Games for kids 5 7 years old. Games and activities that form a positive model of behavior

Games for children from 5 to 7 years old, aimed at the formation of the correct model of behavior in children.

First, consider the behavior of children from 5 to 7 years old.

Children who celebrate their fifth birthday consider themselves smart enough, independent and adults. They strive for intellectual, cognitive communication, have their own point of view on what is happening around, they will be happy to explain even what they are not very good at - just ask. It is important for them to receive praise, to be good. Children of this age have developed a desire to help others and a desire to maintain good relations with others.

During conflict situations Talk to your child like a person who understands everything. Keep calm and composure, then the child, looking at you, will begin to calm down. In three or four sentences, explain your position, try to make it clear that you want to do the same thing as the child, but you can’t due to objective reasons. Suggest an alternative: “You and I have a lot of fun and it's fun to play here. But I'll have to go home because it's going to rain soon. We get wet and sick. And at home we will play your favorite hide and seek.

To bring the child to his senses, distract him from the subject of the dispute and be able to move in the direction you need, use the games below.

Attention switching games


Location. Outdoors or at home.

How to play. Ask your child different questions, and let him answer. Then switch roles.

Note. Choose questions that are simple and funny, such as “Does a cat have five tails? And how many?.. Can dogs fly? Does Santa Claus have a green coat?


Location. Outdoors or at home.

How to play. call me names different names vegetables and fruits, so that it was funny: “You are a radish!”, “And you are a cabbage!”. At the end of the game, come up with some kind word for each other.

The best

Location. Outdoors or at home.

How to play. Organize competitions - who will jump further, who will jump longer on one leg (in the direction of travel), who will run faster to a place or object, etc.

Called - walk

Location. Outdoors or at home.

How to play. Choose a letter of the alphabet. Take turns saying words that start with that letter. The name of the word has the right to take three steps forward.

Traffic light

Location. On the street.

How to play. Remind your child that traffic on the road is controlled by traffic lights. “Red light – no way, stop. Yellow light - get ready. Green - run, catch up. Say: “Red” and move away from the baby for some distance, repeating: “Red, red, now yellow (the child is preparing to catch up with you), and now green!”.

Change roles.

Outdoor games for children from 5 to 7 years old

Let's gurgle!

Location. Houses.

What is necessary. A basin filled with warm water.

How to play. Gurg with your face in a basin of water.

Note. Clearly explain to the child that you can not drink water, and you can breathe air only by raising your face from the water.

Pillow fight

Location. Houses.

What is necessary. Light, small in size, not tightly stuffed pillows according to the number of participants.

How to play. Hold on to pillows. Adults can kneel to be about the same height as the child.

Note. Discuss with the child safety precautions - do not beat very hard, avoid hitting the head.

Physical education minute

Location. Houses.

What is necessary. Musical accompaniment suitable for performing rhythmic movements.

How to play. Alternate movements characteristic of charging: swinging arms and legs, squats, spreading arms to the sides, turning the upper body, bending over, etc.


Location. Houses.

What is necessary. Knowledge by the child and you of songs and poems.

How to play. Listen to the words of a song or read a poem aloud, while simultaneously showing gestures and actions what is being said in the text. For example:

Small (Keep your palm parallel to the floor a few centimeters from it.)

Christmas tree (We take our hands to the sides.)

it's cold in winter... (We wrap our arms around our shoulders, tremble as if from cold and chatter our teeth.)


Location. Houses.

What is necessary. Skittles (or plastic cubes), ball.

How to play. Place the pins at some distance from you and try to knock them down with the ball.


Location. On the street.

What is necessary. Medium size ball, basketball hoop.

How to play. Take turns throwing the ball into the ring. First, perform throws while standing next to the ring, then gradually move further and further away.


Location. On the street.

What is necessary. Boomerang or flying saucer.

How to play. Launch a flying saucer or a boomerang.

Note. Choose a suitable place to play away from houses and roads.


As a rule, all outdoor games take place on the street, in the yard. In addition to the games proposed above, it can be cycling, rollerblading and much more. Be careful and careful, teach this to your children.

Games and activities that form a positive model of behavior

Who is more careful?

Location. Houses.

What is necessary. Cubes, cars, rope, toys, etc.

How to play. Set up a competition. The one who completes the task more accurately wins. For example, bring the car to the finish line, build a turret of cubes, walk straight along the rope laid out on the floor, put the toys in their places, color the picture, etc.

The most dexterous

Location. Houses.

What is necessary. Tablespoon, boiled egg.

How to play. Carry the egg in a tablespoon to the finish line. Whoever drops it loses. This game is not about speed, but about skill.


Location. Houses.

What is necessary. Chairs or other objects that can act as obstacles.

How to play. Place a chair in the middle of the room. Blindfold dad. Giving commands, help him go around the obstacle: "Step forward, another step, step to the left ..." Then blindfold the child.

You can complicate the task: put a few items that need to be bypassed. To make it more interesting, come up with a plot. For example, chairs are trees on a desert island. “Now it’s night on the island, it’s dark and you can’t see anything. The islanders have to get to the tent to get settled for the night ... "


Location. Houses.

What is necessary. Crosswords, rebuses, puzzles for children.

How to play. Offer the kid: “I have an interesting crossword puzzle, do you think we can guess it? Shall we try?"

Learning to Observe

Location. At home or on the street.

What is necessary. The object of observation is a bird, a pet, a plant (we observe its growth), a natural phenomenon(rain, snow, hail, strong wind) etc.

How to play. Choose what you want to watch. Draw the child's attention to the subject: "Oh, what is this?!". Watch what happens together. Ask your child questions about what you see: “What is he doing? How? What's going on around? What changed? How was it yesterday (two days ago)?..”

ABC of etiquette

Location. At home and on the street.

How to play. Ask your child questions and ask them to answer them: “What should I say when you enter? How to behave with small ones? ..».

magic drawing

Location. Houses.

What is necessary. Sheets of paper, pencils, markers. How to play. Ask the child to draw his bad deed: “Today you did a bad thing. Draw what you did. Now tear this drawing, and on another sheet draw what you need to do. Let's do this all the time!"

Our best friends- books

Read books to your child. Using the characters in the books as an example, teach him to take care of his loved ones, behave correctly, help others, and think about the consequences of his actions. Ask questions: “Why did it happen, did this boy behave well, what should have been done?”. Help your child draw conclusions: you need to share what you have, help others, be able to make friends, etc.

