Zaripova Ruzilya. "Paper airplane - children's fun and scientific research"

A person will fly relying not on the strength of his muscles, but on the strength of his mind.

(N. E. Zhukovsky)

Why and how an airplane flies Why can birds fly even though they are heavier than air? What forces lift a huge passenger plane that can fly faster, higher and further than any bird, because its wings are motionless? Why can a glider without a motor float in the air? All these and many other questions are answered by aerodynamics - a science that studies the laws of interaction of air with bodies moving in it.

In the development of aerodynamics in our country, an outstanding role was played by Professor Nikolai Egorovich Zhukovsky (1847 -1921) - “the father of Russian aviation,” as V.I. Lenin called him. Zhukovsky's merit lies in the fact that he was the first to explain the formation of the lifting force of a wing and formulate a theorem for calculating this force. Zhukovsky not only discovered the laws underlying the theory of flight, but also prepared the ground for the rapid development of aviation in our country.

When flying on any plane four forces act, the combination of which prevents him from falling:

Gravity- a constant force that attracts the plane to the ground.

Traction force, which comes from the engine and moves the plane forward.

Resistance force, the opposite of thrust and is caused by friction, slowing down the aircraft and reducing the lift of the wings.

Lifting force, which is formed when air moving over the wing creates reduced pressure. Subject to the laws of aerodynamics, all aircraft take off, starting with light sports aircraft

All the planes are very similar at first glance, but if you look closely, you can find differences in them. They may differ in wings, tail, and fuselage structure. Their speed, flight altitude, and other maneuvers depend on this. And each plane has only its own pair of wings.

To fly, you don't need to flap your wings, you need to make them move relative to the air. And to do this, the wing just needs to be given horizontal speed. From the interaction of the wing with the air, a lifting force will arise, and as soon as its value is greater than the weight of the wing itself and everything connected with it, flight will begin. The only thing left to do is to make a suitable wing and be able to accelerate it to the required speed.

Observant people noticed a long time ago that birds’ wings are not flat. Consider a wing whose lower surface is flat and whose upper surface is convex.

The air flow flowing onto the leading edge of the wing is divided into two parts: one flows around the wing from below, the other from above. The air from above has to travel a slightly longer path than from below, therefore, the air speed from above will also be slightly greater than from below. It is known that as the speed increases, the pressure in the gas flow drops. Here too, the air pressure under the wing is higher than above it. The pressure difference is directed upward, and that’s the lifting force. And if you add an angle of attack, the lift will increase even more.

How does a real plane fly?

A real airplane wing has a teardrop shape, which causes the air passing on top of the wing to move faster compared to the air passing at the bottom of the wing. This difference in air flow creates lift and the plane flies.

And the fundamental idea here is: air flow is cut in two by the leading edge of the wing, and part of it flows around the wing along the upper surface, and the second part along the lower surface. In order for the two flows to converge behind the trailing edge of the wing without creating a vacuum, the air flowing over the upper surface of the wing must move faster relative to the aircraft than the air flowing around the lower surface, since it has a greater distance to travel.

Low pressure from above pulls the wing towards itself, and higher pressure from below pushes it upward. The wing rises. And if the lifting force exceeds the weight of the aircraft, then the aircraft itself hangs in the air.

Paper airplanes don't have shaped wings, so how do they fly? The lift is created by the angle of attack of their flat wings. Even with flat wings, you will notice that the air moving over the wing travels a little further (and moves faster). The lift is created by the same pressure as with profile wings, but, of course, this difference in pressure is not so great.

The angle of attack of an aircraft is the angle between the direction of the speed of the air flow incident on the body and the characteristic longitudinal direction chosen on the body, for example, for an aircraft this will be the chord of the wing - the longitudinal construction axis, for a projectile or rocket - their axis of symmetry.

Straight wing

The advantage of a straight wing is its high lift coefficient, which allows you to significantly increase the specific load on the wing, and therefore reduce dimensions and weight, without fear of a significant increase in takeoff and landing speeds.

The disadvantage that predetermines the unsuitability of such a wing at supersonic flight speeds is the sharp increase drag airplane

delta wing

A delta wing is stiffer and lighter than a straight wing and is most often used at supersonic speeds. The use of a delta wing is determined mainly by strength and design considerations. The disadvantages of a delta wing are the emergence and development of a wave crisis.


If you change the shape of the wing and nose of a paper airplane during modeling, the range and duration of its flight may change

The wings of a paper airplane are flat. To ensure the difference in air flows above and below the wing (to generate lift), it must be tilted to a certain angle (angle of attack).

Airplanes for the longest flights are not particularly rigid, but they have a large wingspan and are well balanced.

In order to make a paper airplane, you will need a rectangular paper sheet, which can be either white or colored. If desired, you can use notebook, photocopier, newspaper or any other paper that is available.

It is better to choose the density of the base for the future aircraft closer to medium, so that it flies far and at the same time it is not too difficult to fold (on paper that is too thick, it is usually difficult to fix the folds and they turn out uneven).

Folding the simplest airplane figurine

Beginning origami lovers should start with the simplest airplane model, familiar to everyone from childhood:

For those who were unable to fold the plane according to the instructions, here is a video master class:

If you got tired of this option back in school and you want to expand your paper airplane making skills, we’ll tell you how to step by step complete two simple variations of the previous model.

Long-haul aircraft

Step-by-step photo instructions

  1. Fold a rectangular sheet of paper in half along the larger side. We bend the two upper corners to the middle of the sheet. We turn the resulting corner “valley”, that is, towards ourselves.

  1. We bend the corners of the resulting rectangle towards the middle so that a small triangle looks out in the middle of the sheet.

