How to get rid of unhealthy thinness with the help of conspiracies. Panic attacks

Thinness is sometimes perceived as a far-fetched problem, and often even an object of envy. “Wow, you can eat whatever you want and not get better!” - often thin people hear such reasoning. Meanwhile, everyone who asks the question - how to get better, knows how difficult it can be to do.

The medical statistics here are completely harsh: numerous studies and observations suggest that excessive thinness is often a symptom of serious endocrine diseases, nervous disorders, problems with the gastrointestinal tract, a consequence of viral, infectious diseases, and even a manifestation of oncology.

This is not to mention the fact that thinness can affect the mental component of our health: more than 2/3 of underweight men and women want to gain at least a little weight, precisely because of dissatisfaction with their appearance. Moreover, the medical practice of nutritionists in the Russian Federation shows that such complexes often develop into serious forms of depression.


To begin with, it’s a good idea to figure out what caused the real deviation from the normal mass in you: a violation in the work internal organs or are these features of the biochemistry of the body and structure nervous system. Based on this, 2 types of thinness are distinguished: pathological and physiological, i.e. not associated with disruption of the internal organs of the body.


The question - how to get fat quickly is often asked by people who, it would seem, are all right from a medical point of view. You eat enough, tests show excellent results, doctors shrug their shoulders, talking about the genetic predisposition of the body and accelerated metabolism, and the issue of weight gain remains unresolved and dissatisfaction with their appearance only intensifies.

The need to quickly recover and gain at least a few kilograms of weight is felt more and more acutely. You start trying all sorts of ways, many of which not only do not work, but also harm the body. Meanwhile, you can gain weight quickly, the main thing is to correctly approach the solution of the problem.

Traditional medicine adheres to an approach in which each type of physique is characterized by one or another body weight. In particular, people of the asthenic type (after all, 90% of thin people are asthenics) are initially more difficult to get fat and tend to be thin (predominant bone). Thus, the accelerated metabolism characteristic of asthenics, in the absence of diseases, is considered by doctors not as a disease, but as a condition in which body weight is below the accepted standard.

In addition to this, your body may have special organization nervous system, sensitive to the slightest stress and nervous stress - a decrease or complete loss of appetite. Which is also not a disease requiring medical intervention, but is important reason preventing you from gaining weight quickly.


Insufficient body weight, if its cause is in the disruption of the body, is not just an external problem. It can be both a consequence and a cause of diseases, primarily endocrine and digestive system.

The curvature of the spine, towards the organs of the digestive system, has a significant effect on the digestibility of food, which is often found in excessively thin people. A common consequence of insufficient body weight is also reduced immunity. You cannot get better and you start to catch any infections, moreover, existing diseases are aggravated, such as herpes, which before that could “doze” in the body for years. There is a loss of strength, general weakness.

Difficulties with weight gain in men and women are quite often a psychological problem, a consequence of long and persistent weight loss or serious problems with the gastrointestinal tract. For example, with acute gastritis, the process of eating food can be very painful. A persistent aversion to food is formed, a lack of enzymes is diagnosed in the stomach and intestines, as a result of which even food that is “shoved” into itself is simply not absorbed, not oxidized properly, and its digestion causes discomfort.

Problems are added by all sorts of “magic” pills and dietary supplements that promise to help you recover quickly, but in fact destroy the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines, disrupt the functioning of the kidneys and liver. If someone gained weight with the help of "chemistry", then what damage to health did he inflict?

If you smoke, are fond of coffee, then such habits will only prevent you from both getting fat and maintaining body weight, due to their significant impact on the vital activity of the body and metabolic rate, in particular.

In all similar situations, it is better not to learn how to get better from friends or non-specialists - this approach will only hurt. You can solve the problem only by following a medically sound program that takes into account your state of health.


No matter what people say in response to your desire to gain weight, far from a true understanding of this issue, self-hypnosis that everything is in order is far from always able to help. Moreover, psychological problems can develop from simple complexes depression, which will only make matters worse.

An alarm bell signaling that you need to change something may be dissatisfaction with your reflection in the mirror, embarrassment to undress in public.

Questions how to get fat, how to get better, it becomes obsessive, you start to envy fat people Stop going to the beach or pool. The notorious self-doubt is actually a serious problem. You begin to consciously limit your life: a man is embarrassed to go to the gym, which is necessary for weight gain; avoid crowded places, afraid to get acquainted, especially with people of the opposite sex.

The matter is aggravated by the fact that it is quite difficult for thin people to recover quickly - it is much easier to lose weight. In general, in society today they treat fat people much better - they are perceived as cheerful and good-natured, while a gloomy skinny person looks repulsive. Surely, you have already tried some ways to gain weight - and failed. Perhaps you went to the doctors, but if, according to the results of the tests, the specialist makes a helpless gesture, arguing that there are no medical justifications for your complexion, this is perceived as a sentence.

