How to open a self-service car wash: pitfalls and expert advice. Self-service car wash business plan - basics

It is always difficult to start, especially if the matter is unfamiliar. In this area, you must first decide on the possibilities, since the business is profitable, but requires a lot of start-up capital. Ask yourself whether you can contribute from 5 to 13 million rubles to open a self-service car wash or find investors to receive such an amount. If there are such opportunities, then get down to business - study the sales market and its geography.

Open a self-service car wash beneficial not only in megacities and regional centers, but also in settlements of 200-500 thousand inhabitants. Today, such a business is not yet very common in Russian cities, but it is understandable and convenient, because every Russian motorist wants to have a clean, well-maintained car, but not spend too much money. Many people wash their cars themselves, but the conditions for this are not created like in Europe. Car owners use hoses, buckets, and nearby bodies of water, but everyone reports mediocre results and physical inconvenience.

Like any business, a car wash business needs to start by finding a location for a future point and studying demand.

The peculiarity of opening a self-service car wash is that you have to immediately decide whether to rent land or acquire ownership. Since you will have to invest a lot of money in underground communications, construction work, asphalting and landscaping, it is better not to rely on the landlord and buy a plot or lease the land with a subsequent purchase. The size of the plot can vary from 100 to 650 sq. m. meters, it all depends on the number of posts and additional buildings.

Investment size

The amount of initial investment greatly depends on the number of positions at the car wash., types of washing units, as well as infrastructure. For example, if you decide to open a self-service car wash near a car wash with tunnel functionality, a parking lot, a shopping center parking lot, etc., you will not have to develop the territory, asphalt paving will be limited only to the nearest area. This significantly reduces several cost items.

The quantity and quality of washing operations makes adjustments to both the initial investment and the cost of services. For example, a system of 2 units with minimal functions (soapy water + cold water for rinsing) will cost 750,000 rubles, and a more complex one with several operations, including wax application and osmosis, will cost 3,500,000 rubles.

In addition, it is recommended to have funds to pay the first month of work for the staff and for contributions to the tax service in case there are still few clients at first. It is best to work 24 hours a day, seven days a week. To do this, you will need to hire three service operators and set a work schedule every other day. With a salary of 20,000 rubles, your wage fund should be 60,000 rubles per month.

Separate monthly expense item- utility bills and security. This will cost at least 30,000 rubles. Installing an alarm will cost 20,000 rubles. The amount of taxes will be about 20,000 rubles. Thus, to open a self-service car wash from scratch, you will need 12,930,000 rubles. If you plan to acquire land ownership, this figure will increase.

Step-by-step instruction

Having assessed your capabilities and made sure that you are capable of opening a self-service car wash, choose a location for your future enterprise. After this, begin to draw up documents and legalize your business in a certain territory. Once all permits have been obtained and a design has been created, construction can begin.

Communication system

Construction work will be extensive as the communications system underground has important. The car wash operates according to a water circulation scheme in underground pipelines. Since hot water circulates in the pipes, the effect of a “warm floor” is created (it needs to be equipped in a special way), then the washer can work even in cold weather. Construction and installation work is carried out in the following order:

  • Digging a pit.
  • Laying the communication system.
  • Arrangement of a “warm floor”.
  • Concreting.
  • Laying asphalt.
  • Installation of metal structures.
  • Installation of treatment facilities.
  • Arrangement of the adjacent territory.

Price similar works will depend on the number of posts at the self-service car wash and the area it occupies. After construction work and erection of metal structures, you can begin purchasing the necessary technical devices.

Equipment purchase

This expense item is quite impressive. Such equipment is not produced in Russia, but is imported from Europe. There are official dealers in our country, and you should contact them with this question. It doesn’t make sense to purchase it yourself, and then transport it and clear customs - it’s too expensive and troublesome. There is also no need to skimp on the brand of car wash equipment. This business card your enterprise, it will give an additional advantage over competitors, raise your image and allow you to set decent prices.

A 6-seater sink with a functionality of 4-5 operations costs about 9,500,000 rubles. If the capital is insignificant, then at first a sink for 2 places will be enough, it will be a third cheaper. You can save on the complexity of the units and the number of functions they contain. For the first time, a car wash complex with several basic functions is suitable:

  • Hot water with powder (+40 +60° C).
  • Hot water (+40° C).
  • Cold water.
  • Hot wax.
  • Osmosis.

The process of washing a car looks like this: wash hot water with foam, washed off with hot and then cold water, wax is applied, water is allowed to osmosis, which allows the surface of the car to dry quickly without streaks. For a self-service car wash you will need:

  • Control unit with payment devices.
  • Pump set.
  • Highway.
  • Console.
  • Pistols.
  • Dispensers.

It is necessary to install treatment facilities. Their purchase will cost approximately 1 million rubles. Devices ranging in price from 90 to 400 thousand rubles are produced, so everyone decides for themselves what price level to choose in this category of equipment.

Find the right place is one of the most important issues for future profitability. If there are few customers, the business will become unprofitable. The most advantageous places:

  • In parking lots.
  • Along a busy road.
  • In shopping center parking lots.
  • In the center of multi-apartment residential complexes.
  • Near car services.

Such places are rarely free, but the infrastructure of cities does not stand still, new facilities are constantly being built, so it is possible to find a place with a large flow of motorists. It is advisable to choose business and shopping areas of the city, and it is better to set up a self-service car wash from scratch at the exit, rather than at the entrance of them. Many owners of such facilities install car washes immediately after a traffic light: the driver stands at the traffic light and looks at the surroundings, so he notices the car wash. If the object is not located on the road itself, but a little further away, bright banners or signs should be placed after the traffic lights within a radius of 1-1.5 km from the car wash.


When opening a car wash, you need to register your company. This will require about 20,000 rubles. The most common organizational and legal forms for a self-service car wash are LLC and individual entrepreneur. It is advisable to register an LLC if there are two or more investors. If there is only one owner, it is easier and more profitable to register an individual entrepreneurship. In this case, a code (OKPD 2) 45.20 is assigned. There are also advantages to opening an LLC - in the event of bankruptcy, the LLC will only have to sacrifice its authorized capital, and the individual entrepreneur will be forced to part with personal property. An LLC is formed when it is planned to open several car washes and attract investment capital. After registering with the tax authority, you need to prepare a number of permits and other documents:

  • Permission from the local executive committee.
  • Project and settlement documents from construction company(project cost is about 2,000 per 1 sq. m).
  • Plan land plot.
  • Architectural and planning task.
  • Permission from the fire inspectorate.
  • Coordination with environmentalists.
  • Certificate from the SES.
  • Coordination of the project with the architecture department.
  • Administration decree on opening a car wash.
  • Coordination with the labor protection service.

With an organized approach, it will take about 1-1.5 months to complete documentation and permits. Taxes can be paid using a simplified taxation system. If the list of documents causes difficulties with personal participation, you can use the services of a legal or consulting company, although this is another expense item.

Opening checklist

Is it profitable to open

Of course, opening a self-service car wash around the clock is profitable if you choose the right location and ensure a constant flow of customers. Washing one car takes approximately 20-30 minutes. In an hour, 12 cars will be able to visit the car wash from 6 posts, provided that it is fully loaded. Theoretically, this turns out to be 288 cars per day. Of course, it is impossible to achieve such a workload. Fewer cars are washed at night and in the morning. However, there is no less than 100 cars per day, provided there is a well-promoted location. One car wash costs on average 250 rubles. Subsequently, you can include additional services that will increase the cost to 500 rubles. With minimal demand and cost it will work.

Why is it profitable to invest in self-service car washes, how to open one, how much does it cost and how to draw up a business plan? These and other questions are relevant for entrepreneurs starting their careers in the car wash business.