  1. We bend the small triangle upward - it will fix the wings of the future aircraft.

  1. We fold the figure along the axis of symmetry, taking into account that the small triangle should remain outside.

  1. We bend the wings on both sides to the base.

  1. We set both wings of the plane at an angle of 90 degrees so that it can fly far.

  1. Thus, without spending a lot of time, we get a long-flying airplane!

Folding scheme

  1. Fold a rectangular paper sheet in half along its larger side.

  1. We bend the two upper corners to the middle of the sheet.

  1. We wrap the corners with a “valley” along the dotted line. In the origami technique, a “valley” is the process of bending a section of a sheet along a certain line in the “toward” direction.

  1. Fold the resulting figure along the axis of symmetry so that the corners are on the outside. Be sure to make sure that the contours of both halves of the future airplane coincide. How it will fly in the future depends on this.

  1. We bend the wings on both sides of the plane, as shown in the figure.

  1. Make sure the angle between the airplane's wing and its fuselage is 90 degrees.

  1. The result is such a fast airplane!

How to make an airplane fly far?

Do you want to learn how to properly launch a paper airplane that you just made with your own hands? Then carefully read the rules of its management:

If all the rules are followed, but the model still does not fly as you would like, try improving it as follows:

  1. If the plane constantly strives to soar upward, and then, making a dead loop, sharply goes down, crashing its nose into the ground, it needs an upgrade in the form of increasing the density (weight) of the nose. This can be done by bending the nose of the paper model slightly inward, as shown in the picture, or by attaching a paper clip to the bottom.
  2. If during flight the model does not fly straight as it should, but to the side, equip it with a rudder by bending part of the wing along the line shown in the figure.
  3. If an airplane goes into a tailspin, it urgently needs a tail. Armed with scissors, give it a quick and functional upgrade.
  4. But if the model falls to one side during testing, most likely the reason for the failure is the lack of stabilizers. To add them to the structure, just bend the wings of the aircraft along the edges along the dotted lines indicated.

We also bring to your attention video instructions for making and testing an interesting model of an aircraft that is capable of not only flying far, but also for an incredibly long time:

Now that you are confident in your abilities and have already gotten your hands on folding and launching simple airplanes, we offer instructions that will tell you how to make a paper airplane of a more complex model.

Stealth aircraft F-117 ("Nighthawk")

Bomb carrier

Execution diagram

  1. Take a rectangular piece of paper. Fold the upper part of the rectangle into a double triangle: to do this, bend the upper right corner of the rectangle so that its upper side coincides with the left side.
  2. Then, by analogy, we bend the left corner, aligning the upper part of the rectangle with its right side.
  3. We make a fold through the intersection point of the resulting lines, which ultimately should be parallel to the smaller side of the rectangle.
  4. Along this line, fold the resulting side triangles inward. You should get the figure shown in Figure 2. Draw a line in the middle of the sheet at the bottom, similar to Figure 1.

  1. We designate a line parallel to the base of the triangle.

  1. We turn the figure over to the reverse side and bend the corner towards ourselves. You should get the following paper design:

  1. Again we shift the figure to the other side and bend two corners up, having first bent the upper part in half.

  1. Turn the figure over and bend the corner up.

  1. We fold the left and right corners, circled in the figure, in accordance with picture 7. This scheme will allow you to achieve the correct bending of the corner.

  1. We bend the corner away from ourselves and fold the figure along the middle line.

  1. We bring the edges inward, again fold the figure in half, and then on itself.

  1. In the end, you will end up with a paper toy like this - a bomb carrier plane!

Bomber SU-35

Razorback Hawk Fighter

Step-by-step execution scheme

  1. Take a piece of rectangular paper, bend it in half along the larger side and mark the middle.

  1. We bend two corners of the rectangle towards ourselves.

  1. Bend the corners of the figure along the dotted line.

  1. Fold the figure crosswise so that the acute angle is in the middle of the opposite side.

  1. We turn the resulting figure over to the reverse side and form two folds, as shown in the figure. It is very important that the folds are not folded towards the midline, but at a slight angle to it.

  1. We bend the resulting corner towards ourselves and at the same time turn forward the corner, which after all the manipulations will be on the back side of the layout. You should end up with a shape as shown in the figure below.

  1. We bend the figure in half away from ourselves.

  1. We lower the wings of the airplane along the dotted line.

  1. We bend the ends of the wings a little to obtain the so-called winglets. Then we straighten the wings so that they form a right angle with the fuselage.

The paper fighter is ready!

Gliding Hawk Fighter

Manufacturing instructions:

  1. Take a rectangular piece of paper and mark the middle by folding it in half along the larger side.

  1. We bend the two upper corners of the rectangle inward towards the middle.

  1. We turn the sheet over to the reverse side and fold the folds towards ourselves towards the center line. It is very important that the upper corners do not bend. You should get a figure like this.

  1. Fold the top of the square diagonally towards you.

  1. Fold the resulting figure in half.

  1. We outline the fold as shown in the figure.

  1. We fill the rectangular part of the fuselage of the future airplane inside.

  1. Bend the wings down along the dotted line at a right angle.

  1. The result is a paper airplane! It remains to see how it flies.

F-15 Eagle fighter

Airplane "Concorde"

Following the given photo and video instructions, you can make a paper airplane with your own hands in a few minutes, playing with which will be a pleasant and entertaining pastime for you and your children!

Paper airplanes have a rich and long story. It is believed that people tried to make an airplane out of paper with their own hands back in Ancient China and in England during the time of Queen Victoria. Subsequently, new generations of paper model lovers developed new options. Even a child can make a flying airplane out of paper, once he learns the basic principles of folding the model. Simple scheme contains no more than 5-6 operations; instructions for creating advanced models are much more serious.

