Cool New Year's fairy tale scenarios for schoolchildren. New Year's scenario for school - wonderful, easy, with magical characters, funny competitions, wise riddles and outdoor games

New Year's sports and health fairy tale

(A . M Altsev )


Storyteller, Storyteller, New Year, Old Year, Petya, Healthy Woman, Whistle, Rackets, Ball, Dumbbells, Stopwatch, Spikes, Skates, Cigarette Butt, Glass, Toxic, Datura.


The seconds are ticking, time is running out.
The New Year is coming to us from the east again.
The heart stops and waits for something.
The New Year, perhaps, will bring a miracle.
Adults and children are waiting for him with hope.
Among them is a boy, fifth-grader Petya.
Petya is looking forward to the holiday,
The holiday coincides with his birthday.


Oh, what joyful days at school!
The quarter is over, rest is ahead.
In the school hall, the Christmas tree likes the outfit,
All its needles shine joyfully.
The long-awaited hour is coming -
Fifth grade Petya is celebrating the New Year.


As always, Snow Maiden, white Santa Claus,
He brought his gifts to everyone in a bag.
And at the request, the Christmas tree lit up merrily,
And Yaga rushed with a broom in a mortar.
Competitions, riddles, noisy round dance...
Oh, what wonderful holiday New Year!


Petya didn’t want to leave the tree,
And our Petya decided to extend the miracles.
He hid secretly behind a large curtain.
The school was empty, everything around was quiet...
In the twilight the tree is miraculously beautiful,
Petya came out of the hiding place slowly.
Here the New Year boy is sad under the Christmas tree.
Suddenly, miraculously, he gives a voice.

New Year:

Hello, hello, Petya!
I'm very, very happy.
How good it is in the world
Meet guys like this
Which adventures
And miracles attract
And good aspirations
They live in their souls.

(Old Year appears from behind the tree)

Old year:

Oh, it's time for me to retire
The New Year is coming for me.
Soon, soon I will change
And I will rush into history.
I'm a little tired
From what I've seen.
How many different technologies
All kinds of cybernetics.
I watched everything and had fun,
I did little sports.
Oh, I wish I could turn back time
I would like to observe the regime.
Oh, dear guys!
Don't follow me.
Let other hobbies
They will lead you along.

(Music is heard. New Year listens and says):

New Year:

Sorry, what kind of singing
Can I hear it from the gym?

Old year:

They're rushing to the show
Healthy friends.

(Big Man and his friends appear. They walk around the tree and sing song to the tune of “Correspondent Table”)

Love everything in the world
Adults and children
Spend your time with us.
It's interesting with us
It's so wonderful with us!
It's more fun in the world to live with us!

Be healthy everyone!
We are always ready
Make your friends happy with their movement.
Wonderful moments
Lots of mood!
This makes my soul lighter.

We are the enemies of disease
More useful than all the potions,
If you are friends with us every day.
We give the body sweetness -
Muscular joy
We drive away sadness and laziness.


Year after year goes by
Smooth round dance
Time circles over the planet.
In this round dance
We find friends
Sports will never be forgotten.


(They stop and start the performance)


I'm an athlete Healthy!
Movement is my life!
I have been an athlete in spirit since birth,
My friends are always with me.


I am a whistle! Sports whistle!
In competitions I am a judge.
Fair, objective,
My trill will judge everyone.
I am the law of sports rules
I urge you to respect.
No one ever
I won't allow it to be violated.


I am a ball, cheerful and perky!
I love to jump and fly.
In a skillful game I am submissive,
Ready to play without rest.
Oh, games! There are so many of them in the world!
And I am the soul of any game.
Like a little planet
I've been flying above the ground for a long time.


We are two girlfriends, two rackets,
We meet the ball at the net.
I respect tennis a lot
And I respect the desktop one.

Large racket:

The ball plays on my strings
Oh, how beautifully he flies!

Small racket:

And I meet the ball with the rubber
And I’ll see you off on the way back.


We are lying without players, we are bored,
And in their hands we come to life.


And we, twin dumbbells,
In our hands we are just great!
We are strength, strength and pressure.
We conquer weakness and illness.
So that your muscles do not become decrepit,
Don't forget the dumbbells.


I am cool, impartial.
Stopwatch is calling me.
The owner of seconds is the sovereign master,
And my role in sports is important.
They strive from start to finish
Stop me quickly.
Oh, how quickly the seconds fly by!
Their run cannot be slowed down.

Spikes(sing ditties):

We are little sisters,
We are track and field athletes.
We fly by like birds
Finish cells.
Pushing off, we take off
And we fly forward in leaps,
This is how we fight
With earthly gravity.


We are two brothers, two horses,
Skates with a sharp blade.
Pieces of ice are cut
And they shine like lights.
We are ice kings
We create a miracle on the ice.
Dear you guys,
We will treat you to this miracle.

New Year:

I liked you, friends!
It’s clear to me that I can’t live without you.
Without you my days will wither,
The weeks will turn sour with melancholy.
The vices are waiting for this,
They guard their prey.

Old year:

Yes, that's for sure, I know
Where is boredom, laziness, and vices?
There's a cigarette butt outside the window
And with him a friend is around the corner.
His name is Toxicomashka.
His girlfriend is with him - Ryumashka.
Datura crawls out of the urn.
Ugh, they stink a lot.


Yes, it’s better not to meet with them.
Or maybe, at least once,
Should we compete with them?
Let's find out who is stronger among us.

Old year:

Well, we'll arrange it.
I always love to get weird.
I will connect darkness with light.
Whistle, you are the referee then.

(looks out the window and says)

Hey! How are you, come here!
(to the side, quietly)
I would never see you again.
Look at our Christmas tree,
Do no harm for at least an hour.

(In appropriate costumes, the Vices come out, groaning and groaning, and stand next to Big Guy and his friends).

Old year:

Well, just like on KaVeN,
Like two teams you are on stage.
We will hold competitions
Your tasks will be simple.
Let's measure the capacity of your lungs...

(P gives Ball a device for measuring the vital capacity of the lungs)

Come on, Little boy, start.
(The ball blows into the tube)
It's like you're in training.
Be careful not to break the device.
Now, Cigarette Butt, try it.
Get your germs in there.

(The cigarette butt, straining, blows into the device with all his might, falls to the floor, he is brought to life: they splash water, etc. The old year examines the device):

Old year

Yes I see , you are a hero,
The device is all yellow from nicotine.
Now we will test our strength,
We are now raising pounds.

(points to fake weights)

Well, Dumbbells, your word,
The kettlebell is already ready for you.

(Dumbbells lift weights ten times, Whistle blows):

Enough. Enough. Everything is clear to us.
You are filled with strength perfectly.

(nods to Durman)

Datura, let's get started.
Try and lift the weight.

(Datura tries to lift the weight, but no matter what he does, he fails. He falls exhausted)

Old year(inspecting the weight):

Yes, it would be better if the weight turned yellow.
And then, like crazy, she turned blue.
I don’t even know what to give.
Perhaps Petya can give me some advice?


