Cuttlefish. Cuttlefish - an amazing jet-powered chameleon clam Cuttlefish where it lives

Cuttlefish have been known to people since time immemorial. You can even say that they have contributed to the development of human culture - for centuries, people wrote with cuttlefish ink. In addition, the name of brown paint in the language of artists - "sepia" owes its origin to cuttlefish, since this paint was also made from cuttlefish ink.

It should be noted that in Latin the detachment of cuttlefish is called Sepiida, a common cuttlefish - Sepia officinalis. In addition to ink, the supply of which is greater in cuttlefish than in other cephalopods, man used their tender and very tasty meat for food, and the "sepia bone" - the inner shell of the cuttlefish - was used in the economy for a long time.

What kind of animal is this, where is it found and how is it arranged?
Speaking scientific language, detachment of cuttlefish ( Sepiida) is included in the subclass of intrashell cephalopods ( Coleoidea), to which all (with the exception of nautiluses) modern cephalopods belong - octopuses, squids, vampyrophores. All these animals have an internal rudimentary shell - the remnant of the former luxurious shell of distant ancestors. The rudimentary shell appears to be a transitional element from the common mollusk shell to the animal spine.

What does a common cuttlefish look like?
This animal has a flattened body, trimmed on the sides with a narrow border of fins. Ten short tentacles (arms) of cuttlefish are armed with two to four rows of suckers. At rest or during movement, the cuttlefish retracts its tentacles into special pockets located on the head under the eyes. In this position, only the tips of the tentacles are visible.
But as soon as a gaping crab, shrimp or small fish is nearby, the cuttlefish instantly throws out its tentacles and sticks them to the victim.

Under the cover of the skin bag - the mantle that covers the body of the cuttlefish, there is a shell - sepion, which is a hard calcareous plate consisting of several layers connected by partitions, which makes it look like a honeycomb. The chambers between the partitions are filled with gas. The shell serves not only as a shield covering the back of the cuttlefish, but also acts as a hydrostatic apparatus that increases the buoyancy of the cuttlefish.

Cuttlefish do not move as fast as their squid relatives, although they are armed with a jet funnel.
They usually swim with their fins, but they can also use jet propulsion. The fins can act separately, which gives the cuttlefish amazing maneuverability when moving - it can even move sideways. If the cuttlefish moves only in a jet way, then it presses its fins to its belly.
Often cuttlefish gather in small flocks, moving rhythmically and in concert, while simultaneously changing the color of the body. The sight is very mesmerizing.

The ways of hunting cuttlefish are also peculiar - they often lie on the bottom and, with wave-like movements of their fins, throw sand or silt over themselves and, having changed color to the background of the soil, completely become invisible to the eye. In this state, they lie in wait for prey.
But cuttlefish can hunt not only from ambush. Often they slowly swim above the bottom and wash away the sand with a jet from the funnel, in which small animals - shrimps, crustaceans and other living creatures - take shelter. Hungry cuttlefish can even chase prey, sometimes attacking their smaller relatives that are nearby.
At the slightest danger, the cuttlefish launches ink, arranging an "ink curtain" or making an "ink double".

Like all intrashell cephalopods, cuttlefish have a very developed nervous system that is not inferior in organization nervous system fish.
The brain of cuttlefish is enclosed in a cartilaginous capsule and consists of lobes. Most of the volume of the brain is made up of optical lobes, which process information from the organs of vision. Cuttlefish have a developed memory, they learn well, like octopuses. They solve some problems as well as rats.

Of all the sense organs, cephalopods (except nautiluses) have the most developed vision. The eyes of a cuttlefish are only 10 times smaller than the size of the entire body.
Among the inhabitants of the seas, cuttlefish are the owners of one of the sharpest eyes - up to 150 thousand photosensitive receptors are located per 1 sq. mm of the retina of the eye (in most fish this figure does not exceed 50 thousand). Only in some species of squid the eyes are even sharper.
In addition, cuttlefish, like most cephalopods, have special extraocular photoreceptors that can also perceive light. These photoreceptors are located in the back region of cuttlefish. Their purpose is not fully understood.
But that's not all - like many mollusks, cuttlefish can perceive light with the help of numerous light-sensitive cells located on the skin. These cells control the body color change mechanism of the cuttlefish. Therefore, it is not surprising that vision plays a special role in the life of cuttlefish.

