Tubal ligation surgery to prevent pregnancy. Is it possible to get pregnant without IVF with ligated tubes?

Dressing today fallopian tubes considered the most effective technique birth control, since after such a procedure pregnancy, as a rule, becomes impossible. Its use is recommended for women who voluntarily refuse to plan children in the future, as well as in cases where pregnancy is unbearably difficult for the body and can threaten the life and health of the expectant mother.

The tubal ligation procedure is essentially an operation and involves blocking, tying, clamping with special devices or cutting the fallopian tubes in order to form an artificial obstruction. Female sterilization or voluntary surgical contraception is a highly effective method of contraception. Today, for this purpose, special tubular implants have also been developed, in the form of metal springs, which are installed directly into the fallopian tubes, performed non-surgically, that is, without dissection. As time passes, scar tissue forms around each installed implant, which acts as a kind of pipe blocker.

As you know, after maturation, the egg leaves the ovary and immediately moves to the fallopian tubes, where it is fertilized, and from there it penetrates the uterine cavity. Since the passage is blocked, fertilization does not occur and pregnancy does not occur. The high contraceptive effect of this surgical method is based on this mechanism.

It is important to know that tubal ligation is your voluntary refusal to conceive children; after such a procedure, pregnancy will never occur. Of course, if necessary, the functioning of the tubes can be restored, but the percentage that a woman will be able to become pregnant again is very low, since difficulties arise in reuniting the cut ends of the tubes. The procedure is performed exclusively by a highly professional and experienced gynecologist.

Blocking the fallopian tubes can be done in several ways, including staples or tying, cauterization (electrocoagulation), cutting and stitching, etc. All of them are performed using different techniques.

The abdominal method is represented by laparoscopy (mini-laparotomy) and laparotomy. Laparotomy (open tubal ligation) is performed using anesthesia. During the operation, the doctor cuts the surface in the abdomen and performs a tubal ligation. This technique is recommended mainly if a woman has diseases of the pelvic organs of an inflammatory nature (they contribute to the formation of scar tissue, which is a contraindication for performing this operation in another way), endometriosis, when performing abdominal surgery for another reason (for example, cesarean section ).

The operation laparoscopy (mini-laparotomy) is performed under general anesthesia and is carried out through a small upper incision (up to 5 cm) on the abdomen with a viewing device (camera) and a surgical instrument. Then another (lower, in the pubic area) incision is made, which is intended for clamping. First, gas is injected into the abdomen for greater convenience, and then the dressing is performed directly with metal clamps or clips, and then the ends of the tubes are sealed by applying an electric current (cauterization or electrocoagulation). After the operation, the woman remains in the hospital for a week. After the operation, a large scar forms.

Very often to this method Women resort to surgical contraception immediately after childbirth, 24-36 hours later. This question is thought out in advance by the woman and her partner (husband) and discussed with the doctor. The incision is made in the navel area, since after childbirth the tubes are located slightly higher in the abdominal cavity, which is caused by the enlargement of the uterus.

The vaginal method of ligating the fallopian tubes is performed by colpotomy. During the operation, the doctor makes an incision through the back wall of the vagina to penetrate the abdominal cavity. After surgery, there are virtually no scars left, but the risk of infection increases significantly. Therefore, one of the mandatory recommendations after the intervention is a complete abstinence from sexual activity for a month and a half.

Uterine endoscopy is one of the latest methods blocking the fallopian tubes. The ends of the tubes are closed with plastic microtampons during the operation.

Since tubal ligation is major surgery, then, like any intervention in the body, it can be accompanied by the development of adverse reactions, among the most common are allergies to anesthesia, bleeding, ectopic pregnancy due to incomplete blockage of the tubes, and blood poisoning.

Restoring the functions of the fallopian tubes is possible, but the likelihood of a positive outcome is very slim. Therefore, tubal ligation is considered an irreversible method of contraception.

