Snakes and their poison. The most poisonous snakes in the world

Bee venom - it is a product of the secretory activity of the bee's poisonous glands and is a means of protection.

Bee venom is a colorless, thick liquid with a sharp characteristic odor reminiscent of honey and a bitter, burning taste. Bee venom is an acidic reaction. It hardens in air and does not lose its basic properties when dry for a long period. The poison is quickly inactivated under the influence of digestive enzymes and bacteria.

IN chemical composition poison includes proteins, enzymes, free amino acids, acetylcholine, histamine, lipids, sterols, mineral compounds.

Bee venom for medical purposes get by irritating the bees with an electric current: the bee hits the poison-sampling frame of the device and closes the current on itself. When exposed to electric current, the insect releases its sting. Venom is poured from the tip of the sting onto the glass (approximately 0.085 mg from one bee) and dries out after 10-15 minutes. Then the poison is removed from the glasses.

When stung by bees healthy people the poison does not have any harmful effect. A general toxic reaction often occurs with a large number of stings (300-500). At the site of the sting, there is a burning pain, pallor, and then redness and swelling, and the temperature rises. With a general action, a person feels headache, dizziness, weakness, sometimes nausea, vomiting, salivation and lacrimation, nervous agitation. There are people with hypersensitivity to the effects of bee venom and people with allergic reactions. For them, even a single bee sting can be fatal.

Mechanism of action The venom of bees and snakes has not been studied enough. The effect is due to irritation of receptors and reflex reactions, as well as the specific action of highly active substances (histamine, enzymes, etc.) that affect the body’s regulatory processes, immunological reactions, microcirculation, blood clotting, etc. The presence of hyaluronidase and phospholipase enzymes in poisons facilitates their penetration through the skin.

Bee venom has local And general action on the patient’s body: it is used in the treatment of rheumatic diseases (arthritis), radiculitis, neuralgia, trophic ulcers, flaccid granulating wounds, obliterating endarteritis, thrombophlebitis, atherosclerosis lower limbs, diseases of the trigeminal, sciatic nerves, allergic diseases (urticaria, hay fever, etc.).

Are common contraindications to the use of bee venom preparations: individual intolerance, kidney, liver and pancreas diseases, neoplasms, tuberculosis, severe infectious diseases, sepsis, circulatory failure with decompensation, mental illness, diabetes, lesions of the adrenal cortex, pregnancy.

Bee venom use in its native form and as part of preparations.

There is an “Instruction for the use of apitherapy by bee stinging”, approved by the USSR Ministry of Health in 1959. When treating with the stinging method, the bee is taken with tweezers and applied to the sore spot. The sting is removed after 5-10 minutes, i.e. after all the poison has entered the skin. Treatment regimen: first day - sting by one bee, then add a bee to each day. The course of treatment is 10-15 days. After a break of 3-4 days, the course is repeated again, but 3 times more bees are taken. In just two courses, the patient is stung by 180-200 bees. Treatment by bee stinging is carried out in special medical institutions, for example, in apitherapy rooms. During treatment, urine and blood tests are performed once a week.

IN Lately New preparations of bee venom have been developed that can replace the painful procedures of bee stinging: an injection solution of the venom “Solapiven” and acupuncture needles with bee venom applied to them.

Traditional dosage forms containing bee venom are ointments for rubbing in “Apizatron”, “Ungapiven” and tablets for preparing a solution for electrophoresis “Apifor”.

In the field of study and use of products honey bee work is underway to study the mechanism of action of drugs, create new medicines, food additives, bee products.

Snake venom is a secretion of the poisonous glands of snakes. Venom glands are located behind the snake's eyes and are modified salivary glands that open outward through excretory ducts that communicate with the canal of the poisonous tooth.

Of the 3,000 species of snakes that live on earth, 3 are used in medical practice in Russia. The venom used is the common viper - Vipera berus, the viper - Vipera beta (viper family - Viperidae), cobras ( spectacled snake) -Nаja ohana (slate family - E1aridae).

For medical purposes, catching the common viper is carried out in the central zone of the European part of Russia, Siberia and Far East, viper - in Central Asia and in the Caucasus, cobras - in Central Asia. Capturing viper and cobra is carried out only under licenses.

the interval between taking venom, the microclimate, the physiological state of the snake and the method of venom selection (electrical stimulation, mechanical “milking”).