For different models You will need different paper, varying in density and thickness. Certain models are able to move only in a straight line, some are able to make a sharp turn. To make different models you will need paper of a certain hardness. Before you start modeling, try out different papers, select the required thickness and density. You shouldn’t make crafts from crumpled paper, they won’t fly. Playing with a paper airplane is a favorite pastime for most boys.

Before making a paper airplane, the child will need to use all his imagination and concentrate. When conducting children's party You can hold competitions between children, let them launch airplanes folded with their own hands.

Any boy can fold such an airplane. Any paper, even newspaper, is suitable for its manufacture. After a child can make this type of airplane, he will be able to create more serious designs.

Let's consider all stages of creation aircraft:

  1. Prepare a sheet of paper approximately A4 size. Place it with the short side facing you.
  2. Fold the paper lengthwise and make a mark in the center. Unfold the sheet and connect the top corner to the middle of the sheet.
  3. Perform the same manipulations with the opposite corner.
  4. Unfold the paper. Place the corners so that they do not reach the center of the sheet.
  5. Bend down a small corner, it should hold all the other corners.
  6. Bend the airplane model along the center line. The triangular parts are located on top, move the sides to the center line.

Second diagram of a classic aircraft

This common option is called a glider; you can leave it with a sharp nose, or you can make it blunt and bend it.

Airplane with propeller

There is a whole area of ​​origami that deals with creating models of paper airplanes. It is called aerogami. You can learn an easy way to make an origami paper airplane. This option is done very quickly, it flies well. This is exactly what will interest the baby. You can equip it with a propeller. Prepare a piece of paper, scissors or a knife, pencils, and a sewing pin that has a bead on the top.

Manufacturing scheme:

  1. Place the sheet with the short side facing you, fold it in half lengthwise.
  2. Fold the top corners towards the center.
  3. Also bend the resulting side corners towards the center of the sheet.
  4. Fold the sides to the middle again. Iron all folds thoroughly.
  5. To make a propeller you will need a square sheet measuring 6*6cm, mark both of its diagonals. Make cuts along these lines, stepping back from the center a little less than a centimeter.
  6. Fold the propeller, placing the corners one at a time toward the center. Secure the middle with a needle and bead. It is advisable to glue the propeller, it will not unravel.

Attach the propeller to the tail of the model airplane. The model is ready for launch.

Boomerang plane

The baby will be very interested in the unusual paper airplane, which returns to its hands on its own.

Let's figure out how such layouts are made:

  1. Place a sheet of A4 paper in front of you with the short side facing you. Fold in half along the long side and unfold.
  2. Fold the top corners towards the center and press. Fold this part down. Straighten the resulting triangle, smooth out all the folds inside.
  3. Unfold the product reverse side, bend the second side of the triangle into the middle. Place the wide end of the paper in the opposite direction.
  4. Perform the same manipulations with the second half of the product.
  5. As a result of all this, a kind of pocket should form. Lift it to the top, bend it so that its edge lies exactly along the length of the paper sheet. Fold the corner into this pocket, and send the top one down.
  6. Do the same on the other side of the plane.
  7. Fold the parts on the side of the pocket upward.
  8. Unfold the layout, placing the leading edge in the middle. Protruding pieces of paper should appear; they need to be folded. Also remove parts that resemble fins.
  9. Expand the layout. All that remains is to bend it in half and thoroughly iron all the folds.
  10. Decorate the front part of the fuselage, bend the pieces of the wings upward. Run your hands along the front of the wings, you should get a slight bend.

The plane is ready for operation, it will fly further and further.

Flight range depends on the weight of the aircraft and wind strength. The lighter the paper from which the model is made, the easier it is to fly. But when strong wind he will not be able to fly far, he will simply be blown away. A heavy aircraft resists the wind more easily, but its flight range is shorter. In order for our paper plane to fly along a smooth trajectory, it is necessary that both of its parts are absolutely identical. If the wings turned out different shapes or size, the plane will immediately go into a dive. It is advisable not to use tape, metal staples, or glue in production. All this makes the product heavier; the excess weight will prevent the plane from flying.

Complex species

Origami airplane


1 Research work Topic of work: Ideal paper airplane Completed by: Vitaly Andreevich Prokhorov, 8th grade student at Smelovskaya Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School Head: Prokhorova Tatyana Vasilievna teacher of history and social studies, Smelovskaya secondary school, 2016.

2 Contents Introduction The ideal airplane Components of success Newton's second law when launching an airplane Forces acting on an airplane in flight About the wing Launching an airplane Testing airplanes Models of airplanes Testing for flight range and gliding time Model of an ideal airplane Let's summarize: theoretical model Your own model and its testing Conclusions List literature Appendix 1. Diagram of the influence of forces on an airplane in flight Appendix 2. Drag Appendix 3. Wing aspect ratio Appendix 4. Wing sweep Appendix 5. Average aerodynamic chord of the wing (MAC) Appendix 6. Wing shape Appendix 7. Air circulation around the wing Appendix 8 Airplane launch angle Appendix 9. Airplane models for experiment

3 Introduction Paper airplane (airplane) is a toy airplane made of paper. It is probably the most common form of aerogami, a branch of origami (the Japanese art of paper folding). In Japanese, such a plane is called 紙飛行機 (kami hikoki; kami=paper, hikoki=plane). Despite the seeming frivolity of this activity, it turned out that flying airplanes is a whole science. She was born in 1930, when Jack Northrop, the founder of Lockheed Corporation, used paper airplanes to test new ideas in the design of real aircraft. And sports competitions in launching paper airplanes Red Bull Paper Wings takes place at the world level. They were invented by Briton Andy Chipling. For many years he and his friends created paper models, and in 1989 he founded the Paper Aircraft Association. It was he who wrote the set of rules for launching paper airplanes, which are used by specialists from the Guinness Book of Records and which became the official settings of the world championship. Origami, and then specifically aerogami, has long been my hobby. I collected various models of paper airplanes, but some of them flew perfectly, while others immediately fell down. Why does this happen, how to make a model of an ideal airplane (flying long and far)? Combining my passion with my knowledge of physics, I began my research. Purpose of the study: by applying the laws of physics, to create a model of an ideal airplane. Objectives: 1. Study the basic laws of physics that affect the flight of an airplane. 2. Derive the rules for creating an ideal airplane. 3