The procedure for installing tubal implants.
The procedure is performed with local anesthesia in an outpatient setting. It takes no more than half an hour. The specialist, using special instruments, opens the woman’s cervix, and then, with gentle movements, very slowly inserts an implant in the form of a thin tube (catheter) through the cervix and directly into the uterus itself, first into one and then the other fallopian tube. After administration, a woman may experience something similar to the cramps that occur during menstruation. After the procedure, the doctor must check with an X-ray examination whether the implants are installed correctly. During the first three months of using implants, a woman should use additional contraceptives. After this period, she comes to see a doctor. There, a specialist will inject dye into the uterine cavity and perform a hysterosalpingography, which will show how tightly the tubes are blocked by scar tissue. If everything is in order, then additional contraceptives can no longer be used.

If suspicious symptoms are observed after tubal ligation or insertion of tubal implants, it is recommended to consult a doctor to rule out ectopic pregnancy, as one of the risks of sterilization. These symptoms include symptoms of pregnancy (nausea, lack of menstruation, tenderness of the mammary glands), pain in the lower abdomen on either side, and dizziness.

If the pain in the lower abdomen does not go away during the installation of implants, a decision may be made to remove them. With this method of contraception, there is a risk of developing diseases of the pelvic organs. To prevent this, before the procedure for inserting implants, a woman must be examined for the presence of STDs and vaginal infections.

After operation.
After surgical intervention There may be slight bleeding from the vagina due to the movement of the uterus at the time of surgery. After laparoscopy, you may experience back pain and bloating due to the gas used. You will get rid of this inconvenience after one or two days as your body rids itself of gas.

After a day, you can take a shower, but touching or rubbing the area is not recommended for another week. For a week, it is recommended to protect yourself from physical activity, sexual intercourse. Such operations do not require the use of additional contraceptives. Two weeks after the intervention, you must visit a doctor.

Indications for tubal ligation.

  • Women over thirty-five years of age who must have at least one child.
  • Absolute confidence in your reluctance to have children in the future.
  • Presence of a disease that can aggravate pregnancy.
  • Having a severe hereditary disease that can be passed on to children
  • .
  • Absence of diseases that may make tubal ligation impossible.
The effectiveness of the method of tubal ligation or surgical sterilization is almost one hundred percent effective. With this technique, there is a small chance of pregnancy, but it is so small that you should not count on it. Therefore, if you decide on this method of contraception, do not flatter yourself with hopes for possible pregnancy in future.

Pregnancy can occur in the event of fused fallopian tubes or the formation of a new passage (recanalization), if the operation is performed incorrectly, or if there is a pregnancy before the intervention. But the latter is unlikely, since before this the woman undergoes an examination and tests. It is simply impossible to miss such a fact!

Consequences and risks of tubal ligation.
As a rule, there are no serious complications during tubal ligation, usually minor bleeding and allergies to anesthesia. However, there is always a risk of damage internal organs during a laparoscopy operation (the moment of insertion of the laparoscope). In addition, the risks increase if the patient suffers from diabetes, overweight, smokes or has heart disease.

It should be noted that blocking the fallopian tubes will not affect ovulatory function and the menstrual cycle in any way, that is, the egg will mature monthly, and menstruation will occur in the future. Regarding menopause, it will come in its own time, as if you had not had surgery. It is also important to know that this method of preventing unplanned pregnancy will not protect you from sexually transmitted diseases. Therefore, if you are not sure about your partner, then additionally use other contraceptives (condoms).

Before performing the operation, the specialist examines the woman in detail and also carefully studies her family relationships, in particular regarding stability. This is due to the fact that patients often, over time, ask to restore their ability to conceive, that is, to restore the function of the tubes. This mainly happens against the background of the loss of a child (death) or the creation of a new family.

Tubal ligation must be legally formalized from the legal side. The woman signs a document where she officially agrees to the operation. Before you sign, remember that statistically, women who do it regret it later.

Nowadays, there is a huge variety of methods and means of contraception; every woman can choose the most optimal option for herself. Tubal ligation or sterilization should be performed only when absolutely indicated. The choice of method of performing the operation is chosen by the doctor, taking into account the individual characteristics of the female body.

