Oleg Chagin. Biological warfare

Anthropology is the science of man in general; anthropogenesis is the dynamics of this process. “Social” in the name of our institute means that we study a person from the moment of speech formation, from the moment of the formation of a certain zone in the brain that provided speech to a person. This zone originated, as we believe, among the Cro-Magnons. But we got this speech for nothing - a child is born with the ability to speak. And we just need conditions for its development. There are two types of activity: adaptation, thanks to which we survived, and development, that is, education. Adaptation is the ability to use what is already there. This is what we conventionally call a female type of activity. Development is education, the ability to develop, to form new structures. The Soviet education system followed precisely the path of development. New methods, new programs, new structures were created that allowed us to receive the best education in the world.

Now the education system has returned to the path of adaptation. The child is not provoked to activity, not provoked to develop, but is forced to return to adaptability and choose from what is available. This is a worldview approach. It differs from the Russian approach. We, parents who experienced a Soviet school, can compare the results of this approach. And we see how much our children’s education has sagged. It will get worse if this is not changed.

- How did it happen that an adaptive approach was imposed on us? Why did we switch to it?

This is very good question, because in order to form something new, energy is needed for brain activity, it requires effort. And in order to use what you have, less effort is needed. And evolutionarily it turned out that the brain chooses the type of activity that requires less effort for a greater result. He is in very harsh economical conditions, so we have now returned to this very economical type, and the brain is forced to choose the simplest, least expensive type of activity in order to get some kind of maximum result.

That is, before this we took a more difficult path? It was probably like that before Soviet power, during Russian Empire. It turns out that we have returned to a more economical, but less effective form of activity

I think yes. For example, the mathematics textbook from which Chekhov and Dostoevsky studied was also in Soviet schools. Modern scientists, who are worried about education to the point of heartache, are praying for Kiselev’s textbook to be returned. The same goes for other subjects. We do not give the child the opportunity to develop from simple to complex. Now the education system immediately overloads him with complex things. This causes extreme inhibition, the child is alienated from the object. He understands that he is incapable, he loses interest, and interest is the basis of upbringing and education. If a child has no interest, it is no longer possible to teach. There is such a mechanism: if the child does not like the teacher, the child is not able to learn information from this person. We are engaged in scientific expertise educational programs. Almost all school program aimed at inhibiting the development of the child. This is species inhibition. Child development is based on evolutionary principles. Evolution over thousands and millions of years has given the opportunity to form certain nerve centers in the brain. And these centers have a certain period of development. The science of the gradual development of these centers, the culture of development of these centers, this is the science of pedagogy and hygiene of adolescents. But at the moment there is no scientific basis for the science of adolescent hygiene and pedagogy in the sense of scientific justification. Therefore, we see only the results of mutilation of a child in terms of health, starting with vision, the musculoskeletal system, the cardiovascular system, and so on.

Similar damage is caused to brain development. That is, now in school they are training people who are deficient in brain development. This is our responsibility and a crime that, I believe, should not have a statute of limitations. The task of adults, with the help of education and culture, is to transform a small animal, a baby, into a full-fledged person. And pedagogy and education plus family are the mechanism by which a person is formed. But at the moment (I repeat again) we can state that it is not the child’s development that is taking place, but his development is being inhibited.

- What are these processes? Is there some kind of sabotage going on deliberately? Who introduced this system?

There is no need to talk about conspiracies and some technologies; in fact, everything is simpler. Where did the Bologna system come from? When colonial system collapsed, a flood of people who lived in colonial countries poured into Europe. Many were completely illiterate, and then this test system was translated for them, where you just need to tick boxes, because many did not know the language. Our Unified State Exam system- not like that, of course. It grows, constantly changes, they are trying to make something out of it. But you know, they say, when you have such a friend, you don’t need enemies. One fool can do more harm to a country than several hundred spies or enemies. Since the stereotype of this adaptive system has been chosen, there is no need to create a new one. A huge army of people do not produce any product, but demand reports. Everyone is engaged in writing reports, they have quality control on the papers that they will issue to the top. This multiplies - the absolute illusion reaches the top.

People at the top are absolutely under the illusion that the school is alive and growing. There is just a tragedy happening at school today. We are losing a generation. We see that more and more slender, physically undeveloped teenagers are walking along the streets.

We are actually forcibly introducing such a subject as calligraphy into schools. That is, the child returns to writing with a pen. What is the difference between writing with a pen and writing with a pen? In 1957, when there was an education reform and the transition to continuous writing, people died from heart attacks. Continuous writing is how we write with a pen now. When a child wrote with a pen, the letter was composed of several elements. You had to press, release, turn, it would cling to the paper... You got blots, you needed a blotter. Sippy cups with ink were in the desks. The whole ceremony. But as a result of this, the child was constantly forced to dip the pen in ink and perform other actions - relax the brush, and the tension when writing was combined with relaxation. It was impossible to force him to write a long phrase with prolonged tension. This supposed inconvenience was translated into the convenience of writing in continuous writing. Our writing has changed. We began to write, holding the pen, without interruption. I joke that future archaeologists will recognize our generation by the altered phalanx of the middle finger - a dimple.