4 3. Examine already created airplane models for proximity to the theoretical model of an ideal airplane. 4. Create your own model of an airplane, close to the theoretical model of an ideal airplane. 1. Ideal airplane 1.1. Ingredients for success First, let's look at the question of how to make a good paper airplane. See main function airplane is the ability to fly. How to make an airplane that has best characteristics. To do this, let's first turn to the observations: 1. The airplane flies faster and longer, the stronger the throw, except in cases where something (usually a fluttering piece of paper in the nose or dangling lowered wings) creates resistance and slows down the airplane's forward movement. . 2. No matter how hard we try to throw a piece of paper, we will not be able to throw it as far as a small pebble that has the same weight. 3. For a paper airplane, long wings are useless, short wings are more effective. Heavier airplanes don't fly far 4. Another key factor to consider is the angle at which the airplane is moving forward. Turning to the laws of physics, we find the reasons for the observed phenomena: 1. The flights of paper airplanes obey Newton's second law: the force (in this case lift) is equal to the rate of change of momentum. 2. It's all about drag, a combination of air resistance and turbulence. Air resistance caused by its viscosity is proportional to the cross-sectional area of ​​the frontal part of the aircraft, 4

5 in other words, depends on how big the nose of the plane is when viewed from the front. Turbulence is the result of vortex air currents that form around an aircraft. It is proportional to the surface area of ​​the aircraft; the streamlined shape significantly reduces it. 3. The large wings of a paper airplane sag and cannot resist the bending effects of lift, making the airplane heavier and increasing drag. Excess weight prevents an airplane from flying far, and that weight is typically created by the wings, with the most lift occurring in the area of ​​the wing closest to the centerline of the airplane. Therefore, the wings must be very short. 4. At launch, the air must strike the underside of the wings and be deflected downward, providing adequate lift to the aircraft. If the plane is not at an angle to the direction of travel and its nose is not raised up, lift does not occur. Below we will look at the basic physical laws affecting the airplane, in more detail Newton's Second Law when launching an airplane. We know that the speed of a body changes under the influence of a force applied to it. If several forces act on a body, then the resultant of these forces is found, that is, a certain total total force that has a certain direction and numerical value. In fact, all cases of application of various forces at a particular moment in time can be reduced to the action of one resultant force. Therefore, in order to find how the speed of a body has changed, we need to know what force is acting on the body. Depending on the magnitude and direction of the force, the body will receive one or another acceleration. This is clearly visible when the airplane is launched. When we applied a small force to the airplane, it did not accelerate very much. When is the power 5

6 impact increased, the airplane acquired much greater acceleration. That is, acceleration is directly proportional to the applied force. The greater the impact force, the greater the acceleration the body acquires. The mass of a body is also directly related to the acceleration acquired by the body as a result of the influence of force. In this case, the mass of the body is inversely proportional to the resulting acceleration. The greater the mass, the less the acceleration will be. Based on the foregoing, we come to the conclusion that when launched, the airplane obeys Newton’s second law, which is expressed by the formula: a = F / m, where a is acceleration, F is impact force, m is body mass. The definition of the second law is as follows: the acceleration acquired by a body as a result of an impact on it is directly proportional to the force or resultant forces of this impact and inversely proportional to the mass of the body. Thus, initially the airplane obeys Newton’s second law and the flight range also depends on the given initial force and mass of the airplane. Therefore, the first rules for creating an ideal airplane follow from it: the airplane must be light, initially give the airplane great strength Forces acting on an airplane in flight. When an airplane flies, it is influenced by many forces due to the presence of air, but all of them can be represented in the form of four main forces: gravity, lift, force given at launch and air resistance (drag) (see Appendix 1). The force of gravity always remains constant. Lift opposes the weight of the aircraft and can be more or less than the weight, depending on the amount of energy expended in forward motion. The force set at launch is counteracted by the force of air resistance (aka drag). 6

7 In straight and horizontal flight, these forces are mutually balanced: the force specified at launch is equal to the force of air resistance, the lifting force is equal to the weight of the aircraft. Under no other ratio of these four main forces is rectilinear and horizontal flight possible. Any change in any of these forces will affect the flight behavior of the aircraft. If the lift created by the wings increases compared to the force of gravity, then the airplane rises. Conversely, a decrease in lift against gravity causes the aircraft to descend, i.e., lose altitude and fall. If the balance of forces is not maintained, the aircraft will bend its flight path in the direction of the prevailing force. Let us dwell in more detail on frontal resistance, as one of important factors in aerodynamics. Drag is the force that impedes the movement of bodies in liquids and gases. Drag consists of two types of forces: forces of tangential (tangential) friction directed along the surface of the body, and pressure forces directed towards the surface (Appendix 2). The drag force is always directed against the velocity vector of the body in the medium and, together with the lifting force, is a component of the total aerodynamic force. Drag force is usually represented as the sum of two components: zero-lift drag (damage drag) and induced drag. Harmful drag arises as a result of the impact of high-speed air pressure on the structural elements of the aircraft (all protruding parts of the aircraft create harmful drag when moving through the air). In addition, at the junction of the wing and the “body” of the airplane, as well as at the tail, turbulence in the air flow occurs, which also creates harmful drag. Harmful 7

