HELL. Sakharov is an outstanding scientist and human rights activist of our time

Andrei Dmitrievich Sakharov was born in Moscow on May 21, 1921. His father, Dmitry Ivanovich Sakharov, is a teacher of physics, the author of a well-known problem book and many popular science books. Grandfather Ivan Nikolaevich. Sakharov, the son of an Arzamas priest, was a sworn attorney of the Moscow District Court, participated in many criminal and political trials as a defender, was a member of the Cadets party and an elector from it State Duma, one of the compilers of the collection "Against death penalty"Grandmother Maria Petrovna Sakharova (ur. Domukhovskaya) was born on the estate of noble parents in the Smolensk province. Mother A. D. Sakharova Ekaterina Alekseevna Sakharova (ur. Sofiano) is the daughter of the hereditary military Alexei Semyonovich Sofiano, who retired, in 1917 . by age qualification in the rank of lieutenant general, great-granddaughter of a native of the Greek island of Zeya, who took Russian citizenship and received the nobility in the reign of Catherine II. Elementary education A.D. Sakharov received a house, his father studied physics and mathematics with him. At school, he studied from the seventh grade; after graduating from it in 1938, he entered the Physics Department of Moscow University. After graduating from the university with honors in 1942 in Ashgabat in evacuation, he was sent to the People's Commissariat for Armaments. Since 1942, A. D. Sakharov worked at the cartridge factory in Ulyanovsk as an engineer-inventor, had a number of inventions in the field of product control methods. At the end of 1944, A.D. Sakharov entered the correspondence graduate school of the Physical Institute of the USSR Academy of Sciences named after P.N. Lebedev (FIAN), at the beginning of 1945 he was transferred to full-time graduate school. His supervisor was Igor Evgenievich Tamm, later an academician, a Nobel laureate.

Soon after defending his Ph.D. thesis in 1948, Sakharov was enrolled in a research group dealing with the problem of thermal nuclear weapons. Sakharov is often referred to as the "father hydrogen bomb", but he believed that these words very inaccurately reflect the complex situation of collective authorship. Since 1950, A.D. Sakharov and I.E. Tamm began to work together on the problem of a controlled thermonuclear reaction (the idea of ​​​​magnetic plasma confinement and fundamental calculations of installations for controlled thermonuclear fusion). These works were reported in 1956 by I. V. Kurchatov at a conference in Harwell (Great Britain) and are considered pioneering. In 1952, Sakharov put forward the idea of ​​magnetic laser compression to obtain a pulsed controlled thermonuclear reaction. Sakharov owns several key works in cosmology ("Baryonic asymmetry of the Universe", "Multiple models of the Universe", "Cosmological models of the Universe with the rotation of the arrow of time"), works on field theory and elementary particles. In 1953 Mr. A.D.S. was elected a full member of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. social activities Sakharov considered speeches in the years. against nuclear testing in the atmosphere. A.D. Sakharov - one of the initiators of the conclusion in 1963 of the Moscow Treaty on the Ban on Nuclear Tests in Three Environments (Atmosphere, Space and Ocean). On July 22, 1968, The New York Times published a translation of Sakharov's Reflections on Progress, Peaceful Coexistence and Intellectual Freedom - three full newspaper pages. On that day, a Soviet physicist, unknown in the West, became a world celebrity. The total circulation of this article in the West reached 20 million. After its publication, Sakharov was removed from secret work in the closed city of Arzamas-16, where he spent 18 years. In 1969 he returned to scientific work at the FIAN. At the same time, Sakharov handed over his savings, thousand rubles. - to the Red Cross and for the construction of an oncology center in Moscow.

In November 1970, Sakharov became one of the founders of the Human Rights Committee. In subsequent years, he spoke out in defense of prisoners of conscience and basic human rights - the right to receive and impart information, the right to freedom of conscience, the right to leave and return to one's country, and the right to choose one's place of residence within the country. At the same time, he spoke extensively on disarmament issues, being the only independent professional expert in this field in the countries of the socialist camp. In the summer of 1975 he published the book "On the Country and the World". In October 1975 A.D. Sakharov was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize: "Sakharov uncompromisingly and effectively fought not only against abuses of power in all their manifestations, but against equal energy he defended the ideal of a state based on the principle of justice for all. Sakharov convincingly expressed the idea that only the inviolability of human rights can serve as the foundation for a genuine and durable system international cooperation"(Determination of the Nobel Committee of the Storting of Norway dated October 10, 1975). In his Nobel lecture delivered in Oslo by E.G. Bonner on December 10 of the same year, Sakharov stated: "Peace, progress, human rights - these three goals are inextricably linked On January 22, 1980, Sakharov was exiled to Gorky without trial. At the same time, by decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, he was deprived of the title of Hero of Socialist Labor three times (1953, 1956, 1962). ) and by the decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR - the title of laureate of the State (1953) and Lenin (1956) prizes. Soviet troops to Afghanistan.