- But here we have a blister...

Callus and dimple are our specialty. Imagine that you need to write a phrase without interruption. As soon as you start doing this, immediately hold your breath and change your body position. As soon as we tensed, we immediately created tension in the collar area. Holding your breath for several minutes is especially harmful for children during their developmental period.

- Well, not a few minutes, probably, after all, but how many seconds?

How long does he stay at school? How much does he write at school when he learns to write? This leads to a delay in the development of the cardiovascular, nervous, respiratory, and visual systems. And this is only one of the methods, one of the techniques that inhibits the development of a child. The second method is very important - the child sits on a chair.

-What should he sit on?
- Children don't want to sit. This is called immobilization punishment. In many schools, in the lower grades, children stand at the desk. It's like a pulpit. This, by the way, educational equipment, which is certified by schools. But few directors and teachers do not know about this. This is useful for children, but very inconvenient for teachers. The teacher needs the children to sit. They raised their hand, answered, sat down, moved along the walls during breaks, and as soon as the last bell rang, they would quickly and quietly leave the school. And then everything will be fine for the teachers. Where is the child’s development?
And the child should develop physically easily and should be able to swim from childhood. According to our program, swimming lessons should be a school subject, as well as folk dancing, which draws a huge layer of various types activities. Firstly, this is ethnography - people, language, costume. Exercise stress in folk dances it is as effective and varied as possible. We need gymnastics: sports for boys, rhythmic for girls. The result is a school that even elite schools Now they can’t afford it, but in principle it should be a secondary public school.

Now everywhere there is an extreme degree of adaptation. Adaptation only makes sense in the interests of development. Otherwise, adaptation leads to degeneration. What is happening now is degeneration. The next stage, the extreme degree of degeneration, is degeneration. Such problems are already facing Europe. This is the result of upbringing and education. All sorts of diapers, walkers, techniques led to this early development and similar achievements of civilization. If we follow this path, we will catch up with Europe and overtake it - we know how to do it. The child has the right to evolutionary development. And the adult is obliged to provide him with this right. This provision must be introduced into the Constitution.

"The formation of man: from the brain to social reality"

How is the younger generation different from the older? How to teach and raise children? After all, first of all, our future depends on what they become. What can you expect in the near and long term? The latest achievements of civilization are already leading humanity to degeneration. Is it possible to correct the development of people and the entire civilization, or are they developing according to their own unknown laws? About these global philosophical questions, as well as practical problems Russian education V live director of the Research Institute of Social Anthropogenesis Oleg Chagin told the Pravda.Ru video channel.

Anthropology is the science of man in general; anthropogenesis is the dynamics of this process. “Social” in the name of our institute means that we study a person from the moment of speech formation, from the moment of the formation of a certain zone in the brain that provided speech to a person. This zone originated, as we believe, among the Cro-Magnons. But we got this speech for nothing - a child is born with the ability to speak. And we just need conditions for its development. There are two types of activity: adaptation, thanks to which we survived, and development, that is, education. Adaptation is the ability to use what is already there. This is what we conventionally call a female type of activity. Development is education, the ability to develop, to form new structures. The Soviet education system followed precisely the path of development. New methods, new programs, new structures were created that allowed us to receive the best education in the world.

Now the education system has returned to the path of adaptation. The child is not provoked to activity, not provoked to develop, but is forced to return to adaptability and choose from what is available. This is a worldview approach. It differs from the Russian approach. We, parents who experienced a Soviet school, can compare the results of this approach. And we see how much our children’s education has sagged. It will get worse if this is not changed.

- How did it happen that an adaptive approach was imposed on us? Why did we switch to it?

This is a very good question, because in order to form something new, you need energy for brain activity, it takes effort. And in order to use what you have, less effort is needed. And evolutionarily it turned out that the brain chooses the type of activity that requires less effort for a greater result. He is in very harsh economical conditions, so we have now returned to this very economical type, and the brain is forced to choose the simplest, least expensive type of activity in order to get some kind of maximum result.

