Pendulum. Detailed description of working with a pendulum

Much has been written, but little or no clear consistent methodology has been written. First of all, you need to choose an assistant. Buy the pendulum to which your soul lies (the one that looks at you). It can be made of any material: metal, crystal, wood or stone. You can make a pendulum yourself: put some kind of weight on a string (an earring, a pebble, a bolt, etc.). When you come home, clean it from the negativity that stuck in the workshop, in the store, or on the street when you were walking home.

Cleansing takes place in different ways, depending on what is convenient for you. There is a simple way: you need to take the pendulum and put it in a plate or any other vessel with salt (do not use if the pendulum is metal). There should be enough salt to cover it all. And let the pendulum lie in it for a day. Remove from the salt (salt into the toilet), wash off the remaining salt on the pendulum with running water. Wipe with a dry, clean cloth. And start using it. If the pendulum is metal, then rinse with running water three times in a row. Say for the first time: “I wash away all the negativity,” for the second, “I fill it with positivity,” for the third, “I activate the work of the pendulum.” After the cleansing ritual, wipe with a dry, clean cloth.

Next, you need to consciously determine whether you are ready for work. There are certain taboos to working with: do not work for material benefit; not out of curiosity; not for the sake of boasting or demonstrating superiority; do not look into the future; do not treat the results as indisputable; don't work with bad mood or during illness. You also need to turn off the flow of thoughts in your head; it is better to start working in solitude. State your question clearly without double meaning. Having thought it through carefully, the work begins.

You need to take the thread of the pendulum in your hand, in a working position, in two, three, or by winding it around your fist. Extend your hand forward and stop the pendulum from rotating. When he stops, ask him (out loud or silently): “If the question and the answer are “Yes,” then how?” He will show some movement, remember it. “If the question and the answer are “No,” then how?” - again a new movement.

Then ask: “Can you work with him now?” And it shows the movement "Yes" or "No". If “Yes”, then work by asking simple questions with the answer “Yes”\”No”. If he forbids you to work, then ask after what time you can work with the pendulum, and list the time intervals in turn (5, 10, 20, 30, etc. minutes). The main reasons for prohibiting work are: external or magical interference; unclear question; too much desire find out the result; complete disinclination to work; overwork; absent-mindedness; lack of composure; lack of trust in; Akashic time (negative time – time of death).

As a result, with increasing experience, you can ask any questions you are interested in. The main thing is to periodically clean the pendulum and monitor its cleanliness, because dirt/negativity from your hands will transfer to the pendulum.

And the list of works with a pendulum is very long: position groundwater, determine the size of your biofield, healthy or clogged chakras, pathogenic zones, charge the water, get answers to your questions, etc. Working with a pendulum is easy and pleasant; you don’t need any special talent as a wizard, the main thing is to believe in it and everything will work out.

Pendulum is a very convenient tool for diagnostics and dowsing. Typically, it is made from NATURAL materials: rock crystal, amber... You can also use various metals: brass, copper, gold, silver. Variants of pendulums are presented in the pictures.

Dowsing is not one of the newfangled esoteric concepts; it is a person’s perception of the surrounding world with the help of energy channels. This phenomenon has been known for more than four thousand years. Representatives different nations these channels vary in both quantity and quality. In ancient times, people, using a fork-shaped tree branch clutched in their hand, could determine by the deviation of the rotation of their “pendulum” where geopathogenic zones or sources of natural resources were located.

Using a pendulum you can determine:

. underground positionstreams,

. buried treasures,

. point out energy clots in the human aura,

. check the health of your chakras,

. measure the size of your biofield,

. identify negativity in the biofield or identify karmic blocks,

. determine the “leakage” of energy,

. find a lost item at home,

. communicate with your Guardian Leg,

. get an answer to this or that question and much more.

Before the invention of ultrasound, a pendulum was used to determine the sex of an unborn child in the womb. In this case, the pendulum served wedding ring, which was held next to the pregnant woman's belly.

Absolutely anyone can become a dowsing operator. People have RACES hexadecimal perception system. Let's look at them briefly.

1, 2, 3, 4 – channels are responsible for the perception of the four-dimensional world, i.e. – length, width, depth, and also – time.

5 - channel of SOUL perception. Now for many people it is blocked or occupied by politics.

6 - channel of SPIRITUAL perception. It is blocked by atheism or clogged with religious teachings alien to the SLAV.

7 – channel of MULTIDIMENSIONALITY OF FAMILY MEMORY. It is polluted by the so-called “universal human values”, the sources of which are the media (television, radio, press, etc.).

8 - channel HARMONY with NATURE. This is a channel for self-regulation and self-healing of the human body. The functioning of all channels of perception allows a person of the WHITE RACE to fully see and feel all the beauty of the world around them.

When the first eight channels work correctly, the rest automatically begin to function.

Our highly developed Ancestors could communicate with LEGS at the level of direct perception of information.

U modern man Only 4 to 8 channels are involved, so direct communication is difficult.

Fragmentary communication sessions are observed - what we call intuition, insight, epiphany, prophetic dreams.

However, there is a technique for controlled acquisition of information using such a simple tool as a pendulum. The simplest pendulum can be any weight (pebble, earring, ring, nail, etc.) suspended from a thread 15-30 cm long . The pendulum is a personal instrument tuned to you, it cannot be transferred to another person .

Technique for working with a pendulum

Method of communication with Leg the Guardian

Diagnostics of chakras

Pinch the free end of the rope between the index and middle fingers of your right or left hand (depending on whether you are right- or left-handed) and hang it over your horizontal forearm.

