African countries for children. Unusual African peoples

Summary of GCD on cognitive and speech development using a multimedia projector

"Journey through Africa" ​​in the senior group.

Target: expanding and consolidating children's knowledge about the mainland Africa.


1. Clarify elementary ideas about features geographical location Africa.
2. Consolidate children's knowledge about climatic zones Africa (desert, savanna, jungle).
3. Clarify children's ideas about the animals of Africa: their features appearance and habits depending on the environment.
4. Form ideas about herbivores (giraffe, zebra, rhinoceros, elephant) and predatory animals (lion, cheetah) of Africa.

1. Enrich vocabulary children.
2. Fix the meaning of a compound word (rhinoceros).
3. Develop the ability to communicate during the discussion; solve problematic situations by explaining your choice.
4. Develop logical and imaginative thinking, attention, memory, imagination.

1. Cultivate love and careful attitude to nature.
2. Cultivate a sense of camaraderie and mutual assistance.


Globe or geographic map"Animal and vegetable world”, visual aid “Animals of hot countries”.

preliminary work:

  • looking at a world map, a globe, a map of Africa, reading books: "Aibolit", "Barmaley" by K. Chukovsky;
  • memorizing poems by S. Marshak "Elephant", "Giraffe", "Camel".

Course progress.


Guys, tell me what season is it now? (children's answers)
- Yes, outside the window is frost, cold, snow, but there is such a place in the world where it is summer now. And today we will get acquainted with such an amazing place.


The warmest continent

Picturesque and great.

Lives here in the savannas

Lots of lions and monkeys.

Children: Africa.

Educator: Guys, today we will make a trip to Africa. Let's go to the map (globe) and see where Africa is?

Children approach the map, the teacher shows the location of Africa.

The coast of Africa is washed by two oceans - Atlantic Ocean and the Indian Ocean.
Africa is the second largest continent after Eurasia. About 1 billion people live in Africa. Africa is considered the ancestral home of mankind, it is here that the most ancient remains of our ancestors were found. Africa is the hottest continent on the planet.

How are we going to get to Africa? (children's answers)

The teacher and children imitate a boat trip to the sound of the ocean.

- Guys, I see the largest sea animal. Who is this? (children call - blue whale). But the most swims by predatory fish. What is it called?
So we got to Africa. Exit the ship.
caregiver : We are in the realm of hot sand and bright sun. What is the name of this place?
Children: desert.

What do you know about the desert?

What it is? (children's answers).

What is in the desert?

The sand is very, very hot. If you bury an egg in the sand, it will boil. Hot winds blow here, there is no rain for years.
Do you think plants can live in this place? (answers)
Trees and flowers practically do not grow in the desert, but camel thorns grow there. They have long, long roots with which they try to reach the water underground. In the north of Africa, there is the largest desert on earth - the Sahara, and in the south - the Kalahari (map).

Educator. Guys, who can live in the desert?

Children: Camel.

Why is a camel known?

Children: humps.

Do you know what's in his humps? Fat - he eats it when he walks in the desert for a long time. A camel can not drink for two weeks and not eat for almost a month!

Can you not drink for two weeks and not eat for almost a month?

No, people cannot go without drinking or eating for so long, especially in the desert.

caregiver :

Guys, what do people call a camel? (ship of the desert).
Why do you think? (movements are smooth, like a ship).
- Is a camel a domestic or a wild animal? (children answer)

Why do people need camels?
- Camel caravans carry heavy loads, people.
These are very strong and hardy animals. Long thick wool protects the camel's body from the scorching sun. There are thick calluses on the feet to make it comfortable for the camel to walk on the sand. In the deserts of Africa, only one-humped camels live, they are also called ... dromedaries.

caregiver : Children, who can remember the verse about the camel?

Children tell the poem "Camel" by S. Marshak.

Poor little camel:

The child is not allowed to eat.

He ate this morning Alice.

Only two such buckets!

Educator: Other animals also live in the desert: turtle, meerkat, tarantula, black cobra, horned viper, scorpion, monitor lizard.

Educator: It's time for us to move on.

A camel has a baby camel, a turtle has a baby turtle.
-Further our path lies through african meadow - savannah.

(sl.1) Savannah presentation.
- What is the land in the savannah covered with? (grass).
It's always thick here. (sl.2) yellow dry when there is no rain and

(sl.3) green juicy after the rains. In some places giant trees grow. What are their names?
These are baobabs. (sl.4)

it amazing trees, they have a thick trunk. To embrace it, you need to join hands with the whole group kindergarten.
Let's observe the inhabitants of the savannah.