It's long, but you can jump from a standing position.
That's how I do it, it's not difficult at all.

Old year:

Thank you, Petya, good!
He jumped beautifully and easily.

(Spike girls raise their hands)

Spikes are burning with desire
Improve this distance.
Well, sisters, your jump.
Let's test the strength of your legs.

Well done! Great jump!
And the jumpers are cute.

(O addresses vices):
Who will show you the jump?
I hope he doesn't end up dead.

(Ryumashka comes out, swaying, and says in a slurred voice):


Let me risk my health.
I wasn't always like this.
Once upon a time cow's milk
Perhaps I drank too.
Then I switched to this.
(P hands over the bottle. He does a half-squat, swings his arms back, loses his balance, falls, gets up, somehow makes a small jump, goes to his company)

Old year:

Yes, she did a very good job.
And apparently she was very tired.
However, what else can we come up with?
So that without falls and without noise.
Yeah! There is some nice fun
You'll like her.

(addresses vices):

Hey, gop company, let's start!
Get ready to pull the rope.

(addresses Zdoroveyka and his friends)

And who will go from you guys?
From the side of the other rope?

(The big man and his friends are conferring)


I asked my friends
If I'm alone, I have enough strength.

(There is a tug of war with varying degrees of success. In the end, the Big One wins.)

Old year:
Here's another task...

(Cigarette butt and company shout):

Cigarette butt:

No! We are no longer able to!
Enough, stop mocking.
We won't compete.


Jumping and running hurt me,
I would like aerosol air.


I would like some vodka, some wine,
Otherwise, look, jump. It too.


What games? You, in kind,
When your gut desires dope.
We drove in, but not there.
It's time for us to get away, bro.


Yes, we can’t get any buzz here,
It's time to get the claws out of here.


Of course, there’s no way to take a sip here,
M legs can be stretched.

Cigarette butt:

Let's go there, my family,
Where Zdoroveyka can't get it.

(They walk around the tree, supporting each other, sing a song to the tune of "Fried Chicken")

Fried chicken,
Steamed chicken,
We're not chickens, let me tell you.
We're all serious
The vices are formidable
And we have half the health.

Toxic machine!
And I'm Ryumashechka!
And I am Cigarette Butt, I am Datura.
We are always looking for a buzz
Without a buzz we're in trouble
Smoke, breathe, pour a glass.

Oh, you'll get sick.
Oh, you'll go crazy.
There is no need to scare us with this.
And let us poison ourselves
But let's have fun,
We don't care about health.

(Vices go away).

Old year:

You see, my friend, New Year,
What I left you.
Last year gave them to me,
And I didn't fix them.
From year to year, from century to century
Vices pass.
Oh, poor, weak man!
They are harassing him.
I wish you, young friend:
Strengthen your healthy spirit!

New Year:

I'll be there from the very first days
Be friends with Healthy!
Support his friends -
Sport helps you become stronger
More spiritual, better and smarter!
No to vices, I say.
I'm not on my way with them.
They lead the whole world into darkness,
The Devil is proud of them.

Old year:

Few hours left
And you replace me.
I see you are ready -
You are walking around the country.
All! Get to your places, it's time, friends.
Everyone has their own worries.
Petya’s family is waiting at home
To celebrate the New Year.
Let's join hands
And we'll walk around the Christmas tree.

(They walk around the tree and sing a song to the tune "Blue Car")

We say goodbye to the Old Year,
We celebrate New Year at the gate.
We meet with new hopes.
We believe he will bring us happiness.


We will walk along it together and cheerfully.

We really like studying at school,
We go to school to gain knowledge.
We dream of becoming famous in the future,
We dream of becoming famous.


Let's all be healthy and cheerful!
May success accompany us.
Let's all be cheerful and kind!
Happy New Year to everyone!

The New Year glows with joy, joy.
This joy makes everything around brighter.
A ladder descends from the sky days of the year,
We will walk along it together and cheerfully!

Characters: presenter, reading guys, Father Frost, Snow Maiden, girl, Winnie the Pooh, Piglet, robbers, Baba Yaga.

The progress of the holiday

Music from the movie “My Affectionate and Gentle Beast” is playing. The words sound in the background of music:


The last leaf is torn off,

The calendar was taken from the wall.

Congratulations have been waiting for a long time

January is just outside the door.

The old year is passing away

Its last page rustles.

Let the best that was not go away,

And the worst cannot happen again.

Let him not skimp on happiness,

Let him light the stars on time,

May all your wishes come true.

1st reader.

Let the frost play more merrily

Let it freeze your cheeks.

Happy New Year,

Happy year of joy, happiness, love!

2nd reader.

Hours go by, days pass -

This is the law of nature.

And today we want you

To congratulate with new Year!

3rd reader.

We wish you a Happy New Year

All the joys in the world,

Health for a hundred years ahead

For both you and your children.

4th reader.

May the New Year you celebrate

A happy year will come into your life.

And all the good things you dream of,

Let it come true and definitely come.

Any New Year's song is performed. The Robbers run out (whistles, noise, screams).

Robbers. Why are you so smart? What's going on here?

Leading. Who are you?

Robbers. And we... (They perform a song from the cartoon “In the footsteps of the Bremen Town Musicians”: “Knife and Ax Workers...”, “We don’t want to live differently...”). So you won't have any New Year! We are taking your teacher and will not let Santa Claus come to you. (They take the teacher and take her out of the classroom.)

Parents(stopping the robbers). Wait, what do the kids need to do for you to let the teacher go?

Robbers. Let your children amuse us. For example, they will dance some kind of dance!

Children perform the "Dance of the Little Ducklings."

Robbers. Well done! They amused us! Okay, we'll let your teacher go. But we still won’t let you celebrate the holiday.

Leading. Robbers, let's agree this way: I'll tell you a few riddles, and if you can't solve them, then you won't bother us. Agreed?

Robbers. Fine. There has never been a mystery that we couldn't solve. Let's.

The presenter asks riddles.

He flies in a white flock

And sparkles on the fly.

He melts like a cool star

On the palm and in the mouth (Snow)

Carved, lace

Spinning in the air.

How does it fit into the palm of your hand?

So right away - water. (Snowflake)

Black, not earth,

Fluffy, not snow,

It heats, not the stove. (Fur coat)

No arms, no legs,

And he draws patterns on the windows. (Freezing)

Let me be a small bird,

I, friends, have a habit -

When the cold starts,

Straight from the north here. (Bullfinch)

The robbers could not guess a single riddle correctly

Robbers. How much we don't know! I'll have to go to school to get smart! Guys, forgive us! Can we stay at your party? We will be good and obedient!

The robbers remain.

Leading. Dear guys, dear guests, I invite you to play the game.


In this game you first need to remember the text:

Santa Claus is coming, coming to us,

Santa Claus is coming to us.

And we know that Santa Claus

He brings us gifts.

After the text has been repeated, it is proposed to replace words with movements and gestures. The first words that are replaced are the word “we”. Instead of these words, everyone points to themselves. With each new performance, there are fewer words and more gestures.