Your desire to gain weight is correct, because thinness really harms the psyche.

Physical and mental consequences insufficient weight in the complex have a destructive effect on your body and your personality. In order to gain weight for a man and a woman, sometimes you need more willpower than to lose it - and numerous unsuccessful attempts to gain weight make you give up. It turns out a vicious circle - and in order to break out of it, you need a really competent weight gain program that takes into account all these features.

Naturally, this program for men and women will be different, because even the reasons why men want to get better are different from women's.

So, women's thinness is often more dangerous than men's - not only do women in some cases provoke an extreme degree of exhaustion of the body, but also at the stage when they decide to get better, it is already very difficult to "get fat quickly."

In psychological terms, it is no secret that in many ways, the mood of a woman big influence evaluates one's own appearance, both in one's own eyes and in the eyes of others.

Women, in general, have a complex because of a modest chest and some angularity of those parts of the body, the forms of which are traditionally considered as purely feminine: rounded, smooth, graceful, which is often the cause of psychological problems and complexes.

The male half of humanity tends to be very complex about their "slenderness", the lack of muscle mass. Quite often, male thinness is combined with high growth, which only emphasizes the lack of mass. That is why a larger percentage of patients poison their body with miraculous weight gain pills for men - after all, it is known that male self-esteem is often more vulnerable than female.

Another clean male problem- it's an over-indulgence gym to gain a few pounds of muscle weight. Classes are necessary, but according to a training scheme specially designed for ectomorphs, provided proper diet nutrition. Only compliance with these conditions will allow a man to gain weight correctly and effectively. And an illiterate approach can lead to damage to muscles and ligaments, a feeling of constant fatigue.


find out real reason your thinness: a disease in the body or a genetic predisposition, metabolic rate, structure of the nervous system.

Remember that the sooner you make a conscious decision to get better, the sooner your health and well-being will respond, and the greater the likelihood of a successful outcome.

* Have you decided to get better?! *

For those who want to get better, I offer the most effective collection practical advice, people's councils and sorcerer's recipes for thinness.

First of all, you need to try to find out the reason for your thinness. Some have a lack of body weight - a consequence of severe debilitating diseases: operations on organs gastrointestinal tract, chronic diseases of the stomach, intestines, pancreas, kidneys, helminthic invasion, in others - the result of diseases of the central nervous system, accompanied by loss of appetite and even a complete refusal of food, fear of food, nausea and vomiting at the sight of food.

Excessive leanness can also be due to constitutional features. Such people for the most part practically healthy, feel good, able-bodied, physically active.

As you can see, there are many reasons, and it is very difficult to give a single recommendation for all the bad people on how to gain weight. Therefore, we advise you to first consult a doctor, undergo, if necessary, an examination by an endocrinologist, neuropathologist, therapist, gastroenterologist.

The deficiency of body weight caused by the disease requires active therapeutic measures. Another thing is if he is not connected with him. In this case, the main thing is nutrition and physical activity. And you will have to show perseverance, patience, because it is more difficult to gain weight than to lose weight.

Try to keep the diet as varied as possible in terms of a set of products. It should include meat, fish, dairy products, as well as vegetables, berries, fruits, rich in vitamins, mineral salts and trace elements, pectin and cell membranes. Vegetables, berries and fruits contain organic acids and essential oils that increase appetite and stimulate the secretion of the digestive glands of the stomach and intestines, which in turn ensures better digestion and absorption of food.

Eat bread, buns, pies, pasta, dumplings. However, this does not mean that you should mainly switch to these dishes. Often, the cause of excessive thinness is precisely the mono-diet, due to the habit of monotonous nutrition that has developed since childhood: tea with bagels, crackers, cookies ...

I must say about one more mistake that some people make when trying to gain weight: they eat between times a bun, then a candy. However, this only discourages appetite and, sitting down at the table, they do not eat a full lunch, breakfast or dinner. It is necessary to eat at the same hours 4-5 times a day and start the meal with vegetable, spicy snacks to whet the appetite.

It is better if the breakfast is hot: a fish, meat dish with a side dish or scrambled eggs, porridge from any cereal cooked in milk, white and black bread with butter and cheese, sweet tea with milk (1/3 milk). Second breakfast - a glass of milk with a cookie or a bun, fruit. For lunch, an appetizer (salad, vinaigrette) or 100 grams of any vegetable, or fruit, or berry juice, 1/2 serving of soup, a hot meat or fish dish with potatoes, vegetables, and for dessert a glass of sweet compote, jelly. At 17 o'clock you can drink a glass of rose hips and eat a bun or cookies, and for dinner - a hot cereal casserole or noodles with cottage cheese, tea. At night, kefir, fermented baked milk, acidophilus or yogurt. They can be replaced with sweet jelly, compote or juice, fruits. If possible, include more of your favorite dishes in your diet, because food eaten with pleasure is better absorbed.

