Formation of communicative actions in speech therapy classes. Formation of universal educational activities at speech therapy classes in educational institutions in the context of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard


universal learning activities

on the speech therapy classes

in the context of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard

Speaker: teacher-speech therapist

Highest qualification category

Koshkina S.S.

From September 1, 2011, students of the 1st grade began studying according to the new educational standard for elementary general education. One of the features this standard is to make serious demands not only

    to subject student results,

    but also to personal,

    and metasubject the results of mastering the basic educational program of primary general education.

Personal and meta-subject results are (hereinafter UUD).

The spontaneity of UUD development is reflected in the acute problems of schooling:

    in the lack of formation of educational and cognitive motives,

    difficulties of voluntary regulation learning activities, low level of general cognitive and logical actions, etc. The concept of development of universal educational activities, which is an integral part of the Federal state standard elementary general education (FSES), recognizes the purposeful systematic formation of universal educational activities as a key condition for increasing the efficiency of the educational process in the new socio-historical conditions of the development of society.

In a broad sense term " universal learning activities" means the ability to learn, i.e. the ability of the subject to self-development and self-improvement through the conscious and active appropriation of new social experience.

AT in a narrower sense this the term can be defined as a set of ways of action of the student, as well as skills associated with them academic work, providing independent assimilation of new knowledge, the formation of skills, including the organization of this process.

The ability to learn is a significant factor in increasing the effectiveness of students mastering subject knowledge, the formation of skills and competencies, the image of the world and the value-semantic foundations of personal moral choice.

As part of the main types of universal educational activities, four blocks can be distinguished:

1) personal;

2) regulatory(including also actions self-regulation);

3) informative;

4) communicative.

Personal actions provide a value-semantic orientation of students (knowledge of moral norms, the ability to correlate actions and events with accepted ethical principles, the ability to highlight the moral aspect of behavior and orientation in social roles and interpersonal relationships).

Regulatory actions provide students with the organization of their educational activities. These include: goal setting, planning, forecasting, correction, evaluation, self-regulation.

Cognitive universal actions include: general education (including sign-symbolic actions), logical, as well as the formulation and solution of the problem.

Communicative actions provide social competence and consideration of the position of other people, partners in communication or activity; ability to listen and engage in dialogue; participate in collective discussion problems; integrate into a peer group and build productive interactions and collaborations with peers and adults.

Formation of UUD in educational process is carried out in the context of the assimilation of different academic subjects. Each academic subject, depending on its content and ways of organizing the educational activities of students, reveals certain opportunities for the formation of UUD. And the correctional and developmental work of a teacher-speech therapist of a general education school has great potential in the formation of UUD, which are integrated characteristics of the educational process.

Students with speech disorders (ONR, FFNR) who begin to study at the speech center of a general education school have a number of speech and psychological characteristics(according to A.V. Yastrebova), which make it difficult for them to form UUD.



1. Insufficient understanding of educational tasks of instructions, instructions of the teacher.

2. Difficulties in mastering educational concepts, terms.

3. Difficulties in the formation and formulation of one's own thoughts in the process of educational work

4. Insufficient development of coherent speech.

1. Unsteady attention.

2. Insufficient observation in relation to linguistic phenomena.

3. Insufficient development of the ability to switch.

4. Insufficient development of verbal-logical thinking.

5. Insufficient ability to memorize predominantly verbal material.

6. Insufficient development of self-control, mainly in the field of linguistic phenomena.

7. Insufficient formation of arbitrariness in communication and activity.


1) Insufficient formation of psychological prerequisites for mastering the full-fledged skills of educational activity.

2) Difficulties in the formation of educational skills (planning the upcoming work; determining ways and means to achieve the educational goal; controlling activities; the ability to work at a certain pace.

Based on these characteristics of children with speech disorders, the teacher-speech therapist, along with the task of forming the prerequisites for the full assimilation general education program in the Russian language, the task is to develop the prerequisites for mastering the full-fledged skills of educational activity and the formation of these learning skills.

Classes on speech therapy center general education schools are carried out in accordance with guidelines A. V. Yastrebova.

Within the framework of this approach, corrective - educational work(development and improvement of psychological and communicative prerequisites for learning, the formation of full-fledged educational and communicative skills adequate to the situation of educational activity) occupies the same important place as overcoming deviations in the speech development of children and creating prerequisites for eliminating gaps in the knowledge of program material due to lagging in the development of students' oral speech.

correctional and educational work


I.1 Development and improvement of psychological prerequisites for learning:

1) stability of attention;

2) observation (especially to linguistic phenomena);

3) ability to memorize;

4) ability to switch;

5) skills and techniques of self-control;

6) cognitive activity;

7) arbitrariness of communication and behavior;

II.1 Development and improvement of communicative readiness for learning:

1) the ability to listen carefully and hear the teacher - speech therapist, without switching to extraneous influences; subordinate their actions to his instructions and comments (i.e. take the position of a student);

2) the ability to understand and accept the learning task set in verbal form;

3) the ability to be fluent verbal means communication for the purpose of clear perception, retention and concentrated implementation of the educational task in accordance with the instructions received;

4) the ability to purposefully and consistently (in accordance with the task, instructions) to perform learning activities and adequately respond to monitoring and evaluation by a speech therapist teacher

I.2 Formation of full-fledged training skills:

1) planning for future activities:

a) acceptance of the learning task;

b) active comprehension of the material;

c) highlighting the main, essential in the educational material; determination of ways and means of achieving the educational goal;

2) control over the course of their activities (from the ability to work with samples to the ability to use special methods of self-control);

3) work at a certain pace (the ability to quickly and accurately write, count, analyze, compare, collate, etc.)

