Speech therapy lesson on the differentiation of sounds w. Lesson on the differentiation of sounds -

Topic: Differentiation "W" - "W" in words


  1. Correctional - “Differentiation “F” - “W” in words”
  2. Grammar - “Consonant sounds“ Zh ”-“ Sh ”, the rule for writing ZhI, SHI
  3. Lexical - "Clothes"


  1. Develop the ability to differentiate the sounds "Ж" - "Ш" in words
  2. Develop the skill of phonemic analysis and synthesis on the material of words of various sound structures
  3. Activate the subject dictionary on the topic "Clothes"
  4. Develop spatial orientation
  5. Develop fine motor skills

Equipment: subject pictures, "pyramids" for characterizing sound, sound rulers, utensils, letters, notebooks, pens.

Lesson Plan

I. Organizational moment

II. Main part

1. Exercises for the development of spatial orientation
2. Exercises to highlight the common consonant sound in words
3. Communication of the topic and purpose of the lesson
4. Repetition of characteristics of sounds
5. Exercise to determine the presence of sounds "Ж", "Ш" in words
6. Exercise to determine the place of the sounds "Ж", "Ш" in words
7. Development of ordinal sound analysis
8. Combined Development Exercise fine motor skills and quantitative sound analysis
9. Laying out the scheme of the word "clothes"
10. Clarification of the meaning of the words "right", "left", "between"
11. Fizminutka with elements of psycho-gymnastics
12. Game "Find letters"
13. Reading syllables with simultaneous development of spatial orientation
14. The game "Make no mistake"
15. Copying words into a notebook

III. Summary of the lesson

Lesson progress


Hello guys. I am very glad to see you at the lesson. Today in class we will

Main part
Development of spatial orientation
Game "Clown"
- lift up right hand
- And now the left.
- Clap your left shoulder with your right hand.
Now touch the tip of your nose with your left hand. Well done!
- Look at the items on the slide. Name the item in the upper right corner; in the lower left corner; in the lower right corner; in the upper left corner.

The students are presented with a slide with pictures located in the corners.
Pictures: giraffe, mice, cat, hedgehogs

An exercise to highlight a common consonant sound in words
- What is the common consonant sound in the words "ski" "toad" "circle"
- What is the common consonant sound in the words "ears" "hut" "porridge"

Sound " AND»

Sound " W»

Presentation of the topic and purpose of the lesson
- Guys, try to guess what sounds we will distinguish today in class.

Correctly. The topic of our lesson is “Sounds “Zh” - “Sh”. We will learn to distinguish these sounds in words.

Sounds "_ AND_» - «_ W

Repetition of characteristics of sounds
Zh - consonant, voiced, always hard

Sh - consonant, deaf, always hard

Each student has three pyramids, with four sides. On the faces of the pyramids are depicted:

  1. pyramid - red and blue circles
  2. pyramid - bell, crossed out bell
  3. pyramid - stone and grass

Pupils rotate the pyramids with the desired face. Thus, they characterize the sounds "_ AND_» - «_ W

Reading syllables while raising hands.
Under each syllable are the letters:
B - raise both hands,
P - right hand up,
L - left hand up

zha shu shi zha sho zhi zhu

slide with syllables

An exercise to determine the presence of sounds "_ AND __» - «_ W __" in words: spoon, pear, lilies of the valley, magazine, school, puddle, ball, cup, Zhenya, Dasha

Pupils, having heard the sound in the word "_ W __ "fold their hands in the form of a ball (connect their fingertips). If there is a sound in the word " AND" depict a beetle: squeeze fingers into a fist, index and little fingers spread apart

An exercise to determine the place of sounds in the names of pictures: car, knife, beetle,

Development of ordinal sound analysis
- What is the sound " AND» in words: knives, mug,
- What is the number of sound "_ W _" in words: frog, bag, noise

Students show the answer using sound bars.

Exercise for the development of fine motor skills of the hands

- We kneaded the dough, we kneaded the dough: we were asked to knead everything thoroughly, but how much we don’t knead and how much we don’t knead, we get lumps again and again.

Determine the number of sounds in words
- Put on left palm as many peas as there are sounds in words: ball, heat, pea,

Put as many peas on your right palm as there are sounds in words:

Pupils put their hands in containers with peas, make movements imitating the work of their hands when kneading dough and pronounce the text.

