thirst for development in any of its manifestations.

Dysfunction: slovenliness, laziness, weak will, lack of motivation, insecurity, inability to resolve conflicts, lack of organization and the desire to be led, dependence (psychology of a slave), greed, lust for power, despotism.

Actions that close the chakra: not being able to keep a vow, striving for material well-being at any cost (non-observance of asteya and aparigraha).

4. Anahata.

Function: love higher than earthly, gratitude, friendliness, benevolence, selflessness, devotion to higher ideals, optimism, faith in something bright (in God, in yourself, in victory, etc.).

Dysfunction: resentment, repressed anger, sadness, despondency, jealousy, self-underestimation, despotic and excessive care (in women it results in mastopathy).

Actions that close the chakra: the desire to achieve someone's favor (unrequited love), "demanding" from others recognition, admiration and love (violation of santoshi), the desire to enjoy cordial relationships, and not just give love.

5. Vishuddha.

Function: the ability to work with information, Creative skills, professional qualities (the ability to be a good specialist), oratory and eloquence, musical talents and a beautiful voice, well-developed logical thinking, the desire for knowledge, the ability to forgive, understanding.

Dysfunction: resentment, anger, vindictiveness and vindictiveness, condemnation, misunderstanding, pride, problems with thinking and logic, shyness, skepticism, talkativeness, alcoholism, ambitiousness, conceit, or vice versa - self-abasement.

Actions that close the chakra: slander, gossip, deceit (violations of satya).

6. Ajna.

Function: the ability to concentrate and visualize, perceive and comprehend information, intuition, striving for excellence and learning new things.

Dysfunction: restless mind, inability to concentrate, strong conditioning by one’s whims and feelings, not receptivity, being in illusions, lack of desire for knowledge and beauty, feeling of uselessness and hopelessness, desire to go into dreams and forget.

Actions that close the chakra: indulgence of the whims of the mind, excessive daydreaming (lack of tapas).

7. Sahasrara.

Function: superconsciousness, connection with God, faith in God, feeling the whole world as one living, beautiful, intelligent and brilliant being, altruism, bliss, awareness of oneself as part of a great whole, spirituality.

Dysfunction: atheism, inability to believe in God or any Higher power, selfishness, a sense of the meaninglessness of life, fatalism, hopelessness.

Actions that close the chakra: disrespectful attitude towards any religions, teachings and teachers ( low level spiritual development).

Chakras and aroma oils

Influencing the psyche, especially on her emotional sphere, aromas change the state of consciousness, that is, they adjust the energy of a person and a room in accordance with their nature. Naturally, it happens that one fragrance helps to open not one, but several chakras at once. Well, remember that we are all different, so try to understand each fragrance and feel with the help of intuition whether it suits you or not.

1. Muladhara: yarrow, basil, clove, cedar, tea tree, birch, marjoram, patchouli, tansy, vetiver.

2. Swadhisthana: petite grain, grapefruit, neroli, orange, bigardia, lemon balm, hyssop, basil, marjoram, ginger, vanilla, cardamom, coconut.

3. Manipura: carom, ginger, dill, cardamom, almond, grapefruit, thyme, orange, anise, turmeric, tangerine, marigold, fennel, verbena, lemongrass, ylang-ylang, bigardia.

4. Anahata: conifers, cinnamon, milk thistle, rose, ylang-ylang, geranium, valerian.

5. Vishuddha: juniper, sage, leuzea, thyme, cypress, myrrh, anise, lavender, calamus, verbena, rosemary, rose.

6. Ajna: eucalyptus, sandalwood, menthol, myrrh, violet, juniper, all mints, benzoic, lotus, peru balsam, lavender, styrax, geranium.

7. Sahasrara: sandalwood, lotus, lilac, rose, myrtle, geranium, juniper, myrrh, cistus.

How to use:

- Bath. 1 drop from each item of aromatic oils (for working through all chakras) or 7 drops of one oil (for working with one chakra) must first be dissolved in an emulsifier (honey, sour cream, sea ​​salt, yogurt or cream) and under the stream warm water- in the bath.

- Aroma lamp. 5 drops per 20 square meters.

