Leonid Gennadievich Gavrilov. Scientific projects and expeditions

Touches to the psychological portrait of I.O. Director of Severstal JSC for Personnel

There are many passionate people in the world. Some of them, for example, tirelessly “paint” some picturesque canvases, others build houses according to individual project, collect badges, get a second, third, fourth higher education. Still others go even further: they use all their income to tirelessly buy and sell everything that their neighbor has in storage and may be useful in their household (factories, newspapers, steamships, for example).

Not just for the sake of self-interest...

Matching them is Leonid Borisovich Gavrilov, a freshly minted I.O. Directorate of JSC Severstal for Personnel, also a passionate person. But his hobby has a special character, or something, different from the other types listed above. This is a pronounced careerist, simply a “fan” of this business, whose whole life is subordinated to tirelessly moving forward and upward, taking vacated places, hastening those delayed, achieving, getting, intriguing, dodging, maneuvering, bringing... And all this, naturally , not only for the sake of earthly gain, but for the sake of sublime goals. One might say – for the sake of art!
If anyone has ever observed Leonid Borisovich in the highest moments of the rise of his tireless spirit, then he could not help but notice his special charismatic excitement, excitement, inspiration for the whole process taking place around him. Gavrilov is always in the center of what is happening, always filled with energies of unknown origin crossing his body in various directions, armed with absolutely ironclad arguments inaccessible to a mere mortal. Next to him, you can sometimes feel like a rabbit in front of the mouth of a snake playing with you. Or “down”, to whom a psychiatrist doctor explains with pathos, in general, simple truths, the semantic depths of which you thought you had long since matured, but, as it turned out, you were naively mistaken. If for the famous Russian poet one of the seasons was harmful to health (in his words), then only some kind of career stagnation can be dangerous for the health of Leonid Borisovich. Take away from him, or just temporarily cover up, the ability to move “up, down, right, left,” and he might actually die. Corporate Everest - this is his true passion, this is his only worthy and most cherished dream... It is from there, like one of the Olympian gods, that he will soon tell us what is wrong in this world and how everything should be in order to be as it should be. I have no doubt at all that Leonid Borisovich will succeed in this very in the best possible way- convincing and deadly for all ill-wishers.

With Bolshevik fire in my chest...

Like all the best in this not-so-best of worlds, especially in terms of top management, the psychological type of Leonid Borisovich Gavrilov has a pioneer-Komsomol-party origin. One of my interlocutors, who once studied with him in the same school, being an activist in the detachment of young Dzerzhin residents, which at that time was led by the still young Leonid, noted that Gavrilov carried out all his assignments with inspiration, with devilish enthusiasm. True, he invariably pins the success of the work done on his beloved self.
“Once,” she says, “paper caught fire in one of the school warehouses.” Leonid and I rushed to put out the fire. We succeeded. A day later, I was surprised to learn from the school principal that I had not taken any part in putting out the fire...
Another of my interlocutors, who also studied at the same school with LG, recalls with pleasure our hero’s speeches at school meetings:
- Leonid always followed the general line very precisely and seemed very correct to us. More correct than the school director himself and Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev himself. After almost every meeting, the most notorious hooligans of the school hinted to each other that it was time to teach Leonid a little. But somehow this never happened...

Leonid Borisovich was exactly the same correct, active, close to his superiors and to the Komsomol “gods” during his studies at the faculty foreign languages Vologda Pedagogical Institute (one of the most prestigious faculties in the region at that time). Gavrilov’s activity (perhaps even excessive) was also noticed by his colleagues in the pedagogical community of Cherepovets, when he led as the director of one of the city schools. He was also in good standing with his superiors at the Vologda computer company Signal Limited when he headed its Cherepovets branch. Always active, full of innovations, correct, with good health and a flourishing appearance, carefully performing any operation, scrupulous to the smallest detail, even driving those around him crazy. And here, however, there were ill-wishers who believed that LB was simply using them for their intended purpose in their Napoleonic plans...
Finally, one of my acquaintances showed me a photo of Gavrilov from Newcastle, where he had recently studied full-time at Northumbria University Business School. Leonid Borisovich is depicted on it in a group of his fellow Cherepovets students next to (i.e., closest!) with... Alexey Alexandrovich Mordashov, who came to England to check how things were going with his “chicks”... What can I say - the man knows what wants!

