Lesson summary N.N. Nosov

>> Literature Grade 2 >> Literature: N. Nosov. "Living Hat"


Goals: to introduce students to the work of N. N. Nosov; teach kindness to each other.

During the classes

I. Organizing time.

II. Checking homework.

Physical education minute

III. Learning new material.

1. Message topics, goals.

2. Work on the story "The Living Hat".

1) Reading the story by the teacher and well-read children.

vocabulary work
- Guys, what is a chest of drawers? Poker? (Children's answers)

Dresser - a piece of furniture, consisting of several drawers located one above the other (for linen and various small items).

Poker - a device for mixing fuel in the furnace - a thick iron rod with a straight bent end.

In the story we will meet long words. To make it easier for us to read them, let's read them together, (choral reading)

so - slip - well - la

2) Statements of children.

1. Reading the first paragraph to yourself.

What was the cat's name?
- Where was Vaska?
- Who did Vaska see on the hat?
What was he doing at the beginning of the story?

2. You will read the second paragraph aloud from the cards, starting from the end of the text.


Lop an olapu-solunhulp from-otch idazop as, ilashylsu oklot ino. Upyalsh dop lapop aksaV as ilediven and iknitrak ilavisharksar ino. KidaV and Yadolov Iledis Etanmok in a.

What are the names of the boys in this story?

3. Reading of the III part (p.54-55).

I read, and you follow me, trying to keep up with my pace of reading, you read only with your eyes.

How did I convey the condition of the boys when reading? (Trembling voice, whisper, scream, horror in the voice).

3) Answers to questions.

Was the hat from Nosov's story really alive?
Why did the writer title the story that way?
- Is the theme or main idea reflected in the title of the story?
- Who lived in the apartment: Volodya or Vadik?
- Who was the first to reveal the secret of the "live" hat?
- Did Vadik get a potato in a hat or in Volodya?

4) Practice reading by roles.

IV. Summary of the lesson.

Why is the hat alive?
Have you ever been in the situation described in the story?
- And what would you do in the place of the boys?
Is this story funny or scary?
- For what purpose did Nosov write it?
What is the name of the story we were reading?

Homework : make a drawing for the episode you like, sign it with the words of the story.

Literary reading. Grades 1-2: lesson plans for the program "School of Russia". Publishing house "Teacher", 2011. Contents - N.V. Lobodina, S.V. Savinova and others.

Lesson of literary reading in the 2nd grade.

Subject: N.N. Nosov. "Living Hat"

Lesson Objectives:

continue work on the work of N.N. Nosov “The Living Hat”

to form the ability to determine and analyze the composition of the work;

develop the ability to analyze the character and actions of heroes;

develop the ability to compare, generalize, draw conclusions;

improve expressive reading skills.

During the classes

I. Organizational moment.

I. Psychological mood.

Every day - always, everywhere,

In the classroom in the game

We speak boldly

And we sit quietly.

The otter jumped out of the bucket,

She threw the water out of the bucket.

Jump out, she jumped out

Splash out, she splashed out,

And I couldn’t jump back and splash.

II. Setting the goal of the lesson.


Attention! Important task: cross out all the letters P and E. Read the word.

Guess who it is? (Nosov) (slide 1)

Why? (We read his stories)

What stories of Nikolai Nosov are familiar to you?

- Look at our exhibition of books by the writer N.N. Nosov. Books that I took from our school library, do not look new, they are the most shabby, read out. Why do you think?

- That's right, they are read, they never lie on the shelves.

We will continue with them in the next lesson. And today we will continue to work on the story “The Living Hat.” You read it at home, and now let's check how carefully you read it.

III. Checking the understanding of the work.

(Pictures are posted on the board: car, hat, potatoes, kitten, skis, hockey stick, sleigh, ski stick, guys)

- Find those items and those actors who met in the story. Name extra items.

Checking homework

1. Test based on the story of Nikolai Nosov “The hat is alive”. (Slide 3)

1) The cat in the story is called:

a) Borka; b) Vaska; c) Silence.

2) The cat got under:

a) a scarf b) coat; c) a hat.