To obtain 1 g of poison, 250-300 snakes are needed.

Snake venom is a thin, transparent liquid, colorless or yellowish, heavier than water. When mixed with water it produces opalescence. The reaction of viper and viper venom is acidic, while cobra venom is neutral. Quickly loses activity (toxicity) in water, ether, chloroform, and when exposed to UV rays. Keeps well when frozen and dried. When dried, yellow crystals are obtained; in this form, the poison remains toxic for decades.

Snake venom is complex complex of biologically active substances: enzymes, toxic polypeptides, proteins with specific biological properties(nerve growth factor, anti-complementary factors), as well as inorganic components. Many enzymes are common to snake venoms of various families: phospholipase, hyaluronidase, phosphodiesterase, etc., but there are also differences. Cobra venom contains neurotoxins that disrupt the transmission of excitation at neuromuscular synapses and thereby cause paralysis of skeletal and respiratory muscles. Death occurs from respiratory arrest. The venom contains the enzyme acetylcholinesterase, which destroys acetylcholine and aggravates the development of paralysis. The venom of viper and viper contains proteolytic enzymes. As a result of poisoning, hemorrhagic edema develops, caused by increased vascular permeability and disorders in the blood coagulation system (intravascular coagulation, blood clots, and then blood on long time loses the ability to clot), extensive hemorrhages form.

The poison is raw materials for the pharmaceutical industry. Preparations containing snake venom are used as an analgesic, anti-inflammatory and local irritant for diseases of the peripheral nervous system.


Based on viper venom “Vipraxin”, “Viprosal B”,

Based on the poison of viper viper “Viprosal”, “Nizhvisal”,

Based on cobra venom "Nayaksin",

Based on poison different snakes"Vipratox."

Contraindications: increased sensitivity of the body to snake venoms, pulmonary tuberculosis, febrile conditions, insufficiency of diuretic and coronary circulation, heart defects, tendency to vasospasms, organic damage to the liver and kidneys, pregnancy and breastfeeding, pustular skin diseases, damage to the skin at the site of application.

Individual components of viper and cobra venom, for example oxidase, phospholipase A2, phosphodiesterase, endonuclease, etc., are produced as chemical reagents. Snake venoms and their components are used for scientific purposes as immunosuppressants, to study the mechanism of blood clotting.

vi, studying the molecular organization of acetylcholine receptors.

Snake venoms are used in the production of anti-snake serums.

Such a combination of words as “snake venom” evokes far from pleasant associations in people. And this is quite logical, because this product of snake life often leads not only to a significant deterioration in human health, but sometimes even to death.

But the above-described changes in the functional state of the body occur only in natural natural conditions in a situation where a person has been bitten by a snake. However, people who care about their health, as well as fashionistas, are firmly convinced (and not without reason) that snake venom is applicable in the entire spectrum of life spheres.

For example, in medicine and cosmetology this natural component was adopted long ago, and on its basis drugs began to be created that could help people. Below we will look at some options for using snake venom, the properties of this substance if it helps people, as well as situations in which this venom should be avoided.

Snake venom is a product of the functioning of specific poisonous glands, in this case, modified salivary glands located in the snake’s head, and more specifically, behind the eyes. A toxic substance is injected into the victim’s body during a bite, entering through the poisonous teeth along with saliva.

Even in tiny doses, this toxic substance is potent and has a pronounced effect on the body, starting with organs important for life. This substance is one of those few that have no artificial analogues.

Of the almost six dozen species of snakes found in the vast expanses of Belarus and the Russian Federation, only eleven are potentially dangerous, that is, poisonous.

The structure of snake venom can vary depending on the type of reptile. However, the list of main active ingredients is relatively stable. These include: molecules capable of containing more than a dozen amino acids of different orders, that is, polypeptides, as well as trace elements, proteins complex type and enzymes.

The structure of the venom may be determined by the production or presence of certain types of amino acids and proteins in the snake's body. The specific effect of snake glandular secretions on the human body has become the basis for the reproduction of many medications, as well as cosmetic products.