Even in conditions of capricious weather, a shortage of quality roads and the specifics of the human factor, it remains a matter of honor for every driver to keep the car clean. This is why car washing services are in high demand among car owners, which means a well-designed and implemented project in this niche can become a profitable investment.

Operating principle and advantages

Before you begin implementing your own plans and opening a car wash from scratch, you need to correctly assess your financial capabilities and study all the pitfalls of the business.

A self-service car wash is an excellent alternative for drivers who do not want to waste time in endless lines. This is a whole complex of high-quality equipment that ensures the process of careful, safe and effective car washing.

Visually, the design of such a car wash looks like a large canopy divided into compartments. Each compartment is equipped with a kit for dry cleaning the interior and washing the car body. To gain access to use the equipment, the car owner must pay for the service at the terminal and receive a token for the number and time of vehicle washing sessions corresponding to the payment.

This type of service is convenient and beneficial for both business owners and clients.

Main competitive advantages:

  • Significant savings in time and finances for the car owner.
  • The opportunity to take care of the car yourself (relevant for drivers who are not ready to entrust their “swallow” into the wrong hands).
  • A full-fledged service with a fully equipped room for car washing (vacuum cleaners, guns, dryers, overalls and other necessary equipment).
  • Complete safety of the vehicle (the owner of the car does not have to worry about the careless attitude of the wash staff towards his property).

For entrepreneurs, investing in such a business is beneficial because there are no expenses for paying for the work of washers. And given the growing trend in the number of cars, the changeable climate and the poor condition of the road surface, high-quality car wash services are a real bonanza.

But how to open a self-service car wash and organize the work of the enterprise so that as soon as possible recoup costs and start receiving stable income?

Stages of business organization

When developing a business plan, you need to provide the following step-by-step strategy:

  1. Choosing a suitable location for construction.
  2. Obtaining the necessary permits.
  3. Organization of construction work.
  4. Ordering inventory and equipment.
  5. Selection of personnel supervising the work process.

In combination with organizational issues, financial calculations of expenses and income, risks of the upcoming enterprise are made.

Each of these stages requires a competent, responsible and professional approach. Launching a business and organizing its stable, effective functioning can take months or years. Specialized organizations involved in the development and implementation of turnkey enterprise projects will help reduce wasted time.

But the services of companies offering ready-made businesses often incur additional significant costs. If financial capabilities are limited, you can carry out some of the necessary work yourself and lease the purchase of expensive equipment.

You can download and use for free, changing the input indicators taking into account the regional characteristics of your enterprise.

Selecting a location

To ensure high profitability of the enterprise, it is necessary to choose the right location of the facility. It is better to open the sink in the following places:

  • Areas near the parking of shopping and entertainment complexes.
  • Near roads with accessible and convenient access.
  • When leaving the business districts of the city (not many people can afford to be late, for example, for a meeting, taking the time to clean the car, but many want to put the car in order at the end of the working day).
  • Within the radius of speed limit objects (traffic lights, speed bumps, pedestrian crossings).
  • Near parking lots and car services.

A well-chosen location of an enterprise determines the flow of customers and, accordingly, the profitability of the business. Therefore, when developing a business plan, it is important to determine the financial resources for the acquisition or use of a plot of land on a property lease basis, and to check the availability of communications.

Regardless of where you decide to open a car wash, you need to pay attention to the advertising campaign. Consumer reviews indicate that this is one of the most effective ways quickly grow your business and expand your customer base. Considering the growing popularity of self-service car washes, such a service requires high-quality promotion:

  1. Place signage banners near the business.
  2. Distribute your business cards in places where motorists congregate (service stations, gas stations, parking lots, car parks, etc.).
  3. Promote your services through media mass media, in social networks.


There are two ways to legally occupy a niche in the car wash business:

  • register as an individual entrepreneur with the tax authorities;
  • buy LLC.

The advantages of the first option are, first of all, saving time (you can open an individual entrepreneur with a minimum package of documents in just a week), as well as a simplified taxation system with simple reporting, which can be maintained even by the business owner himself.

Large enterprises with large-scale projects or entrepreneurs planning to attract investors and expand their business choose the method of purchasing an LLC. In this way, you can insure the safety of personal property, because if the company is declared bankrupt, the owner will be liable to creditors exclusively with the capital of the authorized capital.

To open a car wash, you will need to prepare the following package of documents:

  1. The enterprise project was agreed upon with the State Epidemiological Supervision, Architecture, Fire and Environmental Safety Services.
  2. Permission to operate from the city or district administration.
  3. Waste recycling agreement.
  4. Permission from the fire department, sanitary and epidemiological service authorities, the architecture department, labor protection and environmental control authorities to provide car washing services.
  5. Land ownership or lease agreement.
  6. An act for the disposal of a land plot.
  7. Agreement for cleaning the areas adjacent to the facility.

Specialized legal or consulting companies can help a novice businessman collect all the necessary papers and advise on issues of interest (for example, about the rules for calculating land tax for legal entities).

Construction works

Before constructing the structure of the facility, it is necessary, first of all, to develop project plan enterprises. This is done by specialized organizations that can also handle the necessary paperwork. Some equipment suppliers offer a typical self-service car wash project for free.

When the owner already has a ready-made plan for the enterprise, has a plot of land (as a lease or ownership) and a permit for construction work, the construction of the facility can begin. To do this, you need to find a company engaged in the construction of such facilities and conclude an appropriate contract for the services of a contractor.

Stages of the construction process:

  • Construction of the foundation structure (laying communications, flooring and pouring concrete/laying slabs, asphalt).
  • Equipment for cleaning systems.
  • Arrangement of the nearby territory.
  • Installation of equipment and connecting it to communications.
  • Start-up and commissioning work.

If your budget is limited, you can handle some of the work on your own or find investors who are ready to invest financial resources in a promising and profitable project.

Facility equipment and personnel selection

To complete a standard car wash you will need the following basic minimum equipment:

  1. Control block.
  2. Pump system.
  3. Highway.
  4. Dispenser units.
  5. Pistols.
  6. Console.

To set up a washing program, control the functioning of technical devices and pay for services, a car wash complex is provided - a device with a strong and moisture-resistant metal case, which has built-in backlit and heated buttons, as well as a coin acceptor that works with special plastic cards.

To ensure the high-quality functioning of the enterprise, you need to take care of equipping a single-room utility room for the administrator-shift controller. Washers will not be required on site, but to monitor the process and operation of the equipment, it is necessary to hire specialist technologists who will work one at a time in shifts.

Video: self-service car wash.

Financial calculations

Considering the high cost of the project of opening a self-service car wash, the entrepreneur needs to competently organize business processes and make financial calculations. You will have to invest at least 8 thousand rubles in the business.

Great idea for new entrepreneurs without experience in the car wash business - buy a franchise and open a facility under the name of a well-known brand.

Tables of approximate calculations for the Russian and Ukrainian markets (in Russian rubles, using the example of a 4 station sink).

  • number of boxes – 4;
  • service cost – 300 rubles;
  • daily revenue – 24 thousand rubles;
  • variable costs - 30 rubles per wash;
  • income per day – 21.6 thousand rubles, per month – 648 thousand rubles.
  • Thus, after deducting all operating expenses, the profit to the owner of the enterprise will be 533 thousand rubles monthly. The agreed amounts with differences in national currency are relevant for business in Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus.

    From the calculations it is clear that a self-service car wash is a business that fully recoups its investment already in the 9-10th month of operation.

