Old Russian symbols. Slavic amulets - the power of the Family in ancient symbols

Slavic amulets have a close connection with nature

In ancient times, people sought an explanation for every phenomenon and event: rain, sun, birth and death, change of season. This is how truth was born in the search. The ancient Slavs were a special people who stood out among others for their worldview, worldview, and deep belief in occult higher powers. Today, following our wise ancestors, we are trying to unravel their secrets and riddles, we are in search of protection, so the amulets of the ancient Slavs are a relevant and interesting topic. From time immemorial, people believed in the power of the Family, the power of symbols and signs, a close connection with nature, which was the supreme power, the cult of worship and faith. Each sign and symbol had a sacred meaning and was endowed by the Gods with magical powers, so it was believed that it was not the person who chose the amulet, but the amulet who chose him. Following the path of knowledge, in search of truths, magical protection and help, we will comprehend the secret meanings of Slavic amulets.

Charms of the Slavs

What is a talisman? Many do not see the differences between amulets, talismans and amulets, but it is fundamental. The main meaning and purpose of talismans is to attract good luck, prosperity, and success. Among the Slavs, an amulet is an ancient “amplifier” of certain character traits, properties and abilities, helps to improve health and give strength. The amulet is a magical protector, endowed with a powerful function of protection against diseases, negative impact various kinds from the outside. To create amulets, the Slavic people used only natural materials. It was believed that objects made of wood, clay, metal, precious or semi-precious stones, had the greatest magical power. The choice of “defender” depended on several factors:

  • The age of the person. Their own signs and symbols existed to create individual amulets, talismans or amulets existed for children, adult women and men.
  • Occupation. Among the ancient Slavs, magic and faith in the pagan Gods they worshiped existed undividedly. Each deity patronized a certain type of activity, profession, occupation, so the amulet for a shaman and a carpenter could not be the same.
  • Meaning. All Slavic amulets, amulets and talismans have a sacred meaning, each sign or symbol is individual. For two energies to coincide, basic knowledge and understanding of the meaning of each sign are required. Only in this way will amulets in the Old Slavonic style become real helpers in a variety of life situations.

It is necessary to approach the choice rationally, thoroughly study the properties, find out what certain signs symbolize. Our ancestors believed that intuition and higher powers themselves would tell the right path, because people acquire a talisman not for one day, but, as a rule, for a lifetime. You can find any symbolic decoration in stores, but there is a belief that ancient Slavic amulets, made with your own hands, have the highest magical power.

Nai greater strength possess hand-made amulets

Would you like to have your own magical assistant? Then feel free to get creative; you can make Slavic amulets using a stencil from any material at home. But before you begin the creation process, you need to know exactly what these or those amulets and talismans symbolize, what is the secret meaning of ancient Slavic signs.

Mysteries of antiquity

Man has long been attracted to everything secret and unknown. Magic is invisibly present in everyone’s life, but Old Slavonic amulets are not only a secret that we want to comprehend, but also a valuable heritage of our ancestors. There is a certain classification of talismans, amulets and amulets of the Slavs:

  • amulets for women or men of envy, illness, evil eye and damage;
  • amulets for the home;
  • talismans and amulets for good luck, harvest and wealth.

As a rule, the oldest woman in the family was engaged in making amulets among the Slavs. Life experience and knowledge, endless love for one’s family, and a pure soul helped to endow objects with powerful protective powers. The manufacturing process was necessarily accompanied by silence in the house. So the needlewoman’s thoughts were clear and pure. As a rule, only one amulet was made for men, but a woman could wear several such jewelry at the same time. Today, the art of making jewelry, talismans and amulets in the Old Slavonic style is very popular. For needlewomen, before you start creating unique product, it is important to clearly understand the meaning of each sign and symbol.

Women's symbols

Among the Slavs, a woman was the bearer and guardian of the Family, so she needed special protection from negative influences from the outside. The classification of Slavic amulets by meaning identifies a whole group of symbols that have been considered feminine since ancient times. The keeper of the hearth was supposed to protect the entire Family, so women's Slavic amulets were not only decoration, they were also applied to clothing and household items. The most popular Slavic amulets for women and symbols that are exclusively feminine in purpose and energy:

  • Star of Lada, Mother of God. The symbol is a thin interweaving of squares folded into the likeness of a star. Lada is the patroness of family ties, widows and orphans. Amulets and amulets in the form of Lada the Mother of God were made by the hands of women and passed on by inheritance, as a symbolic continuity of the Family and a symbol of veneration of family traditions.

The Lada Star is a symbol of honoring family traditions
  • Ognevitsa. Such a sign was strictly forbidden to be used in embroidery or jewelry for girls and young women. The power of the sign had a positive effect only on the body adult woman who has known the joy of motherhood. The amulet helps strengthen character and fortitude, giving strength, patience and endurance. Too much young girls such a powerful amulet is contraindicated, as it can simply u break her spirit.

Ognevitsa is suitable only for women who have known the joy of motherhood
  • Woman in labor. The ancient Slavic symbol is intended for girls who dream of becoming a mother. The energy of the amulet is pure, joyful, and has a beneficial effect on mother and child. The sign can be an independent decoration, or can also be used as a beautiful element of embroidered towels or clothing.

Rozhanitsa is intended for girls who dream of becoming a mother

One of the features of Slavic women and amulets is kindness, purity, faith and care for all members of the Family. For amulets and amulets made with your own hands to help in practice, protecting and preserving their owners, you need to be open-minded, sincere and pure in your thoughts.