II.2 Formation of communicative skills and abilities adequate to the situation of educational activity:

1) answers to questions in strict accordance with the instructions, tasks;

2) answers to questions in the course of educational work with adequate use of the acquired terminology;

3) answers in 2-3 phrases in the course and results of educational work (the beginning of the formation of a coherent statement)

4) the use of learned educational terminology in coherent statements;

5) an appeal to a teacher - a speech therapist or a group mate for clarification;

6) explanation of instructions, learning task using the necessary terminology;

7) summing up the results of the lesson;

8) formulation of the task in the performance of collective types of educational work;

9) compliance speech etiquette when communicating (appeal, request, dialogue).

If we analyze this table, we will see that the content of the 1st direction provides for the formation of regulatory UUD , the content of the 2nd - communicative learning activities. With the development of speech and thought activity, which is also given great attention in speech therapy classes, we can talk about the formation cognitive learning activities.

AT speech therapy practice the development and improvement of the psychological prerequisites for learning is clearly visible. However, with the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard, it is necessary to pay more attention to the formation of educational activities: planning the upcoming work; determination of ways and means of achieving the educational goal; activity control; the ability to work at a certain pace, etc.

I will give examples of exercises aimed at the formation of regulatory UUD.

Exercises that develop the ability to accept and understand
verbal or written instructions.

Children with disabilities writing teachers are often surprised by the fact that they do not do what they were asked. They constantly ask the teacher again when he seems to have explained clearly enough. This may be due to both the low concentration of the child's attention, the lack of short-term auditory memory, impaired thinking, and the unformed methods of educational activity. Ability to respond in a timely manner to the teacher's question; the ability to distinguish a new task from an old one, to clearly present what is contained in the instructions - this is what distinguishes a student who knows how to learn.

1. "Explain Brownie Kuze" The speech therapist gives the students some task. To check how it is understood by the children, he asks one of the students who have difficulty understanding the instructions to repeat it for Kuzi.

2."Letter with passes" The speech therapist gives the task: “I will dictate a sentence, and you write it down, but instead of a letter O always make a point." Thus, the children write down 2-3 sentences, and then the speech therapist invites them, for example, not to write the endings of adjectives, but to put an asterisk instead. The technique contributes to the development of concentration and switching of attention, but the main goal for the student is self-regulation of activities, taking into account the changing instructions.

3. "Be careful!" The speech therapist asks the children to listen to the instructions, repeat it “to themselves”, raise the hand of those who remember and clearly imagine what to do. At the command "Attention!" students begin to complete the task. Task examples:

one). In small text, all letters FROM underline, and the letters Z - cross out.

Oksana climbed for a red rose,
And Oksana returned with a splinter.

2). In the text, underline all the letters H, and cross out the letters C. After the command “Attention!”, on the contrary, all H are deleted, and all C are underlined.

The black heron drew with a compass.
The heron diligently drove the compass.
It turned out to be a very clean cut.

Exercises that develop the ability to plan actions

follow the instructions and act according to the plan.

The most important step in translating a student's external actions into a mental plan that ensures the successful formation of a skill is teaching children to plan.

Teaching management must be flexible. The rigidity of control (a strict sequence of actions set by the teacher) should decrease as students grow. If at the beginning of training, children act according to the patterns and algorithms proposed by the teacher, then at the final stage of speech therapy work, the children themselves plan actions, compose their algorithms.

1. "Tell me about the sound according to the plan-scheme."

After 1-2 lessons, the sound characteristic scheme is replaced. Children are invited to tell according to the scheme, where all the characteristics are replaced by colored symbols.

2. « Decide on a course of action". Students receive a card with complex instructions for the task. It is necessary to put numbers above the words with a pencil, corresponding to the order in which the actions are performed.

For example:

In mathematics lessons, there are complex examples in which actions must be performed in order. The task for the Russian language exercise can also contain several actions. It is important not to forget to do any of them. In addition, you need to think about what is more convenient to do first, and what later.

3. "Make an algorithm." Children are offered to unite in small groups of 3-4 people (you can offer to work in pairs). The task is common for all groups - to create an algorithm for solving a specific educational problem.

For example:

- Make an algorithm for parsing a word by composition, etc.

After 5 minutes, each group performs the task of a speech therapist to parse the word using their own algorithm. Thus, it is checked whether this algorithm “works” or not, i.e. whether it is possible, using it, to accurately and quickly complete the task. In the course of completing the task for each algorithm and discussing it, it turns out which group made up a more complete and clear algorithm, whether it needs to be supplemented.

An example of an algorithm compiled by students:

Exercises that develop the ability to exercise final self-control.

Students with writing disorders are often unable to exercise final self-control when performing written work. Such children need to be taught control using special methods - systematically, carefully, for a long time. It is important to convince students that self-examination makes it possible to get a higher mark for written work.

For this group of students, it is advisable to use such a method of self-control, in which the test is divided into 3 stages. During each of them, the child's attention is focused on finding specific errors and shortcomings in written work. For each of the stages, a memo has been developed, which gives an algorithm for checking actions and lists groups of errors that should be focused on.

Self-test steps:

Stage I - the search for specific (dysgraphic) errors in the word that are not related to assimilation grammar rules;

Stage II - search for spelling errors in a word;

Stage III– search for punctuation, grammatical and semantic errors in the structure of the whole sentence.

At stages I and II of work, it is possible to use assistive devices that allow the child to select a word from the text and focus his attention on it. Such a device can be test card - a cardboard rectangle the size of half a notebook page, on the upper and lower sides of which “windows” are cut out to highlight a long and short word.

