Abstract of a lesson on environmental education of preschoolers in the senior group “Migratory birds. Summary of the lesson Migratory birds.docx - Abstract of the directly educational activity "Migratory birds"

Occupation of a cognitive orientation, educational area " cognitive development" for children middle group. The proposed lesson is aimed at developing horizons, vocabulary, observational. Expands ideas about migratory birds (characteristic features of appearance, lifestyle). To cultivate a careful and caring attitude towards birds.



Subject: " Migratory birds».
Purpose: to expand the understanding of migratory birds.

Development of horizons, vocabulary, observation. Build an idea of ​​birds characteristic features appearance, lifestyle.

Introduce children to the concept of "migratory bird"

To develop the speech of children to enrich with new words (birdhouse, migratory bird), logical thinking, attention, communication skills.
To cultivate a careful and caring attitude towards birds.
Educational field: Cognition (familiarization with others).
Integration educational areas:
cognitive development. Didactic games: "Draw spring", "Collect a bird"

Speech development. D / I “Describe the birds”, “What is the name of the chick”

Physical development. Fizminutka.

Socio-communicative development. D / y "How to behave in the forest" Artistic and aesthetic development. Viewing the presentation "Spring".

Forms of direct educational activities:
cognitive research (solution problem situations, games with rules, modeling), communicative (conversation, leading dialogue, situational conversation), game (games with rules, didactic games).
Forms of organization: group.
Preliminary work: looking at albums, magazines with migratory birds.
Split pictures depicting swallows, rooks, starlings.

GCD progress:

Educator: guys today we have not a usual lesson, guests have come to us. Let's say hello to our guests. I hope that today you will be attentive, friendly and active.

Today is an unusual day, I want to surprise you, I want to show something very interesting now.(film screening).

Educator: In the spring, guys, nature comes to life, wakes up from hibernation. What happens in nature?

D / and "Draw spring"

you need to call the signs of spring with such words “Spring is when

Children: The sun is shining brighter, the cold snow is melting. The trees are budding. The first flowers (snowdrops) sprout. Animals wake up from hibernation (bears, hedgehogs, grass turns green, birds chirp, snow melts ...)

Educator: And in the spring the birds come. Do you know where they were?

Why do birds fly to warmer climes? Children: Because it gets cold, insects disappear, plant seeds fall off. Water bodies will soon freeze, it will be difficult for birds to get food. .

And what are the names of the birds that fly to us from warm lands? !

Children: Migratory birds.

Educator: What birds are called "migratory"?

Educator: These birds fly south in the fall and fly back to our homeland in the spring, make flights, which is why they were called migratory. Motherland is the place where one was born. Therefore, the birds return to build a nest and hatch chicks. Chicks are born blind, helpless, covered with down. Parents feed. During the summer, the chicks grow up in the fall, and fly away to warmer climes with their parents. In order to return home again in the spring.
Educator: The first migratory bird arrives ... - rook. (slide). Describe what it is.
Children: Rook is a large bird. Its body is covered with black feathers. They have strong wings. The beak and paws of the rooks are light.
Educator: They had a difficult road. When they arrive from warm countries, I start building nests (slide) to bring out and feed the chicks. Look at the rooks big nest, it is laid out from large branches.
Educator: The following birds arrive - starlings. (slide) They arrive later than rooks. Educator. Guys, describe the starling, what is it like.
Children. Starlings are small. They are grey-brown, mottled. They have thin beaks. Paws and beak are light.
Educator. The rooks have already brought out the chicks, and the starlings are just building a nest in the birdhouse. (slide)
If rooks build a nest from large branches, then starlings carry thin twigs, blades of grass, feathers into the birdhouse. Starlings are small and their nests are small. Birdhouses are made by people and attached to a tree.
Fizminutka "Birdhouse".
I’ll cut the boards with a saw - whack, whack, whack, whack. (Children imitate the movements of sawing a plank).
I’ll make a birdhouse out of them - knock, knock, knock, knock. (Children imitate the movements of hammering nails).
Fly birds to visit - to us, - to us, - to us, - to us. (Perform hand swings towards themselves).
We will hang birdhouses - here and there, - here and there. (Tilts with outstretched arms up, to the sides, down).
Educator. Swallows also come from the south. (slide) Describe, guys, a swallow, what is it like?
Children: They are small, almost black, their tail looks like a fork, they have sharp wings.
Educator. They also build nests under the roof of the house. The swallow sculpts it from lumps of clay. Lined from the inside with leaves, feathers, fluff. Why do you think birds nest?