On the suckers of the tentacles (arms) of cuttlefish are tactile and taste receptors, with their help the animal can determine whether the "dish" matches its taste. Those. cuttlefish taste food with their hands, just like octopuses. In addition, the cuttlefish also has olfactory organs located on the head, below the eyes.

The organs of hearing in cuttlefish, like in all cephalopods, are poorly developed. It has only been established that they perceive low-frequency noises and sounds: the noise of ship propellers, the noise of rain, etc.

Cuttlefish are endowed with a very useful ability to change the color of their body as needed or on a whim. This property is inherent in many cephalopods, but cuttlefish are a real virtuoso in disguise.
The ability to change the color of the body is achieved due to the numerous elastic cells under the skin of the animal, filled with paint, like watercolor tubes. The scientific name for these amazing cells is chromatophores. At rest, they look like tiny balls, but when, with the help of spiral muscle fibers, they stretch, they take on the shape of a disk. Changing the size and shape of the chromatophore occurs very quickly - in 1-2 seconds. This changes the color of the body.
Cuttlefish chromatophores come in three colors - brown, red and yellow. The body of the cuttlefish can take on the rest of the colors of the spectrum with the help of special cells - irridiocysts, which lie in a layer under the chromatophores and are, in a way, prisms and mirrors that reflect and refract light and decompose it into various components of the spectrum.
Thanks to these amazing cells, the cuttlefish can change its body color as it pleases. In the art of disguise, no animal can compare with the cuttlefish, not even the octopus.
Just now she was striped like a zebra, sank down on the sand and instantly became sandy yellow, lies on the stones - her body repeats the pattern and shades of the ground.

Well, what are the sense organs that correct the change in the color of the body of the cuttlefish? Of course, first of all, vision. If a cuttlefish is deprived of sight, then its ability to "chameleon" will decrease sharply. But it will not completely lose the ability to change the color of the body, since extra-ocular photoreceptors, skin photoreceptors, and, oddly enough, receptors on the tentacles play a certain (insignificant) role in this process.

Cuttlefish reproduce sexually. At the same time, the male of one of the hands, called the hectocotylus, takes out the spermatophores packed in "packages" from the mantle cavity and transfers them to the female's seminal receptacle, where the egg is fertilized.
The clutches, similar to bunches of grapes, are laid by the female in shallow coastal waters, attaching them to underwater objects. Each testicle hangs on a long stem-stalk. The stalks of all the eggs are so carefully intertwined with each other that it seems that a person, with his dexterous fingers, could not do this job more accurately. The female cuttlefish performs this procedure with complex tentacle movements.
After spawning, cuttlefish, like octopuses, die, so their life cycle is only one to two years.
After some time, tiny mollusks hatch from the eggs, which already have a shell and an ink sac filled with ink.

Cuttlefish have long been an object of fishing, which is becoming more intense every year. Currently, several hundred thousand tons of them are mined annually.
Used by man and ink liquid, and tender meat, and even internal organs, going to the preparation of medical and perfumery preparations.

There are cuttlefish in the shallow zone of most tropical and subtropical seas in Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia and Oceania. Numerous in the Mediterranean. There are more than 100 species of them, and almost every year new, previously unknown species are discovered. An interesting detail - in the waters of the seas North America cuttlefish are not found, and cuttlefish shells that come across on the beaches and shores are brought from afar by currents and thrown out by waves onto land.

The largest known cuttlefish is considered wide-arm sepia (Sepia latimanus), inhabiting the warm waters of the western part Pacific Ocean. The length of her mantle reaches 60 cm, and the total body length is up to 1.5 meters with a weight of about 10 kg.
A little smaller sepia pharaoh (S. pharaonis) is one of the most numerous cuttlefish of the northern Indian Ocean. The length of the mantle of this mollusk can reach 40 cm with a body weight of up to 5 kg.
There are also dwarfs among cuttlefish, for example South African cuttlefish S. robsonis and S.faurei the body length of which does not exceed 2 cm. Despite the difference in size, outwardly cuttlefish are very difficult to distinguish, since they have a typical appearance and habits.
However, in the seas off Australia, Japan and South Africa many cuttlefish of various bizarre forms. Some of them are equipped with wide leathery rims and ears, some have long flagellated tentacles.
An unusual view of the South African cuttlefish S.confusa. The fins of these sepia fuse behind and form a long soft tail, which trails behind the swimming animal in a train.