He wanted - he was appointed

Our sincere conviction is that Leonid Gavrilov was appointed to the post of Executive Director of Human Resources of Severstal JSC not because they wanted it more than anything else in the world, but, first of all, because he himself wanted it most of all. He wanted it - he was appointed.
And yet we believe that such a psychological type as Leonid Borisovich Gavrilov as a full-fledged director of personnel at Severstal JSC is a good option. One could bet on some Moscow dude, but such a conservative sphere as personnel probably does not like strangers. " Charismatic careerist“Gavrilov is at that very age (he is 39 years old) when a man poses the most serious challenge to fate and strives to take from life everything that he really considers himself entitled to claim.
“Either now or never” is the leading attitude among men at this age. Therefore, despite the fact that skeptical doubts are sometimes heard from everywhere about the successful adaptation of I.O. to your new position, we, at least, undertake to assert that Leonid will do everything not to lose her and will fight for her like a lion. Or maybe like a snake...
In any case, the departure of Nikolai Tikhomirov, who had already completed his fifth decade, to the post of Speaker of the Legislative Assembly of the region, gave the management of Severstal JSC a chance, if not to break the established traditions and strategy of working with personnel at Severstal (we will talk about this, of course, now out of the question), then significantly update existing methods and methods of work, to introduce, so to speak, a fresh stream into them. Gavrilov is a man of a different generation than Tikhomirov: more active, spirited, more innovative. But he’s not a kid either, whom it has now become fashionable to appoint immediately to the General Staff (or take it higher). Relying on this alloy of relative youth and experience, as well as on the individual characteristics of LBG and the ideological training he received in early years, it can be argued that with its first task of transforming I.O. Leonid Borisovich can handle becoming a full-fledged director. However, when making bold forecasts, we, as always, do not forget to bend our fingers...

+7916 2154619

Gavrilov Leonid Gennadievich, professor of RAE, PADI instructor, Chairman of the Board of Directors of NPO "Laboratory K". General producer, cameraman and director of scientific, research and international expeditions. Graduate of the Academy of Foreign Trade, graduate student of the Institute of Oceanology on the topic “Underwater research with synthetic vision systems.” He has a diploma in underwater archaeology from the University of Alexandria of the Republic of Egypt and a PADI instructor diploma #299358. General producer of expeditions to the Chinese underwater city in Lake Fushian Hu, (underwater archeology) "To the Origins of Europe - Unknown Civilizations 2011" on the yacht "Running on the Waves", installation of an underwater cross in Cyprus, Orthodox crossing of the Indian Ocean (Somalia) with Fedor Konyukhov on the ship "Saint Victoria", an expedition to study the library of the Church of St. Catherine in Sinai, the transfer of the icon of St. Admiral Ushakov to Athos, the search for bells in the Trinity Chizhi, expeditions to Athens (study of Pnyx Hill), expedition to the lake fireballs Nong Kai in Thailand, expedition together with the University of Alexandria to the 7th wonder of the world - the Faros lighthouse, geoglyph search expeditions in Tunisia and Algeria, biological research underground lake in China. Producer of the mission to transfer the icon of the Holy Orthodox Warrior Fyodor Ushakov, painted by the Russian traveler, priest Fyodor Konyukhov, to Athos by Russian cosmonauts Georgy Grechko and Alexander Alexandrov. He took part in an expedition to search for the Altai and Vitim cosmic bodies, an underground lake on the Chinese island of Hainan, Russian lake Brosno, underwater research in Taiwan, Stone balls Nebuga and Agoy (2007 and 2009), Mount Ararat, underwater search for dolmens (2009), underground part of Jerusalem (2009, 2011, 2013). Member of the organizing committee of the international exhibition “Adrenaline and Action”, head of the NPO “Laboratory K”. Member Nautical Archeology Society #3467.

Activities/participation in film and TV projects:
Gavrilov Leonid Gennadievich, producer, screenwriter. Born April 2, 1976. Higher education. Graduate of the Academy of Foreign Trade. Instructor PADI, EFR instructor.

Filmography: Producer in an international project, film crew of STS TV CHANNEL, BORIS KORCHEVNKOV’S PROJECT “I WANT TO BELIEVE”, expert, leader of project themes (expeditions “Egypt”, “Nebug”), project “Saints” for STS, Admiral Ushakov, filming in the Indian Ocean ; project "Battle of the Sexes", Sky Production; t/c "IT CAN'T BE", "SOKHO MEDIA", t/c "Battle of Psychics", KEFIR PRODUCTION (TNT); cameraman for Cyprus TV, project "To the Origins of Europe" (REN TV), consultant, project participant, AIPFC FILM STUDIO, film director "THE MARTIAN CHRONICLES" (PRODUCER ILYA ZAKHAROV); Fushian Lake, China; Documentary about the marine reserve on Hainan Island; Studio "National Film Center". Position - producer 2007 - film "White whales of the white sea" White Sea)". Studio NPO "LABORATORY K" (underwater vehicle RB 300, filming depth up to 200 meters), cinematography and 3D animation

Born in 1976, Moscow

  • 1990 graduated from the faculty of the Institute of Information and Communications of the USSR (MGUSI), specialty - specialist in the field of mass communications systems

  • 2001 VAVT (Faculty of IFF), specialty international affairs specialist with knowledge of a foreign language

  • 2001 - defended his diploma "Historical background of the emergence of the Internet"

  • 2011 - dissertation on the topic "Underwater research with synthetic vision systems and analysis of artifacts during underwater video recording."