All materials on the site were prepared by specialists in the field of surgery, anatomy and specialized disciplines.
All recommendations are indicative in nature and are not applicable without consulting a doctor.

Effective Prevention Methods unwanted pregnancy always were topical issue for women. Today there are many ways to prevent conception, but all of them are not without drawbacks, and the likelihood of pregnancy, although scanty, does exist. Tubal ligation is one of the most effective ways birth control, which is carried out surgically.

After tubal ligation, the possibility of fertilization and embryo development is completely excluded, therefore the result of the procedure in the form of infertility is considered irreversible. A woman who, for whatever reason, has decided to undergo surgical sterilization is always informed about this.

Indications for tubal ligation are strictly defined, and the patient who wishes to undergo such an operation signs documents confirming her consent and awareness that pregnancy will never occur again.

It happens that after the dressing, after several years, a woman’s life circumstances change, she may get married again, want to have another child, but infertility caused by the operation will not provide such an opportunity, so doctors suggest that you consider your decision very carefully and consult with life partner or close relatives.

As a rule, surgical sterilization is performed when there are medical contraindications for subsequent childbearing, for example, the woman is seriously ill. Much less often, the operation is used solely for the purpose of contraception when the patient is in full health.

Advantages and disadvantages of surgical sterilization

tubal ligation

The fallopian tubes play a transport role for the egg released from the ovary; here it is fertilized and delivered to the uterine cavity for further development embryo. The purpose of tubal ligation is to eliminate the possibility of germ cells meeting, so pregnancy will not occur after the operation under any circumstances.

It is believed that it is impossible to become pregnant after surgery, however, isolated cases of spontaneous restoration of tubal patency are known. Probably the reason for this is a violation of the surgical technique or the choice of the wrong method of manipulation. It is possible to restore the patency of pipes using various plastic surgery, which are very complex and do not guarantee a positive result.

If a woman wants to give birth to a child after the dressing, then most likely she will have to contact reproductive specialists who can offer the method of in vitro fertilization (IVF). This method of childbirth also does not always give a 100% result; it is complex, expensive and often difficult both physically and emotionally for the potential expectant mother, therefore, in cases where a woman cannot be completely sure that there will be no desire to have a child, it is better to refuse the dressing.

Tubal ligation is an operation that, like any other radical effect, is not without pros and cons. Of course, the complete elimination of the possibility of pregnancy can be considered an undoubted advantage, but the disadvantages should not be ignored.

Among advantages of the method Compared to other methods of preventing pregnancy indicate:

  • Zero chance of pregnancy in the future;
  • No effect on hormonal levels, general condition and libido;
  • Possibility of dressing after caesarean section.

The disadvantages of tubal ligation are:

  1. Possibility of complications after surgery - bleeding, inflammation, etc.;
  2. Irreversible infertility;
  3. Risk of ectopic pregnancy if surgical technique is violated;
  4. The need for anesthesia.

It is not difficult to notice that experts consider the complete absence of the possibility of getting pregnant in the future to be both an advantage and a disadvantage of the method. This is understandable, because the main goal - sterilization - is successfully achieved, but there is almost never a complete guarantee that a woman will not regret her decision. Moreover, statistics show that more than half of the patients wanted to restore their fertility in the future.

An important advantage of surgical sterilization is the absence of its influence on hormonal levels. The intersection of the tube does not affect the functioning of the ovaries, hormones are released in the right quantities according to the woman’s age, and the menstrual cycle does not change.

Indications and contraindications for tubal ligation

Indications for surgical sterilization are:

  • A woman’s reluctance to have children in the future if she already has at least one child and is over 35 years old;
  • Medical reasons that make pregnancy and childbirth dangerous to the health and life of a woman - severe pathology of the heart, lungs, kidneys, malignant tumors, genetic abnormalities that will be inherited by offspring, decompensated diabetes and etc.