In addition to the so-called real cuttlefish, the Sepiida order includes three more families: sepiolids ( Sepiolidae), sepiadriids ( Sepiadriidae) and idiosepiids ( Idiosepiidae), which differ from ordinary cuttlefish in a number of ways. First of all, representatives of these families do not have a calcareous shell. Only a few species (Rossia) instead have a small chitinous feather, like squids, but most do not have skeletal formations at all. These small animals, a few centimeters long, with a short rounded body, large head and bulging semicircular fins, are very similar to the ears of elephants. They live in tropical and subtropical seas of all oceans.
Some species (Rossia) are also found in temperate waters, even in the Laptev Sea. They prefer shallow depths, keeping mainly near the bottom.

At present, the genus Spirula is also included in the sepia order ( Spirula) belonging to the family Spiralidae. The difference between spirules and other sepia lies in the presence of a spirally twisted inner shell, divided by internal partitions into 25-40 sections, through which a siphon passes, filled with gas and serving as a hydrostatic apparatus for the mollusk.
The shell is located at the back of the body of the spirula, so the mollusc swims upside down. Spirula live at considerable depths (more than 100 meters), so they are almost never found by divers. However, the shells of these mollusks are often washed ashore by currents and waves. Florida beaches are sometimes littered with thousands of spinula shells.

And here are some interesting facts about the lifestyle of cuttlefish.
Scientists consider the cuttlefish to be one of the most intelligent marine animals. The ratio of its brain weight to body weight, of course, does not reach the level of marine mammals, but it significantly exceeds this indicator in fish and other molluscs.

A curious fact has recently been established, testifying to a kind of vindictiveness of cuttlefish. Attacked in childhood by a certain kind of predator cuttlefish, in more adulthood prefers to hunt these predators. As they say - do not offend the little ones!

For divers, meeting with cuttlefish under water does not threaten anything - they are harmless animals. However, potentially, the cuttlefish can bite the annoying "admirer" with chitinous jaws, and the bite can be quite sensitive. But this is only theoretical. So, if you meet a cuttlefish underwater, you can safely admire this wonderful animal.


Sea chameleon - this is another name for cuttlefish. And this name was not given to the mollusk by chance. Within 1-2 seconds, she is able to change her color to almost any color, moreover, with any pattern. But for a person, it is not at all useful for this.

What is cuttlefish

Cuttlefish is a type of cephalopod mollusk, that is, it belongs to the same family as. Moreover, it is the oldest representative of this family. Unlike other representatives of cephalopods, there is a lamellar shell inside the cuttlefish on the dorsal part of the carcass. On each of its ten tentacles is located in rows a large number of suckers that help the mollusk capture its prey. Sea chameleons feed on small fish and crustaceans. They go hunting preferably at night.

This mollusc is commonly found in tropical and subtropical waters. Cuttlefish - prefer shallow water in the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian Oceans. You can often see these creatures off the coasts of South Africa, Japan and Australia. Experts talk about the existence of over 100 varieties of cuttlefish. The most famous and most numerous among them is the pharaoh's sepia, which is found in the north of the Indian Ocean.

The cuttlefish is one of the most colorful creatures that inhabit the waters of the ocean. Several colors are combined on her body at once: brown on the dorsal part, light colors on the abdomen, greenish on the tentacles, purple on the fins. But depending on the environment, the color of the mollusk can vary significantly.

Sea chameleons almost never grow larger than 50 cm, but they can weigh more than 10 kilograms. Although there are also very small representatives - no more than 2 cm.

Defending itself from enemies, this mollusk releases a dark-colored substance called ink. This brown liquid creates an impenetrable curtain in the water, allowing the cuttlefish to hide. By the way, this substance has been used by man since ancient times as paint or ink for writing.

Cuttlefish meat is a traditional component of Mediterranean and Asian cuisines. It tastes like squid or octopus, but more tender. It is rich in nutrients, but compared to other marine inhabitants, the body of a marine chameleon is more likely to absorb harmful substances from the water.

Chemical composition and nutritional value

Cuttlefish is an excellent source of protein, essential amino acids and minerals. 100 g of a raw product contains no more than 80 kilocalories (in a boiled one - about 160 kcal) and almost a quarter of the daily sodium intake.