There are two types of snake venom, which differ fundamentally in the pattern of their effect on the human body:

  • a toxic substance with hemocoagulative, hemorrhagic and necrotizing effects, acting in the form of high-molecular proteins found in the venom of copperheads and vipers, disrupts the functioning of the circulatory system, promotes the appearance of edema at the site of the bite and causes tissue necrosis;
  • the poison, which includes both cardio- and neurotropic toxins, can be found in sea snakes, cobras and adders, whose iron secretion produces a depressant effect on the cardiovascular and nervous systems.

It should be remembered that many substances are actually capable of serving a person well, but only if used with skillful hands and snakes in equal volumes.

Snake iron secretion in medical practice pure form not applicable: mainly a diluted solution containing preservatives, glycerin, stabilizers and other necessary components is used.

The positive effect of using snake venom is due to its basic properties: the ability to influence the nervous system, as well as causing a local skin reaction. This toxic substance can be used both in the form of creams and injections, and ointments.

The five main characteristics of the medicinal properties of snake venom are described below:

  1. They are used both independently and as part of therapeutic complexes for the treatment of processes in the chronicle of the nervous and spinal systems. Relieves pain syndrome in acute forms of osteochondrosis, polyarthritis and rheumatic articular lesions. Promotes the absorption of medications that have an anti-inflammatory effect, promoting the deepest penetration of local tissue physiotherapeutic methods.
  2. Constantly ongoing innovative research in the field of the effectiveness of therapy with this substance has led to the development of therapeutic methods that eliminate the consequences of diabetes mellitus and cancer diseases with the help of snake venom, which is capable of inhibiting the development and growth of cancer cells.
  3. The venom of this type of animal, being part of ointments that have medical purposes, helps relieve inflammation, and neurotropic toxins act as a local anesthetic. That is, this substance applicable for relieving pain syndrome, increasing blood flow in the affected area, and relieving inflammation at the site of therapeutic use. Due to the properties described above, the healing process has a much greater speed than with normal drug treatment, for joint inflammation, muscle inflammation, some types of skin diseases, neuralgia.
  4. This substance, which has a toxic effect, is also applicable in medicine and in emergency situations: it became the basis for the discovery of a serum that can neutralize the venom of vipers after a bite. If a patient goes to a medical institution in a timely manner, doctors, without much effort, manage to save this person’s life, avoiding all sorts of health complications in the foreseeable future.
  5. Scientists have also proven the effect of the mucous secretion of snakes on the blood, depending on the dosage: it can either help the blood clot or dilute it.

Due to the occurrence of all sorts of side effects, any remedy containing snake venom should be prescribed only by a specialist. Without a preliminary examination and consultation with the treating physician, such an ointment or cream should not be used!

Treatment with snake venom in medical circles has two equally used names - “snake therapy” and venom therapy, and has been applicable from time immemorial. Since our ancestors believed in the snake’s ability to resurrect the deceased and help with infertility.

This substance is also widely used to improve the immune system of the human body, hair growth in cases of complete baldness, tuberculosis, and relief of bronchial asthma attacks.

Despite the fact that most of the myths have been debunked a long time ago, science is still conducting a lot of research into the mechanisms of the effects of these types of substances on individual organs and organ systems contained in the human body.

The most incredible experiments with original means are used by people who want to remain young forever to prolong their visual youth. A toxic substance from the special glands of the reptile also took its place in this niche.

We use this type of poison in cosmetology as a product similar in its effect to Botox, that is, created to combat wrinkles. In fact, the 2 above-mentioned drugs are not analogues, although the result of their use is quite similar.

At the site of application, snake venom smoothes out facial wrinkles. If you use a variety of products, which include this type poison, then age-related changes in a certain number of cases can decrease by half, subject to a long period of use.

Cosmetic cream preparations containing this component are also used:

  • in the form of a tincture as a means to increase potency - in the East;
  • in massage parlors for the skin;
  • to improve hair growth as one of the ingredients in shampoo.

Symptoms of the effects of snake venom on the human body

After a snake bite, a wide variety of processes occur in the body; the clinical picture varies depending on the place where the bite occurred, the type of reptile and many other factors, which are not possible to list.