In both cases, the woman’s written desire to undergo tubal ligation is necessary; consent to the operation must be signed by the woman herself and certified by specialists, but if the presence of children is taken into account in the voluntary desire to ligate the tubes, then if there are medical contraindications to pregnancy and childbirth, ligation can be performed even in their absence.

Surgical sterilization of women with severe mental pathology is possible, but the patient is declared incompetent, and the decision to ligate the tubes is made by the court.

Among the contraindications to surgical contraception– inflammatory processes in the pelvis, high degree obesity, tumors of the genital organs and intestines, strong adhesions in the pelvic cavity. The operation may be impossible due to general severe diseases of the internal organs, making anesthesia and surgery very risky.

Preparation for surgery and technique for performing it

At the stage of preparation for tubal ligation surgery, a woman must undergo a number of examinations:

These diagnostic procedures can be completed in your clinic before hospitalization, but some of them (coagulogram, gynecological examination and smear) can be repeated immediately before surgery. According to indications, an ultrasound scan of the pelvic organs is performed; in all cases, the possibility of intrauterine pregnancy has already occurred is excluded.

At any time during the preparatory period, a woman can refuse the planned intervention if for any reason she changes her mind. At this stage, she has to repeatedly answer the question about her absolute confidence in the need for sterilization, so cases of refusals to ligate tubes do occur.

The tubal ligation operation lasts on average about half an hour, is performed under general anesthesia, spinal anesthesia is acceptable when the patient is conscious during the intervention. For tubal manipulation, laparoscopic access, minilaparotomy, and open laparotomy are usually used. In more rare cases, hysteroscopic and colpotomy approaches are used.

The intervention technique and anesthesia depend on the woman’s condition, the qualifications of the personnel, and the availability of appropriate equipment for minimally invasive operations.

Before the intervention in the evening, a cleansing enema is performed to empty the intestines and prevent some unpleasant consequences after anesthesia and pneumoperitoneum. A gynecologist and an anesthesiologist talk with the patient. The last meal is in the evening; if you have severe anxiety at night, sedatives or sleeping pills may be prescribed.


Laparoscopic tubal ligation is the most popular surgical technique. Its advantages are considered to be short rehabilitation period, the possibility of local anesthesia and on an outpatient basis, the absence of significant and noticeable scars on the skin.

laparoscopic tubal ligation

During laparoscopy, instruments, a camera and a light guide are inserted through small holes in the abdominal wall, and the abdominal cavity is filled carbon dioxide to improve visibility. When the surgeon, after examining the internal genital organs, reaches the tubes, then disruption of their patency can be achieved by electro- or photocoagulation, laser evaporation. These methods have the potential for damage as their main risk. high temperature surrounding tissues, in order to prevent which the abdominal cavity is filled with a sufficient volume of gas and washed with saline solution for cooling. Mechanical obstruction of tubal patency during laparoscopy is carried out using special rings, clips, and staples.


Minilaparotomy is a fairly simple way to access the tubes and ligate them; it does not require expensive and complex operating room equipment and a very highly qualified gynecologist. With a minilaparotomy, a small incision is made about 3 cm above the symphysis pubis, through which the doctor opens the way to the pelvic organs, examines them, finds the pipes and disrupts their patency mechanically or by another method.


The advantages and disadvantages are similar to those of the laparoscopic approach, but this type of surgery is preferred after delivery. It is not advisable to use it for uterine fibroids or severe obesity. Minilaparotomy is considered an excellent alternative to laparoscopic surgery in the absence of appropriate equipment and a trained surgeon.


During laparotomy, the abdominal cavity is opened through a suprapubic or midline incision. This method of operation can be used for caesarean section, after which tubal ligation is also possible.

Hysteroscopic and colpotomy approaches

In the presence of hysteroscopic equipment, disruption of the patency of the fallopian tubes can be carried out directly by influencing the inner layer of the tube. The basis is usually coagulation, that is, thermal damage to the mucous membrane. Hysteroscopic sterilization does not require abdominal incisions; the equipment is inserted through the vagina into the uterine cavity, then to the tubes.

