Ajna chakra is a physical sensation when opened. Physical sensations upon opening

Ajna chakra is responsible for intuition and other subtle sensations of a person. Here questions are asked about the purpose of life and the ability to hear the prompts of the Universe. The sixth chakra helps us find harmony with our "I" and gives us wisdom. In this article I will talk about the ajna chakra and how to open it.

Ajna is located in the middle of the forehead, between the eyebrows, for which it was called the "third eye". The incorrect work of the sixth chakra is evidenced, for example, by the desire to live, relying on rationalistic views and completely ignoring thin world. Such a person is ready to believe only what he personally saw and touched.

Attention! It is impossible to proceed to the opening of ajna until a person has learned to fully control the lower 5 chakras. Otherwise, he can get serious problems with energy and health.

The sixth chakra corresponds to special points on the arms and legs, working with which allows you to remove the block on ajna.

These points are marked in the figure - see photo.

To perform the following exercise, you will need 2 narrow strips of thin blue fabric, preferably cotton.

So, take a comfortable position - for example, sitting on a chair or on the couch. Press on the active point of the right hand for 10 seconds with the finger of the other hand - thumb or index. Then massage the same point in circular motions in a clockwise direction.

Do the same with the other hand. The fabric of blue color is a kind of filter and creates the color of the 6th chakra. Leave the strips on your fingers for 10 minutes.

On another day, do a similar exercise with active points on the soles of your feet. Both the first and second options help to open the ajna chakra.

Visualization and meditation on the chakra

Meditation will help us develop the ajna chakra. Take a comfortable posture with a straight back. For example, sit on the edge of a chair or Turkish on the floor.

  1. Try to relax and stop the internal dialogue. Bring your attention to the third eye chakra. Imagine how with each breath it becomes wider. Wider and wider. Finally, the chakra becomes so large that you fit in the middle of it.
  2. Here you observe a sapphire stone, a soft velvety blue light comes from it, it gives you peace of mind. Examine the stone carefully. Some of its sides seem brighter than others. On some faces there are dust particles that contaminate the sapphire.
  3. You have a clean white cloth in your pocket. Take it out and wipe the stone thoroughly. It began to glow so brightly that it is difficult to make out its borders. You are in bright rays of blue light. Enjoy the light music of the ajna chakra.
  4. Middle finger right hand apply to the third eye chakra. Perform slow movements in a clockwise direction. This clears your sixth chakra. Now it glows like pure crystal.

Mantra for the sixth chakra

In Hindu philosophy, sound is associated not only with its physical reproduction in our world. It is believed that there is some original sound that a person cannot hear. This sound is the source of energy and matter in the universe. The form of the existence of sound in our reality is the sound of "om".

It is the Om mantra that is considered the main one in Hindu practices. It includes three sounds "a-u-m":

  • the sound "a" is responsible for actions;
  • the sound "y" - for the preservation;
  • the sound "m" is for destruction.

Yogis believe that the sound "a-u-m" can be heard in the ringing silence. It is like a radiant pure flame, which, with regular training, becomes the light of consciousness.

Mantra Om

Assume a pose for chanting the mantra. The lotus position or sitting cross-legged is best.

  1. Take a long breath for a count of 7 (that is, you should count to seven during your breath).
  2. As you exhale, begin to sing softly the sound "a-a-a" - the sound comes from the back of the mouth.
  3. Next, sing the sound "oooo" - the sound comes from the front of the mouth, a little into the nose.
  4. Finally, close your lips and make the sound "mmm" on the count of 8, while you will feel vibrations in your head and chest.

Then chant the ajna chakra mantra first.

Yantra for the third eye chakra

The sixth chakra is the seat of spiritual knowledge. The yantra (sacred symbol) of ajna is a circle, inside of which there is a triangle and the sign "Om".

If the third eye chakra appears on the horizon of your spiritual journey, then you have already mastered the energies of the first four chakras. And through vishuddha (a bridge connecting the upper and lower energy centers) they arrived at ajna.

Here the “I” of a person connects with the ocean of universal consciousness, the true nature of things is revealed to us. At this level, we feel real joy and peace.

Perhaps you have already experienced this state in meditation. If so, then these fleeting insights will serve as a good incentive for further development and self-exploration.

There may be trials and changes along the way. You may find them painful or unpleasant. Feel threatened or insecure.

Try asking yourself, “Who is really in danger? Who is insecure?" The answer will be the same - to the Ego or the Emotional Self.

Nothing threatens your Spirit, your spirituality. Nobody can harm her. She cannot be alone.

The development of the Spirit always leads to the weakening of the Ego in order to fulfill the mission entrusted to the soul. This path is often thorny. But it leads to merging with the Higher mind.

Yantra Meditation

Within each person there are huge physical and mental abilities. Chakra classes, like yoga, allow you to expand your consciousness and awaken these abilities.

As a result, a person begins to realize the true nature of the universe. Comes to the understanding that we are all spiritual beings, parts of the One universal mind. And then a person merges with the Universal Consciousness, freeing himself from the enslavement of his own Ego.