Children: hatch chicks.

D / I "What is the name of the chick"

Educator. While we were talking about migratory birds, the naughty Winter, who does not want to give in to Spring, froze the birds and broke them into pieces. Please help keep the birds warm.

D / and "Collect a bird"Children from cut pictures collect a swallow, a starling, a rook.
Summary of NOD.

Educator: What are the birds for?

Children: Destroy insect pests; delight us with their singing, bright colors.
Is it necessary to protect and protect birds? How? Make birdhouses, feeders; feed; you can’t destroy nests, collect bird eggs; shoot them with a slingshot; make noise, shout, listen to loud music in the forest, park where birds live.
Teacher: You must remember:
That birds do not need to be caught,
We must always love birds.
Do not destroy bird nests
Help the birds in winter
Pity them, protect them.
Educator: What good fellows are you guys, did you like our work? What birds are we talking about?

Why are these birds called migratory birds? (These birds fly south in autumn and arrive from the south in spring)

Which migratory birds arrive first in spring? (Rooks arrive first in spring)

What other birds come in spring? (Starlings, cranes, storks, thrushes, swans, swallows, geese, ducks, nightingales, siskins arrive in spring)

What games were played? What did you like?

I have a surprise pattern of birds for you.

Educational areas"Knowledge of the FTsKM", "Communication".

Lesson objectives:

To consolidate knowledge and give new ideas about migratory birds ( appearance, habitat, food, habits, flight);

To consolidate the ability to divide birds into migratory and wintering, based on the relationship between the nature of the food and the method of obtaining it;

Activate the vocabulary of children (migratory, insectivorous, granivorous, predatory, waterfowl, songbirds, wedge, line, arc);

Learn to coordinate nouns with numerals;

Learn to coordinate nouns with verbs;

Develop connected speech visual memory, attention, fine motor skills;

Raise in children an interest in the feathered inhabitants of wildlife, careful attitude to them.

Equipment: demonstration pictures "Migratory birds", audio recording "Voices of birds", ball, cube with numbers.

Lesson progress

1. Organizational moment.

Educator. Guys, listen to the poem by E. Blaginina “They are flying away, they have flown away ...”

Soon white blizzards

Snow will rise from the ground.

Fly away, fly away
The cranes have flown.

Do not hear the cuckoo in the grove

And the birdhouse was empty.

The stork flaps its wings -

Fly away, fly away.

Leaf sways patterned

In a blue puddle on the water.

A rook walks with a black rook

In the garden on the ridge.

Showered, turned yellow

The sun's rays are rare.

Fly away, fly away

The rooks have also flown away.

Educator. Guys, what season do you think the poem is about? Where are all the birds flying to?

Children. About autumn. About birds that fly away to warmer climes.

Educator. Right. And today in the lesson we will talk about migratory birds.

2. Conversation.

In nature, there is a wide variety of birds.

Wherever you walk - in the city park, along the seashore, in the village, in the forest - everywhere you will meet birds. Almost all of them can fly. Birds are animals with feathers and wings. Feathers help keep them warm and give birds their unique coloration. Birds often preen themselves, that is, they clean their feathers by rubbing their fat into them. They also pluck out old feathers where new ones grow.

Birds live in nests. Usually they build nests from leaves, grass, twigs, but some birds live in heaps of stones. The female lays eggs, and then incubates them, warming them with her warmth until the chicks hatch.