8 drag increases as the square of the plane's acceleration (if you double the speed, the harmful drag quadruples). IN modern aviation high-speed aircraft, despite the sharp edges of the wings and super-streamlined shape, experience significant heating of the skin when they overcome the force of drag with the power of their engines (for example, the world's fastest high-altitude reconnaissance aircraft SR-71 Black Bird is protected by a special heat-resistant coating). The second component of drag, induced drag, is a byproduct of lift. It occurs when air flows from a high-pressure area in front of the wing into a rarefied environment behind the wing. The special effect of inductive drag is noticeable at low flight speeds, which is what is observed in paper airplanes (A clear example of this phenomenon can be seen in real airplanes during landing approach. The airplane lifts its nose during landing, the engines begin to hum more strongly, increasing thrust). Inductive drag, similar to harmful drag, has a one-to-two ratio with the aircraft's acceleration. And now a little about turbulence. Dictionary The Aviation encyclopedia gives the definition: “Turbulence is the random formation of nonlinear fractal waves with increasing speed in a liquid or gaseous medium.” In my own words, this is physical property an atmosphere in which pressure, temperature, wind direction and speed are constantly changing. Because of this air masses become heterogeneous in composition and density. And when flying, our airplane can fall into downward (“nail” to the ground) or upward (better for us, because they lift the airplane off the ground) air currents, and also these currents can move chaotically, twist (then the airplane flies unpredictably, spins and twists). 8

9 So, we deduce from the above the necessary qualities for creating an ideal airplane in flight: An ideal airplane should be long and narrow, tapering towards the nose and tail, like an arrow, with a relatively small surface area for its weight. An airplane with these characteristics flies a greater distance. If the paper is folded so that the bottom surface of the airplane is flat and horizontal, lift will act on it as it descends and increase its flight range. As noted above, lift occurs when air hits the lower surface of an aircraft that flies with its nose slightly raised on the wing. Wing span is the distance between planes parallel to the plane of symmetry of the wing and tangent to its extreme points. Wing span is an important geometric characteristic of an aircraft, influencing its aerodynamic and flight performance, and is also one of the main overall dimensions of the aircraft. Wing aspect ratio is the ratio of the wing span to its average aerodynamic chord (Appendix 3). For a non-rectangular wing, aspect ratio = (span squared)/area. This can be understood if we take a rectangular wing as a basis, the formula will be simpler: aspect ratio = span/chord. Those. if the wing has a span of 10 meters, and the chord = 1 meter, then the aspect ratio will be = 10. The greater the aspect ratio, the lower the inductive drag of the wing associated with the flow of air from the lower surface of the wing to the upper through the tip with the formation of tip vortices. To a first approximation, we can assume that the characteristic size of such a vortex is equal to the chord, and with increasing span the vortex becomes smaller and smaller compared to the wing span. 9

10 Naturally, the lower the inductive drag, the lower the total resistance of the system, the higher the aerodynamic quality. Naturally, there is a temptation to make the extension as large as possible. And here the problems begin: along with the use of high aspect ratios, we have to increase the strength and rigidity of the wing, which entails a disproportionate increase in the mass of the wing. From an aerodynamic point of view, the most advantageous would be a wing that has the ability to create the greatest possible lift with the lowest possible drag. To assess the aerodynamic perfection of the wing, the concept of aerodynamic quality of the wing is introduced. The aerodynamic quality of a wing is the ratio of the lift force to the drag force of the wing. The best aerodynamic shape is the elliptical shape, but such a wing is difficult to manufacture and is therefore rarely used. A rectangular wing is less advantageous from an aerodynamic point of view, but is much easier to manufacture. A trapezoidal wing has better aerodynamic characteristics than a rectangular one, but is somewhat more difficult to manufacture. Swept and triangular wings are aerodynamically low speeds inferior to trapezoidal and rectangular (such wings are used on aircraft flying at transonic and supersonic speeds). An elliptical wing in plan has the highest aerodynamic quality - the lowest possible drag with maximum lift. Unfortunately, a wing of this shape is not often used due to the complexity of the design (an example of the use of a wing of this type vida-English fighter "Spitfire") (Appendix 6). Wing sweep is the angle of deviation of the wing from the normal to the axis of symmetry of the aircraft, in projection onto the base plane of the aircraft. In this case, the direction towards the tail is considered positive (Appendix 4). There are 10

11 sweep along the leading edge of the wing, along the trailing edge and along the quarter chord line. Forward-swept wing (KSW) is a wing with negative sweep (examples of forward-swept aircraft models: Su-47 Berkut, Czechoslovakian glider LET L-13). Wing load is the ratio of the weight of the aircraft to the area of ​​the load-bearing surface. Expressed in kg/m² (for models - g/dm²). The lower the load, the lower the speed required for flight. The average aerodynamic chord of a wing (MAC) is a straight line segment connecting the two most distant points of the profile. For a wing with a rectangular plan, the MAR is equal to the chord of the wing (Appendix 5). Knowing the magnitude and position of the MAR on the aircraft and taking it as a baseline, determine the position of the aircraft’s center of gravity relative to it, which is measured in % of the length of the MAR. The distance from the center of gravity to the beginning of the MAR, expressed as a percentage of its length, is called the center of gravity of the aircraft. Finding out the center of gravity of a paper airplane can be easier: take a needle and thread; pierce the plane with a needle and let it hang by a thread. The point at which the plane will balance with perfectly flat wings is the center of gravity. And a little more about the wing profile - this is the shape of the wing in cross section. The wing profile has a strong influence on all aerodynamic characteristics of the wing. There are quite a few types of profiles, because the curvature of the upper and lower surfaces is different for different types, as well as the thickness of the profile itself (Appendix 6). Classic is when the bottom is close to plane, and the top is convex according to a certain law. This is the so-called asymmetrical profile, but there are also symmetrical ones, when the top and bottom have the same curvature. The development of aerodynamic profiles has been carried out almost since the beginning of the history of aviation, and it is still being carried out (in Russia, TsAGI Central Aerohydrodynamic Institute is engaged in developments for real aircraft 11