Instead of the words “Santa Claus,” everyone points to the door, the word “is coming” is replaced by walking in place, the word “we know” is replaced by touching the flask with the index finger, the word “gifts” is replaced by a gesture depicting a large bag. At the last performance, all words disappear, except for prepositions and the verb “will bring.”

The sound is from the film about Winnie the Pooh. Winnie the Pooh and Piglet appear.

Winnie the Pooh. Dear friends! Me and my friend Piglet came to wish you a Happy New Year!


The New Year comes to us with lunar powder

And the flickering of bright candles.

New Year! Let him be good

For you and for our friends!

Winnie the Pooh. Guys, Piglet and I have a surprise for you. We will now hold a New Year's lottery.

Win-win lottery

Winnie the Pooh pulls out tickets with numbers, and Piglet hands out prizes.

The presenter reads out wishes for ticket numbers:

. No. 1. On a ticket by chance

you got some Georgian tea. (Tea)

. No. 2. To keep your face and hands clean,

You got a piece of scented soap for your ticket. (Soap)

. No. 3. Dimensionless vessel for various volumes of liquid. (Ball)

. No. 4. To prevent teeth from hurting,

Clean them at least once a week. (Toothbrush)

. No. 5. We wanted to win a flashlight,

But I just got a ball. (Ball)

. No. 6. Should be happy in abundance

From the lottery you now:

A wonderful card for you

Got it as a souvenir from us. (Postcard)

. No. 7. You will receive a balloon,

Fly into space to the stars. (Ball)

. No. 8. A rather rare surprise for you -

Two paper napkins. (Two paper napkins)

. No. 9. Get it—hurry:

A notebook for you: write poetry. (Notebook)

. No. 10. Don’t get sick, be strong,

We hand you the pills. (Vitamin tablets)

. No. 11. You look great:

Both clothes and hairstyle.

And the reward is not in vain

Your winnings are a comb. (Comb)

. No. 12. To distinguish the days well,

You need to know the calendar well. (Calendar)

. No. 13. About all the news in the world

Read it in the newspaper. (Newspaper with crossword puzzle)

. No. 14. You listen to advice:

Fruits - best diet. (Fruits)

. No. 15. You got the candy,

Come visit us. (Candy)

. No. 16. To find out your income,

A notepad will come in handy. (Notebook)

. No. 17. “Hurray!” - shout to the whole world,

Your car is a souvenir. (Machine)

. No. 18. So that your hair is beautiful -

Receive a comb as a gift. (Comb)

. No. 19. There is no typewriter -

We offer this item. (Pen)

. No. 20. In life you have to hope for the best,

Take glue if something doesn't stick. (Glue)

. No. 21. To write to you beautifully,

Hurry up to get a pen. (Pen)

. No. 22 This piece will correct the mistake,

This eraser is called an eraser. (Eraser)

. No. 23 This is not a cup, this is not a watering can.

This is the line everyone needs. (Ruler)

. No. 24. Always sharpen your pencil

And get a sharpener. (Sharpener)

. No. 25. I got into the car, drove off,

You arrived at school quickly. (Machine)

. No. 26. Japanese camera. (Mirror)

. No. 27. Preparation for jaw development. (Gum)

. No. 28. Measuring device of the highest accuracy. (Ruler)

. No. 29. Music center. (Whistle)

. No. 30. This item will be useful to you

Study for “A” grades. (Pen)

Leading. Guys, the New Year is coming very soon. Who do we need to celebrate this holiday?

Guys. Ded Moroz and Snegurochka.

Leading. That's right, guys. Let's call them.

Their names are Father Frost and Snow Maiden. You can hear “Song of Santa Claus” by Yu. Entin.

Last page of the calendar

Left on the wall.

I worked all year not in vain.

It's time for me to hit the road!

I'll travel hundreds of miles in a row,

So that on the night of New Year

Wearing a Christmas tree outfit

And she got up in a round dance.

I will give gifts to children,

After all, there is no one kinder than me.

I don't want a better award

What joy to all children!

Father Frost. Hello, dear guys!

Snow Maiden. Hello, dear adults!

Father Frost. Happy New Year!

Snow Maiden. We wish you happiness with all our hearts!

Father Frost. To get you through this year

Snow Maiden. Without sadness and worries,

Father Frost. May you work with success.

Snow Maiden. And they had fun on holiday.

Leading. Thank you, Grandfather Frost, thank you, Snow Maiden! Somehow the holiday doesn’t quite work out for us.

Father Frost. Why?

Leading. The Christmas tree isn't on fire!

Father Frost. Yes, it's a mess. But for it to catch fire, two conditions must be met.

Leading. Which?

Father Frost Sing a New Year's song and dance.

Children sing the song “Snowflakes” by A Vnukov and dance the snowflake dance.

The calendar leaves will fly off,

What remains is a leaf...

On the last evening of December

The magic time will come...

The clock will strike twelve times,

And Santa Claus will come

And he will take us with him

Happy New Year.


Snowflakes are falling from the sky

Everything is lower, everything is lower...

Drifts of fluffy snow

Higher, higher...

Steps of the passing year

Everything is quieter, everything is quieter...

And the New Year's song

Getting closer, getting closer...


A fairy tale will greet us at this hour

Under the forest Christmas tree,

And will never leave us again

Neither in summer, nor in spring...

And a miracle awaits us ahead

Both jokingly and seriously...

Come and visit soon

Come to us, Grandfather Frost!


Father Frost. Thank you, you made the old man happy. Here is the second condition: repeat this magic spell after me:

The frost is crackling,

A blizzard is blowing,

And here there is a big spruce.

You, Christmas tree, burn!

Shine on us for the holiday!

You, Christmas tree, burn!

Shine on us for the holiday!

The lights on the tree light up.


Lantern lights

They sparkle brightly.

Dance near the Christmas tree

We are all invited.

Children lead a round dance around the Christmas tree and sing “A Christmas tree was born in the forest.”

Father Frost. Oh, grandchildren, I’m tired, tired.

Leading. And you, grandfather, sit down on a tree stump. We will tell you poems about winter.

Children recite poems. Santa Claus distributes gifts to all children. Everyone dances “Letka-enka”. Parents line up behind Father Frost, children line up behind the Snow Maiden.

The holiday ends with tea.

Do you want to arrange a fun and interesting New Year's holiday for your children? Review our scenarios. New Year 2019 is very soon and to make it easier for you to prepare for it, we have prepared for you children's New Year's scenarios 2019 - for matinees and school evenings. Have a fun New Year 2019!

A matinee script for organizing a New Year's Eve party at school in an oriental style with miracles and adventures. Characters: schoolgirl Diana, her friend Latona, Scheherazade, Jafar, Genie, Aladdin, Sinbad. What is needed for the organization: decorations, fancy dress costumes, musical accompaniment, decorated Christmas tree, sweet table.

The script was written for New Year's holiday at a school party. An interesting journey into the era of Peter the Great, the story of the creation of the New Year. Characters: two presenters, Peter the Great, a poem reader, a dance group. What is needed for the organization: streamers, confetti, New Year tree, fancy dress costumes and masks, music and lyrics.