Get into a comfortable meditation position with a straight back. Place the image of the Ajna Chakra Yantra in front of you. It can be either created manually or printed on a printer.

Looking at the yantra, think about the sound "Om" - it contains the triplicity of creation, preservation and destruction. Everything around has its own cycle of existence, and then reborn again to continue the series of incarnations.

Do you think your physical body can be a vessel containing something more? Your incarnation on Earth is temporary, but who are you really?

Think about the God who created this world - nature and people. Humanity is given more freedom of choice than plants and animals. Wisely using this freedom, a person can realize his own Divine nature.

Free will gives us the right to choose good or bad, good or evil. It is only when we know darkness that we understand the value of light. This experience helps us understand our Divine nature.

Ajna chakra - the sixth in a row, located in the center of the forehead, where philosophical ideas the third eye should be located. In Sanskrit, its name means "control center". It corresponds to two colors: purple and indigo. Such a chakra is symbolized by a special pattern: a sky-colored circle, decorated with two large lotus petals, inside of which is an image of two human feet. The stalk of the chakra moves away from this circle. The 6th ajna chakra is associated with such deep concepts as possession, awareness, spirituality, and perfection.

Ajna chakra: where is it located?

The sixth chakra is the penultimate chakra and is one of the highest levels. The principle of this chakra is awareness of the essence of life. It corresponds to the energy of intuition and extrasensory communication. It is related to the higher mental body, and on the physical level it corresponds to the nervous system, the pituitary gland, the pineal gland, the brain, the face and all its parts. The sound of such a chakra: “ham-ksham”.

Ajna chakra: properties

This chakra is responsible for the most important systems and organs. Due to the imbalance in it, a variety of diseases arise, among which diseases of the ear, nose and sinuses, eye diseases, diseases respiratory tract, headaches, diseases of the facial nerve, nightmares.

The work of this chakra affects conscious perception and controls memory, willpower and knowledge, allows you to connect to the subconscious, intuition. It gives balance to the hemispheres of the brain, harmonizing the emotions and mind.

The development of the ajna chakra makes a person wish to be harmonious, not to seek struggle, but to accept the world as multilateral and joyful. A person becomes creative, wants to become perfect, and no longer cares about the ordinary life of accumulation.

Ajna chakra: discovery

If you are thinking about how to open the ajna chakra, first do a little test. You will need a second person. The process is simple: the verifier puts thumbs to the subject above the eyebrows so that they form the second row of eyebrows. The remaining fingers are spread apart on the sides so that the little fingers lie behind the openings of the ears. The forehead is stroked along the eyebrows from the middle. If the subject has visions, he is ready to activate the ajna chakra. If not, you will need to work long and hard on the techniques.

It is better to start opening the chakra at night or in the evening - morning is not suitable for this. Every day, 20 minutes should be allotted for classes. So your actions are:

Third eye area

Take a comfortable position, preferably a lotus. Your face should be facing north or east. Rub the area of ​​the third eye with the bone of the second joint thumb right hand with simple up and down movements.

Breathing technique

All 20 minutes you need to control your breathing. First, learn it, and notice already proceed with everything else. You need to breathe in and out for the same amount of time. For convenience, imagine a pendulum moving uniformly in both directions. Time is not important, but the inhalation should be deep and comfortable for you, as well as the exhalation.

When you have mastered this the simplest technique, study and more challenging. The task is to obtain a continuous way of breathing, smoothing out the transitions from inhalation to exhalation and vice versa. Important to have the highest degree concentration.


Relax the face, eyes and all parts of the body in sequence. This will cause blood flow to the head and make you feel a pulsation in the third eye area.

Eye position

The eyes should be closed and directed upwards, as if you were looking from the inside at a massaged and pulsating point. Soon you should be seeing visions - don't look for meaning in them. If you want to get out of this state, change the position of the body.

Opening the third eye is quite dangerous. Together with clairaudience and clairvoyance, you will begin to feel all the pain and injustice. modern world, and not everyone is able to bear this cross.

Ajna chakra is the sixth energy center, its name in Sanskrit means "control area". This one is represented by a circle of the color of the sky, which is framed by 2 lotus leaves, on which 2 feet are depicted. The 2 central petals are the personification of the Sun and the Moon, forty-nine and fifty letters from the Sanskrit alphabet Ham and Ksham are inscribed on them. In the center of the lotus is an inverted triangle, which is a symbol of the yoni, and in its inner part is the itaralingam.

The sixth energy center is located in the area between the eyebrows, in other sources you can stumble upon its second name - “bhrumadhya”. The energy center, unlike the previous chakras, has a very - so you can find yellow, blue and purple shades in it, from time to time the chakra becomes white (the color is a symbol of creativity and spiritual aspirations).

The Buddha statue very well conveys the material embodiment of ajna: a precious mineral is traditionally inserted in the area between the eyebrows, indicating wisdom and an elevated level of consciousness.