In autumn, the birds gather in flocks and fly south to spend the winter.

Educator. Guys, why do you think birds fly away in autumn?

Children. Because it's getting cold, there's nothing to eat.

Educator. Right. And the most important thing is that there is no food for life.

You know that in autumn many insects disappear: they either hide or die. This means that if the birds eat insects, they will have nothing to feed themselves in winter. What insectivorous birds do you know?

Children.(make assumptions)

Educator. How to distinguish them? Do you know? Its beak is straight, elongated or pointed, so that it is more convenient to catch insects. Look at insectivorous birds: starling, swallow, cuckoo, oriole, nightingale, wagtail.

The wagtail is one of the most useful birds. She destroys flies, mosquitoes, which she deftly chases in the air. The use of this bird is especially great in the garden, where it quickly runs through the beds and pecks insects from the ground and plants. The wagtail is a very mobile bird. Even when resting, she constantly waves her long tail.

Have any of you seen such a bird? Can it be called a flight?

Children. Yes. Can.

Educator. The wagtail is one of the first to fly away, like all insectivorous birds. Then the granivorous ones fly away, that is, those that feed on the fruits and seeds of plants. You know them too. Look at the picture of oatmeal, siskin, chaffinch. After all, wild ducks and geese, swans fly away, they get ready to go when the reservoirs freeze, because they are waterfowl. Look at the pictures and compare with the wagtail.

Why do gooses have membranes on their paws, while wagtails don't?

Children. To swim fast and stay on the water.

Educator. There are many migratory birds. Name some other birds you know.

Children.(Based on the pictures, the children name the birds).

Educator. Have you ever seen, high in the sky, how the birds, having gathered in flocks, fly away? We rarely get to see them fly away. Because they fly mostly at night: it's safer that way. Did you know that during the flight, many birds adhere to strict order? Moreover, different birds this order is different: cranes, geese, swans fly in a wedge, herons, storks, ibis - in a line, wing to wing, ducks, eiders, scourges, long-tailed ducks, gulls, waders line up in a straight line or form an arc. Starlings, thrushes and other small birds do not like order: they fly at random. And large birds of prey (eagles, hawks, vultures, falcons) do not recognize companies: they fly alone. Do you know where the birds fly to?

Children. In warm countries, to the south.

3. Physical education minute

Mobile game "Flies away, does not fly away"

Rules of the game: the teacher lists the names of birds, and the children run and flap their wings when they hear the names of a migratory bird. If they hear a wintering bird or a domestic bird, the children squat down.

Rules of the game : the teacher calls the bird and asks the child how she gives her voice, then throws the ball to the child. The child catches the ball, answers the question and throws the ball back to the teacher.

Nightingale ... (sings),
Swallow ... (chirps)

Crane ... (curls),

Crow ... (croaks),

Cuckoo ... (cuckoo),

Duck ... (quacks),

Chicken ... (cough),

Dove ... (cooks),

Sparrow ... (chirps).

5. Game for visual memory and attention "Who flew away?"

Rules of the game: the teacher attaches 5-6 images of migratory birds to the board (the number of pictures gradually increases) and invites the children to name all the birds. Then he says that one of the birds will fly south and asks the children to close their eyes. Removes one bird image. The first person to give the correct answer receives a prize token. The teacher makes sure that the children answer in full sentences.

For example: a crane flew south. The one with the most tokens wins.

6. Learning finger gymnastics"Ten birds - a flock"

Sing along, sing along:

10 birds - a flock.

This bird is a nightingale

This bird is a sparrow

This bird is an owl

Sleepy head.

This bird is a waxwing

This bird is a corncrake

This bird is a bird

Gray feather.

This is a finch, this is a swift,

This is a cheerful siskin.

Well, it's an evil eagle.

