Ecology in the works of children's writers. “We are from Kuzbass!”: dedicated to the Year of Literature in Russia

Ecology in the works of modern writers

“It cannot be allowed that people direct to their own destruction those forces of nature that they were able to discover and conquer.”

The modern writer V. Rasputin argued: “To talk about ecology today means to talk not about changing life, but about saving it.” Unfortunately, the state of our ecology is very catastrophic. This is manifested in the impoverishment of flora and fauna. Further, the author says that “a gradual adaptation to danger occurs,” that is, the person does not notice how serious the current situation is. Let us recall the problem associated with the Aral Sea. The bottom of the Aral Sea has become so exposed that the shores from the sea ports are tens of kilometers away. The climate changed very sharply, and animals became extinct. All these troubles greatly affected the lives of people living in the Aral Sea. Over the past two decades, the Aral Sea has lost half of its volume and more than a third of its area. The exposed bottom of a huge area turned into a desert, which became known as Aralkum. In addition, the Aral Sea contains millions of tons of toxic salts. This problem cannot but worry people. In the eighties, expeditions were organized to solve the problems and causes of the death of the Aral Sea. Doctors, scientists, writers reflected and studied the materials of these expeditions.

V. Rasputin in the article “In the fate of nature is our destiny” reflects on the relationship between man and environment. “Today there is no need to guess “whose groan is heard over the great Russian river.” It is the Volga itself that is groaning, dug up length and breadth, spanned by hydroelectric dams,” the author writes. Looking at the Volga, you especially understand the price of our civilization, that is, the benefits that man has created for himself. It seems that everything that was possible has been defeated, even the future of humanity.

The problem of the relationship between man and the environment is raised by modern writer Ch. Aitmatov in the work "The Scaffold". He showed how man destroys the colorful world of nature with his own hands.

The novel begins with a description of life wolf pack, which lives quietly before the appearance of man. He literally demolishes and destroys everything in his path, without thinking about surrounding nature. The reason for such cruelty was simply difficulties with the meat delivery plan. People mocked the saigas: “The fear reached such proportions that the she-wolf Akbara, deaf from the gunshots, thought that the whole world had gone deaf, and the sun itself was also rushing about and looking for salvation...” In this tragedy, Akbara’s children die, but this is her grief doesn't end. Further, the author writes that people started a fire in which five more Akbara wolf cubs died. People for the sake of their own goals could "eviscerate Earth, like a pumpkin," not suspecting that nature will also take revenge on them sooner or later. A lone wolf is drawn to people, wants to transfer her maternal love to a human child. This turned into a tragedy, but this time for people. A man in a fit of fear and hating the incomprehensible behavior of the she-wolf, he shoots at her, but hits his own son.

This example speaks of the barbaric attitude of people towards nature, towards everything that surrounds us. I wish there were more caring and good people.

Academician D. Likhachev wrote: “Humanity spends billions not only to avoid suffocation and death, but also to preserve the nature around us.” Of course, everyone is well aware of the healing power of nature. I think that a person should become its master, its protector, and its intelligent transformer. Favorite leisurely river, Birch Grove, restless bird world... We will not harm them, but will try to protect them.

In this century, man is actively interfering with the natural processes of the Earth’s shells: extracting millions of tons of minerals, destroying thousands of hectares of forest, polluting the waters of seas and rivers, and releasing toxic substances into the atmosphere. One of the most important environmental problems of the century has been water pollution. A sharp deterioration in the quality of water in rivers and lakes cannot and will not affect human health, especially in areas with dense populations. Sad environmental consequences accidents at nuclear power plants. The echo of Chernobyl swept across the entire European part of Russia, and will affect people’s health for a long time.

Thus, a person as a result economic activity causes great damage to nature, and at the same time to one’s health. How then can a person build his relationship with nature? Each person in his activities must treat every living thing on Earth with care, not alienate himself from nature, not strive to rise above it, but remember that he is part of it.

D.V. Glushenkov.