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    Alexander Kaptsov

    Reading time: 7 minutes

    A A

    You should always keep your car clean, regardless of the time of year or weather conditions. This is an axiom that does not require proof. The annually increasing number of cars on Russian roads creates favorable conditions for the development of the car wash business. The demand for these services is growing steadily. But what kind of car wash to open largely depends on the future plans of the businessman and his financial capabilities.

    There are several types of car washing services.

    • Portal and tunnel - car washing is fully automated.
    • Manual - the car is washed by car wash staff.
    • Open (self-service) - the driver washes the car independently using the provided products.

    A self-service car wash is a set of equipment capable of providing high-quality and safe car washing. The entire set of equipment in such a service (vacuum cleaners, dryers, guns supplying water and foam) is characterized by maximum simplicity.

    Each client can intuitively understand for what work and what to use. Therefore, washing your car yourself will be a quick process for any car owner, and also more profitable. And this is a high-quality result for less money.

    How to wash your car yourself at a car wash?

    Practical and thrifty clients just need to pay for the service and perform some actions

    1. Wash with warm water and powder. In this case, the dirt is removed (this is done by contact or non-contact method).
    2. Washing with cold water. The resulting foam is washed off.
    3. Applying wax. This procedure will give the car shine.
    4. Polymerization. It will not allow water to leave streaks on the surface of the car.

    Russia is famous for its frosts, so in winter entrepreneurs may have a question: what to do with liquids that are susceptible to rapid freezing?

    1. Firstly, The self-service car wash must be equipped with a heated floor system, which is laid directly under the covering. It consists of pipes through which running warm water circulates. At the right moment, the gas (diesel) boiler turns on, and then water heating starts in the system. Thus, the coating does not freeze or become covered with ice even when washing the car.
    2. Secondly, For washing, you need to choose devices equipped with devices for constant water movement. For example, guns that supply water under high pressure. In this technique, even when it is not in use, water still flows, but in a small stream - it passes through the storage tank, is then filtered and again passed through the gun. As a result of the continuous circulation of liquid along the freezing chain, water in the guns does not occur.

    In order to estimate the cost of building a turnkey self-service car wash, you need to consider all the key stages of this process and sum up their costs.

    • Purchase and delivery of equipment and treatment facilities

    Equipment for this type of washing is ordered in Europe. The best option for big city is a 6-post sink, average cost which does not exceed 9,500,000 rubles. The buyer pays for delivery, which costs at least 375,000 rubles. The cost of purchasing treatment facilities will be no more than 1,000,000 rubles.

    • Purchase or lease of land

    Each businessman solves this issue in his own way. Someone enters into a lease agreement for space with parking lots, hypermarkets or shopping centers. Others decide to purchase state land. This type of business will require an area whose sizes vary from 150 m² to 650 m². Moreover, in the first option, the activities for registration and approval of documentation (permits, connecting all communications, and so on) will amount to about 1,000,000 rubles, and in the second - more than 3,000,000. The price will also be affected by the region of the country, the location of the site, and others factors.

    • Construction works

    The construction budget may exceed 4,000,000 rubles. These costs will include excavation work and laying communications, installation of heated floors and highways, concreting and asphalting work, installation of metal structures, installation of treatment facilities and, of course, landscaping of the surrounding area.

    • Installation of ordered equipment

    As a rule, 10% of the total price of the equipment is spent on its installation and startup. In this option, it turns out to be 950,000 rubles.

    • Advertising

    This item is not as expensive as all the others. Minimum set advertising activities will consist of an advertising frieze along the entire perimeter of the car wash, several banners with instructions, a couple of signs or signs located at the entrance to the car wash. With a reasonable approach, expenses will not exceed 100,000 rubles.

    As a result, taking into account all the costs described above, the approximate cost of building a turnkey self-service car wash will cost the amount not less than 19,000,000 rubles.

    Where to buy the necessary equipment in Moscow and St. Petersburg?

    The question of purchasing the necessary equipment for car washes, where customers serve themselves, is quite natural.

    Most of this equipment is imported from Europe. This type of entrepreneurship is widely developed there, so the production of all the required devices has been established. Many European companies have a network of direct dealers in Russia. You should contact them directly regarding purchasing issues.

    We must not lose sight of the fact that customers are primarily attracted to high-quality equipment. Since the car wash business is only gaining strength in Russia, in small towns there may not be companies capable of equipping a car wash with decent equipment.

    However, there are enough such organizations in Moscow and St. Petersburg. They offer devices with maximum functionality and full adaptation to the climate of our country.

    In addition, recognized leaders in the production of washing equipment, such as Karcher, NERTA, Kranzle and others sell through official online stores.

    Prices for car wash equipment designed for customer self-service are quite high. And yet you should not save on equipment, since frequent breakdowns can reduce the quality of service, reduce the flow of customers, and spoil the reputation of the car wash, which, of course, significantly reduces income.

    If you're going to save money, it makes more sense to buy a device that is less functional and without additional options, but still reliable. As your business expands, you can purchase more modernized equipment.

    The approximate cost of a set of equipment for frame self-service car washes for 6 stations varies within 100,000-130,000 euros. Naturally, the euro exchange rate, or rather its fluctuations, will significantly influence the purchase price.

    Business plan for opening a new self-service car wash from scratch

    Let's consider a business project for a self-service car wash consisting of 2 posts with an area of ​​90 m² (60 m² for two posts, 30 m² for other premises) with an adjacent area of ​​90 square meters.

    The amount of one-time costs will be 1,662,000 rubles, it will include a number of items:

    • purchase of equipment - 720,000 rubles,
    • installation of equipment - 72,000 rubles,
    • provision of additional electrical power, water supply and drainage - 270,000 rubles,
    • landscaping of the adjacent territory - 150,000 rubles,
    • renovation of premises - 180,000 rubles,
    • obtaining permits - 270,000 rubles.

    Monthly expenses are 780,000 rubles, which include:

    • labor costs - 270,000 rubles (a total of six employees working in three shifts of two people),
    • expenses for renting premises including utility bills - 120,000 rubles,
    • other costs - 120,000 rubles.

    Calculation of estimated profit

    The service operates around the clock, but its maximum load occurs from 8.00 to 10.00 and from 17.00 to 22.00. And in the remaining time the workload is 20% of the maximum.

    It takes an average of 20 minutes to wash a car, which means you can wash 3 cars in an hour. Therefore, the number of cars passing through one post per day is calculated as follows:

    3 * (2 hours + 5 hours) + 3 * (24 – (2 hours + 5 hours) * 20% = 30 cars

    Every day, two posts will be able to service 60 cars every day, and they will wash 1,800 cars per month.

    The average price of a body wash is 500 rubles. If we also take into account additional services (body polishing, interior cleaning, etc.), then average bill each client will be equal to 600 rubles.

    1800 * 750 = 1,080,000 rubles per month

    After deducting monthly expenses and taxes, the net profit will be 235,200 rubles per month. The project will pay off in seven months.

    Buying and selling a franchise business

    Car washes, where customers can service their cars themselves, are a new profitable way of investing. Since this market segment in our country is still at the stage of formation, those who wish may well have time to occupy the most promising places, build sinks on them and thereby “skim off all the cream.”

    Investing in a car wash business can be equated to investing in real estate - reliability and legal protection based on the right of ownership or long-term lease of a land plot and on documentation agreed with the authorities.

    However, the profitability of a car wash is several times higher than from purchasing apartments or office space. A businessman who owns a self-service car wash does not spend much time managing his business. This business has certain features that allow you to keep all business processes under control.

    Franchising is an advanced way of running a business. The franchisor, for an agreed fee, “hands over” to its partners (franchisees) the right to use the brand, and also provides them with a proven and reliable methodology for managing the business.