New Year celebration scenario for schoolchildren. Active fun game. Characters: Crane, Bear, guys - carolers. What is needed for the organization: costumes for characters, decorations, musical accompaniment, covered festive table.

Unusual school script New Year celebrations with interesting fortune telling and predictions. Characters: Snow Maiden, Wendma-Megerochka, Witch of Auda, Witch of Irgol, three Snowmen, Snowflakes and Father Frost. What is needed for the organization: New Year's attributes and costumes, musical accompaniment, sweets and candies, props for scenes.

The script is designed for children school age. The history of the emergence of Christmas with songs, round dances and children's performances. Characters: presenter, Scientist Cat, Joulupukki, Scrooge McDuck. What is needed for the organization: music and lyrics, props, a New Year tree, children’s skits prepared in advance, hall decoration, fancy dress costumes.

Children's script New Year's party. Performance for schoolchildren. Getting to know legendary hero fairytale Sherwood forest Robin Hood. Interesting tasks and fun competitions. Characters: Robin Hood and two presenters. What is needed for the organization: sweets and candies, a decorated Christmas tree, character costumes, a bow and arrow.

The New Year's party for children is held in the school assembly hall. Script for schoolchildren. Characters: presenter, Zimushka - winter, Squirrel, Wolf, Fox, Hare, Snow Maiden, Santa Claus, Snowflakes, guys - readers of poems and montages. What is needed for the organization: musical accompaniment, decoration of the hall, costumes for participants in skits, prizes for the winners.

New Year's performance of the New Year's celebration for children studying in high school. Conducting children's competitions and games. Characters: Pierrot, Santa Claus, Jester, Capricious Star, Button. What is needed for the organization: sweet table, hall decoration, hero costumes, gifts for participants, chest, homemade podium, music.

Scenario for a New Year's party at school for children attending school. A production for children with their favorite fairy-tale characters, which turns into dancing and round dances. Characters: Snow Maiden, Santa Claus, Hare, Fox, Mouse, Dog, Tiger Cub. What is needed for the organization: a decorated Christmas tree, decorations, fancy dress costumes, sweet gifts, a stage.

New Year's performance for high school students. Scenario for celebrating the New Year with friends or co-workers. Holding fun competitions, interesting quizzes, cheerful congratulations and toast. Characters: Optimist, Pessimist. What is needed for the organization: a decorated Christmas tree, room decoration, character costumes, prizes for the winners, a festive table, music.

A dynamic festive scenario has been developed for holding New Year's KVN between guests according to all the rules of this famous game. Lots of jokes and fun for all participants of the holiday. Characters: presenter, five teams of players. What is needed for the organization: musical accompaniment, cardboard numbers, prizes for the winners, a festive table.

New Year's celebration script designed for children preschool age. New Year's party for the little ones. Conducting fun games and competitions for children and their parents. Characters: Parsley, Harlequin, Father Frost, Snow Maiden. What is needed for the organization: a festive table, fancy dress costumes, sweet gifts.

New Year's party script for kindergarten. Festive performance for children. Original ideas for costumes of fairy-tale characters: Harlequin, Parsley, The Snow Queen, Merry old ladies, Dinka-ice. Characters: children. What is needed for the organization: a decorated Christmas tree, room decoration, character costumes, gifts for participants.

Holiday for friends. Competitive New Year's program with prizes and gifts, without vulgarity and bad jokes. Characters: presenter, Father Frost and Snow Maiden. What is needed for the organization: musical accompaniment, gifts for the winners, banquet table, costumes for program participants.

A cheerful New Year's scenario for adults and children. An original New Year's Eve celebration in nature for the whole family with entertaining events: competitions and games. Characters: children and their parents. What is needed for the organization: New Year's melodies, a decorated Christmas tree, fancy dress costumes, sweet prizes, cards with invitations, table, chairs, firewood.

A universal scenario for a fun family celebration of the New Year 2019. A scenario for a large company of adults and children. Family competitions and entertaining quizzes. Characters: parents and their children. What is needed for the organization: music and lyrics, sweet table, hall decoration, character costumes, prizes for the winners.

New Year's re-enactment of the New Year's celebration with fairy-tale characters. Scenario for the whole family. Entertainment activities designed for a large company. Characters: Buffoons, Santa Claus, Winter, Baba Yaga. What is needed for the organization: musical accompaniment, sweet gifts, prizes for competition winners.

Scenario for a New Year's party in the style of the 80s. Performance for adults and children. Incendiary dancing until you drop, funny competitions and quizzes. Characters: presenter, Santa Claus. What is needed for the organization: dance tunes, a decorated Christmas tree, character costumes, gifts for participants, a banquet table, props.

Scenario for a holiday party for preschoolers. Perky and funny scene for children. Comic riddles, funny games, interesting competitions, driving round dances and singing New Year's songs. Characters: Buffoon, Baba Yaga, Snow Maiden, Father Frost. What is needed for the organization: music and lyrics, sweet prizes, costumes for characters, decorations.

Scenario for New Year 2019 for children in primary school. Matinee for schoolchildren with fairy-tale characters from their favorite cartoons. Characters: Ivanushka the Fool, Koschey the Immortal, Baba Yaga, Snow White, dwarfs, Nightingale the Robber, Little Red Riding Hood. What is needed for the organization: musical accompaniment, hall decoration, fancy dress, sweet gifts.

Scenario for New Year's Eve in elementary school. New Year's celebration for schoolchildren. Characters: Snow Maiden, Father Frost, Fairy, Baba Yaga, Little Red Riding Hood, Ivanushka the Fool, Nightingale the Robber, Koschey the Immortal, the Seven Dwarfs, Old Man Hottabych, Snow White. What is needed for the organization: New Year's melodies, a decorated Christmas tree, prizes for the winners, a sweet table, decorations, New Year's paraphernalia.

New Year's scenario designed for a school matinee. A fun show for children. re-enactment educational process. Characters: teacher, troupe of students, support group. What is needed for the organization: music and lyrics, character costumes, gifts for participants, chairs for simulating a class, a wall calendar.

The scenario is designed for holding a matinee at school. Performance for children. Interesting story, light humor, good ending. Characters: a group of children, “brothers”. What is needed for the organization: musical accompaniment, an elegantly decorated Christmas tree, decoration of the hall, fancy dress costumes, sweets and candies, prizes for the winners.