Wrong do those who believe that they will rather fill up if they lie more. Nothing but sagging muscles, couch potatoes do not get! Active motor mode stimulates the work of all organs, including the digestive glands, resulting in increased appetite. Moreover, if a person does morning exercises, skiing, swimming, skating, cycling, he strengthens and builds muscle mass. There are also special exercises, the implementation of which allows you to achieve the same goal. We present one of such complexes.

A set of exercises for gaining body weight

You can do it at any time convenient for you, but not earlier than 3 hours after eating. The load is designed for practically healthy people. Those who have deviations in the state of health should consult with the specialists of the medical and sports dispensary.

For classes, you will need a rubber bandage (shock absorber), gymnastic stick, dumbbells weighing 3-5 kilograms.

The pace of exercises for the muscles of the chest, shoulder girdle and legs (exercises 1-7) is medium, for the muscles of the waist and abdominals (exercises 8-10) is fast. Breathing is arbitrary. Rest 1.5-2 minutes between exercises. When resting, do not sit or lie down. Walk around calming your breath.

At the end of each exercise, the numbers 3x8 are given; 3x10; 3x30. For example, in exercise 1 - 3x10. This means that you need to perform the exercise three times 10 times.

To warm up, dance to the music for 3-5 minutes until you feel a pleasant warmth in your muscles.

1. Starting position (ip) - standing, a rubber bandage is fixed in the arms extended forward at chest level. Raising the arms to the sides. 3x10.

2. I. p. - the same, but the arms are raised slightly above the head. Raising the arms to the sides. 3x10.

3. I. p. - lying on a bench on your back, a bandage in your hands at chest level (the bandage is fixed under the bench). Bench press. 3x10.

4. I. p. - the same, but the arms are stretched up. Raising the arms to the sides. 3x10.

5. I. p. - standing, dumbbells (3-5 kg) in the hands at the waist. Squat on two legs. 3x10.

6. I. p. - the same, but dumbbells in the hands behind the back. 3x10.

7. I. p. - standing, toes on a bar 8-10 cm thick. Rise on toes. 3x20.

8. I. p. - lying on the floor. Raise your straight legs up and lower them behind your head, trying to touch the floor with your toes. 3x10.

9. I. p. - lying on the floor, legs are fixed. Raise your torso, trying to touch your head to your knees. 3x10.

10. I. p. - sitting on a chair, a gymnastic stick on the shoulders, arms extended along the stick. Turns of the body to the side. 3x30.

To this complex, the young men should add 2 more exercises.

1. Push-up. Put 2 chairs with their backs to each other, stand between them and, putting your hands on the backs, go down. Bend your legs. Due to the strength of the hands, return to and. p. 3x8.

2. Pulling up with a wide (arms wider than shoulders) grip on the crossbar. 3x8.

Don't be embarrassed if you can't pull yourself up even once. The main thing is to stretch to the crossbar evenly and persistently for 3-4 seconds, and so on 8 times in a row. 3x8.

Another one effective technique weight gain

Dream. It is necessary to increase the duration of your sleep by 1.5-2 hours, preferably due to the evening hours.

Pouring. Shower daily cold water, every day increasing the duration of the procedure and reducing the temperature of the water. When you feel that you can calmly endure cold water, wipe your body with ice.

Food. It is necessary to adhere to the general diet, i.e. eat three times a day. preferably at the same time. During the day you should not feel hungry. In your diet must be present: cheese, curdled milk, eggs, nuts, honey, chocolate.

Here is one possible recipe: grate one apple, one carrot, add one or two tablespoons of nuts, a spoonful of honey, half a glass of grape or lemon juice. Mix everything and take in between main meals.

Another recipe: grains of wheat (barley, corn) soak in warm water, Eat the germinated grains obtained in this way, chewing thoroughly.

Third recipe: stir a teaspoon of fresh yeast in a glass of warm water or milk, add sugar to taste. Drink three times a day with meals.

Another recipe: take every day children food, better than domestic production, such as "Baby". "Baby", etc. Double the pediatric dose.

