Educational quizzes for primary schoolchildren. Intellectual quiz in elementary school

Quiz for children “Lucky chance”

Scenario of an educational quiz game for younger children school age"Lucky case"

PRESENTER 1: Good afternoon, dear guys!

PRESENTER 2: We are very pleased to welcome you to our hall!

PRESENTER 1: Today we are holding entertaining game"Lucky case". The game is played between teams of girls and boys. And today's competition will be judged by our respected jury.

PRESENTER 2: We invite the participants of both teams to come up to the stage.
Now let's move on to the game. Our game consists of 6 competitions. Before each competition, we will introduce its conditions.

1st competition: " Business card teams"– assessed on a 5-point system. And now we will meet the first team, the girls' team.

The “Team Business Card” competition is taking place

2nd competition: “Question and answer”, serves as a warm-up for the teams. You need to answer very quickly, clearly, for each correct answer the team receives one point.

1. Lazy Russian character folk tale. (Emelya)
2. A lighting device that can be magical. (Lamp)
3. A learned animal that walks around in a chain. (Cat)
4. What they advise you to check without leaving the cash register. (Money)
5. His eyes are big. (Fear)
6. Weapons that the musketeers liked to cross. (Sword)
7. The place where cancer meets the Greek. (River)
8. What the president signs. (Decree)
9. Bone part of Baba Yaga’s torso. (Leg)
10. For which Andersen heroine was a flower a permanent place of residence? (Thumbelina)

1. What was the name of the girl who was afraid of hot weather more than anything in the world. (Snow Maiden)
2. The first part left of a goat after it was eaten by wolves. (Horns)
3. Bear pacifier. (Paw)
4. Name the cat who always wore black glasses. (Basilio)
5. What was the name of the dog that first flew into space. (Laika)
6. Who loved the thunderstorm in early May. (Tyutchev)
7. Can elephants swim? (Yes)
8. The most unpleasant color for a bull. (Red)
9. Name the most fun circus profession. (Clown)
10. Name the saddest tree. (Weeping willow)

Competition No. 3 “Troubles from a barrel”

The color red is a question from the field of sports.
Green is from the realm of nature.
Blue - from the field of literature
Orange is from the field of music.
Teams take turns pulling problems out of the barrel and answering questions. Each correct answer is worth 1 point.

1. In which sports games is the ball used? (Football, basketball, volleyball, etc.)
2. What colors are the Olympic rings? (Green, black, white, red, yellow)
3. What types are there? martial arts(karate, wushu, judo, etc.)
4. What sports equipment do track and field athletes use? (grenade, disc, spear, cannonball)
5. What objects are performed with at competitions? rhythmic gymnastics female athletes (ribbon, rope, hoop, ball, mace)

1. Which bird barks (Male partridge)
2. What living creatures leading a nocturnal lifestyle can be seen in daylight only after prolonged rain. (Earthworm)
3. Where do butterflies go in winter? (Most die in the cracks)
4. Which animal sleeps upside down all winter. (Bat)
5. We often use the expression “Where the crayfish spend the winter.” And where do they really spend the winter (In the mud, in burrows)

1. What were the names of famous heroes in Russian epics (Ilya Muromets, Alyosha Popovich, etc.
2. What fairy tales did A. Volkov write about magical land where the bogeyman rules, the Wise (Wizard) emerald city, Yellow Fog, Fire God of the Marrans)
3. What fairy tales in verse did K. Chukovsky compose for children. (Crocodile, Moidodyr, etc.)
4. What fairy tales were composed by P.P. Bozhov (Mistress of the Copper Mountain, Malachite Box and etc.)
5. Which fairy tales are written by A.S. Pushkin (Ruslan and Lyudmila, The Tale of the Dead Princess, The Tale of the Golden Cockerel, etc.)