1. "Return to the Beginning". The speech therapist invites students to team up in pairs. Each pair receives a text in which, as the speech therapist explains, only one mistake was made in the word - due to inattention. To find it, you need to use the card - "verifier". One student moves the card from the end of the text to the beginning and “catches” whole words in the window. Another student reads the "caught" word syllable by syllable exactly as it is written. It is important not to miss a single word and not to allow reading on a guess. The couple who found the misspelled word first raise their hands.

The exercise is preparatory. It teaches children to use check cards when checking, to read the text from the end to the beginning (this helps to avoid reading by guesswork), to clearly read the written word by syllable. Working in pairs makes the exercise untiring, the search for a single mistake stimulates the attention and pace of children's activity. It is advisable to use this exercise for 3-4 lessons in a row.

We are looking for "random" errors. (Stage I self-test.)

You can work individually or in pairs. The steps for checking the text are similar to those described in the previous exercise, but a very important component is added - a reminder card.

Possibility to use the card initial stage mastering the skill of self-control makes the test more effective, significantly increases the activity of children. famous psychologist P.Ya.Galperin noted that by taking a card, the student "gets a tool in his own hands" and becomes the master of the situation, while in its absence he is a passive executor of other people's instructions.

Looking for spelling mistakes.(Second stage of self-examination).

Children check the text for the 2nd time, focusing on finding spelling errors. Another reminder card helps them do this.

Checking Offers(III stage of self-examination).

The child checks each sentence, starting with the first. Memo only used

If any errors remain not found by the child, the speech therapist marks them in the margins. corresponding line numbers (1,2 or 3 depending on the type of errors).

If in this case the child cannot detect a mistake, then the speech therapist indicates the word or sentence in which it was made.

And only if the error remains undetected, the speech therapist, together with the child, analyzes and helps to find the error.

It is very important that the student tries to find all the mistakes himself.

Exercises that develop the ability to self-assess

the results of their activities.

Important secrets of successful study are: the ability to set goals and achieve them; the ability to see one's own successes and feel joy about it; notice failures and find their causes. To form a child's desire to learn, you can use a variety of techniques - from praise to special symbols that would mark children's achievements.

For self-assessment and fixing the results, it is possible to use the line of achievements and the ladder of success.

Achievement bars help your child see their progress. Unfortunately, a student with dysgraphia in a Russian language lesson often has to celebrate his failures. But grade is not the only result that studies give. Self-confidence, the desire to learn and work on yourself - that's what really comes in handy in life.

Achievement lines allow you to see not so much the improvement in academic performance, but also the efforts that the student has made, and the knowledge, skills and abilities that they have acquired as a result.

one. " Achievement line. The speech therapist invites the children to make marks on the achievement lines at the end of the lesson. Each child is given a card, for example, with the following content:

The student puts a mark-dash on each ruler. This teaches him to think about how he has advanced in mastering knowledge and skills; whether he made efforts for the qualitative performance of the task; predict the grade for completing a task.

2. Map of introspection. The peculiarity of such a map is that it is compiled and maintained by the student himself. Students, highlighting their own problems (in behavior, in learning, etc.), themselves enter the necessary aspects of observation in their tablets. At the end of each session, students make marks (+ or -) on the map. When the table is filled, it is appropriate to summarize: Who can say that it has become more accurate? Who has stronger willpower? Who noticed that he became more active in the classroom? The student reports his results only if he wants to.

Sample self-observation chart

the date

I'm in class

I tried to write without mistakes.

I checked my work.

Maintain good posture and proper posture.

He worked carefully.

He wrote neatly and legibly.

Maintained cleanliness and order in the notebook.

He kept discipline.

Worked actively, raised his hand.

3. "Ladder of success." After completing a written task, students draw a 3-step staircase with a pencil. The speech therapist asks each of the children to evaluate the success of this task by drawing a little man on one of the steps of the ladder - himself. If the student believes that he was attentive, diligent and passes the work to the speech therapist without errors, then he draws himself on the top step.

The ladder of success allows the speech therapist to find out how objectively children evaluate their writing.

So, having considered the concept of universal learning activities, the characteristics of children with speech disorders (in particular, those with OHP), the directions for the formation of UUD in speech therapy classes, and some specific examples of the formation of regulatory actions, we can come to the following conclusion: speech disorders in children are most often accompanied by severe difficulties. in the formation of cognitive, regulatory and communication skills. Therefore, the program of correctional and developmental work with students with impaired oral and written speech should be aimed not only at correcting these disorders, but also at the formation and development of universal learning activities in children.

In the new Standard, much attention is paid to the formation of universal educational activities for initial period training, since this period is the foundation for subsequent successful training.

Particular importance is attached to the formation communicative actions, which are necessary for the child to communicate in society (school), with relatives and peers. The formation of communicative UUD determines the development of the child's ability to regulate behavior and activities, to cognize the world.

The peculiarity of speech therapy work is that it is aimed at helping children who experience difficulties in achieving substantive results (writing, reading). Thus, the timely and effective corrective work of a speech therapist prevents, minimizes the difficulties of achieving meta-subject results (the formation of communicative, regulatory and cognitive UUD).

Each speech therapy lesson, depending on its content and ways of organizing the activities of students, reveals certain opportunities for the formation of universal educational activities.


UUD accents

Speech therapy lesson


Life self-determination

moral and ethical orientation

meaning formation


Goal-setting, planning, forecasting, control, correction, evaluation, algorithmization of actions


general education

Modeling (translation of spoken language into written language),

arbitrary and conscious oral and written statements, the choice of the most effective ways to solve problems

wide range of information sources

cognitive logical

Formulation of personal, language problems, independent creation of ways to solve problems of a search and creative nature,

analysis, synthesis, comparison, grouping, cause-and-effect relationships, logical reasoning, evidence, practical actions


Using the means of language and speech to receive and transmit information, participate in a productive dialogue; self-expression: monologue statements of various types.