In Gorky, despite the most severe isolation, he continued public appearances. The article "The Danger of Thermonuclear War", a letter to Leonid Brezhnev about Afghanistan, and an appeal to Mikhail Gorbachev about the need to release all prisoners of conscience had a great resonance in the West. In Gorky, A.D. Sakharov declared indefinite hunger strikes four times in connection with the pressure of the KGB on his family. In the same place, the KGB authorities twice stole the manuscripts of his memoirs, scientific and personal diaries. For the "Gorky years" A.D.S. made and published four scientific papers. He was returned from Gorky in December 1986. In October 1988 he was elected a member of the Presidium of the USSR Academy of Sciences. In March 1989 he was elected a people's deputy of the USSR. During these years, Sakharov wrote a lot, gave countless interviews, participated in scientific and political forums, met with prominent scientists, public figures, heads of state - Margaret Thatcher, Francois Mitterrand, Ronald Reagan, Mikhail Gorbachev. His main concern was to ensure the speedy progress and irreversibility of reforms in the Soviet Union. As a member of the Constitutional Commission, Sakharov prepared and on November 27, 1989 presented a draft of a new Constitution; its concept is based on the protection of individual rights and the right of all peoples to equal statehood with others. HELL. Sakharov was a foreign member of the Academies of Sciences of the USA, France, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway and an honorary doctor of many universities in Europe, America and Asia. Andrei Dmitrievich died on December 14, 1989 and was buried at the Vostryakovsky cemetery in Moscow.

With wife and daughter Tanya With daughter Tanya and colleagues 1948 Yu. Romanov (left) and Yu. Zysin. Ser. 50s C I.V. Kurchatov in the garden Human Rights Committee: Institute of Atomic Energy I.G. Shafarevich (left), Moscow, Sept., 1958 A.D. Sakharov, G.S. Podyapolsky. Jan., 1973 With his wife, Elena Bonner, in front of Yu. Tuwim's apartment on the day of the 1st press conference of the Nobel Peace Prize Moscow, August 21. Moscow, 9 Oct

Work on the city of Gorky "Memoirs" 1982 With his wife, shortly after the hunger strike and forced isolation in 1984.1985. Return from exile At the Forum Moscow, Yaroslavl "For a nuclear-free world..." station. Dec 23 1986 Moscow, Feb. 1987

At the White House with R. Reagan With Margaret Thatcher Washington, Nov. 1988 With Edward Teller Graduation Washington, Nov. 1988 Honorary Doctor of the University of Bologna, Italy, 1989 1989 At the presentation of the Clinical Foundation Prize At the Forum of Nobel Research Laureates. Japan St. Boniface. Canada

Sakharov, A. Memoirs. In 3 volumes / A. Sakharov. - M .: Time, - T s.: ill. Sakharov, A. Memoirs. In 3 volumes / A. Sakharov. - M .: Time, - T s.: ill. Sakharov, A. Memoirs. In 3 volumes / A. Sakharov. - M .: Time, - T s.: ill. Sakharov, A., Bonner, E. Diaries. Novel-document. In 3 volumes / A. Sakharov, E. Bonner. - M .: Time, - T s.: ill. Sakharov, A., Bonner, E. Diaries. Novel-document. In 3 volumes / A. Sakharov, E. Bonner. - M .: Time, - T s.: ill .. Sakharov, A., Bonner, E. Diaries. Novel-document. In 3 volumes / A. Sakharov, E. Bonner. - M .: Time, - T s.: ill. Sakharov, A. Anxiety and hope. In 2 volumes / A. Sakharov. - M: Time, - T s. Sakharov, A. Anxiety and hope. In 2 volumes / A. Sakharov. – M: Time, – T s. 30 years of "Reflections ..." by Andrei Sakharov. - M: Human Rights, - 232 p. Bonner, E. Free notes to the genealogy of Sakharov / E. Bonner. - M .: Human Rights, - 176 p. Andrey Dmitrievich Sakharov Fragments of the biography. – M.: Panorama, – 16 p. Bailey, George The making of Andrei Sakharov. – London, 1988 The presented publications can be found in the reading room of the library of the International State Ecological University. A. D. Sakharova