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Sad. And there’s no way to understand what’s there
brains the regime: Northern rivers have necks
take away or take away the Gulf Stream!
Fazil Iskander.

Once in the cinema of a repeat film, I accidentally watched
watched the old film "Master of the Taiga". Although it was filmed before my
birth, but I really liked it. Young Zolotukhin played
local policeman somewhere in Siberia, the only one
one side for fifty miles, and the other for five hundred." He bo-
fights poachers and wins. This was two years ago.
That was the first time I thought seriously about why people
nature is treated barbarously. It's amazing that everything has gone so far
I seemed to turn a deaf ear to conversations on this topic. Remember-
moose, of course, and other films. I also learned the story of the film "U"
lake", filmed more than twenty years ago. It turns out that
began the struggle for the purity of Baikal, which to this day is not
it's over.
So gradually, from disparate facts, it began to take shape
idea about the environmental problem, how literature
(I’m not talking about movies anymore) raised this topic. Then at school
had to prepare a report on the topic “Man and nature in production”
the days of Soviet writers." This is what I found out. At the end
last century Dostoevsky, Chekhov, Mimin-Sibiryak and others became
write about the barbaric attitude towards nature, especially towards the forest. But in
Soviet time this topic was forgotten for a long time. Lo-
zung that there is no point in expecting mercy from nature, but its bounty
you have to take the wealth yourself. Then a plan arose in Stalin's head
"transformation" of nature, and this campaign actively involved
some writers.
A well-known man raised his voice against the “transformation”
Russian writer Leonid Leonov. His novel "Russian Forest" opened
in the mid-50s, “artistic” ecology. In the 50-60s
K. Paustovsky, V. Belov, V. Li- did a lot for their native nature
Patov and others.
In this essay I would like to talk only about a few
many works and writers.
Viktor Astafiev did a lot to protect nature, awarded
recently awarded the title of Hero of Socialist Labor. He,
for example, (I read about it in the newspaper) revealed the secret of the "object
N 27", which was actually supposed to become a burial ground for
radioactive waste from European countries (thousands of miles would have been transported
them!) near the Yenisei. Who knows, maybe this will prevent
Siberian puppy Chernobyl? In the seventies he wrote
"Last bow" and "The King Fish". Narration in stories
"Tsar Fish" shows us small poachers who violate the rules
rets for hunting and fishing, and big ones, ready for the sake of the plan
ruin the entire taiga. Meanwhile, Astafiev is convinced: “The taiga on earth
le and the stars in the sky were thousands of years before us. The stars have gone out
or were broken into fragments, in their place others blossomed in the sky
gie. And the trees in the taiga died and were born, one tree was burned
struck by lightning, washed away by the river, another scattered seeds into the water,
the wind... It only seems to us, - the writing emphasizes its thought -
tel, - that we transformed... the taiga... No, we only wounded
it was damaged, trampled, scratched, burned with fire. But fear
They couldn’t convey their confusion to her, and they didn’t instill hostility in her.
ness, no matter how hard we tried.
It seems to me that Valentin will agree with these thoughts
Rasputin, who also did a lot to protect Russian nature,
yes. He was among those who raised their voice against the turn
northern rivers. In the story "Farewell to Matera" he draws for us
the suffering of people forced to leave their family and their ancestors
Dinu. Some of those in power, these heirs of Stalin's