With colpotome access, the pelvic cavity is entered through the vagina, making an incision in its posterior wall and penetrating through the tissue between the vagina and rectum. The tube is pulled into the wound, bandaged, and then the tissue is sutured. The advantage of access is relative simplicity, accessibility and low cost, the absence of skin incisions and sutures; among the most significant disadvantages is the likelihood of infection.

To obstruct the patency of the fallopian tubes during the above interventions, the following can be used:

  • Bandaging with suture material with excision of a fragment of the pipe;
  • Rings and clamps are less traumatic and provide a greater chance of restoring reproductive function through plastic surgery;
  • Coagulation by electric current, laser, ultraviolet.

Surgical sterilization surgery can be performed in different terms– in the absence of pregnancy in the second phase of the cycle, after a medical abortion, six weeks after delivery or during a caesarean section. After a natural birth, tubal ligation is possible within the first two days or after three days to a week.

Postoperative period and complications

The postoperative period does not have any significant differences from that of other operations. If the tubes were tied during colpo- or hysteroscopy, then the patient can leave the clinic after 24 hours; after laparoscopy, observation is required for 2-3 days. The postoperative period for laparotomy takes 7-10 days, after which the sutures are removed.

Surgical sterilization requires physical rest for a week, and for the same period it is necessary to abstain from sexual activity. For the first few days, water treatments are highly discouraged.

Tubal ligation surgery is considered safe regardless of the method used. However, in rare cases there are complications. During the intervention, there is a risk of bleeding and damage to other abdominal organs, especially during coagulation of the tubes. If the surgical technique is not followed, the risk of infection and inflammation in the pelvic organs increases. Allergic reactions to anesthesia medications are very rare. Long-term consequences include possible, although unlikely, menstrual irregularities, bleeding, and tubal pregnancy.

For tubal ligation during cesarean section, the consequences are similar to those outside labor. Sterilization does not in any way affect the hormonal function, milk production or feeding of the baby. Sexual behavior and the general well-being of the mother do not change, but due to low awareness and the lack of clearly defined indications for postpartum women, surgical tubal ligation in this category of women is performed quite rarely.

Tubal ligation surgery in public hospitals is carried out free of charge under the compulsory medical insurance system. The state bears the costs. If desired, it is possible to undergo paid treatment in private clinics or even in public ones, but with the right to choose more comfortable conditions hospital stay.

The cost of tubal ligation ranges between 7-9 and 50 thousand rubles. The price includes payment for the operation itself, consumables and medications, examinations, stay in the ward, food, etc.

Tubal ligation is performed if a woman wishes to no longer have children or for medical reasons. Previously, questions about restoring reproductive function and the ability to get pregnant in the usual way were not even considered, because the intervention was considered irreversible. But today many women, who have reconsidered their attitude towards having children, ask whether it is possible to get pregnant with tubal ligations.

Probability of pregnancy

The likelihood of conception in the case of ligated fallopian tubes is very low. After all, the gap in the pipe is closing. Accordingly, the egg cannot enter the uterus.

If you want to regain your ability to conceive, you can do this in the following ways:

  • laparoscopy;
  • plastic;

You can “untie” them, i.e. restore the lumen. But the success of the restoration
intervention depends on the technique. If the pipes were tied with threads or by tying a knot, then it is possible to restore them.

But most often the operation is carried out with the cutting off of part of the organ. In this case, it will not be possible to restore patency. Therefore, asking the question whether it is possible to get pregnant if the tubes are tied is not worth it. If part of an organ is cut off, it will not be possible to become pregnant naturally.

Conception using plastic surgery and IVF

The probability of conception after surgery to restore patency is 50%. This is quite a high figure. The ability to become pregnant after surgery depends on how long ago the dressing was performed. If a little time has passed, then it is possible after plastic surgery.

But if several years have passed, then the likelihood of successful plastic surgery is very small. This is due to atrophy of the cilia. Even if patency is restored, the pipes will not be able to function normally due to the lack of movement of the fertilized cell.