3) Fleeing, the boys took from the hat:

a) a ski pole b) poker; c) board.

4) What did the boys shoot at the hat:

a) carrots b) potatoes; c) cucumbers.

5) Who was under the hat:

a) a puppy b) a kitten; mouse.

Let's check if you completed the task correctly. Swap leaves. (Slide 4)

2. development tasks. Anagram - changing the order of letters and recognizing a word.

Solve anagrams. Not all the words from this list met you in the story “The Living Hat”. Find the "extra" word. (work in pairs)

Natacom (room)

turner (potato)

modko (chest of drawers)

zicorna (basket)

chergako (poker)

vatkro (bed)


3. Physical education. Eye exercise.

Before we start reading, let's do a warm-up with our eyes.

Raise your eyes “up - down”, “right - left”.

Make circular movements with your eyes.

do lazy eights

IV. Learning new material.

- Open your textbook to p. 54

- Why do you think the writer called his story a living hat? (There was a kitten under her, she seemed alive. She moved - as if alive).

- What was the kitten's name? (Vaska)

What were the names of the boys in this story? (Volodya and Vadik)

What were the guys doing? (Were playing)

– What suddenly happened? (They heard something fell somewhere)

What weapon did they choose to fight the hat? (potato)

What happened when the guys started throwing potatoes at the hat? (They heard a plaintive meow)

Who are the kids really scared of? (Kitten)

- Which proverb is suitable to describe the behavior of boys?

(The work of the master is afraid. Fear has big eyes. The head is big, but the brain is small. Cowardly bunny and stump wolf. - proverbs are written on the board)

How many parts can this story be divided into? Remember that each part should contain the main idea. (For four). Let's plan the story together.

Why do we plan the story? (To make it easier to remember the development of the action in the story, for retelling)

What is this part of the story about? (About how the kitten caught flies)

How can you title this section? (kitten playing)

Did the boys know who was hiding under the hat? (Not). And the readers? (Yes)

- So, he wanted the readers to know that fear is in vain, so he began his story with how the kitten got under the hat. This part of the story is very important, it is called the introduction.

What is your impression of the characters in the story?

Are they brave boys or cowards? (Children give different answers).

- How many characters are there? (Vadik, Vova, author)

- Prepare the reading (After 1-2 minutes of buzzing reading, the children read the second part in roles). (Children read to the words " Jumped off the sofa - and ran out of the room”.)

What is this part of the story about? (About how the boys got scared)

Think of a title for this part. (Fright)

- Read the third part of the story by faces, i.e. dialogue. How many participants in the dialogue? (Two) Look at the words each character in the story says. (After 1-2 minutes of buzzing reading, the children read in dialogue) (Children read until the words “... ran to the kitchen.”)

What is this part of the story about? (About how the boys throw potatoes at the hat)

Think of a title for this part. (guys solution)

- Read the fourth part of the chain.

What is this part of the story about? (About how a gray tail stuck out from under a hat)

Think of a title for this part. (The boys revealed the “secret” of the living hat)

What did the boys experience when they learned the “secret” of the hat? (Relief).

1. The kitten is playing.

3. The decision of the guys.

4. The boys discovered the “secret” of the living hat.

- Now compare the plan of the story that we have compiled with the fact that we have question No. 6 p. in the textbook. 59. Well done are we?

Physical minute

- Stroke yourself right hand on the back of the head - forward, and on the left - on the stomach, clockwise. Put on the reflection hat - 4 times.

V. Consolidation of the studied material.

- This is a cheerful, humorous story, together with the author we laugh at the heroes who find themselves in a ridiculous situation.

The action here develops very quickly, events follow one after another. We said in previous lessons that it is very difficult to depict an action in a picture. But, look how the artist got out of a difficult situation. To do this, consider the illustrations for the story. (Children look at the illustrations).

– The artist created a series of pictures, each of which corresponds to one moment of the action taking place, and together they tell about what happened.

What is shown in the first picture?

- What do you think, which of the guys is Vadik, and which is Volodya? Prove your opinion with words from the text.

Explanation of the expression "shaking with fear" (feared).

– How does the artist convey that the boys were “shaking with fear”?