Riddle guessing. Laying out the word scheme
The snake climbed the tree
Saved the tree
When the winds blew
She warmed the tree.

Pupils, using the signs of sounds, lay out the scheme of the word

Legs, legs (Show legs one by one)

Where have you been?
We went to the forest for firewood! (Stomps right and left)
Pens, Pens, where have you been? (turn and show hands)
We chopped wood in the forest. (Hand movements - "Wood splitter")
Uh, uh, uh, uh!

The game "Guess where the letters are?"
On the slide there is an image of one letter "I", the rest of the letters are covered with objects. The children are given the task to guess where the given letters are with the help of a hint.
- The letter "_ AND _" is located above and to the right of the letter "I". Find the letter Z
- The letter "__ W __" is located below and to the left of the letter "I". Tell me what object the letter "Sh" is hiding behind

Read the resulting syllables. Fixing the rule of writing ZhI, SHI

Students name the object behind which, in their opinion, the given letter is hidden.

Game "Make No Mistake"
The slide contains words with missing letters. Students are asked to name the missing letter. Call it in one word.

The words:
... itlet, ... uba, vare ... ki, ... orts, pi ... ama, ruba ... ka

Copying words in a notebook

Summing up the lesson
What did you learn in class?
What task did you like the most?

Novikova S.N., teacher-speech therapist of the Municipal Autonomous Preschool educational institution municipality of the city of Nyagan " Kindergarten No. 2 "Fairy Tale".

Lesson objectives:

  • Corrective
    • clarify articulation and correct pronunciation of sounds [w] and [g];
    • exercise in comparison, distinction and correct pronunciation sounds [w] and [g] in syllables, words, phrases;
    • exercise in sound analysis and word synthesis.
  • Educational
    • to develop the ability to select a certain quality of a feature for an object;
    • develop visual attention, thinking skills, coherent speech.
  • Educational
    • educate interest and desire to work with a computer.


    • multimedia equipment
    • Table mirror.
    • Didactic game "Smart train".
    • Magnetic board.
    • Karinka "Teremok"


  1. Organizing time.
  2. The speech therapist shows the picture "Teremok".

    What game shall we play?

    The game “Teremok” (Children take turns saying the words “Teremok-Teremok stands in the field, it is not low, not high, the sound ... lives in this teremochka”, calls any speech sound and sits on chairs).

    So we got to the clearing to Teremka. And who lives here? (speech sounds)


    Children, look at the screen, did something happen here? What do you think?

    How to help these sounds get into the tower?

  3. Isolated pronunciation and characterization of sounds.
  4. Speech therapist. What is the song of the snake? Hiss (shortly, now long). What does the beetle song sound like? Buzz (quietly, now loudly).

    Tell us how these songs are made. (Children alternately tell the characteristics of the sounds [W], [W] - lips are rounded, the tongue rises up, turns into a cup, in the middle of the “cup”, a warm breeze passes, the bell does not work (it works with [g]. Since there is an obstacle in the mouth - the tongue, then this sound is consonant and hard).

    How are the sounds similar and how are they different?

  5. Sound analysis and synthesis of words.
  6. Do we need all the sounds? Why? Prove it.

    What happens if the sound [Ш] disappears.

    Pictures appear on the screen: hat, fur coat, mouse, pencil . (The child explains what can come out of these words, and because of this, the object on the screen disappears).

    Similarly with pictures in the name of which there is a sound [Ж] - toad, giraffe, hedgehog, scissors.

  7. Differentiation of sounds in syllables.
  8. Speech therapist. You told about the sounds, they no longer quarrel and sing songs. Support them, sing along with them. (One child pronounces syllables with the sound [Ш], and the second word with the sound [Ж]. Then they change)

  9. Visual gymnastics.
  10. We open our eyes - once,

    And we close our eyes - two,

    We open our eyes wider.

    And now they closed again

    Our eyes rested.

  11. Word differentiation.

And now the sounds invite you to play "Find an extra item." Do not forget that the game offers you sounds. On screen pictures:

  • Fur coat, shirt, shorts, vest. (What object is superfluous? Why? Where in the word vest worth the sound [Ж]?
  • Scissors, pliers, putty knife, hacksaw.
  • Hedgehog, cat, giraffe, foal.
  • spoon, cup, knife, jug.

