Unfavorable days for twins in May.

May 2017 - interesting month for love and relationships. Personal life will please you, and not only with new opportunities, but also with amazing twists of fate in existing circumstances and even a return to what was before.

Mercury, the heavenly patron of Gemini, on May 4, 2017 ends the period of retrograde and resumes movement in the forward direction. You will feel a surge of energy, become self-confident and easy-going.

Passionate Mars remains in your sign all month. If you want to conquer the subject of your interest, rely on its support, because it stimulates desire and initiative. The influence of this fiery planet is especially favorable for Gemini men, but Gemini women will also feel more energetic and determined.

In mid-May, Mars forms a harmonious aspect with Jupiter in your house of love. Beneficial planetary influence will be expressed in positive events: good news, reconciliation after a quarrel or falling in love. Love novels, which will begin at this time, promise to grow into a stable relationship. Those who go on trips have a good chance of a romantic meeting.

The planet of love and harmony Venus, located in the house of friendship, encourages social activity, participation in public events, meetings with friends. It is conditions like these that give single Gemini the opportunity to meet someone special. Friends will take on the role of mediators in love and relationships. Maybe they will introduce you to someone or help you sort out some love situation.

On May 21, 2017, the Sun moves into your sign, the love atmosphere acquires radiance and brilliance. If you already have a significant other, appears more possibilities enjoy spending time together.

Concerning family life, some of you will have to face the need to make a serious choice. And even if the final decision is not yours, you still need to take an active part in the discussion.

Gemini career and finance horoscope for May 2017

There comes a successful period for work, it gives a powerful impetus to career development. Gemini is capable of significant achievements in the professional field. In the end, you will achieve your goals, get positive results even in cases that have exhausted all your strength.

This is the time when initiative is welcomed. Mars is in your sign, making you persistent and adventurous. If you are planning to start new project Don't wait for a better time - the time is now! Take action, because the stars are on your side.

In May 2017, there will be shifts in the financial plan, money will begin to come. Achievements at work will bring you not only honor and admiration, but also an increase in income. Generous promises to be the last decade of the month when the Sun enters the Gemini money house.


You have abundance this month vitality. To realize additional energy, you need to be physically active. However, caution is advised, as planetary influences tend to make you hasty and inattentive, so there is a risk of injury and accidents. Take care of yourself!

Do not rush to make the final choice. You will have many options, but only one option is perfect.

Mercury brings endless possibilities. This is the best time for talent to flourish. Yes, you have to run to get everywhere. But a little fuss will only energize you. After all, going towards your dream is not at all tedious.

Forecast for Gemini by season

✓ Winter

Something important seems to be eluding you. Indeed, you need to get together and literally overcome the obstacles that will arise at the very end of winter using willpower alone.

✓ Spring

While March comes into its own, have time to make important connections. Now they will come into your life necessary people, true friends will appear. In April, Mars will move into your sign - it's time to act.

✓ Summer

You are standing on the top of a mountain, it is important to hold on and not to stumble by negligence. The wind of change will be gusty, can knock you down. Uranus provokes your Mercury, you run the risk of blurting out too much.

✓ Autumn

Do not be distructed, . Everything you need will come to you at the right time. There is still quite a bit - and you will be at the goal. Reaping the fruits of success, do not forget about loved ones.

happy day kaleidoscope

To find harmony, do not give up yours. Dream and be sure to move forward step by step.

✓ Love: Time of Troubles

The spiral of life begins to spin with great speed. A hurricane of passion will take you. Be careful, he can blow away in an unknown direction! If you don't want problems, slow down. Already in the summer you will have a lot of questions for the chosen one. Non-serious relationships will end, in permanent unions partners will have . August will be especially difficult (the month of two eclipses). Survive Time of Troubles don't take rash steps.

Autumn will bring calm, and in winter, relations will begin to level off. Schedule for new year holidays and love will return to you again.

✓ Family: pleasant chores

You keep everyone in a tight rein and do not notice it yourself. At the end of spring, an explosion may occur, disgruntled households will revolt. Try to prevent this situation and even in the winter sit down at the negotiating table. Notable improvements in family relationships will appear closer to summer.