12 Institute named after Professor N.E. Zhukovsky, in the USA such functions are performed Research Center at Langley (a division of NASA). Let us draw conclusions from what has been said above about the wing of an airplane: A traditional airplane has long narrow wings closer to the middle, the main part, balanced by small horizontal wings closer to the tail. The paper lacks the strength for such complex designs and bends and wrinkles easily, especially during the startup process. This means that paper wings lose aerodynamic properties and create drag. An airplane of traditional design is a streamlined and quite durable device; its delta-shaped wings provide stable gliding, but they are relatively large, create excessive braking and can lose rigidity. These difficulties can be overcome: Smaller, more durable delta wing-shaped lifting surfaces are made from two or more layers of folded paper and hold their shape better during high-speed launches. The wings can be folded so that a small bulge is formed on the upper surface, increasing lift, as on the wing of a real airplane (Appendix 7). The solidly built design has mass that increases starting torque without significantly increasing drag. By moving the delta wings forward and balancing the lift with a long, flat, V-shaped body towards the tail that prevents lateral movement (deflection) in flight, the most valuable characteristics of a paper airplane can be combined into one design. 1.5 Airplane launch 12

13 Let's start with the basics. Never hold your paper airplane by the trailing edge of the wing (tail). Since the paper flexes so much, which is very bad for aerodynamics, any careful fit will be compromised. It is best to hold the plane by the thickest set of layers of paper near the nose. Typically this point is close to the aircraft's center of gravity. To send the plane to the maximum distance, you need to throw it forward and up at an angle of 45 degrees (parabola) as hard as possible, which was confirmed by our experiment with launching at different angles to the surface (Appendix 8). This is because upon launch, the air must hit the underside of the wings and be deflected downwards, providing adequate lift to the aircraft. If the plane is not at an angle to the direction of travel and its nose is not raised up, lift does not occur. An airplane usually has most of The weight is shifted back, which means that the rear is down, the nose is up and lift is guaranteed. It balances the airplane, allowing it to fly (except when the lift force is too great, causing the airplane to rise sharply and fall). In time-of-flight competitions, you must throw the plane at maximum height so that it takes longer to glide down. In general, aerobatic aircraft launch techniques are as varied as their designs. And so the technique for launching the ideal airplane: The correct grip should be strong enough to hold the airplane, but not so strong as to deform it. The folded paper tab on the bottom surface under the nose of the airplane can be used as a launch holder. When launching, hold the airplane at an angle of 45 degrees to its maximum altitude. 2.Testing airplanes 13

14 2.1. Airplane models In order to confirm (or refute, if they are incorrect for paper airplanes), we selected 10 airplane models, different in characteristics: sweep, wingspan, structural density, additional stabilizers. And of course we took a classic airplane model to also explore the choice of many generations (Appendix 9) 2.2. Range and glide time test. 14

15 Model name Flight range (m) Flight duration (metronome beats) Features at launch Pros Cons 1. Twists Glides Too winged Poor control Flat bottom large wings Large Does not glide turbulence 2. Twists Glides Wings wide Tail Poor Not stable in flight Turbulence controlled 3. Dives Narrow nose Turbulence Hunter Twists Flat bottom Weight of the nose Narrow body part 4. Glides Flat bottom Large wings Guinness glider Flies in an arc Arced Narrow body Long Arced flight gliding 5. Flies along Tapered wings Wide body straight, in Flight stabilizers No Beetle at the end of the flight, the arc shape abruptly changes the flight path abruptly 6. Flies straight Flat bottom Wide body Traditional good Small wings No arc plans 15

16 7. Dive Narrowed wings Heavy nose Flies in front Large wings, straight Narrow body shifted back Dive-bomber Arced (due to flaps on the wing) Density of construction 8. Scout Flies along Small body Wide wings straight Glides Small size along the length Arched Dense design 9. White swan Flies in a straight line Narrow body Stable Narrow wings in Flat-bottomed flight Dense construction Balanced 10. Stealth Flies in a straight line arc Gliding Changes trajectory Wing axis narrowed back No arc Wide wings Large body Not dense construction Flight duration (from longest to shortest): Glider Guinness and Traditional, Beetle, White Swan Flight Length (longest to shortest): White Swan, Beetle and Traditional, Scout. The leaders in two categories were: White Swan and Beetle. Study the model data and connect with theoretical conclusions, take them as a basis for a model of an ideal airplane. 3. Model of an ideal airplane 3.1 Let’s summarize: theoretical model 16

17 1. the airplane should be light, 2. initially give the airplane great strength, 3. long and narrow, tapering towards the nose and tail like an arrow, with a relatively small surface area for its weight, 4. the bottom surface of the airplane is flat and horizontal, 5 .small and stronger lifting surfaces in the shape of delta-shaped wings, 6. fold the wings so that a slight bulge is formed on the upper surface, 7. move the wings forward and balance the lift with the long flat body of the aircraft, which is V-shaped towards the tail, 8. solidly built structure, 9. the grip should be strong enough and on the protrusion on the bottom surface, 10. launch at an angle of 45 degrees and to the maximum height. 11. Using the data, we made sketches of the ideal airplane: 1. Side view 2. Bottom view 3. Front view Having created sketches of the ideal airplane, I turned to the history of aviation to find out whether my conclusions coincide with aircraft designers. And I found a prototype of a delta-wing aircraft developed after World War II: the Convair XF-92 - a point interceptor (1945). And confirmation of the correctness of the conclusions is that it became the starting point for a new generation of aircraft. 17