For testing, I chose a frontal lesson with students of grade 1 on the topic "Spelling unstressed vowels at the root of a word." The lesson was held in game form with the aim of introducing students to different ways checking unstressed vowels in the root of a word. During the lesson, the following tasks were completed: To promote the development of the ability to distinguish features in the spelling of words with unstressed vowels; develop logical and thought processes in schoolchildren; to form in students the proof of their point of view, as well as to control and criticize their own and other people's actions and deeds.

Having studied the literature and materials on the Internet on the topic "Formation and development of universal educational activities", I made the following conclusions:

It is necessary to change the attitude of children to the study of the material, to make it more serious and meaningful;

The formation of universal educational activities in speech therapy classes is possible only with complex use many aspects of the organization;

A competent approach to the formation and development of universal educational activities contributes to: enhancing cognitive activity, improving the quality of schoolchildren, achieving learning goals with the help of modern teaching materials designed for use in the classroom, the development of self-education and self-control skills in junior schoolchildren, increasing the level of learning comfort; reducing didactic difficulties among students, increasing activity and initiative in the classroom, the formation of information and communication competence.


  1. How to design universal learning activities in primary school. A.G. Asmolov and others - M .: Education, 2011.
  2. Correction of oral and written speech in children 6-8 years old: speech material, tasks, exercises. A.F. Rybin. - M.: VAKO, 2009.
  3. National educational initiative"Our new school". (Approved by the President of the Russian Federation D.A. Medvedev on February 4, 2010)
  4. Planned results of primary general education. L.A. Alekseeva, S.V. Anaschenkova, M.Z. Biboletova and others; ed. G.S. Kovaleva, O.B. Loginova. - M.: 2011.
  5. Federal State Educational Standard for Basic General Education. - M.: Education, 2010.
  6. Formation of universal educational activities in speech therapy classes in the context of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard.

Formation of UD at speech therapy classes in educational institutions in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard

In 2011, all educational institutions switched to the implementation of the new Federal State Educational Standard of the 2nd generation. In this regard, there is a need for significant changes in the construction of their work, taking into account the new requirements that are set out in the relevant literature. In the standards of the second generation, the requirements for the results of the development of education - subject, meta-subject and personal - come to the fore.

Speech therapists at school speech centers are also guided by indicators of the activity approach of the second generation standards:

giving the results of education a socially and personally significant character;

more flexible and durable assimilation of knowledge by students;

a significant increase in motivation and interest in learning;

providing conditions for general cultural and personal development based on the formation of universal educational activities

The results of the activities of a school speech therapist in correcting oral and written speech directly affect the quality of education of children-speech pathologists in literary reading, the Russian language, the world around, and is fundamental for the further assimilation of knowledge.

The solution of these problems can be successful with organized speech therapy support. Speech therapy support is a help for the teacher and includes in his work, including the formation of meta-subject UUD at all stages corrective work and in all directions.

The components of speech therapy support are:

prevention of speech disorders;

logopedic diagnostics;

correction of speech defects;

the formation of all sides (components) of speech;

development of non-verbal mental functions;

development of the emotional-volitional sphere;

the formation of moral attitudes of the child.

A significant difference in the educational process is the installation of the transition from content to learning technology, i.e. the priority is not "what to teach", but "how to teach".

The leading technologies are: problem-dialogic technology and technology for evaluating educational achievements.

In order to obtain the planned results laid down in the standard, it is necessary to form universal learning activities for students that will help them master not only the necessary program material, but also realize their creative and intellectual capabilities in the future.

The most important of them is the formation of personal universal learning activities. In programs educational institutions not only subject educational programs are aimed at their development, but also the program "Spiritual and Moral Development", as well as programs extracurricular activities general cultural, social and other areas.

An example of such work is an episode of the lesson, which reveals the process of formation at this stage.

Children are offered a series of plot pictures with questions to them. Working with this material allows the child to independently express his attitude to this situation and predict a way out of the proposed problem. The child's answers will help the teacher assess the level of development of personal UUD at this stage of work. At the end of each academic year, the child will be offered a comprehensive test work aimed at identifying the formation of personal UUD.

The requirements of the standard dictate the need to form an adequate self-assessment of the individual. The child learns to evaluate his success, shortcomings and set a goal in overcoming them.

Regulatory universal learning activities form the child's ability to set a goal, define learning objectives, plan their activities, find their mistakes and correct their activities, the ability to keep a large task in memory when it is completed. (It doesn’t work…., I need to learn…)

Cognitive universal educational actions are divided into general educational and logical.

general educational

goal formulation;

search and analysis of information;


structuring knowledge;

preparation of oral and written statements;

semantic (motivated) reading;

problem statement

Universal Boolean Actions

highlighting the features of the subject;







Such tasks are a daily training in the development and improvement of regulatory and cognitive universal learning activities.

Communicative UUD involves the development of skills to work in pairs of groups, which in the best way allow you to teach a child to build coherent statements, prove his point of view, develop the ability to listen and respect the opinions of another, develop a culture of communication in

A good example of group work is tasks of this kind. During the discussion, children can come to consensus. Forms of organizing group and subgroup work are quizzes, creative tasks, KVN, competitions, brain rings and others.

Taking into account the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standards in educational institutions, the work of a speech therapist teacher and other narrow specialists with students who have learning difficulties, as well as with children with disabilities, becomes obvious and necessary. handicapped health in the framework of inclusive education.

In his work, the teacher-speech therapist relies on the following regulations. The most important new link in this work is the correctional and developmental program of the educational institution, which is compiled by the specialists of this institution.