"transformers", decided to build a hydroelectric power station on the river.
Dozens of villages are doomed to be flooded. It seems along with
Nature also cries with people. The image of the old tree is majestic: it
they tried to cut it down - the axes bounced off, to cut it down - they wouldn’t take the saw,
Set it on fire - it doesn't burn. The barbarians eventually retreat. Is not it
Nature also resists: no matter how much they destroy it, it still stands. But
after all, her powers are not unlimited. What if he can't stand it? Will remain
Is the man himself alive? He must take care of nature - it’s his
house. He is not a guest, but a master in it for many millennia.
This problem is raised again in another story by Rasputin
- "Fire." “Cutting down a forest is not sowing bread,” he thinks bitterly
the main character of the work. Lespromkhoz is in a hurry faster than the plan
fulfill, prepare cubic meters. "And the forest was chosen - until the new one
tens and tens of years. They cut it down with the current technology in
years. And then what?” The reader is ready to shout along with the hero:
"A plan?! It would be better if we lived without it. It would be better if there was another plan for-
not just in cubic meters, but in souls! To take into account
how many souls have been lost, gone to the devil, and how many remain
elk! It's right. Where there is no love and pity for nature, there is no
pity for the person. And along with nature, man perishes. At-
than not only morally, but also in the literal sense.
There is another interesting story about this - “Dam” by Vladimir
Mazaeva. Not good famous book, true, but she attracted me
treated with its truthfulness.
The work talks about what is already typical, unfortunately -
nyu, for our days the case. During heavy rain breakthrough-
there is a sedimentation dam where 600 thousand cubic meters of toxic substances were stored
coke production waste. The black wave is pouring in
into the river, poisoning all living things. The authorities, of course, are trying to eliminate
It’s impossible to fix the consequences, but it’s already impossible to correct much. Who
guilty? Yes, as always, no one. The fact that the dam was built with
violations of technology and a breakthrough was possible, they knew, but did not accept
little measure. There was no warning of a possible disaster
meanings. First Secretary of the City Party Committee never for four
years of leading the city, I was not interested in these problems,
I had no idea about the factory hydraulic dump.
Nature, according to the writer, takes revenge on its offenders. Semi-
The daughter and son-in-law of the first secretary expect poisoning. Black wave
the dacha village where the managers' dachas are located was destroyed
lei factory.
Writers teach people to think about what they are doing.
in tune with nature?! Too much in last years Ava happens
ries and disasters, so as not to listen to their wise voice.
Grigory Medvedev in his documentary story "Black-
bylskaya notebook" says that in pursuit of ranks and nakedness -
for many years, academicians, economists and politicians have been deceiving
people, claiming that nuclear power safe. We know
Now, what did this “security” turn out to be? The story ends
in very strong words of the writer. He walks through the cemetery, where
victims of Chernobyl are buried, and remembers that their bodies are strongly
radioactive and they were buried in zinc coffins. "So
required the sanitary and epidemiological station, and I thought about it, because the earth was in the way
whether to do her last job - turn the bodies of the dead into
dust. Damn nuclear age! Even here, in the eternal human
As a result, thousand-year-old traditions are violated. Even the funeral
thread, humanly cannot be consigned to the ground." You can’t say it any stronger...