Magical New Year's carnival - scenario for grades 5-9

A dance tune is playing. On stage, the “mask” group performs their dance. At the end of the dance, the Leader and the Presenter enter the stage.
Hello, Dear friends! We are pleased to welcome you to today's celebration.
It's winter outside - the time of the most short days and the longest nights. But we love this time of year. After all, it is in winter that the New Year comes to us and with it the “coniferous” joyful mood of happiness, change, and hope that this beloved holiday brings with it.
It is on this day that unforgettable meetings take place, the most cherished wishes come true, and the most incredible miracles are possible. Don't believe me? I am sure that you will be able to verify this if you become a participant in our New Year's carnival.
We invited interesting guests to our holiday, prepared exciting competitions, fun musical and dance surprises, so we hope no one will be bored.
And today we are given unique opportunity take a trip to different countries world and find out what traditions of celebrating the New Year exist in different latitudes globe. And foreign guests who are invited to our carnival will help us with this.
With the arrival of white Januarys
We are all becoming “wiser” -
New Year's signs
We take from all over the planet.
What to eat, what to drink, what to wear according to fashion...
Gray-haired times of New Year's Eve
In Italian there is rubbish in the windows
We throw it away - with grief in half.
Then according to the eastern axiom,
Rearranging furniture in the house
And we calculate endlessly -
Who is the Mouse, who is the Tiger, and who is the Sheep...
From Santa Clauses of different colors
We are waiting for gifts and a lot of happiness.
And we believe that heaven
Miracles are in store for us all...

Music is playing, the song “New Year’s” by the group “Disco Accident”. Snegurochka 1 and Snegurochka 2 enter the stage.

Snow Maiden 1: Where are you dressing up?

Snow Maiden 2: How to where? New Years is soon. Let's go with Grandfather Frost to congratulate the children on the holiday and give gifts.

Snow Maiden 1: Why did you decide that you would go to the holiday? We are both granddaughters of Father Frost, both Snow Maidens!

Snow Maiden 2: I'm younger. I have to go. Why do we need a junk like you at a party?

Snow Maiden 1: Better look at yourself, you’ll also get me a present for the holiday! It would be better if there was snow.

Snow Maiden 2: What is it, am I worse than snow? The snow will melt, but I will stay!

Snow Maiden 1: Yes, you can’t erase a gift like you, no matter how you paint it, you can’t turn it around with a bulldozer, you can’t ride it around on a crooked mare!

Snow Maiden 2: You know what, my eldest sister, Snow Maiden-veteran! Don't turn up your nose. Grandfather Frost will come and he will judge us. Let him say who he wants to take to the holiday!

Snow Maiden 1: Let's call him!

Shouting together:

Grandfather Frost, get up, it's time,

Children are waiting for gifts!

(A sleepy Santa Claus appears with a bag of gifts behind his back.)

Santa Claus: I slept almost the whole year, although there was a lot to do. It's time to go to work: go and congratulate them on the holiday, give gifts. As always, the New Year is sweeping across the world, and every time the Supreme Duma of the ancient convocation hands out tasks on where to go this year. I’ll tell you, my dear granddaughters, that this year I was given a difficult task, to congratulate... Why are you so gloomy, what happened, what happened?

Snow Maiden 1: Yes, Grandfather, some here believe that they can make any holiday happy with their presence. To be, so to speak, an utter gift!

Father Frost: What for? They have already given me gifts. Look, a whole bag!

(Puts the bag in a visible place).

Snow Maiden 2: The fact is, Grandfather, that I believe that the youngest, most blooming of us should go to the holiday with you.

Snow Maiden 1: And you don’t take my centuries-old experience and length of service into account at all? Just imagine, you come, a new, unfamiliar face, the children won’t even recognize you, they’ll be scared. But I am a completely different matter!

Father Frost: Granddaughters, don’t quarrel!

(Snow Maiden 1 slowly takes the bag with gifts).

Snow Maiden 2: Well, of course, Grandfather! It's a shame. I waited a whole year, prepared congratulations for a whole month, dressed up...

Snow Maiden 1: I was on a diet all day...

Snow Maiden 2: And you spent the whole day doing makeup, covering up wrinkles...

Snow Maiden 1: It was I who covered up the wrinkles, it was me... Yes, I...

(Chases her and tries to hit her with a bag. She runs away. As a result, Snow Maiden 1 hits Santa Claus on the head with the bag).

Snow Maiden 2: Oh! What have we done!

Father Frost: Stop arguing. In my opinion, something terribly irreparable happened. I'm afraid that no one will go to the holiday. And someone will be left without gifts this year.

Snow Maidens (together): Why?

Father Frost: At my age, it is very reckless to make sudden movements in the head area. And you, my kind granddaughters, my dear granddaughters (he speaks maliciously), hit her, so to speak, with a blunt object - a bag. And now, now (almost crying) I forgot where I was supposed to go, where the Supreme Duma of the ancient convocation sent me for the holiday. Now everything is gone!

Snow Maidens(together): Horror!

Father Frost: I know it’s terrible! There is nothing more terrible than a holiday that doesn't exist.

Snow Maiden 1: Something needs to be done!

Snow Maiden 2: What can we do now?

Snow Maiden 1: Calm, just calm. My life experience suggests that if you lose something, you need to look for it.

Snow Maiden 2: Well, you're a head! That's right, let's get ready to go! Let's go and find our holiday!

Father Frost: But I have no idea which way to go! I forgot everything! I only remember that the place is so unusual, somehow exotic, not close, nearby, the name is so warm, warm, almost native.

Snow Maiden 2: If it’s warm and exotic, then it’s probably Africa!

Snow Maiden 1: What Africa! A distant and nearby place! But Africa is definitely far away. So I think that distant, nearby, warm and exotic is something like Italy. Right?

Father Frost: Maybe let's go have a look.

Father Frost: The place is, of course, exotic, but somehow too much! And not that warm. Maybe look for something warmer.

(The song “For Four Seas” by the group “Brilliant” is played).

Father Frost: Ugh, I’m tired, granddaughters!

Snow Maiden 1: Don’t worry, grandfather, we have already reached a very warm and exotic country.

Snow Maiden 2: There are palm trees and elephants. Look, people are so cheerful, smart, all in colorful sheets!

Father Frost: Bah! Yes, this is India!

Speech about celebrating the New Year in India. Young woman.

Hello, dear guests! Dancers from the Indian folk theater troupe welcome you. New Year's Eve in India is celebrated not at midnight, but at sunrise. On this day it is forbidden to quarrel or get angry. It is believed that the whole year will turn out the way it began. You need to get up early, get yourself in order, slowly remember the past and think about the future. During the day, archery competitions are held, kites. The performances of our folk theater are especially popular and attract huge crowds on the streets and squares. And now you will meet the famous Indian magician and wizard, magician and fakir, the mysterious Raja.

A magician appears in a long cloak, holding a black box with a hole in his hands. The magician bows, greets the guests, and invites those who wish to take part in the competition.


I invite you to see the mysterious, fabulous eastern night. To see it, you need to close one eye and look into the round hole of the box with the other. So the miracle begins...

The participant looks through the hole; for greater effect, a magician's cloak is thrown over his head. But he didn't see anything there.


Well, what did you see? The participant saw nothing.


That is, how to understand this? You see darkness. This is a magical, mysterious eastern night! Now I'll show you a few tricks.

"Whims of Flame"

The magician lights a candle, blows lightly on the flame, it deviates in the opposite direction. Then he takes a funnel and blows on the candle through the funnel. The flame is deflected towards the funnel. (Explanation: an area of ​​low pressure is created in the funnel, into which the flame is drawn). He places a bottle in front of a burning candle and blows on it. The candle went out. (Explanation: the air stream split into two streams, then connected and blew out the candle).

