Top 10 best games for girls. The best computer games for girls

This article provides a list of the best games for girls and girls on PC. Of course, many girls, like true gamers, prefer more serious games than those listed in this top. However, everyone can choose a game for a pleasant pastime.

Cities: Skylines

The main task of this game: to build your own city, taking into account all the nuances that can be encountered in real life: the construction of residential buildings and commercial, industrial buildings and organizations, the construction of roads, the organization of city services, the payment of taxes, as well as ensuring a high standard of living population. A very entertaining and interesting simulator that pulls you in to your ears and forces you to show your engineering skills. There are no time restrictions in this game; you can continue to develop your city, expanding its borders and capabilities.

The Sims series of games

This is the very game that this rating could not do without. When remembering games for girls, this particular life simulator inadvertently comes to mind. Legendary series games are increasingly facing special competition, however, continues to hold on to the pedestal of the best of their kind. In this game, the user creates characters, buys a house, furnishing it according to his taste and desire, arranges for the characters to work and study, fulfills their whims and desires, etc. Very entertaining game for girls over the years.


Another one of best online games, which combines a life simulator and a dance simulator. Excellent graphics and music of the game. It is also very pleasing that a huge, diverse world is provided for the characters, where they can visit clubs, parties, discos and show their dancing abilities. An exciting game for absolutely any girl.

A very mysterious game, developed by a brilliant artist, which received a lot of positive feedback from critics. The user in the game is represented as a silhouette and his main task is to get to the mountain through the desert area. On the way, he can meet other players, but there is no opportunity to communicate with them, although they can help each other during the journey. At the end of the game, in the credits, the player can find out which strangers he has met. There are no maps or clues in the game, but there are magical items that players tend to collect and use. For its mystery and genius, the game falls into the top of the best games.

To The Moon

The story is about two doctors who are doing an unusual job - giving people a chance to achieve what they have always dreamed of. It’s just possible to do this for terminally ill patients, by penetrating into consciousness.
A lonely old man nearing death has a dream - to go to the moon. But to help the old man, you will have to travel into his past. A touching and captivating story that sinks deep into the soul, in places it will even make you cry.

The genre of this game is an interactive movie with elements of adventure and sometimes mysticism. Various quests are also provided.
The girl is given the ability to turn back time, which provides the opportunity to choose a different turn of events.
The game is undoubtedly addictive and many girls will like it with its plot.

Events unfold from the girl's point of view. The game is in the genre of quest. The player is given the opportunity to solve puzzles by moving through various locations and taking actions to solve the next riddle.
A very interesting game that makes you not only enjoy the design, but also show off your logic perfectly.

A slightly dark and fairy-tale game based on various variations of the fairy tale about Little Red Riding Hood. This game is not for the faint of heart due to its plot. It would seem that the goal of the game is to get to grandma, but this is not at all the case. The player must choose a path to lose, which will be further explored. A very non-standard and unusual game in its genre. But, undoubtedly, interesting, depending only on the situation and the player’s imagination.

Alice: Madness Returns

Another fabulous and dark story. The game is a continuation of the acclaimed American McGee's Alice. The game has two locations: a fairy tale - Wonderland and a real one - the streets of London. But basically all the events take place in an imaginary country where Alice continues to fight evil. Excellent design and story.

A very beautiful and exciting game that tells the story of Princess Aurora. She will have to face the Black Queen, who has stolen the stars, the Sun and the Moon. Throughout the game she is accompanied by a firefly who will help her fight evil.

Updated: 10/21/2017.

There is no discrimination, today the fair sex enjoy playing slasher films, creating the most successful guilds in shooters and driving around in tanks.

And yet, thanks to a more subtle mental organization and sensitivity than men, they clearly like some games more than others.

Top online games for girls– these are the most atmospheric and charismatic projects with a warm, friendly atmosphere and the absence of meat, blood and hardcore.

1. Mstar – dancing, romance and parties

Among the numerous dance simulators, "" stands out with excellent graphics, a huge music library and a serious selection of activities outside the club.

Video: trailer for the game MStar

British scientists prove that dancing improves well-being and prolongs life and, judging by the number of players, many believe that this statement also applies to online discos.

2. My Little Farmies - cozy farm

"" is a lamp simulator of a medieval farmer, who, as you know, is always full of work. There is construction, animals, and trade with production.