  • since 2011, postgraduate student at the P.P. Shirshov Institute of Oceanology RAS

PADI Recreational Diving Instructor (IDC Stuff Instructor PADI):

Underwater Archeology Course at Alexandria University, Egypt

Instructor EFR PADI Underwater Instructor Course

Course on working with oxygen-enriched air mixtures, Enriched Air

also PADI Altitude Diver, AWARE Fish Info, Deep Diver, Boat Diver, Digital UW Photographer, Dive Propulsion Vehicle, Drift Diver, Dry Suit Diver, Enriched Air, Equipment Specialist, U/W Navigator, Night Diver, Search & Recovery Diver, Underwater videographer, Wreck Diver


Nautical Archeology Society, NAS

Faculty of Arts and Underwater Archeology, Alexandria University, Egypt

Club "Archaeology"


  • about 50 scientific papers in Russian and English, including

    • 2 copyright certificate (software complex "Infocube" and stereo system "Dmitry"

    • chapters in monographs


  • More than 100 expeditions, including

    • more than 50 expeditions as part of film crews from leading Russian and foreign TV channels

    • 2 expeditions of the Institute of Oceanology in the World Ocean and on Solovki Island

    • organization of scientific work on sailing ship"Running on the Waves" expeditions "To the Origins of Europe", and "Cosmonauts Georgy Grechko and Alexander Alexandrov on Holy Mount Athos"

Expedition organizer:

1. Russian-Chinese high-mountain underwater archaeological expedition (May 2009)

2. Hainan Island underwater expedition in an underground lake (June 2009)

3. Taman expedition (June-August 2009)

4. Bremenhafen-Larnaca Expedition, “To the Origins of Europe”, April 2011

5. Expedition to Mount Sinai

6. Stone balls of Nebug and Agoy, September 2009

7. Searches for unknown species on Lake Brosno, April 2009

8. Research on the remains of the Alexandria Lighthouse, Egypt, May 2009

9. Salt caves Dead Sea, May 2009

10. Search for a bell in the swamps of Pavlo Posad district, July 2009

11. Cave of an ancient man, China, April 2010

12. Mount Ararat, underwater search for dolmens, August 2009

Event and conference organizer:

Member of the organizing committee of the international exhibition "Adrenaline and Action"

Organizer of the conference "Unknown Civilizations 2011"

Organizer and founder of the competition "Russian Competition of Underwater Robotics, Underwater Archeology and Ocean Research."

You can start diving in the most beautiful places on the planet, take a course as an assistant underwater archaeologist, learn the basic skills of an underwater archaeologist and receive a certificate by contacting our Russian instructor in any of the countries listed on this site. Our instructors are located in Cyprus, Seychelles, Egypt, Italy, Malta, Russia, Latvia, France, Dominican Republic.
+7 9162154619 / +669 4171 9300 / +37259462634 / / Skype: leo_gav

Leonid Gavrilov, [email protected]

Polytechnic Museum in collaboration with the Charitable Support Fund scientific research Science for Life Extension presents series of lectures“Aging is not a death sentence. Possibilities of science in life extension."

Leonid Gavrilov, Natalya Gavrilova
« Long-livers: an experiment set up by nature. Lessons for the future."

The main direction of research by Leonid and Natalya Gavrilov is the search for longevity factors that act in the early stages of human life. Many of these factors are modifiable, so identifying them can be of real help in developing interventions that increase human lifespan. For example, young men with a heavy build are significantly less likely to live to age 100 compared to their peers with a thin or normal build. Some factors can only be changed when planning the birth of a child. One of these factors turned out to be the age of the mother at the time of the child's birth: the chances of people born to young mothers (20-25 years old) of living to be a hundred years old are almost twice as high as those for people born to older mothers. Currently, researchers have begun a large-scale project to study longevity in the United States, which will allow us to understand in more detail the influence of living conditions in childhood, adolescence and middle age on reaching the age of exceptional longevity (100 years).

Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor, Deputy Director for Science of the Institute of Developmental Biology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, employee of the Laboratory of Cell Proliferation Problems. The laboratory's development concept is based on two fundamental ideas: the integration of molecular, cellular and medical research to understand the mechanisms of regeneration and repair of tissue defects. Improving existing developments and creating new technologies in the field of regenerative biology. Research fellow at the Center on Aging at the University of Chicago. Head of a major research project National Institute Aging USA "Biodemography of Longevity." Author of more than a hundred scientific publications in the field of gerontology and demography of aging, including the seminal book “Biology of Lifespan,” recommended by the Encyclopedia Britannica. Distinguished Fellow of the Gerontological Society of America. Member of the editorial board of the international journals Experimental Gerontology (Elsevier), Gerontology (Karger), Rejuvenation Research, The Scientific World Journal, Advanced Science Letters, Theoretical Biology and Medical Modelling.

He worked as an independent consultant in corporate, socio-political and specialized publications, and as an author of articles in Snob, Expert, American Chronicle and other publications. Author of the idea and participant in the development of the Infocube software project. In 2012, he created the ANO Center for Assistance and Protection of the Rights of Shareholders of Foreign Banks.