    There are several principles at the heart of a successful car wash franchise.

    • Franchising must be relevant and timely.
    • Extremely simple business organization.
    • Timely delivery of consumables.
    • A well-thought-out business strategy for further development.
    • Unique business concept.
    • The attractiveness of the enterprise for investors.
    • Availability of government support (for this moment The Ministry of Economy of the Russian Federation subsidizes various innovative enterprises).

    By joining the franchising system, an entrepreneur buys a franchise and also receives information about the amount of necessary financial investments and an established procedure for conducting business. This method, despite the presence of risks, provides a stable income and increases the profitability of the business compared to the option when starting your own business from scratch.

    1. According to statistics, out of 100% of car washes opened from scratch, only 20 percent are still operating after a year.
    2. The picture is different with car washes opened under franchise agreements: out of 100%, after three years, 80 remain afloat.

    Owning a car requires drivers not only to perform regular maintenance, but also to thoroughly clean the interior and exterior. Cleaning the interior is carried out in order to rid it of various contaminants and unpleasant odors. External washing is carried out to give the car an attractive appearance and for the convenience and safety of driving. If home owners can give their pet “water treatments” whenever they wish, then residents of megacities are forced to turn to specialized car washes. And we will consider self-service car washes as a business that can grow into a source of considerable income.

    IN major cities Private companies involved in car washing are quite common. But, despite such a high level of competition, customers are forced to spend a lot of time waiting: it takes about 30-40 minutes to wash one car. In this regard, another line of services has emerged - self-service car wash. Among the owners Vehicle This service is especially popular.

    Self-service car wash option

    Specifics of activity

    Establishments of this type can have different sizes and equipment. But they have one thing in common: a lack of staff. The sink looks like this: there is a special installation in the room, similar to a canopy. To gain access to a vacuum cleaner and other equipment, you need to buy a token, which includes a certain time for using the service.

    Benefits of a self-service car wash

    More and more motorists are switching to self-service car washes, and here's why.

    1. Affordable price - it is several times less compared to conventional sinks.
    2. The ability to wash the car yourself is an undeniable advantage for many: not every person will trust their “iron beast” to strangers, so they want to wash it themselves.
    3. Minimal risk of damage: customers do everything themselves and take responsibility for their actions during washing.
    4. Simplicity of equipment: all devices used for washing are as simple and easy to use as possible.
    5. The effectiveness and safety of washing cars when using this washing technique is guaranteed.

    As for the advantages for entrepreneurs, they are obvious: within this format of activity there is no need to hire staff, all the work is done by one person.

    How a self-service car wash works

    Among the equipment elements present at self-service car washes are:

    • drying units;
    • foam and water supply guns;
    • vacuum cleaners.

    Each client will be able to intuitively understand what and how to use, with minimal time investment. To get a clean car, practical and thrifty people just need to deposit money into the terminal and carry out several actions:

    1. Wash with water and powder. Dirt can be removed
      contact or non-contact.
    2. Wash with cold water to remove any foam that appears.
    3. Applying wax to make your car shine.
    4. A polymerization process that avoids streaks on the surface of the machine.

    Example of a self-service car wash control panel

    Since severe frosts reign in Russia in winter, it is necessary for the entrepreneur to take care of equipping the car wash with special equipment:

    1. Underfloor heating system laid under the covering. This is a set of pipes for circulating warm running water. The principle of operation is that, when necessary, the system starts a heating option that prevents the coating from freezing.
    2. It is important to give preference to devices that are equipped with systems that ensure constant water movement. For example, these could be guns that deliver water under high pressure. During the continuous circulation process, freezing of water in the guns is avoided.

    Now let’s look at how to open a self-service car wash so that the idea quickly begins to generate income.

    Business registration

    Before opening a service, you will need to take care of obtaining special permits.

    1. Contact specialists in the construction industry to develop
    2. Obtain the appropriate permits to open the car wash.
    3. When leasing land, you will need to obtain a decision from the local executive committee.
    4. Among the most important documents is an architectural and planning assignment with a plan of the land plot.
    5. Visit the inspection at fire safety, environmental service and sanitary-epidemiological station.
    6. After going through all these stages, you need to get an administrative decision on the possibility of opening a car wash.
    7. Choose the organizational and legal form of activity, it can be any. Most often, entrepreneurs prefer to choose an individual entrepreneur or a limited liability company.

    This is the list of papers required to open a self-service car wash. But there are a few more details that require close attention when starting a business.

    Search for a location

    In order for a service opened from scratch to generate good income, it is important to take care of choosing the right location for its placement. This is the fundamental criterion. Opening a car wash in the wrong location can lead to not only a small profit, but also early bankruptcy. Previously, such establishments opened in the courtyards of multi-story buildings, but today enterprising people began to build them along highways, which attracted more customers to this type of service.

    To prevent drivers from ignoring your car washes and driving past without seeing them, you need to equip the complex with special signs on both sides of the highway. The optimal location is to locate the sink directly behind the traffic light. While waiting for the green color, drivers tend to get bored, so they look at all the surroundings. And this is a great chance for an entrepreneur to attract the attention of a curious motorist!

    An important factor is the presence of communications. In order to ensure smooth operation of the enterprise, you will need not only water, but also sewerage and electricity. Therefore, before opening a sink from scratch, it is necessary to check that it is possible to provide the necessary set of communications. Thus, the self-service car wash business is a profitable and cost-effective business if all sorts of nuances are taken into account before opening.

    Purchase of equipment

    The ideal solution is to purchase a ready-made modular structure from a European manufacturer. In Western countries, such complexes are implemented everywhere. Demand for them generates an increase in supply, and every year manufacturers invent high-quality devices. To purchase equipment, you should contact official dealers of manufacturers operating in Russia. It’s better not to skimp on this point, since equipment is the first thing clients pay attention to. Therefore, equipping your car wash with high-quality equipment is the key to the success of your business, although the cost of such types of equipment is quite high. At the start, experienced entrepreneurs recommend purchasing a simple sink. After the costs are recouped and you receive a net profit, you can count on purchasing modernized sinks.

    Exhibitions of technical equipment for self-service car washes

    Hiring staff

    You won't need many employees, and this is a significant advantage of a self-service car wash business. Customers wash their cars themselves, and work related to equipment maintenance can be performed by one operator. The range of his direct tasks will include the following actions:

    • monitoring the condition of equipment;
    • failure detection;
    • carrying out repairs;
    • providing assistance to clients;
    • sale of tokens.

    If it is planned that the car wash will operate 24/7, then it is worth hiring more employees for shift work.

    Financial questions

    And now it’s time to talk about the most important thing – finances. It's nice to make a good profit, but how much money does it cost to prepare at the beginning of a business? Simply put, how much does it cost to open a self-service car wash from scratch? By knowing the financial side of the issue, you can find out when to expect the first profit and, perhaps, talk about expanding your business. In fact, the price of the issue may vary depending on the size of the sink, the quality of the purchased equipment, and its operating time. Let's consider expenses based on average market prices for equipment, and income based on the average price tag for washing services.

    Expenditure part

    Initial costs

    Consider a relatively budget option contactless car wash self-service.

    1. Equipment. A product purchased in Europe will cost an average of 9.5 million rubles. You will have to shell out about 300 thousand rubles. for delivery. And plus 1,000,000 rub. will be used to purchase facilities for cleaning cars.
    2. Advertising. This is another important expense item, because in order to attract customers to the business you will have to pay. The tools you can use are special signs, banners, leaflets and signs. The average budget is 50,000 rubles.
    3. Improvement works. They include measures for installing communications (about 250,000 rubles), as well as landscaping the car wash area - up to 200,000 rubles.
    4. Preparation of documents. On average, this event costs 200 thousand rubles.