In Indian religious teaching, various deities and mythological heroes are often depicted with a third eye.

How chakra affects the body

The sixth energy center is responsible for spiritual personal growth, and also controls all the physiological processes that occur inside the body. The chakra restores the state of the vegetative system, ensures the health of the liver, organs of vision, smell, improves the condition of the ridge, and the endocrine system is also in its control (this includes the pituitary gland with the pineal gland).

Traditionally, the chakra is divided into 3 main levels, in which the mental shells of the personality are located:

  • upper level - provides awareness of social processes;
  • medium - contributes to the disclosure of the personality's ability to understand oneself and conscious control over the formulation of personal intentions with aspirations;
  • lower - provides the ability to understand the psyche of the people around them with their worldview and aspirations.

When a person works with all three aspects of the chakra at once, there is an active development of his physical and mental activity, complete connection with nature occurs, harmonization of all nerve endings in the body occurs, due to which a kind of nirvana is achieved.

The geniuses of science who are engaged in the study of human energy centers have come to the conclusion that a developed third eye gives the ability to predict the future. But this will largely depend on the purity of the energy channel that passes through the sixth chakra, connecting it with all the previous ones. The higher the purity of a person’s spiritual and energy channel, the less time he will need to reveal his hidden mental abilities, which in the future will take full control of the state of the body and mind.

Therefore, in the case of a strong development of the sixth chakra (for example, in psychics), a person is able to see certain energy formations or entities that are inaccessible to the eyes of ordinary people.

How does the wrong work of ajna affect the body

If the third eye does not work well enough, the functioning of the nervous and autonomic systems of the body deteriorates significantly. The chakra is closed by negative mental thoughts, increased concentration on the negative (the so-called pessimism), a vision of life with all its events from a negative perspective.

When a person does not think about the good, concentrating only on the negative, these data enter his consciousness with the help of active centers. As a result, wrong thinking begins to form, which in turn causes mental dissatisfaction.

It's no secret that thoughts are also energy that can attract both positive and negative into our lives. When a person is constantly suffering from negative thoughts, its endocrine system goes wrong, which in turn provokes disorders of the psyche and the physical body.

To avoid such negative consequences, it is important to strengthen the work of the sixth chakra. In this case, various meditation practices, as well as binja mantras, will come to your aid. Having managed to achieve a full immersion in meditation, you abstract from negative energy, you will be able to exercise complete control over your consciousness and feel only positive emotions. Watching special videos that offer innovative developments of energy centers also brings a good effect.

The sixth chakra is an integral element in the construction of the human body. It has a phenomenal power, affects the mental and physiological processes that occur with the individual. When the center is developed to a sufficient degree, a person has an immanent spiritual potential, and also looks at the world from a different angle.

What are the characteristics of a chakra

  1. Ajna carries the energy of inspiration, spirituality, awareness, possession and improvement.
  2. Its sacred sound is the word "AUM".
  3. Corresponds to the musical note LA.
  4. The overriding principle is to realize the true essence of being.
  5. The inner aspect is psychic abilities.
  6. Carries the energy of intuitive abilities.
  7. This chakra does not belong to any of the elements.
  8. She is ruled by the planet Luna.
  9. Of the sensations, ajna corresponds to cold.
  10. The chakra has no match in smell or taste.
  11. It controls the work of the central nervous system, as well as the hormonal glands - the pineal and pituitary glands.
  12. Of the organs that fall under the influence of ajna, one can name the brain with all its components, the central nervous system, face, ears, sinuses, organs of vision.
  13. If the energy center does not work properly, such pathologies begin to appear: diseases of the eyes, ears, respiratory tract, as well as pathologies of the nose and sinuses, the facial nerve suffers, headaches and nightmares are characteristic.
  14. From aromatic oils this chakra corresponds to geranium oil, lavender, rosemary, peppermint oil.
  15. To enhance the energy of ajna, one should wear such stones: blue aventurines, amethysts, indicolites, labradors, hawk eyes and.

Ways to open the "third eye"

Not everyone is born with a well-developed sixth chakra. But thanks to the activation of the center, people begin to better perceive the information that comes from the other world.

There is a great aromatherapy method that allows you to open the third eye. To do this, you need to take eucalyptus oil and rub a small amount of it around the forehead. This is done from the central part of the forehead to the bridge of the nose. Meditation can be done either in a sitting or lying position.

When you take a comfortable position, begin to concentrate on the area where the chakra is located. It is important at the physical level to feel the increase in pressure in this area. As the pressure increases, visualize the energy penetrating deep into the head. From there, a counter flow of energy begins to come out. Pay close attention to how the two energy flows meet each other and merge, becoming one.

Then start saying (or singing) the KSHAM mantra. Feel the mantra harmonize with the pressure inside your head. Pay close attention to your inner feelings. With the help of such meditation, you will be able to open the ajna chakra and clear it of unnecessary energy blocks.

At the same time, you can pronounce the words of the mantra yourself or use the ready-made audio recording. In any case, the action of the mantra will be effective.