Here is a very effective recipe. old remedy (those who were treated with this remedy gained weight very quickly): 300 gr. lard and six large green apples (do not peel apples!) Cut into small pieces, mix and heat over very low heat, make sure that it does not burn. Then take twelve egg yolks, grind them with a glass granulated sugar and add 300 gr. chopped chocolate. Then pass through a sieve a mixture of bacon and apples, and mix it with a mixture of eggs and chocolate. Let the mixture cool down. Take this mixture by spreading it on bread and drinking warm milk.

Super method for thinness

by your own cherished desire no matter what - get better! Gain the missing pounds.

Well, I'll try to help you. But first, let's find out something:

1. Can you afford to sleep sometimes during the day?
2. Can you manage your feelings, emotions?
3. Are you able to purchase daily or pro-stock fruits, vegetables with the largest number vitamins and some other products (they will be discussed later).

If the conditions of the above points are acceptable to you, then you can dare, without doubting success!

So: In the morning, waking up from sleep, do gymnastics (if you have it). Then take water procedures (wash your face, brush your teeth, etc.).

Before breakfast, eat your favorite fruits, berries (for example: bananas, tangerines, apples, pears, etc.).

Remember: fruits You should eat as much as you want until you are satisfied.

It is advisable to buy rosehip syrup and take it 1-2 tablespoons 3-4 times a day. You can brew rose hips and make compote out of it.

In the morning, as at any time of the day, do not forget to eat salads, grated carrots, grated apples (especially in winter time of the year).

If possible, try to eat more cookies, pies, cakes, rolls, etc.

The usual food that you used and loved remains the same (Your usual diet does not need to be changed). But, at the same time, you should not forget, if you have already decided to get better, avoid stress, unpleasant dialogues that lead to a breakdown of the nervous system.

Remember: that a disorder of the nervous system reduces appetite and, of course, leads to various diseases. Try to be less nervous. Set yourself up for pleasant past, present or upcoming events ahead of you.

Try to make time for naps sometimes.

And again at the expense of your food: eat more fruits, fresh cabbage salads, grated carrots, beets, etc. - just lean on them. Do not forget about rose hips in the form of syrup or compote.

Speaking of fluids, have you noticed how much fluid you drink?!

Drink 6-8 glasses of fluid per day. It is very good to use natural juices with and without pulp (you can drink a little more than 6-8 glasses of juice).

Here is another recipe that has been used since ancient times, it promises weight gain, try it:

Old folk recipe from thinness

Take 300 g of internal fat and 6 large green apples, do not peel the apples, cut both into small pieces, mix and heat over very low heat so as not to burn. Grind 12 egg yolks with a glass of granulated sugar, add 300 g of chopped chocolate to the yolks. Pass through a sieve a mixture of bacon and apples, and mix with eggs and chocolate. Let the mixture cool down. Spread the prepared mixture on bread and eat with milk.

Those who were treated with this remedy put on weight very quickly.

In the evening, it is advisable to cook and eat infant formula such as "Bona", "Pilti", "Nutrilon", etc. Increase the dosage by 2-3 times more than the infant formula.

If you succeed and you follow all the above recommendations, then your body will get used to the routine and after 2-3 weeks you can look carefully at yourself in the mirror and you will surely notice changes. For example, how rounded your face, a blush appeared. Additions for certain now in all body. In any case, after a month and a half, the results will please you. And one more thing, if you're thinking about sedentary manner life, in vain, on the contrary, try to move more, walk on fresh air. This is also very important.

Well, if you want to get serious about building muscle, you can look at the "Home Gym" section, which presents many techniques for developing muscle and physical strength and endurance.

Conspiracies and healers' recipes for thinness

To relieve dryness

They read on a broom, they bathe with that broom, wipe themselves with an undershirt, which they then burn.

I will go out from the steam, from the hot bath, I will stand on a straw broom, pray and submit to the four brothers - violent winds. Oh, you four brothers, violent winds, take out the dryness from the slave (name), from clear eyes, a zealous heart, from hands, from feet. Send dry dryness not to a branch, not to a novice, not to the recumbent, not to the standing, not to the young, not to the elderly, not to the decrepit. On a pine cross, on an old grave, on dry grass, on all four quarters of the month. I, the slave (name), would become fresh and blush, cheerful and long-lived, as mother gave birth, as the church christened. Let my words be sharper than a knife damask, rather an arrow flying. Key and lock on my deeds, on my words. Amen.

Healer's way to treat thinness

Do not stand, thinness, in a slave (name), neither in a violent head, nor in her eyes, nor in fair-haired eyebrows, nor in red blood, nor in 70 veins, nor in 70 joints. Go, thinness, to dark forests, to quicksands, to combustible stones, to steep banks, to fast rivers, on the yellow sands. Do not stand thinness, neither in the bones - a pinch, nor in the body - an ache, nor a burden, nor a yawn. Thinness, thin people, go to the north side, there is a hell for you. Amen.