  1. The local reaction develops rapidly immediately after a stink bug or viper bite, and manifests itself in the form of a change in skin color, pain and tissue swelling. Sometimes, in the most severe cases, swelling can quickly spread to the entire body.
  2. In the first three quarters of an hour, shock symptoms are likely to occur, manifested in the form of dizziness, tachycardia, fainting, pallor of the skin, nausea and weakness.
  3. The effect of snake venom on the blood is manifested in the following indicators: the functioning of the entire blood coagulation system is disrupted, then the development of disseminated intravascular coagulation syndrome occurs, which is characterized as a condition of the circulatory system of the most severe degree, which leads to the deteriorated functioning of all organ systems in the human body.
  4. Complications in liver function, cardiac and renal, as well as gangrene of the wrist and foot fingers, tissue necrosis begins to develop a little later.
  5. The local reaction after a cobra bite is not particularly significant: the swelling is small, the bite site becomes numb, and the color of the skin does not change.
  6. A quarter of an hour after the injection of snake venom into the human body, saliva flow, impaired coordination of movements and speech, weakness, vomiting, muscle paralysis and asphyxia occur.

First aid rules for snake bites

  • ensuring complete rest and immediate delivery to the hospital of the victim;
  • suction or squeezing out poisonous drops in the first ten minutes after the bite. For places that are difficult to reach during self-suction, it is possible to use a plastic syringe with a cut off spout;
  • complete exclusion of alcohol-containing products, plenty of warm drinks are prescribed to the victim;
  • prohibition of applying a tourniquet to the affected limb, because in this case it is possible to accelerate the process of intoxication.

So which snake venom is dangerous or beneficial? All this is quite situational.

If prescribed inappropriately and improperly used, any, even the most effective, good medication or expensive cream can become toxic. For this reason, before using any product, you should find out the most accurate information about it from specialists, and also use them only as prescribed by your doctor.

There are 14 species of poisonous snakes found in Russia. Most often, people suffer from bites from vipers or snakes of the slate family. There are few deaths after bites, since the same viper injects a little poison into a person. To produce poison, she needs a lot of energy and strength. Yes, and she attacks only when she senses danger, and she hides if she sees a person.

The viper attacks when it senses danger

About poisoning

About the composition

Why is it possible to be poisoned by snake venom? The composition of this substance is not simple: it is a mixture of inorganic and organic matter. The composition consists of proteins and peptides of varying degrees of complexity, but there are also amino acids, fats and other substances. It contains enzymes that break down human tissue. It contains amino acids, carbohydrates and proteins that have a toxic effect. The names of the most famous enzymes are hyaluronidase and phospholipase.

The first one splits connective tissue and destroys small capillaries. The second breaks down the lipid layer of red blood cells, which destroys them. Viper venom contains both of these enzymes.

How does snake venom affect the blood? Thus, viper venom destroys blood vessels, forms blood clots in them, which causes circulatory problems. The effect of the poison affects red blood cells and proteins, they are destroyed. It also affects the heart and liver.

The neurotoxins that make up the toxic substance lead to paralysis of the muscles responsible for breathing, so the person dies from suffocation. It affects blood clotting, so after it enters the body, hemorrhages and blood clots begin.

Viper venom destroys blood vessels and forms blood clots in them

Is a bite always dangerous?

The strength of a snake bite depends.

  • From the weight of the bitten person: the larger the person, the easier it is for him to survive the bite. Therefore, small children suffer greatly from snakes.
  • From the person’s well-being: if there are other diseases, the person has a hard time tolerating the effects of the poison.
  • Where the snake bit: at risk are those bitten on the neck or head, or if the bite was at the site of a blood vessel.
  • From temperature: if it is hot, intoxication of the body occurs faster.
  • The size of the snake and the accumulated poison it has: the larger it is, the more poison it contains. But if she has recently bitten someone, then she did not have time to accumulate poison, so her bite is not terrible.

Use of snake venom

Snake venom is a colorless, yellowish, odorless liquid. If it is stored in liquid form, it quickly rots, but dried it can be stored for 20-30 years. Since ancient times, it has been part of many medicinal mixtures.

In medicine

Treatment with snake venom is not so popular, because although its healing properties have been known for a long time, the mechanism of its effect on humans remains a mystery to scientists; it has only just begun to be studied. That is why instructions and medical supervision are so important, without which the use of drugs would be dangerous.