Candidate technical sciences, professor, business angel, leading developer, organizer of more than 50 research expeditions. Member of Fedor Konyukhov's staff. Author of a number of patents, including CRM “InfoCube”, “Infoprism”, and the “Bogex” brand. Author of his own courses “Archeology Assistant Diver” and “ROV Diver”

Business angel of a number of significant scientific and popular projects, such as the Bogeks brand, the “I Want to Believe” project, “Tsargrad TV”, and others.

Member of the British Society UK Nautical Archeology Society No. 3467 Member of the Russian Geographical Society No. 819377 Member of the China Archeology club "1922" Diving instructor No. 299358 (Stuff Instructor PADI No. 299358) Member of the "Archaeology" club

Areas of research

Economics, corporate law, CRM corporate finance, business informatics, private equity, IT, quantum analytics, IT in human longevity, intellectual property, Christian archaeology, maritime heritage, underwater archaeology, ancient history, diving, underwater archeology, suborbital equipment, yacht equipment , world heritage law, 7D virtual, live broadcasting, remote scanning, diving medical informatics, tecrec helix, sport nutrition, bio-optics, medicine, medical law, technobiology, neurochips, biometrics.

Academic title

Professor, has academic degree: Ph.D.


In 2001, he graduated from the All-Union Academy of Foreign Trade with a degree in “specialist with knowledge of a foreign language.”

In 1998-2004 - Deputy Head of the Representative office of Lundbeck AB Institute.

In 2008 - Alexandria University (Alexandria, Egypt). Researcher, PADI instructor, Investment in science relations dept.

2004-2006 Representative Office in Moscow for the Taipei-Moscow Economic and Cultural Coordination Commission.

2007 Laboratory of Regional Geodynamics named after Leonid Savostin.

2013-2017 -Business angel of the TVKANAL.SU project and the TSARGRAD.TV project.

Education and membership in organizations

  • 2001 Academy of Foreign Trade.
  • 2004 SailQuest instructor Sailing School Thailand.
  • 2006 PADI, USA.
  • 2008 Master of Arts degree in maritime archeology and underwater cultural heritage, Egypt.
  • 2010 Instructor of China Archeology club “1922”, Taiwan.
  • 2011 Institute of Oceanology (IO RAS), Moscow, Russia.
  • Member of the British Society of Underwater Archaeology, England Member of the Gerontological Society of America
  • PADI Member, USA
  • Member of the Russian Geographical Society, Russia
  • Member of Turkish Olympic Committee Bosphorus Swim
  • Member of National League Dive
  • Honorary Member of the guild of the Cyprus archaeologist guilt
  • Member of the jury of the exhibition "Adrenalin-action"
  • Organizer of the symposium “The Unknown civilization”
  • Christian TV channel “TVKANAL.SU”
  • ANO "Center for Assistance and Protection of the Rights of Shareholders of Foreign Banks"
  • "I Want to Believe" Award 2009
  • History of Mary Rose 2011
  • German auxiliary ships and pocket battleships of the First and Second World War 2013
  • Symposium “Unknown Civilizations” 2011

Scientific projects and expeditions

1999-2001 - Deputy Head of the representative office of Lundbeck AS

2001-2005 - Executive Director of the Center for Social Programming agency.

Since 2005 - head of the NPO "Laboratory K", consultant of research projects related to the study of little-studied short-term physical processes and phenomena of man-made and natural nature, expert in assessing the extraordinary abilities of people, organizer and participant in popular science, research international projects. Freelance contributor to the “Military Secret” program on REN TV.

In 2006, he advised the TNT channel on the filming of the “Battle of Psychics” project, as an expert in assessing the unusual abilities of the project participants.

In 2007, he took part as a consultant and then as a participant in the projects “It Can’t Be!”, the Christian project “I Want to Believe”, and other projects of the STS TV channel.

In his free time from business projects, researcher, traveler. He worked for about six months and then conducted ethnographic expeditions in Southeast Asia, Taiwan, South America and other countries. Consultant for international projects on renewable energy. Participant of the international exhibition of alternative energy, permanent member of the organizing committee of the international exhibition "Adrenaline&Action 2007". Representative of the Exopopolitics project in Russia and Southeast Asia]

January 17, 2017 TV channel “NPO Laboratory K”, a partner of INSPACE FORUM founded by Gavrilov in March 2017. INSPACE is a business forum dedicated to the development of private space business in Russia.

On June 26, 2017, a group from the NPO Laboratory K studied the crash site and came to the conclusion that the meteorite crash site faked on June 22, 2017 in the Domodedovo district of the Moscow region.

From November 7 to November 10, 2016, the NPO Laboratory K company presented new solutions in the field of ocean technology at the International Exhibition World of Diving in Sokolniki. All solutions were the result of many years of development since 2008. Presented for the first time for Russian customers.