1. What musical tales composed by composer G. Gladkov (Bremen Town Musicians, Blue Puppy, Hottabych)
2. Which one musical instrument combines piano and accordion. (Accordion)
3. What songs of Dmitry Bilan do you know?
4. What substance is used to rub the hair of the bow to obtain a clear and strong sound (Rosin)
5. Name 3 songs about summer.

4th "Fans" competition. Evaluated by 5 points ( funny questions). Fans can give a point to the team they like.

5th competition "Riddles". For each correct answer the team receives 1 point.

1. The little blue fur coat has covered the whole world. (Sky)
2. On one finger the bucket is upside down. (Thimble)
3. From gate to gate lies a cloud of gold. (The lights of a sun)
4. The little round one cannot be lifted by the tail. (Clew)
5. The little animal has a hundred silver coins in its back. (Fish)
6. Neither the sea nor the land, ships do not sail, but you cannot walk. (Swamp)
7. The wind moves the hair of the wrapped girls. (Corn)
8. The yellow chicken is sulking in the garden (Zucchini)
9. What they pour into a frying pan and bend it into four. (Pancakes)
10. A violinist lives in a meadow, wears a tailcoat and gallops. (Grasshopper)
11. A fur coat and a caftan walks across the mountains and valleys. (Sheep)
12. Natket will weave, sit down and wait for prey. (Spider)

6th competition "Erudite". Now your attention will be offered a word from which you will make small words.

TEACHER. For each word 1 point. Time 1 minute.

The JURY sums it up!

PRESENTER 1: Dear guys, we are very glad that today’s game was so interesting, fun and exciting. You played simply wonderful, you showed yourself to be so talented and erudite.

Educational quiz for schoolchildren

5-6 classes

Goals and objectives of the quiz:

Instill an interest in reading.
Develop speech, thinking, imagination, interest, attention.
Cultivate camaraderie and curiosity during the game.
Nurture love and careful attitude to fairy tales.

General questions round

1. You all know the mighty hero Ilya Muromets. How many years did Ilya lie on the stove? (33 years)

2. Which branch does not grow on a tree? (Railway)

3. Remember what spell Mowgli knew? (“You and I are of the same blood - you and I”)

4. Remember in which fairy tale by A.S. Pushkin a fundamentally new wage system was introduced. Show her. (Three clicks)

5. It’s cold in winter, so we dress warmly - felt boots, fur coats, hats. Does a fur coat keep you warm in winter? (No, it just keeps you warm)

6. Who has a mustache longer than his legs? (At the cockroach)

7. What is this herb that even the blind can recognize? (Nettle)

8. What did the poodle Artemon wear on his front leg from A. Tolstoy’s fairy tale “The Golden Key”? (Silver watch)

9. What is the name of the living quarters for the crew on a ship? (Cockpit)

10.B Ancient Rus' silver bars served as money. They were called hryvnias. If an item was worth less than the entire block, then a part of it was cut off. What was the name of the severed piece of silver bar? (Ruble)

Round of quick questions

1. What do the rider and the rooster have in common? (Spurs)

2. What kind of fuel is produced in the swamp? (Peat)

3. Where do they dance lezginka? (In Georgia)

1. Under what bush was the hare sitting during the rain? (Under the wet)

3. What is czardas? (Hungarian dance)


1. How can you carry water in a sieve? (Frozen)

2. What country do they wear on their heads? (Panama)

3. When are eggs tasty? (When you eat them)

Geographic round

1. The deepest lake in the world. (Baikal)

2. Which continent has no rivers? (In Antarctica)

3. Between what two identical letters can you put a small horse and get the name of the country? (Japan)

4. Name the star closest to Earth. This star is visible during the daytime. (Sun)

Musical round

1. What notes can be used to measure distance? (Mi-la-mi)

2. Which Austrian composer was already performing in concerts at the age of six? (Mozart)

3. Which composer composed and played his works while deaf? (Beethoven)

4. What two notes grow in the garden? (Beans)

5. What song did the short kids sing when they flew hot-air balloon together with Dunno? ("In the grass Grasshopper sat")