The healing properties of snake venom have been known for a long time

What drugs are used. In our country, only three snakes use medicinal venoms: the viper, the viper and the cobra. Medicines are made either in the form of ointments or in the form of injections. If these are injections, then they are administered either subcutaneously or intramuscularly. The use of these injections is the treatment of the musculoskeletal system. Sometimes they medicinal properties have a beneficial effect in relieving pain from injuries and bruises.

But most often ointments are suitable for these purposes. The course of treatment is prescribed by the doctor. Typically, the dosage of the medication is gradually increased over time, and should be taken from a couple of weeks to 6 months. Hemostatic drugs are made from the venoms of viper and viper. Cobra venom is used to make painkillers and sedatives.

What diseases are treated. The use of this substance in medicine is quite widespread. Tangible benefits of drugs based on it are observed in rheumatism, polyarthritis, and radiculitis. These medications are prescribed for osteochondrosis, asthma, neuralgia, and hypertension. Scientists are trying to cure cancer using snake venom. The properties of this substance are used to prevent heart attacks. These drugs are still under development.

But the main use of this poison in medicine is the production of serums against snake bites. This is the only remedy that saves a person who has been bitten by a snake. They are prepared using horse blood. Animals are injected with small portions of poison. Their body begins to produce substances that neutralize the poison. They save people's lives.

Snake venom is used to produce anti-snake bite serums

Contraindications. Even if the instructions were followed and the treatment was supervised by a doctor, the use of medications is not always permitted. Sometimes they cause severe itching of the skin, burning, etc. The drugs provoke the development of fever, they cause an increase in temperature, nausea and vomiting, i.e. the body is poisoned.

Therefore, it is so important to carry out treatment only under the supervision of a doctor. Do not use drugs with snake venom:

  • people with kidney and liver diseases;
  • if you have heart failure;
  • circulatory disorders are observed;
  • the person is sick with pulmonary tuberculosis;
  • a woman is pregnant or nursing a child.

In cosmetology

The use of snake venom in cosmetology began recently. It is included in creams that help against wrinkles. The properties of this substance are such that it blocks the nerve endings of the subcutaneous muscles. And they control the contraction of our skin. Therefore, wrinkles are smoothed out. The advantages of such creams are that they:

  • remove deep wrinkles on the forehead in 28 days. More than half of the wrinkles on the forehead disappear (52%);
  • reduce those “crow’s feet” that form around the eyes and smooth out folds around the lips;
  • increase skin immunity, smooth and strengthen it;
  • prevents new wrinkles from appearing.

If snake venom has such unique properties, why there are so few drugs based on it in cosmetology. It's all because of the cost. It is not easy to obtain, but what is available is used in medicine. However, scientists have created a substance similar in composition to snake venom. It is not as strong as natural, but it fights wrinkles better than Botox.

Snake venom is produced by the temporal salivary glands and has the appearance of a yellowish, transparent liquid. When dried, it retains its poisonous properties for decades. Snake venom is a complex mixture of proteins that have the properties of enzymes and enzymatic poisons. They contain proteolytic enzymes that destroy proteins, protease and esterase enzymes that clot blood, and a number of others. According to the poisonous effect snake venoms are divided into two groups.

The first group consists of the venoms of aspid and sea snakes. Their composition is dominated by neurotoxic enzymes (cobrotoxin, etc.), which have a paralyzing effect on nervous system. The second group is formed by the venoms of viper and pit snakes, containing mainly enzymes that destroy tissue and clot blood. Latest research showed that poisons of the second group also contain a small percentage of neurotoxic enzymes and fresh poison also has an effect on the nervous system. However, when dried, viper venom loses its neurotoxicity, since this destroys hyaluronidase, the enzyme that “conducts” neurotoxins into the victim’s body.