To achieve the planned results according to the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, it is important to correctly coordinate the activities of all specialists of the educational institution.

The construction of the work of a speech therapist is traditionally in accordance with the recommendations of the Policy Letter of Min. Education of the Russian Federation, however, taking into account the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, additions to the work plan of a speech therapist are necessary, which consist in the development and implementation of individual (group) correctional programs for children with special educational needs, with disabilities, disabled children with speech disorders.

The main task of a speech therapist is to improve all aspects of oral and written speech of younger students. Children who have a complex structure of a speech defect, which prevents the qualitative assimilation of program material in basic subjects, are enrolled in classes.

According to the requirements of new educational standards in the classroom, it is necessary to use ICT. Let's give practical examples of exercises used in speech therapy classes.

This slide presents an exercise aimed at automating sound pronunciation, as well as at developing regulatory and cognitive UUD.

Another example is the exercise "Find the place of the sound in the word." This assignment is presented in in electronic format, verification is done by clicking.

“Cross out those circles in the name of which there is a given sound, for example [s]”

slide 20.

When performing the exercise "Pick up the word scheme", "Define the word according to the scheme"

Slide 21.

“Make a word out of letters” In these tasks, the child develops regulatory and cognitive UUD, self-control, self-esteem.

slide 22.

One of the options for improving the syllabic composition of a word can be the task presented on this slide.

slide 23.

To form a lexical and grammatical structure, it is necessary to teach children:

Freely use generalizing words, grouping objects according to generic characteristics,

Define related words, summarize, analyze, systematize.

Pick out single words.

Designate properties, names of actions of their quality. Develop spelling awareness. In this case, "an unstressed vowel at the root of the word."

Activate inflection, word formation with the help of suffixes.

Word formation using prefixes

Establish and reflect cause-and-effect relationships in speech.

Match the adjective with the noun in gender and number.

Correct use of singular nouns plural in the genitive.

The semantic side of speech develops (synonyms, antonyms, shades of word meanings, the choice of exact suitable expressions.

Saturates his speech with words denoting all parts of speech.

Understands what is read, answers questions about the content, is able to retell short stories.

Can talk about a picture (from a series of pictures), about a toy, about something from personal experience conveying the opening, climax and denouement.

Able to go beyond the real, imagining the previous and subsequent events.

He can notice in the story not only the essential, but also the details, the private.

Dialogic speech is well developed: answers questions, gives remarks, asks questions

The result of the work for the year is a comprehensive work with the text. The fulfillment of the proposed tasks for him is an indicator of overcoming the difficulties of a particular child.

The tasks presented on the slide can serve as an example of such complex work. (comment on the tasks from the slide)

According to the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, the result of corrective work for the year is a mandatory diagnosis of the success of each child. It is necessary to systematically monitor the dynamics of development of the effectiveness of corrective work and monitoring.

In children-logopaths, speech disorders are a serious obstacle in communication, in regulating their activities, in mastering general educational skills, therefore, in their classes, a speech therapist needs to work on the formation of all of the above UUD

Thus, the correctional work of a teacher - a speech therapist is of great importance in achieving educational outcome planned in the educational program.

Romanyuk Tatiana
Formation of communicative UUD in speech therapy classes by means of information and communication technologies

Today the learning process (on the lesson and joint activities)- this is not a ready-made summary, but a search and co-creation, in which children learn to plan, draw conclusions, acquire new knowledge through their own activities.

Communication is an important indicator mental development child. Man without communication cannot live among people. Communication not just an action, it is interaction: it is carried out between participants.

Communicative actions provide social competence and consideration of the position of other people, a partner in communication or activity, the ability to listen and engage in dialogue, participate in a collective discussion of problems, integrate into a peer group and build productive interaction and cooperation with peers and adults.

Communicative UUDs are formed when a child learns to answer questions, ask questions, conduct a dialogue, retell the plot; when children are taught to listen.

The purpose of preschool speech therapy work - overcoming speech disorders and qualitative preparation of children for schooling Accordingly, there is a need to find the most effective way of teaching this category of children. It is known that the use of a variety of non-traditional methods and techniques in correctional work prevents children from fatigue, supports their cognitive activity, and increases their effectiveness. speech therapy in general. Introduction of computer technologies today it is a new step in the correctional and educational process of preschool educational institutions. This allows you to make the correctional educational process more diverse, non-standard, informative, entertaining, mobile, strictly differentiated and individual, which is especially important for speech therapy work.

The intellectual development of a preschooler today cannot be imagined without a computer, which for him is a modern gaming tool, at the same time serves as a powerful technical means learning and plays the role of an indispensable assistant to the teacher in education and development.

In this case, the computer should only complement the teacher - speech therapist rather than replace it. The use of computer technology makes it possible to do attractive and truly modern, to solve cognitive and creative problems based on visibility.

Use of computer technology in the educational process allows the teacher to creatively rethink, artistically and aesthetically « formalize» their methodological ideas:

To do what is difficult to do without a computer;

Do something that hasn't been done before (virtual excursions to the forest, park, museum)

In a new and better way to do what they did before.

Computer technology represent for us teachers - speech therapists of great interest and are not part of the content of remedial education, but an additional set of opportunities for correcting deviations in the development of a child's speech.

The contingent of pupils of senior preschool age in kindergarten are children with different levels of speech development. The organization of the educational activities of these children requires a special approach, which provides for emotional support for preschoolers during the event. One of the central problems in speech therapy work is motivation. Very often neither desire speech therapist, nor the possession of a speech correction technique is not enough for the positive dynamics of the speech development of children. The child is tired of daily pronunciation syllables, words, naming pictures for automation and differentiation of sounds.