In addition to the LIGHT forces that surround us, there are also representatives dark forces from NAVI, and if you want the “readings” of the pendulum to be CORRECT, it is advisable to “clean” the space around you with GLORY, for example, like this: FOR THE GLORY OF THE HEAVENLY KIND! TO THE GLORY OF OUR GODS AND ANCESTORS! And after that, say: “LEG GUARDIAN, CAN I ASK YOU A QUESTION”?

If the answer is positive, the pendulum begins to swing along the forearm (vertically), the answer is “YES”; if the answer is negative, it begins to swing across (horizontally), the answer is “NO”. Sometimes the pendulum begins to describe circles both clockwise (posolon), the answer is “YES,” and counterclockwise (kolovrat), the answer is “NO.” Here it is important to decide which of the proposed options is more acceptable to you, and then agree with your GUARDIAN LEG about the combination you have chosen. You need to ask specific questions that can be answered in the affirmative - “YES” or “NO”.

As a rule, LEG does not refuse communication. Receiving an answer should be indicated with words, for example: “Thank you, the image is clear.” In addition to maintaining ethics, this will help stop the pendulum and differentiate (distinguish) the question-answer connection.

By placing the pendulum over the area corresponding to a particular CHAKRA, you can check its balance of opening (i.e. work). For those “baptized” in the area of ​​the SOURCE, SPRING CHAKRAs and at the exit from the palms, the pendulum practically does not describe circles. (Note: personally verified many, many times by many people with “witnesses” - participants in seminars at ours). This suggests that these people cannot receive DIVINE ENERGY and use it for their GOOD purposes, and their birth canal is blocked, which deprives them of the support of the Rod. This is also why there are now many rootless people who do not feel love for their parents, there is no understanding with them.

Communication with LEG is a purely personal matter, but there are some general RULES protecting the pendulum operator from negative consequences . You need to realize that the LEG-GUARDIAN is called upon to protect his ward, his immortal soul. Therefore, obtaining information to use it for unseemly, selfish purposes will not work. In addition, you need to understand that when consulting with LEG, for example, in making some important decision, you can receive a recommendation, the implementation of which will lead to OBVIOUS problems, grief and disappointment. This happens because the GUARDIAN LIGHT has a DIVINE (16-dimensional) rather than earthly consciousness and directs actions that will protect against serious problems in the future, sometimes to the detriment of current WELL-BEING.

Over time, as a result of the practice of communication, as well as spiritual improvement, after the initial euphoria from the opportunity to learn EVERYTHING, an understanding appears of what information can be requested, and what information cannot yet be CORRECTLY realized and applied for GOOD.

If you have questions about working with the pendulum or something remains unclear, you can ask your question in the “Your questions” section.

Good luck in your practice!

WyrmApril 14, 2012

Your questions about the pendulum

Good day! Is certain preparation needed when working with a pendulum, are there days on which you cannot use it, does the “devil” descend from the left shoulder, and will praise and the Altar help avoid this?

Wyrm: Hello. Preparation is advisable, because you must have experience, skill, an “agreement” with the pendulum (exactly how it will show you the answers - “yes” - “no”). “The devil may come down” if he is sitting on the shoulder you are talking about. To prevent other dark entities (those not sitting on your shoulders) from influencing the results/answers, you must first “clean” the space with praise. So, it will help.

Hello, I’m trying to figure it out and I don’t quite understand what a “horizontally positioned forearm” is, where the pendulum should be hung. Further, if the forearm is located horizontally, then the phrase is incomprehensible - “If the answer is positive, the pendulum begins to swing along the forearm (vertically), the answer is “YES”; if it is negative, across (horizontally), the answer is “NO.” Since if the forearm is located horizontally then along the forearm, in theory, it should be horizontal. Please explain. Hope

Vedana: Let's first understand what the forearm is. The forearm is a part of the upper limb of a person, bounded above by the elbow joint and below by the wrist. That is, this is the space that goes from the wrist to the elbow joint. Further. There is no need to hang the pendulum anywhere. Hold it between your index and middle fingers, with a string or chain with a pendant/pendulum hanging down over your forearm. Then you need to agree with the pendulum how the answer will be “yes”. The standard is just vertically, forward - backward, up and down. “No” is horizontal, left and right. But you can somehow agree in your own way how he will say “yes” and how “no”. I repeat, these are classic schemes.

And one more thing... Remember - the pendulum is not magical and never has been. A pendulum is just a piece of iron on a string. Or on a chain - it doesn't matter. The magical creature is you.

I am sharing with you lessons from the pendulum school, where I myself once studied. The technique itself is not complicated and seems simple. But, nevertheless, using it, I quickly taught the pendulum to work for itself and give the correct answers. You can teach a frame to work in the same way.

The pendulum is the so-called radiaesthetic effect, known to mankind since ancient times. The term "radiesthesia", translated into Russian, means "sensation of waves, vibrations."

Energy radiation emanating from living and non-living objects can be qualitatively determined using indicators such as a pendulum and a frame. We are talking about information-energy radiations that have the same frequency range as the human astral body and its subconscious (from an energy point of view, the subconscious is part of the astral body, they have a common bioenergy field, which is integral part general human biofield).

These radiations are perceived by the sixth astral sense organ and are transmitted not to consciousness, but to the subconscious (since it is the subconscious that is able to perceive information transmitted in the same frequency range in which it operates).

The subconscious automatically (in addition to consciousness), having processed the information, produces certain answers to certain attitudes or questions of consciousness through the movements of the hands in which the pendulum or frame is located.

Application of a pendulum in life

There won’t be enough fingers on your hands if you start counting the “professions” of the pendulum. And now their number is only increasing. So, if earlier they searched for water with a pendulum or a vine (frame) in their hands - at all times, and successfully, now they are still searching for sunken ships and places where fish accumulate.