- Aromaculon. 1-2 drops and add as needed.

- Massage. 3-4 drops of aroma oil per 1 tbsp. base oil, which can be walnut, almond, sesame, peach, etc.

- Meditation on the chakras. Apply 3-4 drops to the chakra projection area, but do not rub it in, meditate relaxed for half an hour, visualizing the corresponding energy center as it unwinds, shines and increases.

A Vedic astrologer will help you choose an individual aromatherapy based on the characteristics of your natal chart.

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In this article, you will learn how to use essential oils you can harmonize the work of the chakras: we will look at where the projections of the chakras are on the body and what aromas have a certain effect on the chakras. Using this knowledge, you can practice oil massage for health and beauty!

All chakras have their projections on the human body: on the palms, feet and head. We will consider only the most accessible projections for massage and application of oils.

Muladhara, the first chakra, has projections at the base of the palms, at the base of the back of the head and on the heels.

projections svadhisthana, the second chakra, are thumbs hands and middle toes, right and left sides of the back of the head.

projections manipuri, the third chakra, are the middle fingers, big toes.

projections anahata, the fourth chakra, - the little fingers of the hands and feet.

projections vishuddhi, fifth chakra, - index fingers and toes.

projections ajnas, the sixth chakra, - ring fingers and toes.

projections sahasrara, the seventh chakra, are the centers of the palms and feet.

Massage to harmonize the chakras

As you already know, one of the very effective ways The use of essential oil to harmonize the work of a particular chakra is a massage of the projection of the chakra on the human body. There are two types of this massage.

  • Apply 3-4 drops of oil, but do not rub, on the chakra projection area, lie down for 30-40 minutes, visualizing how the energy center unwinds and shines with the color of the chakra with increasing strength: muladhara - red, svadhisthana - orange, manipura - yellow, anahata - green, vishuddha - blue , ajna - blue, sahasrara - purple, like a rainbow.
  • Add essential oils to carrier oil(grape seed, walnut, sesame, almond, peach) at 2% concentration, apply the resulting mixture to your palm, after thoroughly mixing it, and massage clockwise and counterclockwise on the front and back zones of the chakra projection an equal number of times in both directions.

You need to practice massage for at least a week for each chakra, and preferably 21 days.

Now let's talk about which essential oils for which chakra will be suitable.

Essential oils for chakras

Fragrances for Muladhara Chakra

Oils are favorable for the Muladhara Chakra cloves, rosemary, cedar and cypress.

The tart smell of cedar oil is associated with earthly forces and the essence of nature, helps to accumulate energy, gives peace and a sense of security.

Clove oil helps with the release of accumulated energy in the root chakra, maintains the readiness to free oneself from old attitudes, to open up to new fresh energies. However, be careful with clove essential oil: it is very strong in its effects, and its dose should be at least halved!

Fragrances for the Svadhisthana Chakra

Essential oils are good for svadhisthana petitgrain (bitter orange), myrrh, sandalwood, vanilla and ylang ylang.

Refined ylang-ylang oil has a relaxing effect and at the same time opens a person to subtle sensual sensations. Its sweet smell gives a sense of security, in which it is easy to trust the flow of your feelings. At the same time, frozen or too violent emotions dissolve and calm down.

Sandalwood oil is often used in the East to activate sexual energy and enhance unity with a partner on a spiritual level. In addition, it activates the imagination and awakens the joy of creative action.

Fragrances for Manipura Chakra

For manipura, essential oils have a harmonizing effect. lavender, chamomile, lemon, rosemary, bergamot and anise.

Lavender oil has a calming and relaxing effect on an overactive third chakra. Its refined, warm vibrations help process frozen emotions.

Astringent rosemary oil is well suited for therapy with deficient solar plexus chakra function. Influences revitalizing and maintains readiness for action.

Vibrations of bergamot carry a lot of light. Its fresh, lemon-like scent strengthens our vital energy. Gives confidence and empowers self-confidence.

Fragrances for Anahata Chakra

Anahata can be harmonized with essential oils roses, jasmine and tarragon.