Therefore, dry poison of the second group has only a hemotoxic effect, while fresh poison has a complex effect. It is hemotoxic and neurotoxic, but the second side of the effect is obscured by the sharp phenomena of poisoning circulatory system. According to the enzyme composition, the picture of poisoning from snake bites of these two groups is completely different. When bitten by aspid and sea snakes, almost no lesions are observed at the site of the bite, but the phenomena of general paralysis and especially paralysis of the respiratory center quickly develop. When bitten by viper and pit snakes, local lesions predominate - swelling and hemorrhages in the bite area, in severe cases spreading to most torso. In addition, massive internal hemorrhages occur in many organs of the body, most notably in the liver and kidneys. Thus, a severe disruption of the circulatory system occurs, accompanied by enormous internal blood loss and a sharp drop in blood pressure. This causes severe weakness, dizziness and, in severe cases, loss of consciousness.

The danger posed by snakebites to human life is of particular importance in countries of tropical and equatorial regions. In countries temperate zone this danger is practically negligible. Every year on globe about 0.5 million people are bitten by poisonous snakes and several thousand of them die. The bulk of the deaths occur in India and other countries of Southeast Asia, in South America 3-4 thousand people die per year, in Africa about 800 people, in North America up to 15, isolated cases are not observed every year in Europe. The mortality rate from bites is the most dangerous snakes previously it was 20-40, occasionally up to 70, but with the invention and widespread distribution of anti-snake serums, the percentage of deaths dropped sharply - to 1-3 (see section “General overview of reptiles”).

To show the comparative danger of poisonous snakes, the famous American herpetologist K. Pope writes: “In the USA, cars kill more than 300,000 people annually, snakes kill about 160; For every person killed by a snake, 200 people die in car accidents.” These lines were written in the 30s, and it is safe to say that by now the number of victims from snake bites in the United States has decreased, and the number of deaths in car accidents has increased. In our country, there are no more than 10 - 12 deaths per year. In this case, the tragic outcome usually occurs due to ingrained harmful first aid techniques. In the coming years, widespread promotion of new methods of treating snakebites will make it possible to practically eliminate deaths for snake bites. First aid techniques widely used for snake bites - bandaging, incisions, cauterization, drinking alcohol - turned out to be, upon closer study, not only useless, but also extremely harmful. They sharply worsen the condition of the bitten person and, as it turned out, sometimes it is these methods of “treatment” that cause the death of people, and not the bite itself.

Modern science recommends completely different first aid techniques: complete immobility of the bitten limb, applying splints to it, lying down the victim, drinking plenty of warm fluids. The most effective and efficient treatment for snake bites is the administration of anti-snake serum. This remedy was discovered at the end of the last century, and the Butantan Institute was founded in Sao Paulo (Brazil) in 1899 to produce such serums.

Now he represents largest center on the study of poisonous snakes, on the use of snake venoms. From all over Brazil, many residents voluntarily send here annually about 12.5 thousand snakes (mainly cascavela and jararaka), from which they receive up to 5-6 liters of poison per year (1-1.5 kg in dry weight). Venom is taken from snakes once every 2-3 weeks. From small snakes 20-40 mg of venom is obtained (in dry weight), and from large snakes - 500-900 mg per dose. The traditional way of “milking” snakes is mechanical, by massaging the poisonous glands. However, taking the poison using electric current ("electromilking") is considered the most effective.

To do this, the mucous membrane of the mouth is touched with electrodes with a voltage of 5-8 V, which causes a rapid and complete release of the poison. Serums are prepared from the blood of horses immunized with increasing doses of snake venom. These serums come in two varieties: monovalent - against the bite of a certain type of snake - and polyvalent - against bites various types. Timely and correct administration of the serum quickly relieves the symptoms of poisoning. In addition, blood transfusions have an excellent effect when bitten by viper and pit snakes. Snake venoms have long attracted scientists as a source of medicines, but only last decades Important progress has been made in this direction. Thus, hemostatic drugs - lebetox and stipven - are obtained from the venom of the viper and Russell's viper.

The main active component, cobra toxin, has been isolated from cobra venom, which has an analgesic and sedative effect in cases of cardiac spasms, bronchial asthma, malignant tumors. In addition, snake venoms are used in the diagnosis of diseases and in various laboratory studies. As poisons began to be used very widely, the need for them increased sharply. To obtain poison, special snake nurseries have been created in many countries around the world. In our country, there are such nurseries in Tashkent, Frunze and Badkhyz. However, these nurseries do not meet even half of the pharmaceutical industry's demand for snake venoms. Therefore, it is necessary to expand the network of snake nurseries and increase the venom production of snakes in captivity. This can be achieved by using a scientifically based, rational system for taking venom, feeding and keeping snakes...