Birds, birds go home! (I. Tokmakova)

7. Word game "Count and name"

Rules of the game: the teacher gives the children pictures of migratory birds, offers to consider them and name them. Then the children are invited to take turns throwing the die, on the sides of which the numbers are written, and make up sentences (according to the model) using the bird and the number that has fallen on the die. For example: “I have two storks”, “I have five rooks”.

8. Summary of the lesson

Educator. What birds are we talking about? What have you learned about migratory birds? What games were played? What did you like?

(Answers of children).

I want to give you this book - "Life waterfowl”, looking at and reading it, you will learn even more about migratory birds, including waterfowl.


Organizational and educational activities

for children of the group "Droplets"

Theme: "Migratory birds"

MBDOU " Kindergarten No. 29".

Educator: Titova Yu.N.

Program content:

1. Expand children's understanding of migratory birds, their lifestyle and appearance.

2. Develop thinking, coherent speech, auditory and visual attention, fine motor skills.

3. To activate the use of nouns, adjectives, verbs in the speech of children.

4. Cultivate a kind, caring attitude towards feathered friends, lay the foundations for environmental education.

5. Give children pleasure and joy, evoke vivid emotions and good mood.

preliminary work

Conversation about birds; viewing illustrations; reading stories, fairy tales, riddles about birds; finger games, didactic games.

Material for the lesson

Pictures depicting migratory birds and their silhouettes, a tree with a nest and a birdhouse, cardboard, colored paper

1 organizational moment.

Guys, what time of year is it? (Spring)

And in spring the sun shines brightly, the birds sing!

But for some reason our sun is sleeping, maybe that's why we can't hear the birds singing. Let's wake up the sun. It will hear you and will surely wake up.

Show yourself the red sun, (stretch your arms forward)

Dress up the red sun (hands behind the skirt, on the belt)

Put on a scarlet dress

Give us a red day (clap hands).

We flip the sun.

Here the sun has woken up. It got much warmer outside. Spring came. Our mood has risen (birds singing is heard).

2 main part.

Guys, what are these sounds, who sings? (Birds)

And where did they come from? (The sun heard us, spring came and the birds flew home from the south).

Guys, now I will tell you riddles about birds, and you try to guess which birds are mentioned in riddles:

Who is without notes and without flute

Trills best?

Who is this? (Nightingale)

Who flies to us with warmth

Having made a long way,

Sculpts a house under the window

From grass and clay. (Martin)

All migratory birds are blacker

Cleans arable land from worms. (Rook)

There is a palace on the tree

A singer lives in the palace.

He doesn't bark, doesn't bite

Protects the fruit garden. (Starling)

What are these birds called in one word? (migratory)

And why are they called that? (It gets cold, insects disappear and birds fly away to warmer climes).

Children, do you know our migratory birds?

(starling, swallow, nightingale, crane, lark)

Name migratory waterfowl. (Geese, ducks).

Look at our pictures. They depict birds. They are all so different! The swan is white, the rook is black, the duck is brown. But what do they have in common? (The body of birds is covered with feathers, all birds have a body, head, tail, beak, paws).

And now mine Magic wand will turn you into birds.

Fizminutka: "Birds".

We will guess the riddle and who we will find out about (clap)

There are paws and eyes, (show legs, eyes)

body and head,

chest, back,

Tail, belly,

Two wings and a beak - a mouth. (wave hands, mouth with a straw)

She can't sit still (shake her head)

Did you guess? It's a bird! (swing and jump)

Well done! And now my magic wand will turn you back into kids! Sit on your chairs.

Guys, where do birds live? What is the name of the bird house? (Nest). What do birds make it from? (Their twigs, moss, clay).

Do you know this house? (birdhouse)

Who made it? And who lives in it?

Do you think only starlings can live in a birdhouse? (No, but also other small birds).

Do you know why people place starling dwellings on trees near their gardens and orchards? (They destroy harmful insects).

What do birds lay in their nests? (Eggs).

What will happen to the eggs next? (Chicks will appear from them).

They are small, helpless, will squeak and ask for food. What will the birds-parents do? (Feed your chicks).