The choice of children's books is now extremely large. You probably remember your favorite books as a child. These can be, for example, books by 3. Alexandrova (“The Invisible Woman”), L. Voronkova (“What Mom Would Say”), E. Blaginina (“Let's Sit in Silence”), L. Vasilyeva-Gangus (“The ABC of Courtesy”) , B. Zakhoder (“The Gray Star”), N. Sladkova (“Without hesitation, or Zhaleikin’s Affairs and Cares”), G. Shalaeva (“The Big Book of Rules of Conduct for Well-Brought Up Children”), poems for children by V. Mayakovsky ("What is good and what is bad?").

Evening tale

Even if the child did not always behave well during the day, in the late afternoon, when the excitement subsides, it is time to talk about what happened. Do not turn this into arguments and lectures. Tell a fairy tale about the good (bad) behavior of children and its consequences. You will come up with the most suitable story for yourself. Its plot is quite simple. The main characters are animals or dolls. Any place of action is chosen - a forest, a box of toys, Wonderland, lake. Build the plot so that it looks like an incident with a child. Remember, fairy tales always end well. For example, if a kid took away toys from other children, a fairy tale may turn out to be something like the following.

“Animals were playing in a forest clearing under an old tree. The bear rolled the car, the chanterelles built a tower of cubes, and the hare assembled a pyramid. Suddenly, a wolf cub appeared under a tree. He destroyed the tower that the chanterelles built, and took away the car from the bear. The animals looked at the wolf cub and said: “We won’t play with you, you are angry, you offend us.” They collected their toys and went to play in another clearing, and the wolf cub was left alone. He became very bored, he had no one to play with ".

Be sure to add your comment: “You see what happens when you offend others. Nobody wants to play with you. You have to be kind!"

Together with your child, make a memo of rules of conduct. It can be anything: written, in pictures, combined from words and pictures. Choose reminder points based on the characteristics of your child. If he is impolite to others, include the item “Speak polite words - “thank you”, “goodbye” in the memo. If the child is a fighter, write: "Be peaceful." For a reminder, choose clear instructions on how to act, what to be. Try to keep within 7-8 points.

Beautifully design the memo, hang it in a conspicuous place. Each time you follow the rules, draw stars on it or stick stickers on it. For a certain number of stars (for example, 20), reward your child: play your favorite game with him, give him a book or new pencils. Do not forget to note that the child is well done, his behavior pleases you. Follow the written rules yourself.

Rules of behavior

◈ Speak polite words.

◈ Be peaceful.

◈ Share toys with children.

◈ Listen to your grandmother.

◈ Be calm on the street.

◈ Fold toys and books neatly in place.

Card file of outdoor games

for children 5-7 years old

Educator: Khit Elena Alekseevna

"TRAPS" ​​(Running)

Tasks: to teach children to run in all directions, without bumping into each other, to act quickly on a signal. Develop orientation in space, the ability to change direction.

Game description: children are built in a circle, each has a colored ribbon tucked into the back of the belt. Lovishka stands in the center of the circle. At the signal of the teacher: "One, two, three - catch!" children run around the playground. The trap is trying to pull the ribbon. On a signal: "One, two, three in a circle, run quickly - all the children are built in a circle." After counting those caught, the game is repeated.

Options: a circle is drawn in the center stands Lovishka. At the signal “One, two, three catch,” the children run across the circle, and Trap tries to grab the tape.

"CORNERS" (running)

Tasks: to teach children to run from place to place quickly, unnoticed by the leader. Develop dexterity, speed of movement, orientation in space.

Game description: Children stand near trees or in circles drawn on the ground. One of the players remaining in the middle comes up to someone and says, “Mouse, mouse, sell me your corner.” She refuses. The driver goes with the same words to another. At this time, the rest of the children change places, and the driver in the middle tries to take the place of one of the running ones. If he succeeds, the one left without a corner stands in the middle.

Options: If the driver fails to take a seat for a long time, the teacher says: “Cat!” all children change places at the same time, the driver manages to take a corner. You can't stand in your corner for long.

"PAIR RUNNING" (running)

Tasks: to teach children to run in pairs, without disengaging their hands, to bend around objects. Develop dexterity, attention.

Game description: children stand in columns in pairs on one side of the playground beyond the line. On the other side of the site, objects (skittles, cubes, etc.) are placed, according to the number of links. At the signal of the teacher, the first couples of children, holding hands, run to the objects, go around them and return to the end of their column. At the next signal, the second couples run. The pair that separates hands is considered the loser.

Options: b eat with an overlap of the lower leg. Running between objects with a snake to a landmark.

"MOUSETRAP" (running)

Tasks : To develop in children endurance, the ability to coordinate movements with words, dexterity. Exercise in running, squatting, building in a circle, walking in a circle. Contribute to the development of speech.

Description : The players are divided into 2 unequal groups. Smaller, forms a circle - a mousetrap. The rest are mice, they are outside the circle. The players, depicting a mousetrap, hold hands and begin to walk in a circle, saying “Oh, how tired the mice are, they gnawed everything, everyone ate. Beware of cheating, we will get to you, here we will put a mousetrap - we will catch everyone now. Children stop and raise their clasped hands up to form a gate. The mice run into the mousetrap and run out of it, according to the teacher “Clap”, the children standing in a circle lower their hands and squat - the mousetrap slammed shut. Players who do not have time to run out of the circle are considered to be caught. Caught mice move into a circle and increase the size of the mousetrap. When most of mice are caught, the children switch roles.

Rules : a fox can catch chickens, and chickens can climb a perch only at the signal of the teacher "Fox!".

Options : Increase the number of traps - 2 foxes. Chickens climb the gymnastic wall.

"WE ARE FUNNY GUYS" (running)

Tasks : to teach children to act on a signal, to run from one side of the site to the other quickly with dodging. Develop dexterity, speed, orientation in space.

Description : Children stand on one side of the playground beyond the line. The second line is also drawn on the opposite side. Loviska is in the center of the site. The players say in unison:

"We are funny guys,

We love to run and jump

Well, try to catch up with us.

One, two, three, catch!"

After the word "catch" the children run to the other side of the playground, and Lovishka catches them. The one whom the Trap manages to pin down before he crosses the line is considered to be caught, steps aside and misses one dash.

Options : Children walk in a circle and pronounce the text. Trap in the center. scatter different types running.

"GESE - SWANS" (running)

Tasks : teach children to run from one side of the playground to the other so as not to stain. Develop the ability to act on a signal, dexterity, speed.