The most in a real way getting pregnant with your tubes tied is IVF.

For artificial insemination, a healthy uterus is sufficient—the presence of tubes and ovaries is not necessary. Therefore, if you want to become a mother again, you can contact the clinic. In this case, biomaterial is taken from the father and mother. Next, the copulation of male and female cells occurs. The resulting embryo is transferred to the uterine cavity.

Useful videos

Medicine does not stand still; new contraceptives are now being created that completely eliminate the possibility of unwanted pregnancy. On this moment Some of the most popular methods are:

  1. surgical sterilization;
  2. tubal ligation.

But even with an exact guarantee, many women after surgery are concerned about whether they can get pregnant if the fallopian tubes are tied. In addition, a woman may change her views on having children; you should not draw quick conclusions about your inability to give birth.

Before asking questions about children, it is worth understanding how a baby is conceived. First, an egg produced by one of the ovaries enters the fallopian tube and is fertilized by a sperm. If everything went well, the future fetus is sent to the uterus and remains there until it is fully matured for nine months.

Imagine that in this chain: ovary-tube-uterus, there is no middle element - it is clear that an embryo is not formed. Experts answer the question “how to get pregnant if your tubes are tied?” They answer with an unequivocal “no way,” but with some reservations. There are some cases of natural conception after surgery.

Fallopian tube laparoscopy

Laparoscopy is special operation, which allows using modern equipment to examine the genitals for diseases. The method is painless and is used when specialists have difficulty making a diagnosis; the procedure is common among women.

Laparoscopy will help with the following diseases:

  • sterilization;
  • ovarian tumor;
  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • adhesions in the pelvic organs, etc.

The patient does not have any damage to the skin, as doctors use endoscopic instruments. Laparoscopy is often prescribed for diseases of the pelvic and abdominal organs.

Thus, the range of diseases increases, to the above are added:

  1. cardiovascular diseases;
  2. hemophilia;
  3. acute infections;
  4. coma;
  5. kidney and liver diseases, etc.

With such an examination, it is easy to determine the cause of the disease and eliminate it.

This is how the doctor finds out the reasons abnormal changes in the female body, among them:

  • internal bleeding;
  • stomach ache;
  • infertility;
  • tumors;
  • obstruction of the fallopian tubes;
  • peritonitis, etc.

Laparoscopy of the fallopian tubes is prescribed before tubal ligation surgery. Recovery from surgery only lasts a couple of days, unlike traditional surgeries.

The sutures are removed after a few weeks; doctors usually explain in detail what foods you should not eat, what daily routine you should follow, and how to get pregnant if your tubes are tied.

Pregnancy with tubal ligation

The purpose of tubal ligation surgery is to create conditions for the egg so that it cannot pass through the tube.

There are often stories of successful pregnancy after tubal ligation.

There are several reasons for this:

  1. poorly performed operation;
  2. pregnancy during surgery;
  3. An extremely rare case is the fusion of pipes, the formation of a new channel.

Even if this does not happen, it is possible to give birth to a child naturally after the intervention. There are instructions that will help you find out how to get pregnant if your tubes are tied.

One of the steps in it may be the reverse operation of decoupling the pipes. Recovery occurs in 50-80% of cases.

A successful outcome depends on:

  • tying method;
  • rehabilitation time;
  • condition of the pelvic organs.

This procedure consists of stitching and soldering the cut ends of the fallopian tubes; it is already more labor-intensive than tying.

IVF procedure after tubal ligation

IVF (in vitro fertilization) is a process in which the conception of a child takes place outside the mother's body. This is a chance for women who do not know whether they can get pregnant if their fallopian tubes are tied.

Before the procedure, genetic material is taken from the woman and her husband. However, IVF does not always give positive results. It all depends on the couple’s physical and mental health, and the woman’s hormonal levels.

Important!: if you are scheduled for in vitro fertilization surgery, then you have a chance to have a child, therefore, you must definitely believe in the good, because a lot also depends on your mood!