(sl.5) For example, a lion

Do you know what it's called?

Children: King of beasts.

Educator: right. The lion belongs to the cat family and is the second largest living cat after the tiger.

(sl.6) The lion has the thickest mane of all animals. Do you know any animal with the same beautiful thick mane as a lion?

And the hair on the body is short, only at the end of the tail there is a brush of long hair.

Can you show me how a lion roars? (sl.7)

Guys, what does a lion eat?

In Africa, the main prey of the lion is the wildebeest and the zebra, because the lion is a very predatory animal.

Is the lion a wild or domestic animal?

The teacher continues the story . (sl.8) But this Cheetah is the fastest animal on earth, it can run as fast as a car goes 100 km / h. Can you run as fast? (sl.9)

caregiver : Come on guys, show me.

Children quickly imitate running in place to fast music. The teacher praises the children, they sit down, the lesson continues.

Educator: Guys, tell me the biggest animal in the world.

(sl.10) The elephant is the largest animal on earth. The elephant has large thick legs that look like columns, ears that look like burdock, large and sharp tusks.

What else does an elephant have?

Children: trunk.

(sl.11) Why does an elephant need a trunk? (children's answers) With the help of a trunk, an elephant collects leaves and fruits from trees, tears grass, drinks. With it, he effortlessly can transfer a rather thick tree.
An elephant can use its trunk as a hand, and lift various objects, including putting food in its mouth.

Guys, what do elephants eat?

And elephants feed on leaves, branches, bark and roots of trees and shrubs. Children, who can tell a verse about an elephant?

Children recite S. Marshak's poem "Elephant"

They gave the shoe to the elephant.

He took one shoe

And he said: - Need wider, Anya Putkina.

And not two, but all four.


African horses dress in vests ... What kind of horses are they? (children's answers)
(sl. 12) Of course they are zebras. Are zebras herbivores or carnivores?

caregiver : Name the tallest animal on the planet.

(sl. 13) Giraffe. The giraffe has a very long neck and two hairy horns on its head. Giraffes can run fast, but they usually walk slowly. Giraffes feed on tree leaves.

Educator: Children, who knows the verse about the giraffe?

Children tell the verse "Giraffe" by S. Marshak.

Picking flowers is easy and simple

Children of small stature

But to one who is so high Mila, Kostya Zhurov.

It's not easy to pick a flower!

“And he doesn’t sing and doesn’t fly” ... Who is this?

(sl.14) The largest bird in the world lives in Africa.
This is an ostrich.


Ask me kids.

“Why do people consider him a bird?”

(sl.15) The ostrich has wings and a beak. Ostriches, like other birds, lay eggs.
Educator: (sl.16) There are small lakes in the savannah. It's… a waterhole. All the animals of the savannah gather there to get drunk, to swim.

Physical education "Monkeys".

We are funny kids

We play too loud.

We all stomp our feet

We all clap our hands

We puff out cheeks

We jump on toes.

Together we jump to the ceiling,

We raise the finger to the temple,

And even to each other

Let's show the tongues!

Let's open our mouth wide

We'll make all the grimaces.

When I say word three

All freeze with grimaces.

One two Three!

Educator: Guys, who do you and I look like?

(sl.17) Children: monkeys.

Educator: Guys, do you know what monkeys like to eat?

Children: Bananas.

Educator: (sl.18) Correctly. Monkeys love bananas, and they also eat insects, bird eggs, seeds, tree leaves, and grass. Monkeys like to climb trees, and they can even sleep there.

(sl.19) And if we met monkeys, then we are in the rainforest.

What is it called? (jungle). Yes, it's jungle. In the jungle grow very tall trees and palm trees, creepers, ferns. (sl.20) Lianas are climbing plants. Liana does not have enough light, so she clings to a tree trunk and wraps herself around it. The jungle is the kingdom of monkeys. There are a lot of them here.


Guys, who else besides animals lives in Africa? (Africans)

How are they different from us Russians? (skin color)

Educator: Guys, today we only talked about some animals in Africa, and many, many more interesting animals live there, but we'll talk about them next time.

Surprise moment:

(sl.21) - sad children.

(A letter and parcel arrives from Africa from African residents).