What causes a closed chakra

Insufficient work of the 6th energy center causes the development of pathologies of the brain, the condition of the eyes also worsens, the frontal and maxillary sinuses, and the upper jaw suffer.

A person in this case will regularly complain about headache, loss of coordination of movements, fainting spells, inability to concentrate on certain points.

In addition, ajna has control over the pineal gland and pituitary gland. The pituitary gland acts as a separate center that controls various functions. It produces hormones that affect the entire sphere of human life.

The superpowers of this chakra

A well-functioning ajna gives a person excellent vision, the ability to concentrate, good memory, thinking, helps to easily find a solution to any problems. The energy center is responsible for the conscious perception of the entire surrounding reality. This is the center responsible for all mental abilities, the process of acquiring knowledge, memory and willpower.

Another ability that a developed "third eye" gives a person is the ability to hear one's intuition and follow its voice. Also, people with a balanced ajna are inherent in wisdom. They are able to tell the development of future events, and also perceive various messages from above and interpret them correctly.

How does the opening of the chakra physically manifest itself

As you begin to open the ajna chakra, you may experience a sensation of tinnitus. This happens for the reason that you begin to perceive messages from the Universe. The main thing is not to interfere with this process.

Many people call this phenomenon clairaudience. In addition, the sensation of tinnitus indicates that your inner self is trying to send you an important message. In no case do not ignore it, listen to your heart!

It is also not uncommon for cases when, in the process of opening the 6th energy center, physical pathologies of the ears begin. Unfortunately, the opening of the "third eye" is not always associated only with positive sensations. Of the latter, there is also a feeling of strong pressure in the area where the chakra is located. You may also feel as if the chakra is being erupted on a physical level.

After studying the reviews of people who managed to open the “third eye” in themselves, you will be impressed and will definitely want to perform such a manipulation with yourself. After all, then you will be able to master the gift of clairvoyance, begin to hear your intuition, and also be able to predict future events or tell what happened in the past.

Chakra image

The image of a chakra is known as a yantra. The yantra for the sixth energy center is a blue lotus flower framed by two lotus petals.

If you consider this yantra for a long time, you will be able to harmonize the energy flows of the ajna chakra. It also helps clear the entire energy system of the body from various blockages. A person begins active spiritual growth.

It is important for each person to improve the work of the ajna chakra, because it plays a huge role in the overall energy state of a person. The sixth chakra has a very strong influence on both the mental and physical abilities of the human body. By opening the ajna chakra, you will learn to understand yourself better, you will clearly hear the voice of your intuition, which will help you make the right decisions in the labyrinth of life.

Fortune telling today with the help of the Tarot "Card of the Day" layout!

For correct divination: focus on the subconscious and do not think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you're ready, draw a card:

Many of us have ever heard about all sorts of self-improvement techniques, clairvoyance and other extrasensory abilities. And if anyone can practice yoga, then what is the true nature of all these mythical superpowers? Are they given to a person from above, or can everyone develop them on their own? In this article, we will analyze in more detail such a concept as the third eye chakra. Where is this chakra located, what properties does it have, how to open it? Read in this article.

What are chakras

Before proceeding to a detailed examination of the third eye itself, it should be clarified what chakras are. In esotericism, this word refers to certain nodal points of concentration of energy located in the human body, or more precisely, in its aura. It is believed that chakras are an important component of the human body, consciousness, their nature has the most practical value in our life. The quality of the latter and the state of our health directly depend on the state of the energies concentrated in the chakras.

Energy is everywhere. Some of its types interact with others, and those energies and vibrations that have the same wavelength are attracted to each other according to the principle of a magnet. Each of the chakras also corresponds to a specific and specific element. The third eye chakra, for example, corresponds to the Mind Element.

Ajna or third eye

The chakra, which is also called the third eye, is located in a place that is located just above the point between the eyebrows. How is the third eye? Its name is ajna, which means "order, command" in Sanskrit. This chakra is responsible for the functioning of the pineal gland, carotid plexus, and the brain. In general, the ajna chakra is responsible for how the world is perceived by human consciousness, and it also affects a person’s ability to see subtle energies. The third eye is clairvoyance, the ability to see the past and the future, to perceive the thoughts of people. All seven chakras have their own colors, which correspond to the colors of the rainbow - from red to purple. The third eye chakra, which is sky blue, is the sixth in a row and corresponds to higher energies than the chakras below it.

It is believed that all children under the age of three have the ajna chakra "open". Young children have some clairvoyance, they can see or at least feel subtle energies and biofields. However, as they grow older under the influence of traditional upbringing, this ability is drowned out and lost. Development will help to achieve harmony between the physical and spiritual body of a person.

The effect of the ajna chakra on the body

In fact, the state of the third eye chakra is important for any person, even if they do not have it. An individual who knows how to activate this chakra is able to perceive messages on the mental and energy levels, control his subconscious, he has a better developed intuition. At the same time, the third eye chakra oversees mental work, memory and willpower - physical characteristics inherent in a particular personality.