Compare how the boys are sitting in the second picture.

Does the story say what position the characters are sitting in? (Not).

And the artist was able to convey in the drawing the mood of the guys at that moment. The task of the artist is to “translate” the language of the writer - the word - into his own language, the language of colors. It becomes more clear to us what the author wrote by looking at the illustrations.

Guys, we looked at the pictures, made a plan for the story. And now let's play a small game "Blitsoprorog". I want to check if you know the content well.

Blitz game.

- Tell me, one way or another, everything was in N.N. Nosov’s story “The Living Hat” (Children answer questions quickly):

1. Did Vaska the kitten sit on the floor or on the closet?

2. Did Volodya and Vadik see or did they not see how the kitten got under the hat?

3. Who wanted to raise his hat: Volodya or Vadik?

4. Did the hat crawl up to Volodya or to Vadik?

5. Did Vadik get a potato in a hat or in Volodya?

6. Vaska snorted and squinted from the light or trembled with fear?

Well done! And now the next task.

Game "Restore the word"

- All these words you met in the story, restore them by adding vowels. (Slide 9,10)

(work on options)

k m d V l d V d k

w l p s t l d v n

k x n k m n t kr z n

k t n k k t w k N s v

Let's check how attentive you are to the words you read. The very beginning of the story is written on the board. Some letters are missing. What letters should be included? (Slide 11)

To ... tyon Vaska with ... affairs on the f ... lu near to ... fashion and l ... forks of flies. And on k ... fashion, on the very cr ... yu l ... hat sting ...

Check (slide 12)

VI. Reflection

What would you commend yourself for?

What did you do especially well?

VII. Summing up the lesson.

What writer's story did we work with in class today?

- What is this story about?

What part of this story do you remember the most? Why?

VIII. Homework.

Prepare a retelling plan

MOU secondary school No. 2



open reading lesson

held in 2 B class

for school teachers

teacher Isakova E.M.

Topic: “N.N. Nosov. Living hat.

/2 lesson/



Lesson Objectives:

Deep penetration into the content of the work, disclosure of its idea, drawing up a story plan for further retelling at home.

Lesson objectives:

  1. Formation of the ability to determine and analyze the composition of the work;
  2. The ability to analyze the character and actions of heroes;
  3. Plan a story;
  4. Develop the ability to compare, generalize, draw conclusions;
  5. Improve expressive reading skills;
  6. Upbringing moral qualities personality.


Portrait of the writer N.N. Nosov

Exhibition of the writer's books

A set of cards with the titles of his works

Excerpts from works for reading warm-up

Cards with proverbs, synonymous words for training polysyllabic

Words from the story

"Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language" by S.I. Ozhegov

Cassettes with a recording from m / f about Dunno for physical education

Pictograms and circles to determine the mood of children at the beginning and end of the lesson

  1. Orgmoment.


The long-awaited call is given,

The lesson starts.

Working with icons (Indicate on the circle the number of the icon that reflects your mood at the beginning of the lesson).

  1. Dive into the lesson.


We have an unusual guest at our lesson today.

Shorty naughty

In a bright blue hat.

Clumsy and arrogant

And his name is ... Dunno.

(Music sounds, the fairy-tale character Dunno appears).


Hello guys! You recognized me? I am a stranger! Do you know who invented me and all my friends from the Flower City? This is the writer Nikolai Nikolaevich Nosov. But he wrote books not only about us - fabulous little men, but also about guys like you.


Guys, today Dunno has prepared for you a lot of tasks, questions related to the work of the writer. He invites you to read excerpts from the works of N.N. Nosov and remember their names.

  1. Reading workout.(Children independently read texts printed on separate sheets).


Some of you are not familiar with these works. To help you, cards with the names of these works are hung around the class. Please stand up, look around and find the card you need. (The children read excerpts from the stories: “Mishkina porridge”, “Putty”, “Lollipop”, “Patch”, “Cucumbers”, “Karasik”).

Guys, N. Nosov's books in the library are always the most shabby. Why do you think? That's right, they are read, they never lie on the shelves.

Dunno : “Guys, what do you know about the writer N.N. Nosov himself?” (Free statements of children).