Round “Wildlife”

1. What bird breeds chicks in any frost? (Crossbill)

2. During the flight of these birds, it seems that a solid flame is moving. What kind of bird is this? (Flamingo)

3. Which bird flies the fastest? (Swift, up to 140 km/h)

4. From which poisonous plant preparing a medicine used for heart disease? (Lily of the valley)

5. What plants do not have roots, stems, leaves, flowers? (Algae)

6. What kind of wood is used to make skis? (Birch)

7. What trace beast of prey looks like a human footprint? (Bear)

8. What kind of wood are matches made from? (From aspen)

9. Which plant juice helps with mosquito bites? (Parsley)

Literary round

1. Which literary character owns the running shoes and the magic staff? (To Little Muk)

2. Name three Russian epic heroes. (Dobrynya Nikitich, Ilya Muromets, Alyosha Popovich)

3. What medicine did Malvina Buratino want to give? (Castor oil)

4. What academic title did the owner of the Karabas-Barabas puppet theater have? (Doctor of Puppet Science)

5. What did Pinocchio love more than anything in the world? (Scary adventures)

6. Which one money coin was used by the residents of the town from the fairy tale “The Golden Key”? (Soldo)

7. “He swayed, swayed on his thin legs, took one step, took another step, hop-hop, straight to the door, across the threshold and into the street.” Who is this? (Pinocchio)

8. “A long, wet, wet man came out with a small, small face, as wrinkled as a morel mushroom.” Who is this? (Seller of medicinal leeches Duremar)

9. What was Gulliver’s profession? (Ship's doctor)

For the first time in our country, a quiz (from the Latin victoria - victory) appeared on the pages of Ogonyok magazine on the initiative of Mikhail Koltsov on January 8, 1928. It was a truly intellectual quiz, the answers to which readers were eagerly awaiting. Suffice it to say that it was held throughout the year and consisted of 49 episodes with 2270 questions!

Since then it has gained enormous popularity. It is enough to name the television programs “What? Where? When?”, “Field of Miracles”, “Brain Ring”, which are based on a quiz. Such entertainment can also decorate a holiday party. entertainment program, especially if the questions are well matched to the composition of the company and the occasion. Suggested below quiz "One Hundred Questions for Smart People" can be held at a school or corporate party. The organizers have the right to determine the number and level of questions themselves.

Quiz "One Hundred Questions for Smart People"

1. Sonnet is a poetic genre in which the number of lines is regulated. How many should there be?


2. Which three European capitals are located on the same river?

(Vienna, Budapest and Belgrade - on the Danube)

2. Which country was ruled by about two dozen kings with the same names?

(There are eighteen Louis in France)

3. How to boil an egg without fire?

(Pour water over the quicklime; when the mixture boils, add the egg).

4. How many eyes does a bee have?


5. What invention do the Russian people only use themselves?


6. Who has an ear on his leg?

(At the grasshopper)

7. How many times is the Moon smaller than the Earth?

(Approximately 50 times)

8. Approximately how many liters of air does a person pass through his lungs per day?

(Ten thousand liters)

9. Where are the “mitral valves” located?

(In heart)

10. How are doctors paid in China?

(By number healthy days patient)

11. In what liquid does iron not sink?

(In mercury)

12. Which two Russian writers, having quarreled, did not speak to each other for 16 years?

(L.N. Tolstoy and I.S. Turgenev)

13. What completely intact tub cannot be used for household purposes?


14. What does a camel’s hump consist of?

(From fat)

15. What pleasant concept is defined in everyday life by the number 24?

("All 24 pleasures")

16. What are the names of the characters in Gogol’s story “About how Ivan Ivanovich and Ivan Nikiforovich quarreled”?

(Pererepenko and Dovgochkhun)

17. What did Manilov call from " Dead souls your children?

(Themistoclus and Alcides)

18. What were the names of the ancient priests who predicted the future?


19. In which state did the plebeians and patricians live?

(In Ancient Rome)

20. In which country has the Leaning Tower of Pisa been unable to fall for more than 600 years?

(In Italy)

21.Who is Immanuel Kant?