18 Your own model and its testing. Model name Flight range (m) Flight duration (metronome beats) ID Features at launch Pros (closeness to the ideal airplane) Cons (deviations from the ideal airplane) Flies 80% 20% straight (perfection (for further Manage Plans no limit) improvements) When there is a sharp headwind, it “gets up” at 90 0 and turns around. My model is made on the basis of the models used in the practical part, the greatest resemblance to the “white swan”. But at the same time, I made a number of significant transformations: a larger delta shape of the wing, a bend in the wing (like that of the “scout” and others like it), the body was reduced, and the body was given additional structural rigidity. This is not to say that I am completely satisfied with my model. I would like to make the lower body smaller, leaving the same structural density. The wings can be given a greater delta shape. Think over the tail section. But it cannot be otherwise; there is time ahead for further study and creativity. This is exactly what professional aircraft designers do; you can learn a lot from them. This is what I will do in my hobby. 17

19 Conclusions As a result of the study, we became familiar with the basic laws of aerodynamics that affect the airplane. Based on this, rules were derived for the optimal combination of which contribute to the creation of the ideal airplane. To test theoretical conclusions in practice, models of paper airplanes were folded, varying in complexity of folding, range and flight duration. During the experiment, a table was compiled in which the revealed shortcomings of the models were compared with theoretical conclusions. Having compared the data from theory and experiment, I created a model of my ideal airplane. It still needs to be improved, bringing it closer to perfection! 18

20 References 1. Encyclopedia “Aviation” / website Academician %D0%BB%D0%B5%D0%BD%D1%82%D0%BD%D0%BE%D1%81%D1% 82%D1%8C 2. Collins J. Paper airplanes / J. Collins: trans. from English P. Mironova. M.: Mani, Ivanov and Ferber, 2014. 160s Babintsev V. Aerodynamics for dummies and scientists / portal 4. Babintsev V. Einstein and lifting force, or Why does a snake need a tail / portal 5. Arzhanikov N.S., Sadekova G.S., Aerodynamics of aircraft 6. Models and methods of aerodynamics / 7. Ushakov V.A., Krasilshchikov P.P., Volkov A.K., Grzhegorzhevsky A.N., Atlas of aerodynamic characteristics of wing profiles / 8. Aerodynamics of an aircraft / 9. Movement of bodies in the air / email zhur. Aerodynamics in nature and technology. Brief information on aerodynamics How do paper airplanes fly?/Interester. Interesting and cool science Mr. S. Chernyshev. Why does the plane fly? S. Chernyshev, director of TsAGI. Magazine "Science and Life", 11, 2008 / SGV Air Force" 4th VA VGK - forum of units and garrisons "Aviation and airfield equipment" - Aviation for dummies 19

21 12. Gorbunov Al. Aerodynamics for "dummies" / Gorbunov Al., g Road in the clouds / zhur. Planet July, 2013 Aviation milestones: prototype aircraft with delta wing 20

22 Appendix 1. Diagram of the influence of forces on an airplane in flight. Lift Acceleration specified at launch Gravity Drag Appendix 2. Drag. Flow and shape of obstacle Shape resistance Viscous friction resistance 0% 100% ~10% ~90% ~90% ~10% 100% 0% 21

23 Appendix 3. Wing extension. Appendix 4. Wing sweep. 22

24 Appendix 5. Average aerodynamic chord of the wing (MAC). Appendix 6. Wing shape. Cross section Plan 23

25 Appendix 7. Air circulation around the wing A vortex is formed at the sharp edge of the wing profile. When a vortex is formed, air circulation occurs around the wing. The vortex is carried away by the flow, and stream lines smoothly flow around the profile; they are concentrated above the wing Appendix 8. Airplane launch angle 24

26 Appendix 9. Models of airplanes for the experiment Paper model 1 Name 6 Paper model Name Krylan Traditional 2 7 Tail Dive 3 8 Hunter Scout 4 9 Guinness Glider White Swan 5 10 Stealth Beetle 26

State general educational institution“School 37” preschool department 2 Project “Airplanes First” Teachers: Anokhina Elena Aleksandrovna Onoprienko Ekaterina Elitovna Goal: Find a diagram

87 Lifting force of an airplane wing Magnus effect When a body moves forward in a viscous medium, as was shown in the previous paragraph, lifting force occurs if the body is located asymmetrically




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88 Aerohydromechanics PROCEEDINGS OF MIPT. 2013. Volume 5, 2 UDC 533.6.011.35 Vu Thanh Chung 1, V.V. Vyshinsky 1,2 1 Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (State University) 2 Central Aerohydrodynamic

Municipal autonomous educational institution

secondary school No. 41 village. Aksakovo

municipal district Belebeevsky district

I. Introduction _____________________________________________pages 3-4

II. History of aviation _______________________ pages 4-7

III ________p.7-10

IV.Practical part: Organization of an exhibition of models

aircraft made from different materials and carrying

research _______________________________________ pages 10-11

V. Conclusion __________________________________________ page 12

VI. References. _________________________________ page 12

VII. Application


Relevance:“Man is not a bird, but strives to fly”

It just so happens that man has always been drawn to the sky. People tried to make wings for themselves, and later aircraft. And their efforts were justified, they were still able to take off. The advent of airplanes did not in the least diminish the relevance of the ancient desire.. modern world aircraft have taken pride of place; they help people travel long distances, transport mail, medicine, humanitarian aid, put out fires and save people. So who built and performed controlled flight on it? Who took this step, so important for humanity, which became the beginning of a new era, the era of aviation?

I find the study of this topic interesting and relevant.