Description : On one side of the hall, the house in which the geese are located is indicated, on the opposite side of the hall there is a shepherd. To the side of the house is a lair in which a wolf lives, the rest is a meadow. Children are chosen to play the role of a wolf, a shepherd, the rest of the children portray geese. The shepherd drives the geese out into the meadow, they graze and fly.

Heroes Words and actions of heroes

Shepherd geese, geese!

The geese stop and answer in chorus: ha-ha-ha.

Shepherd want to eat!

Geese yes, yes, yes!

Shepherd so fly home.

We can't goose grey Wolf under the mountain does not let us go home, he sharpens his teeth to eat us.

Shepherd: so fly as you want, just take care of your wings!

The geese, spreading their wings, fly home through the meadow, and the wolf, running out of the lair, tries to catch the geese. Then, after 2-3 runs, a new shepherd and a wolf are selected.

"MAKE A FIGURE" (running)

Tasks : teach children to run loosely around the hall, area. To teach to change movement on a signal, to develop balance, the ability to keep motionless prose.

Description : at the signal of the teacher, all the children scatter around the room. On the next signal (hitting a tambourine), all the players stop at the place where the team found them and take a pose. The teacher notes those whose figures turned out to be more interesting, the most successful.

Options : you can choose a driver who will determine whose figure is more interesting and more difficult, those who come up with new figures every time.

"KARASI AND PIKE" (running)

Tasks : to teach children to walk and run in all directions, on a signal to hide behind the pebbles, squatting down. Develop dexterity, speed, orientation in space.

Description : One child is chosen as a pike, the rest are divided into two groups. One of them forms a circle - these are pebbles, the other - crucian carp that swim inside the circle. The pike is outside the circle. At the signal of the teacher - a pike - she quickly runs into the circle, trying to catch carp. Carp rush to take a place behind one of the players and sit down at the pebbles. Caught crucians leave the circle and are counted. The game is repeated with another pike.

Options : crucians swim not only in a circle, but also between stones, pike is on the sidelines. You can choose two pike.

"COUNTER RUNS" (running)

Tasks : teach children to run from one side of the playground to the other in fast pace. Develop attention, speed of movement.

Description : two groups of children with an equal number of players stand on opposite sides of the playground behind the lines in the lines (the distance between the children in the line is at least 1 meter). Each group of children has ribbons of their own color on their hands - blue, yellow. At the signal of the educator: "Blue"! - children with blue ribbons run to the opposite side, those standing opposite stretch their hands forward and wait for those running to touch them with their hands. The one who was touched runs to the other side, turns and raises his hand up.

Options : You can add two more colors - red, green.

"Sly Fox" (running)

Tasks : To develop in children endurance, observation. Exercise in fast running with dodging, in building in a circle, in catching.

Description : The players stand in a circle at a distance of one step from each other. Outside the circle, the fox's house is drawn. The teacher invites the players to close their eyes, goes around the circle behind the backs of the children and says, “I’m going to look in the forest for a cunning and red fox!”, touches one of the players, who becomes a cunning fox. Then the teacher invites the players to open their eyes and look carefully which of them is a cunning fox, if she will give herself away with something. The players ask in chorus 3 times, at first quietly, and then louder, “Sly fox, where are you?”. While everyone is looking at each other. The cunning fox quickly goes to the middle of the circle, raises his hand up, says "I'm here." All the players scatter around the site, and the fox catches them. The captured fox takes it home to the hole.

Rules: the fox begins to catch the children only after the players ask in chorus 3 times and the fox says "I'm here!". If the fox gave himself away earlier, the teacher appoints a new fox. The player who ran out of the area is considered to be caught.

Options : 2 foxes are selected.

"EMPTY PLACE" (running)

Tasks : teach children to run fast in opposite directions. Develop speed of reaction, attention.

Description : the players become around, putting their hands on their belts - windows are obtained. The leader is chosen. He walks outside the circle and says:

"I walk around the house,

and I look in the windows

I will go to one

and knock softly."

After the words I knock, the driver stops, looks out the window and says: knock, knock, knock. The one in front asks: “Who has come?” the leader says his name. The one standing in the circle asks: “Why did you come?” the driver replies: “We run in a race” - and both run around the players in different directions. There is an empty space in the circle. The one who reaches him first remains in the circle, the latecomer becomes the driver, and the game continues.

Options: the driver simply walks around the circle and puts his hand on someone’s shoulder, and they run with him in different directions, trying to take an empty place.


A task : teach children to walk in a circle, holding hands to the right, to the left. Repeat the movements for the driver. Develop attention, memory, creativity.

Description games: A driver is chosen - an entertainer who stands in the center of the circle formed by the children. Holding hands, the children walk in a circle and say:

"In an even circle one after another

we go step by step.

Stand still together

Let's do this…”

The children stop, lower their hands, and the entertainer shows some kind of movement and everyone must repeat it. The game is repeated with another entertainer.

Rules : Accurately perform movements behind the entertainer.


Tasks : develop children's orientation in space. Practice running fast.

Description games: a hunter and a homeless hare are selected from among the players. The rest of the players - hares form "their own house" (two hares hold hands, creating a house). The homeless hare runs away, and the hunter catches up with him. The hare can escape from the hunter by running into any "house"; To whom the homeless hare stands with his back, he becomes the leader. If the hunter catches, then they switch roles.

Rules :

  • A hunter can only catch a hare outside the lair.
  • Hares cannot run through the lair.
  • If the hare ran into the den, he must stay there.
  • As soon as the hare ran into the lair, the player located there must immediately run out.
  • Players forming a circle should not interfere with the hares running in and out.


Tasks : to teach children to run around the hall in all directions, jump on cubes, benches without the help of hands, jump off them easily on toes bent legs. Strengthen the ability to act on a signal. Develop agility and speed.

Description games: Trap is selected, who runs around the hall with the children. As soon as the teacher says - "Catch!" - everyone runs away from the trap and climbs on objects - benches, cubes, stumps. The trap tries to overpower the fleeing. Children touched by Lovishka go to a designated place.

Options : 2 traps are selected, run different types of running, use a musical signal.


Tasks : teach children to long jump, making a strong wave of their hands, pushing off and landing on both feet. Develop pushing power, strengthen leg muscles.

Description games: Two lines are marked on the court at a distance of 5-6 meters. Several children stand up to the first line and, on a signal, jump to the second line, trying to reach it in fewer jumps. Feet slightly apart and land softly on both feet.

Options : Increase distance to 10m. (this is an average of 8-10 jumps)

"ROOD" (jumping)

Tasks : teach children to jump on two legs while standing still, landing on toes, half-bent legs. Develop dexterity, speed, eye.

