How to get a job in the fire department. MES for girls

Every day, employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations risk own health, and sometimes with their lives, help us in emergency situations. The work is not easy, but at the same time it is very humane, prestigious and with a good salary. Therefore, many want to join the ranks of brave rescuers. How to get to the Ministry of Emergency Situations to work? Let's try to figure it out.

Work in the Ministry of Emergency Situations: vacancies and requirements

The requirements for EMERCOM employees are quite high. It is necessary to pass a certain competitive selection. First, you will need to get an appointment with the head of the HR department of the Ministry of Emergency Situations in your region. Take care in advance standard package documents: passport, diploma of graduation from school, higher educational institution, military ID. You will be offered available vacancies, if among them there are those that interest you, you will write an application, and a special commission will consider your candidacy. In order to significantly increase your chances and earn additional points, prepare a certificate of family members, a certificate of no criminal record, recommendations from a previous place of work, diplomas of completion of a sports school or attendance at specialized courses, etc. Work in the Ministry of Emergency Situations is quite intense, so you will definitely have to go through the necessary psychological tests. If you meet all the requirements, then a medical commission awaits you, and then certification. Don't forget to improve your physical standards.

How to get to the Ministry of Emergency Situations after school

In the list of requirements for most vacancies in the Ministry of Emergency Situations, a special line is indicated - military service. Therefore, immediately after school you most likely will not be able to get into the service. Although some jobs do not require this, there is still a good chance that you will still be called to serve. Therefore, if you plan to become a specialist in the Ministry of Emergency Situations in the future, it is best to serve in the army and then get a job. Also try to improve your basic subjects, actively play sports, and pass a medical examination. This will help you when applying for a job and during the service itself. After graduating from school, you will be able to take part in a competition for admission to specialized universities of this ministry, after which your chances of getting into the Ministry of Emergency Situations will immediately increase.

How to get to the Ministry of Emergency Situations after the army

If you have served in the army and want to get a job at the Ministry of Emergency Situations, then you need to contact the personnel department. Here you present your military ID and the necessary package of documents. You should be provided with a list of vacancies from which you can choose the right one. Next comes a medical examination, checking you and your loved ones for criminal records and arrests with the police. You will also have to pass psychological tests, which are checked by psychologists according to special criteria. Preference is given to masters of sports, candidates for masters, and dischargers. Chronic diseases or health problems can become serious obstacles to service. If there is no free vacancy for you, do not be upset, join the reserve. With military service, a good biography, letters of recommendation, and good health, you may be able to get hired a little later.

As you can see, getting a job at the Ministry of Emergency Situations is not so difficult. You need to set a goal correctly and strive for it by any means.

Many boys and girls dream of connecting their lives with work in the Ministry of Emergency Situations. There are many reasons for this: some are attracted by the opportunity to help their neighbor, others by stability, and still others by a thirst for risk. However, getting the desired position is not so easy, especially today. Therefore, let's talk about how to get a job in the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

We will find out what requirements a future fighter must meet, whether appropriate education is needed, and what the competition is like. And how to get a job in the Ministry of Emergency Situations after the army.

A little about working in the Ministry of Emergency Situations

The Ministry of Emergency Situations is a special government department that deals with rescue operations in the country. To be more precise, it eliminates the consequences of various disasters, helps rescue victims, neutralizes dangerous objects, and so on.

A person working in the Ministry of Emergency Situations must be prepared for the fact that he will have to face danger face to face every day. And this requires considerable physical and moral endurance, which greatly limits the range of possible candidates for this position.

In addition, this state of affairs led to the fact that the leadership of the Ministry of Emergency Situations began to very carefully check their employees for professional suitability. Therefore, you should be prepared for the fact that you will have to repeatedly prove your strength and endurance, both on the battlefield and in the ranks.

What does it take to get a job at the Ministry of Emergency Situations?

The good news is that there are no gender restrictions in the Ministry of Emergency Situations. Therefore, both boys and girls can apply for the position. For ladies, the examination standards are slightly lower, since they are, by nature, slightly weaker than men.

Otherwise, applicants must meet the following requirements:

  • complete secondary and higher education;
  • citizenship of the Russian Federation;
  • age from 18 to 40 years.

If you are seriously thinking about how to get a job in the Ministry of Emergency Situations, you should remember some restrictions. For example, this position does not accept those who have a criminal record, health problems, or dual citizenship.

Where to go when looking for a job?

So, how to get a job in the Ministry of Emergency Situations? It's actually quite simple. You need to contact the local part of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and find out if they have any vacancies. If there are places, then further events may develop according to the following scenario.