"Sippy glass"

The magician takes a glass of water and places a card on the glass. Holding the card with his hand, he quickly turns the glass over and removes his hand: the water does not spill out. (Explanation: the air presses on the card and presses it against the glass).


And now I invite the audience to help me perform tricks.

Those who wish come out.

"Magic Coin"

The magician asks the participant to pick up one of the five coins, squeeze it in his hand and hold it. The coin is then placed on the table. The magician mixes them and finds the right one. (Explanation: the one you held in your hands will be warmer than the others).

"Tame Snake"

The magician suggests rubbing a plastic ruler on the wool and bringing it to the paper snake: it will raise its head. (Explanation: the ruler acquires electric charge and begins to attract light objects).


Thank you for your attention! And those who explain the last two tricks can take prizes from the tree.


Our folk Indian theater bids farewell to you and wishes you happiness in the new year.

Father Frost: This heat just started to melt my brain. I think they couldn’t send me to such a noisy place, it’s for young Santa Clauses. I have no idea where I had to go!

Snow Maiden 1: And I think I know. If the place is calm, balanced, with strict rules, centuries-old traditions, then we are heading to the United Kingdom, to Great Britain.

Father Frost: Oh, and it’s good in the UK! And the porridge is delicious, just right for me, an old man. And how romantic it sounds: “Oatmeal, sir!”

Snow Maiden 1: Yes, how exotic this is! I have not tolerated this scumbag since childhood. That's the thing with all kinds of seafood: mussels, squid, crabs and sushi with them.

Snow Maiden 2: And pick at it with chopsticks.

Snow Maiden 1: Well, at least with chopsticks. But you know how interesting it is. After all, the main thing in eating is the process, the ceremony, as in Japan.

Father Frost: Well, maybe we’ll really rush to Japan.

Japanese music is playing.

Presenter: On Japanese islands Winter has come. Snowflakes began to swirl, covering the ground with a white fluffy carpet, and all ordinary Japanese began to await the arrival of the long-awaited holiday - the New Year. On the eve of the holiday, the Japanese decorate their home. Pine branches and colored paper are hung on bamboo sticks.

Several people depict a house, two people represent Japanese people in kimonos who “decorate” the “house.”

First Japanese: Akutagawa, Kadamatsu! Kadamatsu!

Leading(translates): Masha, let's decorate our house with pine - it's a symbol of longevity and strength!

Second Japanese: Aha, aha! Take, take, Yamamoto! Harakiri, samurai!

Leading(translates): Of course, Vanya, come on! And we also need to decorate with bamboo, it will help us become hardy next year, add strength and help us resist the blows of fate.

Japanese(together): Ikebana, banzai!

Two guests enter. On skis, also dressed in a kimono.

Guests(together): Akutagawa, Yamomoto, Runesuke!

Leading(translates): Masha, Vanya, hello!

Japanese(together): Runesuke, yakuza! Kimono!

Leading (translates): Hello, friends! Take off your clothes.


Hello, dear friends! I came to you from Japan to congratulate you all on the New Year holiday. In our country, on New Year's Eve, it is customary to give cards with the image of an animal under whose sign the New Year begins. Before the holiday, you also need to pay off your creditors. The Japanese consider the numbers 100 and 8 to be lucky, so the temple rings 108 bells to announce the arrival of the New Year. With the last blow you are supposed to go to bed in order to get up before dawn, go out and celebrate the New Year with the first rays of the sun. New Year in Japan is not just a holiday, but a kind of general birthday. The one hundred and eighth stroke of the New Year's bell added a year to every Japanese person. In the morning, the traditional “Dancing Tiger” procession passes through the central streets. He is depicted by four masked men dressed in colorful fabrics. And now I invite you to take part in such a procession. For this I will need several participants. One group will make up the tiger's head, the other - the tail. The “head” must catch the “tail”.

Music plays and games are played.

First Japanese: Takeshi Kitano! Grandfathers Moroki and Sneguraki!

Leading(translates): Since everyone is ready for the start of the holiday, we need to call Father Frost and the Snow Maiden!

Japanese and guests (shouting together): Grandfathers Moroki and Sneguraki!

Grandfather Frost and Snow Maiden enter. They are also in kimonos.

Moroki's Grandfathers: Banzai, Pokemon!

Leading(translates): Hello, children! How long have I not seen you! How well you decorated your house and prepared for the New Year!

Snowmen: Sensei, ding!

Presenter (translates): It’s time to get the bell, each blow of which drives away one of the evils.

He takes out the bell. Every time she hits it, the host translates.

Presenter: Ring!

Snow Maiden 1: What a country! Not a country, but pure exoticism! Everything is so amazing and extraordinary!

Snow Maiden 2: What's the point, they weren't expecting us there anyway.

Father Frost: You, granddaughters, do as you wish, but I’m already tired. It’s hard for me, an old man, to run around the world, looking for someone to congratulate on the holiday. There's nothing you can do, you'll have to return home with nothing.

Snow Maiden 1: This means that this year someone will still be left without a holiday, congratulations, or a gift. But there's nothing you can do, you have to go home.

Snow Maiden 2: Or maybe we’ll visit some other countries on the way home?

Music sounds and children in African costumes appear on stage. 5th grade performance Miss Africa: Hello guys, nice to see you here! Despite the absence of snow and frost, in Africa they also meet New Year. There is a traditional Christmas tree in almost every home (whether made of plastic or the spruce-like “eucalyptus” variety). U different nations your own special traditions for celebrating the New Year. In Africa, on the land of the Abijians, who settled in southern regions Cote d'Ivoire and consider themselves Christians; the spirits of fire, water and forest rule at New Year's festivities. Villagers gather for ritual dances, general meditation and races on all fours with an egg in their mouth. The winner of the race is the one who reaches the finish line first and does not break the shell - a symbol of fragility and fragility human existence. After all, the Abija egg is a symbol of life. Only a person with strong nerves can watch the ritual New Year's dances to the end, because the dancers, to the enthusiastic cries of the public, cut themselves with daggers. The surprising thing is that there is almost no blood, and the scars heal before the eyes. However, there is an explanation for this - the secrets of miraculous ointments were passed down from generation to generation, which made the warrior’s body immune to pain. And after general meditation, they say, real miracles happen: patients recover, ulcers heal, and even someone may have the gift of foresight.

For example, in one of the tribes in Kenya on New Year's Day, when tribesmen meet, they spit at each other, so they wish each other health, happiness and good luck. This is a very exotic custom, but don’t worry, we won’t spit at each other, but we’ll try to congratulate each other in the African way.

Miss Africa: Africa - hot scorching sun, impassable jungle and temperamental, fiery dances to the sounds of tom-tom. I announce the African Dance Marathon.

Dance "Jumbo"

During the dances, we choose the best “leader” of the dancers’ tribe and present a prize - a New Year’s loincloth (tinsel ribbon.)