I propose to play the game "Chicks".

Well done! Now let's play with the ball a little.

One-to-many game.

Nightingale - nightingales, crane - cranes, rook - rooks, swallow - swallows, starling - starlings, swan - swans, duck - ducks, lark - larks, goose - geese, swift - swifts.

Application "Birdhouse"

Children, now let's make birdhouses for birds.

Guys, look and tell what parts the birdhouse consists of, what shape is each part?

What is the shape of the birdhouse wall? – rectangular

What shape is the roof? - triangular

What shape is the window? - round (las).

That's right, well done.

Guys, first put the birdhouse on the table.

Which part will you stick on first? (The wall of the birdhouse) ....

Finger gymnastics.

Spring came on the snowy (fingers go on palms)

On the wet carpet

Scattered snowdrops (spread fingers)

She sowed grass. (fingers together)

Now calling from all over

Geese, swifts and storks,

Cuckoos and starlings.

Guys, look, starlings flew to us. Let's settle them in our birdhouses. (Give out pictures of birds and the children stick them to their birdhouses).

3 Outcome.

Today we have made birdhouses for birds, for which they will be grateful to you. They will delight us with their singing, treat trees from pests.

Department of Education of Moscow State Budget Educational institution Moscow cities "School 2051"

Prepared and conducted by: Zeleneva N.A. Moscow 2017

Integration of educational areas: "Cognitive Development" , "Social and communicative development" , "Physical development" .

Purpose: to expand and consolidate children's knowledge of migratory birds; develop cognitive interest to wildlife, thinking, memory, speech of children; cultivate a love for birds, a desire to take care of them.

Material and equipment: multimedia equipment, presentation on the topic, pictures of birds, 2 posters with trees "autumn" And "winter" for the game, 2 stands.


Organizing time. Children enter the hall to the singing of birds, and then there is a knock on the door:

The owl brought us a letter. Let's read it.

“Dear guys, migratory birds write to you. We can't fly to warm countries, as we were bewitched by an evil wizard. Help us, disenchant us. Complete the tasks of the wizard and the evil spell will disappear. And then we can fly south."

Guys, help migratory birds?

Guys answer.

Exercise 1

DI "Identify a migratory bird by the first sound"

The teacher calls the sounds: "A" , "G" , "L" , "WITH" , "Z" , "TO" , "D" (stork, nightingale, cuckoo, starling, chaffinch, swallow, thrush). You guys are great. You have completed the Wizard's first task.

Task 2

Guys, winter is coming soon, what will happen to the bird nests?

Children's answers. (they will be destroyed by blizzards, blizzards).

When the birds return, they will build their new homes.

Task 3

Look at the pictures and tell me where, which bird built the nest?

(children identify bird nests).

Where is the cuckoo's nest? (children's answers)

Task 4

Kirill prepared a story about one of the migratory birds.

Guys I want to help you win evil wizard. I'll tell you about migratory birds.

Storks are large birds. They have a long beak, long legs and neck.

Storks lead a migratory lifestyle. They migrate to warmer climes for the winter.

They build their nests on the banks of the river and in the forests. Sometimes on rooftops and treetops

The nightingale is one of the most famous singers among birds.

But it is difficult to see the nightingale: it is a secretive and cautious bird.

The nightingale sings, sitting somewhere on a branch, not very high from the ground.

Nightingales begin to sing when the first green leaves open.

Nests - nightingales arrange on the ground or among low bushes.

Nightingales feed on ants, beetles, caterpillars, butterflies. Peck seeds and berries.

And at the end of summer, these birds fly away for wintering to distant warm countries.

The cuckoo is a famous bird. Her favorite dish- furry caterpillars. None of the birds touch these caterpillars. Thus, she saves the forest from pests.

Cuckoos never build their own nests or hatch their chicks. They lay their eggs in the nests of other birds.

Starlings are small black birds with a long sharp beak.