- So before this we took a more difficult path? This was probably the case before Soviet power, during the Russian Empire. It turns out that we have returned to a more economical, but less effective form of activity

I think yes. For example, the mathematics textbook from which Chekhov and Dostoevsky studied was also in Soviet schools. Modern scientists, who are worried about education to the point of heartache, are praying for Kiselev’s textbook to be returned. The same goes for other subjects. We do not give the child the opportunity to develop from simple to complex. Now the education system immediately overloads him with complex things. This causes extreme inhibition, the child is alienated from the object. He understands that he is incapable, he loses interest, and interest is the basis of upbringing and education. If a child has no interest, it is no longer possible to teach. There is such a mechanism: if the child does not like the teacher, the child is not able to learn information from this person. We are engaged in scientific examination of educational programs. Almost the entire school curriculum is aimed at inhibiting the development of the child. This is species inhibition. Child development is based on evolutionary principles. Evolution over thousands and millions of years has given the opportunity to form certain nerve centers in the brain. And these centers have a certain period of development. The science of the gradual development of these centers, the culture of development of these centers, this is the science of pedagogy and hygiene of adolescents. But at the moment there is no scientific basis for the science of adolescent hygiene and pedagogy in the sense of scientific justification. Therefore, we see only the results of mutilation of a child in terms of health, starting with vision, the musculoskeletal system, the cardiovascular system, and so on.

Similar damage is caused to brain development. That is, now in school they are training people who are deficient in brain development. This is our responsibility and a crime that, I believe, should not have a statute of limitations. The task of adults, with the help of education and culture, is to transform a small animal, a baby, into a full-fledged person. And pedagogy and education plus family are the mechanism by which a person is formed. But at the moment (I repeat again) we can state that it is not the child’s development that is taking place, but his development is being inhibited.

- What kind of processes are these? Is there some kind of sabotage going on deliberately? Who introduced this system?

There is no need to talk about conspiracies and some technologies; in fact, everything is simpler. Where did the Bologna system come from? When the colonial system collapsed, a flood of people who lived in colonial countries poured into Europe. Many were completely illiterate, and then this test system was translated for them, where you just need to tick boxes, because many did not know the language. Our Unified State Examination system is not like that, of course. It grows, constantly changes, they are trying to make something out of it. But you know, they say, when you have such a friend, you don’t need enemies. One fool can do more harm to a country than several hundred spies or enemies. Since the stereotype of this adaptive system has been chosen, there is no need to create a new one. A huge army of people do not produce any product, but demand reports. Everyone is engaged in writing reports, they have quality control on the papers that they will issue to the top. This multiplies - the absolute illusion reaches the top.

People at the top are absolutely under the illusion that the school is alive and growing. There is just a tragedy happening at school today. We are losing a generation. We see that more and more slender, physically undeveloped teenagers are walking along the streets.

We are actually forcibly introducing such a subject as calligraphy into schools. That is, the child returns to writing with a pen. What is the difference between writing with a pen and writing with a pen? In 1957, when there was an education reform and the transition to continuous writing, people died from heart attacks. Continuous writing is how we write with a pen now. When a child wrote with a pen, the letter was composed of several elements. You had to press, release, turn, it would cling to the paper... You got blots, you needed a blotter. Sippy cups with ink were in the desks. The whole ceremony. But as a result of this, the child was constantly forced to dip the pen in ink and perform other actions - relax the brush, and the tension when writing was combined with relaxation. It was impossible to force him to write a long phrase with prolonged tension. This supposed inconvenience was translated into the convenience of writing in continuous writing. Our writing has changed. We began to write, holding the pen, without interruption. I joke that future archaeologists will recognize our generation by the altered phalanx of the middle finger - a dimple.

- But right here we have a callus...

Callus and dimple are our specialty. Imagine that you need to write a phrase without interruption. As soon as you start doing this, immediately hold your breath and change your body position. As soon as we tensed, we immediately created tension in the collar area. Holding your breath for several minutes is especially harmful for children during their developmental period.

- Well, not a few minutes, probably, after all, but how many seconds?

How long does he stay at school? How much does he write at school when he learns to write? This leads to a delay in the development of the cardiovascular, nervous, respiratory, and visual systems. And this is only one of the methods, one of the techniques that inhibits the development of a child. The second method is very important - the child sits on a chair.

- What should he sit on?

Children don't want to sit. This is called immobilization punishment. In many schools, in the lower grades, children stand at the desk. It's like a pulpit. By the way, this is educational equipment that is certified for schools. But few directors and teachers do not know about this. This is useful for children, but very inconvenient for teachers. The teacher needs the children to sit. They raised their hand, answered, sat down, moved along the walls during breaks, and as soon as the last bell rang, they would quickly and quietly leave the school. And then everything will be fine for the teachers. Where is the child’s development?

And the child should develop physically easily and should be able to swim from childhood. According to our program, swimming lessons should be a school subject, as well as folk dancing, which entails a huge layer of various types of activities. Firstly, this is ethnography - people, language, costume. Physical activity during folk dancing is as effective and varied as possible. We need gymnastics: sports for boys, rhythmic for girls. The result is a school that even elite schools cannot afford now, but in principle it should be an average public school.