Video: trailer for the game My Little Farmies

Story and daily quests, baking bread, chatting with neighbors and placing flower beds - there is always a lot to do, and with each level their number only increases. It is also one of the most beautiful games in the genre.

And for those who need a little fantasy in their farming games, we recommend paying attention to “FantasyRama” and “”.

3. My Free Zoo – economics, construction and animals

But “” is no longer just a farm, but a life simulator of a zoo director who cares about the well-being of hundreds of pets, the mood of visitors and the filling of the treasury.

Video: trailer for the game My Free Zoo

Game Features

1 More than 160 animals: from goats and rabbits to giraffes, penguins, exotic fish and parrots.
2 Arrangement of enclosures to suit everyone's needs: feeders, drinking bowls, games and beds.
3 Animals live their lives, communicating with each other, rejoicing, sadness and procreating.
4 Paths and benches, ice cream stands and souvenir shops - every little detail is important in increasing your income.
5 Beast exchange guilds and conducting joint events, boosters and gifts.

Find rare aviary decorations, hunt for the most prized birds and create the perfect environment for your pets to keep them in good spirits. high level. The game has a mobile version.

If you like the genre, but lack the madness, play "".

4. Star Stable – a touching story about horses

The plot of the browser-based "" begins with the fall of a star into the ocean and the appearance in this place of a beautiful island with green spaces and beautiful mountains. Only girls who breed horses live here.

Video: trailer for the game Star Stable

Monitor the mood and hunger of the horses, decorate the stable and raise real champions. The picture is a little outdated, but given the complete absence of competitors, this does not spoil the impression.

For those who love ponies more than horses, we recommend taking a look at the MMORPG "".

5. Loyalty of Dragons - epic battles and winged allies

Not all girls love farms and dancing; some are interested in large-scale battles, saving kingdoms and seizing lands. For them - browser-based MMORPGs with cute graphics, devoid of excessive bloodiness. Such as, " ".

Video: trailer for the game Loyalty of Dragons

Everyone loves dragons, and this game is further proof of that. They also treat girls very well here, helping with advice and happily accepting them into any guild.

Other similar projects: the legendary "", mercenary battles in "" and adventures in the fantasy world "".

6. Heaven - match three in a fantasy world

Video: trailer for the game Heaven

Another successful representative of the genre is “” with heated battles between people and dwarves in Elinor.

7. Tree of Savior – anime image and unique classes

The ideological successor of “Ragnarok Online”, MMORPG “” attracts the fair sex beautiful picture and the general cuteness of what is happening.

Video: trailer for the game Tree of Savior

The game not only looks cozy in appearance, but also maintains a positive atmosphere in everything from mass batches to lush guild celebrations. And for those who find it difficult to figure out how to level up their character, the friendly gaming community is always ready to help.

For fans of anime-themed games, we also recommend paying attention to the browser based on the Naruto series - "" and the game in a similar style - "".

8. Black Desert – everything and more

The Korean MMORPG "" was released as a game for a wide audience, and was certainly not aimed only at girls. But suddenly they really liked it because of some features.

Video: trailer for the game Black Desert

Add to this a great picture, big open world, a smooth change of day and night - and here it is, the secret of success is simple. Yes, and where would we be without cool outfits and cute pets?

Before the release of Black Desert, one of the most popular games among girls was considered beautiful and famous for its non-target battles.

And this is not all that the gaming industry has to offer to the fair sex! After all, there is also “” - the most famous sandbox in the world and its numerous analogues, as well as the bewitchingly beautiful “”.

Or maybe something remains beyond our attention and there are still games for girls that are definitely worth mentioning? Write about your favorite projects and share reviews with other gamers.

The very idea of ​​a game for girls is a rather strange and streamlined concept. Usually developers (if they are sane) do not divide the audience into boys and girls, but make, to the best of their abilities, a game that should appeal to everyone. No, there are, of course, all sorts of games about Winx and “dress up”, which are classified specifically as games for girls, but in this case we are talking more about the younger school age. As for more adult games, everything is completely different here. If the game is good, then, as a rule, anyone will like it, regardless of gender. So it’s very difficult to single out any specifically female games. Among my friends there are many girls who enthusiastically play League of Legends or Battlefield and these games are undoubtedly good, but why not include them in this top?