Every person needs to develop the third eye chakra, especially those people whose activities are related to creative or

What can be seen with the third eye?

The gift of clairvoyance is possessed by just those people who have the third eye chakra open. What is this ability? Clairvoyance is not only the ability to receive information from otherworldly sources, it is also the ability to see biofields, including the aura of other people. The one who is able to feel the aura cannot be deceived, because such a person can see feelings, thoughts and desires. In addition, clairvoyance will help to recognize the presence of various diseases, both physical and mental.

However, it should be understood that the gift of clairvoyance can become a heavy burden. A person whose third eye is developed and functioning can be very susceptible to all sorts of negativity. Our world is cruel, and the things that happen in it are not always pleasant. Many people simply do not notice all this, but not those who have the ability to see the hidden. However, one can learn to "turn off" subtle vision in order to reduce one's receptivity and sensitivity.

How to open the ajna chakra

There are many methods by which the third eye chakra is developed. How to open and balance it - we'll talk about this. Perhaps the easiest way is the candle exercise. It should be performed every day for a month, preferably after sunset. The essence of this method is as follows: you need to take an ordinary candle, light it and put it in front of you at arm's length. Then, for one minute, you need to look at the fire of the candle, trying not to blink or look away. After that, close your eyes and try to visualize the glare from the candle in the very place where the third eye is located.

With each new day, increase the duration of contemplation of the flame from the candle by one minute. Thus, after a month, the exercise should be at least half an hour. If you do everything right, then every day it will be easier to perform this exercise, you will be able to hold the glare without much effort. Of course, this method cannot guarantee a 100% opening of the third eye, but it will help develop your inner vision, which is also important.

Meditation and other exercises

The development of psychic abilities is a long and difficult path, so meditation is indispensable here. Learn to relax, use different breathing techniques, meditate. In addition to the fact that such a practice will help open the chakras, it can also have a positive effect on the state of your body as a whole.

Even an open ajna chakra needs regular training. For example, in your free time, you can do the following exercise: lie on your back, close your eyes, relax. Mentally visualize the ball blue color, feel the warmth that comes from it. Focus on it and move it to the third eye area. Do not strain and try to hold the ball by force. Feel how your ball pulsates, and the third eye chakra is saturated with its pleasant warmth. What will it give you? Such activities will help accelerate the activation of the sixth chakra.

Nourishing and cleansing

Chakras need constant energy replenishment and cleansing. That is what meditation sessions are for. Here is another useful exercise.

Concentrate on the center of your head, at the level between the eyebrows, approximately between the hemispheres of the brain - where the very chakra of the third eye, whose name is ajna, is located. Imagine that there is an energy vortex of bright blue color. It is shaped like a ball and rotates clockwise (when viewed from above), while it accumulates the same bright blue energy of your thought. The chakra absorbs this mind energy and illuminates your head with a cold blue light. Your brain cells are filled with strength, nourished and cleansed, you feel how tension is leaving your blood vessels and capillaries. It improves the speed of thinking, memory and other functions of your brain.

By doing this exercise for 10-15 minutes, you can fill your chakra with energy, as well as improve brain performance.

What is dangerous closed ajna

Availability a large number negative emotions and bad thoughts, unwillingness or inability to accept oneself - all these factors lead to the closure of the sixth chakra. Opening the third eye will only work when you can clear your mind of all this negativity.

A person whose third eye chakra is blocked or clogged becomes vulnerable in many ways. It is difficult for him to distinguish lies from the truth, it is difficult for him to understand himself, in his dreams and aspirations. Ultimately, in the lives of people whose chakras are closed, a lot of contradictions and conflicts, both internal and external, appear, which regularly lead to nervous tension and overwork. Disappointment in yourself, in your strengths and in the meaning of life - that's the end result.

Is it easy to open the ajna chakra

Actually opening the third eye chakra is not so easy. To do this, it may not be enough to complete a course of simple exercises, like exercises with candles. Self-improvement is a difficult path and, choosing it, you need to go to the end. You should not stop halfway or limit yourself to some kind of framework - having achieved a result, set new goals for yourself and continue working on yourself.

In order for the third eye chakra to open, you need to change, learn to look at the world in a new way. Get rid of all the negativity that is present in your life, say goodbye to bad habits, you may even have to reconsider your diet. Self-discipline and more self-discipline. In the end, get ready for the fact that it will be possible to open the third eye only after you can activate all the previous five chakras.


It is quite obvious that most people would like to have a clear and pure mind, and would not mind being able to use all the possibilities of their body - mental, emotional, metaphysical. In order to achieve this, it is worth starting work on clearing and opening the sixth chakra. Everyone wants to achieve some kind of success in life, and for this you need to make the most of all your mental and pure open third eye ajna chakra will allow you to take full advantage of your intuition, provide clarity of mind and stability of the emotional state.

Location: the middle of the forehead.

Shades: blue, purple.