  1. Biographical information about N.N.Nosov.


N.N. Nosov said: “I wanted to become a writer because I had interesting life and I had a lot to tell people.”


He knew a lot and possessed by nature a variety of talents, and he had to try a lot in life. Even in his youth, he happened to be a digger and a mower, a log carrier and a laborer. brick factory, he was fond of chemistry and photography, learned to play the violin and mandolin, played chess, published a handwritten magazine X. And then he entered the Moscow Institute of Cinematography and began working in cinema, making various educational, scientific and animated films.

Like many famous writers, N.N. Nosov first composed fairy tales and stories just like that - for his little son. And then he took one of his stories "Entertainers" to the magazine "Murzilka". This was in 1938.

  1. Acquaintance with the exhibition of books by N.N. Nosov.


This story was followed by others. Take a look at our book exhibition. Widespread fame was brought to the author of the story about school life: “ Happy family”, “Koli Sinitsyn’s Diary”, “Vitya Maleev at school and at home”, as well as a whole series of novels - fairy tales “The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends”, “Dunno in the Sunny City”, “Dunno on the Moon”. The characters of these books fell in love not only with ours, but also with foreign children. They are known in Holland, Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia. Argentina, Bulgaria, India, France, Vietnam, Romania and even Japan. So for those who are not familiar with them, go to our library. I assure you, you will not regret it, and you will even forget about the TV.

  1. Announcement of the topic of the lesson, goal setting.


In the center of the works of N. Nosov are dreamers, fidgets, indefatigable inventors, who are often punished for their inventions. The most ordinary life situations turn into unusually funny instructive stories in Nosov's stories.

Today we will continue to work on one of these stories.

What is this story?

- Live Hat.

  1. Checking homework.


You already have experience reading "funny" and "scary" stories. Remember them (L.N. Tolstoy "Kitten", E.I. Charushin "A Terrible Story", N.N. Nosov "Entertainers" and others).

N. Nosov's story "Living Hat", do you think it's funny or scary?

And why is there fear? (often it comes from ignorance)

With what feeling did N. Nosov write this story?

Let's remember what humor is.Working with the textbook p.68.

Heading work.

Was the hat from Nosov's story really alive?

Why did the writer title the story that way?

Is the theme or main idea reflected in the title of the story?


Let's try to delve deeper into the content of the story. But first Dunno wants to check how attentive readers you are.


Who lived in the apartment: Volodya or Vadik?

Who was the first to discover the secret of the "living" hat?

Did Vadik get a potato in his hat or in Volodya?

  1. Fizkultminutka.
  2. Work on the topic of the lesson.
  1. Vocabulary work.

What words were incomprehensible?

Who is in charge of the dictionary?

Dresser - a piece of furniture consisting of several drawers located one above the other (for linen and various small items).

Illustration in the textbook p.55.

Poker - a device for mixing fuel in the furnace - a thick iron rod with a straight bent end.

  1. Practicing reading technique.

(Exercise with fixation of vision in the midline, aimed at developing lateral vision, which is necessary for the development of the field of clear vision).


Focus your gaze on the midline, "reach" each syllable out of the corner of your eye and read the words from top to bottom, constantly fixing the midline.

  1. Analytical reading of the story.

(Textbook p.54)


How many parts do you think the story can be divided into?

Reading the 1st part of the chain.

What episode does the story begin with?

(This is the introduction, from which we learn the whole environment where the action will develop).

Determine the location.

Name the characters in the story. Which one is the main one? Why?

How did you imagine the kitten at the beginning of the story?

What feelings did you experience while reading the passage? Why?

Name the words-actions that helped you to imagine the pranks of the kitten more vividly.

What were the boys doing?

(This is the plot of the action, from which it becomes clear how the hat “came to life”.)

Title this part with words from the text.

Dramatization of the 2nd part.

Let's see how it was.

How did the boys feel? Prove it.

Arrange the words in ascending order of feelings.







Why weren't we scared?

(We already know what's under the hat.)

Describe the boys. What are they?

Title this section.

Reading of the 3rd part in faces.