So, the future rescuer will be asked to fill out a resume, after which they will be sent to collect the documents necessary for admission. After all the papers are in hand, he will need to visit the HR department again, where they will be checked for authenticity.

If everything goes well, the candidate will soon be sent for the first certification, during which management will test his mental and physical abilities. And if the applicant passes it, he will be sent to a training camp, where he will master the basic skills of this profession.

Preparation for certification

If you are seriously thinking about how to get a job in the Ministry of Emergency Situations, then you need to prepare in advance for the entrance exams.

The first step is to improve your physical performance. Fortunately, today this is not so difficult to do. You just need to sign up for the nearest gym or start going to the sports ground. The main thing is not to delay preparation, so that the body has time to get used to the loads and does not let you down at the most inopportune moment.

You should also devote some time to your future interview. That is, learn to correctly express your thoughts in order to produce good impression to the guide.

How to get a job in the Ministry of Emergency Situations after the army?

Many are confident that having a military ID guarantees entry into service in the Ministry of Emergency Situations. However, it is not. People with military training take the same tests as other candidates. The exceptions are sappers and field engineers. Such military personnel are taken first of all, since their skills can be very useful when performing rescue operations.

Otherwise, the procedure for hiring former soldiers is no different from the usual one. This means that in this matter you should rely more on your physical training, than on a military ID.

Availability of specialized education

When thinking about how to get a job in the Ministry of Emergency Situations, one cannot ignore another important issue. Namely: is specialized education necessary?

As mentioned earlier, the required minimum is the presence of a certificate confirming completion high school. However, there is one caveat. For getting officer ranks must have a higher education.

That is, if a person wants to advance in career ladder, sooner or later he will have to graduate from college. Otherwise, you can get by with a minimum level of education.

Working for the Ministry of Emergency Situations attracts many people. Firstly, being a rescuer is very prestigious, and secondly, complete state provision guarantees a stable future. But how to enter the Ministry of Emergency Situations? Where should I contact? What is needed for this? And how difficult is it to master this profession?

Work in the Ministry of Emergency Situations

A rescuer from the Ministry of Emergency Situations is a hero who is always the first to come to the rescue. However, only a few are born with such power - the rest are nurtured by experienced mentors. Therefore, answering the first question, let's say that without necessary preparation It is simply impossible to get to the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

But where can you find someone who can teach you the necessary skills? Well, everything is quite simple here - you need to get specialized education. The Academy of the Ministry of Emergency Situations or any other similar educational institution can provide it. Fortunately, in our country there are seven large institutions involved in training EMERCOM fighters. At the same time, they will gladly accept both men and women into their ranks. The main thing is that applicants are prepared for severe tests and successfully pass the entrance exams.

The best educational institutions in the country

If you are thinking about how to join the Ministry of Emergency Situations, then you need to know where rescuers are trained. Therefore, let's give a small list of educational institutions that are capable of equipping a person with the skills of a precession Ministry of Emergency Situations.

So, this is where the best rescuers of our country are trained:

  1. Academy of Civil Defense of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia. On this moment this is one of the most prestigious educational institutions. It is within its walls that students receive the most recent and relevant knowledge aimed at protecting people.
  2. Academy of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia. Despite the fact that this institution is one step lower than its predecessor, its graduates can still safely count on leading positions as rescuers.
  3. State Institute of Fire Service in Ivanovo. A good choice for those who doubt that they will pass the rigorous selection process for the academy. This is where you can get both higher and secondary technical education.
  4. Institute of State Fire Service in St. Petersburg. Not everyone can afford to get an education in the capital of Russia. Therefore, there is an excellent alternative for them, which is in no way inferior to Moscow universities.
  5. Voronezh Fire-Technical School of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. Perhaps this is one of the best educational institutions providing secondary technical education.
  6. Moscow Fire College. The youngest and so far the only full-fledged college of the Ministry of Emergency Situations in Russia.

Specializations of the Ministry of Emergency Situations

At the moment, the work of the Ministry of Emergency Situations involves many highly focused specializations. In addition to rescuers and firefighters, the service needs professional doctors, engineers, miners, psychologists and lawyers.

Therefore, everyone who wants to join the ranks of the Ministry of Emergency Situations must decide what role they want to perform in the future. And only after that choose the narrow specialization in which he will study at the university of the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

How to enter the Ministry of Emergency Situations (university) and what exams should be taken upon admission?

Like any other educational institution, when entering the Ministry of Emergency Situations university, you must pass exams. Compulsory subjects are Russian language, mathematics and physics. In addition, the list of entrance exams may vary depending on the characteristics educational institution, as well as the specialization chosen by the student.