Sign: a blue circle and two large lotus petals. Two feet are drawn in the center of it. There is another version of the image of the chakra - a lotus flower with ninety-six petals.

Characteristic: creative inspiration, development of spirituality, awareness of the life path.

Inner Accent: communication at the level of extrasensory perception, enhanced intuition.

Element: radium.

Responsible for: subtle sensations, first of all, for intuition.

Mantra:"ham ksham".

Subtle body: mental.

Glands: pineal.

Bodies: vision, hearing, smell, brain.

The imbalance leads to: diseases of the eyes, ears, lungs, nose, exhausting headaches, nightmares.

Aromatherapy: minty and refreshing scents.

Stones: transparent and shades of blue.

Ajna is located in the middle of the forehead. The stem goes down the back of the head.

Ajna helps a person develop a conscious perception of the world around him. It controls the mind and memory. Thanks to Ajna, a person can go to his subconscious, listen to intuitive feelings. It helps to understand the clues of the Universe and correctly respond to its non-verbal messages. Ajna controls the harmony of the cerebral hemispheres. In other words, its function is to ensure that emotions and reason do not overlap, but complement each other. In addition, the physical well-being of a person, his ability to concentrate, and the development of wisdom depend on the state of Ajna.

Harmoniously developed Ajna pushes its owner to acquire integrity, to strive for harmony - the same as in the Universe. If the chakra is closed, a person may not even guess that such a state is even possible. Such people are in the process of incessant struggle with themselves. They put their own interests ahead of others. The surrounding reality is perceived by them as the only one. They believe that it can be changed only with the help of physical force or active actions. An open chakra helps a person to find harmony both with his inner self and with the Universe, without fighting with anyone and without changing anything around.

When Ajna begins to open up, its owner has many questions regarding his destiny in life. He strives for self-perfection, believes in his own strength. He comes to the realization that it is necessary to live not so much for himself, but for humanity. The owner of a balanced Ajna understands that he is just a part of the vast Universe. His soul seems to wake up, prompting him to find the meaning of his existence. The ordinary life that many people live (career, savings, social status) ceases to satisfy. Man strives for the spiritual.

Often the opening of Ajna is accompanied by a crisis. It resembles what happens when the throat chakra awakens. A person comes to understand that his individuality is not expressed one hundred percent. Such a crisis becomes a stage in the birth of a new reality. The owner of a harmonious Ajna begins to pay much more attention to the world around him, to other people, to his development. Moreover, the last point concerns not only physical and mental self-improvement, but also spiritual. There is a desire for complete harmony.

Ajna is responsible for creative inspiration. Its development helps to see earthly needs through the prism of the physics of the Universe. Thanks to this, everyone gets the opportunity to establish their own material world, safe for life. Let's remember the fundamental laws of the sexual chakra. Its disclosure directs a person to self-knowledge, a thirst for change, a creative expression of the inner "I", the development of curiosity. Ajna, opening, gives a huge inner strength. It gives the main thing - the desire to create. This desire passes through the sexual chakra, where it acquires the desire to express itself. Then it is redirected to the heart chakra, where it is transformed into creativity. By the way, our Universe consists of millions of creative paths. And each person chooses his own from them - the one that is closer to him in shades, sounds, forms. This choice begins at the level of the physical world and continues in the field of energy and soul.

The function of Ajna is to stimulate inspiration. As a result of her activity, creation from emptiness is realized. What does it mean? Very simple. New worlds, ideas arise in a person's head from scratch. That is, they do not depend on any platform. Then he processes them in such a way that they can be understood by other people. If Ajna is well developed, its owner gets access to messages from parallel worlds, as well as the past and future. This thread finds it on its own. The balance of Ajna gives a state of inspiration in which a person can create something great, drawing energy from the Universe. It seems to him that it is not he who invents new things, but someone from above sends them to him. Such a state can be described in one word: "it dawned on me."

Ajna is considered a kind of control center for everything and everything. If we are talking about the physical level, then management concerns the nervous system. Here the chakra monitors its work, taking part in the activation of the brain, the organs of touch, smell, and vision. The opening of the chakra allows a person to control his life as a whole. He understands the laws of the universe, learns to act in accordance with them. Thanks to this, his karma changes, bringing well-being to life.

A balanced Ajna allows us to observe from the outside how our life is being built. On the physical level, we can see the results of the activity of the world created by our brain. For example, some people may even feel like they are in control of their lives. Just thought about something - and here you are, fate is already presenting what you want on a silver platter. In fact, this is a false feeling. Life is not built from our "I want, and immediately." It is controlled by emotions and thoughts that accumulate in us throughout life. In addition, the norms adopted in society, long-term habits, stereotypes have a huge impact. If Ajna is not balanced, one does not understand it. If it is developed and harmonized, it is not difficult for a person to determine what now controls his life: emotions or thoughts. He knows how to filter and change both. Thanks to this, his life becomes the way he sees it.