They look for people in the rubble of mines, during earthquakes and in snow avalanches, they search - and they find them! And fossil deposits are still being discovered in this strange way.
A person who has learned to work well with a pendulum will answer any of these questions correctly and quickly.

Shape and material for pendulums

When choosing a pendulum, you need to follow your intuition and choose one that will listen to you better. You can make yourself a pendulum and hang it on a thread. Best form for a pendulum: cone-shaped or teardrop-shaped.

Optimal pendulum weight : 10 – 18 grams;
Optimal thread length : 10 – 18 cm (depending on the size of the elbow and the weight of the pendulum). It is better to take a double thread from a non-synthetic fabric and make several knots on it to reduce axial rotation. The weight should not be too light - but not too heavy either. In general, small light pendulums begin to work easier and faster. Larger and heavier ones begin to work with difficulty and rotate more slowly.

They can be made from various materials:
Wood - machine or handmade.
Clay – anthropogenic polymer clay and natural clay.
Glass – cut, blown, molded, etc.
Stone – black obsidian, rose quartz, orange calcite, clear quartz, sodalite, amethyst, citrine, carnelian, garnet, rock crystal, amber.

I do not recommend buying a pendulum made of metal. Since metal can distort information. The less metal, the more accurate the information. Better made from natural material. The rope on which the pendulum will hang is best made from cotton thread or pure wool. I have almost the same, only amethyst)))

So, let's go. We take a piece of paper where there are circles with arrows with the words YES-NO. We take the pendulum by a thread 15-25 cm from the pendulum, for whomever is comfortable in general, and then adjust yourself to hold the pendulum.

So, take the pendulum by the thread with two fingers and bring it to the piece of paper, try holding it, adjust the length of the thread and say simple words.

– I ask you, my higher self, you my spirit, you my guardian angel, to help me adjust the pendulum correctly and correctly.

Exercise 1

Bring *YES* to the circle and tell the pendulum that it is *YES* and ask it to start spinning clockwise, if it is silent, help it, that is, explain that it is YES.

Then bring it to the *NO* circle and do the same thing, then simply go to the YES arrows and from them to the NO arrows. After this, bring it up as you brought the pendulum, but without prompting, and watch over it. If someone doesn’t succeed on the first day, then they don’t move on to task 2, etc.

Attention! Before working with the pendulum, you must stop it with your hand, because it will spin due to the fact that the thread is twisted, wait until it stops spinning and start working.

At what distance should the pendulum be held from the sheet? Keep 5-10 cm from the leaf

The psychic must get used to the pendulum indicator and accustom himself to unconditionally believe in it. At the slightest doubt, the indicator will react instantly: it will begin to give incorrect answers. REMEMBER that it is not the PENDULUM THAT MAKES an ERROR - BUT YOU MAKE IT YOURSELF. The reason should be sought within yourself.

Task 2

You can write the alphabet yourself on paper so that it is convenient for the pendulum to answer, or just take (if anyone has it) the children's alphabet (as in the photo). Bring the pendulum to a letter and ask it what letter it is. For example: “Is this the letter A?” Remove it from this letter. Bring it to it again and ask him again: “Is this the letter A?” Then remove the pendulum from the letter A and bring it to any other. And ask him: “Is this the letter A?” Let him answer you with a YES or NO answer.

Then, for the correct answer, bring it up to the letter A again, so that it gives you a firm answer to the letter A. In short, practice with the alphabet or numbers.

For the frame (if you are teaching it, it is better to hang the letters on the wall)

Task 3

Take something edible and inedible, place it at a distance of 30 cm from each other. Ask the pendulum a question - indicate where it is edible with the answer YES and where it is not edible with the answer NO. Take products that are good for our body, because if the product contains preservatives in the form of all sorts of E, the pendulum can show that the product is NOT edible.

Task 4

Write down the words (for example) that I wrote for you below, bringing them up to the word, ask whether it’s edible or not, and see how the pendulum answers.


Task 5

Asking a question: “Who wrote the fairy tale about the fisherman and the fish?”

Karl Marx

And so approach from the simplest questions to more complex ones. In this way, you train the pendulum to answer you the right questions. To train, you can ask him anything for the answer YES or NO and he must answer you. For example: " My name is Sveta?" And he must answer you correctly.

Task 6

Take any deck of cards and select any 5 cards. Write them down.

Then shuffle the selected 5 cards, face down, and place them on the table in any order. Start looking for cards - all 5 in turn. That is, for example, you playing cards: Ace of Diamonds, Jack of Hearts, 6 of spades, 7 of diamonds, 9 of clubs. There will be 5 entries in total.

Ask: “Where is the ace of diamonds?” and holding over each of the cards, clarify: “Is this the Ace of Diamonds?” And the task is to understand whether the pendulum tells you yes or no. Where he says yes, turn the card over. After turning over the card, all 5 cards should be shuffled again and look for the next card. And so 5 times.

Wash the new pendulum under running water for a couple of minutes (it will remove possibly previously accumulated information). Then hold it in your hands and carry it in your breast pocket so that it absorbs your vibration. Now the pendulum is ready to work with you. Do not give it to anyone and carry it with you often.

You need to use the pendulum that works best for you. You can create a small collection of pendulums, each of which will be used for specific purposes.

Never let anyone touch your pendulum, it is only for you. It will be full of your energy. You should not allow another person to use it or even touch it, and then it will work more powerfully and better.

When buying a pendulum, it must be CLEANED of all energy traces and attachments so that it knows only you and is attached only to you. This can be done with the help of a simple ritual. The cleaning procedure is simple and takes from one to three days, but in the most severe cases - if you need to clean the working pendulum of negativity - up to 9 days.