The starling is a talkative bird and loves to imitate all the sounds it hears. For example, creaking wheels, barking dogs and clucking chickens.

In the spring, people meet starlings with makeshift bird houses called birdhouses.

Starlings eat harmful insects, thereby saving crops in the fields.

The stories were very interesting and educational. Did you guys like it?

It's time to move a little.


Hands raised and waved
These are the trees in the forest
Elbows bent, brushes shaken
The wind knocks down the dew

Gently wave our hands
These birds are flying
How they sit down, we'll show you -
Wings we fold back.

Let's continue our conversation about birds.

Task 5

mobile game "Birds"

Rules of the game: children must divide the pictures of birds into two groups "wintering and migratory"

Guys, today you correctly and well performed the task of the evil wizard. You helped to disenchant the birds and they will now fly away to warmer climes.


Did you guys enjoy your trip?

Which of the games did you like the most?

What new did you learn in our lesson today?

And now guys, we will return to our group and draw a bird that you liked the most.

Subject:"Migratory birds".

Target:- expansion and activation of the dictionary.

Tasks:- form plural nouns;

  • learn to coordinate nouns with numerals;
  • learn to change nouns in cases;
  • learn to form possessive adjectives;
  • develop coordination of speech with movement;
  • develop fine motor skills;
  • develop auditory attention;

Equipment: pictures depicting migratory birds, ball.

Lesson progress:

1. Org. moment. Poem "Autumn".

The birdhouse was empty, the birds flew away,
The leaves on the trees also do not sit.
The whole day today everyone is flying, flying ....
Apparently, they also want to fly to Africa.
(I. Tokmakova)

Which birds left their home - a birdhouse? (starlings). What other migratory birds do you know? (pictures)

The game "Who is gone?" (according to pictures).

2. Introduction to the topic. (pictures depicting migratory birds)

Which birds left their home - a birdhouse? (starlings)
What other migratory birds do you know?
Why do we call birds migratory?
Why do they fly to warmer climes?

Body parts of birds. (scheme)

There are two legs, a beak, two wings, a tail, the body is covered with down and feathers.

- show where the bird has a beak, tail ....
Name the parts of the bird's body.

3. One-to-many game

Cuckoo - cuckoos, crane - cranes,
starling - starlings, nightingale - nightingales,
lark - larks, swan - swans,
rook - rooks, duck - ducks,
swallow - swallows, rook - rook,
stork - gosling storks - goslings.

The cuckoo calls, the swallow chirps, the starling sings,
the crane chirps, the duck quacks, the goose cackles.

5. The game “Who has who”.

The cuckoo has a cuckoo, a cuckoo.
The crane has a crane cub, cubs.
The starling has a starling, starlings.
The swan has a swan, swans.
The rook has a rook, a rook.
A duck has a duckling, ducklings.
The stork has storks, storks.
The goose has a gosling, goslings.

6. Physical education “Cranes learn to fly” Children depict how cranes learn to fly. Hands spread apart and raised to shoulder level. Inhale through the nose. When lowering the hands - exhale.

Finger gymnastics “Duck”

The duck walked along the bank, (“they walk” with two fingers on the table,
Went gray on a steep. waddling.)
Led the children behind her
Both small and large, (bend the ring finger; thumb
Both middle and smaller, (bend the middle finger; little finger.)
And the most beloved. (bend index finger.)

7. The game "Let's play and count" (according to the pictures).

One duck, two ducks,…, five ducks.
One cuckoo, two cuckoos, ..., five cuckoos.
One bird, two birds, ..., five birds.
One stork, two storks, ..., five storks.
One goose, two geese, ..., five geese.
One nest, two nests, ..., five nests.

8. The game "Whose, whose, whose?"

Beak (whose?) bird, duck, goose.
Head (whose?) bird, duck, goose.
Nest (whose?) bird, duck, goose.

9. Summary of the lesson. Remember what was said. What did you like? Kirillova Yu., teacher-speech therapist.