Someone close to you will provide financial support. If your plans include renovation, schedule it for June-July. Also this good time for vacation. Choose for yourself what is more important to you.

Autumn will bring a lot of pleasant worries to your home. Some relatives or friends will come to visit. It will only make you happy. Close people will share valuable information with you. If you find her the right key, then this year you can get rich.

✓ Friendship: lucky so lucky!

A dynamic and very exciting year awaits you. There will be a lot of communication (you may even get tired of it). In March and May, the situation will escalate. Every now and then there will be controversy. It is very important not to reach the point where the dispute develops into. Watch what you say and try, especially in spring, to avoid any sensitive topics.

Do not use forbidden tricks, and you will see that conflicts can strengthen, not destroy, a marriage. The psychologist advises how to argue correctly.

In the summer there will be many new friends. Moreover, those people with whom communication has been interrupted for a long time will return to your life. I'll have to try to see everyone. Break ties that tire you without regret. You communicate with some people out of inertia, and nothing binds you anymore. Now is a good time to part with such acquaintances. Or, if there is not enough spirit, reduce communication to a minimum.

autumn close friend accidentally finds out what you kept secret. But it is this person who will tell you the simplest and most unusual solution to the issue.

✓ Health: program for a year

Great year for and development good habits. Start now, don't wait until Monday. hardening, therapeutic fasting, morning exercises - start doing at least something. True, in the summer (especially in June) you should take care of yourself, the body's forces will be weakened.

If possible, then go on vacation not only in summer, but also in winter. Moreover, it is not necessary to go with your own company. On the spot you will find those with whom it is pleasant to chat. And yet try to be alone more, so you will quickly come to your senses after a noisy city.

✓ Finance/career: trust but verify

It will only be possible to get down to work in February, but during this period the risk of misses and annoying mistakes increases. Don't be lazy and test yourself. Before the summer comes, it is very important to put things in order in the papers, to sort out unfinished business. Then the time for new achievements will come. And if by this moment not, then they will significantly delay your movement forward.

In the financial sector, try not to take on increased obligations and especially not to squander. Most likely, in the first half of the year you will have to snuggle up a little, and in the fall you will feel financial independence - and you can boo.

At the end of summer and the beginning of autumn, as well as at the very beginning of winter, your master Mercury warns: be especially vigilant. You shouldn't be too trusting. Consult with those you trust before making a decision at this time. And best of all, switch to correcting previous mistakes.

At the end of the year, you can count on the help of relatives, but you can’t get into debt and get loans at this time. In the last days of December, you will find out unusual news related to the authorities.

Forecast for women

The Gemini woman will understand her true desires and confidently go against the circumstances to the desired goal.

Already at the beginning of the year, you will feel inner languor, dissatisfaction with yourself will appear. The events at the end of February will clarify everything, and you will reveal the cause of discontent, you will get to know yourself better. April 10 to May 3 your master Mercury will help correct past mistakes. So then you can. without looking back, confidently move on. The frivolity in which you were reproached will play into your hands this year. Problems that others get stuck on, you will overcome effortlessly. At the beginning of winter, a small quarrel in a loved one runs the risk of developing into a major quarrel. , do not be stubborn, peaceful Venus will help you resolve the conflict.

Born from 21 to 31 May

Practice spartan endurance. Trouble is just the little things in life. While things don't add up, get creative. At the end of spring, the sun will finally shine in your sky. The main luminary and Venus will unite, and into your life will come real love . And in the fall, you will again have to get down to business and forget about your personal life for a while.

Born from 1 to 10 June

At the end of winter, remember those with whom you have not communicated for a long time. Resume the broken connection and inhale new life in a faded relationship. In the summer, you will literally be torn between work and friends. And only in the autumn it will be possible to finally think about yourself. The end of the year is not so rich in events, but this is only for the better. You can gain strength before the upcoming noisy holiday.