Why was Volodya going to leave?

What stopped him?

Find a passage that shows that the boys are calm, business-like discussing the current situation and making a decision.

What weapon did the boys choose to fight the hat?

Who came up with the idea of ​​throwing potatoes? Why?

Find a proverb that is suitable to describe the behavior of boys.

  • Who dared, he ate.
  • Fear has big eyes.
  • Big head, but small brain.
  • A cowardly bunny and a wolf stump.

What is the most intense moment in the story?

(This is the climax).

Title this section.

Reading the 4th part.

What was the secret of the "living" hat?

Explain why Vadik caresses and hugs the cat Vaska?

Read what he says to him.

How do boys feel about animals?

How do we see them at the end of the story?

Title this last part. (This is the denouement, from which we will find out who was hiding under the hat).

  1. Summary of the lesson.

Have you ever been in the situation described in the story?

What would you do if you were the boys?

Is this story funny or scary?

For what purpose did Nosov write it?

  1. Homework.

Page 54-59, dramatization of the passage, retelling, filmstrip.

  1. Farewell to the Unknown.

Did you enjoy visiting us?

Raise your hands, who thinks that he was active in the lesson, always gave complete and correct answers?

Who believes that he was not always active, could have worked better, his answers were not always accurate?

And who thinks that he did not work hard enough today and will try to work better in the next lesson.

Working with icons

Mark on the circle the number of the pictogram that reflects your mood at the end of the lesson.

  1. Organized end of class.

The reading lesson is held in the 2nd grade. The following technologies are used in the lesson: verbal and creative activity; pedagogy of cooperation (educational dialogue, educational discussion); information and communication technology.



Outline plan

literary reading lesson

in 2nd grade

EMC "School of Russia"

Topic: "Nikolai Nikolaevich Nosov "Live hat"

Panfilova Tatyana Gennadievna

primary school teacher

MKOU "Samsonovskaya secondary school" with. Samsonovo

Shipunovsky district of the Altai Territory

Topic: N.N. Nosov "Live Hat"

Target : to acquaint students with the content of the work of N. N. Nosov "The Living Hat".

Tasks: to teach to analyze a work of art, to be attentive to the word of art, to determine the main idea, to characterize the actions and deeds of the characters; contribute to the development of students' attention.

Planned results:

Item Skills:acquaintance with N. Nosov's story "The Living Hat"; conscious perception literary work; skillformulate answers to questions about the content of the work.

Meta-subject universal learning activities(UUD):

Cognitive -work with a source of information, acquire new knowledge, transform information from one form to another, draw conclusions.

Regulatory- the ability to express one's opinion, make an assumption, draw up and work according to a plan, evaluate the activities of one's own and a friend's.

Communicative -ability to communicate one's position to others:formulate one's thoughts orally and writing play different roles in the group

Personal results - skill show a positive attitude towards learning activities in the lesson of literary reading; to carry out the emotional perception of the actions of the characters; be able to evaluate the behavior of the characters of the work; demonstrate the ability to express their emotions in expressive reading.

Lesson type : learning new material.

Equipment: pictures of kittens for reflection, cards for working in pairs..

During the classes.

1. Organizational moment. Emotional mood.

Long live the school!
Long live laughter!
Long live joy, luck, success!

2. Speech warm-up

Daily in the morning

We need to take care of.

Because for the country

We need smart people.

3. Definition of the topic and objectives of the lesson.

Teacher : What section are we working on?

Children: we work under the section "Writers for children"

Teacher : today we will continue to work on this section. Read the written titles of the works and their authors.

Agnia Barto "Rope"

Samuil Marshak "The Cat and the Loafers"

Nikolai Nosov "Live Hat"

Teacher: have we read all the books?

Children : No, we didn't read the story "The Living Hat".

Teacher: What is the topic of our lesson?

Children : the topic of our lessonN.N. Nosov "Live Hat"

Teacher: Set tasks for the lesson.