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Andrey Dmitrievich Sakharov SHOULD A SCIENTIST BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THEIR INVENTIONS Kadyrova Elvira Kurbanovna Teacher of History and Social Studies, Crimean Gymnasium-Boarding School for Gifted Children

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BIOGRAPHY Andrei Dmitrievich Sakharov (May 21, 1921, Moscow - December 14, 1989, ibid.) - Soviet physicist, academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences, one of the creators of the first Soviet hydrogen bomb. Subsequently - public figure, dissident and human rights activist; people's deputy USSR, author of the draft constitution of the Union Soviet Republics Europe and Asia. Winner of the Nobel Peace Prize in 1975. For his human rights activities, he was deprived of all Soviet awards and prizes, and in 1980 he was expelled from Moscow with his wife Elena Bonner. At the end of 1986, under pressure from the West, Mikhail Gorbachev allowed Sakharov to return from exile to Moscow, which was regarded in the world as an important milestone in the fight against dissent in the USSR.

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ORIGIN AND EDUCATION Father, Dmitry Ivanovich Sakharov, - teacher of physics, author of a well-known problem book, mother Ekaterina Alekseevna Sakharova (ur. Sofiano) - daughter of hereditary military Greek origin Alexei Semyonovich Sofiano - a housewife. Grandmother on the mother's side Zinaida Evgrafovna Sofiano - from the kind of Belgorod nobles Mukhanovs. Godfather - famous musician Alexander Borisovich Goldenweiser, Sakharov's uncle. Childhood and early youth passed in Moscow. Sakharov received his primary education at home. I went to school to study from the seventh grade. In the picture, Sakharov's house in Gorky

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Scientific work At the end of 1944 he entered the FIAN graduate school (supervisor - I. E. Tamm). An employee of the FIAN them. Lebedev remained until his death. In 1947 he defended PhD thesis. In 1948 he was enrolled in a special group and until 1968 worked in the development of thermonuclear weapons, participated in the design and development of the first Soviet hydrogen bomb according to the scheme called "Sakharov's puff". At the same time, Sakharov, together with I. E. Tamm, carried out pioneering work on a controlled thermonuclear reaction in 1950-1951. Taught courses at the Moscow Power Engineering Institute nuclear physics, the theory of relativity and electricity. Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences (1953). In the same year, at the age of 32, he was elected a full member of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, becoming the second youngest member of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR at the time of his election (after S. L. Sobolev). Correspondents of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR Yu. B. Khariton and Ya. B. Zeldovich According to V. L. Ginzburg, nationality played a certain role in the election of Sakharov immediately as an academician - bypassing the stage of corresponding member

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Draft new constitution of the USSR In November 1989, he presented a "draft of a new constitution", which is based on the protection of individual rights and the right of all peoples to statehood. (See Euro-Asian Union). The only lifetime publication - " TVNZ"(Vilnius) December 12, 1989 December 14, 1989, at 15:00 - Sakharov's last speech in the Kremlin at a meeting of the Interregional Deputy Group (II Congress of People's Deputies of the USSR).

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family In 1943, Andrei Sakharov married Claudia Alekseevna Vikhireva (1919-1969), a native of Simbirsk (she died of cancer). They had three children - two daughters and a son (Tatiana, Lyubov, Dmitry). In 1970 he met Elena Georgievna Bonner (1923-2011), and in 1972 he married her. She had two children (Tatiana, Alexei), by that time already quite old. As for the children of A. D. Sakharov, the two elders were quite adults at that time. The youngest, Dmitry, was barely 15 years old when Sakharov moved in with Elena Bonner. She began to take care of her brother elder sister Love. The spouses did not have common children.

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Contribution to science One of the creators of the hydrogen bomb (1953) in the USSR. Proceedings on magnetic hydrodynamics, plasma physics, controlled thermonuclear fusion, elementary particles, astrophysics, gravity. In 1950, A. D. Sakharov and I. E. Tamm put forward the idea of ​​implementing a controlled thermonuclear reaction for energy purposes using the principle of plasma magnetic thermal insulation. Sakharov and Tamm considered, in particular, the toroidal configuration in stationary and non-stationary versions (today it is considered one of the most promising - see Tokamak). Sakharov - author of original works in physics elementary particles and cosmology: on the baryon asymmetry of the Universe, where he connected the baryon asymmetry with combined parity nonconservation (CP violation), experimentally found in the decay of long-lived mesons, symmetry breaking during time reversal, and baryon charge nonconservation (Sakharov considered the decay of the proton).