Now everywhere there is an extreme degree of adaptation. Adaptation only makes sense in the interests of development. Otherwise, adaptation leads to degeneration. What is happening now is degeneration. The next stage, the extreme degree of degeneration, is degeneration. Such problems are already facing Europe. This is the result of upbringing and education. All sorts of diapers, walkers, early development methods and similar achievements of civilization led to this. If we follow this path, we will catch up with Europe and overtake it - we know how to do it. The child has the right to evolutionary development. And the adult is obliged to provide him with this right. This provision must be introduced into the Constitution.

Books by Bazarny Vladimir Filippovich


Our guest: Photographer Oleg Chagin

Oleg Chagin was born on January 2, 1963 in the city of Grozny. Since the boy’s father was a military man, Oleg did not study at any school for more than a year - the family constantly moved from place to place. Thus, even as a child, he traveled almost the entire country. After completing eight classes, Oleg entered the Mining and Metallurgical College on Sakhalin, which he graduated with honors in Yekaterinburg. There he decides to enter the Medical Institute. He gets there (for medical treatment) by hook or by crook, because they didn’t want to accept documents from the “miner” - the university was non-core. Soon Oleg also entered the Ural State University to the Faculty of Philosophy. (specialty “Dialectical materialism”).

Oleg started taking photographs in the early 1990s. At the time when the Americans from National Geographic were looking for a specialist to film snow leopard in the Tien Shan, he turned out to be the only photographer technically equipped enough for such photography. Since then, he has continued to actively collaborate with the magazine. A little later, the famous British magazine "VOGUE" contacted Oleg. Chagin has already shot 7 fashion sessions for him. The magazine especially appreciates the naturalness and style inherent in the creative manner of our photographer, as well as his human reliability. …One day, “through negligence,” as he himself says, Oleg agreed to photograph butterflies for the French magazine Nature. The work turned out to be intense and painstaking... Since then, cooperation has successfully continued.

If earlier medicine was a job for me, and photography was a hobby,” says Oleg, “now everything has changed exactly the opposite.

Our hero’s hobbies include yoga, which he has been practicing since 1976.

Chagin has been married for 15 years, he has three girls and a boy. Oleg manages to monitor the growth of children especially effectively thanks to frequent business trips.

We bring to your attention an interview compiled on questions from site visitors


What is it like to be in a constant state of creativity?


What do you think...


))) Hello, Chagin! How many years have I known you, this is the first time I’ve heard (or rather, seen) that you are a “doctor of psychiatry.” Come to visit me!


I'm not a doctor of psychiatry


What is the main thing in a tank?




Oleg, autumn greetings to you!

I’ve had this desire since childhood, to take up photography, do I need to study this somewhere / in some schools / or just go out on the street and take photographs, at least with a simple point-and-shoot camera?



You don’t even have to go outside, but you still need to take pictures. Why taking photographs is important only for professional work


Oleg, tell me what “YOGA” is for you?

Putilova Olga

Answer: Question:


I’m very curious, what kind of equipment do you have? Where did you start and where did you end up? Do you shoot in medium format?


Did you start straight away with CANON RS? I shoot in medium format and format. Equipment is constantly changing depending on the task, as for the narrow format - I remain a supporter of the CANON system


Do you hold master classes or something like that?

Will your exhibition be held in E-burg in the near future, where, when?


I conduct master classes regularly, invite me. I exhibit five to seven times a year, not counting publications. The exhibition will be (December or January) at the Museum of Photography


Hello, Oleg!

The question is the following: where in our city can I get professional advice or maybe learn at least some experience in photography?


There are a lot of photographers in the city. Go to exhibitions, look at magazines, advertisements, take your pick. Any photographer will always be happy to give advice on photography.


Tell me, Oleg! How unusual was the transition from medical terms to technological ones. These are two absolutely complex species, but absolutely unrelated to each other, but nevertheless remaining specific from all sides... Or did it all come out of the blue?

And the second question: Do you like shrimp meat with De Lorchamp sauce? With a glass of wine. And intimate conversations by candlelight.

Good friend


"The Kama Sutra is garbage compared to the Constitution Russian Federation". So everything is compared to medicine. Shrimp? By candlelight? My wife doesn't like shrimp...


Are there any studios or photographers in Yekaterinburg who provide training?


Vladimir Ivanovich Holostykh teaches photography at the architectural academy, or you should contact the professional studio of Dmitry Kunilov, Dmitry Loshagin, Yuri Lishenko... These are real specialists in the field of advertising photography. Or find a photographer close to your style and negotiate with him personally.


Oleg, please tell us where and how you studied professional photography?

And in general, what is the main thing that determines the art of photography - study of theory + extensive practice, or should first of all be a huge talent, taste and intuition?