    The total amount of initial costs for opening an activity will be 11,300,000 rubles.

    Monthly expenses

    1. Staff salaries average 25,000 rubles per month.
    2. Taxes. This article will cost about 15,000 rubles.
    3. Land lease. Of course, you can consider 2 options - renting a plot of land or buying it. But until you have tested the demand and launched a business, it is better to rent a plot. Its average monthly cost will be about 10,000 rubles (along the route).
    4. Additional costs (to pay utilities and advertising) – 10,000 rub.

    The total monthly cost of running a car wash
    self-service will be 60,000 rubles.

    Revenue part

    If your service operates around the clock, you can count on maximum profits:

    1. A significant part of customers will visit your business in the morning (from 8.00 to 10.00) and in the evening (17.00-22.00).
    2. One post per day can serve 20-30 cars. If you have three posts, the number of cars per day will be 60-90. In the calculation we will consider the option with 60 cars.
    3. The average price for a car wash is 300 rubles. The average income for 60 washed cars per day is 18,000 rubles. Per month – 540,000 rub. This is your total monthly income.

    540,000 – 60,000 = 480,000 rubles.

    11,300,000: 480,000 = 23.54 months.

    That is, in almost 24 months (2 years) the costs will be justified, and you will be able to make a net profit.

    So, we looked at how much a do-it-yourself self-service car wash costs.

    A competent approach to organizing the business process will allow you to get
    high-quality results and guarantees a decent income!

    • Monthly profit (from): 3400 $
    • Payback period (from): 36 months
    • Starting capital (from): 120000$

    The changeable climate of our country, the unsatisfactory quality of the road surface, the shortage of wide multi-lane roads, the mutual disrespect of drivers for each other in a short time turn any car into a dirty piece of metal. Even the most careful and clean drivers. Therefore, the only way out of this situation for now is frequent periodic car washing:

    • at a regular car wash (manual or automated);
    • on your own next to the garage, if there is running water there, or by bringing water in large cans.

    The choice of one option or another is based on the personal preferences of the motorist and the available capabilities. However, there is an alternative, an intermediate option - self-service manual car wash.

    Expert opinion

    To get more up-to-date information, we interviewed experts from existing companies in the self-service car wash business. These people, like no one else, know about the nuances of starting and running this business, since they know about it not from theory, but from practice.

    We have put the interview on separate pages. You can get acquainted with them by following the links:

    If you are also an expert in this field and are ready to answer a list of prepared questions, write to us through the page Contacts. Free of charge.


    What needs of a car enthusiast can such a car wash and car wash satisfy, and why will it be attractive to people?

    There are several such competitive advantages for car owners:

    1. this will save time and money for the car owner (especially if you can use the car wash around the clock).
    2. they will have the opportunity to independently care for their “iron horse”, “swallow”, etc.;
    3. The self-service car wash has everything you need for a high-quality car wash, including overalls and cleaning equipment;
    4. this will avoid the feeling of fear for the safety of the car; you won’t have to be afraid that it will be scratched or washed poorly;

    Organizing a business from scratch

    The most important step when organizing a self-service car wash is choosing its location. To organize a car wash for four stations (four parking spaces), an area of ​​about 500 square meters is required. meters. The average rent for such a plot is Russian city per year will cost at least 300 thousand rubles. In addition, you should contact your local administration about your intentions to open a car wash. It is also necessary to find out the status of the selected land; it must be intended for industrial development.
    And most importantly, it must be possible to connect power to electricity, water supply and wastewater treatment facilities. The best option is to equip a water recycling system.

    The next step is the development of project documentation and obtaining permits. It is better to entrust this stage to a contractor, as well as the construction of all structures and installation of equipment.

    Capital expenditures

    In general, the cost of starting a business will be about 7-8 million rubles. and will include:

    • development (receipt) of design and permitting documentation - 500 thousand rubles;
    • equipment (washing, vacuum cleaners for cleaning, cleaning equipment) with installation - 3 million rubles;
    • construction of a washing building - 3 million rubles.
    • outdoor advertising with signs - 300 thousand rubles.

    The cost of equipment for a self-service car wash with turnkey installation is at least 7 million rubles.

    You can also download a free self-service car wash business plan with detailed calculations. After downloading, all you have to do is replace the input indicators for your region:


    The minimum basic set for a self-service car wash includes:

    • control units,
    • highways,
    • pump system,
    • dosing units,
    • consoles,
    • pistols.

    The cost of equipment depends on the type of equipment. Average prices for basic equipment:

    • For 1 post – $15,000.
    • For 2 posts – $30,000.
    • For 3 posts – $45,000.
    • For 4 posts – $60,000.
    • For 5 posts – $75,000.
    • For 6 posts – $90,000.


    You can start building a self-service car wash when you have:

    • owned/leased plot;
    • a finished car wash project approved by the architects;
    • building permit.

    Main stages:

    1. Project development.
    This is what they do design organizations, who can also obtain the necessary approvals and construction permits for this project. Some dealers of self-service car wash equipment provide their customers with a standard project free of charge.

    2. Conclusion of a construction contract.
    You need to find a company that builds self-service car washes. It is advisable that the contractor already has experience in implementing a similar project. However, this is not always feasible, since such a business is still gaining momentum.

    3. Excavation work.

    See the figure to understand how much land area is needed to build a sink.

    4. Construction of the foundation:

    • Laying communications;
    • Heated floor equipment;
    • Pouring concrete/laying asphalt or slab.

    5. Equipment for treatment facilities.

    6. Arrangement of the territory.

    7. Installation of washing equipment.
    A container with equipment is installed (in the case of a container washing), washing blocks (modular washing) and the washing equipment is connected to communications. As a rule, dealers provide installation supervision services.

    8. Commissioning work
    May also be provided by a manufacturer's representative.

    A budget option

    If your funds are limited, then instead of ordering turnkey construction services from specialized companies, you can most carry out the work described above yourself.

    Equipment can be purchased on lease.

    Financial plan

    Income per month:

    Revenue from the rental of washing stations at a cost of half an hour for renting one post is 100 rubles. and 50% load during the day for each of the 4 posts - 290 thousand rubles.

    Profit from sales of detergents and equipment (minimum markup on average 10 rubles per car) - 30 thousand rubles.

    Revenue from renting vacuum cleaners for interior cleaning - 20 rubles. per car with 20 cars per day - 12 thousand rubles.

    Expenses per month:

    • Electricity and water - 25 thousand rubles.
    • Rent - 25 thousand rubles.
    • Staff salaries (persons for equipment maintenance) - 20 thousand rubles.
    • Services of an accountant and territory cleaner - 10 thousand rubles.

    Profit per month:

    • Profit before tax will be 250 thousand rubles.
    • The payback period for the project is 3-5 years.

    Based on this, we can conclude that this type of business is quite profitable with high liquidity.
    Video - Automatic contactless washing:


    How the process of self-washing cars works can be seen in the video:

    Commercial offers

    If you are a manufacturer or supplier of equipment, an expert or a franchisee in this field, then write to us through the Contact page. Below we will post information about your offer and your contacts.
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    → 04.04.2015


    The page publishes only reviews that are useful to others and indicate that the person had experience in this matter.


      I have had a similar sink that has been operating successfully for three years now.
      With sufficient funding, construction will take 3-4 months, the payback will be 3-4 years with 5-6 posts, with 15-20 posts it will pay off twice as fast.
      Only business for millionaires.
      Price for 1 hour 300 rub.
      You can have more during the season - people still come in droves.