Not a single Russian writer imagines himself outside of connection with nature, without observing its changing face, how it is transformed - and sometimes deformed - by man.

Yu. Nagibin

Yes, you should think about these lines. Power over nature was given to man not in order to gradually kill it, but in order to bring reason and expediency into the world order. The problem of the relationship between man and nature is the most important in our time. Throughout the history of its existence, man has treated nature as a consumer, mercilessly exploiting it. This could not but affect the state of the environment. The living shell of our planet is experiencing enormous stress. Currently, a situation has arisen where we are talking about global environmental problems. Today, environmental problems are talked about everywhere: in print, on television, on the Internet. But who was the first to say, who turned to this topic back in the 19th century, who noticed the beginning of this destructive trend even then, when the range of environmental problems was limited to the unjustified cutting down of the landowner's grove? As often happens, the first here were the “voices of the people” - writers. In their works they not only admire, but also make you think, warn about what unreasonable things can lead to consumer attitude to nature. One of the main defenders of nature among writers of the 19th century was Anton Pavlovich Chekhov. In the play "Uncle Vanya", written in 1896, the theme of ecology sounds quite clearly. Everyone, of course, remembers Dr. Astrov.

Chekhov put his attitude towards nature into the mouth of this character: “You can heat stoves with peat and build barns from stone. Well, I admit, cut down forests out of necessity, but why destroy them? Russian forests are cracking under the ax, billions of trees are dying, the homes of animals and birds are being devastated, rivers are shallowing and drying up, wonderful landscapes are disappearing irrevocably, and all because a lazy person does not have enough sense to bend down and pick up fuel from the ground.”It’s amazing how Astrov, and in his person a leading man of the 19th century, assesses the state of nature:

K.G. Paustovsky talks about the hidden beauty of nature to people who have not yet understood that “our native land is the most magnificent thing that has been given to us for life. We must cultivate it, protect it and protect it with all the strength of our being.” Now, when the problem of nature conservation is in the center of attention of all mankind, Paustovsky’s thoughts and images have special value and significance. One cannot fail to note the work of Boris Vasiliev “Don’t Shoot White Swans”, in which every page, every line is imbued with great love To native nature. Main character Egor Polushkin, a forester, found his calling by becoming guardian of nature. Love to helps his business Polushkina open up, reveal initiative, to show your individuality. Yegor protects nature until his last breath unequal battle with poachers.
Shortly before his death, Polushkin says wonderful words: “Nature, as long as it endures everything. She dies silently before her flight. And no man is the king of nature..." I.A.Bunin inIn the story “Epitaph” he writes bitterly about the deserted village. The surrounding steppe ceased to live, all nature froze. In his story " New road“Two forces collided: nature and a train rumbling along the rails. Nature retreats before the invention of mankind: “Go, go, we make way foryou,” they say new trees. - “But are you really ova only and you'll do what's wrong eat people you will add to poverty nature? Anxious thoughts about Bunin is tormented by what the conquest of nature can lead to, and he pronounces them on behalf of nature.

M.M. Prishvin was one of the first to talk about the need to maintain a balance of forces in nature, about what a wasteful attitude to natural resources. It’s not for nothing that Mikhail Prishvin is called the “singer of nature.” This master of artistic expression was a subtle connoisseur of nature, perfectly understood and highly appreciated its beauty and riches. In his works, he teaches to love and understand nature, to be responsible to it for its use, and not always wisely. Even in his first work, “In the Land of Unfrightened Birds,” Prishvin worries about man’s attitude to forests: “...You only hear the word “forest,” but with an adjective: sawn, drill, fire, wood ....”Chingiz Aitmatov’s novel “The Scaffold”, where the author reflects with true power of talent modern relationships nature and man.The ecological component of the novel is conveyed through a description of the life of wolves and the confrontation between wolves and humans. Aitmatov’s wolf is not a beast, he is much more humane than man himself. The novel is imbued with a sense of responsibility for what is happening in the world, in the nature around us. He carries good principles and noble life guidelines, calling for respect for nature: “And how cramped a person is on the planet, how afraid he is that he won’t be able to accommodate himself, won’t be able to feed himself, won’t get along with others of his own kind. And isn’t the point that prejudice, fear, hatred narrow the planet to the size of a stadium in which all spectators are hostages, because both teams, in order to win, brought with them nuclear bombs, and the fans, no matter what, shout: goal, goal, goal! And this is the planet. But every person also faces an inescapable task - to be human, today, tomorrow, always. This is what history is made of.”

Astafiev is generally close to the topic of human interaction with nature. He writes about how barbaric attitudes towards natural resources, such as poaching, disrupt the order of the world.Astafiev in “The King Fish”, with the help of simple images, tells not only about the destruction of nature, but also about the fact that a person, “spiritually poaching” in relation to everything that surrounds him, begins to collapse personally. The fight with “nature” forces the main character of the story, Ignatyich, to think about his life, about the sins he has committed:The relationship between man and nature is conveyed in the poem by N.A. Nekrasov"Sasha". The heroine, after whom the poem is named, cried when the forest was cut down. The entire complex life of the forest was disrupted: animals, birds, insects - everyone lost their home. The “sad pictures” drawn by the poet cannot leave the reader indifferent.

... From chopped old birch

Farewell tears flowed in hail.

And they disappeared one after another

A tribute to the latter on native soil.