Lozovnaya Natalia


1. I study photography, like everything else... I collect information, communicate with specialists... I think a lot more about this.

2. “study of theory + a lot of practice and, first of all, there must be enormous talent, taste and intuition?” + technical capability.


Hello, Oleg!

Tell me, is it possible to take a photo at your place and what is the cost?


Call!!! Pager 777-333, ab.8078. email: [email protected]. Mobile +7-902-84-74574


Good afternoon. Oleg.

What is your most memorable shoot?


I remember every frame, when, where, and it technical specifications...and any photographer will tell you so, and you can also talk about this shot for a very long time. You need to have a lot of patience not to talk about it.


Where can you see your work?


A small part of the work is on the website. And the rest can be viewed on the website that Kukarin Alexey made for my birthday, and does not show it to anyone...


What is, in your opinion, Sverdlovsk photography and what are its features (if any)? In your opinion, how do the works of Ekaterinburg photographers differ from the work of St. Petersburg and Muscovites? (if you do not take into account the technical side)


Great question! The best answer to this question in Yekaterinburg are two people - Evgeniy Beryukov (research fellow at the Museum of Photography) and photographer Sergei Rogozhkin...


How do you keep up with your work and never get tired of taking photographs?

Nastya Petrova


Thank you Nastya! Everything is fine with work. Fatigue comes from monotony... I don’t get tired. I have a wonderful job - challenging and interesting.


Have you worked in nude style?

if yes, do you think beautiful body- is this the key to a successful photo?


I'm not interested in nude photos if there are no eyes and there is no intelligence in the eyes. A beautiful body is not a guarantee... Show me a beautiful body... and (and) who lives in it..?


Dear Oleg Chagin.

Two questions.

1. Your attitude to digital photo technology.

Have you switched to it, if not, then its disadvantages in your opinion.

2. What photography (style) is now in demand for commercial purposes.

If possible, link your answer to the capabilities of the Internet.

Boldyrev Igor


1. The photo is already given digital and without digital cameras... IN pure form the photograph may be in an OBSCURE camera..., in other cases it is processed by digital devices - processors, matrices, scanning heads and cash registers. The digital equipment I use is already given, both video (Canon XL1s) and photos (Canon 1Ds). Everything has disadvantages. We must take advantage of the advantages of this technology.

2.Where? We have? In Europe? In the West in general or in France in particular? Igor, this doesn’t fit with the capabilities of the Internet... For commercial purposes, photographs are always in demand. If not advertising agencies, then sellers of film and photographic paper and all other equipment.


Dear Oleg! I would like to get answers to three questions at once. Question 1: What keeps you in Yekaterinburg, “citizens of the world” like you usually choose more civilized places to live. Question 2: Which of your Yekaterinburg colleagues do you consider equal to yourself?

Question 3: If I order a family portrait from you, how much will it cost? And how to contact you, if possible.

Marfin Leonid


1. I love Yekaterinburg very much, this is MY city. I am proud when there is something, and I am very upset for the same reason. Yekaterinburg has an ADVANTAGEABLE geopolitical location and such prospects!!! It amazes me how those who leave the city and, most importantly, those who should see it in their positions do not see this... “Citizens of the WORLD”, to whom you mistakenly included me, really “usually choose more civilized places to live “I don’t want to “dwell”, I want to be... In short - “Where I was born, I came in handy” (RUSSIAN folk proverb).

2. You need to compare yourself yesterday with yourself today... There are a lot of photographers in the field of advertising... you don’t have time to remember the names of very famous photographers... and in general it’s sad to look at local advertising and “regional” magazines. Clavijo noticed that the PHOTO PEDIGORISTS have risen greatly... And of course I am “Very worried about HONDURAS”

3. Family portrait It’s better to order not from me, but from photographers specializing in this genre. I can recommend contacting studio photographers.


Hello Oleg!

Everyone knows (as it seems to me) the names of Ekaterinburg photographers such as Evgeniy Lankin, Dmitry Kunilov, Alexander Loshagin, Marat, but I have never heard your name. What is this connected with? Or do you just not shoot for our magazines?


I also take pictures for our magazines, you are not paying attention. Regarding hearing... I’ve always been interested in this definition of “EVERYTHING”! “EVERYONE WAS THERE”... Who is “EVERYONE”? Who doesn’t know the name, but knows the surname of Loshagin (he is not Andrei, but Dmitry), and they know the name MARAT, but do not know his surname? Here it is clear to me that “ALL” are those who have been watching the magazine “Stolnik” for the last year... I have a very good attitude towards Marat Agalakov... but don’t know the name of Dmitry Loshagin... I’m not surprised that you haven’t heard my name... let it be better... Anton! You apparently good man and good, you better go to exhibitions of Ural photographers sometimes..