However, it cannot be denied that girls have a more subtle mental organization and a slightly different mindset, which means that some topics will be closer and more understandable to them. This top will contain games that, due to their features and quality of execution, can impress even those girls who are barely interested in the gaming industry. For real gamers, any other top on MMOGlobus will be relevant.

10. Dragon Saga

This Asian MMORPG will melt the ice in the heart of any girl with one of its appearance. This is perhaps one of the cutest online games of all time. You just want to cuddle the local characters, like little and cute kittens. Despite this, Dragon Saga- a full-fledged MMORPG, far from the worst in its genre, which also has a good social part, so you can go into it just to chat with friends or find new ones.

For the cutest appearance, Dragon Saga takes tenth place in our top.

9.Child of Light

This game is an incredibly exciting and beautiful 2D RPG that gives you the feeling of something incredible and exciting. The story of Princess Aurora traveling through magical land, holds from start to finish. The game gives rise to the illusion that you are listening and watching a good good fairy tale, in which evil will be punished and good will surely triumph. Everything in it: graphics, music, dialogues (by the way, written in verse) works for this feeling. And for this she can be forgiven for any mistakes.

For fabulousness Child of Light gets ninth place in our top.

8. Alice: Madness Returns

This is also a fairy tale, however, darker and more adult. The grown-up Alice, who lost her parents in a fire, tries to cope with the emotional trauma. To do this, she returns to Wonderland, which Evil again tries to take over. Unlike the first part, this game is more... calmer, but no less bad. Mind-blowing Beautiful design And interesting story, which echoes the classic fairy tale, make the game one of the best 3D platformers.

For brilliant design Alice: Madness Returns gets eighth place.

7. The Path

We continue to increase the degree of gloominess of fairy tales. In seventh place is an indie game that would be difficult to classify into any genre. The Path is an adaptation of the story of Little Red Riding Hood, done in very dark and even frightening tones. The main goal of the game, as stated at the beginning, is to get to grandma's house, however, this is a deception. The goal of the game is to turn off the path and meet your wolf. It cannot be played in the traditional sense. You can feel it, watch it, experience it... They don’t tell you the plot, you come up with it yourself, based on what you’ve experienced and small hints from the developers. And don't play it if you have a weak heart.

For the dark charm The Path gets seventh place in our top.

6. Syberia game series

Okay, let's put aside sad thoughts and talk better about something less gloomy. Benoit Sokal, one of the cult game makers, at one time made us all amazed with his series of cult quests Syberia (translated by localizers as Siberia, which is not entirely true). The adventures of the main character were really interesting to watch, and the riddles in the game often made you rack your brains, but its main advantage is its amazing design. All this steampunk and cold charm of the server remain in the memory for a long time. The game is drawn so carefully and with such love that even if there were no plot at all, I would still want to wander around these locations.

For the combination of beauty, good plot and difficult tasks Syberia goes to sixth place.

5. Life is strange

Life is a truly strange thing and the main character, an ordinary schoolgirl, realizes this with all clarity when she gets the opportunity to control time. And it’s hard to call it a gift, because sometimes this ability only brings problems and complicates life. This is an interactive movie, captivating on the one hand with a dramatic story, and on the other with mysticism and a detective plot.

For an addictive plot Life is strange gets fifth place.

4. Sims series

And now, when we have passed half of the top, it is time to remember the real giant, who has long and firmly staked out the title “ main game for girls." And it would be a sin not to mention it. The Sims... The game that gave birth to an entire genre, climbed to its top and doesn’t even think about getting down, despite all the attempts to push it off. Do I need to tell you what this series is about? For the most retarded, this is a very meticulous and at the same time full of fantasy life simulator. Here. IN last years in place of the best game about real life attempts are made more and more often, and the throne is shaking more and more, but the Sims is still on horseback.

For legendary series Sims receives an honorable fourth place.

3. To The Moon

In the near future, it will be possible to implant any memories in people, but due to some difficulties, this only works for those who are already dying. The terminally ill take advantage of this in order to achieve, at least in their dreams, what they did not manage to do in life. A lonely dying old man has only one desire - to go to the Moon, but in order to achieve this, you need to find the root cause of such a desire in his memories. As two doctors, we travel backwards through his life, following a story that sometimes makes you laugh out loud and sometimes brings you to tears. Well, the final scene will make even the most callous crackers cry.

For the most touching story To The Moon gets third place in our top.