Conspiracy from thinness

They talk about the water, washing in it. Then they take it to where the pigs are.

I know from whom I took off the fat, knowing to whom I gave my thinness. Amen.

Healer's recipe for thinness

If thinness depresses a person, and all tried means do not help, crush the eggshells (you need to pick up the shells from the hatched chicks), boil three times at 12 at night and in the morning, before the birds sing, pour the water through the birch fence (can be someone else's). Say this:

The bird hatched, and I was cured, give me, Lord, fullness. Amen.

Leave without looking back. It must be done on full month. More than three times this method is not used, otherwise it will greatly blow.

© "Encyclopedia of Technologies and Methods" Patlakh V.V. 1993-2007

How to gain weight? This question is asked by many girls and women. Gaining weight, it turns out, is no less of a problem than losing it. Someone quickly gains extra centimeters in problem areas, someone easily loses, despite a good appetite and love for delicious food. Today the site will tell you effective ways To gain weight .

Is being underweight good or bad?

Each person is unique and beautiful in their own way. Much depends on the constitution - for example, asthenics will never become full, they have a thin bone and a slender body. Hereditary predisposition and features of the metabolic process are another reason for a slender, thin figure.

Excessive thinness is not necessarily a sign of conscious anorexia, often lack of weight is a sign of illness. For example, if the function of the thyroid gland is impaired, with thyrotoxicosis, severe thinness also occurs with diabetes the first type and tumors. If you begin to lose weight dramatically for no apparent reason, it is advisable to go to the doctor. Whether you have a normal weight can be calculated by your body mass index (BMI). And stop worrying at least for a while.

Oddly enough, it is much easier for thin people to lose weight than to gain new ones. Any slight weight loss can lead to anemia and reduced immunity, especially during the spring and winter. With low body weight, menstrual irregularities occur. Serious consequences threaten the lack of weight during pregnancy.

How to gain weight

1. Sports

Prominent ribs, sharp knees, stoop and underweight can be corrected with exercise and diet. If you correctly follow the diet, sleep well and perform a number of certain exercises, then after a while you will be able to get extra centimeters in the right areas by building muscle mass. This is exactly what many professional athletes do before the competition. When you achieve the desired result, the load can be reduced.

Suitable for any strength exercises in gym. Pay special attention to exercises for the press and work with dumbbells and barbells. You should do it 2-3 times a week for 1-1.5 hours. But no long-term aerobic exercise, dancing and many kilometers of jogging - just for your own pleasure.

2. Nutrition

The main principles of your nutrition should be balance and frequency. Eat varied and several times a day, preferably five or six. Due to the fast metabolism, you will have to eat more than others, and it is better to divide this process into several parts. Calculate the number of calories you need per day and add another 1500 or 2000 calories to the result, depending on the characteristics of your body and the loads you receive.

How to gain weight and deal with painful thinness

There is a lot and variety - does not mean that you can eat everything. You should not drink fast food with soda, but flour products are allowed without exception. Legumes, potatoes, meat, fish, olive oil(preferably unrefined) must be present in your diet. Chocolate, halva, dried fruits are also useful and necessary. Cheese, cottage cheese, sour cream, baked milk and other dairy products with a high percentage fat content is a must.

You must receive a certain amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Proteins work like construction material for muscle mass. The daily norm of proteins should be at least 15%. Carbohydrates are the main source of energy, and if they are in excess, they become a reserve material for muscles and body fat. The required amount of carbohydrates is 55% per day. Fats perform many functions: storage, energy and regulatory, they give a signal of satiety. The desired amount of fat received should be 30% of the total food.

Menu for those who want to get better

How to gain weight and deal with painful thinness

  • baked meat - pork or lamb, for garnish - boiled potatoes;
  • dessert.
  • Afternoon snack:

    • steam omelette with milk;
    • coffee with cream.


    • oily fish;

    Before bedtime:

    • a glass of milk.

    It's best to eat at the same time each day so your body gets used to eating regularly. During the day, you can have several small snacks, such as dried fruits, or drink a glass of juice. And be sure to drink plenty of water. Get well soon!

    If you decide to get better, we present to your attention a super method for thinness

    First of all, you need to try to find out the reason for your thinness. In some, a lack of body weight is a consequence of severe debilitating diseases: operations on the organs of the gastrointestinal tract, chronic diseases of the stomach, intestines, pancreas, kidneys, helminthic invasion, in others - the result of diseases of the central nervous system, accompanied by loss of appetite and even complete failure from food, fear of food, nausea and vomiting at the sight of food.
    Excessive leanness can also be due to constitutional features. Such people are mostly practically healthy, feel good, able to work, physically active.