Speech therapist. Well done. So that the sounds do not quarrel and quickly return to the tower speech sounds Let's give them gifts. Guess the riddle and find out what you will give them.

The brothers were equipped to visit,
They clung to each other.
And rushed off on a long journey,
They just left smoke.

Smart train game

What train do you think the "snake song" should be presented with? (A train that will carry wagons with objects whose names contain the sound [Ш]).

And the “beetle song”? (child answers).

Don't forget to use the signs to make the train look nice and smart.

Independent work of children on a magnetic board.

And now… tell us about your gift. (The child describes the objects, choosing for them the values ​​of the attribute that will be located above the trailer with this object: for example - a train with the sound [Ж] will carry wagons with a buzzing beetle, green toad, iron scissors).

The second child tells his story in the same way.

Excellent. Let's check if our sounds returned to Teremok? On the slide, the sounds are in Teremka.

  1. Reflection.

What were we doing now?

How did we do it?

Why did we do it?

Topic:"Differentiation of sounds [Ж] - [[Ш] in words, sentences."

Target: learn to distinguish sounds [F] - [W] in words, sentences.


Correctional training:

1. Learn to differentiate the sounds [w] and [w] in words and sentences.

2. Develop the ability to highlight words with sounds [g] and [w].

3. Fix the rule of writing zhi - shi.

4. Learn to compare words-paronyms in meaning and sound, spelling.

5. Learn to work on deformed sentences.

6. Learn to make sentences according to schemes.


1. develop, enrich and refine the dictionary.

2. Develop and activate the motor skills of the articulatory apparatus.

3. Develop fine motor skills of the hands.

4. Develop visual perception, memory, attention, thinking.


1. Develop the ability to think about your actions, carry out

decisions according to given rules.

2. Cultivate self-control.

3. Form an emotional focus on getting a joint during the game positive result.

4. Form motivation for learning activities.

Equipment: mirrors, Christmas trees, Christmas toys, computer.

Course progress.

    Organizing time.

Speech therapist: Here comes the bell again.

The lesson starts.

Stand up straight, pull up...

And they smiled at each other.

II. Introduction to the topic of the lesson.

Speech therapist: And now the one who will name the words with the sounds [Ж] and [Ш] will sit down.

(children's answers)

Speech therapist: Sit straight, put your hands on the desk, feet should touch the floor.

Articulation gymnastics.

Speech therapist: Now take the mirrors, we will fulfill articulation exercises.

(Children perform the exercise "Fence", "Pipe")

Finger gymnastics.

Speech therapist: Now let's do the exercises "Ball", "Flag".

(Children follow the speech therapist to perform exercises).

Work on poems.

Speech therapist: Now let's read the poem. What is the most common sound in the poem?

Toad offered to toad

blackberry delicious jam.

Blackberry? - she asked -

Well, then, perhaps, eat!

Children: Sound [Ж].

Speech therapist: Pay attention to what punctuation marks are found here?

Children: Question mark, exclamation mark, dot, dash.

Speech therapist: Read the poem, do not forget the signs.

(Children read)

Speech therapist: Now let's read another poem. What is the most common sound in the poem?

Three little mice

In the silence of the night they rustle,

If a cat is suddenly heard,

They rustle quieter.

Children: Sound [S].

(Children read)

Speech therapist: Guys, which of you guessed what sounds we will work on today?

Children: We will work on the sounds [Ж] and [Ш].

    Work on the topic of the lesson.

Speech therapist: Today we will work on the sounds [Ж] - [Ш]. The topic of today's lesson: "Differentiation of sounds [Ж] - [Ш]".

Speech therapist: Open notebooks, take pens, write down the date and topic of the lesson.

(Children write the number and topic in a notebook.)

Speech therapist: Our old friends came to visit us. These are the dwarfs ZhIK and CHIC. They brought us many different tasks. We will definitely deal with them.

Now tell me, what is the first sound in the name ZhIK?

Children: Sound [Ж].

Speech therapist: Now tell me, what is the first sound in the name CHIC?

Children: Sound [Sh].

Speech therapist: Let's characterize the sound [Ж].

Children: The sound [Ж] is a solid voiced consonant.

Speech therapist: Let's characterize the sound [Ш].

Children: The sound [Ш] is a solid deaf consonant.

Speech therapist: What do the sounds [Ж-Ш] have in common?