Clam meat is a delicacy that contains almost no carbohydrates and fats. But despite the extremely low proportion of fat in the chemical composition, this product contains an impressive amount of essential fatty acids, in particular eicosapentaenoic and docosahexaenoic acids. Thanks to this, cuttlefish is considered a product that is useful for the heart and blood vessels, in particular for the prevention of arrhythmias, clogged arteries, and high blood pressure.


As already mentioned, cuttlefish is a product that is extremely rich in proteins. 100 grams of meat contains almost 55 percent of the daily protein requirement. And this suggests that the seafood is an excellent source, necessary for the restoration and formation of cells. The meat of this mollusk contains all 9 essential amino acids in varying amounts.


Just one serving of cuttlefish has more than 190% of the daily value of vitamin B12. This unique vitamin is indispensable for humans, as it is necessary for the creation of DNA cells, red blood cells, and also supports neurological health. Besides, sea ​​chameleon- a real storehouse of vitamin B2 (contains more than 100% of the daily value), which is responsible for the health of the skin and eyes, and also contributes to proper metabolism. Almost a quarter of your daily vitamin A intake can also be obtained from just a 100-gram serving of cuttlefish meat. And this nutrient is the main substance responsible for vision. In addition, sufficient intake of vitamin A is the health of the skin, mucous membranes, bones and teeth. With antioxidant properties, this vitamin found in seafood prevents heart disease, cell mutation, and repairs damage caused by free radicals.


Seafood is an excellent choice for replenishing minerals in the body. A serving of cuttlefish contains almost 140% of the daily intake of selenium. This mineral, getting into the body, as a result of certain chemical reactions combines with proteins, forming selenoproteins - substances with powerful antioxidant abilities. Selenium, among other things, has essential for thyroid health and strengthening the immune system.

Another important mineral found in large quantities in cuttlefish meat is iron. This suggests that eating seafood can improve oxygen circulation in the body, as well as support healthy cell growth.


And the only minus of cuttlefish meat is cholesterol. A serving of this product contains almost 63% of the daily cholesterol requirement. But we must recall that cholesterol in food is not always a bad thing. This substance is necessary for the body to maintain healthy skin, regulate hormonal levels, develop digestive and synthesize. However, excessive consumption of cholesterol-rich foods can lead to fatty deposits in the arteries, which in turn impair blood flow to the heart and brain, causing heart attacks or strokes.

The nutritional value per 100 g
158 kcal
32.48 g
1.4 g
1.4 g
61.12 g
224 mg
0.11 mg
8.5 mg
0.017 mg
1.73 mg
2.19 mg
0.9 mg
0.27 mg
24 mcg
5.4 mcg
180 mg
10.84 mg
60 mg
580 mg
637 mg
744 mg
3.46 mg
0.998 mg
0.209 mg
89.6 mcg

Benefits for the body

Like all seafood, cuttlefish is an excellent source of protein. Due to this, the consumption of shellfish in moderate portions has a good effect on the condition of muscles, hair, nails, skin, and improves the overall functioning of the body. But the useful properties of the product do not end there.

It is useful to include cuttlefish in your diet for people suffering from rheumatoid arthritis. And all because this product is rich in selenium. As studies show, it is this substance that is most often lacking in the bodies of people with symptoms of the disease, and the restoration of mineral balance improves their well-being.

Another useful property of cuttlefish is to reduce the frequency and duration of migraines. This ability of the seafood is explained by the presence of vitamin B2, which is abundant in cuttlefish meat.

Due to the high concentration of phosphorus (which is not inferior to fish and shrimp in these indicators), cuttlefish are useful for strengthening bones and teeth.

This seafood is also named in the list of useful for preventing strokes and heart attacks. Vitamin B12, found in cuttlefish, reduces homocysteine ​​levels, which is actually a factor that increases the risk of these diseases.

Cuttlefish, as a source of vitamin B3, are also useful for regulating blood sugar levels. And thanks to the presence of zinc, this seafood is important for strengthening the immune system.