Born from 11 to 20 June

The clouds are thickening, and it may seem that there will be no light. But it's not. Suddenly unexpectedly the sun will appear, and all troubles will vanish like clouds. Yes, this year there will be certain difficulties, but still there will be much more joyful moments. Children and creativity - a bright kaleidoscope awaits you in these areas of life pleasant events and a string of good luck. You will finally understand what it means to be truly happy.

A Chinese proverb says: "Happiness is a special wisdom." To understand it and learn how to feel happiness, you will have to discard clichés and stereotypes.

Forecast for men

The Gemini man will become a participant in interesting events and play an important role in the fate of a very close person.

After the holidays, you will plunge headlong into business life. But then friends, then relatives will constantly distract, and sometimes clearly interfere. So until the end of spring, you will rush more and settle minor problems (your own and others), but you won’t get to the necessary tasks.

In the summer you will be invited to an event that will literally turn your mind around. Life will become even brighter, more dynamic. You'll get unusual experience and try yourself in an unusual and rather exciting business.

Very autumn close person gets into a difficult situation. you will spend brainstorm and find a masterly way out of the situation. How to earn respect.

Born from 21 to 31 May

Winter cold will completely freeze your feelings. We'll have to wait for the end of spring, so that tenderness and romance return to the relationship again. However, This year, personal life is not so important for you.. All forces will have to be thrown into the fight against rivals. Be creative and know that you have no equal. Experience and charm are your main trump cards.

Born from 1 to 10 June

Before you start anything, enlist the support of loved ones. Unforeseen circumstances will arise in the middle of the year. A lot of time will be spent on coordination, negotiations, approvals. As a result, only at the beginning of December you will finally pay attention to the dearest and most beloved people. They have been patiently waiting all year, it's time to please them and spend the holidays together.

Born from 11 to 20 June

At the beginning of the year, you may feel a certain alienation and coldness from colleagues. Do not get emotionally involved in the situation, stay away from gossip. Closer to summer, new offers will appear, the disposition of others will return, and you will finally calm down. In the middle of November you opportunity to provide assistance important person . Do this and your efforts will be recognized.

Forecast for Gemini born in the year ...

Think about the main thing and do not pay attention to extraneous things. When the goal is determined, Fate itself will become your ally and assistant ...


1924, 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008

The movement will not be smooth, this year everything will develop spasmodically. Even if you stumble and fall, you can get up. The main thing is not to lose faith in yourself. And have more fun - that's great for you.


1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009

What are you really interested in? Remember past hobbies and dive back into. The business that you like and charge with joy will begin to generate income in the summer. And in the fall you can get rich.


1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010

There will be obstacles on your way. Do not bypass them, rush into the thick of things. At the beginning of summer it can be quite difficult, in the fall it will be easier, and you will meet the winter with a real winner.

A rabbit

1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011

No force in the world can stop you on your path to happiness. Only at the beginning of the year will have to correct the previous mistakes. But then you can enjoy the result achieved and dream of even greater achievements.


1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012

Your strength is in your weakness. This year, even disadvantages will become advantages. The feeling of omnipotence is not deceptive; grandiose projects are up to you. Only in the pursuit of success do not forget about the closest.


1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013

You may not know, but you will feel the change coming. Inner instinct and natural wisdom will tell you when to act, and when to hide and wait. The main successes await you towards the end of the year.


1930, 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014

Change the gallop you ride last years for a leisurely walk. You won't miss anything significant, it's time for calm. It is given so that you put yourself in order and finally rest.


1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015

Feel like a darling of fate. This is the year of spontaneous decisions, adventurous deeds and passionate romances. There will be many achievements, but not all will be long-term. And in winter, things will fade into the background, you will plunge headlong into love.


1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016

Any, even the most insignificant situation will be decisive in the chain of upcoming events. One clings to the other, and the gears in the hours of your life will spin with tripled force. Just make sure you catch your luck!


1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017

Circumstances influence you, your freedom is a little limited. Change what you can, and solve those issues that are tough for you. Set aside other things and get creative - here you will achieve real success.


1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006

The beginning of the year is preparing a surprise for you. You will be stunned and puzzled. Accept the new rules of the game, but do not change yourself. In the summer, find time to resolve the most pressing issues, and take care of your personal life in the fall.