Take a container, box or cup. Also take coarse salt (for pickling). Pour half of the salt into a box or cup, put the pendulum there along with a storage bag and a chain, wrapped in fabric, which will then be your canvas for working with the pendulum (the color is at your discretion, the main thing is plain). Read the following spell over salt 9 or 12 times, focusing as much as possible on the process:

Solony salt,
Earth element,
You have been purifying everyone for centuries,
You take away negativity from everywhere,
You absorb into your crystals -
Also, take away all the negativity from these items (list),
Take it into your crystals,
Cleanse my pendulum (and list the rest) from filth and lies,
And then take all the negativity with you into the earth with cheese!
Let it be so!

Then add the rest of the salt. The more dignified and respectful you treat your pendulum, the clearer and more accurate your predictions will be.

And one more thing - regarding cleaning: when you take the pendulum out of the salt, I recommend doing it outside the house - on the street somewhere or on the balcony, so that the negative salt does not crumble at home and there is no unnecessary contact with it. Leave the salt and the bags in which they carried it right there on the street - the salt can be right on the ground, and take the bags to the trash.

Consecration of the pendulum

Below I give an example of a simple blessing ritual. Don't be afraid to deviate from it or rework it to fit your lifestyle as closely as possible. Know that there is no right or wrong way to bless the manic system, and whatever blessing you choose will definitely work.


One purple or white candle
Incense (you can also use an aroma stick)

  • Start by lighting a candle and burning incense, draw a straight pentagram in a circle directly on the altar (with chalk), and then place a pendulum in the center of the pentagram.
  • Close your eyes and visualize how the energy of all 4 elements flows into the pentagram and accumulates in it and this process goes on constantly - the energy becomes denser and constantly flows into the space of the pentagram. Then take a deep breath through your nose. Exhale through your mouth.
  • After four or five inhalations and exhalations, open your eyes and pass the pendulum through the incense smoke, saying something like: “I consecrate you with the power of air" Take a deep breath of its purity and beauty.
  • Taking care not to burn your hand or the pendulum, quickly pass the pendulum through the candle flame. Tell: " I consecrate you with the power of fire, so that you can fulfill my desire.”
  • Lightly sprinkle the pendulum with a few drops of water, saying: “I consecrate you with the power of water, Drink it to the bottom, making your way.”
  • Then drop a few grains of salt onto the pendulum, saying: “I consecrate you with the power of the Earth, on which the Seeds of Power can grow.”
  • And finally, raise the pendulum up at arm's length and say: “Power of the Pendulum, Give me your ability to see the truth; let it penetrate my soul - my mind. Through this pendulum, let the truth be revealed. Let it be so!"
  • Place the pendulum back in the center of the pentagram.

For the next fifteen minutes or so, try to call visual images connection with the pendulum. You will find that you feel him with ease, comprehending the inner meaning of his answers, feeling the vibrations.

Visualize how the accumulated energy in the pentagram flows into your pendulum, charging it - you need to give direction for this energy, that is, what you need it for (connection with the general energy-information field of the universe, with some specific forces, strengthening your visionary abilities, establishing and strengthening a communication channel with you, etc.). At the same time, the energy of the elements continues to concentrate in the pentagram and flow into the pendulum. And leave the pendulum in the pentagram until the candle and incense stick burn out. Then put the pendulum in a bag and/or wrap it in cloth - something in which it will be stored in the future. The bag or fabric itself must also be cleaned along with the deck during cleaning and consecrated during this ritual.

Only the text for the pendulum's container (cloth or bags or both) is different:

Fill yourself with strength to accommodate this pendulum,
And guard my pendulum inside you,
And may the pendulum rest in peace,
While it is stored inside you!
Let it be so!

So, you set up your pendulum, it lied and answered correctly, now it’s time to learn how to work it correctly, I’m writing down all the points that you need to follow.

1. Before each work, you need to check the correct rotation of the pendulum according to the picture.

2. Ask a question before work: “Can I ask you questions today, here and now?” You must receive a YES or NO answer from the pendulum, if YES then you work, if NO then you remove it and no longer work today. If you get the answer YES, then ask the next question - how many questions can I ask? You start from 10 to go down or from 1 to 10 to the top, never exceed more than 10 questions per day.

a) After you have asked the questions, put the pendulum in your bag, after 10-30 minutes, take it out and repeat all your questions and observe the correctness of the answer, only after that do you give the answer to the person, or accept these answers for yourself.

3. You should always work without strangers, if someone asks you directly while sitting next to you, then you should ask the pendulum, can you ask questions to the person? If he answered YES, let him ask a question.

4. After working with the pendulum, be sure to thank him for his help.

5. Put it in its place.

6. No one should take your pendulum.

7. If your pendulum is lying during the control test, change your hand.

8. This applies only to women, in women's days do not work with the pendulum.

9. Do not work with the pendulum while intoxicated, even if you have drunk a little, you will still not work.

10. The pendulum should work in silence, but there are emergency cases where it is noisy, and you need to get an answer, then ask the pendulum to apologize for the noise and ask it to work in the noise. Look at the answer - YES or NO

At the beginning of working with a pendulum, you need to achieve internal emptiness, when the internal word mixer quiets down (ideally, turns off), and you, concentrating on the question, issue a request “up.” For the answer to come, there needs to be an “empty” place where it can come. The pendulum, of course, will show you the answer, but you must be sure that at the moment of “letting go” of the question you were thinking about exactly what you wanted to ask. In short... turn off the internal dialogue

It often happens that a person tunes in to one thing, and then at the most crucial moment a crazy thought flashes - “oh, the kettle has turned off...” - and the setting turns out to be off. As a result, an incorrect answer was received. And who is to blame here?