For example, a software engineer fire safety You will have to complete written assignments in Russian, mathematics and physics. But EMERCOM candidates with a legal background need to write an essay, as well as demonstrate their knowledge of social studies and the history of Russia.

In addition, a rescuer from the Ministry of Emergency Situations is a person with excellent physical fitness. Therefore, in addition to generally accepted exams, applicants will also have to pass strength standards. Wherein this rule applies to both men and women, regardless of the specific direction chosen.

How to get a job in the Ministry of Emergency Situations without having to undergo specialized education?

Few people know that a university or academy of the Ministry of Emergency Situations is not the only way to get a job in this department. To be more precise, it is quite possible to bypass specialized education by obtaining a law or medical degree.

Thus, quite often law school graduates are hired as civil service officers. That is, you will have to become an expert in working with appeals from victims or employees of the Department of Administrative Work. You can also try your luck and try to get a position as a chief specialist in the legal department. However, there is one big disadvantage - there are no guarantees that you will be able to get a job in the Ministry of Emergency Situations, even after successfully graduating from law school. Indeed, today in many fire departments educational institutions has its own department of jurisprudence.

The work of the Ministry of Emergency Situations is inextricably linked with human casualties. Therefore, in the ranks of rescuers there are always those who have medical education. Consequently, those who graduated from a medical institute or college can safely apply for a position in the Ministry of Emergency Situations. The main disadvantage is the length of training, and therefore this option is suitable only for those who have finally decided to link their fate with doctoral practice.

Preliminary check of all rescuers

All employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations are strong people in body and spirit. Otherwise, they will not be able to perform their duties properly. Therefore, before accepting a new candidate into the ranks of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, he is carefully checked according to two indicators.

  • Physical state. Initially, everyone who wants to become a rescuer undergoes a strict medical commission. It will show whether a person can withstand those physical exercise what awaits him ahead. In addition, if a person has serious health problems, he will be denied an attempt to become an Emergencies Ministry.
  • Psychological toughness. Good health alone is not enough to enter the Ministry of Emergency Situations. The future fighter must withstand emotional pressure and stress so as not to let his team down in the future. The psychological strength of candidates is checked through an interview and a number of special tests.

Therefore, before submitting your application to the HR department, check your physical and emotional condition. This way, you will have time to work on yourself and correct current problems, if possible.

Special requirements for employment in the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia

What else do you need to know about how to apply to the Ministry of Emergency Situations? First of all, it is necessary to remember the criteria that guide HR departments. And although there are few of them, they are all strictly regulated by Russian legislation. Therefore, all candidates for the position of lifeguard are required to:

  1. Be of legal age, but their age should not exceed 40 years. (An exception is for persons wishing to enroll in a technical school or university. In this case, the threshold is reduced to 17 years).
  2. Have excellent physical and psychological preparation.
  3. Be citizens of the Russian Federation.

Work in the Ministry of Emergency Situations for girls and women

For obvious reasons, girls are not included in the emergency response team. And yet, the role of the fair half of humanity can hardly be overestimated, because they are often responsible for coordinating all rescue operations. With that in mind, let's look at other positions that are more likely to hire women.

  • The emergency dispatcher is the eyes and ears of the entire rescue team. It is he who is the first to respond to a call about a disaster and makes those key decisions, thanks to which a team of EMERCOM fighters goes to the scene.
  • Psychologist is another one important representative rescuers. This specialist always accompanies his team and, if necessary, helps victims recover from the resulting emotional shock.
  • Also, women are hired as field doctors without a shadow of a doubt, since in this case the existing skills are more important, rather than the physical component.

In addition to all of the above, girls can count on a position as a civil service officer, laboratory assistant, forensic scientist or photographer.

Of course, many guys in our country were interested in the question of how to get a job in the Ministry of Emergency Situations. Of course, working in this government agency is not only prestigious, but also highly paid. Long gone are the days when firefighters and divers were paid pennies for their titanic work to save people.

The Ministry of Emergency Situations needs qualified personnel

Currently, the Ministry of Emergency Situations needs competent personnel who are willing to risk their lives to ensure that no one dies during floods or earthquakes.

Those who are haunted by the question of how to get a job in the Ministry of Emergency Situations should understand that the highest demands are placed on candidates. For example, if you are focused on performing rescue operations (putting out fires, searching for people in the mountains, etc.), you must have impeccable physical fitness, excellent health, and have served in the Armed Forces. In addition to this, you need to have high level discipline.