4. Preparation for the initial perception. A word about the author.

Nikolai Nikolaevich Nosov was born in November 1908years in Kyiv, in the family of a variety artist. Little Nikolai loved to attend his father's performances, watch concerts and performances. Nosov from childhood was fond of music, theater, chess, photography. After graduating from school, he worked as a factory worker. But he was strongly attracted by art, he entered the art institute. Since 1938, he began to write children's stories, but he became a professional writer only after the Great Patriotic War. Nosov's first story was published in 1938, it was called "Entertainers". Then other stories were published: "Cucumbers", "Mishkin's porridge", "Gardeners", "Dreamers". They were published mainly in the Murzilka children's magazine.Nikolai Nikolayevich himself said that he began to write for children quite by accident - at first he simply told fairy tales to his little son and his friends.


Read the offer. What combination of words is interesting, seems unusual? Do you believe that living hats exist? Today we will get acquainted with one story. that happened to guys like you.

5. Vocabulary work.

There will be words in the text, we will clarify their meaning.

Dresser - a low cabinet with drawers for linen, various small household items.

Poker - an iron rod with a rounded end for mixing fuel in the furnace.

6. Gymnastics for the eyes.

7. Primary perception of the text.

Reading the text by the teacher.

8. Checking the primary perception.

- Did you like the story?

What did you especially like?

9. Re-perception.

Reading stories to children.

Content analysis.

10. Content analysis.

What was the cat's name?

Where was Vaska?

Who did Vaska see on the hat?

What was Vaska doing at the beginning of the story?

What were the names of the boys in the story?

What weapon did the boys choose to fight the hat?

What happened to the hat?

What did Vadik suggest doing?

What did Volodya suggest? (throw potatoes in a hat).

Who got a potato in a hat? (Vadik)

Who did the boys see?

What was the mood of the guys?

What do you think, and what feelings did the kitten experience throughout the story?

11. Physical Minute.

We repeat all the warm-up movements without hesitation!
Hey! They jumped in place.
Eh! We wave our hands together.
Ehehe! back bent,
We looked at the boots.
Ege-ge! Bent down below
Leaned closer to the floor.
Turn around in place deftly.
In this we need skill.
What do you like, friend?
Tomorrow there will be another lesson!

12. Selective reading.

a) Find the appropriate words for the picture in the text.

  • 1 drawing - page 54
  • 2 figure - p.57
  • 3 figure - p.58

13. Work with proverbs.

Which proverb best fits the content of the story?

  • To be afraid of wolves - do not go into the forest.
  • Seven times measure cut once.
  • Fear has big eyes.

Define the idea (the main idea of ​​the story).

14. Work in pairs.

Let's test your attention and memory.

What letters should be inserted and why? Take simple pencils and fill in the missing letters.

Checking work.

Text: Kitten Vaska was sitting on the floor near the dresser and caught flies . And on the chest of drawers, in fact edge, lay the hat. And then Vaska saw that one fly had landed on his hat.

How did you write the word "Vaska"? Why?

15. The result of the lesson. -

What is the name of the story we were reading?

Why is the hat alive?

What would you do if you were the boys?

16. Reflection.

List of sources used:

1. Lesson developments for literary reading: Grade 2. - M., VAKO, 2012.

2. Literary reading: Lesson developments: Technological cards lessons: Grade 2: A guide for teachers of educational institutions / M. Boykina, N. Rogovtseva.- M. Education, 2014.

3. Literary reading. Textbook for educational institutions, part 2. Authors: L. Klimanova, V. Goretsky. - M. Education, 2013.

4. Internet resources: http://www.o-prirode.com/photo/29

Vologda region Sheksninsky district Sheksna village

MOU "Mouth - Coal School"

UMK "Initial innovative school»

Summary of a lesson on literary reading in grade 2.

Teacher: Pronina Natalia Ivanovna

Topic: N. N. Nosov "Live Hat"

Place of the lesson in the topic: 1 lesson

Lesson type: learning lesson

The purpose of the lesson: acquaintance with the work and primary analysis

Lesson objectives:

1. Get acquainted with the biography of N. N. Nosov.

2. Listen to the story in the audio recording.

3. Analyze the content of the story.

Equipment: textbook "Literary reading" G. S. Merkin, B. G. Merkin, S. A. Bolotova, N. Nosov's book "Living Hat" handout for self-assessment and assignment, MacBook, Pervologo program, presentation.