"Animals from African deserts, savanna, jungle mixed up their homes. African children ask children from Russia to help. In gratitude, they send a gift (bananas).

(sl.22) - funny kids.

At the end of the lesson, the teacher praises the children, and treats themselves to bananas.

(sl.23) - mainland Africa.

Animals of Africa in photos (17 photos)
Report on animals of Africa for children.

AFRICA- a vast continent located on both sides of the equator. There is a wide variety of natural landscapes: deserts, savannas, rainforests, where animals live, many of which are not found on other continents. In Africa there are major rivers, there are many swampy swamps and large lakes. Animals and birds quench their thirst in reservoirs; here they feed and hunt for prey.

Part of the African continent is occupied savannas, sprouted with grass, often fading from the sun, and small shrubs. There are almost no trees here, only thick baobabs and acacias grow with umbrella-shaped branches. At the end of spring comes the rainy season; It is at this time that vegetation develops rapidly. In some places, reservoirs are even formed, where various animals come to bathe singly or in whole groups.

Pink flamingo
Colonies of pink flamingos populate the shores of the great African lakes. These large birds, representatives of the order of the ankles, draw water with their beaks and filter out edible algae. The pigment contained in these algae gives the plumage of birds such a bright color.
Before taking off, flamingos stretch their necks forward and scatter; they all leave the ground together, rushing in the same direction.

Zebras have striped not only the body, but even the mane, tail and skin. Only the tips of the muzzle and tail are black. However, there are no identical zebras - each of them has its own black and white pattern. This coloration helps zebras to hide, because their worst enemies- lions and panthers - always on the alert!

The giraffe, with its long neck, is as tall as a two-story house. With such growth, it is not difficult for him to detect an approaching lion from afar. Long neck helps the animal to pluck the juicy foliage of tall acacias. But to get drunk, the giraffe has a hard time: he needs to spread his front legs and bend his neck strongly - only then will he be able to reach the water.

African crocodile
A crocodile is a large freshwater reptile, or reptile. And besides, it's very dangerous. In appearance, a sleepy crocodile rushes at the victim with lightning. The female lays her eggs on the shore, and carries the hatched cubs in her mouth.
Too frisky crocodile cubs - the mother calms them down by throwing them up.

Lion and lioness
Leo is the most major representative felines in Africa. This king of beasts is not afraid of anyone. Its roar can be heard for many kilometers around. Surprisingly, it is not lions that hunt, but lionesses. At one time, the lion eats over 10 kg of meat.

Eagle Fisherman
The fisher's eagle has a large hooked beak and strong claws. This predator has excellent eyesight: it can easily notice a fish swimming under water. Then he rushes down and grabs prey, sometimes without even soaking his feathers. And the little eagles, who still cannot fish on their own, are patiently waiting for their father in the nest, located on the top of the acacia.

Rhinos are not very friendly. These animals are easily recognizable by their two horns - large and small. After eating, the rhinoceros rests somewhere in the shade, hiding from the scorching sun. He also likes to wallow in the mud - this is how the animal protects itself from the bites of annoying insects.

The cheetah is a big fan of antelopes. He is not as strong as a panther, but he is a great runner. This is the fastest mammal on the planet: the cheetah can reach speeds of up to 100 km/h.

African elephant
The elephant is the largest animal that lives on land. It can weigh 6 tons. Elephant tusks grow throughout their lives. The ears of an African elephant are much larger than those of an Asian elephant and are also used for fanning. However, the most important thing is the trunk: with the trunk, the elephant draws water for drinking, pours over his body from the shower, nibbles grass, and plucks leaves from tall trees.

Antelope Kudu
Kudu is one of the antelopes living in the vast savannah. Always, before running away from the enemy, these antelopes make impressive jumps.

Hippopotamus (or hippopotamus) in translation means "river horse". And this is true: almost all the time the hippopotamus spends in the lake or in the river. Often the animal is completely submerged, and only the nostrils and eyes remain visible on the surface. Sometimes the hippopotamus opens its mouth and exposes formidable fangs. This huge mammal weighing over three tons can cross the river along the bottom and hold its breath for more than 3 minutes.

Buffaloes are strong African bulls that live in the tropics, near water bodies. They were nicknamed the "Viking helmet" - for large curved horns.
Buffaloes stand in the water for hours or even bathe in the mud to get rid of annoying mosquitoes and other biting insects.