      Hello, I want to tell you about my experience of opening a self-service car wash. I started this business more than two years ago. Most of the online reviews on this topic are written by people selling equipment for MCO. It is quite difficult to find information from the direct owners of such businesses. This may be due to a reluctance to reveal trade secrets and share them with others. finished form something achieved through hard work and much trial and error.
      Competition doesn't scare me, so I'll share personal experience(including not entirely successful ones) with people who want to start a similar business. Let me make a reservation right away: it is not my plan to argue with anyone or prove that I am right. the main task– talk about your experience, which will relieve future MSO owners from some illusions and help them not repeat the mistakes of others.
      The topic is quite voluminous, so it will consist of several parts - from the construction of a sink to all other nuances.
      Construction of MSO
      The best option is to build MSOs in “dormitory” areas, close to parking lots, garages and main routes for people to go to work. If you live in a small town, then with the proper quality of service, they will find out about the existence of your car wash very quickly.
      Construction costs may vary for each case. Equipment sellers' claims of low initial investment are a myth. One post will cost you 20-25 thousand euros, the project will cost about the same. During the construction process, it is necessary to install communications and water supply, install containers, a canopy and treatment facilities. If we add to this the various “taxes” levied by the state, then construction costs will amount to at least 200 thousand euros. Thus, the minimum cost of a 6-post car wash is 350 thousand euros.
      I do not recommend building a car wash in the city with less than five stations. You will save on equipment, but you will lose one of the main advantages of MCO - the guarantee of fast service. Despite the low cost of services, MSOs are inferior to automatic and manual car washes in many respects. Having stood on your MSO for the same amount of time as on a hand wash or “brush”, the client will most likely make a choice not in your favor.
      Features of the Slavic mentality
      The priorities of the average client here and in European countries are significantly different. For Europeans the main advantages are low price, practicality and speed of service. Distinctive feature Many of our fellow citizens strive to receive VIP-class service for minimal money.
      To satisfy the needs of “our” client, your sink must meet the following requirements:
      — No queues.
      — Minimum prices (at least for the first time, until you have gained authority in the service market).
      — High-quality car wash.
      — The maximum range of related services – from drying and vacuuming to a cafe with a store. IN Western countries This rule has been working successfully for a long time. Our businessmen are often driven by a thirst for short-term profit, and they do not understand that this only bears fruit in conditions of a shortage of services. Rapid growth in competition will negatively affect the reputation of such a business.
      Equipment selection
      During the time I was doing business, I visited many foreign exhibitions and I can say that I have a good understanding of manufacturers and types of equipment. There is still no clear answer to the question: what is better – contact or non-contact? My first sink had a WashTec system with brushes. Two years passed, and after much thought and doubt, I decided to install equipment with brushes on my new MSOs. Why?
      I had the opportunity to study other types and technologies used in self-service washing. With the help of partners at my MCO, two contactless stations were assembled and launched, in which various modes, dosages and composition of chemistry, washing time, etc. were constantly varied. Similar experiments could be carried out by me or anyone who wanted to verify the advantages of the contactless method.
      As a result of numerous experiments, the following was revealed. Only a professional who strictly follows all technological processes and uses aggressive chemicals can thoroughly clean a car from dirt in the summer-autumn period (the most difficult option). All attempts by ordinary clients resulted in chemicals They were washed off poorly and left a residue on the car after drying. A relatively good result was achieved only in cases where the car was simply dusty.
      The number of customers dissatisfied with the poor quality of contactless car wash has been steadily growing. No one wanted to listen to our arguments that for high-quality washing using this method you need to have certain skills. As a result, despite the fact that we used the most advanced and expensive equipment, the contactless posts had to be closed.
      For the purity of the experiment, my colleagues and I repeatedly used the services of contactless MCOs in other European countries with a similar climate. The result was approximately the same everywhere: it was possible to completely wash off the dirt only in two or three cycles, which significantly increased the cost of the service. In the only case when I was able to more or less efficiently wash my car “without contact” (EHRLE equipment), the pressure in the pumps reached 160 atm. Only professionals can work with such pressure, and in the hands of an ordinary client, this equipment can cause serious harm to both the car and human health. Do not forget that aggressive chemicals quickly destroy rubber, plastic and paintwork.
      Summary: the non-contact washing method is more convenient and easier to use, but it is almost impossible to thoroughly wash a dirty car with safe pressure and lack of professional skills. This method can be successfully used for regular washing or minor stains.

      When purchasing equipment for MCO, do not forget that the client, by and large, is indifferent to your opinion regarding the proper washing of his car. Thanks to the efforts of marketers, many consider “contactless” to be the best option.
      I always try to meet the wishes of my clients, so I purchased equipment that allows washing both contactless and with brushes. It costs more, but clients have the opportunity to choose, and I can draw conclusions about their preferences.
      “Brushes” and time on duty
      At first, I was terribly annoyed by people who did not activate the service, but still used brushes. Most often this happened in winter, when the antifreeze system was constantly connected to the guns. Since there is no point in arguing with such clients, we soon began to act differently. We tried to politely explain to the person that:
      - his own car may suffer from a dry brush;
      - if the previous client was the same lover of “freebies”, then the dirty brush left behind can harm the next car.
      This approach is much more effective, and there are now much fewer such cases. People are becoming more and more conscious!
      As a last resort, if a person behaves defiantly, the police have to be called. There are cameras with sound installed everywhere, so we can always present video footage as evidence. We recently managed to collect a large fine from such a violator, and the corresponding court decision was increased and posted as a warning. Business costs, nothing can be done!
      The use of brushes increases the time the car spends on the MCO. Since the cost of services increases in proportion to the time spent on duty, this can be considered an advantage. It is advisable to have so many posts at the car wash so that the number of cars in the queue does not exceed the number of posts by more than twice.
      The payment system must be organized in such a way that the client is interested in purchasing more time (for example, ten minutes) at a minimum price. If he does not meet the allotted time, he has to buy an additional two minutes at much higher rates. It turns out that it is cheaper to buy ten minutes at once than three times for two minutes.
      About MCO equipment manufacturers
      From my experience I can conclude that, in terms of design and technical solutions, the products famous brands practically no different from equipment from less popular brands. There are very few manufacturing companies producing all the necessary components. Many manufacturers prefer to buy components and then assemble sinks from them using the construction kit principle.
      Ready-made equipment offered by well-known brands costs incredible amounts of money. If you have experience using such equipment and the ability to buy the necessary components, it is quite possible to assemble it yourself. The reliability of the equipment will depend on factors such as the quality of components, the chemicals used and recycled water supply.
      At one time, when my knowledge of technical equipment MCOs were minimal, I opted for WashTec products. When making the decision, an impressive discount offered by company representatives played an important role. After the passage of time, we can say that I chose far from the worst option.
      Equipment from brands such as EHRLE or Christ is a kind of analogue of Mercedes in the automotive industry. However, “exclusive” products from world-famous brands cost enormous amounts of money. Manufacturers from Poland and Ukraine often save on components and offer finished products at a fairly high price, arguing that competitors’ equipment costs even more. In my opinion, the most reasonable solution is to focus on the optimal price-quality ratio. The WashTec equipment I randomly selected can be called the “golden mean”.
      What chemistry should I use?
      I have never used powder, but from experience working with liquid chemicals, I got an idea of ​​the obvious advantages and disadvantages of using it on MCO.
      — To prepare the solution, there is no need for hot water. In the warm season, this allows you to save significant money on heating water. Properly selected dosages of chemicals allow you to perfectly wash your car at a water temperature of up to 20 degrees. In winter, the water must be heated so that it reaches the pistols at approximately the same temperature (16-20 degrees).
      — The range of liquid chemicals offered by various manufacturers is much wider than the selection of powder products. More intense competition has a positive effect on the price and quality of the finished product. As a wholesale buyer, you can always count on a good discount. The equipment seller will not require you to use any particular brand of liquid chemicals. In the case of powder, this requirement is a prerequisite for maintaining the warranty on the equipment and the quality of washing. Thus, you become dependent on the equipment manufacturer, which automatically entails additional costs. To avoid such situations, I advise you to especially carefully read those clauses of the contract with the manufacturer that relate to warranty service.
      — When working with liquid chemicals, you do not need additional devices that are necessary for preparing and supplying powder products. This will save additional money.
      Some experts believe that with a large load, the powder granules sometimes do not completely dissolve, which can lead to an abrasive effect. I do not undertake to confirm or refute this opinion.
      Based on all of the above, I make a choice in favor of equipment that runs on liquid chemistry.