Slavic men's amulets

Among the ancient Slavs, a man was a breadwinner, hunter, warrior and protector of the Family. A traditional talisman, amulet or amulet helped to give strength, maintain health and bring good luck in business to representatives of the stronger sex. In their form and design, amulets differed from female symbols in their laconic forms, less ornate lines and weaves; such jewelry was made of copper or silver. The greatest power was possessed by pendants or bracelets made by the hands of loving wives or caring mothers. The most popular magical male symbols of the Slavs and their meaning:

  1. Velesovik. The patron of the symbol is the pagan god Veles, who is also a guard underworld. The ancestors believed that Veles gave them knowledge about magic and healing, mysticism. Such an amulet guides men on the right path and helps to avoid rash actions. Velesovik is made only in dark wood or metal and worn under clothing.

    Velesovik guides men on the right path, helps to avoid rash actions
  2. Hammer of Svarog. Traditionally, such a talisman was given to young men who had reached the age of a warrior. This amulet can be given to your father, brother or loved one to protect loved one from various troubles, bring a feeling of calm and self-confidence.

    Svarog's hammer will protect you from various troubles, bring a feeling of calm and self-confidence
  3. Rasich. The oldest, with a deep sacred meaning, Slavic talisman for men. The sign was often depicted on warrior armor, weapons, and priestly clothing, but in Everyday life they were careful not to use it. Rasich is a symbol of great wisdom, a thread or link with our ancestors. A man, wearing such a talisman, will become stronger in spirit and wiser.

    Rasich will make its owner stronger in spirit and wiser
  4. Rodimich. The rough shape, the severity of the lines, all this indicates that the sign is truly masculine. Rodimich is made of silver and is the main male attribute in the family. Such amulets were often given to children to protect them from danger and trouble.

    Rodimich is given to boys to protect them from danger.
  5. Ax of Perun. Perun is the God of angry skies, thunderstorms and lightning, rewarding his enemies with what they deserve, providing support to a brave warrior in battle, giving strength. Traditionally, such a Slavic amulet could protect a man not only on the battlefield. Perun's ax stood guard over love, faith, and fidelity.

    The ax of Perun will protect in battle and help in love
  6. Sword in the star of England. A universal amulet for men, a powerful talisman in which the energy of the Primary Fire is concentrated. Such a symbol is an excellent gift for men who are unsure of themselves and doubtful. The amulet will become faithful assistant, mentor and source of energy.

    The sword in the star of England is a universal amulet for men

Among the ancient Slavs, a man was the head of a clan; he was associated with a luminary. This is why most male signs are depicted as swastikas or enclosed in a circle.

Amulets for family and home

Ancient Slavic amulets and their meaning are a valuable heritage for us, their descendants. They, like no one else, strived, were able and knew how to protect their Home from ill-wishers, damage and envy with the help of occult objects with deep sacred meaning. You can make a talisman for your home with your own hands; the main thing you need to know is the description of each symbol.

The most powerful amulets for home and family among the ancient Slavs:

By making amulets, talismans or amulets with our own hands, we concentrate positive energy, directing it in the direction that the meaning of a particular symbol indicates to us. Each amulet is individual, endowed own strength and properties. In order for the protection to be strong, like armor, you need to be able to select a magical assistant for yourself and your family.

The ancient Slavs had countless magical signs, symbols, and runes, each of which was unique. An Old Slavic amulet is not only a fashionable and original decoration, but also a tribute to traditions and a close connection with ancestors. Each sign or symbol contains a deep sacred meaning and powerful power, which must be used wisely and competently.

In ancient times, people did not know how to explain what was happening around them. Myths and legends came to their aid. All objects and animals were endowed with human qualities. According to our ancestors, they had a soul and had a positive or negative influence on human life and health. Particular importance was attached to rituals, magic spells and symbols. They differed among different peoples.

To enhance the protective properties, protective symbols were often embroidered on clothes.

To protect and acquire special qualities, the ancient Slavs used amulets various shapes. Magic symbols served as ornaments in embroidery and adorned bracelets and necklaces. They were made for women, children, and warriors. In the form of symbols, runes and amulets, they endowed their owner with courage and determination, and filled them with inner strength. Let's look at the famous Slavic amulets, find out what meaning, description and interpretation exist.

General and individual Slavic amulets and amulets

Slavic amulets could be placed anywhere: in houses, on household items, clothes, jewelry. Placed inside the hut, it protected the home and each family member, giving them energy and inner strength.

The Slavic zodiac consisted of 16 signs

For individual protection, amulets and amulets were used. The Slavs had sixteen zodiac signs, each with its own symbol. A personalized amulet was chosen based on the birthday of the person for whom it was intended.

Before you put on the amulet with the zodiac, it was necessary. Then its action was directed at a specific person, endowing him with certain qualities. Otherwise, such a talisman would only harm the owner.

To charge the Slavic amulet, all personal information of a person was taken into account, taking into account all individual characteristics. What was important was the name that was given at birth. Personal talismans protected their owner and strengthened him.

Girls embroidered protective symbols on the clothes of their lovers

When creating Slavic amulets, they were charged to give a person those qualities that he lacks or those that will be useful to him in life. Usually amulets were given as gifts. Mothers made them for their children, girls made them or embroidered them on clothes for their lovers. Amulets were charged with prosperity, good luck, giving courage, protection, etc.

What were Slavic amulets and amulets made of?

Amulets were made from available materials, it could be wood, precious or simple metals. Often the material was animal bones or. The ancestors believed that if you make an amulet from a part of an animal, its power will certainly pass on to you. This Slavic amulet protected the owner from the invisible forces of evil.

Because of its magical properties, silver has long been used to make amulets.

Popular legends and beliefs say that evil spirits cannot stand silver, so this metal was chosen for protective amulets. The material from which amulets were made performed another important function - determining status. The most valuable were metal products, especially gold.