Description games: children stand in a circle in the center of the educator. He is holding a rope at the end of which is tied a bag of sand. The teacher rotates the rope just above the floor, the children jump up on two legs so that the bag does not touch their legs. Having described 2-3 circles, a pause is made, and the caught ones are counted.

Options : those children who are caught are out of the game until the most dexterous remain.

"From MUSCLE TO MUSCLE" (jumps)

Tasks : teach children to move from one side of the site to the other by jumping from bump to bump on two or one leg. Develop pushing power, the ability to maintain balance on a bump, agility.

Description games: two lines are drawn on the ground - two banks, between which there is a swamp. The players are distributed in pairs on one side and the other. The teacher draws flat rings on the swamp of bumps) at different distances from each other: 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90 cm. two children, on a signal, jump from bump to bump, pushing off with two legs or one, without standing between the bumps. trying to get to the beach. The one who stumbles remains in the swamp. The next couple comes out. When everyone completes the task, the teacher appoints who will take the children out of the swamp. He gives the bogged child a hand and shows by jumping the way out of the swamp.

Options : competition: "Who will quickly get over the swamp."

"PAINTS" (jumping)

Tasks : teach children to run, trying not to catch up, jump on one leg, landing on the toe of a half-bent leg. Develop agility, speed of movement, the ability to change direction while running.

Description games: the participants of the game choose the owner and two buyers. The rest of the players are paints. Each paint comes up with a color for itself and quietly calls it to the owner. When all the paints have chosen a color for themselves and named the owner, he invites one of the buyers. Buyer knocks:

Here! Here!

Who's there?


Why did you come?

For paint.

For what?

For blue.

If there is no blue paint, the owner says: “Go along the blue path, find blue boots, wear it and bring it back!” if the buyer guessed the color of the paint, then he takes the paint for himself. There is a second buyer, the conversation with the owner is repeated. And so they come in turn and take apart the paints. The buyer with the most paint wins. The owner can come up with a task harder task, for example: ride on one leg on the red carpet.

Options : the conversation is repeated, if the buyer guessed the paint, the seller says how much it costs and the buyer slaps the seller on his outstretched palm so many times. With the last clap, the child depicting paint runs away and the buyer catches up with him and, having caught him, takes him to the agreed place.

“WHO WILL GET TO THE FLAG ASAP” (jumps, relay race)




"BEAR AND BEE" (lasagna)

Tasks : to teach children to climb the gymnastic wall, climb benches, cubes without the help of hands, jump on toes, on half-bent legs, run in all directions. Develop dexterity, courage, speed.

Description games: children are divided into two equal groups, one is bees, the other is bears. On the gymnastic wall, bench, cubes there is a beehive, on the other side there is a meadow, in the direction of the bears' lair. At a prearranged signal, the bees fly out of the hive, buzz and fly to the meadow for honey. As soon as the bees fly to the meadow for honey, the bears run out of the den, climb into the hive and feast on honey. The teacher gives a signal: "Bears!" bees fly to the hives, trying to sting the bears, they run away to the den, the stung bears miss one game. After 2-3 repetitions, the children change roles.

Rules : you need to get off the gymnastic wall, and not jump off without missing the rails.


Tasks : teach children to climb the gymnastic wall convenient way without skipping the rails or jumping off. Develop coordinated work of arms and legs, speed, agility.

Description games: children are built in 3-4 columns facing the gymnastic wall - these are firefighters. On each span, bells are hung at the same height. At the signal of the teacher - a blow to the tambourine or the words "March!" the children standing in the column are the first to run to the wall, climb it, ring the bell, go down, then return to their column and stand at its end. The teacher marks those who complete the task the fastest. Then, on a signal, the second, standing in a column, run. Make sure that the children do not miss the rails, do not jump off.


Tasks : teach children to jump on two legs with forward movement in all directions, act on a signal. Strengthen the ability to throw the ball trying to hit the hares. Develop dexterity, eye.

Description games: a hunter is chosen, the rest of the children are hares. On one side of the site there is a place for a hunter, on the other a house for hares. The hunter walks around the hall, pretending to be looking for traces of hares, and then returns to himself. Hares jump out on two legs or to the right, on the left alternately in different directions. At the signal: "Hunter!" - hares run into the house, and the hunter throws a ball at them. Those he hits are considered shot, and he takes them to his house.

Options : there can be 2-3 hunters, and the hares do not have a home, they just dodge the ball.

"THROW THE FLAG" (throwing)

Tasks : to teach children to throw bags to give with the right, with the left hand from behind the head, try to make the bag fly as far as possible. Develop throwing power, eye. Strengthen the muscles of the shoulder girdle.

Description games: children stand in two lines one after another, sandbags in the hands of the first line. Ahead at a distance of 4-5m. several flags are at the same level. Children simultaneously throw bags from behind their heads with both hands or with one hand, trying to throw them over the line of flags. Then the children pick up the bags, run and pass them to their couple. Throws the next rank, the results are compared.

Options : you can transfer bags to your pair by throwing.

"GET INTO THE Hoop" (throwing)

Tasks : teach children to throw sandbags at a horizontal target, aiming with their right left hand. Develop an eye, the accuracy of the throw.

Description games, children stand in a circle with a diameter of 8-10m. through one in the hands of a bag of sand. There is a hoop in the center of the circle. At the signal of the teacher, the children who have bags in their hands pass them to their comrades on the right or left by agreement. Having received the bags, the children throw them trying to get into the hoop. Then the children pick up the bags and return to their places in the circle. The signal sounds again, and the children pass the bags to their neighbors - the second numbers, etc.

Options : throw bags with two one hand from behind the head, sitting, kneeling.

"KILL THE PIN" (throwing)

Tasks : to teach children to roll the ball, trying to knock down the pin from a distance of 1.5-2m., run after the ball, betraying other children. Develop an eye, the strength of the accuracy of the throw.

Description games: 3-4 circles are drawn on one side of the hall, skittles are placed in them. At a distance of 1.5-2m, a line is drawn from them. 3-4 children come to the line and stand opposite the pins, take the ball and roll, trying to knock down the pin. Then they run, put the skittles, take the balls and bring them to the next children.


1. Throw the ball with your right, left hand, push with your foot.

2. Skittles are placed behind the line in a certain order: in one row close to each other, a high pin in the middle. In one row one from the other at a small distance -5-10 cm; in a small circle, a large skittle in the center. In two rows, a large skittle between the rows; square, large in the center, etc. at a distance of 2-3 meters from the line on which the pins are located, draw 2-3 lines from which the players knock down the pins. Children, observing the order, begin to roll the balls from the nearest line. The winner is the one who knocks the most pins from the near line. He starts rolling balls from the second line. Etc.