Benefits of ICT for speech therapy classes:

Activation of cognitive activity of children;

Individual approach to each child, using multi-level tasks;

Increasing interest in learning (motivation);

Implementation of a differentiated approach;

Development creativity;

Formation learning habits;

Presentation information on the computer screen in the game form arouses great interest in children;

Carries a figurative type information understandable to preschoolers;

Movement, sound, animation attracts the attention of the child for a long time;

The child himself regulates the pace and number of solved game learning tasks;

In the process of their activities at the computer, the preschooler gains self-confidence;

Formation cooperation and new forms communication between child and speech therapist;

Simulation of life situations that cannot be seen in everyday life;

The expediency of using ICT in teaching schoolchildren with OHP is evidenced by such features as better development of visual-figurative thinking compared to verbal-logical thinking, as well as uneven and insufficient development of analyzers with which children perceive information for further processing.

speech therapy classes in kindergarten have their own specifics, they must be emotional, bright. All this can provide us with a computer technique with its multimedia capabilities. For implementation corrective tasks, and most importantly, to increase the motivation of children to classes must be used on individual, subgroup, frontal classes computer programs, since I believe that these programs can serve as one of the funds optimization of the speech correction process.

In the process of work, I created a bank of multimedia presentations in the following areas work: pronunciation formation; development phonemic perception, mastering the elements of literacy; vocabulary development and enrichment, formation lexico-grammatical language means; development of coherent speech; development of the articulatory apparatus, speech breathing; health-saving technologies.

First communication skills(the ability to communicate, justify their point of view, listen to the statements of another, select some evidence and even object) my pupils receive the first classes. I try to put my guys in situations where they need to hear and listen, make decisions, express their point of view on the following questions - is it right, help, and what do you think, you also think so, and you will be able to answer, etc.

Working in pairs and groups helps to organize communication, because each child has the opportunity to talk with an interested interlocutor.

One of the main organizations of the dialogue is the creation of an atmosphere of trust and goodwill, freedom and mutual understanding, co-creation of equals and different. The participation of children in games and exercises ensures the emergence of friendly relations between children, and group support creates a sense of security, and even the most timid and anxious children overcome fear.

She began her work with the development of phonemic hearing and perception non-speech sounds, for this I chose presentations: "Sounds of Home", "Tools" etc. They not only demonstrate some phenomena or objects, but also recreate the necessary auditory associations, for example, such "water dripping", "door creaks", "hammer knocks"

To develop and enrich the vocabulary, formation lexico-grammatical language means, formation word-formation skills prepared presentations on lexical topics: "Professions", "Seasons", "Baby clothes", "Hats", "Tableware", which acquaint children with objects and their purpose, with temporary representations. From the proposed illustrations that appear on the screen, the children must choose the illustration that corresponds to the correct answer. If the child finds the correct answer, then this picture either rotates or a sound of applause is heard, which can be superimposed on the presentation. Such didactic tasks using animation elements make it possible to consolidate the content of the thematic presentation, develop logical thinking, speech, bring up such important qualities for a preschooler as the ability to listen to the answers of comrades, form readiness for schooling.

For formation of sound pronunciation, development of the articulatory apparatus, speech breathing, familiarization of children with ready-made artistic samples of their native language, I used learning tongue twisters in the game form.

I developed multimedia presentations "Patters from Yegorka". The material is offered to children in an accessible (game) form, well absorbed. Bright, voluminous pictures attract the attention of young children and help to easily and quickly remember the content of the tongue twister. Senior preschoolers themselves select the necessary pictures and words, connect parts of tongue twisters (sayings, proverbs) arrows, which stimulates the development of their speech, activates attention, memory, cognitive activity. The work done allowed us to smoothly move on to the next step in formation creative storytelling skills - the ability to correlate figurative turns of speech with the subject.

To do this, the children and I guessed and composed riddles using pictures.

I have developed multimedia didactic games "Vegetables", "Fruit". gaming the form activities arouses children's interest in the task, promotes orientation in the environment, the use of words related to different parts speech. Pupils began to actively use antonyms, learned and memorized many riddles, learned to understand and correlate what is depicted in the pictures with the content of the text. The first steps were taken to compose their own riddles.

The multimedia image turned out to be very effective, attracted the attention of children, contributed to the creation of a positive atmosphere, the manifestation of initiative during the game. Children gained experience in the correct construction of questions, improving the accuracy and expressiveness of speech, activating and enriching the vocabulary in the process of guessing riddles. In his work on the development of coherent speech, improving the structure of the sentence, formation the ability to accurately express one's thoughts, speak out and reason in form I use colorful multimedia tasks based on Suteev's stories, mnemonic diagrams for a short text-description or narration. Colorful pictures on humorous topics on the screen activated the children's desire for improvisation, as a result of which, with the help of an educator, the children began to compose short plot stories based on a visually presented situation. Sentences of different structures began to be used in speech.

For effective memorization of texts, saving and playback information, development of speech and creation monologues I introduced children to mnemonics. Schemes serve as a kind of visual plan and help line up:

story structure,

His sequence

Vocabulary - grammatical content.

Realizing how important it is to teach children not only to see what is shown in the picture, but also to imagine previous and subsequent events, I use the composition of small fairy tales based on postcards with various plots.

The development of coherent speech is very effectively carried out through such form work as a compilation of stories from personal experience. "Travel"- imagine that you were at the scene of the unfolding of events reflected in the work and tell what you heard, felt while being "beside" with any object, hero.

Describe the same event different points vision: on behalf of the Bouncer, Grumbler, Merry or a sad person

"A fairy tale in a given key"- introduction of a new object into the name of the fairy tale, for example "Gingerbread Man and Balloon" write a new story

"Changing the Fairytale Ending"- come up with a different ending to the tale, story.