The main amulets of the Slavs and their meaning

Slavic amulets were used as protection against evil forces and enemies, and were used in magical rituals and ceremonies. They could be intended to protect housing and its owners, separately for men and women. There were also personalized bracelets and amulets that were intended to a specific person. They were not chosen at random, and not for their beauty. Each sign had certain magical properties that must correspond to its owner.

Among the main symbols for amulets are the following:

  • Agni;
  • Talisman of Belobog;

Agni is the main sign used to protect one's home and sanctuary for worshiping the gods. A talisman with the Belobog rune was also considered a protective symbol. It was placed inside the house to protect oneself from evil.

Alatyr was perceived as the center of all existence and the basis of the universe

The Slavic amulet Alatyr was worn by young girls. He helped me find love and get married sooner. A talisman with the Veles rune was intended for children to impart wisdom, talent and clairvoyance. The Valkyrie symbol was placed on Slavic amulets for men. This is the sign of a warrior, which was supposed to protect in battle and give courage.

Other Slavic amulets and their meaning

The main signs could be supplemented by other images, which were placed not only on the amulets of the Slavs, but also on personal belongings, military uniforms, they were even painted on their bodies. They accompanied absolutely all events in people's lives. The following additional signs are known:

  • Gromovik;
  • Yarovik.

Gromovik helped men in all their endeavors and gave them strength

Gromovik and Kolyadnik were considered truly masculine symbols. The first protected warriors during battles, the second protected in everyday life. The sign of the Caroler gave men strength in hard work.

Women's protective signs are Makosh and Ladinets. Jewelry with the image of Ladinets protected the guardians of the hearth and saved them from the evil eye. The Mokosh sign was certainly worn by married girls and mothers; it protected the home and family.

The Overpowering Grass amulet helped to recover from many illnesses and recover faster from illnesses

The Overpowering Grass symbol prevented diseases or helped get rid of them as quickly as possible. The sign of Yarovik was placed everywhere, he was responsible for the safety of the harvest, protected the house and livestock.

Slavic amulet of Rod

The Slavs attached special significance to some signs. For example, Rod is a symbol of the beginning, the birth of the Earth and man. They took him very seriously. It meant the unity of the human race, the connection between ancestors and descendants through the transfer of knowledge and wisdom that does not go beyond the boundaries of the race. Sometimes he was depicted as a laughing sun with numerous rays, at the end of which there were balls.

Amulet Symbol of the Family - the personification of the creative principle, it carries only positive energy

For thousands of years, our ancestors practiced paganism. Not a single house in Rus' could do without protection. Elements of Slavic symbolism, and the Slavs have 144 of them, and hundreds of their different variations (amulet symbols) had a special meaning. People believed that they protected against the “evil eye”, diseases, natural Disasters and various misfortunes. Going on a long journey, a person took with him a magical amulet that protected him and reminded him of his home and land.

IN Lately pagan rituals and traditions are increasingly entering our lives. Tattoo amulets are especially relevant among young people. We will share with you famous and powerful Slavic amulets symbols, we will provide a photo with a description and interpretation of amulets and talismans, and tell you what meaning they have for their owners.

What are Slavic amulets and how are they used?

In order to understand how to choose the right Slavic artifact, you need to know what difference between amulet, talisman and amulet, and what their meaning is.

  • Talisman can be any thing or object that you like. They will protect you from danger, attract good luck and bring harmony to your relationships.
  • Amulets accumulate energy and direct it to areas where support and help are needed. Most often, they perform one or two tasks: assistance in some area and protection.
  • Charms help protect yourself and your health, family, home, and protect from any magical influence. They take on and delay any negativity from the outside. It is amulets against damage and the evil eye that have a powerful protective effect.

You should always carry such items with you. Slavic amulets can serve as an accessory, made in the form of embroidery depicting signs and designs on clothing, on all kinds of products made of stone, wood, clay, iron, gold and silver, but you need to know their meaning.

Slavic amulets for home and family, their meaning

Our ancestors, during the construction and interior decoration of their homes, used various symbols and signs that protected the home, family and the whole clan.

Women made an amulet for the home in the form of a towel with the image of the Watchman sign - the Slavic symbol of Chur, which resembled a human figure. They embroidered on clothes and bedding. The sign protects the house from theft, destruction and accidents, protects the family from ruin, and brings prosperity.

This sign is also used as personal pendants for all family members and protects its owner from troubles. They wore it on a chain or thick woven leather cord.

Another strong defender of housing is considered amulet Rubezhnik. He was depicted at the entrance to the house. He will throw away all evil from home, family and person. The Rubezhnika sign is like a tornado that sweeps everything out of its path.

The Slavic amulet was made from silver and bronze - "symbol of God Rod in the sun", the meaning of which is the eternal movement of life. The sign personifies feminine and masculine strength, promotes procreation and maintaining connections with the family.

This Slavic symbol is closely related to amulet Alatyr, which symbolizes the Alatyr stone, the basis of the Worlds created by God Rod, the meaning of which is in comprehending the wisdom of the universe. It gives its owner confidence, protects it from troubles, and gives strong love and family. Now the symbol of the eight-pointed star can be seen on earrings, rings and pendants made of precious metals.

Slavic amulets and their meaning

Every woman, from the age of 12 to 13, independently made a doll-amulet. The most beautiful ones were kept in a chest as a dowry. To protect the house from all evil spirits, Bereginya was made - a doll that hung over the front door.

And prosperity in the house and a comfortable life were symbolized by the Zernushka doll.

“Amulets-dolls” performed not only the function of protection from various disasters, but also played the role of assistant in various fields life. Men had such a talisman in every workshop; for women, the doll helped in cooking and cleaning the house. Individual dolls were created for holidays and folk festivals. They were given to family holidays and significant events.