Father Frost

Granddaughters, I just received a message. But I can't understand anything. The text is written in some strange letters.

Snow Maiden 1 Let me see. So, of course, these are Arabic letters. But what does it say here? Perhaps there are Arabic experts among our guests? Only with their help will we decipher the message.

Iranian music sounds, a young man and two girls come out in Iranian outfits.

Young man.

Greetings to you, friends, from the people of Iran. We sent you Happy New Year greetings, wishes of good luck, joy and prosperity. In our country, on New Year's Day, the father of the family gives everyone beautiful clothes decorated with patterns. I suggest you do something similar. I invite two young men. They will decorate the costumes of my assistants with various little things that they find in the hall or beg from the audience. When the decorations are collected, the participants will be blindfolded and then proceed by touch. The one whose girl turns out to be more elegant will win.

Snow Maiden 2. Our journey continues. The Scots meet us.


Happy new year friends! New Year is a desired and favorite holiday for us. A few days before January 1, musicians and singers take to the streets performing folk songs. Throughout New Year's Eve, street vendors sell toys, whistles, squeakers, masks, Balloons. All family members gather by the fireplace, look at the fire, which symbolically burns away all the adversities of the old year, make wishes for the future, and when the clock hands approach twelve, the head of the family silently opens the door wide - while the clock strikes, the Old Year is believed to come out and New comes in. Santa Claus - Father Frost - comes to every home, and children play with him. My favorite game is hide and seek. I suggest you do something similar.


1. Blindfolded, get up from the chair. Following the leader’s commands (4 steps forward, 4 to the right, 4 to the left, etc.), return to the chair and sit on it.

2. Team members stand one after another, the next one puts his hands on the shoulders of the previous one, everyone except the “guide” is blindfolded, the “guide” must lead the team through the maze, going around chairs and pins. The task is not to knock over objects.

Scotsman. Once again, Happy New Year to everyone. I want to wish that next year you will not have to take the wrong steps, playing hide and seek with fate.

Snow Maiden2. We have received a package. This is a dogwood branch decorated with brightly colored paper and flowers. And a note is attached to it: “Surva, surva, merry time.” Who knows which country?

The guys answer, a Bulgarian song sounds, girls come in with a pie.

Young woman.

Hello everyone from sunny Bulgaria! Those who celebrate the New Year in our country are given a rare opportunity to kiss Santa Claus himself. As we bid farewell to the old year, the lights go out in the houses. When the clock strikes midnight, everything is plunged into darkness. At these moments, many are trying to find Santa Claus in the dark and kiss him. Because, according to a comic belief, this portends special luck. As soon as the lights come on, a New Year's pie with a secret is placed on the festive table: small objects are hidden in each piece of it: a nut (to crack a tough nut in the new year), a coin (you will win), a paper clip (you will have a meeting with good friend), a foil ball (a brilliant idea will dawn on you), and if you come across a rose sprig, there will be happiness in love. We want to treat you to such a pie. (They give a treat). And we also have one more surprise. Everyone knows that dreams come true on New Year's Eve. And today those who take part in the “Dance of My Dreams” competition will be able to realize their dreams.

5-8 girls and the same number of boys are invited. First, the girls take notes out of the basket and stand in a line in the middle of the hall. Then the boys select notes from the baskets and stand opposite the girls. The first girl is then asked to read the note out loud. She reads: “I dream of dancing with the best dancer in our school.” The young man whose note says “best dancer” comes out and stands next to the first girl. This is how all other notes are read. After everyone has divided into pairs, the dance begins, to which everyone else joins.

Texts of notes for girls

1. I dream of dancing with the best dancer in our school.

2. I would really like to be invited to dance by the tiger tamer.

3. I would like to dance with a famous film actor.

4. I want to dance with the sea captain.

5. I dream of dancing with the chef.

6. I really want to be invited by the world champion in weightlifting.

For the boys, respectively, the best dancer, tiger tamer, famous film actor, sea captain, chef, world champion in weightlifting.

Good evening! We welcome you to Hungary. There, on New Year's Eve, children's whistles, pipes, and trumpets disappear from the shelves. By popular belief, the shrill and not always pleasant sound of these musical instruments drives away evil spirits from the home and brings prosperity and joy into the home. And now we will try to do something similar.

Participants in the competition are given pipes, a harmonica, a whistle, a trumpet, or they can make instruments from scrap materials, or imitate playing “their” instrument. You need to imagine yourself as a member of a brass band and “play” some popular song.

At the end of the competition, participants choose their prizes and souvenirs on the Christmas tree.

Young woman.

We congratulate you on the holiday and wish you all a cheerful mood and good luck.


As a musical gift, we have prepared for you a medley of fiery dance tunes. Everybody dance!

The melodies of rumba, cha-cha-cha, rock and roll), lambada sound. Everyone can dance.


Our journey around the world continues.

You can hear the sound of broken dishes, crackling, grinding, and crashing.

Snow Maiden2

What's happening? This is probably the beginning of an earthquake.

Snegurochka1, for example, I know a riddle about one country, which we will just have a look at on the way. Listen:

Everything that is worn to holes

Forks, spoons and glasses,

Chairs, bedside tables, sofas,

It's flying down towards you in...Italy.

Italian music sounds, an Italian comes out.


Good evening friends! Do not worry! Nothing bad happens. It's just Italians celebrating the New Year. On New Year's Eve, everything is thrown out of apartments at the very last minute of the old year. broken dishes, old clothes and even furniture. Following them, firecrackers, confetti, and sparklers fly. It is generally accepted that if you throw away on New Year's Eve old thing, then in the coming year you will buy a new one. All Italian children eagerly await the sorceress Befana, who flies in at night on a broom and fills children's stockings, specially hung from the fireplace, with gifts through the chimney. And at 175 Boulevard Europe, Rome, Italy, lives the Italian Santa Claus, whose name is Babbo Natale. And he sent you a very interesting gift musical competition. It's called the "dance of numbers."

The presenter explains the rules of the game.

Everyone is divided into circles of 5-6 people, each taking a number from 1 to 5 (6). At the command “Start!” music sounds and everyone in the circle, holding hands, dancing, moves to the right. But then the music stops, the presenter loudly calls the number, for example, “third!” At this command, a melody sounds - Russian, gypsy, lambada, lezginka, the participant under this number goes into a circle and dances. Then the game continues, another number or two are called at once.

A game is held, the best dancers choose prizes on the Christmas tree.


Congratulations to you all on the most happy holiday, I wish you a good mood, good luck, love.

Father Frost: Oh, Mama Mia, Santa Lucia, presto contabele, legato, stocatto!

Snow Maiden 1: Grandfather, do you know Italian?

Father Frost: Si, bella donna!

Snow Maiden 2: Grandfather, do you still remember the Russian language?

Father Frost: Oh, oh-oh-oh! It seems that the second blow to my poor head also did not go unnoticed. I seem to remember who to congratulate and where to go!

Snow Maidens(in unison): It can’t be!

Father Frost: The place is so unusual, exotic, far away, nearby, the name is so warm, warm, almost native - this is Russia!