(German philosopher)

22. Is it true that Admiral Nelson was one-eyed?

(No. This is a legend. Nelson’s right eye was damaged by sand, his vision became worse with it. That’s all.)

23. Name the English naturalist scientist who told the world about the “Origin of Species”

(Charles Robert Darwin)

24. What works of Tsereteli do you know?

(To be honest, it would be very difficult to list all the works of a prolific author in a small quiz (and not thematic one). The presenter can offer a mini auction, where the one who gives the last answer wins. Or name the most popular, for example, the monument to PeterIin Moscow. You can accept all the correct answers).

25. What they called puppet show in the old days in Ukraine?

(Nativity scene)

26. What is the name of hot wine boiled with nuts and spices?

(Mulled wine)

27. What is the name of the edge of a minted coin?


28. What is the name of the mesh fabric used as a stencil for embroidery?


29. What is the name for emphatically confident performance in dancing?


30. Transverse division on the fretboard of stringed instruments?


31. Museum of wax figures and rarities?


32. A museum where rare, outlandish exhibits are collected?


33. Largest English information Agency(London), bearing the name of its creator?


34. What is the name of the jump in ballet dancing?


35. A person who selflessly loves, honors and reads books?


36. What was the name of the French general after whom a certain style of trousers was named?


37. What is the name of the saddle for acrobatic acts in the circus?


38. An ancient Greek scientist who considered music the main “purifying factor” of the soul?


39. What is the name of the collection of real and fake objects for theatrical productions?


40. In which ballet is the “Sabre Dance” performed?

(Bulat Okudzhava)

42. What is the name of the force of sound in music that is opposite to “forte” (emphasis on "O")?


43. What is the name of a short compliment poem?


44. What is the name of the ancient Polish ceremonial dance-procession?


45. What is the name of a special type of ancient Greek choral lyric - a wedding song?


46. ​​What is the name of a non-periodic literary collection containing works by various authors?


47. What is the name of the theater lamp?


48. An honorary address to outstanding musicians?


49. What is the name of the novel by A. Dumas (son), on the plot of which Verdi’s opera “La Traviata” was written?

(Lady with camellias)

50. Which one American singer called "the first lady of jazz"?

(E. Fitzgerald)

51. What is the art of reading poetry or prose called?


52. What is the name of the stage role - the role of simple-minded, naive girls?


53. What is the name of a hunting burrowing dog with a long body and short legs?


54. What is the name of the fruit or sweet dishes served at the end of dinner?


55. What is the name of a hand-woven patterned carpet?


56. What is the name of the barbecue grill?


57. What is the name of a small bag for tobacco, tightened with a cord?


58. What are the names of paints diluted in water?


59. What is the name of a written greeting to commemorate an anniversary?


60. What is the name of the special room from which the television broadcast is broadcast?


61. A jazz plucked musical instrument of African origin?


62. What is the name of a woodcut?


63. What is the name of the style of clothing cut so that the sleeves are integral with the shoulder?



65. What was Mark Twain's real last name?

(Samuel Clemens)

66. Name the Russian dancer whose name was immortalized by A.S. Pushkin in "Eugene Onegin?


67. On what ship did Kisa Vorobyaninov and Ostap Bender travel with the Columbus Theater?


68. What is the name of a very popular book published in large quantities?


69. What is the opening of the exhibition called?


70. What are they called? gymnastic exercises on a horse moving in a circle?


71. Name six days in a row so that the letter “I” does not appear once.

(The third day, the day before yesterday, yesterday, today, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow)

72. What is the name of a theatrical review - a performance of individual numbers, scenes, episodes?


73. A treat given as a reward for something?


74. What is the name of a male partner in dancing?


75. What is the name of the main plot device of a literary work?


76. In what year did regular Soviet TV broadcasts begin?

(In 1936)

77. Unwritten law, rules of conduct in life?


78. What is the art of beautiful handwriting called?


79. What was Tatyana Larina’s middle name? Justify.


"...And where his ashes lie,

The tombstone reads:

Humble sinner Dmitry Larin...")