Women's Slavic amulets and their meaning

In ancient times, every woman's jewelry had a sacred meaning. Earrings, bracelets, rings, pendants were made protective function. Today, Slavic amulets and their meaning for women are also relevant. They help you find your betrothed, preserve your husband’s love, and not lose your youth and beauty. Talismans attract good luck, ward off envy and evil thoughts.

Today, in addition to those that were used before, bracelets and combs, ornaments on household items, embroidery on clothing, and tattoos are used to protect against witchcraft.

Lada Star

The most favorite women's Slavic amulet. His function is to preserve the health of a woman, assistance during pregnancy and childbirth, life extension. Wear an amulet with early age under clothes, away from prying eyes.


A pregnant woman had such protection for all 9 months. The sign protects the family from scandals and quarrels and helps to establish relationships.


The Slavic amulet Molvinets has the same meaning as the previous ones. It is intended for all women and is designed to preserve their health, beauty, and promote well-being in the home.

Love knot

The Slavic amulet Knot of Love has a protective meaning. A powerful talisman will help you find your soulmate and protect your marriage, give you financial success and protect you from troubles. This is one of the most popular love amulets, aimed at increasing and maintaining the connection between lovers.

The meaning of the Slavic amulet Black Sun

This symbol symbolizes eternity, cyclicality and immortality of our spirit. The amulet consists of two circles that connect 12 broken rays. He guards from random troubles and unpredictable events. Such protection is suitable for people striving for spiritual development, or for those in the know. Such a symbol will not help a person who is engaged in bad deeds.

The meaning of the Slavic amulet Kolovrat

An ancient symbol that personifies the course of the sun, symbolizing the victory of Light over Darkness. This protector drives away evil spirits and carries a positive charge. It reminds us of the covenants of the Gods and their protection. They are worn by men and women of all ages.

The meaning of the Slavic amulet Valkyrie

This male amulet was made by a master and applied to weapons or household tools, such as a knife. Now like this the symbol can be seen on men's wallets, clothes, accessories. It represents wisdom, nobility and honor. This sign is especially revered among warriors defending their land. The symbol will help worthy people maintain their position and increase their strength.

The meaning of the Slavic amulet Seal of the Sage

A powerful amulet that enhances the effect of other symbols. He directs inner strength person to achieve the goal. He will help you achieve everything you want.

Slavic tattoo amulets and their meaning

Recently, people have begun to show interest in designs applied to the body and understand the significance of amulets in the form of tattoos. Collecting bits and pieces of cultural heritage, we are amazed at how enlightened and wise our ancestors were. Tattoo activated the body's hidden capabilities and alleviated the shortcomings. The warriors who wore the designs had strength, fearlessness and endurance. With their help, they indicated their belonging to a certain tribe or clan.

Nowadays, the variety of tattoos is amazing. They are applied by both men and women. In order to choose a drawing, you need to understand its meaning. These can be colored symbols or using several shades. Let us give an interpretation of some of them.

Tattoo Ladinets

This talisman will help protect against envy and curses, and will not allow you to destroy love and family values. This is a generic sign, it indicates belonging to the roots of your people.

Solar cross

A talisman that is used by warriors in fair battle. It gives men stamina, courage and self-confidence. This symbol was used by Europeans and is also known as the Celtic cross.


An ancient amulet for warriors, endowing them with justice, wisdom and helping to get rid of excess anger. It is traditionally applied to the shoulder.

Svarog Square

This symbol helps a person in creative work. It protects against laziness and inaction, gives confidence in one’s abilities, and promotes career success. In addition, it can give good health and bring prosperity to the family. Suitable for both women and men.

Velesovik, or Serpentine

With this symbol, women protected their husbands on the way to war. It has a magical effect, gives resistance against enemies and protects against attacks by dark forces.

It is applied to the body of a person with wisdom, prudence and intelligence. The amulet promotes the development of intellectual abilities. It is believed that the sign promotes the protection of higher powers. Such people were often approached for advice and listened to.


A symbol of military valor, courage and courage.

Slavic runes-amulets and their meaning

Inscriptions, words and ornaments are incredibly popular these days.

Runic writing appeared a long time ago, with its help you can create strong amulet in the form of a tattoo. You need to choose the right design and determine the location for its location in order for the runes to work. A specialist who knows ancient runes will help you create the desired magical sign. Let's give a few basic definitions.

find out who caused the damage, and could recognize the enemy. Nowadays, most of the knowledge has been lost, but in the villages you can still find old people who know, or a curse. Slavic talismans, amulets, and amulets are now very popular. Knowing its meaning, you can choose reliable protection for the whole family. Share with us your favorite defensive artifacts.

The amulets of the ancient Slavs contain the deepest sacred meaning. They are endowed with incredible strength, the power of the Family, interconnected with nature, which was the shrine of our ancestors. They took amulets on the road and used them in everyday life, trying to protect themselves, their relatives and their home. How will Slavic amulets and their meanings help us, the descendants of the ancient Slavs?

General information about Slavic amulets

The amulets of the ancient Slavs depict not only solar signs, personifying the cult of the sun. Some of them contain swastikas. Our galaxy has a similar shape. Human DNA is also similar to the swastika. This serves as evidence that Slavic amulets and their meanings are endowed with a deeper meaning than is known.

Modern Slavic amulets have retained the appearance they had originally. In ancient times they were made from available materials:

  • metals;

    teeth or animal bones.

Currently, amulets are made mainly from silver and gold, but preference is given to the first metal, since it repels evil forces, and therefore provides powerful protection. Gold amulets, in addition to everything, demonstrate the high social status of their owner.

When choosing Slavic amulets, you should rely on their meanings and your own sixth sense. If a certain amulet seems particularly attractive, it means it has the right energy. There are symbols that protect against evil eyes, bestow favor of fate, peace, tranquility, material success, etc.