2. Journey

Jenova Chen is undoubtedly one of the most brilliant artists alive. His art is all the more interesting because he uses computer games. Journey sinks into your heart after the first minutes of meeting you, and remains there forever. And any attempts to answer the question “What is this game about?” are meaningless. You can either throw up your hands or rush into several pages of explanation. However, any perception of Journey will be purely subjective. After all, everyone will find something of their own in it, revealed only to them. The only way understand Journey - go through it and listen to yourself. What you feel will be its best description.

For genius Journey gets second place in our top.


This online game– a mixture of the notorious “life simulator” ala Sims and a fairly advanced dance simulator. Unlike many similar games, the graphics are strong point games. It is pleasing to the eye thanks to the legendary Unreal Engine 3. Also, in addition to good graphics, it has an exciting gameplay. Unlike other social games, it can boast big world. Your characters will be free to go to a club or a party, there are really a lot of places to visit and everywhere you can show off the newest dance techniques. You can play completely free of charge, you just need to download the client. Well, an excellent music library as a bonus. Any girl will like this game.

MStar receives honorary first place in our top, for which we congratulate the game. Read more about the game in our MStar review.

Today, modern youth are more versatile and informed than the previous generation. Accordingly, games created, in our case for girls, should satisfy their interests and needs. Our site can help you with this. Because we have collected the best entertainment for girls. Each of them gives the child the opportunity to realize his desires and discover his talent in one field or another. Feel like a chef baking delicious desserts, a hairdresser creating magnificent hairstyles or a great designer creating unique clothing models.
Also, the best games for girls are where main character, your favorite cartoon character. Children begin to control the cartoon themselves. character, participate with him in various adventures, while helping him pass various levels, receiving bonuses. I would like to note that the collected by us, a large number of bright, fun, educational games, each time replenished with even newer, all kinds of exciting games, capable of interest and involve a child in this magical world.

Sometimes there are times when there are several children in a family and you want to keep everyone occupied, so that the children do not have to wait in line, but both of them plunge into an exciting journey. It’s so great, together, fun, solving problems together, participating in exciting adventures. We have provided this option. The assortment of our web resource includes games that, without any problems, two children can connect to at once, from one computer and from one keyboard.
On our page you can also find educational games designed specifically for the youngest Internet users. Thanks to them, caring parents It won’t be difficult to teach your child to count, learn letters, and recognize colors and shapes in a playful, effective, quick way. The level of difficulty of a particular game depends on the age of the baby and the degree of her assimilation of the material.

Games for girls are radically different from boys' games. Boys' games have more aggression and noise; they require a lot of energy, activity, and dexterity. Girls' ones are more colorful, bright, calm, easy to manage and aimed at developing a healthy, feminine psycho-personality.

Among them most are occupied by the so-called “dress-up rooms”. They are from that category where there is no plot, that is, a sequence of events, but these games are the best in the world for girls. Since every girl, and in the future a future woman, really loves to dress up and change clothes. Having fun, they dress their charges in different beautiful outfits, combining them into a certain ensemble, under a certain theme, and at the same time receive incredible pleasure from the manipulations performed.
The mere fact that our resource contains games such as Cats, Doctor Plyusheva and others, which are very difficult to find on the Internet, suggests that we have not only put great effort into our work, but also put our soul into it. All this is in order to please our visitors and not let them doubt our competence. And such as Barbie, Princesses, Winx and various Dress Up games make it possible to evaluate not only the quality of graphics, but also the plot of the game itself on our website. Our slogan is - Best games free for girls!

Don’t know what to entertain yourself with or are you looking for something to play with for a girl over 18 years old? In this article we have collected the most popular games for girls on PC! Read the list quickly and choose the best.

List of the best games for girls on PC

There are no quests here where Nancy Drew is looking for items. You won't need to help Dasha the Explorer and Shoe find the banana. We will also save you from children's platformers where you need to create a fairy or make a cake. Our Interesting games for girls on PC, multi-genre. In some you can laugh, in others you can cry, and in others you can test your wits. All games are arranged in random order and described in simple language.


The unsurpassed game has thousands of fans around the world and to this day is one of the best in its genre. Adventures in Siberia are fascinating and transport you to a beautiful natural corner.