Children: These sounds are consonant and always solid.

Speech therapist: How do the sounds [Ж-Ш] differ?

Children: The sound [Ж] is voiced, and the sound [Ш] is deaf.

Speech therapist: What letter represents the sound [Ж]?

Children: The sound [Ж] is indicated on the letter by the letter “ЖЭ”.

Speech therapist: What letter represents the sound [Sh]?

Children: The sound [Ш] is indicated on the letter by the letter "ША".

Speech therapist: Our Gnomes want to play a game with us "Voiced-deaf." I will tell you the words, and if you hear [Ж] - clap your hands, and if you hear the sound [Ш] - close your ears. Get ready, start...

Speech therapist: You did well with this task, and now another test. Who's to say what holiday is coming soon?

Children: New Year!

Speech therapist: Correctly! On New Year's Eve it is customary to decorate a Christmas tree. Let's help Zhik and Shik decorate Christmas trees. We will hang toys with the sound [Ж] on Zhik's Christmas tree, and with the sound [Ш] on Shika's Christmas tree.

The game "Dress up the Christmas tree".

(Children take toys out of the bag and hang them on Christmas trees.)

Speech therapist: GOOD FELLOWS!

And here's another task. "Sounds, letters call - collect the word.

You must name the first sounds (letters will appear on the screen), make a word. Make a sentence with the word.

Children: Hat - [Ш], the letter "Sha"

Pineapple - [A], letter "A"

Giraffe - [F], the letter "Zhe"

Wasps - [O], the letter "O"

Crane - [K], letter "Ka"


The kid took the first step.

Work above PARONYMS.

Speech therapist: Guys, listen carefully to the sentences and find words that differ in only one sound.

Sasha has a red BALL.

Misha has a high fever.

Children: SHAR-ZHAR

Speech therapist:


By sound. In the word SHAR - [W], and in the word ZHAR - [F].

By writing. In the word SHAR, the letter "SHA", and in the word ZHAR, the letter "ZhE".

By value. A ball is... Heat is...

Speech therapist:

At the hare long ears.

Uzhi live in the grass.

Children: EARS

Speech therapist: GOOD FELLOWS! Correctly! Can you tell me how the words differ from each other?


By sound. In the word EARS - [W], and in the word UZHI - [F]

By writing. In the word EARS, the letter "SHA", in the word UZHI, the letter "ZhE".

By value. EARS is... UZHI is...

Speech therapist: That's right guys!

Words that are similar in sound but different in meaning are called paronyms. Repeat.

Children: PARONYMS.

Speech therapist: Now let's write these words in a notebook.

(Pay attention to the fit, the position of the notebook ...)

We write down the words, and underline the letters "sha" and "zhe". What kind of pencil do we need?

Children: Blue pencil, because these sounds are always solid.


Speech therapist: Now let's play a game One is many. I will name the items in singular, and you are plural.

(Children say the words in the plural)

Speech therapist: Who guessed why some syllables are highlighted in red? Tell me, what spelling did you meet here?

Children: Red is dangerous. You can make a mistake.

ZHI-SHI write with the letter I.

Speech therapist: Guys, let's do the tasks on the cards with you. Everyone will choose a task for themselves (one of 3) and try to complete it.

We work with ZhI and SHI.

1st level:

Yo .. k, .. r, ..shka, kuv..n, pi .., ..t

2nd level:

Nat's.. ..woot chi.. and stri... .

3rd level:

Masha and Misha had mice in their closet.

Charger for eyes

Speech therapist: Well done! Look, the gnomes have prepared riddles for us. But these riddles are not easy, the dwarfs encoded whole sentences in them. Let's look at the diagrams and make sentences on them (In the first diagram: Masha, crane, pear. In the second diagram: grandmother, balls, socks).

Children: Masha washes a pear.

Grandma knits socks.

Grandmother knits socks from multi-colored yarn.

Speech therapist: Let's write these sentences in a notebook. And go to the board ...

(Work on the board and in notebooks).

Underline the letters with a blue pencil.

Well done! Guys, ZhIK and SHIK performed homework made proposals. See if they got it right.

The scarf put Zhenya in a woolen closet.

Let's fix the mistakes.

Children: Zhenya put the woolen scarf in the closet.

Speech therapist: The leather bag was carrying a passenger.