No other scent has such a harmonizing effect on the entire female being as rose oil. Its subtle, sensitive vibrations soothe and heal the wounds of the heart, awakening the perception of love, beauty and harmony found everywhere.

Fragrances for Vishuddha Chakra

Essential oils for vishuddhi eucalyptus, camphor, sage and peppermint.

The fresh, tart scent of sage sends healing vibrations to the tongue area. It dissolves tensions in the fifth chakra, as a result of which our words become harmonious and energetic, the best way conveying the intentions of our soul.

The refreshing smell of eucalyptus oil brings clarity and space to the area of ​​the fifth chakra. Its vibrations open us to inner inspiration and give creative self-expression a primary impetus.

Fragrances for the Ajna Chakra

Essential oils are favorable for ajna lemongrass (lemongrass), violet, jasmine and mint.

Through the subtle floral scent of jasmine, our consciousness opens up to images and intuitions that carry deep truths. Its vibrations sharpen perception and connect the energy of the third eye with the energies of the heart chakra.

The refreshing scent of mint dissolves third eye blockages and gives our spirit clarity, vitality and concentration.

Fragrances for the Sahasrara Chakra

Essential oils can be used to harmonize Sahasrara. incense and lotus.

The lotus flower in the East is a symbol of beauty and perfection of the spirit. Lotus radiates light and harmony, increasing love, joy and knowledge of the world.

The smell of incense cleanses the soul and consciousness, deepens faith and elevates the soul to a divine level.

Harmonization of chakras in a person can be carried out through techniques and methods that affect the subtle body and energy centers. It would be correct to refer to such techniques and methods medicinal plants, breathing exercises, shapes, colors and healing minerals.

They have a special power natural springs energy or in other words - essential oils. The influence of such oils is a real magic not only in relation to the human body, but also to the soul.

Aromatherapy is a method of healing based on the influence of smells on the human body.

These natural remedies, in the form of oils, are obtained from parts of living plants - branches, flowers, bark, leaves and fruit peels. More than ninety types of essential oils are known to specialists.

The tradition of using oils for bodily treatment of ailments is rooted deep in the past. Essential aromatic oils were popular in Rome, Ancient Greece, Persia, China and Egypt.

They received a special practice of application in China and Egypt.

There is a scientific point of view that such subtle energy structures as natural aromatic oils have not only their own consciousness, but also unique vibrations.

There are known cases of using a special camera for shooting plants, which made it possible to verify the presence of a luminous aura field above the plant.

Essential oils not only increase the energy level of a person, but also harmonize energy work chakras All this became possible thanks to the energy potential of plant essences and huge reference vibrations.

In other words, aromatherapy in its practice uses energy and life experience plants for the entire period of existence.

Essential oil is the true soul of a living plant.

Harmonization of the chakras for its fruitful activity requires the use of massage essential oils that correspond to the special protection of the chakras.

The master in his practice, in order to achieve a greater effect, tries to use only clean oil. To do this, an aroma lamp is lit in the room and a small amount of oil is applied to the palms.

Harmonization of energy and energy recovery of the chakras as a whole is possible using a technique based on a combination of selected semi-precious stones and aromatherapy techniques.

It is important to know that certain types of oils correspond to each chakra:

Sahasrara: geranium, lotus, myrrh, rose, sandalwood. Ajna: myrrh, benzoic, juniper, styrax, balsam peru.

Vishuddha: leuzea, anise, juniper, cypress, lavender, calamus, verbena.

Anahata: pine, cypress, pine, cinnamon, fir, rose, thuja, ylang-ylang, geranium.

Manipura: cardamom, orange, turmeric, marigold, bigardia, ylang-ylang, ginger, grapefruit, tangerine, fennel, lemongrass, verbena.

Svadhisthana: neroli, marjoram, basil, cardamom, petite grain, ginger, bigardia, hyssop.

Muladhara: cedar, patchouli, basil, birch, vetiver.

Smell is the door to our soul, Essential oils are the soul of plants.

The sense of smell is directly related to the part of the brain that is responsible for the formation of sensations.

The limbic system transports smells instantly through the subconscious mind.

The duration and memory of sensations is also controlled by the limbic system.