"BALL TO THE LEADER" (throwing)

Tasks : teach children to catch the ball thrown by the leading hands without pressing it to the chest. Throw the ball with both hands from the chest. Develop the eye, motor skills of the hands, speed, accuracy of the throw.

Description games: children are divided into 2-3 groups and line up in a circle, in the center of each circle there is a leader with a ball in his hands. At the signal of the teacher, the drivers alternately throw the ball to the children with both hands from the chest and get it back. When the ball goes around all the players, he raises it above his head and says: “Done!”

Options : the driver throws the ball out of order, but in discord, the group wins, which never drops the ball.

"SCHOOL OF THE BALL" (throwing)

Tasks : to consolidate the ability of children to perform different actions with the ball. Develop coordination of movements, eye, dexterity.

Description game: toss the ball up and catch it with one hand.

Hit the ball on the ground and catch with one hand.

Throw up, clap your hands and catch it with both hands.

Hit the wall and catch it with one hand.

Hit the wall, catch him with one hand after he hits the ground.

Hit the ball against the wall, clap your hands and catch with one hand.

Hit the ball against the wall so that it bounces at an angle towards a partner who must catch it.

Hit the ball against the wall by throwing it from behind, from behind the head, from under the foot and catch it.

"SERSO" (throwing)

Tasks : to teach children to throw wooden rings, trying to throw them on a "cue" (wooden stick), to develop dexterity, an eye.

Description games: two people play. One throws wooden rings with a cue, and the other catches them on a cue, you can first toss them with your hand and catch them on your hand, and then use the cue. The one who catches the most rings wins.

Options : at in large numbers The players are divided into pairs and stand opposite each other at a distance of 3-4m.

"RELAY RACE IN PAIRS" (running, relay race)

Tasks : teach children to run in pairs, holding hands, trying to run to the finish line ahead of their rivals. Develop endurance and agility.

Description games: children stand in 2 columns in pairs behind a line on one side of the playground. Landmarks on the opposite side. On a signal, the first couples, holding hands, run to the landmarks, run around them and return to the end of the column. That column wins, the players of which complete the task faster and do not separate their hands while running.

Options : children stand with their backs to each other and clasp their elbows

OBSTACLES TRACK (jumping, climbing)

Tasks : continue to teach children to jump on two legs moving forward; improve the skills of crawling under arcs; improve coordination of movements.

Description : children stand in two columns and perform the tasks of the teacher in turn. When the task is completed to the end, the player passes the baton to the next one by slapping him on the palm of his hand.

1) Walk along the log.

2) Crawl under the arcs.

3) Jumping from hoop to hoop.

Rules : The next player must wait for the previous player to complete the relay.


Tasks : continue to teach children to jump on two legs as they move forward.

Description : Participants are divided into two teams. The start and finish lines are marked at a distance of 14 - 16 m from one another, two or three pins are set along the line in the center. Team leaders hold a volleyball or stuffed ball between their legs (above the knees). On a signal, the guides begin to move forward by jumping around the pins in such a way as not to touch them and, having reached the opposite start line, they pass the balls to the guides of the oncoming columns. This is how all players act. The participants who finished the relay race stand at the end of the column. The team whose players finish the relay the fastest wins.

Rules : if the ball fell to the floor, you need to pick it up, clamp it with your feet and only then continue the relay.


Tasks : continue to teach children to throw the ball at a vertical target (ring). Develop an eye, the accuracy of the throw.

Description : teams are lined up in one column one at a time in front of the basketball backboards at a distance of 2 - 3 meters. At the signal, the first number throws the ball around the ring, then puts the ball down, and the second player also takes the ball and throws it into the ring, and so on. The team that gets into the ring the most wins.

“WHO WILL Crawl THROUGH THE Hoop TO THE FLAG?” (running, climbing, jumping, relay race)

Tasks : teach children to act on a signal, jump on two legs moving forward, crawl under the arc in a convenient way, run for distillation. Develop the ability to compete, pass the baton.

Description games: children are divided into three columns equally. At a distance of 2m from the starting line, arcs or hoops are placed, you can pull the cord, then at a distance of 3m. flags are placed on the stand. The task is given: at the signal of the teacher, crawl under the arc, then jump on two legs to the flag, go around it and run back to the end of your column.

Options : a complication is introduced: the rope is pulled at a height of 60 cm, the children should crawl under the cord without touching the floor with their hands.


Tasks : to teach children to move in a column, holding on to each other tightly, without breaking the clutch. Develop the ability to act in concert, dexterity.

Description games: 8-10 children participate in the game, one of the players is chosen as a kite, the other as a mother hen. The rest of the children are chickens, they stand behind the hen, forming a column. Everyone hold on to each other. Aside is a kite's nest. On a signal, he flies out of the nest and tries to catch the last chick in the column. The mother hen, stretching her arms to the sides, does not allow the kite to grab the chicken. All chickens follow the movements of the kite and quickly move after the hen. The caught chick goes to the kite's nest.

Options : If there are many children, you can play in two groups.

"TWO FROST" (running)

Tasks : to teach children to run in loose from one side of the site to the other, dodging the trap, act on a signal, maintain a motionless posture. Develop endurance, attention. To fix the run with an overlap of the lower leg, a side gallop.

Description games: two houses are indicated on opposite sides of the site, in one of them there are players. In the middle of the site, the driver becomes facing them - Frost is a red nose, he says:

“I am frost – red nose.

Which one of you decides

Set off on the path?

Children answer in chorus:

“We are not afraid of threats and we are not afraid of frost”

After that, they run across the site to another house, the frost catches up with them and tries to freeze them. The frozen ones stop at the place where the frost overtook them, and stand like that until the end of the run. Frost counts how many players managed to freeze at the same time, it is taken into account that the players who ran out of the house before the signal or remained after the signal are also considered frozen.

Variations: The game proceeds in the same way as the previous one, but there are two frosts (Frost-Red Nose and Frost-Blue Nose). Standing in the middle of the playground facing the children, they say:

We are two young brothers, I am Frost - Blue nose.

Two distant frosts, which of you will decide

I'm Frost-Red Nose, To set off on a path?