Children: The passenger had a leather bag in his hands.

Speech therapist: Well done guys, you did a great job.

But again a new test. You have to make sentences using words and pictures. Who will try to do it? (Words are given: Shura, collected, and. Pictures: blackberry, gooseberry.

Children: Shura picked blackberries and gooseberries.

Speech therapist:

Children: Shura - [W], blackberry - [F], gooseberry - [F].

Speech therapist: Let's make the following sentence (Words are given: smart, running, for. Pictures: foal, horse).

Children: A nimble foal runs after a horse.

Speech therapist: Name words with sounds [Ж] and [Ш].

Children: Nimble - [Sh], foal - [F], runs - [F], behind the horse - [Sh].

    Summary of the lesson.

Guys, we have done a lot of tasks today. The gnomes are happy with your work.

Tell me, did you enjoy the activity?

What did you like the most?

What tasks were difficult?

How do you feel when you leave class?

In the outline of the lesson automation Sh-Z various technologies are used, including health-saving ones: logarithmics, kinesiology exercises, breathing exercises("My favorite nose"). Automation of sounds takes place in the game entertaining form on the material of syllables, words and sentences (story-scheme "Beetle").



Individual lesson

Topic: "Differentiation of sounds "Sh" - "Zh" in words and

Offers. Letters Sh-Zh.

Goals: - fix the necessary articulatory movements for pronouncing sounds


Fix the correct position of the organs of articulation during pronunciation

Sounds "Sh" - "F";

Automation "Sh" - "Zh" in syllables, words, sentences;

Development of phonemic hearing;

Adjective agreement living-non-living nouns in gender


Conjugation in the present tense of the phrase " bypassed the puddle ";

Pronunciation of sentences on reference pictures with a word"between";

Development of speech breathing;

Consolidation of the movements of receiving and serving the ball with two hands with speech


The development of fine motor skills, tactile sensations, a sense of rhythm.

Equipment: computer, subject pictures.

Lesson progress:

  1. Org. moment.

A) logarithmic exercise.

We are chauffeurs

Let's go, let's go by car

We press the pedal.

Turn gas on, turn off

We look intently into the distance

The wipers clean off the drops.
Right left. Purity!

Hair ruffled by the wind.
We are drivers - no matter where!

B) Didactic game "Be careful."

I I want to invite you to listen and solve the problem, just be very careful!

a ) Mom has a cat Fluff, a dog Druzhok and a daughter Zhanna. How many

Mom's kids?

Meet Jeanne and say the first sound of her name! What other names do you know with this sound?

2. Development of lip movements, breathing.

one). "Bagel" Let's make a bagel with our lips:

Bagel we depicted-

Smoothly rounded lips

They can't be merged now.

The bagel must be kept.

2). "Painter"- It's time to paint the ceilings

The painter was invited.

We lower the jaw,

Raise the tongue to the palate

Let's go back and forth.

Our painter is happy to work!

Breathing exercises "My favorite nose"

1) Breathe in through one nostril

Well, take another breath.

2) Take a deep breath

On the exhalation of the mouse, mmm

Along the wings of the nose

Tap with your fingers. (perform 3 times)

3. Acquaintance with the topic of the lesson.

Today, together with Zhanna, we will compare the sound “Sh” and “Zh”.

Look in the mirror and consider the articulation of the sounds "Sh" - "Zh".

F - lips are rounded and slightly extended forward;

Wide tongue at the top;

The neck "works".

Sh - the neck does not "work".

Tell poems about letters using kinesiology exercises

Letter SH with three spikes(bending fingers on both hands)

Don't grab it with your hands.

The letter Zh buzzes like zhu (pinch-clap hands - hit the table)

Looks like a beetle:

The beetle has six legs, and so does the letter.

4. Fingers say hello.

Shta-zhda shtu-zhda shtu-waiting shta-zhdy

5. Didactic game "On the contrary."

Sha-sha sho-sho shu-shu shi-shi


5. Work on the computer "Lessons of Aunt Owl", Sh-Zh.

6. "Living-non-living".

7. Riddles

Help Jeanne tell what is between the puddles? Etc.

8. More or less?

9. The story "Beetle".

10. The game "The sound is gone"


Uba-alo - elud - blunder

Svetlana Skipina
Lesson on differentiation of sounds [Ж] - [Ш]

Topic: « Differentiation of sounds w - w» .