The ability to analyze emotions and thoughts helps a person to weed out what is alien and unnecessary. Each of us has moments when they try to impose something on us. It can be an attitude to a specific problem, feelings for a particular person. The owner of an open Ajna is able to understand which thoughts and emotions from those coming from outside suit him, and which ones cause disharmony in the soul and heart. It becomes clear to him why he came to earth. He sees and realizes the laws of development of the Universe. And this is very important. As soon as we begin to realize the arrangement of the Universe, our life becomes clear. We can build it according to our plans. In this case, the desires of the Universe become our desires. The construction of life no longer runs counter to the wishes of the world. And this gives a feeling of harmony and happiness.

If we consider the spiritual level, then Ajna is responsible for the development of extrasensory perception of the world. You probably remember that every physical body has an energy counterpart. It's about the aura. So, the physical senses also have peculiar counterparts. These are the highest feelings that can be felt only with psychic abilities.

The knowledge about all this was laid down in our vast Universe many centuries ago. The ability to perceive them depends on specific person, from being able to connect to knowledge archives. This is the third eye chakra.

Every knowledge that is in the universe manifests itself in our material world through this or that sound, aroma, touch. Thus, a person can perceive this knowledge through the senses. But there is another important point here. Feelings have a more subtle form of expression - without the limitation of space and time. Harmoniously developed Ajna helps its owner to connect to the subtle sensations and open them. As a result, a person gains access to the vast archives of the universe and can absorb knowledge directly.

Extrasensory vision of knowledge is called clairvoyance. For each person, it manifests itself in its own way. It could be a prophetic dream, an astral flight. In any case, clairvoyance helps to see what is happening on this moment at another point the globe, then, as well as the past life and the near future. Often, such abilities manifest themselves in stressful situations, if someone from close people gets into an unpleasant situation and needs urgent help. If the Ajna is strongly open, it is not necessary for a person to fall asleep or meditate. He can get the information he needs while awake. In this case, knowledge comes to him in the form of a sudden insight. Rare people whose chakra is developed to the maximum see entities located in parallel worlds, an aura, the structure of objects, internal organs of people.

In extrasensory perception, there is another direction - clairaudience. Its development allows a person to capture the frequencies he needs in the Universe. How is it shown? For example, you may hear what someone close to you who is several hundred kilometers away from you said. Also, a person begins to perceive Divine sounds, messages coming from parallel worlds, clues from entities. Constant work on developing clairaudience makes it possible to understand more than what people tell you. You seem to hear their thoughts. It becomes clear to you what exactly they wanted to hide.

In rare cases, clairaudience develops so strongly that a person can determine the state of the interlocutor (both physical, spiritual, and emotional) by the voice. He can read minds. The fact is that each thought is an energy that is first formed in a rational subtle body, and then clothed in words. So, a person with a very highly developed Ajna is able to capture this energy before it is converted into speech.

Touch can also be developed to the highest possible level. If this can be done, the person begins to feel the state of the energy of physical bodies. This ability is very important for those who are engaged in healing. Thanks to it, an experienced psychic can diagnose internal organs by feeling their energy with his hands, and also treat them with the flow of his energy. Touch on a physical level helps us to feel another person. We feel the tension of his muscles, wetter palms, warm shoulders and so on. A heightened sense of touch allows you to feel all this at a distance, without touching the skin of a person. Moreover, it makes it possible to "see" someone else's biofield, to work with it.

Consider the next important sense - the sense of smell. It helps us capture all the smells that surround us. But few people know that each fragrance is a certain sign that came from the Universe. Surely each of you had something similar. Suppose someone in the company talks about New Year. Suddenly, you distinctly begin to smell tangerines, although there are none in the room. This is the manifestation of the sign of the Universe. This case may have another variant of development. You, passing through the market, saw tangerines and felt their aroma. As a result, the associative series worked, memories of the celebration of the New Year came flooding back. And this is also a sign of the universe.

The more developed Ajna, the wider our senses perceive what is not seen by sight. By the way, all of the above can be supplemented with another ability - telepathy. Ajna is also responsible for the development of telepathic abilities. Telepathy is the ability to connect to the frequency of another person, understand it and process it. Some people have a second level of development of telepathic abilities. It allows not only to perceive other people's frequencies, but also to transmit your own to living beings. Thus, the person entrusts the ability to communicate mentally without saying a single word aloud.

The ability to be aware of what is happening around exists due to the presence of the senses of touch, the ability of each of us to interpret the information received. The same thing happens on the spiritual level. The counterparts of the physical senses capture the necessary information and deliver it to our body. How this happens is illustrated by the analysis of dreams. Each of us at least once in our lives had a dream in which you experienced the same emotions as in real life. You saw some kind of picture, heard the voices of people, felt the things taken in your hands. All this suggests that during sleep, spiritual feelings connected to the archives of knowledge of the Universe.