Description games: Number of players: even. The players line up in pairs one after the other - in a column. Players hold hands and raise them up, forming a "gate". Last couple passes "under the gate" and stands in front, followed by the next couple. "Burning" is in front, 5-6 steps from the first pair, with his back to them. All participants sing or say:

Burn, burn bright

To not go out!

Look at the sky

The birds are flying

The bells are ringing:

Ding dong, ding dong

Get out quick!

At the end of the song, two players, being in front, scatter in different directions, the rest shout in unison:

One, two, do not crow,

And run like fire!

"Burning" is trying to catch up with the fleeing. If the players manage to take each other's hands before one of them is caught by the “burning one”, then they stand in front of the column, and the “burning one” catches again, that is, “burns”. And if the “burning” catches one of the running ones, then he gets up with him, and the player who is left without a pair drives.

"RING THROW" (throwing)

Tasks : teach children to throw rings on pegs, trying to throw as many rings as possible. Develop eye, dexterity, endurance.

Description games: the children agree on how many rings each will throw, stand in order of priority for the first line, throw the rings on the pegs. After all the players complete the task, they count who threw the most rings on the pegs.

Options :

  • Children stand at the second line and throw the rings.
  • Ring throwers can be desktop, small sizes.


Target : To consolidate in children the ability to crawl on all fours in a straight line. Develop attention.

Description: children depict a herd (cows, calves). Choose a shepherd. He is given a shepherd's hat, a whip and a horn. The herd gathers in the barnyard. The shepherd stands in the distance. The teacher says:

Early - early in the morning

Shepherd: "Tu - ru - ru - ru!"

And the cows are in harmony with him

Tightened: "Moo-moo-moo!"

At the words “tu-ru-ru-u”, the shepherd plays the horn, after the words “mu-mu-mu”, the cows moo. Then the children get on all fours, and the herd goes to the call of the shepherd. He drives them into the field (to the other side of the site). There the herd grazes for a while, then the shepherd drives it back to the barn. Choose a new shepherd. The game is repeated 2-3 times.

Directions . To play, you need a fairly spacious area. Children should not stray into one place.


Target : Develop balance. Form the correct posture.

Description: Children (with sandbags on their heads or on the palms of outstretched hands) run across 6-10 people from one end of the playground to the other, trying to overtake each other.

COUNTER RUNS (running)

Target : To develop in children dexterity, speed. Learn to follow the rules of the game.

Description: The group is divided in half. The players stand on opposite sides of the court behind the lines in a line at a distance of at least a step from each other. Each group of children has ribbons of their own color on their hands - blue, yellow. At the signal of the teacher “blue”, children with blue ribbons run to the opposite side. The children standing opposite stretch out their palms forward and wait for the running ones to touch them with their hands. The one who was touched runs to the other side of the site, stops behind the line, turns around and raises his hands up. Etc.

WHO IS FLYING? (slow game)

Target : Develop attention.

Description: The children and the teacher stand in a circle. The teacher names animate and inanimate objects that fly and non-fly. Naming the object, the teacher raises his hands up. For example, the teacher says: “The crow flies, the table flies, the plane flies”, etc. Children raise both hands up and say the word “flies” only if the teacher named the flying object.

Directions . The role of the driver is assigned

and children. The game is played first in slow pace, then in swift.

FREE SEAT (running)

Target : Develop dexterity, speed; the ability not to collide.

Description: The players sit on the floor in a circle with their legs crossed. The teacher calls two children sitting next to each other. They stand up and stand in a circle with their backs to each other. At the signal “one, two, three - run,” they run in different directions, run to their place and sit down. The players note who was the first to take free place. The teacher calls two other children. The game continues.

Directions . Can be called for running and children sitting in different places circle.

FROG AND HERON (running, jumping)

Target : To develop in children dexterity, speed. Learn to jump back and forth over an object.

Description: The boundaries of the swamp (rectangle, square or circle) where frogs live are marked with cubes (side 20 cm), between which ropes are stretched. At the ends of the ropes are sandbags. Away is a heron's nest. Frogs jump, frolic in the swamp. The heron (leader) stands in its nest. At the signal of the teacher, she, raising her legs high, goes to the swamp, steps over the rope and catches the frogs. The frogs escape from the heron - they jump out of the swamp. The heron takes the frogs he has caught to his house. (They stay there until they choose a new heron.) If all the frogs manage to jump out of the swamp and the heron does not catch anyone, she returns to her house alone. After 2-3 games, a new heron is chosen.

Directions . The ropes are placed on the cubes so that they can easily fall if they are touched when jumping. The fallen rope is put back in place. Playing (frogs) should be evenly distributed over the entire area of ​​​​the swamp. There may be 2 herons in the game.


Target : Teaching children to jump over. Develop dexterity.

Description: A ditch is marked across the platform (hall) by two parallel lines at a distance of about 100 cm from one another. It contains a driver - a wolf. The rest of the children are goats. They live in the house (stand behind the line along the border of the hall). On the opposite side of the hall, a line separates the field. To the words "Goats, in the field, the wolf in the ditch!" children run from the house into the field and jump over the ditch along the road. The wolf runs in the moat, trying to overpower the jumping goats. Salted walks to the side. The teacher says: “Goats, go home!” The goats run home, jumping over the ditch along the way. After 2-3 runs, another leader is selected or assigned.

Directions . A goat is considered caught if the wolf touched it at the moment when it jumped over the ditch, or if it hit the ditch with its foot. To complicate the game, you can choose 2 wolves


Target : Develop attention and speed. Cultivate endurance.

Description : All players stand on a line drawn along one side of the site. On the opposite side, a circle (diameter 2-3 steps) indicates

leader's house. The leader stands with his back to the children and says: “Walk quickly, look, don’t yawn! Stop!" At his every word, everyone steps forward. As soon as the driver says "Stop!" - the children stop, and the driver looks around and sees who did not have time to freeze in place and moved. He names these children, they return to the original line. Then the driver again turns his back to the players and says: “Walk quickly ...” Everyone continues to step forward from the place where the stop signal caught them. Those who return to the starting line move from there. The game continues until one of the children comes close to the driver and gets into his house before he says: “Stop!” The one who succeeds becomes the leader.

Directions . The driver can pronounce the words at any pace. The teacher makes sure that the children take a step for each word, but do not run or jump. You can play a variant of the game with jumping forward on two legs.

FIND AND SHUT UP (sedentary)


Description : Children stand in a line facing the teacher. He invites them to turn around and close their eyes, while he himself hides an object. With the permission of the teacher, the children turn, open their eyes and begin to search for a hidden object. The finder of the item comes up to the teacher and quietly in his ear says where he found it. If he said correctly, he steps aside. The game continues until all children have found the hidden object.