Andrey Dmitrievich Sakharov ANDREY DMITRIEVICH


Andrei Dmitrievich Sakharov (May 21, 1921, Moscow - December 14, 1989, ibid) -
Soviet physicist, academician of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, one of the founders of the first Soviet
hydrogen bomb. Subsequently - a public figure, dissident and
human rights activist; People's Deputy of the USSR, author of the draft constitution of the Union
Soviet Republics of Europe and Asia. Nobel Peace Prize Winner 1975
For his human rights activities, he was deprived of all Soviet awards, prizes and
in 1980 he was expelled from Moscow with his wife Elena Bonner. At the end of 1986
Mikhail Gorbachev, under pressure from the West, allowed Sakharov to return from exile to
Moscow, which was regarded in the world as an important milestone in the cessation of the fight against
dissent in the USSR.


Father, Dmitry Ivanovich Sakharov, - teacher of physics, author
famous problem book, mother Ekaterina Alekseevna Sakharova (ur.
Sofiano) - daughter of hereditary military Greek origin
Aleksey Semyonovich Sofiano is a housewife. Granny from the side
mother Zinaida Evgrafovna Sofiano - from a kind of Belgorod nobles
Godfather - famous musician Alexander Borisovich
Goldenweiser, Sakharov's uncle.
Childhood and early youth were spent in Moscow. Elementary education
Sakharov got home. I went to school to study from the seventh grade
In the picture, Sakharov's house in Gorky

Scientific work

At the end of 1944, he entered the FIAN graduate school (supervisor - I.E.
There M). An employee of the FIAN them. Lebedev remained until his death.
In 1947 he defended his PhD thesis.
In 1948 he was enrolled in a special group and until 1968 he worked in the field
development of thermonuclear weapons, participated in the design and development
the first Soviet hydrogen bomb according to the scheme called "Sakharov's puff".
At the same time, Sakharov, together with I. E. Tamm, in 1950-1951 conducted
pioneering work on controlled thermonuclear reaction. in the Moscow
Power Engineering Institute taught courses in nuclear physics, theory of relativity and
Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences (1953). In the same year at the age of 32
was elected a full member of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, becoming the second youngest in
the moment of election as an academician for the whole history (after S. L. Sobolev)
The recommendation that accompanied the submission to academicians was signed by Academician
I. V. Kurchatov and Corresponding Members of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR Yu. B. Khariton and Ya. B. Zeldovich Po
according to V. L. Ginzburg, in the election of Sakharov immediately as an academician - bypassing the step
Corresponding member - nationality played some role

Draft new constitution of the USSR

In November 1989, he presented a "draft of a new constitution", based on
which is the protection of the rights of the individual and the right of all peoples to
statehood. (See Euro-Asian Union). the only
lifetime publication - "Komsomolskaya Pravda" (Vilnius) 12
December 1989
December 14, 1989, at 15:00 - Sakharov's last speech in
Kremlin at a meeting of the Interregional Deputy Group (II Congress
People's Deputies of the USSR).

a family

In 1943, Andrei Sakharov married Claudia Alekseevna
Vikhireva (1919-1969), a native of Simbirsk (died of cancer). At
they had three children - two daughters and a son (Tatiana, Lyubov,
In 1970 he met Elena Georgievna Bonner
(1923-2011), and in 1972 he married her. She had two children
(Tatiana, Alexei), by that time there were already enough adults. What
concerns the children of A. D. Sakharov, then they are quite adults for that
moment were the two elders. The youngest, Dmitry, barely
turned 15 when Sakharov moved in with Elena Bonner. O
brother began to take care of his older sister Lyubov. common children
there were no spouses.

Contribution to science

One of the creators of the hydrogen bomb (1953) in the USSR. Proceedings on magnetohydrodynamics, physics
plasma, controlled thermonuclear fusion, elementary particles, astrophysics, gravity.
In 1950, A. D. Sakharov and I. E. Tamm put forward the idea of ​​implementing a controlled thermonuclear reaction for
energy purposes using the principle of magnetic thermal insulation of plasma. Sakharov and Tamm considered, in
in particular, the toroidal configuration in stationary and non-stationary versions (today it is considered one of the
the most promising - see Tokamak).
Sakharov is the author of original works on elementary particle physics and cosmology: on baryon asymmetry
of the Universe, where he connected the baryon asymmetry with the nonconservation of the combined parity (CP violation), experimentally discovered in the decay of long-lived mesons, with the symmetry violation at
time reversal and non-conservation of the baryon charge (Sakharov considered the decay of the proton).

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