We can find Russians for the New Year in warm countries. Let's take a look at them. Act 1: A young couple relaxes by the sea

He: (plays the guitar and sings an American song)

She: Listen, Nikit, there’s something I don’t understand: New Year is just around the corner, and here we are in Hawaii, sweating it out, no holiday.

He: Listen, it’s so great: sun, heat, beach, girls, you live like Christ in your bosom, the climate is wonderful, the ocean is nearby. The New Year is coming, what else do you need?

She: Girls, girls... snowmen are much better. Like this! I want to go home. Not the climate, but the heat, not the ocean, but the hot compote, not the New Year, but a mountain of worries.

Hawaii D.M., Hawaii Baba Frost and a horse come out to the music “A Christmas tree was born in the forest”

G.D.M.: Good afternoon and good hour! I salute you all! Believe it! Salaam Alaikum! Boynes siris, vast ist das?

She: What kind of pretzel is this?

He: And the devil knows

G.D.M.: I am the Hawaii of Santa Claus, This is the Hawaii of Baba Frost. We offer you only magic. Only we and only now have a discounted rate for a trip to Siberia! Just for a little fun nonsense (shows dollars).

She: Oh, we have this nonsense... but will you keep your word and send you home?!

G.D.M.: No problems. We'll send Kanishna!

She:(immediately the mood rises and begins to sing) We will go, we will race on reindeer early in the morning and desperately rush straight into the Arctic Circle. Let's go skiing and try icicles; in general, we'll have a great New Year's leisure time.

He: Nastya, look how fun it is! And you got it right: home and home! Let's stay eh!

She: Well, again you're on your own. I don’t want to be here, I want to be there! I want frost, ice, snow in the end!

G.D.M.: What is snow?

She: Well, you're a grandfather, I actually look at that. Yes, now Nikita will explain everything to you better than me.

Sings the song “Somewhere in the White World”, the girls dance.

G.D.M.: Oooh, heat is good, cold is bad!

She: Give it up! Cold is cool! Especially when it's sweet. Here you are! This is the most advanced anti-heat remedy.

He: She eats this product even in the cold, but here, on the beach, she is simply a champion at eating ice cream.

He starts singing a song: If you want, I’ll show you something, I won’t tell anyone about it. All the girls on earth love this, it's just ice cream)

She: That was great. It’s at such a moment that you always remember that the camera is so busy.

He: Listen, Santa, come on, take a picture of us with Nastya, with your Snow Maiden and with your filly. We'll show our friends the house (take pictures)

Shutter sound

Baba Frost: By the way, the horse is a symbol of the new year 2014. It promises success in all endeavors, good luck and happiness to everyone born in the year of the horse. This is your year!

She: That is, what about Baba Moroza, what about me, Nikita, what about us?

Baba Frost: Don’t worry so much, Nastya, it’s better to try for the lottery!

She:(takes out the lottery and reads) Yours cherished wish will come true. You will soon see your native places, where fun and an unforgettable experience await you. Hurray, I'm going home (gets ready to leave, then returns) Nikita, are you with me or what?

He: Nastya, stop it. You yourself understand perfectly well that all this is nonsense. It will be possible to travel only from January next year.

She:(looks at G.D.M. with offense) That is, just like that, liars!

G.D.M.: Nastya swears, we need to correct ourselves: our wish will come true, together we will move into the winter

Magic Music

Act 2: In Russia

She: Here we are at home, we are at home!!! (joyfully). Oops, here comes the Snow Maiden, and you’re here! It's just unrealistic

Snow Maiden: Well, hello, my dears, you’ve gained some weight, but you’re tanned.

He: As soon as we get tanned, we will turn blue. Some of them didn’t even want to pack up their things (pushes her by the shoulder), now they don’t get into trouble!

She: Well, okay, so be it, but it’s more fun this way. We're home!

He: So no fun, where is that grandfather with the gifts? It would be better if we stayed in Hawaii!

Snow Maiden: So, now we’ll sort everything out, text Santa Claus: we’re ready for the New Year, we’re looking forward to it. Snow Maiden

D.M. comes in to the song “The holiday is coming to us”: he has an erokeus on his head, a sled in his hand, where Harley Davidson is written

D.M.: I'm tired, Snow Maiden! Oh, I'm tired! Where have I been today! (Unfolds a sheet of paper) I was at the North Pole, at South Pole was... the penguins, you know, went completely crazy with this New Year! They demand gifts, they dance in circles, I barely escaped... And this damn Harley Davidson wouldn’t start. Eh, where are my faithful deer?

Snow Maiden: Santa Claus, so here are the children.

D.M.: Where? So they are already big, it’s not good to dance with them. Let them entertain us now.

The Kremlin chimes are striking

She: Time!!

Father Frost: Not a child's time!!!

The music starts and all the children dance a flash mob to the song “Unchildren's Time”

Snow Maiden 1: Grandfather, we received a telegram: they are waiting for us at the boarding school in the city of Oktyabrsky. Well, who will you take with you to the holiday: her or me?

Father Frost: This is a common cause! And then, we have been together since first grade, and we are also responsible for everything we do together.

Snow Maiden 1: Okay, grandpa, we agree.

Snow Maiden 2: We won't let you down. After all, we are one family!

Father Frost: My dear guys! I congratulate you on the New Year, in which one of you will graduate from school and, I hope, will successfully enter a technical school.

Snow Maidens

Father Frost: In order for this dream of yours to come true, you need to be healthy, hardworking, and resilient!

Snow Maidens(in chorus): We wish it to come true!

Father Frost: Well, those who are still in the 8th grade, let them also back up their successes with excellent grades and good mood!

Snow Maidens(in chorus): We wish it to come true!


Snow Maiden 1: What are we worth? Waiting for anybody?

Snow Maiden 2: We are waiting for the director of the boarding school, Tabrik Raisovich. Let him congratulate the guys on the upcoming New Year.

Happy New Year! (Claps the cracker).

Snow Maiden.1

According to popular belief, as you celebrate the New Year, the whole year will be like this. So let's all dance around the Christmas tree and sing so that the coming year will be kind and cheerful.

He takes everyone to the Christmas tree, everyone dances in a circle, sings the song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest.”

Father Frost.

Well done! You will have a merry New Year. We sang and danced! But they are still waiting for me in other places. I wish you a happy New Year, see you again in the new, next year!


Now it's time for us to say goodbye. It's a shame that the holiday ended so quickly.


But we hope that you will be able to maintain the mood of fun, joy, and expectation of something unusual throughout the year. We are not saying goodbye to you, we are telling you: “See you again!”

Father Frost: I completely forgot about the gifts, here they are! What's in the bag, I wonder? Some kind of discs, cassettes, DJ? What would that mean?

Snow Maiden 1: This means that our gift is a New Year's disco!

Father Frost: DJ, DJ, let's call him together, guys.

(Everyone shouts along with the guys. The DJ comes out).

Here you have, young man, discs and cassettes for the disco, I hope that everyone will be satisfied with the music.

Snow Maiden 2: Everybody dance!