Universal learning activities:


to accept, understand and solve the learning tasks of the lesson, to control their actions.


predict the content of the text by its title;listen to a work of art;understand the content of the read work; find information in the text, answer questions to the text; work with a MacBook in the PervoLogo program, be able to analyze, synthesize and compare, correlate the studied material with their own experience.

Communicative :

participate in collective discussion the problem posed; listen to the answers of classmates; work in pairs; determine the author's attitude and formulate his attitude to what he read.


Develop Creative skills, sense of humor; develop interest in the work of N. Nosov.

Introductory - motivational moment.

Turn to the guests

Smile at your guests.

Turn to me

Smile at me.

Turn to each other

Smile at each other.

Now we have a lesson in literary reading.

Knowledge update.

Hat - best friend in the world

Adults and children know.

Helps in bright sunshine

And being fashionable helps.

Hide from rain and snow

Wish us good luck!

What is a hat?

What are the hats?

(large, small, summer, straw, men's, women's, colored, etc.)

Do you believe that living hats exist?

Today we will get acquainted with the work of N. N. Nosov “The Living Hat”.

3. Goal setting.

What is the goal of today's lesson?

Acquaintance with the work and primary analysis.

To achieve this goal, we must set ourselves tasks (slide)

Assign tasks to right order(swap 2 and 3 tasks)

Get acquainted with the biography of N.N. Nosov.

Analyze the content of the story.

Listen to the story on audio.

(student story)

1) Nikolai Nikolaevich Nosov was born in 1908 in Ukraine in the family of an actor. Little Nikolai loved to attend his father's performances, watch concerts and performances. Parents even thought that the boy also wants to become an actor. AT school years he wanted to become a musician and for a long time dreamed of being bought a violin. After buying a violin, Nikolai realized that learning music is not easy, and the violin was abandoned.

2) Nosov from his gymnasium years was fond of music, theater, chess, photography, electrical engineering and even amateur radio.After graduating from school, he worked as a factory worker. He entered the Art Institute, then transferred to the Institute of Cinematography, after which he worked as a director - director of animated, scientific and educational films. During the Great Patriotic War, Nosov directed educational military-technical films. For this activity he was awarded the Order of the Red Star.

3) But he was strongly attracted by art. Nikolai Nikolayevich himself said that he started writing for children quite by accident - at first he simply told fairy tales to his little son and his friends. “Gradually, I realized that composing for children is best job, it requires a lot of knowledge, and not only literary ... "

Nikolai Nosov wrote a lot of stories, try to find out some of them from his passage (guys read out)

1 "Dreamers"

“I once swam in the sea,” says Mishutka, “and a shark attacked me. I bang her with my fist, and she grabbed me by the head and bit off.

You're lying!

No, really!

Why didn't you die?

Why should I die? I swam ashore and went home."

2 "Entertainers"

“Suddenly someone grabs me by the leg! How I scream! I jumped out from under the table, and Valya followed me.

What are you? - asks.

I - I say - someone grabbed my leg. May be grey Wolf?

Valya was frightened and ran out of the room. I am behind her. They ran out into the hallway and slammed the door.

Come on - I say to hold the door so that he does not open it.

3 "On the hill"

“I just climbed up the hill - bang my nose!

Wow! - He speaks. - Slippery!

I got to my feet and boom again! Fallen ten times. Can't climb the hill.

What to do? - thinks.

Thought and thought - and came up with:

Now I'll sprinkle sand and climb on it.

4 "Mishkina porridge"

“The stove has been melted. The bear poured cereal into the pan. I say:

More rash. I really want to eat!

He poured a full pan and poured water to the top.

5 "Phone"

“I jumped up undressed, grabbed the phone and shouted:

I'm listening!

And from the tube in response:

What are you snoring?

How do I grunt? I don't grunt, I say.

Stop grunting! Speak like a human! - Mishka screams!