Pupils are happy to compose short stories based on the plots of family photos. I suggest that parents and their children complete such tasks at home.

Since it can be seen that visual perception prevails over auditory perception in most preschool children, it is ICT, which has multimedia content, that helps to make the interaction between teachers and the child more interesting and dynamic. "load" preschooler in the subject of study, to create the illusion of co-presence, empathy with the object. Usage efficiency information and communication technologies in the development of speech of older preschoolers prove the results obtained.

Diagnostic studies conducted in the preparatory group showed that 80% of the children improved their coherent speech, the children began to independently retell short tales, make up stories from their own experience, 90% expanded their vocabulary, and 86% improved sound pronunciation.

Watching my pupils, I can say with confidence that the knowledge gained in kindergarten will help them to be successful at school, and a clean and correct speech give them confidence.


Students with OHP who begin to study with a speech therapist of a general education school have a number of speech and psychological characteristics that make it difficult for them to form a ULD in the framework of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard of the IEO. As part of the main types of universal educational activities, four blocks can be distinguished: personal, regulatory, cognitive and communicative. Cognitive universal learning activities include: general learning, logical learning activities, as well as problem posing and solving. special group general educational universal actions are sign-symbolic actions, which include modeling - this is the transformation of an object from a sensual form into a model, where the essential characteristics of the object (spatial-graphic or sign-symbolic) are highlighted. This type of modeling includes the use of graphic dictations in speech therapy classes at school.

This article contains material about what graphic dictations are, how to perform them, what requirements apply to this species work, what is needed for classes and how to make the child want to do graphic dictations. Various forms of work with a written dictation are presented: work not only with a picture, but also work with the name, the resulting image at the level of sound, letter, syllable, word. As well as different types of shading a picture, creative minutes: colorize, finish drawing, come up with a story or a fairy tale about a drawn hero. After the dictation, the final self-control is carried out. Children, as a rule, are very fond of drawing by cells, it is exciting and useful. The article is accompanied by a presentation.


Since 2011, the students of our school have begun training according to the new educational standard of primary general education. One of the features of this standard is the presentation of serious requirements not only to the subject results of students, but also to the personal and meta-subject results of mastering the main educational program of primary general education. Together, personal and meta-subject results make up universal learning activities (ULA). The formation of UUD in the educational process is carried out in the context of the assimilation of various academic subjects. And the correctional and developmental work of a teacher-speech therapist of a general education school has great potential in the formation of UUD.

Students with OHP who begin to study with a speech therapist of a general education school have a number of speech and psychological characteristics that make it difficult for them to develop ULD. The result is:

  1. insufficient formation of psychological prerequisites for mastering full-fledged skills of educational activity;
  2. difficulties in the formation of educational skills (planning the work ahead; determining ways and means to achieve the educational goal; controlling activities; the ability to work at a certain pace).

Based on these features of children with OHP, the teacher-speech therapist, along with the task of forming the prerequisites for the full assimilation of the general educational program in the Russian language, faces the task of developing the prerequisites for mastering the full-fledged skills of educational activity and the formation of these learning skills.

As part of the main types of universal educational activities that correspond to the key goals of general education, four blocks can be distinguished: personal, regulatory, cognitive and communicative.

Cognitive universal learning activities include: general educational, logical educational activities, as well as the formulation and solution of the problem.

Sign-symbolic actions constitute a special group of general educational universal actions:

Modeling is the transformation of an object from a sensual form into a model, where the essential characteristics of the object (spatial-graphic or sign-symbolic) are highlighted.

It is to this group that the work that I have been doing for the past 6 years belongs. This is the use of graphic dictations in speech therapy classes at school.

Graphic dictations. What it is? This is a schematic representation of the subject (drawing by cells). I think that this form of work is well known to all of you and is not new. Why did this particular job interest me so much? Firstly, the Federal State Educational Standards direct us to the formation of students' learning activities: planning the work ahead, determining ways and means to achieve the learning goal, monitoring activities, the ability to work at a certain pace, etc. These tasks are very well implemented by writing graphic dictations. The ability to accept and understand verbal or written instructions, the ability to plan actions to fulfill the training instructions and act according to the plan, the ability to exercise final self-control and independently evaluate the results of their activities are developing. Secondly, the practice of corrective work with children with writing disorders shows that many of them have the following problems: difficulties in determining the right and left parts, in understanding the scheme own body and standing opposite, the inability to correctly assess the spatial arrangement of objects, the difficulties of graphic designation of directions. Thus, in the content speech therapy assistance students with writing impairments need to include work to correct their spatial orientation. The spatial sequence of sounds and syllables that make up a word, as well as words in phrases, has importance for the formation of writing skills. Accordingly, tasks aimed at clarifying and developing spatial representations contribute to the development of sound-syllabic and morphemic analysis of words, the grammatical structure of speech. Only at a certain level of development of spatial representations in children are they more successful in the further assimilation of knowledge and skills in all subjects.

Someone may object that a child is not a computer and should not be a dumb performer, but agree that the ability to listen and hear is an important quality that is necessary not only in school, but also useful in life.

Graphic dictations

All graphic dictations help children broaden their horizons, learn how to navigate in a notebook, increase their active vocabulary, get acquainted with various ways and options for depicting objects. Regular short lessons with graphic dictations develop spatial imagination and thinking, mindfulness, coordination of movements, fine motor skills fingers, perseverance and much more.

How to fulfill them?

Each graphic dictation is accompanied by tongue twisters, riddles, rhymes, finger games. You can perform graphic dictations in two ways.

Option 1. The child is offered to repeat the drawing in the notebook, which is shown on the sample.