    As you can see, there are many reasons, and it is very difficult to give a single recommendation for all the bad people on how to gain weight.
    Therefore, we advise you to first consult a doctor, undergo, if necessary, an examination by an endocrinologist, neuropathologist, therapist, gastroenterologist.
    The deficiency of body weight caused by the disease requires active therapeutic measures. Another thing is if he is not connected with him. In this case, the main thing is nutrition and physical activity. And you will have to show perseverance, patience, because it is more difficult to gain weight than to lose weight.
    Try to keep your diet as varied as possible. It should include meat, fish, dairy products, as well as vegetables, berries, fruits, rich in vitamins, mineral salts and trace elements, pectin and cell membranes. Vegetables, berries and fruits contain organic acids and essential oils that increase appetite and stimulate the secretion of the digestive glands of the stomach and intestines, which, in turn, ensures better digestion and absorption of food.

    Eat bread, buns, pies, pasta, dumplings. However, this does not mean that you should mainly switch to these dishes. Often, the cause of excessive thinness is precisely the mono-diet, due to the habit of monotonous nutrition that has developed since childhood: tea with bagels, crackers, cookies ...

    I must say about one more mistake that some people make when trying to gain weight: they eat between times a bun, then a candy. However, this only discourages appetite and, sitting down at the table, they do not eat a full lunch, breakfast or dinner. It is necessary to eat at the same hours 4-5 times a day and start the meal with vegetable, spicy snacks to whet the appetite.

    It is better if the breakfast is hot: a fish, meat dish with a side dish or scrambled eggs, porridge from any cereal cooked in milk, white and black bread with butter and cheese, sweet tea with milk (1/3 of milk). Second breakfast - a glass of milk with a cookie or a bun, fruit. For lunch, an appetizer (salad, vinaigrette) or 100 grams of any vegetable, or fruit, or berry juice, 1/2 serving of soup, a hot meat or fish dish with potatoes, vegetables, and for dessert a glass of sweet compote, jelly. At 17 o'clock you can drink a glass of rose hips and eat a bun or cookies, and for dinner - a hot cereal casserole or noodles with cottage cheese, tea. At night, kefir, fermented baked milk, acidophilus or yogurt. They can be replaced with sweet jelly, compote or juice, fruits. If possible, include more of your favorite dishes in your diet, because food eaten with pleasure is better absorbed.

    Wrong do those who believe that they will rather fill up if they lie more. Nothing but sagging muscles, couch potatoes do not get! Active motor mode stimulates the work of all organs, including the digestive glands, resulting in increased appetite. In addition, if a person does morning exercises, skiing, swimming, skating, cycling, he strengthens and builds muscle mass. There are special exercises that can achieve the same goal. We present one of such complexes.

    A set of exercises for those who want to get rid of thinness:

    You can do it at any time convenient for you, but not earlier than 3 hours after eating. The load is designed for practically healthy people. Those who have deviations in the state of health should consult with the specialists of the medical and sports dispensary.

    For classes, you will need a rubber bandage (shock absorber), a gymnastic stick, dumbbells weighing 3-5 kilograms.
    The pace of exercises for the muscles of the chest, shoulder girdle and legs (exercises 1-7) is medium, for the muscles of the waist and abdominals (exercises 8-10) is fast. Breathing is arbitrary. Rest 1.5-2 minutes between exercises.

    When resting, do not sit or lie down. Walk around calming your breath. At the end of each exercise, the numbers 3x8 are given; 3x10: 3x30. For example, in exercise 1 - 3x10. This means that you need to perform the exercise three times 10 times.

    To warm up, dance to the music for 3-5 minutes until you feel a pleasant warmth in your muscles.

    1. Starting position (ip) - standing, a rubber bandage is fixed in the arms extended forward at chest level. Raising the arms to the sides. 3X10.
    2. I. p. - the same. but the arms are raised slightly above the head. Raising the arms to the sides. 3x10.
    3. I. p. - lying on a bench on your back, a bandage in your hands at chest level (the bandage is fixed under the bench). Bench press. 3x10.
    4. I. p. - the same. but the arms are outstretched. Raising the arms to the sides. 3x10,
    5. I. p. - standing, dumbbells (3-5 kg) in the hands at the waist. Squat on two legs, 3x10.
    6. I. p. - the same, but dumbbells in the hands behind the back. 3x10.
    7. I. p. - standing, toes on a bar 8-10 centimeters thick. Get up on your toes. 3x20.
    8. I. p. - lying on the floor. Raise your straight legs up and lower them behind your head, trying to touch the floor with your toes. 3x10.
    9. I. p. - lying on the floor. legs are fixed. Raise the body. trying to touch your head to your knees. 3x10.
    10. I. p. - sitting on a chair, a gymnastic stick on the shoulders, arms extended along the stick. Turns of the body to the side. 3x30.