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Slavic amulets for men

Since ancient times, amulets for men have had significant differences from those for women, since they protected the stronger sex during the hunt, protected health, and gave good luck. Traditionally, men's talismans were copper or silver and had a more strict and laconic design than women's. Wearing the sign as a bracelet or pendant was not a prerequisite - embroidery on a shirt or engraving on a weapon was enough.

The most powerful energy was endowed with amulets made by mothers or spouses, since sincerely loving woman put exclusively bright intentions into the talisman. Amulets woven from spouses' hair were often mentioned - they gave husbands strength on the hunt and the battlefield. After the hunt, the fangs and claws of defeated animals were woven into talismans, which gave the stronger sex additional confidence.

A talisman worn by a man when he reaches the age of a warrior. This symbol helps in learning new profession, gives peace and confidence. God Svarog helps family people in strengthening marriage bonds, creating a warm and cozy atmosphere in the house, and acquiring the wisdom of their ancestors.

This amulet is filled with sacred meaning, so its image was often used on the weapons and equipment of warriors, priestly attire and on the Standards of the Family. Rasich is a sign of integrity and power. It gives its wearer endurance and the greatest wisdom.

The talisman, which for centuries was used exclusively in military craft, is now used in everyday life. This is a traditionally male amulet that radiates solar energy. Under no circumstances should women wear the Thunderbolt, as it will have the opposite effect, having a detrimental effect on fate.

This talisman helped warriors resist enemies. It was often depicted on military attributes, as it served as a symbol of Indra, the god of war. Today Grozovik helps men whose professions are connected with natural elements: aviators, sailors, workers fire department etc.

This sign is more suitable for married women of Balzac's age. It protects the family from the interference of evil forces, gives health to all household members, brings prosperity and well-being.

This amulet is charged with powerful positive energy; it protects the newlyweds. However, both spouses must put on the talisman at the same time, wear a ring with it, remove it only after the birth of the baby and hide it in the house. Those who do not have a partner should not wear the Wedding Dress, otherwise it may further increase loneliness and bring misfortune.

This amulet was worn by middle-aged women with a strong character, an iron will and noble thoughts, but not by young girls. Ognevitsa will benefit its owner only if she has already become a mother, otherwise the sign can ruin the fate of the young girl.

This is a talisman of the Slavs, which not only provides for its owner, but also gives her true feminine happiness. Ladinets protects women from magical influences and various ailments, helping to heal as soon as possible.

Universal amulets

Our ancestors treated all kinds of amulets with special respect. Amulets were made mainly of silver due to the miraculous properties of this metal, although there were also gold talismans. Most amulets have survived to this day slightly modified, more intricate and more advanced in production terms. There are Slavic amulets, the meaning of which is suitable for representatives of both sexes.

This sign is often used as an element of jewelry, which later serves as an amulet. It is not advisable for boys and girls who are not yet married to wear Colard, because instead of helping, it will provide Negative influence to their fate.

This Slavic amulet symbol is suitable for any adult household member, but only if everyone fulfills their duties in the house. Thus, the man receives the necessary energy to provide financially for the family, and the woman begins to engage in needlework, playing music, drawing and, of course, procreation.

The amulet is suitable for men and women. From ancient times it was believed that a talisman, on one side of which is depicted a Fern Flower, and on the other, a Overpowering Grass, contains double power.

The purpose of this amulet is to protect the well-being of the family. He gives peace, tranquility, hard work and the greatest wisdom.

The patron of this amulet is the god Rod, who provides assistance to all living creatures. As a rule, this talisman was hung over the cradle or placed near the baby. The family member protected not only the baby, but also all the household members. When the child grew up, the amulet was still left at home.

This talisman protects against evil and disease. Our ancestors made Alatyr not for themselves, but as a gift to loved ones, passing on their love and warmth along with the heavenly stone.

This Slavic amulet is capable of changing its meaning and energy depending on the way it is worn. The owner of Cres is not just some kind of pawn in the game of life, but a queen, endowed with powerful power and independently making decisions about how to act.

This talisman helps its owner to obtain a strong base with a combination of both base and highly spiritual needs. Thanks to him, a person comprehends the foundations of the universe. The source is effective for both sexes.

The negative influence of this sign can only be felt by those who have nothing sacred. And for a person striving for spiritual knowledge, the amulet will become true friend and an assistant. Veles opens access to secret knowledge, enhances creativity, and teaches attentiveness. A properly charged amulet allows you to communicate with deceased relatives.

This talisman guides you on the true path, teaches you to live according to your conscience, and achieve a state of harmony. Svarog is the god of justice, so you shouldn’t expect help from him in dark matters. And if the owner of the amulet nevertheless commits an illegal act, he will be severely punished with this amulet.

But there are those who believe that this is a purely male amulet, since it has a rough, angular shape. A wonderful gift for the father of the family and children. Rodimich protects boys from danger, makes them calm and balanced.

Ancient Slavic women often decorated towels and children's clothing with this sign. Tattoos depicting this sign were widespread. Nowadays such tattoos are also popular - the main thing is to apply them correctly.

This amulet will give its owner a truly wolfish desire for freedom and life in compliance with the main principles of existence. The main point when choosing this talisman is determination and the desire to gain the authority of others.

This sign conveys to its owner the wisdom of centuries, the awareness that one must live according to honor and the dictates of the soul. Otherwise, there will be retribution for dark deeds.

To enhance the effect, it is desirable that the talisman be silver or wooden. Triglav will help you achieve the state inner harmony and cleanse the house from the influence of evil forces.

This amulet helps to reconcile the heart with the mind. Rubezhnik teaches a person to fight his own laziness and phobias. It protects from the enemy, sweeps away all obstacles on the way. In ancient times, not everyone could use such a symbol!

Related article: Slavic clothing - what was it like? Description and reconstruction of the clothing of our ancestors.