Other Benefits of Cuttlefish Meat:

  • removes toxins;
  • improves metabolism;
  • regulates pressure;
  • improves blood circulation;
  • accelerates fat metabolism;
  • promotes faster healing of wounds;
  • accelerates hair growth;
  • contributes to the proper functioning of brain cells;
  • stabilizes the work of the cardiosystem;
  • strengthens the immune system.

Useful properties of ink

Cuttlefish ink is often referred to as a superfood. As a result of several studies, it was found that this dark liquid contains many useful for the cardiovascular system. In addition, the ink is a good source of iron, which makes this product useful for increasing hemoglobin, improving oxygen circulation.

Cuttlefish ink is useful for the treatment of:

  • venous congestion;
  • constipation;
  • biliary tract dispersions;
  • migraine;
  • bronchitis;
  • eczema;
  • hemorrhoids;
  • disorders of the nervous system;
  • ovarian dysfunction;
  • vegetovascular dystonia;
  • insomnia.

Useful properties of cuttlefish bone

The inner shell of the cuttlefish also has some beneficial properties for humans. This bone is a porous, pumice-like plate. her in Chinese medicine used to treat stomach and duodenal ulcers, as well as to stop bleeding, relieve asthma.

Crushed bone is added to medicines to normalize the acidity of the stomach and heal ulcers. In dentistry, this material is used to stop bleeding after tooth extraction. There is also reason to believe that this material can be used in traumatology, in particular for the treatment of bone diseases.

How to cook

The smaller the cuttlefish, the more tender its meat. Small cuttlefish are considered the most delicious. Clams up to 300 g are well stewed and added to second courses. But small ones are especially valued - up to 20 g. Salads, snacks, small kebabs are prepared from them, and they are also added to pizza. Cuttlefish can be fried, stewed, baked, grilled, added to soups or stews. Fried clams are often served as an appetizer, added to salads or pasta. In Mediterranean cuisine, boiled cuttlefish are seasoned olive oil or deep-fried, and the ink of this shellfish is used for sauces, pasta dishes or risotto. But in Japan and China, this delicacy can be fried, baked, dried and even marinated. But giving preference to fried seafood, one must be prepared for the fact that its calorie content, as well as the presence of cholesterol, will increase significantly.

Sea chameleons are a product that is important to cut and cook properly. Inside each mollusk contains a sac filled with a dark liquid. It is often used in cooking, to add color to sauces or. But if you inadvertently pierce this bag, the ink will stain the carcass. Properly cooked clam remains white in color and tastes like octopus or squid meat with a nutty flavor. Boil cuttlefish for about half an hour over low heat. There are some secrets in frying cuttlefish: first with the tentacles up, then turn over.

If you have to cook frozen cuttlefish, then you should first defrost it correctly. For this, the mollusk is poured cold water. After complete defrosting, you can begin to cleanse. First, the bone, eyes, mouth and entrails are cut out. The silver ink bag is then carefully peeled off. You can either throw it away or use the brown liquid it contains to make spaghetti, risotto, or any other dish. The cleaned cuttlefish carcass is washed under running water and cooked in the chosen way.

Seafood is one of the healthiest food categories. Shellfish, including cuttlefish, are a source of many useful components. In addition, a person can get some of them exclusively from seafood.

Black cuttlefishamazing inhabitant ocean depths, exciting the imagination of people for many centuries. For example, the legendary image of a sea or sea monk, about which sailors composed terrible tales and with which they frightened young recruits, is just a ten-tentacled black cuttlefish.

Very interesting and detailed about its role and place in marine folklore is described in A. Lehmann's study "Encyclopedia of Superstitions and Magic".

However, no matter what mystical properties and qualities this queen was awarded underwater world human imagination, cuttlefish is the usual sea, which a person does not forget to use for food and, of course, study and explore.

Features and habitat of black cuttlefish

Among oceanologists and just photographers of underwater expanses and their residents, it is considered a very great success to make cuttlefish photo at the moment when she swallows prey.

It is generally accepted that for the first time this sea animal was described in 1550 by the researcher Konrad Gesner in his work “The History of Animals”, and the stuffed animal of that same cuttlefish is still kept in the Copenhagen Museum natural history.

Cuttlefish are cephalopods living in the Atlantic and in the waters of the Mediterranean Sea. However, there are cases when they came across in the nets of fishing trailers plying in the waters of the Pacific Ocean.

There is also evidence of the presence of such marine life in other seas, including low-temperature waters. It is possible that official science will soon revise and expand their habitat area.