Poisonous animals and plants of the USSR/B.N. Orlov, D.B. Gelashvili, A.K. Ibragimov. - M.: Higher. school, 1990. - 272 s.

At all times Poisonous snakes caused fear and apprehension in people. The deadly poison possessed by reptiles has interested humans since ancient times. Snake saliva can kill and heal at the same time incurable diseases of people. It's hard to believe that they are like this strong poisons may be used in medicine, but that's it. The healing properties of snake venom are known in different ways in old cultures.

China and India believe that snake venom has very strong healing properties. Local medicine widely uses poisonous snakes and their venom in the treatment of patients. Preparations containing snake venom are called “snake wine” and are used to treat various types of pain.

IN ancient Greece snakes were used in healing rituals. IN Greek mythology snakes were sacred in the temple of Aesculapius. The Greeks considered snake venom to be corrective, and the shedding of skin by snakes was seen as a symbol of rebirth and renewal.

The Bible tells us that Israel attacked snakes in the desert, God taught Moses how to make a special healing tool - a stick, on top of which lay the poison of the snake. When the stick is raised, those who are stung look at the image of the snake and are healed. Even before today The symbol of medicine is a bowl, the leg of which is entwined with a snake, embodying healing, knowledge and wisdom.

While most people think of snake venom as harmful, it can actually provide good topical benefits to the skin. And Russian scientists managed to discover these new properties of snake venom. A cream based on it will get rid of wrinkles and the results are better than Botox! Accordingly, you can do without plastic surgery. Through years of research, scientists have discovered that snake venom (in reasonable amounts) temporarily inhibits muscle activity, which prevents and reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Researchers also believe that snake venom could be used to produce new painkillers. Many of the active secretions produced by animals have been used in the development of new drugs to treat diseases such as hypertension and cancer. Snake venoms have made significant contributions to the treatment of many diseases.

There are many published studies describing and elucidating the anti-cancer potential of snake venom. Cancer therapy is one of the main areas of use of animal-derived protein peptides and enzymes different types. Some of these proteins or peptides and enzymes from snake venom, when isolated and evaluated, may specifically bind to the membranes of cancer cells, affecting the migration and proliferation of these cells. Some of the substances found in snake venom show great potential as anticancer agents. Appearance modern technologies greatly contributes to the extraction and identification of new components of therapeutic interest in a short time.

Snake venoms are complex mixtures; These are mainly proteins that have
enzymatic activity. Proteins and peptides make up 90 to 95 percent of the dry weight of the venom. In addition to this, snake venoms contain inorganic cations such as sodium, calcium, potassium, magnesium and small amounts of zinc, nickel, cobalt, iron, manganese. Zinc is required for anticholinesterase activity; calcium is needed to activate an enzyme such as phospholipase. Some snake venoms also contain carbohydrates, lipids, biogenic amines and free amino acids. Snake venoms contain at least 25 enzymes, but no venom contains all of them. An in-depth study of the composition and effects of snake venom, in turn, can bring hope to many patients in the future.

Worldwide, 30% of snake species are venomous and only about 10% are less dangerous to humans. As always, there are exceptions, for example in Australia about 2/3 of all snakes are venomous, compared to the United States where only about 10% of all species are venomous snakes.

What is snake venom?

Snake venom is the highly modified saliva of a venomous snake, a viscous and clear liquid consisting of about 80% proteins and about 20% enzymes. Most of these enzymes are harmless to humans, but about 20 enzymes are known that are very toxic to humans. Snake venom is harmless when in liquid or crystalline form once dried, and it will be excreted unchanged; it contains anti-clotting proteins. It causes toxicity only upon contact with blood.

There are three types of poison according to its effects:

1.Hemotoxic poisons: they damage the cardiovascular system and cause blood clotting.

  1. Cytotoxic poisons: primarily destroy cells and muscles.
  2. Toxic poisons: block and damage all vital systems.

How big is the venom gland and where is it located?