Directions . The teacher instructs the children themselves to hide the object. If someone finds it difficult to find, you can prompt him by saying "cold" or "hot".

OWL AND BIRDS (running)

Target : To develop children's dexterity and speed.

Description Fix the name of the birds.

The players choose an owl, he hides in his nest. Imitating the cry of the bird they have chosen, the players “fly” around the site. At the signal "Owl!" all birds try to fly to their nests. If the eagle owl manages to catch someone, then he must guess what kind of bird it is, and only then the one who is caught becomes an owl.

Directions . Before the start of the game, the players name the birds whose voice they can imitate. Nests of birds and eagle owls are best arranged on high objects. Everyone hides in their nest.

EARTH, WATER, AIR (throwing)

Target : Teach children to catch the ball. Develop dexterity and attention, speed. Fix the name of fish, birds.

Location and inventory. Hall, playground; small ball.

Preparing for the game. The players sit in a circle. The leader with the ball in his hands stands in the middle of the circle.

Game Description . The game begins at the direction of the leader, who throws a small ball to any of the players, calling one of the words: earth, water, air. For example, he says: "Water". The player to whom the leader threw the ball must catch it and quickly name a fish or an animal living in the water (for example, a pike). If the teacher calls the word "air", then you need to name some bird. After that, the player throws the ball to another player, calling one of the specified words. You can say in between: "Fire." Then the player must answer: "It's on, it's on!" The player who made a mistake sits down one step behind the circle and sits until one of the players makes a mistake. Then he sits down behind the circle, the first goes to his place in the circle. The player who never made a mistake wins.


Target : Learn to act in a coordinated way in a group.

Preparing for the game.To play, you need to prepare two fake needles (100-120 cm long) and two balls of colored cord (thin rope).

The players line up in two lines (10-12 people each) one against the other. The first numbers of each line are given a needle, and the last numbers are given a ball of cord.

Game Description . On a signal, unwinding the ball (the player does not release it from his hands), the end of the cord is passed from hand to hand along the line. When it gets to the first player, he threads it through the eye of the needle and returns it to the second, who passes it further along the line in the opposite direction. When the end of the cord returns to the last player and the cord threaded through the needle is folded in half, everyone turns to the right (or left) and follows the leader, holding on to the thread (as the Russian proverb says: “Where the needle is, there the thread is”), quickly walk around the site along the perimeter (the boundaries must be marked) and return to former place. The team that completes the task first (if all the rules are followed exactly) wins.



Target : to teach children to act in concert. Develop a sense of team in children.

Preparing for the game.The players are divided into 2-3 teams of 10-12 people. Each team gets a long rope. Players are evenly placed on both sides of the rope, which they hold on to, respectively, with their right or left hand.

Game Description . On a signal, the teams run to the finish line (distance of 30-40 m), all the while holding on to the rope. The team that runs to the finish line first wins, provided that none of its participants threw the ropes.

Game variant . This game can be played in another way. Each team lines up one by one. Everybody lift up right hand and hold onto a cord stretched along the column. On a signal, both teams go to the finish line (10-15 m) and return. The team that returns first wins.

SNAKE (relay)

Target : to develop the ability to act in concert.

Location and inventory. Flat platform; 10 or more ski poles.

Preparing for the game.At a distance of 40-RO m sticks are placed in two rows, five or more in each row, at a distance of 5-6 m from one another. The players are divided into two teams and line up in a column one at a time, each behind the start line.

Game Description . At the signal of the leader, the players of both teams, one by one, bypass the placed sticks with a snake, without hitting or dropping them, and, having circled the last stick in a straight line, they return to the starting line, to their original places. For each stick hit or knocked down, the player receives a penalty point for his team. The team wins, which quickly and without penalty points comes to its place behind the start line.


Target: learn to act in concert with each other; dexterity and speed.

Place. Hall, playground.

Preparing for the game.The players choose three drivers - “needle”, “thread” and “knot”. In addition to the leaders, everyone joins hands and stands in a circle. Drivers become a semicircle.

Game Description . The game starts at the direction of the leader. "Needle" runs in a zigzag under the hands of players standing in a circle. The task of the leaders: the “thread” must catch up with the “needle”, the “knot” - the “thread”. The thread and knot follow the needle in the same direction. If the knot catches up with the thread or the thread - the needle, and also if the thread and the knot mix up the path of movement for the needle, then new drivers are chosen, and the game starts all over again.

Rules of the game . 1. Players standing in a circle are not allowed to touch the drivers with their hands and interfere with them. 2. The thread and knot must run along the same path as the needle.


Target : develop attention; speed.

Place . Hall, playground.

Preparing for the game. They choose the leader, "chick without a nest." The players stand in a circle in twos, facing the center. The first players put their hands on their hips - these are "nests"; the second players put their hands on the shoulders of the first - these are “birds”. The driver stands in the middle of the circle.

Game Description . The driver says: “All the birds, fly!” Birds leave their nests and fly after the leader, imitating the movements of the wings with their hands. Suddenly the driver says: “Birds, to the nests!” The players run to the players standing in a circle and stand behind any of them, putting their hands on his shoulders. The driver also tries to take one of the nests. The player left without a nest becomes the driver. After that, the players change places and roles, and the game starts all over again.

Rules of the game . 1. After the command "Birds, fly!" the players must leave their nests. 2. It is allowed to return to the nest only after the command “Birds, to the nests!”.

THE SEA WAVES (running)

Target : Develop attention. Cultivate endurance.

Place . Hall, playground.

Preparing for the game.The players choose the driver. Players, except for the driver, stand in a circle at arm's length and circle small circles around their feet with chalk. The driver becomes in the middle of a large circle.

Game Description . The game starts at the direction of the leader. The driver walks between the players in a zigzag. Passing by a player, he says: "The sea is worried!" The player to whom the driver said these words and lightly touched his shoulder joins him. Thus, the leader invites the players to follow him. When he gathers in a column about half or all of the players, if there are few of them, he leads them around the entire area. The players imitate the movements of the waves. The driver says: "The sea is calm!" Players try to stand in one of the circles. The driver also tries to take one of the circles. The one left without a circle becomes the leader, and the game is repeated.

Rules of the game . 1. It is allowed to run to the circles only after the command “The sea is calm!”. 2. It is not allowed to push each other out of circles.


Target : develop a sense of rhythm; dexterity and speed.

Place . Hall, playground.