Black cuttlefish releases ink

The size of cuttlefish, as far as science can say, does not depend on their species, and varies from 2-2.5 cm to 50-70 cm. To date, 30 varieties of these beautiful creatures are known, but this division is based mainly on the color that is inherent in the animal most of the time.

Cuttlefish change color more interesting than. Lying on seabed, the animal completely merges with it, changing not only its color, but also acquiring additional specks, spots and stripes that completely imitate the surrounding landscape.

The tentacles, which many take for legs, in fact, surround the mouth, similar to the beak of a large owl or parrot, from the glands above which cuttlefish release ink at the slightest danger.

So, the fact that they “emit gases” with ink is also a myth. At the heart of these misconceptions is the stereotype of human perception. From the point of view of our brain, it is natural to move head first, as almost all animals and birds do. But here sea ​​cuttlefish moves backwards, similarly.

Returning to what sepia(ink) cuttlefish releases at the moment of danger, it is worth noting that the release of this cloud gives it not only disguise, but also immediately gives acceleration, as if pushing it out.

To anatomical features these can be attributed cuttlefish bone”, which is actively used in the jewelry industry, haute culinary, medicine and art crafts.

A bone is nothing but an internal skeleton, or is it cuttlefish shell, consisting of aragonite, in the form of thin plates connected by many flexible bridges. Part of the shell is filled with gas, which allows the mollusk to regulate its own position and buoyancy.

Empirically, scientists have determined that the shell bursts when immersed to a depth of 700 to 800 meters, and begins to deform already at a depth of 200 meters.

In addition to the skeleton, it is worth noting that this marine has as many as three working hearts, and its blood is colored blue or greenish-blue by hemocyanin, just like a human is colored red by hemoglobin.

The nature and lifestyle of the black cuttlefish

As for the habits, character and lifestyle of cuttlefish, they are being actively studied. Unfortunately, science is far behind the fishing trailers, which not so long ago actively practiced industrial catching of these mollusks.

As a result of such activities, more than 17 species out of 30 known were on the verge of extinction, mostly endangered off the coast, including the black ten-tentacled.

Pictured is a black cuttlefish

From observations in aquariums, it is known that this mollusk is extremely intelligent and has an excellent memory. If someone “offended” a cuttlefish, even years later, if there is an opportunity, it mercilessly takes revenge, and it is precisely the offender that is unmistakable, without hurting other representatives of his species.

The ratio of brain size in relation to the body of this mollusk is much larger than that of fish and squid, many scientists believe that the mental abilities of cuttlefish are comparable to marine mammals.

According to the results of the oceanarium observations and research conducted at the Institute of Georgia, published in 2010, the social lifestyle cuttlefish and squid completely different from each other, although previously it was considered the opposite.

Although molluscs lead a solitary lifestyle, they have "families" and organized communities that come together only in " mating season”, which is most likely dictated by the need for security, since partnership in love games with these mollusks is determined once and for all life.

Black cuttlefish nutrition

Now it has become very fashionable to breed miniature species of these molluscs in home aquariums. However, before buy cuttlefish, even the prettiest, you need to find out what she eats. These are predators. They prey on everything they can catch and swallow - crustaceans and others.

Therefore, going to the store, where can buy cuttlefish to your home aquarium. You need to be mentally prepared that a moment will come when there will be no fish left in this aquarium, just like snails.

Juvenile black cuttlefish

These mollusks love to eat, and according to observations, in the conditions of the aquarium, cuttlefish grow and gain weight all their lives. According to research in 2010, the weight of the oldest "inhabitant" of the oceanarium of the Georgia Institute exceeded 20 kg. However, while this feature is under study, and is officially considered a hypothesis.

Reproduction and lifespan of black cuttlefish

Living alone, about once every year and a half, cuttlefish gather in large flocks and occupy a site at a shallow depth, with which they can move in circles until the oldest ones choose the most suitable one.

Mating black cuttlefish

On the first day, something like settling in a new place, exploring the surroundings and, oddly enough, changing colors. The clams are dressing up. For example, black cuttlefish acquires a red tint and longitudinal stripes.

However, it can "dress" in white spots. From above, the city of mollusks at this time looks like a clearing. Filled with exotic flowers in the most impossible, surreal shades.