When the felling was completed:

The corpses of the trees lay motionless;

The branches broke, creaked, crackled,

The leaves rustled pitifully all around...

There was no mercy for the forest fauna:

The cuckoo crowed loudly in the distance,

Yes, the jackdaw screamed like crazy,

Flying noisily over the forest... but she

You can't find foolish children!

The jackdaws fell from the tree in a lump,

Yellow mouths opened wide,

Jumping, they got angry. I'm tired of their screaming -

And the man crushed them with his foot.

These are not all the works of Russian writers that touch on the issue of the relationship between man and nature. For writers, nature is not just a habitat, it is a source of kindness and beauty. They, as convinced connoisseurs of true beauty, prove that human influence on nature should not be destructive to it. After all, every meeting with nature is a meeting with beauty, a touch of mystery. Loving nature means not only enjoying it, but also treating it with care.

The earth suffers, the earth sighs
And the last groan turns to us:
“Forget, people, your discords,
Save the fields and mountains quickly..."

Sometimes winter is harsh,
Look: the gardens are freezing.
Like a blizzard sometimes stupid
fate covers its tracks.
But in our raging century
Another problem is worse:
increasingly in the person himself
Epiphany, brother, cold.

Vladimir Zhilkin

Research work
The image of nature in the lyrics of Kuzbass poets
Knyazeva Elizaveta Evgenevna
5th grade student

Scientific adviser:
Karelina Olga Mikhailovna
teacher of Russian language and literature
MBOU gymnasium No. 1 of the city of Belovo
Table of contents
TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u Introduction PAGEREF _Toc477713045 \h 3The image of nature in the lyrics of Kuzbass poets. PAGEREF _Toc477713046 \h 4Conclusion PAGEREF _Toc477713047 \h 11References PAGEREF _Toc477713048 \h 12
IntroductionLyrics are one of three types of literature, the main content of which is the thoughts, feelings and experiences of the lyrical hero. These experiences may be caused for various reasons: unrequited love, homesickness, the joy of meeting friends, philosophical thoughts, contemplation of pictures of nature.
Throughout the history of its existence, man has treated nature as a consumer, mercilessly exploiting it. This could not but affect the state of the environment. The living shell of our planet is experiencing enormous stress. Currently, a situation has arisen where we are talking about global environmental problems.
Writers and poets play a leading role in the fight against environmental disasters, in the struggle for man to realize his kinship with nature.
The theme “Man and nature, man and earth” occupied a major place in the literature of the 19th century: nature was perceived by Russian writers not only as a landscape that shapes aesthetic taste, but also with moral principles that shape a person’s personality. Writers and poets of the 20th century reveal this traditional theme for Russian literature in a new way: the sphere of human relations with the earth, with nature is included in the general philosophical question of truth and untruth, love and hate, life and death. There is a need to understand the causes of environmental disasters.
2017 in Russia has been declared the year of ecology. The purpose of this decision coincides with the purpose of our work - to draw attention to problematic issues existing in the field of ecology and improve the state of environmental safety of the country.
The image of nature in the lyrics of Kuzbass poets. “The sense of nature is one of the main
links of ethical and aesthetic education,
once this link falls, and the moral
the world is suffering damage... Grow, be sure
develop a sense of nature in a person.”
F. Gladkov
Images of nature are most often found in poems by Russian poets. Kuzbass poets are no exception. In most cases, these motives are colored by love, admiration, and admiration for the forces of the surrounding world. But increasingly, poets draw the reader’s attention to the problem of “man and nature,” in which the former is the destroyer beautiful world nature. Kuzbass poets loudly declared their general enthusiasm for plans to restructure Siberian nature for the benefit of people, having seen the shadow side of the process.
One of the poets who addressed the problem of the destruction of nature by man is Evgeny Buravlev. In the poem “Earth,” the poet angrily denounces the unreasonable treatment of nature, protests against the endless “conquest” of the Earth, against its squandering, against “bringing the Earth to the brink.” In general, the poem “Earth” had a difficult fate: it was not accepted for publication for a long time by editors who did not see the topical meaning in it, current topic. In the poem, an image of a depleted and littered Earth appeared, an image of warning. In the sixties, it seemed like a baseless exaggeration. And this was foresight.
It resonated piercingly with the theme of natural forces that have died out due to the fault of man, the theme of the earth that has become a black, barren field.
In the works of Viktor Bayanov, "a confused look native land“did not become the leading motive, but the poet did not remain indifferent to the problem of the destruction of nature by man. This is a “time bomb” that somehow needs to be neutralized, not brought to “critical mass”, after which it will be too late to regret. But for now, after all, there is only regret, that is, a memory of healthy nature, once given to us “for free.” Bayanov, it seems, has stepped over this stage of sentimental regret, something more weighty and harsh is heard in his poems:
Would you go to the spring now?
Remember, he is here, in the middle of the blackness.
But the tractor crushed the tracks into the spring -
And he died down, he was gone.
It turns out that the poet has a very specific addressee in mind; the source of the trouble is clear to him. After all, it is not the cars themselves that step on the forests, nor the rivers themselves that are polluted. The author talks about stupid heads, about indifferent hands that are losing land, and losing it completely indifferently, if not to say irresponsibly.
How difficult it is to “be responsible for every bird song” and create new land! From the books of Igor Kiselev, one can compile a separate collection dedicated to the topic of decline and scarcity of nature.
And this is reality modern life: nature expects mercy and mercy from us. This is what the poem "The Hind's Prayer" is about. This is precisely prayer - doomed nature calls out to a person who does not hear it. Monologue of a doe - a plea to return it to her true life, the one for which she was born:
Let me go into the forest, into the ring
Fast rivers, where there is grass and birds!
Look at your face
The shadow of my cage is falling!
Valentin Malakhov picks up the theme of nature’s decline:
Where the spruces and pines rustled, -
Sad skeletons of stumps.
Thin out the forests, thin out
On my native side...