      More about equipment
      Thanks to advertising and competent marketing policies, “contactless” technologies in Russia, Belarus and Ukraine currently have a much more attractive reputation than their competitors – “brushes”. The client is deliberately told that “contact” washing has long been outdated, and “contactless” is very cool and fashionable. “Beskontakt” is now used not only at MCOs, but also at portals and hand washes. Naturally, the advantages are emphasized and praised in every possible way, but they prefer to remain modestly silent about the disadvantages.
      It seems to me that the large MCO manufacturers with brush technologies (both American and European) are not too worried about this. Compared to the market of European countries, where annual sales amount to thousands of units, the share of the Russian, Belarusian and Ukrainian markets is still negligible. I think that they don’t quite understand the essence of the discussion, because the equipment package allows you to use both a brush and “contactless”, and both of these options at once - all for the benefit of the client!
      At my car wash, the client always has the opportunity to wash their car without using brushes. Many “contactless” MSOs use aqueous solutions of chemistry, but it seems to me that it is more effective to use special chemical compositions with the addition of water, which form a thick foam. Having achieved the desired consistency, the mixture is fed to the machine along with air. A cloud of thick foam, slowly sliding from the surface of the car, takes with it almost all the dirt.
      Numerous experiments have confirmed the fact that “non-contact” washing using foam gives better results than a similar procedure with emulsions. In addition, a “foam” sink looks more impressive (especially if sometimes colored chemicals are used for advertising purposes), which increases the attractiveness of the sink for customers. The best option for our climatic conditions with winters and stubborn dirt - the possibility of using both brushes and “non-contact foam” on MSO.
      Agreement with the equipment seller
      From my own experience, I concluded: equipment should be ordered only from serious suppliers who, upon request, will be able to provide you with the necessary consumables and spare parts. Along with the equipment purchase agreement, be sure to conclude a warranty service agreement with the supplier. If you don't do this before you pay for the equipment, you'll start to have problems very quickly, despite all the seller's promises.
      It is highly advisable to visit the supplier’s base in advance. If it works around the clock, there is a warehouse of spare parts, the necessary transport and qualified employees for repairs - everything is in order. Otherwise, it's better not to take risks. The seller, who has a sufficient number of spare parts and consumables in stock, is guaranteed to be able to fix the breakdown as soon as possible.
      According to my agreement with the supplier, he must always have wearing parts and materials in stock, and the delivery time for the rest must not exceed 25 days. Maximum time arrival on call (round the clock) – two hours. For failure to comply with these conditions, the contract provides for a fine.
      The contract should indicate that you have the right to use both chemicals recommended by the seller and those whose manufacturer can guarantee that there will be no problems when working with this equipment. If the supplier insists on the use of a certain type of chemical, then the contract must indicate that the seller guarantees clear car washing parameters, obliging to make the necessary adjustments to the equipment.
      Other nuances
      During the operation of the car wash, it turned out that the vacuum cleaner service is the most cost-effective. I have two two-post vacuum cleaners, and they almost never sit idle.
      My sink canopy is made of regular metal covered with several layers of primer and paint. Compared to galvanized iron, this design was a third cheaper. Every spring we do some cosmetic painting and everything looks pretty good.
      If you have an open-type MSO, you need to take care of underfloor heating. I say this based on my experience: on one half of my sink the floors are heated, but on the other they are not. This point is important not only from the point of view of comfort for customers. Icing is one of the main problems at MSO in winter period.
      Due to the spraying of the water dispersion, the ice grows instantly. It is very difficult to clear ice from an unheated floor without damaging the concrete. This requires a special tool and serious physical effort. Even at slightly sub-zero temperatures, you have to fight ice almost constantly. At such moments, I was more than once reminded of equipment sellers who assured that the cost of car wash personnel would be limited to the salary of the person calculating the profits!

      How to control the revenue in the device?
      This is an important point. Previously, I was sure that any device saved all information about revenue by default. However, I soon learned from my own experience that this is not always the case. During a power outage, a device from one of the manufacturers at my car wash reset not only the revenue counter, but also the data on the money just entered by the client and not yet used.
      Similar situations must be excluded. The device must retain revenue data under all circumstances. Otherwise, your employees have a lot of opportunities to pocket some of the money.
      Accounting for funds must be carried out both separately for each shift (between collections) and for the entire time (from the moment the device is first turned on). Decreasing or resetting the last parameter is not allowed. Only if the receipt of funds is kept absolutely transparent can you trust your administrator with the keys to the device with peace of mind.
      Online control
      The more ways you can control your business, the better. Modern technologies give you the opportunity to always be aware of what is happening at your MSO.
      Only a few European car wash manufacturers offer an online monitoring function, and the price of one box reaches 20 thousand euros.
      Manufacturers of more budget products are limited to GSM control, sending messages with the amount of revenue. For owners of sinks with one or two boxes, this is an acceptable option. However, if we are talking about ten to fifteen boxes, this type of reporting becomes quite inconvenient.
      The best option is to save all reports in one cloud storage. By logging in with your username and password, you can view the information you are interested in at any time.
      Reliability of the device case and lock
      Most MSOs operate around the clock and offline, and among the clients, unfortunately, sometimes there are citizens with criminal tendencies. Taking this into account, special attention should be paid to the anti-vandal properties of locks and cases on your devices. Inquire about the availability of additional locking devices - bolts with non-standard heads, etc. If the lock breaks, this will help protect the device from opening and damage.
      Features of the bill acceptor and coin acceptor
      Most often, sellers assure that this equipment operates smoothly even at the lowest temperatures. In reality, everything turns out to be not quite like that. For example, NV 9 bill acceptors, which are especially popular among Ukrainian car wash manufacturers, are not intended for outdoor conditions at all. According to the factory specifications, such devices can only be used at positive temperatures.
      "Smart light"
      This feature was invented by the manufacturers to save you money. The operating principle of the “smart light” is that the main lighting of the box is turned on only after money has been deposited into the device. Thanks to this, electricity is consumed as needed, and the rest of the time the emergency lighting is on in the box.
      "Current" pistol
      This term refers to a gun through which a thin stream of water constantly flows. This function is used in winter to circulate water in the hoses, thus preventing it from freezing.
      AED parameters
      I recommend using Hawk brand high-pressure cleaners, whose operating pressure is from 200 bar. If the operating pressure parameters are below this figure, operating at maximum capacity will lead to faster wear and tear of the device.
      "Winter" mode
      This mode can be implemented in two versions. Conventionally, they can be called manual and automatic. In the first case, the car wash employee, based on the thermometer readings and weather conditions, opens the spill tap. The second option is that the same tap opens automatically using a device with a temperature sensor.
      I believe that the automatic option is much more reliable, since it minimizes the impact of the “human factor”. Since in some car washes the winter mode is controlled manually, be sure to pay attention to this.
      Pause settings in the machine
      The washing machine can operate without a pause (the client pays for the entire time spent in the box) or with a pause (you can use a pause between different operations to save money).
      For the client, the opportunity to take a break is an advantage. This function allows you to wash your car more efficiently, which is why customers often prefer washes with a pause.
      The interests of the car wash owner in this case do not coincide with the wishes of the client. The sooner one car leaves the post, the faster the next one can arrive, and the greater the final revenue will be. It is more profitable for the owner of an MSO to charge for the time spent in the box without pauses.
      In this situation, there is a solution that suits both parties. In the device, you can configure the “Session time” and “Pause price” parameters. Thanks to this, customers will have the opportunity to take a free break. However, the time of this pause will be limited, and after its end, payment will begin at the rate specified by the “Pause Price” parameter.
      Basic functions of the device
      The basic functions in devices from most manufacturers are most often identical. Here is the standard set:
      — high pressure water supply;
      — water supply for hand washing (low pressure);
      - washing with shampoo or foam;
      — rinsing by osmosis;
      — treatment with Teflon or wax;
      — tire inflation;
      — blowing out locks;
      - vacuum cleaner.
      If the equipment you are offered to buy has a wider range of functions, this can be considered an advantage.
      For example, at my car wash you can additionally blacken tires, add liquid to the windshield wiper and use contactless manual drying.
      Chemical pumps
      As standard, there are two pumps: one supplies chemicals, the second is designed to supply wax. Installing a third pump for insect control will be an added benefit.