6. "The Adventures of Dunno"

In one fabulous city lived short men. They were called shorties because they were very small. Each shorty was the size of a small cucumber. They were very nice in the city. Flowers grew around each house: daisies, daisies, dandelions. There, even the streets were called the names of flowers: Kolokolchikov Street, Daisy Alley, Vasilkov Boulevard. And the city itself was called flower city. He stood on the bank of a stream. This creek was called Cucumber River by the shorty, because there were many cucumbers growing along the banks of the creek.

cluster - Nosov's works (Slide)

Who does Nosov talk about in his works?

About children

What are his stories?

Cheerful, joyful, funny, humorous, cheerful.

What is humor? Let's remember.

- The most ordinary life situations turn in Nosov's stories into

unusually funny, instructive stories, humorous, comical.

How do you understand the comical situation?

Let's check the textbook dictionary.

Did we complete 1 task?

Let's start with 2 tasks.

Today we will get acquainted with one of his stories, which describes a comical situation. The story is called "The Living Hat".


Who or what do you think the story will be about?

Who read, please listen to the suggestions of your classmates.

Primary holistic perception of the work

Listen to this story by the artist (audio recording)

Checking the primary perception of the text.

Did you like the story? Why?

What mood did she evoke in you?

What is the humor of the situation?

Did we complete task 2?


- Let's start with task 3.

Secondary perception of the work and its analysis in parts.

a) Reading the passage from p. 92 on your own (ends with the sentence “Vovka follows him”)

The yes-no game

One way or another, everything was in the story of N Nosov "The Living Hat".




1. The hat was on the table.

2. The kitten's name was Vaska.

3. Kitten Vaska was sitting on the closet.

4. Vovka and Vadik were sitting at the table.

5. The guys saw how Vaska got under the hat.

6. Vadik wanted to raise his hat.

7. The hat crawled up to Vadik.

8. Vadik jumped on the sofa, and Vovka followed him.

Let's check how you completed this task.

Raise your hand if you did the right thing.

b) Reading 2 parts in a chain (Part ends with the sentence “How the hat jumps up!”), selective reading, answers to questions, illustrations for the story and pick up signatures for them with sentences from the text (SLIDE)

Did the guys still continue to be afraid of the hat?

Find and read out the sentences where the state of the guys is conveyed (The guys look at her and tremble with fear)

Why did Vovka decide to go home? (read out)

Which boy was the bravest? Vadik. Prove with sentences from the text. (Let's go together. I'll take a stick. If she climbs towards us. I'll crack her with a stick.)

And what other weapons did the guys choose to fight the hat? (Hockey stick,

ski pole, potatoes.)

Why are the guys so bold?

How has their behavior changed? What about tone and volume?

Find and read out the sentences where the boys speak confidently and

threaten the hat.

What little words did N. Nosov use to betray the "combat"

the state of the boys (Aha! Hey you hat!)

Slides captions:

1) they took a club and a ski pole, opened the door ajar and looked into the room.

2) the guys jumped off the sofa and ran out of the room.

3) the hat crawled out into the middle of the room and stopped.

4) They took potatoes from the basket and began to throw them into the hat.

5) ran to the kitchen and closed the door behind them.


c) Reading the following passage on your own

Come up with “thin”, “thick” questions (words on the slide are helpers).

Subtle questions:

How was the secret of the living hat revealed?

What popped out from under the hat first?

Were the guys happy when they saw Vaska?

Which of the boys guessed how the kitten got under the hat?

What did Vadik do when he saw Vaska?

What did Vaska do when he got out from under the hat?

Thick questions:

How do you think the kitten felt?

Will the kitten and Vadik remain friends?

How do boys feel about a kitten?

Why is it funny for us when reading a story, but scary for boys?

The task in the Pervolog program: make up proverbs. Slide

Fear has big eyes.

You can't even catch a fish from a pond without effort.

I'm doing a fun hour.

Repetition is the mother of learning.

What proverb can express the main idea of ​​the story?

Did we complete task 3?

What is the goal of today's lesson?

Do you think our lesson achieved its goal?

6. Reflection.

Continue the sentence:

It was interesting to me…

I wanted …

I found out that ….

I managed …

It was difficult for me....

7. Homework: read the text expressively, draw a picture as you imagined a kitten.