On April 12, 2012, the organizer of the departure of cosmonauts Grechko and Alexandrov with a mission to deliver the icon of the Holy Righteous Admiral Ushakov to Athos

On April 12, 2011, a conference was held on the traces of the Great Flood, described in Christian primary sources. October 2011 under water installed and consecrated by Fedor Konyukhov Orthodox cross on the Cypriot-Turkish border. The expedition was prepared and conducted by NPO Laboratory K.

April 12, 2015 Leonid conducted the first underwater archaeologist course. The purpose of the PADI Underwater Archaeologist Assistant course is to learn the minimum required methods for searching, locating, mapping, and preserving underwater historical sites. It is believed that it is much easier to teach a historian or archaeologist to scuba dive than to turn a diver into a specialist archaeologist, however, an amateur diver can take his first step into archeology - become a voluntary assistant and assistant to an underwater archaeologist.

On April 12, 2009, the results of the passage across the Indian Ocean with the icon of the Holy Righteous Admiral Ushakov were summed up by NPO Laboratories K

On April 12, 2014, films began showing on the Internet channel of Russian Orthodox cinema NPO Laboratory K.

In 2013, work for the studio “National Film Center” - d/f “White whales of the white sea (White whales of the White Sea)”;

In 2011, director of the film “Holy Righteous Admiral Feodor Ushakov”, cycle “Saints”, SkyMedia,

2010; “Mind and Intelligence, Battle of the Sexes”, Sky Media,

2012; researcher in Chinese Atlantis, Fushian Lake, China,

2009 RTR (based on materials from his own diary) TV. Filmography: Film “Search for the Altai Alien”

2007 Project with Boris Korchevnikov in the international 80-episode project of the STS TV CHANNEL, series “I WANT TO BELIEVE”,

2009 Participation in the TV project “It can’t be” (expeditions “Egypt”, “Nebug”)

2008, “Admiral Ushakov. From oblivion to holiness." (TV100)

2013, producer of the film projects “Saints” for STS, screenwriter, cameraman Admiral Ushakov (TV3), filming in the Indian Ocean

2011 40 episodes of the international “IT CAN’T BE”

2007 “SOKHO MEDIA”, t/c “BE-2”, Bin Laden’s Villa, STS, host of several episodes of the 2nd season, KEFIR PRODUCTION (TNT)

together with Cyprus TV, the project “To the Origins of Europe” (REN TV) (2011).

Meeting of the large landing ship "Yaroslav the Wise". REN TV, Military secret, (2013),

TsargradTV (organization of a press conference by Igor V. Strelkov,

A film about the healthcare reform in the Russian Federation, “Breaking Don’t Build,” as part of a pilot project on the Tsargrad TV channel.

Internet film festival of Russian Orthodox cinema in Serbia at Serbian language, Underwater Research Center in Sanya (2005-2015)

Organization of archaeological work on the Chinese underwater city in Lake Fushian Hu (2010),

Accompanying the Orthodox transition through the Indian Ocean (Indian Ocean-Somalia-Socotra-Ramsut-Montenegro) with Fedor Konyukhov on the ship “Saint Victoria” (2009),

Expedition to study the library of the Church of St. Catherine in Sinai (2008),

Expeditions to Athens (discovery, study of Pnyx Hill with the group of Andrei Sklyarov and Andrei Zhukov) (2014),

Expedition to the lake of fireballs Nong Kai in Thailand (researcher, organizer) (2006),

Expedition together with the University of Alexandria to the 7th wonder of the world, underwater filming of the Faros lighthouse (2009), search expeditions for geoglyphs in Tunisia and Algeria (2007),

Biological study of an underground lake in China (2010).

Mission to transfer the icon of the Holy Orthodox Warrior Fyodor Ushakov, organization of live broadcasting with Russian equipment from Cyprus (2013),

Film expeditions to search for the Altai and Vitim cosmic bodies, idea and organization (2007),

Filming, live broadcast for China TV of an underground lake on the Chinese island of Hainan (2010),

Underwater exploration in Taiwan (2008), the film “The Mysteries of the Queen’s Cave” (2014),

PRC, film expedition “Stone Balls of Nebug and Agoy” (2007 and 2009) (screenwriter, producer),

Mount Ararat, underwater search for dolmens, (2009),

The devices RB 300, RB151 took part in the search for the shrine of the Apostle Matthew on the Kyrgyz lake Issyk-Kul (2010),

Study of the underground part of Jerusalem (2009, 2011, 2013).

2012 Installation under water of the island of Cyprus a symbolic monument “The main treasure of the island of Cyprus - 50 billion Russian euros”

2009 Member of the organizing committee of the international exhibition “Adrenaline and Action”

2013 representation of Russia at the international exhibition in Genoa MYBA

Organization of underwater filming and live broadcasting at the 2014 Olympics, Universiade in Kazan (2014).