If you want to tune in to the desired “interlocutor” from the Higher worlds

The next step is to select the “invisible interlocutor” you need and call him “in touch”. Which communication channel you use is up to you.

Depending on the type of information you need, try to choose a possible “responder” and mentally call him. You can call out loud, but the situation must be suitable, otherwise completely earthly problems will arise.

You need to contact the entity you need and keep it in your field of vision the entire time of contact. You cannot disconnect from mental contact with her for a long time, no matter how unexpected the information you receive may be. If you forget about your “interlocutor” for more than 30 seconds, he may go “out of touch” - he may simply be crowded out by others who want to talk with you.

Moreover, they will do this unnoticed, without announcing the replacement of the interlocutor. And he will have nothing to confirm his rights to “communicate” with you - you have forgotten about him. If you do not detect the substitution, then you will continue to talk with someone completely different from the one you planned with. And you will get completely different information than you could. And who will be to blame for this besides you? Nobody.

Check your interlocutor.

Therefore, the next step is to make sure that it is the entity that you called that “gets in touch” with you. How to do it? This is not difficult if you have a two-way stable connection. That is, if you use a pendulum, a frame, or are in direct mental contact with an “invisible interlocutor.”

If they answer you one way or another, then go ahead! Ask who exactly contacted you. If you ask a direct question, no one can lie to you; there are rules for the interaction of people and beings of the Subtle World, established by the Creator. Avoid answering, pretend to be someone or dissemble, as much as you like. Lying directly is not allowed.

So, if your interlocutor begins to avoid direct answers or comes up with loud names for himself like the Universal Mind or the Messenger of the Intergalactic Council, then politely say goodbye to him and again call on the entity that you need.

If she answers that she is “in touch” with you, interrogate her with passion. Make her swear that it's her. Threaten that if she breaks her oath, she will roast in the Underworld forever. Usually, such a prospect tempts few people, and uninvited interlocutors quickly leave the connection.

And the one you really called will give positive answers to such questions and calmly swear to what you ask. And don't be shy! Perhaps pure spirits are not very pleased to answer your verification questions. But it’s better for them to experience discomfort for a minute (they still belong to the service staff of our hotel) than for you to be deceived and become a victim of sinful spirits.

Sample dialogue when working with a pendulum

A mental dialogue when receiving information using a pendulum and tuning in to the Guardian Angel can look something like this:

– I call my Guardian Angel from the Divine Plane.

Is this a Guardian Angel? Yes (corresponding movement of the pendulum).

Are you a pure spirit from the Divine plane? Yes.

Are you a sinful spirit? No.

Are you a demon? No.

Are you the soul of man? No.

Are you some other entity of the Subtle World? No.

Do you swear that you are a pure spirit? Yes.

Do you know that if you break your oath, you will go to the Underworld? Yes.

May I have information on the following question...”

This dialogue contains in italics questions that you can ask your Guardian Angel every time you call him or have interrupted contact with him for more than 30 seconds.

If you receive different answers, say goodbye to this entity and again mentally (or out loud) call your Guardian Angel.

Farewell to an uninvited interlocutor must be decisive and final. You can mentally tell your uninvited guest something like:

- “I ask you to leave the connection and never go to my channel again. I invite you to get in touch...”.

With this verification procedure, you can, with a high degree of certainty, tune in to exactly who you need. If possible, check who exactly contacted you. Otherwise, a situation may arise when you are proud of your direct contact with God the Father and thereby greatly amuse the “jokers” from the demonic plane.


Psychic energy works, not a pendulum

The pendulum significantly facilitates the identification of obsession, as well as diagnosing the state of the aura and human health. The device itself is secondary - the psychic energy of the operator works. It can activate simple mechanisms - a dowsing twig, a sensory frame, a pendulum (pendelum), and also operate directly (sentience).

Energy must be pure and disciplined, and a person must have a certain reserve in order to work with a pendulum. But if desired, everyone can learn to work with a pendulum, only for some it will take longer, while for others hidden abilities will be revealed faster.

Principle of operation

A pendulum is a small conical pendant with an eyelet at one end. A thin silk thread is tied to the ear, horsehair or fishing line about 20 cm long. The line is a little better, since it will not twist, interfering with work. It is better to make a pendant from copper or silver, but with sufficiently developed energy, you can use any available means - a ring on a thread, a tea bag, etc.

Then the thread is taken into the working hand with the thumb and forefinger, the other three fingers are tucked. The second hand should not interfere; it can be moved to the side or behind the back. The elbow of the working hand is placed on the table so that the hand is relaxed. The operator then formulates a question and receives an answer through the pendulum.

Answer options

"Not really"

A pendulum can give a positive, negative or neutral answer to a specific question. The form of the response will be different for each operator depending on the characteristics of psychic energy. For example, a positive response may be expressed by a perpendicular line or a clockwise movement, a negative response by a horizontal or counterclockwise movement. Therefore, before starting work, you should “ask” the pendulum how it will answer questions. It is also necessary to provide some kind of neutral option when the question is unclear or it is impossible to give a strict answer.