If you have a website Oleg, where can I see your work?

Skomorokhov Alexey


Under construction!!!


Oleg, hello!

I know that you have been practicing yoga for a long time. Tell me: what does this give you?

Khakimova Oksana


"YOGA" gives nothing... There is nothing...


What camera do you use?

Efremova Elena


Depending on the tasks. I give preference to CANON and SINAR.


Hello! My question is: is it possible to take high-quality pictures with a point-and-shoot camera?


High-quality ones are not possible, but interesting ones are possible.


Dear Oleg. Good afternoon!

I have several studio photographs, where can I get large format framed photos from them if I don't have negatives?

Thank you in advance.

Ivkina Marina


How big? The steps are as follows: scan photos and print on a printer or photo paper. Contact - Bankovsky Lane 10 Ephoto phone 764264. In any case, they will advise how to do better.


Do you see the difference between a photo artist and a photographer? If yes, then why?

Medvedev Anton


The photographer photographs the real story, and the photo artist creates it.


How much does the technique used affect the quality of photographs and is it possible to shoot professionally with ZENIT? What is more important - technique or taste?


Taste is necessary when working with any camera, but not in the cold with an iron one. And the quality of photographs is affected not only by the camera, but also by the entire subsequent chain of specialists and equipment. There are technical requirements for the frame. They may differ for each customer, so I recommend always using the maximum ones. ZENIT does not meet professional requirements... But how many photographic masterpieces were made with this camera!!!


If I feel that I can take great photographs and be a professional photographer, how can I become one? Where to begin?


You Sergey have a very rich imagination! And you try to feel that you have already become a professional photographer! Start with this and maybe end with this! If it doesn't work out, find me, maybe I can be useful to you.


Is it possible to get acquainted with your works on the Internet?

Alexey Lutkov


You can access the site through any search engine. It's better to look at real photos.


Who is better to photograph - girls or women? :)


What about Maxim? Are you very interested in this? What do you think about this? do you want to talk about this?... Are you interested in psychoanalysis?


Oleg, hello! Long time no see. I completely forgot. How are you doing???? I would like to see your new works. When will the exhibition be in Yekaterinburg???? I'm waiting for an invitation!

Starkova Ekaterina (Cyprus)


I invite you!!!


What is your opinion: is success in photography more often dependent on the luck of the photographer or on his professionalism?


You have to be prepared for luck.


Please tell me which of the 5 megapixel digital cameras in your opinion is better to purchase in the price category from 800 USD. e. up to 1500 USD e.

Thank you in advance.

Amateur photographer

Kokorin V. A.


It's better not to buy in this price category digital camera. Lure!!! Memory cards, computer, printer, photo paper, etc., etc. It will turn out to be 5-7 thousand. e. Buy better good camera... it will last you much longer. A professional camera lasts 5-7 years... Imagine what will happen to your digital equipment after this time, if just as many years ago there were no digital cameras at all


Oleg, what do you think is more important for a photographer - the ability to see or technical equipment? What is more important to you personally?



The ability to see without technical equipment...? Technical equipment without the ability to see...? A photographer sees the world through a lens. The more diverse this world is... “How did you go to CUBA? I don’t know, I haven’t developed the film yet”


Oleg, what is your most memorable day in your life?

Kazantsev Ivan

Answer: Question:

My father studied karate with Oleg Chagin in 1979. I was seven years old then. I remember well how he told me that the sensei came from Sakhalin, that he had 1st Dan... Is that you?

Egorov Sergey

Answer: Question:

Hello, Oleg. Perhaps my question will not be entirely interesting to you... but I still ask you not to ignore it. As a fairly experienced photographer (judging by the note on this site), what brand and type of b/w film can you recommend for portrait photography in natural and low artificial light??? Is there something universal??? I also understand that every photographer has his own preferences... in this case, I would like to know exactly your preferences. And one more thing... in your opinion, the portrait will look better (more natural, more pleasant to perceive) with focal length more than 50 mm, ~50 mm, or less than 50 mm??? All this is interesting to me as a novice photographer. Thank you in advance.

Skotnikov Alexey


I would recommend Kodak or Ilford black and white film which is developed using 41 processes. It has a sensitivity of 400 units and a stable developing process. The portrait will look natural with a standard 135mm portrait lens.


Hello Oleg, this is Fedor. I'm trying to take pictures from your light hand. What are your favorite topics and do you have any? What periodicals do you recommend for self-education, and what Russian photographers do you respect?

P.S. We’ve lived to see the 21st century, we’re still in touch via the Internet, we should at least see each other and drink some tea

Bye bye, Fedor

Dergachev Fedor


Hello dear! You see, we’ve made it... Let’s see you better, have some tea... why do you need this self-education..? Ask me...