On the second day, already established couples find each other, and young people begin to actively get to know each other and care for each other. For a long time it was believed that cuttlefish breed once in their lives, but it has now been proven that this is not so.

But couples they really add up for life. Moreover, the male is very affectionate towards the female, he constantly touches her, hugs her, while both flash from the inside with a pink light. Amazingly romantic and beautiful picture.

Direct reproduction is carried out by laying eggs. The female lays them down, hanging them like bunches of grapes, and the bluish-black color of the masonry also gives a resemblance to berries, during which fertilization itself occurs.

Black cuttlefish eggs

They are born, or rather hatch, the cubs are completely independent, with fully filled ink chambers and possessing all the instincts necessary for survival.

Until recently, it was believed that adults die after mating games, or, as even scientists sometimes say, spawning. The first doubt in this scientific postulate was made by the employees of the chain of sea restaurants, after a generation of small mollusks appeared in their aquariums, and their parents were not going to die at all. Aquariums were decorative, so animals for cooking pastes with cuttlefish ink they were not caught.

Later, these same observations were recorded in the oceanarium in Georgia. Therefore, at the moment, the life span of mollusks and some features of their reproduction is an open, discussed issue in scientific world, which does not have unambiguous and exact answers.

More recently, Russian aquarium lovers have been able to legally breed these mollusks, which was not possible until 2012. As a rule, potential inhabitants of the aquarium are from 5 to 10 cm in length and are not impressive at first glance, resembling stale boiled ones with their color.

Baby black cuttlefish

However, you should not pay attention to this, you need to remember that the mollusk changes color. And being in the cage for these sea beauties is a real test and a lot of stress. The prices of cuttlefish are different, on average it is from 2600 to 7000 thousand rubles. Buying a pair is not worth it, in addition, if sympathy is visible between two mollusks for sale.

In general, although the content of the imitation of the marine climate is quite troublesome, it justifies itself, making it possible every day to admire this outlandish marine environment, which is so different from everything that is familiar to man.

Cuttlefish is a mollusk belonging to the class of cephalopods. In the concept of people, it is associated with something nondescript and shapeless. In fact, cuttlefish are very beautiful.

Appearance of animals

The cuttlefish has an oval, slightly flattened body. The mantle (skin-muscular sac) forms its main part. The inner shell plays the role of a skeleton, and this distinguishing feature characteristic only of cuttlefish. It consists of a plate with internal cavities that provide buoyancy to the cuttlefish. The shell is located inside the body and protects the internal organs.

The head and body of the mollusk are fused. The cuttlefish's eyes are very large and can zoom in, with the pupil controlling the light intensity. On the head of the cuttlefish there is something similar to a beak, with which the mollusk extracts and crushes food. And also, like numerous cephalopods, the cuttlefish has an ink pouch. This is a special organ, which is a dense capsule, divided into two parts. In one part there are ready-made ink, and in the other - special cells saturated with special grains with paint. During maturation, the cells are destroyed and ink is formed. The ink sac produces a huge amount of ink. An empty bag is restored in an average of half an hour.

The most famous types:

  • pharaonic;
  • crucifying (the most beautiful and poisonous);
  • wide-armed (largest);
  • striped (very poisonous).

The mollusc has eight tentacles and two anterior feelers. On each of them are small suction cups. The front tentacles are hidden in pockets under the eyes and are used in attacks on prey. Elongated fins are located on the sides of the body and help cuttlefish when moving.

Description of cuttlefish, coloring

A characteristic feature of these mollusks is the ability to change the color of their body. The color of cuttlefish is unusually diverse. This is possible thanks to skin chromatophore cells. The color change of the body occurs consciously, the chromatophores obey the brain. This process occurs instantly, and the impression is formed that everything happens automatically. Cuttlefish cells are filled with special pigments of different colors.

In terms of the variety of colors, the complexity of the pattern and the speed of color change, the mollusk has no equal. Certain types of cuttlefish are able to luminesce. Color changes are applied when masking. patterns different forms carry certain information for relatives. The cuttlefish is one of the most intelligent species of invertebrates.

Shellfish sizes

Cuttlefish are relatively small compared to other cephalopods. The broad-armed sepia is the largest of the cuttlefish. Together with the tentacles, the body length is 1.5 m, and the weight is about 10 kg. However, most individuals are smaller, their length is no more than 20-30 cm. And there are also several species of very small size - up to 2 cm, which are considered the smallest cephalopods in the world.