      Good afternoon, I will tell you about my self-service car wash, which is still working. This business brings, although not a huge, but nevertheless a stable income.
      So, what we have: a small town, population – 80-90 thousand people. We opened at the end of 2014; at that time there were no car washes of this format in the city. 2-3 months after opening, the car wash serviced 100-120 cars per day. This is provided that there is no rain or severe frost - in our region in winter frosts usually alternate with rains. At first we planned to make a standard car wash with attendants, but in the end we settled on a self-service option. MSO is equipped with seven washing stations.
      There are two people working per shift: an administrator on the street and an operator at the console. The processes at the car wash are partially automated; the operator starts and stops them. In principle it is possible to do full automation by connecting token and bill acceptors. However, in this case the costs will increase significantly, and we have budget restrictions. In the future, we’ll see whether to leave it as is or fully automate it.
      Each modification has its own advantages and disadvantages. In our case, we considered the most budget option. If, in the conditions of our small town, we spend 5-7 million rubles on equipment (at prices before the exchange rate jump), then the investment will pay off for a very long time. The cost of our car wash amounted to a little over a million, and we did the commissioning work ourselves. We had a clear idea of ​​what we wanted to get as a result, plus our previous experience with a conventional sink came in handy.
      It’s difficult for me to estimate water costs, since we use a well. Average monthly electricity costs in mid-2015 were about 15-17 thousand rubles. About the same amount was spent on chemicals and other consumables. How much to pay staff is an individual question; it’s difficult to give advice here. Some expense items can be covered by selling related products - air fresheners, polishes, rags, anti-freeze products, etc. There is quite a good demand for all this.
      We rent an entire building, and the amount of rental costs is very impressive. If you have your own land and have a desire to start such a business, then now is the time to start. For now, this niche is relatively empty, but in the coming years there will be many more such sinks. The profitability of trading is falling, many people are looking for new ways to make money. I believe that conventional sinks are no longer as popular as they used to be and will become less common over time. However, there is always a certain category of clients who do not use the services of MCO.
      According to prices as of May 2015, the average bill at our car wash was 150-200 rubles. There were, of course, checks for 400-500, but quite rarely. If a person stopped by just to blow off the dust (taxi drivers do this most often), then the amount would be up to 100 rubles. There are no size restrictions; both cars and trucks can enter. In summer, the number of clients decreases by about a third compared to spring and autumn. In the winter of 2015, the price of one minute of service at our car wash was 14 rubles.

      Good afternoon
      I read the topic and judging by the style of the narration, I assume that Girs and Vladimir are the same person. And the chances that this is really the owner and not the seller are small. Many of the questions they raise are true, some show only clear theoretical experience. Although maybe I'm being too picky))). For clients from Belarus, I suggest reading my topic on the forum, which I have been running for almost 4 years both as an owner and as a manufacturer of MSO. Some of the information there is, of course, no longer relevant, but a lot will be useful to know. here is the link if they don’t ban)
      Moments in the posts above that confused me:
      1. The time it takes for technical support to appear at the car wash is 2 hours! (This is unrealistic, because any manufacturer sells its equipment with at least a sales radius of up to 1000 km, and it is unrealistic to get to MCO in another city in 2 hours!!! In the contracts of competitors, I met the arrival time of 24 hours. We ourselves support our own on technical issues clients around the clock and in 90% of cases the problem that arises is resolved by phone within half an hour)
      2. They arrive in 2 hours, and the parts are delivered in 25 days! TWENTY-FIVE DAYS! Yes, even if you are a small manufacturer, at any given time you are simply obliged to assemble at least ONE, more often 2-3 complete sets of MCO posts from the available parts in your warehouse. Well, it’s complete nonsense, if I forced my clients to wait for the right Part even for a week, not to mention a month (((downtime of equipment is too expensive, and I, as the owner (even if I wasn’t a manufacturer) would simply keep everything in stock Parts that even theoretically could “die”, and if there is no financial opportunity, I would even overpay 2 times its cost, but I would purchase the necessary spare part the next day and put the post into work.
      3. The arithmetic “50% attendance within 24 hours a day” is infuriating - guys, are you planning to build on the Moscow Ring Road? What if it rains for a week or two? I don’t argue - it’s impossible to compare a million-plus city and a regional center, but back in 2014 there were queues at 6-post MCOs, and now they are half empty!!! (See for yourself by watching online broadcasts from MCOs throughout Russia). So why are you proposing to build a 20-type sink that will supposedly pay for itself 2 times faster than a smaller one?
      4. The only correct arithmetic is to find out the real revenues of your closest competitors (by bribing employees, through government agencies or monitoring over the course of a couple of weeks), divide the amounts received among everyone (since the Market will divide anyway) and based on your size of the estimated dirty revenue consider the future consumable monthly. Count not according to advertising brochures, but real numbers. And then you will understand that rent of $500 is unrealistic for a millionaire (more likely you will have to add a zero to this amount) or revenue of $20,000 per month is unrealistic for a regional center with rent of $500.
      And then there are heating (if necessary), Chemistry, electricity, Water/sewerage (if the discharge does not comply with environmental standards, Motherland can apply a coefficient of x5 and even x10 to sewerage costs!), the salary of the employee servicing the equipment, taxes, operating expenses (filter , light bulbs, routine equipment maintenance). Let's not forget that equipment does not last forever and the nonsense of sellers that their equipment supposedly works for 20 years is just nonsense! Therefore, it is worth taking into account depreciation, because... In 5-7 years, the equipment will be almost completely replaced, because with such high pressure and round-the-clock, year-round operation, everything cannot work without wear and tear! This is how arithmetic works in reality.
      1. Location is 80% of your success
      2. The right equipment (without saving on the important and without unnecessary investments in the unnecessary)
      3. Competent calculation and understanding of all fixed and variable current monthly operating costs.
      4. You will NEVER be able to take away all their clients from your competitors, even if your equipment was produced by yourself Steve Jobs, therefore (especially if you are not the first in your city and come to this market second, third, fifth...) therefore, clearly understand that your revenue with a very high degree of probability will be definitely lower at the start than your closest competitors (and all other things being equal conditions between you, it’s good if you snatch at least an equal share of the market from them)