The venom gland is a modified salivary gland that scientists say is "like a small pharmaceutical company, because I spent great amount experiments on evolutionary time scales with new molecules and saw what worked.” This gland is located just behind the snake's eye. The size of the venom gland depends on the size of the snake, namely the size of its skull. The amount of venom in a snake's venom gland (measured as the amount extracted by milking) increases exponentially with the size of the snake and can range from 1 to 850 mg or more. In a study comparing snake venoms, researchers found greatest number venom from the eastern ctenophore (Crotalus adamanteus) - more than from any other species they studied.

Some species of snakes inject their venom into the victim's body when they bite, and some are capable of spewing out the venom. For example, poisonous reptiles of the savannah and forest regions of Africa and South Asia “shoot” poisonous liquid directly into the eyes of the enemy. The black-necked cobra is capable of firing up to 28 “shots” in a row, releasing about 3.7 mg of venom each time.

The species of snakes that bite control their injections. In approximately 50% of cases, the “sizzling” one delivers a “dry bite”, that is, no poison is injected into the victim, which means that the lucky one is incredibly lucky.

The largest poisonous snake in the Northern and South AmericaRhombic
rattlesnake (lat. Crotalus adamanteus)
. This reptile got its name due to the presence of a kind of “rattle” on its tail. Most species of rattlesnakes have a hemotoxic venom that destroys tissue, degenerates organs, and causes blood clotting disorders.

Concerning vipers, then they are found almost throughout the entire territory of our planet, but perhaps the most poisonous is chain viper, found mainly in the Middle East and Central Asia, especially India, China and Southeast Asia. The deadly venom of this species is dangerous in its own way, causing symptoms that begin with pain at the site of the bite, followed by swelling of the affected limb, leading to amputation.

Black Mamba (lat. Dendroaspis polylepis) is a poisonous snake common in Africa. She is very aggressive and deadly. The mamba is the fastest land snake in the world, capable of reaching speeds of up to 20 km/h. This venomous reptile can strike up to 12 times in a row. Possesses deadly poison– a fast-acting neurotoxin. Its bite provides an average of about 100-120 mg of venom; however, it can reach up to 400 mg. If the venom enters a vein, 0.25 mg/kg is enough to kill a person in 50% of cases.

There are about 140 species of land snakes in Australia. Many of these reptiles possess some of the most potent venoms on earth.

Tiger snakes is a species of venomous snake found in southern regions Australia, including its offshore islands and Tasmania. These snakes vary greatly in their color, usually striped like tigers. Such snakes have very powerful venom. Before the advent of antivenom, the mortality rate from tiger snakes was 60-70%.

The owners of the third most toxic poison among all snakes in the world are coastal snakes.

And in second place, among all land snakes, is the eastern brown snake that lives in Australia. Her saliva is 40 times more toxic than the well-known cyanide. The poison of this Australian snake so strong that just 0.002 ml is enough to cause death.

Belchera (Chitulia belcheri) - the most evil sea ​​snake, known around the world for its several milligrams, which is enough to kill 1000 people! Less than 1/4 of the bites will contain venom. Its victims are usually fishermen, as they often encounter these types of snakes when they are pulling nets out of the ocean. The sea snake lives in all waters off Southeast Asia and Northern Australia.

In the world a large number of poisonous snakes and it is difficult to say who takes first place in the toxicity of the poison - rattlesnakes or king cobras, mulga or sand faff– this list can be continued for a very long time. Which one should you give preference to? But no matter what place poisonous snakes occupy, one must always remember one thing - these are incredibly dangerous reptiles and it is better for a person not to intersect with them. But suddenly such a meeting takes place, then you need to behave with the snake with extreme caution - try not to move and wait until it crawls away.

Let's list some of the most important things to know about a snakebite, with the hope that this information will save the victim's life:

- under any circumstances it is necessary to remain calm, since panic and shock will further enhance the effect of the poison;

- Never make any cuts in the area of ​​the bite. Snake venom spreads quickly and efficiently through the lymphatic system. It's almost impossible to cut deep enough;

- You cannot use a tourniquet. Stiffness is extremely painful and will reduce blood flow to the injured limb. This can lead to necrosis of the limb and the need for amputation;

- you should not try to suck out the poison, as these actions can be more harmful than beneficial;

- it is always necessary to call as soon as possible ambulance or get to the nearest medical facility to receive qualified assistance.

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