80. The lowest tier of boxes at the stall level in the theater?


81. Hired audience to support a play, an actor, an important commercial viewing?


82. Which academic discipline Is it possible to divide and multiply surnames?

(In physics. For example, Ampere is equal to Volt divided by Ohm)

83. What famous prison was its builder a prisoner of?

(Bastille, architect Hugo Aubrio)

84. What is the population of the country protected by the Great Wall of China?

(For 2015 - 1 billion 368 million people)

85. Which composers completed Borodin’s unfinished opera “Prince Igor”?

(Glazunov and Rimsky-Korsakov)

86. Where did Khoma Brut study?

(In Kyiv Bursa)

87. What does the “oblique” cross of the St. Andrew’s flag mean?

(The answer is in the name of the flag: the oblique cross reminds of the Apostle Andrew, who was crucified on such a cross)

88. Where in Russia was the first museum dedicated to a literary hero opened?

(IN Leningrad region, "Station Master's Museum" in October 1972)

89. Peter the Great knew well adicia, subtraction, animation and division. In his time, not everyone knew these four actions, and Peter persistently forced his companions to study this. Now every schoolchild knows all this perfectly well. What does he call it?

(Addition, subtraction, multiplication and division)

90. This is public vehicle appeared in St. Petersburg in the century before last and immediately received the nickname “40 martyrs” and “hug”. Name it.

(Omnibus - multi-seat horse-drawn carriage)

91. What mouth Russian river, flowing into the sea, is located below the level of the world's oceans?

(Volga flowing into the Caspian Lake-Sea, which lies 27.9 m below ocean level)

92. “Purple hands on an enamel wall...” What hands are we talking about in this poem by Valery Bryusov?

(About the shadow of a palm tree. One day Bryusov spent the night at his mother’s house, in a room with a palm tree. The light from the street lamp illuminated the tiled wall. The shadows from the palm leaves surprisingly resembled hands...)

93. What does the name of our country sound like in Esperanto?

(Ruslando - Russia)

94. Which republic within Russia is called “the land of a thousand lakes”?


95. What is "pendeltur"?

(Door on swing hinges, opening in both directions)

96. Who is “Walterperzhenka”?

(Walterperzhenka - female name, formed according to the principle of abbreviation. Stands for VALentina TEReshkova FIRST WOMAN Cosmonaut)

97. What is the name of the largest freshwater lake in Europe by area?


98. Was Kolchak or Denikin a sailor and polar explorer?

(Kolchak A.V.)

99. Old Russian catering establishment


100. What is better: to be bald or to be stupid?

(Stupid, it’s not immediately obvious)

The last question, as you understand it, is a joke. It was necessary to somehow relieve mental stress)))

I tried really hard...

Firstly, I cut from " Komsomolskaya Pravda» collections with entertaining questions for several years in a row. To be honest, all this is in in electronic format on the website, but I saved your time, since I took 1-2 successful questions from each selection.
Secondly, I have written down the most successful and understandable questions for a family holiday, so that adults, children and teenagers can play on the same team.
Third, I conveniently formatted the questions for the quiz with answers so that the host simply opened my article on his tablet and held an intellectual party for family and friends. In the left column are questions. On the right are the answers. Easily!

If you need to organize and conduct cool game with our professional presenters, interesting questions, sound design and props, We work in Moscow.

What occasion is the idea suitable for?

These questions are not for children (), but they are quite simple. The quiz can be done on family holiday when several generations come together (birthday, anniversary, wedding anniversary, New Year, March 8, February 23). The questions are also suitable for entertainment event in high school.