Since ancient times, this amulet was worn by warriors. He imparted power and courage on the battlefield. Garuda was put on boys from birth to calm their violent temperament and show the true path. The amulet gave women magical power and allowed them to hear the voice of the earth.

The owner of the silver talisman Svetoch receives reliable protection, as well as the ability to comprehend the very essence of phenomena. This is the optimal amulet for bosses, sharks of the pen, philosophers and musicians. The symbol sharpens the sense of justice and serves as a wonderful assistant in everyday life.

This sign was applied to windows and walls to protect the home from dark interference. He possessed powerful power and protected the family foundations. The Slavic amulet Duniya is intended for constant wearing, allowing you to receive the age-old wisdom of your ancestors.

This sign will be useful for those who are faced with a difficult choice. The power of Perunitsa pushes you to make the optimal decision. The amulet helps men in defending own opinion, and bestows youth and natural beauty on the fair sex.

Everyone who wore this amulet knew how to be grateful to nature and constantly strived for self-improvement. The talisman helps in a variety of life situations. Its owner feels powerful energy for a successful hunt, victory on the battlefield or success in work. Fatigue and illness recede, faith in yourself and your own strength comes.

This symbol is often found among girls who dream of strong family ties and a prosperous life. The goddess of love and beauty Lada protects the house from the invasion of evil, and married couples- from the turmoil of life.

This amulet guides men in the right direction, develops a sixth sense, and provides the opportunity for self-realization. The Star of Rus' helps women in difficult circumstances, especially during a period when there is no reliable male shoulder nearby.

This is an amulet with a huge supply of energy. Only those whose thoughts are noble and innocent and who treat their relatives with warmth can wear it.

This is a powerful amulet that protects the house and its inhabitants from disease, the evil eye and conflicts. The source of the Tree of Life is inexhaustible, since it has a direct connection with the spiritual principle.

Race Symbol

This is a unique Slavic amulet, created by the people themselves, and the energy contained in it can only be controlled by a person. The symbol of the Race means unity with the ancestors and receiving age-old wisdom from them.

The amulet is suitable for men whose work involves a threat to life: military personnel, sailors, climbers, etc. It is also intended for anyone who is faced with difficult choices or many challenges.

This Slavic talisman serves as a kind of generator of positive energy that allows you to get what you want. The main condition for wearing this amulet is to open your soul towards the light and good deeds.

The sacred sign serves as the personification of the protection of the Family, as well as the preservation of the boundaries of personal territory. According to legend, the meaning of this Slavic amulet is similar to the Roman Bath, which protects the ancestral fields.

The talisman will become a devoted assistant for someone who strives for spiritual development. The owner of this amulet will be able to comprehend the fundamentals of the universe and feel harmony with nature.

This universal amulet can be worn by everyone without exception. Those who, due to their duties, constantly balance on the brink should especially think about purchasing it: doctors, police officers, fire department employees, etc. Rysich protects from any danger.

This Slavic talisman reveals inner potential, awakens ancestral memory and the ability to spiritual knowledge. The most effective amulet is made from silver, since this metal is endowed with truly outstanding magical properties.

The strongest amulet, endowed with exceptional healing abilities. Since ancient times, he has cured deadly diseases in the shortest possible time. To enhance the effectiveness of the Fern Flower, it is regularly cleansed by passing it over a fire or dipping it into water.

The talisman heals the body and soul, and has a complex effect. The healer cures ailments, promotes the speedy healing of wounds, cleanses the aura and gives its owner long years life.

This Slavic symbol protects the home from quarrels and fires. However, it is predominantly worn by the stronger sex as a body amulet. Vseslavets will support those who want to get a job and improve relationships with management and colleagues. He helps a newly-made family avoid the first conflicts and come to a compromise.

Vseslavets gives strength to overcome trials, fills with energy. This amulet also protects the home from fire and leaves property safe and sound - for this purpose the sign is applied to the walls.

A legendary sun sign representing abundance, cheerfulness, well-being and protection from evil. The owners of this Slavic talisman do successful career, create strong families and give birth to healthy children. The main thing is to achieve everything honestly.

This amulet gives enlightenment, confidence in the future, and creative inspiration. Provides powerful support to athletes, creative people, and military personnel. The solar cross is traditionally worn by people of wisdom.

This sign means the unity of the clan and spiritual strength. It protects a person from various adversities in life. A wonderful amulet for those who seek to pass on their knowledge to others. A house guarded by this symbol is reliably protected from the evil eye, and family members are protected from strife.

In addition to wisdom and calm, this amulet is also characterized by aggressive protection, since the Valkyrie is not only the messenger of death, but also the patroness of brave defenders. The solar symbol is charged through sunlight. It grants men success in the military field, and helps women strengthen their character.

An excellent talisman for people who revere nature and ancient traditions. Those who are strong in spirit will draw energy from it, those who waver will find the strength to move on. It has the greatest effect on those who achieve everything through hard work, and not by passively waiting for the weather by the sea.

Charms for children

Slavic symbols are also used for children. Some signs are hung over the baby's cradle to protect against the evil one. Previously, mothers made amulets for their children on their own. Today they can be purchased in specialized stores.

To protect her beloved child, a mother can make this Slavic doll herself. The main thing is not to use needles or scissors during its manufacture. They make a flagellum from snow-white fabric, tie a scarf on top, then swaddle it and wrap it with red thread. There is no need to draw the face. This doll is placed in the baby's crib - it reliably protects him from the evil one.

Amulets can be used both for people and to protect homes from thieves, fires, and floods. For this, images of any amulets and hand-made folk dolls are used. The exception is Slavic symbols, which should only be worn by the person himself.

All Slavic amulets and their meanings provide effective protection, but only to those who sincerely believe in them miraculous power and connection with ancestors. It is necessary to understand that this is not a panacea for all ills, but only a concentrate of energy, which everyone must manage independently.