Panther (leopard)
Panther, or leopard, is a lone predator that climbs trees beautifully. It is sitting on a tree that the panther loves to lie in wait for prey. Often, after a successful hunt, a predator drags prey up a tree, away from numerous voracious thieves.

Baboons live in families and constantly wander from place to place in search of food: plants, insects, birds, and even young gazelles. At night, while sleeping, baboons climb high up a tree so that the panther cannot find them. Sensing danger, baboons hiss and stick out their large fangs.

MADAGASCAR ISLAND, located east of Africa, is the habitat of amazing animals, very similar to monkeys. These animals are called lemurs.

Lemur Indri
Indri is the noisiest and largest of all lemurs. He rarely climbs down from trees, where he jumps from branch to branch. Sometimes a lemur jumps 10 meters to get a flower, fruit or succulent shoot. And his tail is one of the smallest.

ring-tailed lemur
The ring-tailed lemur is easily recognizable by its long striped tail. Noticing the danger, the lemur swings its tail, exuding an unpleasant odor, and this often scares off the enemy.

Lemur Little Arm Aue-aue

Lemur Armed Aue-Aue. His tail is like that of a squirrel, and his eyes are round, like beads. The animal feeds on insects and their larvae, as well as fruits.

A photo:
Baboons by Rich Lewis 🙂
Buffalo by BeechcraftMUC
Zebras by vixs pixs
Giraffe by Fran Caley
Hippo by Fran Caley
Chameleon by cowyeow
Elephant by ruejj123
Lion by ruejj123
Rhino by ruejj123
Pink flamingo by athena113
Eagle by Martha de Jong-Lantink
Ring-tailed lemur by Grant and Caroline's pix

Interesting facts about Africa: population and culture of the mainland

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Africa is one of the most interesting continents today due to its diverse landscapes and stunning nature. This continent is also called the "cradle of mankind". If you are planning to visit the black mainland or are just interested in it, we offer you to get acquainted with the most interesting facts about Africa.

Where did the name "Africa" ​​come from?

There are several theories regarding the origin of the name. The most likely is that the word comes from the Afri people, who lived in the north of the mainland in 300 BC. As for the suffix "ka", it is believed that it was added by the Romans, and it means "land" or "country".

Another theory says that in Latin the word means "solar", and in Greek- "no cold".

Dimensions of the African continent

It is the second largest continent on our planet. It occupies approximately 22% of the area of ​​our Earth. It is washed by two oceans (Indian and Atlantic) and two seas (Red and Mediterranean).

Diversity of cultures and peoples

This is the place where mankind originated, the birthplace of the first great civilization on Earth (Egyptian). The cultures and peoples that inhabit Africa are many and unique, from the Islamic in North Africa to the fascinating tribal cultures in the South. All of them form a dynamic amalgam that catches the eye of millions of tourists every year.

Another interesting fact about Africa is that it currently has about one billion people, which is 16% of the world's population. Over a quarter of total number the languages ​​spoken on our planet are African.

This is another proof of the huge cultural diversity of this continent. The most populated country is Nigeria. The second most populated country is Egypt, a country with a large number of tourists and tourist attractions, mainly thanks to the pyramids and the Sphinx.

world records

The Nile River in Egypt is the most long river in the world, with a length of 4132 kilometers. In addition, the African continent is famous for the largest desert in the world, the Sahara, which covers an area larger than the area of ​​the United States.

Africa is home to the fastest animals on the planet - the cheetah and the wildebeest. In addition, Lake Malawi has the largest number of fish species in the world, and African elephant is the largest land animal on earth.

Religions and beliefs

The most widespread local religion is Islam, followed by Christianity. These religions have fully adapted to the characteristics of local cultures and earlier beliefs.

A few archaic forms of beliefs have also been preserved, mainly in the small authentic tribes of the African continent.

The highest mountain

The highest mountain is Kilimanjaro, with its three volcanic peaks Shira, Kibo and Mawenzi. This is a potentially dangerous dormant volcano located in Tanzania.

Country with the most pyramids

You might think that the answer is obvious and it is Egypt, but this is far from the truth. While Egypt does have the most famous pyramids, Sudan has twice as many pyramids. But because these pyramids are small and not as tall, they are not as popular as their Egyptian counterparts.

Of course, this is only a small part interesting facts about Africa, you can learn the most interesting things by visiting this continent on your own. We would love it if you share your thoughts with us in the comments.