Anyone wondering how to get a job at the Ministry of Emergency Situations should also remember that employees performing logistical, communication, and analytical functions in the above-mentioned government structure must have a specialized education and meet certain selection criteria.

Where to begin

So, you are determined to save people. At the same time, you have a very vague idea of ​​​​how to get a job in the Ministry of Emergency Situations. What to do? At the first stage, you should obtain information about the geographical location of the nearest rescue agency unit in your region. Next, you should call the HR department and schedule an interview. The Ministry of Emergency Situations employee responsible for personnel selection is obliged to familiarize you with the list of existing vacancies (if they exist, of course). You will also be given some time so that you can collect a package of documents for employment, as well as improve your physical fitness.

If there are no problems with vacancies, then the candidate writes an application with a request to consider his candidacy for a particular position.

Track job openings

To be fair, it should be noted that “free” vacancies in the rescue department do not appear too often, so you need, as they say, to always “keep your finger on the pulse.”

Those who want to find out how to get a job at the Ministry of Emergency Situations should clearly understand that the greatest chances of becoming a rescuer are for applicants who meet the requirements to the maximum extent.


It is mandatory that a person wishing to find a job in the Ministry of Emergency Situations must submit a package of documents consisting of a passport, a military ID of category “A”, and a diploma (preferably a higher education).

In addition, it would be useful to obtain in advance positive characteristics from neighbors, from your previous place of work, certificates stating that you took special training courses, certificates of commendation. Once again it must be emphasized that the future rescuer must have impeccable physical characteristics. If the employees responsible for hiring approve your candidacy, then the next stage is passing a medical commission. If the applicant does not have any health problems, he is asked to undergo a probation, after which he must pass a certification exam. At positive result the candidate is included in the staff of the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

Is it possible for girls to work in the Ministry of Emergency Situations?

How to get a job in the Ministry of Emergency SituationsRussia? This question often worries people, especially young and healthy people, and this is explained by the increased status of the rescue profession in last years. If you are also interested in how to get a job in the Ministry of Emergency Situations, then this article will be useful to you.

How to get a job in the Ministry of Emergency Situations. Requirements for applicants

In order to get a job in this department, it is important for the applicant to monitor information on the website of the territorial department of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation about available vacancies. It should be said right away that the hiring of citizens is carried out on a competitive basis, that is, in order to get a position, a citizen must prove his suitability for service in the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

If you are wondering how to get a job in the Ministry of Emergency Situations, then you should also know about the circumstances that prevent employment public service. These, in accordance with current legislation, include:

  1. Availability close relative who is already in the service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and occupies a position that, if hired, will be subordinate or controlling in relation to the candidate’s position.
  2. Having a criminal record that prevents execution labor responsibilities provided for by the vacant position.
  3. The presence of a disease that is unacceptable for workers in this field.
  4. Refusal to obtain access to information that is a secret protected by law.
  5. Lack of Russian citizenship or citizenship of another state, except for cases expressly specified in the law.
  6. Submitting false information or forged documents.

A citizen who wants to get a job in the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation must be physically healthy and strong, have a sufficient level of education for the proposed position and the required specialization. He will also need to submit the necessary set of documents. If the applicant meets all the criteria, he will need to pass a series of tests that are designed to prove the level of his professional and physical preparedness, as well as a mental stability test.

In addition, it should be noted that the age of applicants for work in the Ministry of Emergency Situations must be at least 18 and no more than 40 years. Discrimination of citizens based on gender, religion, nationality, as well as those related to property, official or social status and origin is unacceptable.

How to get a job in the Ministry of Emergency Situations after the army

Another interesting aspect that should be considered concerns how to get a job in the Ministry of Emergency Situations after the army. It should be understood that work in this department is inherently very close to service in the armed forces. In view of this, in order to be employed in the Ministry of Emergency Situations, men must have completed conscription military service.

Here I would like to make a reservation: theoretically, to refuse employment due to failure to pass military service no one has the right, but if you don’t have a military ID, then they simply won’t be able to get you a job, since this document is required for employment. If you have a military ID, but in fact you did not serve due to health reasons, then you will be refused due to inconsistency physical health the proposed position.

The general procedure for employment in the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations for citizens after the army is exactly the same as for everyone else: you need to take part in the competition, collect all the documents and pass tests. By the way, people who have served in the army are accepted into rescue units quite willingly. This is due to their good physical fitness, suitable age and skills acquired during service.

Finally, it is worth saying that certain employment benefits are enjoyed by persons who have received a special specialized education (for example, related to fire safety, management of small vessels, etc.).