Russian-Chinese high-mountain underwater archaeological expedition (May 2009)

June 2009 Hainan Island underwater expedition in an underground lake

June-August 2009 Taman expedition

April 2011 Bremenhafen-Larnaca Expedition, “To the Origins of Europe”

April 2010 Dahab Region, Exploring Mount Sinai

September 2009 Stone balls of Nebug and Agoy,

April 2009 Underwater searches for unknown species on Lake Brosno

May 2009 Research on the remains of the Alexandria Lighthouse, Egypt

May 2009 Dead Sea Salt Caves,

July 2009 Search for a bell in the swamps of the Pavlo Posad region,

July 2009 11. Cave of an ancient man, China,

April 2010 12. Mount Ararat, underwater search for dolmens,

April 2011 Member of the organizing committee of the international exhibition “Adrenaline and Action”

2011 Organizers of the conference "Unknown Civilizations"

2004 filming “The Martian Chronicles” (ILYA ZAKHAROV)

Underwater search in Nebug-Agoy

Trips to explore Nong Kai Lake in Thailand

Research and finds of geoglyphs in Tunisia, Algeria

Sociological research in Vietnam

Participation of “Laboratory K” in the search for the Altai meteorite

Study of megaliths in the Krasnodar region

Exploration of caves on the Medveditskaya ridge

Search for the site of the Tarutino battle

Findings and publications

In 2007, an ancient port was found underwater near Gelendzhik.

In 2008, during an underwater expedition in search of a fallen meteorite, the Greek acropolis was found

In 2006, confirmation of the crop circle phenomenon was found on the border of Algeria and Tunisia.

In 2007, the existence of large predator in Russian Lake Brosno, Tver region

International projects

Scientific work in the field of non-metallic conductors

A new generation of power transmission network using a hybrid, underwater coaxial cable BOGEX-8 with a fiber-optic cable, which was created specifically for logging, geological, geophysical, including underwater work, and in general a wide range of tasks where a waterproof and safe system is necessary . The cable can also be used as a security sensor, as it picks up vibrations. The cable has been approved and tested by the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations.

Development of "BOGEX 6"

In July-August 2016, the cesium magnetometer “BOGEX 6” was tested in field tests, using the method of laser pumping with cesium vapor in the Mx configuration as the main sensitive element of the device. The device was used to monitor and record fluctuating magnetic fields and gradients while searching for a known "archaeological site" (research site). The sensitivity of the device has been determined. A map of the search area has been compiled. The method of operating the device with maximum sensitivity is described.

Expedition reports

On the outskirts of the city of Dahab, in Egypt, the area is fenced with a small fence, and in the evenings it is guarded. This inconspicuous building, rectangular in shape, is an ancient port that once had a gate and two fortified towers, and there were warehouses inside. These ruins are port structures from the era of the Nabataean kingdom, which existed on the Sinai Peninsula more than two thousand years ago.


Power transmission systems with high frequency currents

Scientific diving equipment

Organization, work and participation in media projects

  • FILM STUDIO AIPFC, film “Martian Chronicles” (ILYA ZAKHAROV) 2004;
  • Studio "National Film Center", 2007 - film "White whales of the white sea (White whales of the White Sea)";
  • 2009 Documentary film about the marine reserve on Hainan Island;
  • 2011 “Holy Righteous Admiral Feodor Ushakov”, organizer of participation, cameraman, producer of the Saints cycle, SkyMedia, 2010;
  • “Mind and Intelligence, Battle of the Sexes”, Sky Media, 2012;
  • Chinese Atlantis, Fushian Lake, China, 2009 RTR (based on materials from my own diary)