Where does the cuttlefish live? And it lives only in shallow water, in tropical and subtropical seas that wash the shores of Africa and Eurasia. However, the striped cuttlefish has also been found off the coast of Australia. Mollusks prefer to live alone, occasionally in small groups, and only during the breeding season do large clusters of cuttlefish form. During the mating season, they can move around, but, as a rule, lead a settled life.

Mollusks swim shallowly, adhere to the coastline. Seeing the prey, the cuttlefish freeze for a second, and then quickly overtake the victim. When danger arises, the molluscs lie on the bottom and try to cover themselves with sand with their fins. Cuttlefish is a very cautious and shy mollusk.

Cuttlefish nutrition

From time to time, large individuals are able to eat smaller counterparts. This is not due to an aggressive nature, but to a greater extent due to food promiscuity.

Shellfish eat almost everything that moves and does not exceed their own size. They feed on fish, crabs, shrimp, shellfish. The cuttlefish blows a stream of water out of the siphon into the sand, thereby it rises, and at this time the mollusk swallows small living creatures, and cuts the larger one with its beak. It will not be difficult for a cuttlefish to bite through a crab shell or a skull. big fish.


The cuttlefish is an animal that only breeds once. Mollusks migrate to comfortable places for laying eggs, forming flocks of several thousand individuals along the way. Communication occurs by changing the color of the body. With mutual sympathy, both mollusks glow bright colors. Cuttlefish eggs are mostly black and resemble grapes. After laying eggs, adult cuttlefish die. Cephalopods are born already formed. From birth, little cuttlefish are able to use ink. Cuttlefish live on average 1-2 years.

Nutritional value of shellfish meat

Cuttlefish is a source of excellent meat, which contains valuable unsaturated acids - eicosapentaenoic and docosahexaenoic acids, which protect against many diseases of the cardiovascular system. And also these elements reduce the level of triglycerides in the blood, prevent the formation of blood clots and blockage of the arteries.

Cuttlefish meat contains vitamins B2, B12, A, nicotinic and folic acids. In addition, shellfish meat is rich in minerals. Apart from useful substances meat contains impurities such as cadmium and mercury. Nutritionists recommend eating no more than two servings per week.

Useful properties of ink

  • Improve mood and fight emotional problems.
  • Help in the treatment of diseases of a reproductive nature.
  • Eliminate the symptoms of digestive disorders.
  • Help in the treatment of skin diseases.

In ancient times, ink liquid was used for writing. Cuttlefish ink is part of medicines. This substance has a calming effect.

The ink is used in the production of food colorings and seasonings. They give dishes a special black color and excellent salty taste. Ready-to-use inks are sold in stores. And also on the basis of ink, sauces are made, which are distinguished by a bright and unique taste. Cuttlefish ink contains elements that help metabolism and have anti-inflammatory effects.

Interesting facts about cephalopods

  1. The cuttlefish has three hearts. Two hearts are used to pump blood to the gills, while the third is used to circulate oxygenated blood to the rest of the body.
  2. Cuttlefish have a protein called hemocyanin in their blood, which is used to carry oxygen. Therefore, her blood is blue-green in color.
  3. The cuttlefish is a mollusk that can imitate the shape and texture of surrounding objects. The mollusk changes its color by expanding or retracting small tubercles located throughout the body, due to which it practically merges with sand, cobblestones and other surfaces.
  4. Males, in order to take care of the female and not attract the attention of others, repaint in an interesting camouflage. They paint one half of the body with colorful paint, and the other is disguised as females, imitating muted tones.
  5. Cuttlefish see well in low light conditions, as well as what is behind them.
  6. Cuttlefish are able to imitate the dynamic movements of algae through their body in order to become inconspicuous. Or arrange a color show to catch prey.
  7. Mollusks skillfully defend themselves from enemies, but the relatively low rate of movement makes them vulnerable to pursuers: dolphins, sharks.

The cuttlefish is also an interesting object for aquarists. However, keeping them is not easy due to the fact that the molluscs are very shy, often releasing ink into the water, and it becomes opaque. After a certain amount of time, the cuttlefish gets used to the owner and stops being afraid of him.