Name: Syberia

Translation: Siberia

Related games: Syberia (2002), Syberia 2 (2004), Syberia 3 (2017)

Genre: quest

Siberia has several prestigious awards in the computer world. Good game on PC, where the main character, a girl named Kate Walker, fights evil. This is the game for you if you want:

  • wander through snowy locations;
  • take a breeze on a train;
  • see the beautiful corners of snow-covered Siberia;
  • talk to a huge amount characters;
  • run through the tunnels;
  • solve puzzles;
  • reveal secrets and solve riddles;
  • to sail the seas;
  • fight a giant octopus.

Then feel free to download this game! Any part, but Syberia 3 is very cool!


The best horror without the use of weapons frightens and incredibly draws you into its virtual world. You are in a panic looking for a light that can illuminate your path for further passage.

Name: Amnesia

Translation: Amnesia

Related games: Amnesia: The Dark Descent (2010), Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs (2013)

Genre: horror

This game is for those who want to tickle their nerves and who need a dose of adrenaline for a full-fledged existence. Choose this game if you want:

  • walk around a medieval castle without weapons;
  • frantically looking for oil and matches in order to somehow light the way;
  • want to admire the beautiful interiors of the estate;
  • don’t be afraid to meet the monster face to face;
  • Do you want to wander through the dark basement of the castle;
  • love solving puzzles and looking for the right solutions.

Both parts are gorgeous, if you like it, go through both at once and solve the mystery of the old estate! In order to fully immerse yourself in the atmosphere, it is recommended to play in complete darkness and wear headphones. Even more can be found here.

The Sims

The best simulator of all time. With each part, The Sims is filled with new colors. Build houses, create Sims, teach them skills, love cats and have children.

Name: The Sims

Translation: Sims

Related games: The Sims (2004), The Sims 2 (2004), The Sims Medieval (2011), The Sims 3 (2014), The Sims 4 (2015).

Genre: life simulator

The Sims is the best PC game for girls who love:

  • to build houses;
  • create an interior, fill it with furniture and accessories;
  • create Sims that look like you and your boyfriend;
  • watch how hearts and stars swirl into a hurricane during the action of “WooHoo”;
  • care for pets;
  • build your business;
  • live beautifully and luxuriously;
  • sell window to buy pizza;
  • drown your ex in the pool;
  • decorate the Christmas tree and make snowmen;
  • planting plants and harvesting crops;
  • be eminence grise and lead people's lives.

Opinions are divided. Some people still play The Sims 3, others switched to The Sims 4 and are building their own business. Every season, the creators try to release new additions with animals, children, according to seasons, with the ability to create own restaurant etc. However, you know a lot more about The Sims than we do. Let motherlode into your life!

Life is strange

Life is such a strange thing, one wrong action can lead to catastrophic events. What if everything was supposed to be like this from the beginning?

Name: Life is strange

Translation: It's a strange life

Related games: A sequel is planned for release in 2018

Genre: interactive movie with choice of actions

How we want to change everything and rewind time back when some emergency situations occur in our lives. But Max has this ability; she can go back in time for a few seconds. Will she be able to change the course the whole story? Everything depends on you. This is the best PC game where the main character is a girl.

You will like the game if you know how to:

  • rewind time;
  • make the right decisions in the past;
  • find mutual language with teenagers and adults;
  • understand people;
  • climbing into a dark school at night;
  • good to have fun and don’t really like school;
  • smooth out and resolve any conflicts;
  • make serious decisions.

Don't even think about it, download it! The game leaves behind a strange aftertaste and gives us the opportunity to think about our lives. There are only 5 episodes, which fly by pretty quickly. Remember that the action you choose will change the entire fate of the main character. And not only her... We would especially like to mention the magical soundtracks for Life is strange.

Portal 2

All this is the reality of realities and a copy of copies. A puzzle that forces all the brain cells to act. How to get out of strange test rooms?

Name: Portal 2

Translation: Portal

Related games: Portal (2007), Portall: Still Alive (2009), Portal 2 (2011).

Genre: first person puzzle

Imagine you find yourself in some incomprehensible location with closed doors and walls several meters high. And in your hands you only have a cannon that makes holes (portals) in the walls. What will you do? Of course, play. Portal is right for you if you:

  • love puzzles;
  • look for a way out in difficult situations;
  • see the light at the end of the tunnel when everyone around you is running around in a panic;
  • able to cope with dozens of difficult levels;
  • don’t be afraid of being scalded by the laser turrets;
  • love to take the turrets with gun tongs and swing them from side to side;
  • don’t be scared if a strange computer voice talks to you;
  • don't be afraid of difficulties.