Artificial insemination is divided into several stages:

  1. General preparation – taking tests, being under the supervision of specialists, choosing a technique, taking hormones.
  2. Ovum - taking drugs that cause ovulation, obtaining follicles, puncture.
  3. Delivery of male material.
  4. Placing cells in the uterus and receiving hormonal drugs, maintaining the condition of embryos.
  5. Confirmation of a successful procedure is an ultrasound and further administration of prescribed medications.

Pregnancy after tubal ligation is possible, but in order to give birth to a child using in vitro fertilization, you need to go through some trials.

The procedure may need to be completed more than once before the pregnancy test shows two lines.


With the development of modern medicine, doctors are giving hope to couples who want but cannot have their own children.

Also, now experts, when asked by women whether it is possible to get pregnant if the fallopian tubes are tied, answer: it is impossible, but if you really want it, there are two options: reverse surgery or IVF.

Video: Elena Malysheva. Radical contraception

There are a sufficient number of methods of contraception, but the most guaranteed are surgical sterilization or tubal ligation. In case of genetic diseases, some women are prescribed this operation by doctors, while others consent to it consciously, not wanting to have children in the future. But sooner or later the lady will be worried about the problem of whether it is possible to get pregnant with ligated tubes.

Is natural pregnancy possible after surgery?

To answer this, let us remember the physiology of the process of conceiving a child. An egg that matures in the ovary right time breaks through its membrane and moves into one of the fallopian tubes. Here there is a fusion with the sperm, which is already waiting for her. In the case of fertilization, the fertilized egg moves through the tube, descending into the uterus, where it attaches to its inner lining, the endometrium, and the fetus begins its development before birth.

When the tubes are excluded from this reproductive chain, it turns out that the embryo cannot form. After all, the egg, not finding its usual path, will die without meeting the sperm.

Therefore, the answer to the question Is it possible to get pregnant if the fallopian tubes are tied, naturally, obvious, definitely no.

Cases of natural conception

In this case, conception is possible only in a few exceptional cases:

  • as a result of a poorly performed operation or its defect;
  • if the fallopian tubes have fused with the formation of a new unexpected passage for the sperm;
  • you were already pregnant at the time of the tubal ligation.

Having performed such an operation, you need to know that the risk of ectopic pregnancy increases significantly, since the free passage for the egg is limited. To check the correctness of the surgical intervention and the presence of possible defects, it is worth performing an ultrasound. During this study, the doctor will determine the existing deviations and the degree of patency of the pipe.

Is it possible to get pregnant with tubal ligation?

If a sterilized woman suddenly decided to give birth to a baby, then in our age of technological progress this is doable. There is such a procedure as IVF ( in vitro fertilization), which will show whether it is possible to get pregnant if both tubes are ligated artificially. IVF includes the following stages:

  • Under ultrasound guidance, several eggs are grown in the ovary under the influence of hormones.
  • The finished cells are placed in a test tube.
  • Artificial insemination with sperm is carried out.
  • Embryos are placed in the uterus and their attachment to the endometrium is monitored.

From this moment on, the woman must maintain physical and psychological rest, since embryos survive in 80% of cases and the risk of their death is quite high. If unsuccessful, the attempt is repeated after 2-3 months. This method gives representatives of the fair sex a real chance of pregnancy, when it is not possible to achieve what they want on their own. The only disadvantage of the artificial method is the high price.

IVF or tubal plastic surgery

In addition to IVF, you can also undertake tubal plastic surgery. The doctor recommends this procedure in some cases based on the results of the examination. But such a process is very lengthy and expensive.

Prevention from unwanted pregnancy is very important in our time. Therefore, it is worth choosing a method of contraception that will not create difficulties in conceiving a baby in the future. Even if you are currently adamant about not wanting children, things may change in a few years. It may be necessary to take a closer look at more gentle methods of contraception, so that in the future you don’t have to worry about the question: is it possible to get pregnant with ligated tubes? It is better to immediately provide for all the possibilities so that you do not encounter problems later.