1. Team tournament

Option 1. Divide your guests into 2 teams. If there are a lot of people and you have more than 2 teams of 6 people, make three, four or five teams. The fact is that the answers do not need to be shouted or voiced after 60 seconds, but written on forms. This makes it easier to prevent chaos. The presenter will read out the correct answers when he receives the forms from all teams.

Each correct answer earns one point.

Option 2. This style of play can sometimes be seen in the favorite “What? Where? When?”, when it is difficult to determine the leader for the final. One team sits at the gaming table, the rest stand around. The team plays until the first loss. Stands up and gives way to the other team. In the end, the team that was at the table on the final question wins.

Don’t forget that players will need a tea break (or a serious gastronomic break), a music or dance break, and prizes to reward the best (fun, artistic, beautiful, small) player.

Which US president wrote his own Sherlock Holmes story?
A. John Kennedy
B. Franklin Roosevelt
W. Ronald Reagan

32-1 US President Franklin Roosevelt was also known as a writer. In 1945, he tried to resurrect the image of the famous literary hero, writing the essay “The Baker Street Folio: Five Notes on Sherlock Holmes from Franklin Delano Roosevelt.”

What duty was introduced in the 12th century in England to force men to go to war?
A. Tax on parasitism
B. Tax on cowardice
B. Tax on lack of boots

The English had to pay a tax on cowardice. It was imposed on everyone who did not want to take part in wars for the glory of the king.

Where did the expression “money has no smell” come from?
A. From bearers for the transportation of perfumes
B. From fees for unwashed socks
B. From the toilet tax

The Roman Emperor Vespasian introduced a tax on citizens public toilets. The son did not support his father's idea. Then the monarch brought the money to his son’s nose and asked if it smelled. This is where the expression comes from.

Tourists coming to Mallorca are required to pay a tax...
A. For swimming trunks
B. On the palm trees.
B. In the sun

All tourists who come to Mallorca are required to pay a sun tax. The fee is low, only 1 euro per day. Authorities say the money collected is spent on improving tourism infrastructure.

We often say the phrase “live and learn,” but we never finish it. So, “live forever and learn…”

The phrase was uttered by the Roman philosopher Lucius Seneca in the 1st century BC. The wording was deeper: “Live forever, teach forever how to live”

The names of the films are encrypted here using smiley pictures. Let's try to guess!

Old people meet here Soviet movies and world hits, all the names are known to every person, you just need to quickly remember. The picture needs to be printed separately for each team and given time to think.

1. “Prisoner of the Caucasus”
2. "Runaway Bride"
3. Planet of the Apes
4. "Silence of the Lambs"
5. Titanic
6. “Ten Little Indians”
7. "Striped Flight"
8. "The Italian Job"
9. “Operation “Y”, or Shurik’s New Adventures”
10. "Mustachioed Nanny"
11. "Love and Doves"
12. "Slumdog Millionaire"

The basis for “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish” by Pushkin was the fairy tale by the Brothers Grimm “The Fisherman and His Wife.” In it, the German “colleague” of our old woman turned into:
A. Pope
B. Korolev
V. Director of a fish factory
G. Commander of the diving squad

The heroine of the Brothers Grimm fairy tale “The Fisherman and His Wife” turned into the Pope. And only after the desire to become the Lord God I was left with nothing.

Find the error in an excerpt from Krylov’s fable: “The jumping Dragonfly sang red summer; I didn’t even have time to look back when winter rolled into my eyes.”

A. Dragonflies cannot jump
B. These insects do not make sounds at all.
V. There is no winter in the places that Krylov wrote about
G. There is no mistake here, everything is correct

The dragonfly doesn't make any sounds at all, so it couldn't sing. At the time of Krylov, “dragonfly” was a general name for several types of insects. So in the fable, “jumper” most likely means a grasshopper.

The Oscar-winning Russian cartoon is...
A. "Prostokvashino"
B. "Winnie the Pooh"
V. “The Old Man and the Sea”
G. “Well, wait a minute!”