    To this complex, the young men should add 2 more exercises.

    1. Push-up. Place 2 chairs with their backs to each other, stand between them and, putting your hands on the backs, go down. Bend your legs. Due to the strength of the hands, return to and. p. 3x8

    2. Pulling up with a wide (arms wider than shoulders) grip on the crossbar. 3x8.

    Don't be embarrassed if you can't pull yourself up even once. The main thing is to stretch to the crossbar evenly and persistently for 3-4 seconds, and so on 8 times in a row. 3x8.

    Another effective method of increasing body weight:

    Dream. It is necessary to increase the duration of your sleep by 1.5-2 hours, preferably due to the evening hours.

    Pouring. Douse yourself with cold water every day, increasing the duration of the procedure and reducing the temperature of the water every day. When you feel that you can calmly endure cold water. rub your body with ice.

    Food. It is necessary to adhere to the general diet, that is, eat three times a day, preferably at the same time. During the day you should not feel hungry. In your diet must be present: cheese, curdled milk, eggs, nuts, honey, chocolate. Here is one of the possible recipes: grate one apple, one carrot, add one or two tablespoons of nuts, a spoonful of honey. half a glass of grape or lemon juice. Mix everything and take in between main meals. Another recipe: soak grains of wheat (barley, corn) in warm water. Eat the sprouted grains obtained in this way, chewing thoroughly. The third recipe: stir a teaspoon of fresh yeast in a glass of warm water or milk, add sugar to taste. Drink three times a day with meals. Another recipe: take baby food every day, preferably domestically produced, such as "Baby", "Baby", etc. Double the children's dose. And here is a recipe for a very effective ancient remedy (those treated with this remedy gained weight very quickly): 300 gr. Cut lard and six large green apples (do not peel apples!) into small pieces, mix and heat over very low heat, make sure that it does not burn. Then take twelve egg yolks, grind them with a glass of granulated sugar and add 300 gr. chopped chocolate. Then pass through a sieve a mixture of bacon and apples, and mix it with a mixture of eggs and chocolate. Let the mixture cool down. Take this mixture by spreading it on bread and drinking warm milk.

    Before starting the treatment of thinness, it is necessary to find out the cause of its occurrence. Some suffer from a lack of body weight due to serious illnesses that deplete the body, which include chronic diseases of the intestines, stomach, pancreas, kidneys, operations on the organs of the stomach and intestines, and helminthic invasion. Another part of people suffer from thinness as a result of diseases of the nervous system, which are often accompanied by a rapid loss of appetite, and sometimes even fear of food, a complete refusal to eat, vomiting and nausea at the sight or smell of food.

    Strong thinness is sometimes associated with the constitutional features of the human body. In most cases, such people are practically healthy, feel normal, are physically active and able to work.

    As you can see, there are a lot of reasons for thinness, so it is impossible to give a single recommendation for everyone on how to gain weight. Your best primary action will be an appeal to a doctor and, if necessary, an examination by a gastroenterologist, therapist, neuropathologist, endocrinologist.

    The lack of body weight caused by the disease requires active and sometimes long-term treatment measures. If thinness does not occur from any disease, then motor activity and proper nutrition are recommended.

    To gain weight, you need the most varied diet, consisting of a large set of products. It must necessarily include dairy, fish and meat products, as well as fruits, berries and vegetables, which are rich in cell membranes, pectin, trace elements, mineral salts and vitamins. High content in vegetables, berries and fruits essential oils and organic acids promotes an increase in appetite. They are also able to stimulate the secretions of the digestive glands of the intestines and stomach, which ensures weight gain by improving the digestion and assimilation of incoming food.

    Eat bread, pasta, buns, dumplings and pies, but do not try to make them main dishes. Often the cause of weight loss and excessive thinness is precisely the mono-diet, which is caused by a monotonous diet (often a childhood habit): tea with crackers, bagels, cookies, etc.

    Mistake in weight gain. In an effort to gain weight, people often allow one fatal error, interfering with gaining weight: between meals they eat candy, then a bun. Such snacks discourage appetite and when a person sits down at the table, he cannot or does not want to eat a full lunch, dinner or breakfast. You need to take food by the hour (at the same time) 4-5r. per day, and to stimulate appetite, you should start eating with spicy and vegetable snacks.

    For weight gain breakfast should be hot. It may include dishes from fish, meat with a side dish or porridge with milk from any cereal, scrambled eggs, any bread, buttered with cheese. You can drink all this with sweet tea with milk (1/3 part).