1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007

You have to spend a lot. Stocks are dwindling, but don't let that discourage you. What you get this year will bring so much joy and pleasure, so many pleasant moments that everything will pay off with interest. This is a time of vivid impressions and happiness.

Children's horoscope

Winter and the beginning of spring are not easy times, the baby will rebel and resist. Keep your composure and talk more with your child. In the summer it will become more independent and calmer. Give him a chance to prove himself. In the fall, direct the child in the direction you need.

Gemini in May 2017 will try to protect themselves from emotional wounds and for this purpose they will surround their heart with a “three-meter fence”. Apparently, tired of disappointments, heart dramas, sleepless nights spent in a state of painful uncertainty, you decide to do just that. But will you be right in your desire to isolate yourself from the outside world? The answer to this question is known only to you. If you experience psychological comfort only after you isolate yourself behind a “three-meter fence”, then this is exactly what you need in this period of life.

It is much more important to understand why you, a very bright and cheerful person, suddenly decide to become a recluse or a recluse? Most likely, in the first decade of May, you will once again encounter the injustice of fate (we are talking about a major quarrel with someone close to you that will break out through no fault of yours, or about the betrayal of a person whom you completely trusted). Having experienced this pain, you will draw a number of disappointing conclusions. They are already known to you - you will withdraw into yourself, you will think a lot, dream, make plans in which there will no longer be a place for all-consuming trust in anyone. If you have a permanent partner, he will probably be wary of noticing your May moods. If you try to fence yourself off from him, it may end badly. Your marriage will not survive that harsh moment when the spouses have breakfast together at the table, while each of them thinks about something of his own, looking thoughtfully to the side. The estrangement that arose between you at the end of this spring may be the first step towards divorce. That's why, if you love your marriage, please give your significant other the "keys" to the fence behind which you hide your heart.

Single Gemini will spend May 2017 not so dramatically. You will try to get rid of all life's cataclysms and spiritual disappointments with your classic means (endless parties and other entertainment). True, this time this crazy mess will not bring you the proper pleasure. With its help, you will not be distracted from sad thoughts, but only immerse yourself in them even more. It's good that next to you will be your true friend who, once again delivering you home from an alcohol party, will understand that you need to be pulled out of the clutches of the “green snake” as soon as possible. A friend will do everything for you to give up dubious pleasures, take care of yourself and restore your emotional balance not with the help of alcohol and parties, but with much safer and more effective means (with the help of books, communication with a personal psychologist and engaging in your favorite hobbies).

Now a few words about what you can expect in May 2017 from the sphere of your finances. Your income will not increase yet (if they increase slightly, then only due to some kind of chance). But you will notice that the authorities somehow look at you differently, with a kind of undisguised interest. This means only one thing - you are the main candidate for a promising position that will be vacant in mid-June (perhaps a little later).

Attention, the Gemini horoscope for the month of May 2017 is published in an abbreviated form. To have a complete picture of the upcoming 2017 year of the red Rooster, you should make a personal forecast for 2017 with an individual astrological chart that is unique for each person.

What is May 2017 preparing for the Woman under the sign of Gemini?

In May, Gemini women will be self-organizing. They will come up with a brilliant innovative business project that will not find support among colleagues. Try to be attentive both at work and at home. Don't forget to take your medications and visit the hospital. AT love plan Gemini without a partner will have a fascinating acquaintance with a sports guy, and family representatives will have to restrain their negative emotions.

Love horoscope for Gemini Woman

Single Gemini women should go to the gym more often. Perhaps it is there that they will meet a man with whom they will spend their whole lives. They will give their preference to easy-going, athletic guys. The new boyfriend can invite the twins for an exciting walk, where he will show the sights of the city that they did not yet know about, which will undoubtedly charm single girls.

Married representatives of this sign will be sharp in their remarks towards their man, thereby harming the relationship. Try to keep your negative emotions and learn not to react so violently to petty remarks from your spouse.

Love horoscope for May 2017: Gemini A woman will feel that sometimes her harsh statements hurt the feelings of her soulmate.