Goal of the work: study the history of aviation and the history of the appearance of the first paper airplanes, explore models of paper airplanes

Research objectives:

Alexander Fedorovich Mozhaisky built an “aeronautical projectile” in 1882. This was written in the patent for it in 1881. By the way, the patent for the aircraft was also the first in the world! The Wright brothers patented their device only in 1905. Mozhaisky created a real airplane with all the parts it needed: a fuselage, a wing, a power plant of two steam engines and three propellers, a landing gear, and a tail unit. It was much more like a modern airplane than the Wright brothers' airplane.

Takeoff of Mozhaisky's plane (from a drawing by the famous pilot K. Artseulov)

a specially constructed inclined wooden deck, took off, flew a certain distance and landed safely. The result, of course, is modest. But the possibility of flight on a device heavier than air was clearly proven. Further calculations showed that Mozhaisky’s plane simply did not have enough power for a full flight power plant. Three years later he died, and for many years he stood in the open air in Krasnoe Selo. Then it was transported near Vologda to the Mozhaisky estate and there it burned down in 1895. Well, what can I say. It's a pity…

III. The history of the first paper airplanes

The most common version of the time of invention and the name of the inventor is 1930, Northrop is a co-founder of Lockheed Corporation. Northrop used paper airplanes to test new ideas in the design of real airplanes. Despite the seeming frivolity of this activity, it turned out that flying airplanes is a whole science. It was born in 1930, when Jack Northrop, co-founder of Lockheed Corporation, used paper airplanes to test new ideas in the design of real aircraft.

And sports competitions for launching paper airplanes, Red Bull Paper Wings, are held at the world level. They were invented by Briton Andy Chipling. For many years he and his friends created paper models and eventually founded the Paper Aircraft Association in 1989. It was he who wrote the set of rules for launching paper airplanes. To create an airplane, a sheet of A-4 size paper should be used. All manipulations with the airplane must involve bending the paper - it is not allowed to cut or glue it, or use foreign objects for fixation (paper clips, etc.). The rules of the competition are very simple - teams compete in three disciplines (flight range, flight time and aerobatics - a spectacular show).

The World Paper Airplane Championship took place for the first time in 2006. It takes place every three years in Salzburg, in a huge spherical glass building called Hangar 7.

The Airplane Glider, although it looks like a perfect flyer, glides well, so at the World Championships, pilots from some countries launched it in a competition for the longest flight time. It is important to throw it not forward, but upward. Then it will descend smoothly and for a long time. Such an aircraft certainly does not need to be launched twice; any deformation is fatal for it. The world gliding record is now 27.6 seconds. It was installed by American pilot Ken Blackburn .

While working, we came across unfamiliar words that are used in construction. We looked into the encyclopedic dictionary and here's what we found out:

Glossary of terms.

Aviette-small-sized aircraft with a low-power engine (engine power does not exceed 100 Horse power), usually single or double.

Stabilizer– one of the horizontal planes that ensures the stability of the aircraft.

Keel- this is a vertical plane that ensures the stability of the aircraft.

Fuselage- the body of the aircraft, which serves to accommodate the crew, passengers, cargo and equipment; connects the wing, tail, sometimes the landing gear and the power plant.

IV. Practical part:

Organizing an exhibition of aircraft models made of different materials and conducting tests .

Well, which child hasn't made airplanes? In my opinion, such people are very difficult to find. It was a great joy to launch these paper models, and doing it is interesting and simple. Because a paper airplane is very easy to make and does not require any material costs. All you need for such an airplane is to take a piece of paper, and after spending a few seconds, become the winner of the yard, school or office in competitions for the farthest or longest flight

We also made our first airplane - Kid in a technology lesson and flew them right in the classroom during recess. It was very interesting and fun.

Our homework was to make or draw a model of an airplane from any

material. We organized an exhibition of our aircraft, where all the students performed. There were airplanes drawn there: with paints and pencils. Application made of napkins and colored paper, airplane models made of wood, cardboard, 20 matchboxes, plastic bottle.

We wanted to know more about airplanes, and Lyudmila Gennadievna suggested that one group of students find out who built it and made a controlled flight on it, and the other - the history of the first paper airplanes. We found all the information about the planes on the Internet. When we learned about the paper airplane launch competition, we also decided to hold such a competition for the longest distance and the longest planning.

To participate, we decided to make airplanes: “Dart”, “Glider”, “Baby”, “Arrow”, and I myself came up with the “Falcon” airplane (plane diagrams in Appendix No. 1-5).

The models were run 2 times. The winner was the airplane “Dart”, he was a prolemeter.

The models were run 2 times. The winning airplane was the Glider, it was in the air for 5 seconds.

The models were run 2 times. The winner was an airplane made from office paper.

paper, he flew 11 meters.

Conclusion: Thus, our hypothesis was confirmed: “Dart” flew the farthest (15 meters), “Glider” was in the air the longest (5 seconds), airplanes made of office paper.

But we really enjoyed learning everything new and new that we found on the Internet new model aircraft from modules. The work, of course, is painstaking - it requires accuracy and perseverance, but it is very interesting, especially assembling. We made 2000 modules for the aircraft. An aircraft designer" href="/text/category/aviakonstruktor/" rel="bookmark">an aircraft designer and will design an airplane on which people will fly.

VI. References:

1.http://ru. wikipedia. org/wiki/Paper airplane...

2. http://www. *****/news/detail

3 http://ru. wikipedia. org›wiki/Airplane_Mozhaisky

4. http://www. ›200711.htm

5. http://www. *****›avia/8259.html

6. http:// ru. wikipedia. org›wiki/Wright Brothers

7. http:// locals. md› 2012 /stan-chempionom-mira…samolyotikov/

8 http:// *****› from MK aircraft modules

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