    Lunch should include 1 glass of milk with a bun (can be with cookies), as well as fruit.

    AT dinner eat a snack (vinaigrette or other salad) or 100g of juice (vegetable, fruit, berry). Also, this meal for weight gain should include soups (0.5 servings), hot vegetables or potatoes with fish or meat dish, after which for dessert you need to drink 1 st of sweet jelly or compote.

    AT 17:00 to get rid of thinness, it is recommended to drink 1 st rosehip and eat cookies or a bun.

    On the dinner the menu should include noodles with cottage cheese or hot cereal casserole plus tea.

    For the night be sure to drink fermented baked milk, kefir, yogurt or acidophilus. If desired, they can be replaced with fruits, sweet jelly, juice or compote.

    Everyone who is of the opinion that the more you lie down, the faster you will get fat, are deeply mistaken. Spending a lot of time in a horizontal position, couch potatoes acquire only muscle flabbiness, chronic fatigue and Bad mood. Remember that in order to stimulate all organs (including the digestive glands) and increase appetite, an active motor mode is required. So, doing morning exercises, swimming, skiing, cycling or skating, a person perfectly builds and strengthens muscle mass.

    There are a number of special exercises designed specifically for weight gain. Below is one of the complexes.

    Read also: Ducan's diet.

    A set of exercises for the treatment of thinness and weight gain.

    You can go in for sports and these exercises at any time, but 3 hours must pass after eating. The load in the exercises below for weight gain is designed for healthy people. If there are any disorders in your health, then consult with specialists. Such consultation can be obtained in a medical and physical education dispensary.

    For these exercises you will need:

    1. gymnastic stick;
    2. rubber bandage (you can expander shoulder or chest);
    3. dumbbells 3-5kg.

    Exercise pace for the legs of the shoulder girdle and pectoral muscles(exercises 1-7) should be medium, and for the abdominal muscles and waist (8-10) - fast. Breathe, performing exercises, you can arbitrarily. Rest between exercises - 1.5-2 minutes, but you can not sit down or lie down. Better calm your breath and heartbeat by simply walking.

    Each exercise has its own numbers:

    • 3x8- 3 sets of 8 reps
    • 3x10- 3 sets of 10 reps
    • 3x20- 3 sets of 20 reps
    • 3x30- 3 sets of 30 reps

    As warm-ups before the main exercises, you can dance for 3-5 minutes to the music and slowly stretch your muscles. This should happen until a pleasant warmth appears in the muscles.

    Exercises for gaining weight and treating thinness:

    Boys, and, if desired, girls, should add the following exercises to this complex for weight gain:

    Read also: Diet Protasov.

    Sleep, douche and nutrition are the key to increasing body weight and treating thinness.

    To increase body weight, experts recommend increasing the duration of sleep by one and a half to two hours. It is better to do this using the evening hours.

    To speed up the process of weight gain, temper yourself daily by applying cold water dousing. Do this by gradually reducing the temperature of the water and increasing the duration of this procedure. When you feel that you can easily tolerate cold water, then start wiping yourself with ice.

    For proper weight gain, eat according to the generally accepted regimen - at least 3 rubles a day and by the hour (at the same time). During the day, experiencing the slightest feeling of hunger for the treatment of thinness is not recommended. Be sure to include nuts, cheese, chocolate, yogurt, honey, eggs in your diet.

    1 recipe for weight gain:
    grate 1 apple, 1 carrot, then add 1 tablespoon of honey, 1-2 tablespoons walnuts, 0.5 cup lemon or grape juice. Mix everything well and eat between main meals.

    2 recipe for weight gain:
    Soak grains of wheat (corn or barley) in warm water. When the grains germinate, eat them by chewing well.

    3 recipe for weight gain:
    In 1 glass of warm milk or water, stir 1 tsp. a spoonful of fresh yeast. Then add sugar (to taste) there. Take the resulting drink 3 times a day with meals.

    4 recipe for weight gain:
    Take baby food daily. Mixtures like "Baby", "Baby", etc. are better suited for this. At reception it is necessary to increase a children's dose in 2 times.

    5 recipe for weight gain:
    The old recipe cooking perhaps one of the most effective means for gaining weight. People who use it usually gain weight almost before their eyes. Take lard (300 gr.) And 6 green large apples (unpeeled!). Cut everything into small pieces, then mix and heat for a short time over low heat. Don't let the mixture burn with constant stirring. After that, take 12 egg yolks and rub them thoroughly with 1 cup of sugar and 300g of chopped chocolate. When done, strain the apple and lard mixture through a sieve and then fold it into the chocolate egg mixture. After cooling, you can begin to take the resulting mixture. It is recommended to do this by spreading it on bread and drinking warm milk.

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