Scale with options

You can also use a 100% scale or choose your preferred option on a two-sided scale. For example, you can ask the question " How much energy do I have to operate the pendulum?» and see the available energy supply so as not to deplete yourself too much. The probability scale (option A - option B) allows you to answer the question “ or or", for example, when you need to find out the compatibility of some products. Movement in one direction (for example, to the right) - good compatibility, in the other - bad. Likewise, to unclear questions, such a gradation will give the answer “most likely yes” or “most likely no,” and the more pronounced the deviation, the more pronounced the answer.

or like this:

Other tables

The pendulum can also be used for a variety of questions:

  • need for micro- and macroelements;
  • need for vitamins;
  • benefits/harm of some products for specific person;
  • balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, nutritional sufficiency;
  • identification of operational irregularities internal organs and systems;
  • searching for the causes of illness or poor health;
  • choosing medications or natural remedies for treatment;
  • the energy of the premises (when buying a house or apartment from the former owners) or things (by using used items, you can also determine the quality of the owners’ energy);
  • choice of bed (wooden, metal, etc.);
  • determination of geopathogenic zones, search for water sources, metal deposits in the subsoil (on a map or on the ground, but then you need a twig), etc.

Various tables and manuals can be found in books on dowsing or drawn yourself.

Pendulum it is forbidden used to determine the future and fortune telling, it shows the situation on this moment or in the past (this needs to be formulated in the question), and the person shapes the future himself. It constantly changes depending on our actions and aspirations. Moreover, attempts to look into the future can cause obsession, attracting Subtle World creatures that influence the readings of the instrument through the psyche.

Obsession and the state of human psychic energy

Although many authors describe working with a pendulum to determine energy, they are limited to the reserve vitality, quality of energy, work of chakras, etc. The definition of possession using dowsing can be found only in a few books, since this topic is almost not covered and little researched.

The letters of E.I. Roerich (letter to N.K. and Yu.N. Roerich dated July 5, 1934) describe this method. The pendulum is placed over an image or photograph of a person, first at the level of the head, then at the level of the heart, then their movements are observed to determine the state of energy and qualities of the person:

Immediately the cone begins to move and begins to describe either a circle from right to left or vice versa, or ellipses, or a straight perpendicular line. There are very often confusing movements, for example, it starts from an ellipse, goes into a perpendicular, then again into an ellipse and somehow goes sideways, etc. The same is true for the heart...
Confusing movements indicate unstable thinking, and severely erratic movements may indicate the possibility of insanity. Perpendicular means materialistic thinking. The same applies to the heart. But it should be noted that in a balanced person, both circles, the head and the heart, will have the same movements from left to right or vice versa. More often there are different ones. In addition, a person with very great spiritual development, oddly enough, but the heart will give a clear horizontal line, while the head is circle...
They also tried it on deceased relatives - they unmistakably got two horizontal lines...
So, we can determine the sex of eggs and their viability. Above an egg without an embryo, the pendelum stands motionless, with weak ones it gives a perpendicular line, with roosters - a circle, with hens - an ellipse.

Here are a few main points:

  • A clear, even circle or ellipse indicates developed energy and a balanced psyche.
  • Perpendiculars are characteristic of people with materialistic thinking.
  • Horizontal movement at the level of the heart and at the level of the head is characteristic of the dead.
  • Confused, uneven lines are evidence of imbalance of psychic energy.
  • People with developed spirituality may have a circle above their head and a horizontal line above their heart, but more often there will be two circles rotating in the same direction. In this case, the rotation can be either counterclockwise or clockwise.

Another indication that allows you to determine exactly obsession, can be found in the book “Aum”:

When experimenting with psychic energy, you should pay attention to various shades manifestations. Initially, observation will give a kind of outline, but an attentive researcher will catch many unique details. So, for example, you noticed an unusual cross-shaped movement above the brain of the person being observed. Indeed, such a movement is very regrettable. It means or highest degree obsession, or madness. You can also notice that over a very short period of time the reading changes dramatically. Therefore, repeated observations need to be made. After all, psychic energy is like the waves of the ocean; there are many currents in them, many conditions influence from within and without. It is very important to observe curves such as the temperature of the spirit. It is also very important to note when the same quality appears for both the living and the dead. There are many reasons for this phenomenon. Maybe life has already flown away, maybe obsession has darkened the basic nature, maybe anger has extinguished all the centers. Perhaps the disease takes over the body, but, in any case, such a phenomenon deserves attention. (Aum, 206)

Here is a figure such as cross(the pendulum shows now the horizontal, now the vertical, lingering in these positions, with several changing lines during transitions). Second figure - two horizontal lines. If such a pattern is present in a living person, this may mean:

  • Severance of connection with higher principles (life has flown away). Such people are shells devoid of spirit. Their physical organs may work, there is some connection with the astral plane, but in essence they are the living dead.
  • Possession. In this case, there is likely to be a strong suppression of the person’s will by the possessor, so that his own subtle body almost does not appear, giving the appearance of a dead man.
  • Anger and negative emotions suppressed energy in all vital centers. In this case, the pattern is likely to change after some time.
  • Disease. Severe weakening of energy, a person is on the verge of death.

The pendulum of life can sometimes be very inactive. Such signs will be near paralysis from anger. (Aum, 335)

Another sign is the absence of movement at all. This means the energy is blocked negative emotions. But this state is not typical for people with developed spirituality, so it can be considered borderline for obsession, because anger, anger and irritation open the gates for dark entities. True, the operator’s energy work can be blocked by external factors, so you need to check how the pendulum reacts to other questions or other people.

Additional Questions on Possession

With the help of a pendulum, you can determine not only obsession, but also its causes, character (astral larvae or elemental possessor), its duration and other issues. Having detected a suspicious movement (cross, two horizontal lines), you can ask specific questions:

  • Is this an obsession? (Yes-No) Illness? (which exactly) Emotional condition? (Stress, anger, anger, resentment, etc.).
  • What type of obsession? (Astral entities or disembodied people, or both).
  • The number of obsessive elementaries, their gender.
  • Degree of severity - how suppressed is the will?, how destroyed is the body?
  • The nature of obsession is temporary, constant (long-term or periodic, with interruptions).
  • How long does it take to manifest? (At what age did the penetration of an alien entity occur?). Progressing or retreating?
  • What caused the obsession? (Defects, illness, injury, psychological stress, sessions of spiritualism, mediumship, practicing magic, etc.).
  • Does the person himself know about this?
  • Is he fighting the possessors (at least at the subconscious level) or has he become their follower?
  • What measures can help a person? (Isolation, work, sexual abstinence, fasting, giving up computer/TV, moving to another place, etc.). Here you can determine the effectiveness of each method on a 100% scale; often several points help at the same time.