  • Film “Search for the Altai Alien” (2007).
  • International 80-episode project of the STS TV CHANNEL, PROJECT “I WANT TO BELIEVE”, (2009);
  • expert, researcher of project topics (expeditions “Egypt”, “Nebug”) (2008),
  • camera work “Admiral Ushakov. From oblivion to holiness." (TV100) (2013),
  • producer of the film projects “Saints” for STS, screenwriter, cameraman Admiral Ushakov (TV3), filming in the Indian Ocean (2009);
  • producer of the project “Battle of the Sexes”, Sky Production (2011);
  • 40 episodes of the international “IT CAN’T BE”, 2007 “SOHO MEDIA”, t/c “BE-2”, Bin Laden’s Villa, STS, host of several episodes of the 2nd season, KEFIR PRODUCTION (TNT) (2006);
  • works for Cyprus TV, the project “To the Origins of Europe” (REN TV) (2011), also a meeting of the BDK “Yaroslav the Wise”, REN TV, Military Secret, (2013), TsargradTV (organization of a press conference by Igor V. Strelkov, internet video about healthcare reform of the Russian Federation “Breaking Don’t Build”, Internet film festival of Russian Orthodox cinema in Serbia in the Serbian language, Center for Underwater Research in Sanya. (2005-2015) Organization of archaeological work on the Chinese underwater city in Lake Fushian Hu (2010), idea and organization, filming, live broadcasting “To the Origins of Europe” Riga-Limassol, “Unknown Civilizations 2011” on the yacht “Running on the Waves”, installation of an underwater cross in Cyprus, support of the stormy Orthodox passage through the Indian Ocean (Indian Ocean-Somalia-Socotra- Ramsut-Montenegro) with Fedor Konyukhov on the ship “Saint Victoria” (2009), researcher, expedition to study the library of the Church of St. Catherine in Sinai (2008), idea and organization, filming, live broadcast, transfer of the icon of St. Admiral Ushakov to Mount Athos by cosmonauts Grechko and Alexandrov (producer, author of the idea) (2013), search for bells in the Chizhi Trinity (2008), expeditions to Athens (find, study of Pnyx Hill) (2014), expedition to the lake of fireballs Nong Kai in Thailand (researcher, organizer) (2006), expedition together with the University of Alexandria to the 7th wonder of the world, underwater filming of the Faros lighthouse (2009), search expeditions for geoglyphs in Tunisia and Algeria (2007), biological research of an underground lake in China (2010). Producer of the mission to transfer the icon of the Holy Orthodox Warrior Fyodor Ushakov, organization of live broadcasting with Russian equipment from Cyprus (2013), organizer, author of the idea and organizer of the installation of the underwater cross by priest Fyodor Konyukhov (2011), organizer of the sea crossing to Athos with Russian cosmonauts Georgy Grechko and Alexander Alexandrov (2013). Participated in a film expedition to search for the Altai and Vitim cosmic bodies, idea and organization (2007), filming, live broadcasting for Chinese TV of an underground lake on the Chinese island of Hainan (2010), Russian Lake Brosno (2008), underwater research in Taiwan (2008) , film “The Mysteries of the Queen’s Cave” (2014), China, film expedition “Stone Balls of Nebug and Agoy” (2007 and 2009) (screenwriter, producer), Mount Ararat, underwater search for dolmens, (2009), RB 300, RB151 devices received participation in the search for the shrine of the Apostle Matthew on the Kyrgyz lake Issyk-Kul (2010), study of the underground part of Jerusalem (2009, 2011, 2013). Installation under water of the island of Cyprus a symbolic monument “The main treasure of the island of Cyprus - 50 billion Russian euros”, (2012). Member of the organizing committee of the international exhibition “Adrenaline and Action” (2009), representing Russia at the international exhibition in Genoa MYBA 2013. Organization of underwater filming and live broadcasting at the 2014 Olympics, Universiade in Kazan (2014).
Leonid Grigorievich Gavrilov
Leanid Rygoravich Gauryl
Birth name:

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Full name

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Date of Birth:
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Years of creativity:

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Leonid Grigorievich Gavrilov(February 2, 1918, Berdyzh village, Chechersky district, Gomel region - 1941) - Belarusian Soviet poet.


Leonid Grigoryevich Gavrilov was born in 1918 in the village of Berdyzh, Chechersk volost, Rogachevsky district, Mogilev province (now Leninsky village council of the Chechersky district, Gomel region). Lived in Gomel. In July 1940 he was called up for military service in Soviet Army, met the war in tank forces with the rank of sergeant. Contact with him was interrupted immediately after the start of the Great Patriotic War. Probably Leonid Gavrilov died in one of the border battles.

Leonid Gavrilov is called one of the representatives of the new generation of pre-war Belarusian poets, which also included Ales Zhavruk, Andrei Ushakov, V. Kravchenko, Anton Belevich, Edie Ognetsvet, Anatoly Astreyko, Ivan Gramovich, Ales Bachilo, Grigory Berezkin, Grigory Nekhai, Konstantin Kiriyenko, Nikolai Avramchik. His poems were characterized as imperfect - the poet died early, did not have time to achieve the proper level of mastery in mastery of words - but very truthful, despite the external schematization of human feelings and adjustment “to production.” This sincerity came from Gavrilov’s spiritual integrity, in which he was similar to his peer and comrade in writing and fate, Alexei Korshak. The poet's subtle observation, love for Belarusian nature, chanting of the joy of work and faith in the bright and pure feelings of people are noted. It is mentioned that during the war, one of the tank brigades chose the poems of Leonid Gavrilov as their drill song.

After the war, Leonid Gavrilov's poems were collected by his friend, the Belarusian poet Konstantin Kiriyenko, and published in the posthumous collection "Loyalty" (Belarusian "Vernasts"). It became the only published collection of the poet's poems.


From 1985 to 1993, a museum dedicated to Belarusian writers and poets who died during the Great Patriotic War was opened at school No. 150 in Minsk. One of the museum's stands was dedicated to Leonid Gavrilov. Currently, the materials posted on it have been transferred to the Belarusian State Archive-Museum of Literature and Art.


  • Gavrilov L. Loyalty. - Minsk: State Publishing House of the BSSR, 1961. - 102 p. - 2400 copies.