There are several theories of odor perception, they are described in detail in Nikolaevsky V.V. "Handbook of Aromatherapy" , for example:

According to quantum theory, the perception of smells is associated with the oscillatory movements of the atoms that make up the aromatic substances. As a result of vibrations of atoms, electromagnetic waves, which are absorbed by the receptor membrane and transformed into a sense of smell. But this theory cannot explain why two substances have completely different odors, although electromagnetic oscillations their atoms are exactly the same. This theory also does not answer all questions [Gubanov N.I. et al., 1978]. Apparently, the structure, shape of molecules and their quantum properties matter. It is still not known which property of an odorous substance causes a nerve impulse.

Information and Energy Impact of Essential Oils:

Everyone probably knows that one of the causes of human diseases is a lack of energy. The human bioenergetic system is designed in such a way as to make up for this deficiency, but like any system, it also sometimes fails. In this case, this system urgently needs prevention, AROMATHERAPY.

Aromatherapy is a preventive and therapeutic effect of plant essential oils on the human body through Airways, skin, mucous membranes.

In 1928 a French chemist René Maurice gutterfoss when describing the therapeutic effect of aromatic extracts from plants, he first used the term "aromatherapy", becoming the founder of this science.

Scientists have always wondered why essential oils can have such a pronounced positive effect on our energy and physiology. It turns out that this is not surprising. Plants always have a large supply of vital energy, allowing them to adapt to adverse conditions. external environment. The same huge potential life force is also embedded in the macro-objects of the world around us, such as lakes, rivers, mountains, forests. Through the smell, their energy and qualities are transmitted to us, and this influence can work wonders.

Smells serve as carriers of bioenergetic information, and each aroma used by aromatherapy can strengthen one or another center in the human body. Therefore, aromatherapy is one of the the best medicines for chakras.

Interesting studies on the effects of essential oils on the chakras were carried out by Lukyanenko G.V., Kharkov:

“The purpose of the research was to determine the degree and nature of the impact of essential oils on human bioenergetics. The study was carried out using the radioestetic method.

In the course of the research, the characteristics of the impact of the energy of various essential oils on the energy centers (chakras) of a person were determined.

In the future, I will write the properties of oils and what effect they have on energy centers.

It is also interesting that each essential oil has its own zone of influence on a particular organ.

Essential oils are alive and go where they need to go, no matter how the oils are introduced. The action of the oil occurs in the shortest possible time.

Essential oils enhance subtle vibrations, beneficially affecting subtle bodies. They have a stimulating effect on the chakras, contributing to their activation, harmonization.

Here are just a few of them:

Red chakra: (coccyx, base of spine)
The main functions are instinct, survival, safety, health.
Essential oils: vetiver, myrrh, patchouli, elemi, angelica, cypress, nard, oakmoss.

Orange chakra: (sex organs)
The main functions are emotions, sexual energy, cheerfulness, spontaneity, desires, pleasures.
Essential oils: jasmine, rose, rosewood, ylang-ylang, vetiver, cardamom, sandalwood, tonka, orange.

Yellow Chakra:(navel)
The main functions are power, control, freedom, career, confidence, insight.

Essential oils: vetiver, juniper, clove oil, oregano, coriander, cinnamon, camphor, lavender, lemon, myrrh, black pepper, rosemary, thyme, tarragon.

Green chakra: (heart)
The main functions are devotion, love, compassion, sympathy, joy.

Essential oils: bergamot, lemon balm, rose, rose geranium, iris, lemon balm.

Blue chakra: (throat)
The main functions are communication, self-expression, creativity, harmony, "the inner voice of truth."

Essential oils: myrrh, German chamomile, Roman chamomile, grapefruit, naioli, sage, eucalyptus.

Blue chakra: (forehead, "third eye")
The main functions are intuition, mental functioning, highest level awareness.
Essential oils: immortelle, juniper, rosemary, thyme, mint, anise, eucalyptus.

purple chakra: (top of the head)
The main functions are connection to space, complete liberation.
Essential oils: jasmine, lavender, frankincense, rose, rosewood, sandalwood, aloe, St. John's wort, nard.