You can also ask additional questions, determining the degree of damage to the physical and spiritual body, specific defects and anything that can help solve the problem.

Some additional figures

In the hands of each operator, the pendulum can show its own figures, so the description below is not a strict classification. Most of them are based on a combination of several patterns, replacing or complementing each other. For example, a diagonal movement replaces an ellipse, then again a diagonal, an ellipse, etc. In addition to alternation, it is possible for the lines to move in a circle, when at certain points the pendulum pauses and draws one line several times, then moves several times to the next point and again draws, focusing attention on this point. Often in this way the diagonal complements the cross, horizontal or vertical.

Diagonal - clearly defined diagonal movement. The diagonal can be right (bottom left - right up) or left (bottom right - top left). This movement is characteristic of attempts to use psychic powers to achieve some selfish or malicious results. The right diagonal is more typical for shamanism- various household magic, spells, etc. The left diagonal is the same, but using religion(prayers, spells, rituals for acquiring material wealth, fighting enemies, etc.). An independent diagonal is very rare, and usually accompanies other figures.

Diagonal + circle or ellipse. This figure x is typical for people who know about subtle bodies and energy, but the level of spirituality is not sufficiently developed, so they allow the use of subtle forces for personal gain in violation of some moral principles. It is rare, and a circle or ellipse usually has uneven edges, stretches to the sides, moves to a corner, as if rushing around.

Diagonal + vertical. A person of materialistic thinking, who believes in the effectiveness of some rituals (household magic, damage, etc.), but does not think about spirituality. Quite a common pattern.

Diagonal + horizontal . A person who has lost touch with his higher principles. These are the living dead who practice magic and vampirize those around them in order to prolong their earthly existence. It is rare, but usually very pronounced (large range of motion).

Diagonal + cross . A frequently occurring pattern, characteristic of those possessed who practice magic, witchcraft, or use psychic powers for personal purposes, while violating moral norms and various commandments.

Cross + two diagonals . Also common. Dual thinking, when, against the background of obsession, a person either rushes into religion or practices witchcraft. Perhaps this is caused by the presence of several possessors who have opposing desires. Or we are talking about a subconscious struggle with an obsession, but the person is looking for solutions to problems through external means (church, rituals, etc.).

Star . Another sign of obsession. The movement of the pendulum follows lines in a circle, resembling an asterisk. Unlike a cross with diagonals, the pendulum systematically moves along the line of the circle, without stopping at any specific point.

As a rule, the movement goes in one direction, the figures simply change. In several cases, the movement changed in the opposite direction, which can be interpreted as hypocrisy, when a person wants to appear to be something other than what he really is.

For most people, at the beginning, the vertical is present for a long time, but if you allow the pendulum to work longer, it will begin to show additional figures - what is hidden behind the materialistic consciousness at the level of past incarnations and aspirations of the subtle body.

Requirements for working with a pendulum

Until your personal energy has reached a tense state, you should not practice with a pendulum at all. First you need to realize that you have it, then develop tension (it is enough to lead a moral lifestyle - this is the best gymnastics for developing energy). And only then can you start working.

To work with a pendulum, it is better to use a calm, quiet room where the owner is often present, because layering your own energy makes your work easier. And even with developed energy, various factors can affect the success of work:

  • The presence of negative energy nearby (for example, neighbors are quarreling at this time, a powerful power tool is working, etc.).
  • Mistrust on the part of others (it is better to carry out the first experiments without outside observers).
  • The quality of one’s own energy (working under stress or alcohol intoxication will show distorted results).
  • Weakened strength (testing duration should not exceed 30 minutes at first);
  • Prejudice is unacceptable. You need to be prepared for different answers, especially when it comes to giving up usual products or actions, as well as when diagnosing loved ones. You just need to let go of your energy and honestly wait for the answer, whatever it may be.
  • Undisciplined energy. Pure answers will be received by people without hysterical tendencies, who hold back their emotions and are not led by vices and passions. Therefore, it is better to start work in a calm mood, avoiding chaotic jumps of thought.
  • Spatial currents - cosmic and planetary currents can influence the work of psychic energy. It is also stated that humidity and rainy weather interfere with energetic manifestations. The phase of the moon also affects - closer to the full moon, even grass grows faster, and working with the pendulum will be easier.
  • Patience - the answer may not come immediately.
  • Ability to clearly formulate questions and provide different variants answers (than more options, the more complete the picture).

These are the most common factors, although there may be other reasons.

1. Books by the German author Anton Stangl ("Pendulum, frame, sensor", "Secrets of the pendulum", and "Pendulum - from illness to health"). It is written in an accessible form, there are various tables, the qualities that need to be developed to work with a pendulum are described, what it is unacceptable to direct mental energy to (the temptation to look into the future, enrichment, etc.).

2. G.G. Karasev. Pendulum. A window into the looking glass of your subconscious. Publication in several books (the first - general principles dowsing, second - practical work, what to pay attention to, tables, etc.).

3. Books of the Agni Yoga series: Heart (§167), Aum (§§ 206, 250, 333, 335, 339, 346, 356), Brotherhood (§250), Supermundane (§270, 547).