In reality and in forgetful dreams
Motor saws will clank

But not only fields and forests suffer, animal world also dies. In Igor Kiselev’s work, a defenseless and doomed beast tries to reason with a person, hinting at the moral deafness of the “king of nature.”
Exactly, the filial feeling is so lacking modern people, accustomed to seeing in nature only raw materials, a workshop or a pantry. It’s as if the earth lived only for us, accumulating and preserving wealth and beauty for billions of years, so that people, having appeared, would give free rein to their unbridled appetite.
Our task is to maintain a sense of proportion, not to fall into complete denial or unbridled praise of the progress of mechanisms. If we are talking about black snow, about a poisoned river, about forests that have been razed to the ground - and at least a third of them could have been preserved - if about air that is becoming increasingly difficult to breathe, then, of course, reflection would be more appropriate here. Here we must appeal to both reason and feeling.
Crushing multimillion-dollar life around us, we are spiritually crippling ourselves, and even depriving the fate of distant descendants who will live on this earth. To deprive the land of what it acquired before us, isn’t this a robbery?
But how much use are there in regrets? What can poetry be, why does it ring a bell, if the fate of streams and rivers does not depend on it? Can you save the forests with a song? The poet believed in the power of words. After all, only the word is given the ability to penetrate into the very depths, into the recesses of consciousness, and it, the word, is a weapon of conscience.
Valentin Malakhov also created poems about the decline of nature. They are few in number, but the anxiety and concern in them is borne out.
Where they ate and the sun rustled, -
Sad skeletons of stumps.
Thin out the forests, thin out
On my native side...
I can't hide from my memory:
In reality and in forgetful dreams
Motor saws will clank
And the trees groan in death.
Birds' nests will collapse,
The clouds will stand angrily
And it will shed crimson blood
Sunset on the dead pines.
No, not everything in this world is progress
I will explain to my heart...
I look at the undergrowth with hope
And I prophesy immortality to him.
The poet cannot help but believe in human reason, in the understanding that in our time nature no longer has time on its own to heal the wounds inflicted on it by progress. Nature cries out for help, but this help often turns out to be treacherous. But again, the author’s innate optimism prevailed in the finale. After all, it will be difficult for a person to live if he loses faith that the rivers will become clean again and the forests will become dense.
And yet, the contradiction between civilization and nature is a long-term issue. The most important thing here is to find moderation, tact, remembering that nature itself follows the path of improvement. As Vasily Fedorov put it, “it’s like asking the river itself where it would like to turn.” Perhaps what is most important is that the cult of the machine does not eclipse or completely destroy the ancient cult of nature?
My friends! The process is irreversible.
Nature will condemn the return.
There will be no dam removal.
And there will be no revival of the mammoth.
No, the poet does not leave us in the dark, in guessing about what will happen and what is required of us. He expresses his thoughts with extreme, perhaps even too confident-sounding, directness:
My friends! Now necessary
The last peak is human concern
About a butterfly that lives one day,
About the air we breathe forever.
In the poems of Viktor Kovrizhnykh we see a continuation of the theme - the development of civilization and its results:
On the dump, like on BAM
We are leading the way.
The sun is hot streams
It pours onto the back and chest.
It's lifeless and bare here:
Stones, dust and scorching heat,
Yes scared solo
Lost crows...
Ahead, the bulldozer froze.
The driver rolled up the window,
He beckons us with his hands -
Something happened there...
From stones, from scorched ones,
As if by magic
The green fountain gushes timidly
A young tree.
It pulsed through the stones
Young weenie, life-gram.
And carved with your breath
Tickled our palms.
The poet feels involvement and responsibility for the fact that with his seemingly creative work a person harms his native nature:
An excavator pours rock into the grove,
The spoil heaps reared up behind.
I'll still be guilty
At least the medal on your chest shines.
I'll match the metal melody
Young bird cherry words.
The light of factories will flash up to the Urals,
But the flowers will fade and the grass...
Apparently it was written by fate And I will say in a well-known line:
I bring light to people with one hand,
The rivers are drying up from another.
I'm not exaggerating the share
Mother Nature wished this:
Nursing the light is comfortable in my palms
And... hold a murderous ax.
There are more and more abandoned dumps every year. And Mother Nature is trying to renew the life destroyed by man: flowers appear and mushrooms grow. But on the existing dumps there is sadness. Nothing grows. Only rocks. They move into the distance and breadth, crushing everything in their path. You can admire nature by traveling abroad. They destroyed theirs with excavators...
Again the local cataclysm confused me -
quarry dump to the right of Belov,
like socialism unfinished in battles,
rose up absurdly and sternly.
I know: your thoughts are pure.
But the dumps are constantly moving,
crushing grass and bushes,
according to instructions and plans.
The poems of Viktor Kovrizhnykh depict a terrible picture of nature destroyed by man in the name of his own well-being. Each line contains a cry from the soul, calling to stop and look around, what will remain after us?!
The fields have been devastated by rock,
According to plans and science.
The earth screamed, writhing,
Birch wringing his hands!
In the name of overthrown shrines,
For all those mercilessly forgotten,
Blue eyes wandered
Innocent angels killed.
ConclusionHaving examined the poems of Kuzbass poets, we have identified a single theme– the beauty of the native land and concern for it.
Our fellow literati have identified this topic as the most important, the most vital, which must be addressed by the whole world now, otherwise our descendants will admire nature only in art books.
Here the word can and does become deed. And only deeds can complete the topic, that is, poetry stimulates urgent and great work to improve the health of our living environment.
List of used literature Kazarkin A.P. Pulse of time. Sketches about the poets of Kuzbass. - Kemerovo book. Publishing house, 1985.
Kiselev I.M. Night rivers: Poems. - Kemerovo: Book. publishing house, 1980.
Kovrizhnykh V.A. Favorite time. Poetry. "Siberian writer". – Kemerovo, 2011.
Fedorov V.I. And by faith and truth: Poems. Poem. - Kemerovo book. Publishing house, 1988.