Tell us in more detail about the stages of your development as a pro: where did it start, were there “Zorkiye”, “Zenith” or just a Pentax 67? First commercial order, first publications, how did you progress and get to this point of life?


Immediately there was a CANON 1RS with a set of optics from 14 mm. up to 800 mm., and special optics 180 mm. macro, 24 mm. T-SH... The first publications were in "National Geographc", then "Naturel", then "Vogue", "Christian Dior", "Volkswagen" Three last year I also worked with Yekaterinburg publications and customers. The first city magazine I collaborated with was "I BUY". Excellent editorial staff, talented people and true professionals. Editor Vera Tarasova. This was the first editor in Yekaterinburg with whom I collaborated... Many things were for the first time then. The first column "Ecology of Style" with Valentina Nemchenkova! Currently a model for the FORD agency in Paris. Supermodel! First outdoor photo shoot in the city! Cyprus! Nuretdinova Lyusya! World class model now! Model of several of the world's largest agencies! On the latest cover "I BUY" and three years ago on the cover too... Then PRAGUE! Evgenia Obraztsova! Miss Yekaterinburg 2000!... "Stolnik"! The strongest editorial and creative team. Buzueva Anya, Stern Yulia... They raised the magazine from a furniture catalog to the leading one in the city. Several covers and photo sessions were completed... By the way, several billboards are still working... "Ural Airlines" in-flight magazine. Naumov Dmitry and Nikolaeva Ksenia... Paris, Munich... Where the airline flies and filming is carried out... Trading house "BIZON" raised their own business from scratch to the world level... it was pleasant to work, because the specialists the highest level and who know the price of advertising. Volkswagen orders advertising for three cars: Bor, Passat and Golf. Advertising agency IgRek with the strongest creativity... Trading house "SPORT MASTER" shooting a jet ski. Jump from a waterfall! Deadly dangerous stunt, stuntman Andrey Ivanov. You can only jump once. It took several days to get to the place... The plot! Filming! And the customer is always in the process of work! Trading House "AKROPOL" was several years ahead of advertising in the city in its position... Three years most interesting work with the best specialists in the city... If you write everything, it will take a lot of sheets... Although there are problems... This is normal for a growing organism... And I hope that it is growing...


You are such an unusual person, character and destiny. Was it difficult for you to “search for yourself” in this world?? How did your loved ones and those around you react to such “vacillations” from side to side? Didn’t the father say that, son, mind your own business?? (P.S. I also study at the Faculty of Philosophy at USU, but I haven’t found myself yet. I’m actively searching.)

Zhakhina Zhanar


I haven't found myself yet. My parents have always helped me... What could be more patient in life than parents' patience?!!


Hello, Oleg! Have you ever fallen

to Nirvana?


Allah Akbar!

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Where does the human race come from and where is it going? How is the younger generation different from the older? How to teach and raise children? After all, first of all, our future depends on what they become. What can you expect in the near and long term? The latest achievements of civilization are already leading humanity to degeneration. Is it possible to correct the development of people and the entire civilization, or are they are developing according to your unknown laws? Oleg Chagin, director of the Research Institute of Social Anthropogenesis, spoke about these global philosophical issues, as well as practical problems of Russian education, live on the website’s video channel.

Does school hinder children's development?

Anthropology is the science of man in general; anthropogenesis is the dynamics of this process. “Social” in the name of our institute means that we study a person from the moment of speech formation, from the moment of the formation of a certain zone in the brain that provided speech to a person. This zone originated, as we believe, among the Cro-Magnons. But we got this speech for nothing - a child is born with the ability to speak. And we just need conditions for its development. There are two types of activity: adaptation, thanks to which we survived, and development, that is, education. Adaptation is the ability to take advantage of what is already there. This is what we conventionally call a female type of activity. Development is education, the ability to develop, to form new structures. The Soviet education system followed precisely the path of development. New methods, new programs, new structures were created that allowed us to receive the best education in the world.

Now the education system has returned to the path of adaptation. The child is not provoked to activity, not provoked to develop, but is forced to return to adaptability and choose from what is available. This is a worldview approach. It differs from the Russian approach. We, parents who experienced a Soviet school, can compare the results of this approach. And we see how much our children’s education has sagged. It will get worse if this is not changed.

— How did it happen that an adaptive approach was imposed on us? Why did we switch to it?

- This is a very good question, because in order to form something new, you need energy for brain activity, it takes effort. And in order to use what you have, less effort is needed. And evolutionarily it turned out that the brain chooses the type of activity that requires less effort for a greater result. He is in very harsh economical conditions, so we have now returned to this very economical type, and the brain is forced to choose the simplest, least expensive type of activity in order to get some kind of maximum result.