The game on PC is very sticky and very interesting, you can play as a girl. We recommend downloading it if you haven't played it yet.

The Vanishing of Ethan Carter

In this game you can feel like a real detective who is investigating an unusual disappearance little boy. Where will the evidence lead him?

Name: The Vanishing of Ethan Carter

Translation: The Disappearance of Ethan Carter

Related games: No

Genre: quest

We think this is one of the best PC games for girls over 18 years old. We advise you to take a closer look at the game if you:

  • love games with beautiful graphics;
  • want to admire the marvelous landscapes;
  • love exploring the area and finding small details;
  • detective lover;
  • expect something unusual from the game;
  • love to connect together all the links in the chain of events.

Indescribable beautiful game has an original story and an unexpected ending. She clearly deserves your attention.

Unusual games for girls on PC are presented to your attention.

Tomb Raider

Where would we be without the adventures of our beloved Lara Croft? Wait, if you don't like the theme of tombs and pharaohs, don't put the game off for too long. This is a truly exciting adventure game that amazes with an abundance of secrets and riddles. Such games for girls on PC are designed for adventure seekers.

Name: Tomb Raider

Translation: tomb Raider

Related games: Tomb Raider: Legend (2006), Tomb Raider: Anniversary (2007), Tomb Raider: Underworld (2008), Rise of the Tomb Raider (2015).

Genre: action-adventure

In fact, there are many more games about the magnificent and brave Lara Croft. But these parts are the most interesting. Download the game if:

  • love to climb 100-meter rocks and walls;
  • you like to throw a grappling hook and fly on it to another wall;
  • you love riddles, secrets and puzzles;
  • bold and courageous;
  • good at riding a motorcycle;
  • you can defeat a bunch of enemies;
  • you adore Egypt, Asia and the Ancient East.

Tomb Raider is a game where the main character is a girl. It's a pleasure to watch her. If you have as much fortitude as Lara Croft, then this is definitely your option!

Valiant Hearts: The Great War

Who would have thought that a game about war could be so heartwarming and heartfelt? The creators of Valient Hearts managed to reach the very heart.

Name: Valiant Hearts: The Great War

Translation: Brave Hearts: The Great War

Related games: No

Genre: quest puzzle

The story told in the game touches to the core. We strongly advise you to pay attention to it. You can choose it if you:

  • have mercy;
  • love to play as multiple characters;
  • love to dive into storyline with the head;
  • love quests and puzzles;
  • don’t be afraid to go through all the tests that befall the main characters;
  • love cartoon games.

The best games for girls on PC are those that will hook you in some way and for a long time they don't let go. Valiant Hearts: The Great War is exactly that.

Such games for girls on PC will not leave anyone indifferent.

The Cave

It is impossible to list the characters you can play as in this game. Knight, Hillbilly, Time Traveler, Gemini, Scientist, Adventurer, Monk... Or maybe the main character is the Cave?!

Name: The Cave

Translation: Cave

Related games: No

Genre: adventures

Everything ingenious is simple. In this game you just need to explore the cave. But what's inside? This is already more interesting. Feel free to download the game if:

  • love the branches in the plot;
  • always dig to the very bottom;
  • love playing for different heroes;
  • you are attracted by the variety of endings;
  • in the game you see hidden meanings;
  • want to overcome your sins.

Great game for girls on PC with interesting story and with a lot of endings. As a result, a simple cave makes it clear to many life values. So who is the main character of The Cave?

Cities: Skylines

Feel like the mayor of a city who is building his brainchild from scratch. The best city planner for girls is presented to your attention.

Name: Cities: Skylines

Translation: Cities

Related games: No

Genre: town planner

Similar games for girls on PC will help you feel like an eminence grise. You will enjoy this great game if you have the following skills:

  • love development strategies;
  • want to increase taxes on the rich;
  • want to build the city of your dreams;
  • know how to correctly distribute residential and commercial premises;
  • want to legalize substances in your city;
  • Do you love to be caught up in the city at night in the twinkling lights;
  • get production back on its feet;
  • want to feel like you're in charge.

The exciting city builder has many features and quests that are offered to the player. Build the city of your dreams!

We have presented you with the best and most interesting games for girls on PC. We hope that some of them will be able to please you and reach your very heart.

Don't miss our other game selections:

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