In 2000, the Oscar was awarded to Russian director and animator Alexander Petrov for the best short cartoon of the year, “The Old Man and the Sea,” based on the story by Ernest Hemingway.

Which famous artist sold only one painting in his life?

A. Vincent Van Gogh.
B. Pierre Auguste Renoir.

The only Van Gogh painting sold during his lifetime was “Red Vineyards at Arles.”

One famous writer said that he copied the image of the old mischievous woman from his own ex-wife. At the same time, the granny turned out to be surprisingly similar to Coco Chanel. She always wore a hat with a folding crown on her head, thanks to which she received her nickname.

A. Shapoklyak
B. Little Red Riding Hood
V. Madama Butterfly

The correct answer is Shapoklyak.

What in Russian Empire was the material equivalent of money?

A. Skins of fur-bearing animals
B. Cattle
V. Tabak
G. Women's earrings

The skins of fur-bearing animals were used as money. One skin is one kopeck, one hundred skins is one ruble.

The Indians from the small North American Kwakiutl tribe have a tradition: when they borrow money, they leave it as collateral...

A. Soul
B. Name
V. Mother-in-law's scalp
G. Amulet

A Kwakiutl Indian, when borrowing money, may leave his name as collateral. Until he repays the debt, no one will address him by name.

The height of the Ostankino tower is 540 meters. How many rolls do you need to unwind? toilet paper to get the same number of meters?

This is only 10 rolls (standard roll is 54 meters).

2. Yes-no round

Invite one representative from each team. Let them choose the smartest or the funniest. IN right hand you need to give some object, the demonstration of which means “YES”. To the left is an object for the word “NO”. These could be red and blue balls, a spoon and fork, a wine glass and a glass, a toy elephant and a doll.

Change players after every three to five questions.

Whether you read a question, the sound of a bell, or simply use the lids to “bam-mm-ms,” the players pick up the desired item. Someone has to keep the scoreboard and count the points.

Bulls react to the color red.

- Yes
- No

Bulls are practically color blind. In bullfighting, they react not to red, but to the annoying waving of a cape.

Ostriches hide their heads in the sand from danger.

- Yes
- No

Ostriches run away when they sense danger. The myth that they burrow may have arisen because, exhausted from a long chase, they simply drop their heads and long necks.

"In the world of interesting things"

Quiz game


Develop cognitive activity students, broaden their horizons.

Develop collective skills in the game, Creative skills, imagination.

Cultivate a sense of mutual assistance, goodwill towards each other, love for nature.


Box with pictures, Puzzles.

Progress of the event

So, there are captains. Let's continue the game.

1 competition. Questions and answers

Can a blackbird freeze its tail? (No)

- Can interesting events happen on February 31st? (No)

What mushrooms grow on stumps? (Honey mushrooms)

What bird is called the forest drummer? (Woodpecker)

What bird breeds chicks in winter? (Crossbill)

What forest dweller dries mushrooms on trees? (Squirrel)

Can a crocodile stick out its tongue?*(no)

Name the four colored seas. (Black, White, Red, Yellow.)

What device can you use to navigate in any weather? (Compass)

Can a hedgehog pick apples and mushrooms with its back? (yes)

2competition Who is more

Make words from letters. The longest word is 1 point. Whose team has the most words is 1 point. You are given one minute to complete the task.


    Competition Find out the animal.

An agile and dexterous animal, it lives under trees, in shallow earthen burrows. He hides in them winter supplies: pine nuts, bread grains. Looks like a squirrel. (Chipmunk)

This animal is difficult to see because it loves to sleep. In summer he sleeps all day, and in winter both day and night. It's pretty big beast, with short legs and sharp claws, a small head and a long neck. This mighty digger is capable of digging a tunnel at a speed of more than a meter per minute. (Badger)

Silent flight, the ability to see in the dark, acute hearing, instant reaction. (Owl)

Sensing danger, this animal curls up into a ball. (Hedgehog)

4 competition. Find out the fairy tale .