— So before this we took a more difficult path? This was probably the case before Soviet power, during the Russian Empire. It turns out that we have returned to a more economical, but less effective form of activity

- I think yes. For example, the mathematics textbook from which Chekhov and Dostoevsky studied was also in Soviet schools. Modern scientists, who are worried about education to the point of heartache, are praying for Kiselev’s textbook to be returned. The same goes for other subjects. We do not give the child the opportunity to develop from simple to complex. Now the education system immediately overloads him with complex things. This causes extreme inhibition, the child is alienated from the object. He understands that he is incapable, he loses interest, and interest is the basis of upbringing and education. If a child has no interest, it is no longer possible to teach. There is such a mechanism: if the child does not like the teacher, the child is not able to learn information from this person. We are engaged in scientific examination of educational programs. Almost the entire school curriculum is aimed at inhibiting the development of the child. This is species inhibition. Child development is based on evolutionary principles. Evolution over thousands and millions of years has given the opportunity to form certain nerve centers in the brain. And these centers have a certain period of development. The science of the gradual development of these centers, the culture of development of these centers, this is the science of pedagogy and hygiene of adolescents. But at the moment there is no scientific basis for the science of adolescent hygiene and pedagogy in the sense of scientific justification. Therefore, we see only the results of mutilation of a child in terms of health, starting with vision, the musculoskeletal system, the cardiovascular system, and so on.

Similar damage is caused to brain development. That is, now in school they are training people who are deficient in brain development. This is our responsibility and a crime that, I believe, should not have a statute of limitations. The task of adults, with the help of education and culture, is to transform a small animal, a baby, into a full-fledged person. And pedagogy and education plus family are the mechanism by which a person is formed. But at the moment (I repeat again) we can state that it is not the child’s development that is taking place, but his development is being inhibited.

— What kind of processes are these? Is there some kind of sabotage going on deliberately? Who introduced this system?

— There’s no need to talk about conspiracies and some kind of technology, in fact everything is simpler. Where did the Bologna system come from? When the colonial system collapsed, a flood of people who lived in colonial countries poured into Europe. Many were completely illiterate, and then this test system was translated for them, where you just need to tick boxes, because many did not know the language. Our Unified State Examination system is not like that, of course. It grows, constantly changes, they are trying to make something out of it. But you know, they say, when you have such a friend, you don’t need enemies. One fool can do more harm to a country than several hundred spies or enemies. Since the stereotype of this adaptive system has been chosen, there is no need to create a new one. A huge army of people do not produce any product, but demand reports. Everyone is engaged in writing reports, they have quality control on the papers that they will issue to the top. This multiplies - the absolute illusion reaches the top.

People at the top are absolutely under the illusion that the school is alive and growing. There is just a tragedy happening at school today. We are losing a generation. We see that more and more slender, physically undeveloped teenagers are walking along the streets.

We are actually forcibly introducing such a subject as calligraphy into schools. That is, the child returns to writing with a pen. What is the difference between writing with a pen and writing with a pen? In 1957, when there was an education reform and the transition to continuous writing, people died from heart attacks. Continuous writing is how we write with a pen now. When a child wrote with a pen, the letter was composed of several elements. You had to press, release, turn, it would cling to the paper... You got blots, you needed a blotter. Sippy cups with ink were in the desks. The whole ceremony. But as a result of this, the child was constantly forced to dip the pen in ink and perform other actions - relax the brush, and the tension when writing was combined with relaxation. It was impossible to force him to write a long phrase with prolonged tension. This supposed inconvenience was translated into the convenience of writing in continuous writing. Our writing has changed. We began to write, holding the pen, without interruption. I joke that future archaeologists will recognize our generation by the altered phalanx of the middle finger—a dimple.

- But right here we have a callus...

— Callus and dimple are our specialty. Imagine that you need to write a phrase without interruption. As soon as you start doing this, immediately hold your breath and change your body position. As soon as we tensed, we immediately created tension in the collar area. Holding your breath for several minutes is especially harmful for children during their developmental period.

- Well, not a few minutes, probably, after all, but how many seconds?

- How long does he stay at school? How much does he write at school when he learns to write? This leads to a delay in the development of the cardiovascular, nervous, respiratory, and visual systems. And this is only one of the methods, one of the techniques that inhibits the development of a child. The second method is very important - the child sits on a chair.

- What is he on? must sit?

— The children don’t want to sit. This is called immobilization punishment. In many schools, in the lower grades, children stand at the desk. It's like a pulpit. By the way, this is educational equipment that is certified for schools. But few directors and teachers do not know about this. This is useful for children, but very inconvenient for teachers. The teacher needs the children to sit. They raised their hand, answered, sat down, moved along the walls during breaks, and as soon as the last bell rang, they would quickly and quietly leave the school. And then everything will be fine for the teachers. Where is the child’s development?