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Excerpt characterizing Gavrilov, Leonid Grigorievich

Snow and cold where I was born
The blue of lakes, in the land where you grew up...
I fell in love with a star as a boy,
Light as early dew.
Maybe in days of grief and bad weather,
Telling her girlish dreams,
Like your girlfriend the same year
Did you fall in love with the star too?..
Was it raining, was there a blizzard in the field,
Late evenings with you,
Knowing nothing about each other
We admired our star.
She was the best in heaven
Brighter than all, brighter and clearer...
Whatever I do, wherever I am,
I never forgot about her.
Its radiant light is everywhere
Warmed my blood with hope.
Young, untouched and pure
I brought you all my love...
The star sang songs to me about you,
Day and night she called me into the distance...
And on a spring evening, in April,
Brought to your window.
I quietly took you by the shoulders,
And he said, not hiding his smile:
“So it was not in vain that I waited for this meeting,
My beloved star...

Mom was completely captivated by dad's poems... And he wrote them to her a lot and brought them to her work every day along with huge posters drawn by his own hand (dad was a great drawer), which he unrolled right on her desktop, and on which , among all kinds of painted flowers, it was written in large letters: “Annushka, my star, I love you!” Naturally, what woman could withstand this for a long time and not give up?.. They never parted again... Using every free minute to spend it together, as if someone could take it away from them. Together they went to the movies, to dances (which they both loved very much), walked in the charming Alytus city park, until one fine day they decided that enough dates were enough and that it was time to look at life a little more seriously. Soon they got married. But only my father’s friend (my mother’s younger brother) Jonas knew about this, since this union did not cause much delight on either my mother’s or my father’s side... Mom's parents They intended her to marry a rich neighbor-teacher, whom they really liked and, in their opinion, was a perfect “suit” for mom, but in my dad’s family at that time there was no time for marriage, since grandfather was sent to prison at that time as an “accomplice.” noble” (by which they probably tried to “break” the stubbornly resisting dad), and my grandmother ended up in the hospital from nervous shock and was very sick. Dad was left with his little brother in his arms and now had to run the entire household alone, which was very difficult, since the Seryogins at that time lived in a large two-story house(in which I later lived), with a huge old garden around. And, naturally, such a farm required good care...
So three long months passed, and my dad and mom, already married, were still going on dates, until my mom accidentally went to my dad’s house one day and found a very touching picture there... Dad stood in the kitchen in front of the stove, looking unhappy “replenishing” the hopelessly growing number of pots of semolina porridge, which at that moment he was cooking for his little brother. But for some reason the “evil” porridge became more and more, and poor dad could not understand what was happening... Mom, trying with all her might to hide a smile so as not to offend the unlucky “cook,” rolled up her sleeves right away began to put this whole “stagnant household mess” in order, starting with the completely occupied, “porridge-filled” pots, the indignantly sizzling stove... Of course, after such an “emergency”, my mother could no longer calmly observe such a “heart-tugging” male helplessness, and decided to immediately move to this territory, which was still completely alien and unfamiliar to her... And although it was not very easy for her at that time either - she worked at the post office (to support herself), and in the evenings she went to preparatory classes for medical school exams.

She, without hesitation, gave all her remaining strength to her, exhausted to the limit, to my young husband and his family. The house immediately came to life. The kitchen smelled overwhelmingly of delicious Lithuanian zeppelins, which my dad’s little brother adored and, just like dad, who had been sitting on dry food for a long time, he literally gorged himself on them to the “unreasonable” limit. Everything became more or less normal, except for the absence of my grandparents, about whom my poor dad was very worried, and sincerely missed them all this time. But now he already had a young woman beautiful wife, who, as best she could, tried in every possible way to brighten up his temporary loss, and looking at my father’s smiling face, it was clear that she succeeded quite well. Dad’s little brother very soon got used to his new aunt and followed her tail, hoping to get something tasty or at least beautiful.” evening story”, which his mother read to him before bed in great abundance.
Days and then weeks passed so calmly in everyday worries. Grandmother, by that time, had already returned from the hospital and, to her great surprise, found her newly-made daughter-in-law at home... And since it was too late to change anything, they simply tried to get to know each other better, avoiding unwanted conflicts (which inevitably appear with any new, too close acquaintance). More precisely, they were simply getting used to each other, trying to honestly avoid any possible “underwater reefs”... I was always sincerely sorry that my mother and grandmother never fell in love with each other... They were both (or rather, my mother still are) wonderful people, and I loved them both very much. But if my grandmother, throughout our entire life together, somehow tried to adapt to my mother, then my mother, on the contrary, at the end of my grandmother’s life, sometimes too openly showed her her irritation, which deeply hurt me, since I was very attached to both of them and very I didn’t like to fall, as they say, “between two fires” or to forcibly take someone’s side. I could never understand what caused this constant “quiet” war between these two wonderful women, but apparently there were some very good reasons for this, or perhaps my poor mother and grandmother were simply truly “incompatible” , as happens quite often with strangers living together. One way or another, it was a great pity, because, in general, it was a very friendly and faithful family, in which everyone stood up for each other and went through every trouble or misfortune together.