African Wildlife

Most of Africa is undeveloped by people. A significant part North Africa occupies the sultry Sahara desert. This lifeless sandy expanse is one of the hottest places on the planet.

In the equator region, which crosses the African continent exactly in the middle, there are vast tropical forests - impenetrable thickets giant trees. These forests are always humid due to heavy tropical rains.

More than one third of the African continent is occupied by a flat hill, for the most part overgrown with grass and shrubs. This is the African steppe - savannah. Huge herds of elephants, antelopes, zebras and other herbivores graze here. Other animals, such as lions, prey on herbivores.

Mountains, lakes, rivers

Through East Africa passes a giant fault in the earth's crust, which is called the Great Rift Valley. There are many mountain peaks, gorges and deep lakes in this area. The highest mountains are in Ethiopia, Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania. The largest lake is called Victoria and occupies a huge depression in the middle of the rift valley. It looks like a small inland sea, fertile lands are located along its shores.

The most full-flowing African rivers are the Nile, Niger, Congo, Zambezi and Limpopo.

They catch fish, use them for various transportations and for irrigation of fields.

peoples of africa

Africa is inhabited by many different peoples. The north is dominated by Arabs and Berbers, most of whom are Muslims. Black tribes and peoples living south of the Sahara desert, representatives of more than 800 different ethnic groups, make up three-quarters of the population of the continent.

Africa has 53 states, more than any other continent. Their inhabitants speak more than two thousand different languages.


Many people in Africa are agriculture grow cocoa, cotton, sugarcane, coffee, tea, bananas and rubber trees. Africa is the main producer of palm oil, which is used to make soap and margarine.

In addition, Africa is very rich in minerals: gold, diamonds, tin and copper are mined there. There are large deposits of oil in the west and north of Africa. Most Africans live in small villages, often keeping ancient image the life and culture of their tribe. But cities and industrial areas are growing very fast.

Most big cities— Cairo and Alexandria in Egypt, Lagos in Nigeria, Kinshasa in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Cape Town in the Republic of South Africa.

European influence

For many centuries, Europeans knew very little about Africa and Africans. At the end of the 15th century, the Portuguese opened a sea route to India, rounding the southern tip of Africa. Soon the entire African coast was mapped, but few merchants and explorers ventured inland.

In the 16th century, European navigators began to bring slaves from Africa.

In the 1500-1800s, about 14 million slaves were taken from Africa to America. Usually merchants bought them from the tribes on the coast.


In the 19th century, many European countries founded their colonies in Africa. The continent was divided between Great Britain, France, Belgium, Germany, Portugal and Italy. European authorities brought new customs and rules to Africa, but soon many Africans began to resent foreign domination.

The conquest of independence

During the 1950s and 1960s, most of the colonies became independent states. Many of them were very poor and endured terrible civil wars in which different political groups fought for power. Now many African states are experiencing difficulties. However, their economy is developing, they receive assistance from stronger and more developed countries.


And even glaciers. The continent is located in all four hemispheres of the Earth. Learn more about the continent from the following ten amazing and important geographical facts about Africa.

Maybe Africa is the cradle of mankind

The East African Rift Valley, which separates the Somali and Nubian tectonic plates, is the site of several important human ancestral discoveries by anthropologists. The active expanding valley is considered the cradle of mankind, where our journey probably began, millions of years ago. The discovery of Lucy's skeletal fragments in 1974 in Ethiopia was the impetus for serious research in the region.

Africa is the second largest continent in the world

Less than half of Africa's population lives in cities

Africa is a poorly urbanized region of the world. Only 39% of the continent's population lives in cities. The continent is home to only two metropolitan areas with over ten million inhabitants: Cairo (Egypt) and Lagos (Nigeria). Cairo has between 11 and 15 million people, while Lagos has between 10 and 12 million people. The third largest city in Africa is probably Kinshasa, the capital Democratic Republic Congo, home to 8 to 10 million people.

Kilimanjaro is the highest point on the continent

The summit of Mount Kilimanjaro is above level. Located in Tanzania near the Kenyan border, this dormant volcano rises to a height of 5,895 meters. Kilimanjaro has Africa's only glacier, although scientists predict that all ice on the mountain's summit will disappear by the 2030s due to global warming.

Africa has the largest arid desert in the world

Although the Sahara is not the most hot desert Earth, it is the most prominent. The desert covers more than 9 million km² or about 31% of total area mainland sushi.

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