Kiryanova Olga Viktorovna

Specialist in working with amulets and amulets. Expert in ancient Slavic symbols. It has great experience selection of individual amulets. He independently charges amulets and provides free consultations to readers of our resource.

Articles written

Many hundreds of years ago, people living on earth honored and respected every plant, animal and all living things in general. They could talk and understand all living beings. For the ancient Slavs, the tree not only breathed, but also spoke, for Rod, the supreme god, often took the form of a plant. But besides this, divine power transmitted through branches that became amulets.

By creating amulets and talismans, the Slavs understood that the deity bestowed their grace on them and prolonged their lives. Slavic wooden or plant amulets could protect against evil spirits. But it is better to study all the meanings and divisions of amulets for men or Slavic amulets for women from their photos. This way you can see every detail. This will be useful for making your own talisman. Since each curl will attract either good luck, or if absent, it will bring trouble for the owner.

Meanings of amulets

Old Slavic amulets are not just metal plaques or branches. This is an opportunity to stand under the protection of deities. Their powers include protection from evil and unkind people, from illness and from death. But this is not the entire list of possibilities. Vedic symbols on Slavic amulets carry a secret meaning. And their meaning changes depending on the introduction of new elements into them.

One dash or new symbols in the image, and the amulets take on a different meaning, their interpretation and meaning changes radically. Although the descriptions will be similar.

Do not forget that the Slavic gods were of different sexes. This means that talismans exist for women and men. Putting a male sign on a girl meant taking on the role of head of the family, getting food, and keeping an eye on everyone. At the same time, they were not completely deprived of their femininity. The woman looked like a female person in appearance, but her character and habits were masculine. Therefore, this cannot be allowed. Only Rod and his wife Lada could bestow generosity and prosperity to everyone without exception.

For men and their Slavic amulets, an important role was played not only by the description and purpose, but also by what the talisman was made of. If you want to be resistant to all the problems that fate has in store for you, then definitely a stone or a mineral. Wooden - softness and development of intellectual abilities or craft. What the metal symbolized was skills in the art of war, hunting, management.

Russians are similar to Varangian symbols. Because both cultures have similar interests and concerns. But the Vikings preferred metal products more. This is due to their warlike nature. Even the gods had several worlds, in one of them there lived good deities responsible for intellect and reason, in the second world - warlike ones. There were more of them. The third world is monsters who want to win and take over the whole world and humanity. Therefore, most of the Varangians were warriors, but not artisans.

In the Russian version, the symbols on the amulets indicated more that it was necessary to think, to protect oneself from magical influences, and to know ways to protect oneself from harm. And all their meanings boiled down to the fact that family, land and motherland need protection and care. There was a certain number of amulets that protected only artisans:

  • plowmen and grain growers;
  • hunters;
  • blacksmiths;
  • midwives and so on.

Not everyone could wear such signs and types of amulets. Only the sorceress, or as the village caretakers used to call them, pointed out who would be the next plowman. There were also Magi - special people who lived away from everyone. People came to them for advice and to find their talisman, for treatment and removal of damage. The Magi were able to communicate with all the gods, but only Rod or one of his sons gave them the gift. They had disciples to whom they handed over the staff of power over the world. The prince and all the people of Kievan Rus listened to their opinion.

Everyone knew the meaning of their talismans and amulets - strength, power, protection of all living things, the ability to perform magical actions.

Types of Slavic amulets

The amulets of the Slavs had divisions, types and even subtypes. Sometimes they were allowed to be combined, but most used in urgent need. So today we know about:

  • protective (from evil, sorcerer, black eye and others);
  • family;
  • children's;
  • only for women;
  • men's;
  • for procreation and health;
  • magical (meaning those who give knowledge in magic)

amulets and amulets, talismans. To this we add the selected material for the product. The next point is what need arose for this or that symbol. The more dangers, the stronger the protection chosen.

There are universal ancient Slavic amulets that provide the granting of all points except magical abilities and secret knowledge.


The deity who created all life in the universe is Rod. He provides strength and protection to everyone without exception. Pagan pictures and emblems, amulets and talismans belonging to the supreme being were applied everywhere:

  • on dishes and clothes;
  • on the walls of houses and wooden plaques;
  • were carved on metal pendants (the most suitable option is silver), but they were made for men. For women, embroidery was enough.


Not all ancient Slavic amulets or amulets are capable of protecting against any misfortune and magical influence. Become a kind of reflector. treat them as such. This sign was also applied to everything, like the symbol of the Family. In addition, Alatyr healed a person. Not only from physical illness, but also mental illness. At the same time, the amulet removed laziness and apathy, bestowed aspirations and hope, personal and family happiness. Do you want to achieve your cherished goal, make your dream come true? Then choose this sign for yourself. A shield from the evil eye and damage, from troubles and dashing people will help you recover from any blow and become strong physically and spiritually. In addition to the amulet, there is also a rune of the same name. It also symbolizes strength in everything: relationships, love, work.


Third in terms of uniqueness and versatility is . Among the Old Believers, such Old Believer symbols-amulets could be applied from wood even to a baby in the form of embroidery on a bed sheet. Molvinets protects against damage, evil, the evil eye and dark sorcerers. It will repel verbal and magical attacks and will not allow you to cripple. It could be combined with any other amulet. Another thing that can be added in favor of the amulet is that by putting the sign on a child or teenager, the parent will ensure the child’s development of mental and physical abilities. If you have problems with sleep, speech or health, then soon after you put them on, changes for the better will become noticeable. What types of Slavic amulets are suitable for everyone? Of course, family ones. Moreover, after the collapse of Kievan Rus, amulets and their meanings were preserved in all Slavic peoples. And everyone considers them theirs.