1) Said a word -

The stove rolled

Straight from the village

To the king and princess.

And for what, I don’t know

Lucky I'm lazy. ("By magic")

2) And the road is far,

And the basket is not easy,

I would like to sit on a tree stump,

I wish I could eat a pie... (“Masha and the Bear”)

3) Oh, Petya - simplicity,

I messed up a little

I didn't listen to the cat

Looked out the window. (“Cat, rooster and fox.”)

4) The beautiful maiden is sad,

She doesn't like spring

It's hard for her in the sun!

She's shedding tears, poor thing! (Snow Maiden.)

5) What a fairy tale, tell us the secret,

Where it was said:

“Sleep, little peephole, and sleep, other one!” (“Little little thing.”)

6) Here is a young maiden in the arms of sleep,

She's been lying there for a hundred years

And he waits, but the prince is not there, and no, and no.

Tell me, friends, who is she? (Sleeping Beauty.)

7) He had many wives, but all

Suffered an evil fate -

He took their lives...

What a villain!

So who is he?

Call me quickly. (Blue Beard.)

8) The little girl runs merrily

Along the path to the house,

What's in the forest?

This girl needs

Hurry to grandma

Carry the basket

Sent to her. (Little Red Riding Hood.)

9) The intelligence of this boy

She saved him and six brothers,

Although he is small in stature, he is brave.

So how many of you have read about him? (“Tom Thumb.”)

10) Unknown to many for a long time,

He became everyone's friend.

An interesting fairy tale for everyone

The onion boy is familiar.

Very simple and short

He's called... (Cipollino.)

5 competition. Competition of young poets .

Teams are given 1 word each (granddaughter, barrel). You need to come up with as many rhyming words as possible and compose a quatrain.

6 competition. Verbal chain

Name words on last letter, given 2 min. And who can write the most words?

A game-


7 competition. Entertaining mathematics

This figure has all sides equal. (Square)

This figure can be straight, blunt, sharp. (Corner)

The boy found 5 kopecks on the road. How much money will two boys find? (Not at all)

Which figure has only 3? (Triangle)

Seven brothers have one sister. How many children are there in the family? (8)

Two sons and two fathers ate three eggs. How many eggs did each person eat? (One by one

This figure is created by touching something with a pen or chalk. (Dot)

There are 10 fingers on the hands. How many fingers are there on 10 hands? (50)

There are 16 branches on a birch tree, on each branch there are 10 branches, on each branch there are 4 apples. How many apples are there in total? (Apples don’t grow on birch trees

    contest. Guess the charades

9 competition. Find out the subject

Sankey (Kai, The Snow Queen)

Basket with pie (“Little Red Riding Hood”)

Blue balloon(“Winnie the Pooh and his friends”)

Pea (“Princess and the Pea”)

Duck egg (“ Ugly duck”)

Golden Key (“Pinocchio”)

The Crystal Slipper (“Cinderella”)

Golden egg. (Chicken Ryaba.

Cap. (Pinocchio.)

Hat and boots. (Puss in Boots.)

Yellow trousers and orange shirt. (Dunno.)

10th competition. Questions for cartoons

The second name of the tablecloth (Samobranka)

The device on which Baba Yaga flies (Stupa)

The name of the boy who was carried away by the Geese-Swans (Ivanushka)

What did Cinderella lose? (Glass slipper)

Baba Yaga's Dwelling (Izbushka)

Which of the inhabitants of the swamps became the prince's wife? (Frog)

How many days did Pinocchio's money lie on the Field of Miracles? (Not at all)

What got into Kai's eye? (a piece of glass)

What flowers did the stepdaughter pick in the fairy tale “Twelve Months?” (Snowdrops)

Whom did the little robber give to help Gerda? (deer)

The jury sums up the results of the competitions and announces the winner