4. Letter from E.I. Roerich to N.K. and Yu.N. Roericham dated 07/05/1934

Also worth a look documentary“Dowsing”, filmed by the ORT channel in 2003 (duration about 25 minutes).

Anatoly Filozof

Pendulum is a very convenient tool for diagnostics and dowsing. As a rule, it is made from natural materials: rock crystal, amber... You can also use various metals: brass, copper, gold, silver. Variants of pendulums are presented in the pictures.

Dowsing is not one of the newfangled esoteric concepts; it is a person’s perception of the surrounding world with the help of energy channels. This phenomenon has been known for more than four thousand years. Among representatives of different nations, these channels differ in both quantity and quality. In ancient times, people, using a fork-shaped tree branch clutched in their hand, could determine by the deviation of the rotation of their “pendulum” where geopathogenic zones or sources of natural resources were located.

Using a pendulum you can determine:

. underground positionstreams,

. buried treasures,

. point out energy clots in the human aura,

. check the health of your chakras,

. measure the size of your biofield,

. identify negativity in the biofield or identify karmic blocks,

. determine the “leakage” of energy,

. find a lost item at home,

. communicate with your Guardian Leg,

. get an answer to this or that question and much more.

Before the invention of ultrasound, a pendulum was used to determine the sex of an unborn child in the womb. In this case, the pendulum was a wedding ring, which was held next to the pregnant woman's belly.

Absolutely anyone can become a dowsing operator. People have RACES hexadecimal perception system. Let's look at them briefly.

1, 2, 3, 4 – channels are responsible for the perception of the four-dimensional world, i.e. – length, width, depth, and also – time.

5 - channel of SOUL perception. Now for many people it is blocked or occupied by politics.

6 - channel of SPIRITUAL perception. It is blocked by atheism or clogged with religious teachings alien to the SLAV.

7 – channel of MULTIDIMENSIONALITY OF FAMILY MEMORY. It is polluted by the so-called “universal human values”, the sources of which are the media (television, radio, press, etc.).

8 - channel HARMONY with NATURE. This is a channel for self-regulation and self-healing of the human body. The functioning of all channels of perception allows a person of the WHITE RACE to fully see and feel all the beauty of the world around them.

When the first eight channels work correctly, the rest automatically begin to function.

Our highly developed Ancestors could communicate with LEGS at the level of direct perception of information.

A modern person uses only 4 to 8 channels, so direct communication is difficult.

Fragmentary communication sessions are observed - what we call intuition, insight, epiphany, prophetic dreams.

However, there is a technique for controlled acquisition of information using such a simple tool as a pendulum. The simplest pendulum can be any weight (pebble, earring, ring, nail, etc.) suspended from a thread 15-30 cm long . The pendulum is a personal instrument tuned to you, it cannot be transferred to another person .

Technique for working with a pendulum

Method of communication with Leg the Guardian

Diagnostics of chakras

Pinch the free end of the rope between the index and middle fingers of your right or left hand (depending on whether you are right- or left-handed) and hang it over your horizontal forearm.

In addition to the LIGHT forces that surround us, there are also representatives of dark forces from NAVI, and if you want the “readings” of the pendulum to have the CORRECT character, it is advisable to “clean” the space around you with GLORY, for example, like this: FOR THE GLORY OF THE HEAVENLY RACE! TO THE GLORY OF OUR GODS AND ANCESTORS! And after that, say: “LEG GUARDIAN, CAN I ASK YOU A QUESTION”?

If the answer is positive, the pendulum begins to swing along the forearm (vertically), the answer is “YES”; if the answer is negative, it begins to swing across (horizontally), the answer is “NO”. Sometimes the pendulum begins to describe circles both clockwise (posolon), the answer is “YES,” and counterclockwise (kolovrat), the answer is “NO.” Here it is important to decide which of the proposed options is more acceptable to you, and then agree with your GUARDIAN LEG about the combination you have chosen. You need to ask specific questions that can be answered in the affirmative - “YES” or “NO”.

As a rule, LEG does not refuse communication. Receiving an answer should be indicated with words, for example: “Thank you, the image is clear.” In addition to maintaining ethics, this will help stop the pendulum and differentiate (distinguish) the question-answer connection.

By placing the pendulum over the area corresponding to a particular CHAKRA, you can check its balance of opening (i.e. work). For those “baptized” in the area of ​​the SOURCE, SPRING CHAKRAs and at the exit from the palms, the pendulum practically does not describe circles. (Vedana's note: personally verified many times by many people with “witnesses” at our Reiki seminars). This suggests that these people cannot receive DIVINE ENERGY and use it for their GOOD purposes, and their birth canal is blocked, which deprives them of the support of the clan. This is also why there are now many rootless people who do not feel love for their parents, there is no understanding with them.

Communication with LEG is a purely personal matter, but there are some general RULES protecting the pendulum operator from negative consequences . You need to realize that the LEG-GUARDIAN is called upon to protect his ward, his immortal soul. Therefore, obtaining information to use it for unseemly, selfish purposes will not work. In addition, you need to understand that when consulting with LEG, for example, in making some important decision, you can receive a recommendation, the implementation of which will lead to OBVIOUS problems, grief and disappointment. This happens because the GUARDIAN LIGHT has a DIVINE (16-dimensional) rather than earthly consciousness and directs actions that will protect against serious problems in the future, sometimes to the detriment of current WELL-BEING.

Over time, as a result of the practice of communication, as well as spiritual improvement, after the initial euphoria from the opportunity to learn EVERYTHING, an understanding appears of what information can be requested, and what information cannot yet be CORRECTLY realized and applied for GOOD.

If you have questions about working with the pendulum or something remains unclear, you can ask your question in the “Your questions” section.

Good luck in your practice!