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Ecology in the works of modern writers

“We cannot allow people to direct towards their own destruction those forces of nature that they were able to open and conquer."

The modern writer V. Rasputin argued: “To talk about ecology today means to talk not about changing life, but about saving it.” Unfortunately, the state of our ecology is very catastrophic. This is manifested in the impoverishment of flora and fauna. Further, the author says that “a gradual adaptation to danger occurs,” that is, the person does not notice how serious the current situation is. Let us recall the problem associated with the Aral Sea. The bottom of the Aral Sea has become so exposed that the shores from the sea ports are tens of kilometers away. The climate changed very sharply, and animals became extinct. All these troubles greatly affected the lives of people living in the Aral Sea. Over the past two decades, the Aral Sea has lost half of its volume and more than a third of its area. The exposed bottom of a huge area turned into a desert, which became known as Aralkum. In addition, the Aral Sea contains millions of tons of toxic salts. This problem cannot but worry people. In the eighties, expeditions were organized to solve the problems and causes of the death of the Aral Sea. Doctors, scientists, writers reflected and studied the materials of these expeditions.

V. Rasputin in the article “In the fate of nature is our fate” reflects on the relationship between man and the environment. “Today there is no need to guess “whose groan is heard over the great Russian river.” It is the Volga itself that is groaning, dug up length and breadth, spanned by hydroelectric dams,” the author writes. Looking at the Volga, you especially understand the price of our civilization, that is, the benefits that man has created for himself. It seems that everything that was possible has been defeated, even the future of humanity.

The problem of the relationship between man and the environment is also raised by the modern writer Ch. Aitmatov in his work “The Scaffold”. He showed how man destroys the colorful world of nature with his own hands.

The novel begins with a description of the life of a wolf pack that lives quietly before the appearance of man. He literally demolishes and destroys everything in his path, without thinking about the surrounding nature. The reason for such cruelty was simply difficulties with the meat delivery plan. People mocked the saigas: “The fear reached such proportions that the she-wolf Akbara, deaf from the gunshots, thought that the whole world had gone deaf, and the sun itself was also rushing about and looking for salvation...” In this tragedy, Akbara’s children die, but this is her grief doesn't end. Further, the author writes that people started a fire in which five more Akbara wolf cubs died. People, for the sake of their own goals, could “gut the globe like a pumpkin,” not suspecting that nature would also take revenge on them sooner or later. A lone wolf is drawn to people, wants to transfer her maternal love to a human child. It turned into a tragedy, but this time for the people. A man, in a fit of fear and hatred for the incomprehensible behavior of the she-wolf, shoots at her, but ends up hitting his own son.

This example speaks of the barbaric attitude of people towards nature, towards everything that surrounds us. I wish there were more caring and kind people in our lives.

Academician D. Likhachev wrote: “Humanity spends billions not only to avoid suffocation and death, but also to preserve the nature around us.” Of course, everyone is well aware of the healing power of nature. I think that a person should become its master, its protector, and its intelligent transformer. A favorite leisurely river, a birch grove, a restless bird world... We will not harm them, but will try to protect them.

In this century, man is actively interfering with the natural processes of the Earth’s shells: extracting millions of tons of minerals, destroying thousands of hectares of forest, polluting the waters of seas and rivers, and releasing toxic substances into the atmosphere. One of the most important environmental problems of the century has been water pollution. A sharp deterioration in the quality of water in rivers and lakes cannot and will not affect human health, especially in areas with dense populations. The environmental consequences of accidents at nuclear power plants are sad. The echo of Chernobyl swept across the entire European part of Russia, and will affect people’s health for a long time.

Thus, as a result of economic activities, people cause great damage to nature, and at the same time to their health. How then can a person build his relationship with nature? Each person in his activities must treat every living thing on Earth with care, not alienate himself from nature, not strive to rise above it, but remember that he is part of it.