For example, Belarusian amulets are identical to Russian ones, but are used more as ornaments on clothes. Metal or wooden ones have been preserved in Russia.

Who should wear it

Slavic amulets were previously a necessity for our ancestors. Without them, no rituals, celebrations or feasts could be performed. The presence of a sacred image indicated that the owner respects and appreciates the protection of natural forces and deities. Literally about five or six years ago, respect for the traditions of our people began to return. But since they lost a significant part of the knowledge connecting the two worlds: Kievan Rus and modern Slavs, few people know the meaning of symbols and the purpose of talismans. This is where difficulties arise with the choice and ability to wear. If a fenichka amulet or an Old Slavic cross (meaning protection of eight gods) can be worn by everyone and combined with all other amulets, then the Old Slavic symbolism of amulets intended for warriors or hunters does not make sense for a woman or a child. They will not help and will not give them any care. Therefore, you need to know how to choose a Slavic amulet for yourself:

If you are not ready for such changes (to accept even partially the faith of your ancestors), then it’s better not to start. Why arrange a test for those who are capable of optimally punishing and bestowing all the benefits (Slavic deities).

The Slavic amulet intended for the fair sex is very different in its purpose. Ancestors respected and valued women, because they are the bearers of offspring. Therefore, in the women's arsenal, literally everything had protective signs, and not just jewelry: embroidery, household items, pendants and clothing items. Accordingly, combinations were allowed. For example, Slavic amulets for beauty and amulets for protecting the household. Or all Slavic girls embroidered talismans for procreation (the opportunity to have children and get married successfully). The photo shows only the main women's Slavic amulets with their meanings, but this is not the entire list for a girl.

Representatives of the fair half of humanity had more symbols not because they were weaker in strength or endurance. The thing is that much more responsibility falls on fragile shoulders: to save the family, raise children, ensure comfort at home and order in the household. But besides this, they must be beautiful and healthy. If a woman could not have children, then this was considered a punishment for misconduct.

It was very difficult to atone for such sins. To prevent the girl from making mistakes, she was given a large number of protective signs from birth. The Slavic amulets, which signify the protection of Lada, the wife of Rod, were of greatest value. The lucky girl and owner of the Star of Lada was protected by a talisman that gave her everything that a real woman should have. One might even say she became an ideal for the opposite sex. An image of Makosh and Rozhanitsa was always added to the Star. Both symbols also gave the girl the ability to run a household quickly and well. Usually, such housewives had the matter in their hands. So that all three signs carry more positive energy, and the charming woman becomes more and more like an ideal, symbols were embroidered on her from the moment of birth. The greatest strength They had amulets and talismans if they were not passed down by inheritance, but were made specifically for one person.

For men

Slavic amulets for men were also given from the moment of birth. Despite his physical strength, every man requires protection, love and guardianship. To protect the boy from slander and problems, to give him greater strength and health, to give confidence and to develop mental abilities - these are the purposes of the Russian amulets. On the embroideries of Ancient Rus', as well as on the female gender, there were elements and symbols of the Family, Lada, and Perun. But if a man’s amulet carried clear information about the craft, then it is rare to find it on things or tools. After all, it meant that a person is a master of his craft and received the gift of becoming a blacksmith, hunter or warrior not only according to his heart, but also because the gods decided so.

Slavic men's amulets appearance differed from women's in form and meaning. Svarog's hammer was worn by warriors, and the Vseslavets amulet meant good luck in family life, peace and understanding. Having such a symbol, the husband became the guardian of the peace and well-being of the family. At the same time, the sign is compatible with all other generic, family talismans. On her husband's clothes, the wife embroidered any Slavic amulet for men, which carried protection not only from the spells of witchcraft, but also signs that brought good luck in battle, hunting and in the field. This is Svarga.

Amulets for home

Slavic amulets for the home served not only the function of guarding everyone living under one roof. They provided coziness and comfort, health and warded off misfortunes, disasters and poverty. What do you mean by family? Everyone has their own answer. Our ancestors argued that family means respect and honor for all members without exception, and not just for one. The woman was treated with special honor.

An excellent Slavic symbol of the family was the Roda tree, combining the three main forces of the universe. Images of Rod, Lada and Belobog (Slavic signs of prosperity, do not have negative energy) hung and painted the home. Ornaments and patterns can be found on antique household items, clothing, and pictures on the wall. After all, the word “family” means that the amulet will protect each family member even from a distance.

How to charge

All Slavic amulets or amulets, regardless of their meaning (they are protective or a talisman of health, beauty or wisdom) need to be cleansed and charged. Their duties include providing protection to a person from evil people and pagan spirits. What does it mean to charge or clear? This is in no way removing the design or applying it again. Each amulet has its own patron and natural power. Even the strongest Slavic amulet needs to be recharged by the energy flows of the spirits of Fire or Air, Water or Earth. The image of nature is on all amulets. Therefore, before engaging in all the necessary procedures, thoroughly study the amulet, and only then proceed to cleaning and recharging.

The most powerful requires the strength of all four elements. What sign is this? Of course, the symbol of the Family is in the form of a tree, as well as the Star of Lada.

With your own hands

Frequently asked question for all connoisseurs Slavic culture only one: “Is it possible to create a talisman with your own hands?” The answer is simple: “It’s not only possible, but also necessary.” As a rule, this is done by a woman. After all, it was she who became the guardian of the family and all its members. A Slavic amulet for a man, child or family is embroidered on clothes, put on the arm in the form of weaving knots, and drawn on the walls of the house and utensils. When creating protective equipment for women, a number of rules should be remembered:

  • be positive;
  • understand written signs;
  • ensure the correctness of the drawing and its elements;
  • Don’t forget to charge and clean not only the signs every month, but also all items that perform a protective function.