Option 2. An adult dictates a certain sequence of lines, indicating the number of cells and the direction of drawing. The child does everything by ear, then compares the result with the sample in different ways.

In tasks, the number of cells is indicated by a number, and the direction is indicated by an arrow. A record like this:

Be sure to set the start of work as a point (this is the start), and the child himself comes to the finish line. If the instructions are followed correctly, the finish necessarily coincides with the start.

All graphic dictations should be carried out from simple to complex. It is worth doing the tasks in order so that the child gradually gets used to it and everything works out for him.

What will be needed for classes?

You will need a checkered notebook (we use notebook halves). For preschoolers, it’s good if the cell is larger. This reduces eye strain.
Advice from personal experience: do not choose (at least for toddlers) notebooks with very white and very smooth sheets. It strains the eyes. In addition, the sheets of the notebook reflect and give glare that is harmful to the eyes! Large images on a sheet with a large cell will not fit, then you need to take a standard notebook.

You also need a simple pencil and an eraser so that you can erase the line in case of a mistake.

How to make a child want to perform graphic dictations?

It is very important that during any classes (not only graphic dictations) the child has good mood, and in an adult - a benevolent attitude. The result of the work should always satisfy the child, so that he wants to draw in cells again and again.
Your task is to help in a playful way to master the skills necessary for good study. Therefore, try not to scold children. If something doesn't work, just explain how to do it right. Praise more often and never compare with anyone.

Requirements for conducting a graphic dictation

The duration of classes should not exceed 10-15 minutes for children 5 years old, 15-20 minutes for children 5-6 years old, 20-25 minutes for children 6-10 years old.

Pay attention to the landing during the dictation, how the children hold the pencil. Show how to hold a pencil between the knuckles of the index, thumb and middle fingers. If someone does not count well, help count the cells in the notebook.

Before each lesson, be sure to talk with the children about the fact that there are different directions and sides. Show where is the right, where is the left, where is the top, where is the bottom. Remember what the word “vertically” means, how the lines will be arranged in this case.

Pay attention to the children that each person has a right and left side, that the hand with which they eat, draw and write is the right hand, and the other hand is the left. For left-handers, on the contrary, left-handers must be explained that there are people for whom the working hand is right, and there are people for whom the working hand is left. If necessary, you can use laces, bracelets, elastic bands that are worn on right hand for visual control.

After that, you can open a notebook and learn to navigate on a sheet of paper. Show where the notebook is on the left side, where is the right side, where is the top, where is the bottom. It can be explained that earlier at school there were slanted desks, so the upper edge of the notebook was called the top, and the bottom edge was called the bottom. Explain that if you say "to the right", then you need to draw the pencil "there" (to the right). And if you say “to the left”, then you need to lead the pencil “there” (to the left) and so on. You can mark in the notebook in the margins the right and left sides.

You yourself will also need a pencil and an eraser in order to mark the lines you read. Dictations are quite voluminous, and so as not to get confused, put dots with a pencil in front of the lines you are reading. This will help you not get lost. After the dictation, you can erase all the points.

Forms of work

Each lesson includes a graphic dictation, a discussion of images, tongue twisters, tongue twisters, riddles and finger gymnastics. Each stage of the lesson carries a semantic load. Work with graphic dictation can be arranged in different sequences. You can first do finger gymnastics, read tongue twisters and tongue twisters, and then do a graphic dictation. On the contrary, you can first do a graphic dictation, then tongue twisters and finger gymnastics. Riddles are best guessed at the end of the lesson.

When the children draw a picture, talk about the fact that there are objects and there are images of them. Images are different: photographs, drawings, a schematic image. Graphic dictation is a schematic representation of an object.
If, for example, you are drawing an animal, talk about how each animal has its own distinctive features. A schematic representation shows distinctive features by which we can recognize an animal or object. Ask the children what are the distinguishing features of the animal they have drawn. For example, a hare has long ears and a small tail, an elephant has long trunk, in an ostrich Long neck, small head and long legs, and so on.

Work with tongue twisters and tongue twisters in different ways:

  1. you can pick up the ball and rhythmically toss and catch it with your hands, saying a tongue twister or a tongue twister. You can toss and catch the ball for every word or syllable;
  2. you can say a tongue twister (pure tongue twister) by throwing the ball from one hand to the other;
  3. you can pronounce a tongue twister, clapping the rhythm with your palms;
  4. you can say a tongue twister 3 times in a row and not get lost.

Do finger exercises together so that the children see and repeat the movements behind you.
These are the basic rules for conducting a graphic dictation.
In the classroom, we diversified the forms of work with the written dictation: we work not only with the drawing, but also work with the name, the resulting image at the level of sound, letter, syllable, word.
As well as different types of shading pattern. There are creative moments: colorize, finish drawing, come up with a story or a fairy tale about a drawn hero.

After the dictation, we carry out final self-control and learn to independently evaluate the results of our activities. A sample can be presented on a board, in a picture, in a presentation, you need to compare and evaluate your work. You can use template overlay elements.

Children, as a rule, are very fond of drawing by cells, it is exciting and useful. This way of developing the necessary skills is one hundred percent gaming. It is very good to recommend these tasks to parents for summer period- It's a total find. You can do graphic dictations on the road, in the park, on the beach, in the country. This somewhat diversifies the daily games and activities.

These assignments can be used for various lessons at school. In the form as they are presented above, for example, in mathematics lessons in elementary school, in addition to the main goal - the development of attention, additionally with the aim of developing orientation in the space of students. In middle school mathematics lessons, you can use this task, for example, when mastering a rectangular coordinate system, setting the direction of the drawing lines with mathematical coordinates. You can use this type of assignments in geography or natural science, introducing children to the designation of parts of the world.

Only in such a system of work can good results be achieved!