Preparing for the game. The players become four people at a time, forming “triples”: three stand in one row and join hands, the fourth stands behind them and takes the front ones by their free hands. The first three players represent horses, the one behind is the coachman.

Game Description . At the signal of the head of the trio, they begin to move rhythmically one after the other around the site. The players go to the music, or the leader calculates the pace. Players move in steps, then run, then jumps. Suddenly, the leader gives a signal, after which the players disconnect their hands and scatter in different directions around the site. The leader gives the second signal, after which the coachmen catch their horses and harness them (they make up triplets, as at the beginning of the game). The first trio to complete the task is considered the winner.

Rules of the game. 1. Players are not allowed to separate their hands and scatter before the leader's signal. 2. Caught players must not escape.

Game variant. 1. Horses in their free hands hold the ends of the rope - "reins", and the coachman controls them. 2. Two horses and a coachman.

Mobile game "Voevoda" (throwing)

Target : to exercise children in rolling, throwing and catching a ball, in the ability to coordinate movement with a word, develop attention, dexterity.

Description games: Players roll the ball in a circle from one to another, saying:

An apple rolls into a round dance circle,

Whoever raised it is the governor ...

The child who has the ball at this moment is the governor. He says:

Today I am a warlord.

I'm running from the round dance.

Runs around the circle, puts the ball on the floor between two players. The children say in chorus:

One, two, do not crow

And run like fire!

Players run in a circle in opposite directions, trying to grab the ball before their partner. The one who runs first and grabs the ball rolls it in a circle. The game continues.

Roll or throw the ball only to a nearby player. You can not interfere with a player running around the circle. The one who first touched the ball won.

Outdoor game "At the bear in the forest" (running)

Target : Teach children to alternately perform different functions (run away and catch).

Description games: The bear's den is determined (at the end of the playground) and the children's house on the other. Children go for a walk in the forest and perform movements according to the verse, which they say in chorus:

At the bear in the forest,

Mushrooms, I take berries,

The bear doesn't sleep

And growls at us.

As soon as the children have finished saying the poem, the bear gets up with a growl and catches the children, they run home.

Outdoor game "Hares and Wolf" (running, jumping)

Target : to develop in children the ability to perform movements on a signal, exercise in running, jumping on both legs, squatting, catching.

Description games: One of the players is assigned a wolf, the rest depict hares. On one side of the site, hares mark their places with cones, pebbles, from which circles or squares are laid out. At the beginning of the game, the hares stand in their places. The wolf is at the opposite end of the site - in the ravine. The teacher says: “The bunnies are jumping, hop - hop - hop, onto a green meadow. They pinch the grass, listen to see if the wolf is coming. Hares jump out of the circles and scatter around the site. They jump on 2 legs, sit down, nibble grass and look around in search of a wolf. The teacher pronounces the word "Wolf", the wolf comes out of the ravine and runs after the hares, trying to catch and touch them. The hares run each to their own place, where the wolf can no longer overtake them. The wolf takes the caught hares into the ravine. After the wolf catches 2-3 hares, another wolf is selected. Hares run out at the words - hares jump. You can return to your places only after the word “Wolf! ".

You can’t catch those hares that the hare-mother gave a paw to. Put cubes on the way - stumps, hares run around them. Choose 2 wolves. A wolf to jump over an obstacle - a stream.

Mobile game "Flight of birds"

Target : Develop a response to verbal cues. Practice climbing the gymnastic ladder.

Description games: Children stand at one end of the hall, they are birds. At the other end of the hall is a tower (gymnastic wall). At the signal of the teacher: “The birds are flying away! - birds fly with their wings spread. At the signal "Storm! "- the birds fly to the tower - they hide from the storm in the trees. After the words: “The storm has stopped,” the birds fly again.

Mobile game "Shepherd and flock" (climbing)

Target : strengthening the ability to play by the rules of the game. Exercise in crawling on all fours around the hall.

Description games: Choose a shepherd, give him a horn and a whip. Children depict a herd (cows, calves, sheep). The teacher says the words:

early in the morning

Shepherd: "Tu-ru-ru-ru."

And the cows are in harmony with him

Tightened: "Moo-mu-mu."

Children perform actions to the words, then the shepherd drives the herd into the field (to the agreed lawn, everyone roams around it. After a while, the shepherd snaps the whip, drives the herd home.

Games for children 5-6 years old are collected here on this site! We have tried to make it interesting for children. different ages. AT best games for kids, your child will be able to learn how to take care of virtual pets like a puppy or a kitten. How to raise a future fashionista from a daughter? Easily! For girls, we have collected the best collection of clothes for children aged 5-6, here they can learn how to choose color scheme in clothes and shoes, learn what taste and style are. The game for children "The Book of Fairy Tales" will help develop a child's attention and memory by searching for differences on each colorful page in the book. Free games for children 3-4-5 years old, where famous characters, for example, from famous Disney cartoons, act as the hero. Now they will become not only cartoon friends, but game ones. If your child gets bored playing alone, he can call his dad or a friend. We also provide such online games for children 3-4-5 years old. And parents don't have to spend money on coloring pages, because they are featured in our best games for kids and are very popular!
Games for preschool children are focused on the age of 5-6-7 years and are selected taking into account the peculiarities of the formation of thinking, imagination in children in this period. This is the time of the most active development of the child's visual activity, when more details appear in the illustrations and the proportions are preserved. The drawings may reflect situations from Everyday life, invented images, impressions from films and books. And especially the multifaceted imagination of the child is revealed and developed in the game, which captures him completely.
The ability of a preschooler to design is distinguished by the ability to analyze the complex shape of the object that he sees. Children at this age use two types of construction: 1) with the help of various details, bringing the material at hand to full image; 2) wishing to embody the conceived holistic image, the child himself is looking for its components. So enthusiastically solving the tasks set in flash games, the kid learns to design, competently combining objects of the same shape, collecting a certain number of parts into one whole.
At 5-6 years old, children are not only well versed in colors, but also accurately determine their shades, easily distinguish the shape and size of objects, their figurative-visual memory is able to save 5-6 objects during the game. The degree of development of thinking at this age allows the baby to correctly determine in what order objects will interact. But effective solution such tasks are possible only with the proper use of funds logical thinking child. Among such means, one can single out children's ideas about the signs that an object possesses (small or large), as well as an understanding of the repetition of phenomena (the change of days and nights in a day). The formation and improvement of logical thinking is facilitated by the use of flash games in the development of children. Are you looking for educational games for your kids? Think you've found it! Play with us and your children will get a lot of knowledge and positive emotions.