Target: learn to distinguish by ear sounds sh-zh(in syllables, words, text); location sound in a word(fixing); development of attention and memory; education plural nouns.

1. Organizing moment.

What season is it now? (autumn). What other seasons do you know? (winter, spring, summer). What kind autumn months you know? (children's answers).

2. Articulation gymnastics.

Now we will train your lips and tongue.

Exercises "Smile - bagel", "Fence - window", « delicious jam» , "Cup".

3. Game "Pictures messed up".

I brought you pictures of sounds Zh and Sh but they got mixed up. Please help me arrange the pictures correctly.

F - beetle, hedgehog, skis, acorn, toad, flag.

Sh - cat, horse, grandfather, cup, hat, reel, frog.

Tell me how the goose hisses. - Shhhh.

How does a beetle buzz? - W-w-w.

4. Feature sounds Sh - Zh.

Speak sound Sh. Where is the tongue, how are the lips and teeth? (Children's description of articulation sound) . Which sound Sh? (Sound Sh - consonant, always hard, deaf, hissing).

Why consonant? (there is a barrier).

Why is it hard? (pronounced strictly).

Put your hand to your throat and determine if it is voiced or deaf.

What can you say about sound Zh?

-Sound Zh - consonant, always hard, sonorous, hissing.

Why consonant? (there is a barrier).

Why is it hard? (pronounced strictly).

Good. Now tell me what's the same sounds W and F, what is the difference. (When we say sounds W and F, tongue stands "cup" behind the upper teeth, the teeth are close together, the lips are rounded; sounds Sh and Zh - consonants, hard, hissing, but sound Zh - voiced, sound Sh - deaf.

5. Game "Say the opposite".

Children pronounce syllables clearly.

a) Azh - ash

b) ash - shi - already - zhi

ash - she - already - same

ash - sha - already - zha

ash - sho - already - zho

ash - shu - already - zhu

c) shi-shi-shi - zhi-zhi-zhi

she-she-she - same-same-same

sha-sha-sha - zh-zh-zh

sho-sho-sho - jo-jo-jo

shu-shu-shu - zhu-zhu-zhu

d) live - sew

life - sewing

creepy - joke

to pity - to prank

lived - sewed

bait - stripe

Understand the meanings of unfamiliar words (bait, stripe).

6. Game "One is many"

Note that at the end of the word sound Zh is pronounced, like Sh, but written Zh).

Knife - knives

Swift - swifts

Floor - floors

7. Pronunciation of words with sounds Sh - Zh.

Where do you hear sound Sh? Is in the word sound Sh? (locating sound in a word) .

The words: flag, clothes, fluffy, soot, Dasha, sun, belly, greedy, writing.

8. Dynamic pause. The game "How is it going?"

How is it going?

Like this! (show thumbs up)

Do you swim?

Like this! (imitation of hands swimming)

How do you run?

Like this! (stomp feet)

Are you looking into the distance?

Like this! (put fingers to eyes) binoculars).

Looking forward to lunch?

Like this! (support cheek with fist).

Are you following?

Like this! (wave hands).

Do you sleep in the morning?

Like this! (both hands under cheeks).

Are you kidding?

-… (slap puffed cheeks).

9. Reading a story "Cat and hedgehog".

The children brought home a hedgehog from the forest. The hedgehog ran around the room. The cat saw him, lay down on the floor and looks. Suddenly the cat jumped and tsap with the hedgehog's paw. The hedgehog quickly hid his head and offered his sharp needles to the cat. The cat pricked her paw and went into a corner. The cat sat there for a long time, but did not look at the hedgehog.

Questions to the text:

1). Whom did the children bring from the forest?

2). Who saw the hedgehog?

3).What did the cat do?

4). How did the hedgehog defend itself?

Re-reading and retelling of the text.

What riddles can be matched to the text? Solving riddles.

Soft paws, and in the paws - scratches. (cat).

Needles lay - lay, but ran away under the table. (hedgehog).

10. Bottom line lessons.

What did we talk about today, what sounds? (about sounds W and F) . How are they similar and how are they different? (children's answers). What did we do? (Looking at the pictures on sounds W and F, played games "Say the opposite", "One is many", "How is it going?"; determined the place sound in words, guessed riddles and read the story "Cat and hedgehog".