Finance and work

If you do not want to deny yourself expensive outfits and jewelry, then you need to develop a work schedule, because you often break the routine and are lazy, losing your income. Find the golden mean, and then you will not have problems and difficulties. In May, an unexpected project will come to your mind that can change the enterprise where you work in better side. Be prepared for the fact that your colleagues will not appreciate the innovation proposed by you, it is worth keeping a distance from them in order to avoid conflict situations.

Health and recreation

Gemini this month will be characterized by a certain absent-mindedness and forgetfulness. For this reason, they may miss their prescribed pills or scheduled doctor visits. Try to be more attentive and collected, and also give yourself as much rest as possible. For better work memory, take vitamins and spend more time on fresh air. Moderate exercise or yoga, for example, will also help to bring the mind and body in order.

May 2017 for people born under the Gemini zodiac sign will be a time of relaxation, fun and carelessness. In the first place in priority for representatives of your zodiac sign will be family, friends and relationships. Throughout the month, many Geminis will be quite inactive. The twins have already done enough and are tired of the constant continuous pursuit of achievements, and now the time has come when they can relax and soak up in bed with their loved one or just be alone with themselves. The maximum that the Gemini will agree to is a party in the company of close and reliable friends.

In the first decade of May 2017 Gemini will be able to quite successfully resolve all conflicts and contentious issues. People around will be pleasantly surprised by such a calm and peaceful behavior of their friends. Your complaisance and flexibility will be the main character traits at the beginning of this month. You seem to plunge into Nirvana, where you will enjoy peace, tranquility and rest from the bustle of the world. During this period, all problems and conflicts will bypass you, because there will be not the slightest desire to waste your strength on senseless bickering and unnecessary evidence. Gemini will do everything, agree with everything, only so that no one disturbs their peace. And hardly anyone dare to encroach on your inviolable territory without your permission. Therefore, you can be calm and treat yourself to a long-awaited vacation, shopping, communication in a pleasant friendly company. During this period, Gemini, who were born in May, the stars are advised to thoroughly approach the organization own day birthday and invite all your friends and relatives to this holiday. It is better to give preference to a feast in the fresh air.

Gemini in the second decade of May 2017 under the influence of Saturn and Mercury will be quite relaxed, so it will seem that they are deep in thought and focused on doing their job. It is unlikely that any of the colleagues or the management team will guess that they are messing around. But do not lose sight of the fact that the authorities can see through you because of low productivity. Therefore, try to be as loyal as possible to the requirements and instructions of the leadership, and demonstrate at least the slightest evidence of your work. Build strategic plans, put in front of you big goals that can be extended over an indefinite period. Thus, you will win precious time and will not fall in the eyes of your superiors. Your main trump card will be a great idea, which will be supported by the management and the whole team. Against the background of short-lived fame, you will have time to relax and enjoy this achievement. And the situation in mid-May is developing in such a way that the main role in the development of your career will be played not by diligence, but by the generator of new effective ideas. Give freedom to your imagination and just create a working look, in the end you will still be on top and will contribute to the development of the company. The financial situation of Gemini in the second decade of May will be very satisfactory. There will be enough money for all needs, Gemini will have nothing to worry about. You still can’t earn all the money, but you need to rest sometime.

In the third decade of May 2017 Gemini most their time, most likely, will be spent on a soft and comfortable sofa with a TV remote control. But home life will not be boring at all. If you do not want to leave the walls of your home, you can always invite guests to your home. What the Gemini will do. Their house will not be empty. All the time, sincere laughter and fun will be heard in it. These will be family evenings, romantic dinners with loved ones, games with children and friendly gatherings. In a word, under the favorable influence of the aspects of Venus, Gemini will savor every moment of their lives. In relations with your soulmate, representatives of your zodiac sign will be quite accommodating, so there should be no conflicts and quarrels. Lonely Gemini will give preference to house parties where you don’t have to dance until you drop, but you can just sit on the couch in a comfortable position and enjoy the pleasant cheerful company. Big role their friends will play in the fate of Gemini. Stars strongly recommend that you carefully consider their advice and agree to their proposals. Somewhere here you will find a pleasant fateful surprise.