Thanks to spiritual perception, clairvoyants get the opportunity to feel a person without talking to him or seeing him. For example, they can tell about the inner world of a person by holding an object belonging to him in their hands. In addition, they can enter a state of meditation and see where the person they need is now, what he is doing, understand his thoughts and emotions. The same ability allows (under the condition of a well-developed Ajna) to see pieces of our past incarnations. Part of it is available to each of us. Recall an event in your life. Surely you will again feel everything that you experienced, say, a year ago. Moreover, the memories will be very vivid. This is the initial stage of spiritual perception.

As you already understood, all extrasensory abilities (clairvoyance, clairaudience, telepathy, astral travel) depend on the state of Ajna. If the energy perception channel is clear, extrasensory perception is given to a person without much difficulty. The most important thing is that each of us from the moment of birth, to one degree or another, has the above talents. But most people ruin them, not wanting to develop the third eye chakra. Those who strive to harmonize it and reveal it, achieve the development of spiritual feelings and become real prophets and healers.

Healthy Ajna Work

If Ajna is balanced (although not one hundred percent open), a person has developed intellect and good thinking skills. He achieves great success in research activities. His thoughts are always clear, morality is at the highest level. He easily connects with strangers and builds positive social relationships. Others say that he has a very well developed intuition. Such a person sometimes cannot rationally explain the reasons for his actions. He just feels on an intuitive level what is the best thing to do.

So, if Ajna is balanced and slightly open, its owner is different:

Excellent imagination and ability to visualize;

Well developed intuition;

The realization that any physical matter is a projection of the spiritual world;

Idealistic thoughts;

The desire for creativity;

Flexibility of thoughts;

The ability to consider everything that happens from all sides;

The ability to understand the process of transforming a person's thoughts into life.

The more Ajna is revealed, the wider the possibilities of perception of the surrounding world, as well as parallel worlds. All things that are around, a person begins to see deeper. He can turn off the rational perception of reality and switch to intuitive. Thanks to this, it becomes possible to feel the unsaid, to read between the lines.

The development of subtle feelings makes it possible to sort out intuitive messages. A person can tune their perception channels to certain frequencies. For example, to focus them on a vision of the future or on the diagnosis of diseases in people. physical world ceases to be the only possible one for him. He understands that the universe consists of many worlds, most of which the common man cannot see. The desire to understand these worlds leads to the development of the ability to contact with their representatives. There is an opportunity to feel someone else's energy, to interact with it. In addition, the ability to analyze one's own thoughts and emotions develops. It becomes clear to a person why this or that happens in his life. He realizes that his every action (as well as the people around him) is a consequence of the materialization of thoughts. This helps him to better understand the laws of the universe and build his life without violating them.

The owner of the opened Ajna receives clues from the Universe through his soul and superego. He can learn to see his past incarnations. Access to them initially occurs during sleep. Surely you also had dreams more than once in which you were in unfamiliar cities, on other planets, saw people whom you had never encountered. This is the journey to past lives. The more the chakra opens, the easier it becomes to access knowledge archives. A person no longer needs to fall asleep or meditate. He can see who he used to be in the waking state. Life experience does not frighten him and does not plunge him into depression. He perceives everything that happens as something tutorial which must be mastered and the right conclusions drawn. Each passed stage causes only a feeling of joy of knowing something new. And this leads to further spiritual development.

Ajna imbalance

If Ajna is unbalanced, a person perceives the surrounding world and life only rationalistically - through logic and intellect. He seeks to streamline life (both his own and those around him), to build it according to logical chains. Undertaking any business, he creates a clear plan. If it becomes clear to him that it will not be possible to act according to the plan, he will abandon his idea. For any question, a person requires logical evidence. He will not be satisfied with the answer "I feel that it is necessary to do so." It is important for him to know the logical reasons for actions. Such people believe only in what they can see, touch. Only in this way can a person understand the essence of the subject. If the imbalance of the chakra is very strong, a person refuses not only intuition, but also feelings, considering them illogical. This leads to the fact that the perception of the world becomes very narrow and limited. Everything that does not fit into the framework of logic is discarded by a person. He does not see the point in feelings, emotions, irrational actions. Spirituality and everything connected with it is completely denied by him.

Sometimes the imbalance of Ajna manifests itself in the following way. Its owner understands spiritual truths. But his knowledge is very superficial. In addition, he has a desire to use his thoughts and knowledge to satisfy selfish interests. He likes to influence people, control them, arouse their admiration or awe.

Failure in the work of Ajna, as a rule, also affects the development of Vishuddhi. This leads to a person's desire to manipulate - people, events, life. In especially severe cases, the owner of an unbalanced chakra turns into a charlatan. He is ready to deceive people in order to make all his wishes come true. A person with an open Ajna will never use his intellectual and spiritual abilities to harm others. It never crosses his mind to manipulate anyone. After all, he understands the laws of the development of the universe. And they are categorically against all sorts of manipulations. In addition, a person realizes how dangerous the abuse of the power of thought and intuition. Moreover, the danger threatens not only him, but also the people around him, the Universe itself. Therefore, he always controls his thoughts and does not harm others with them.

Let's look at another possible situation. For example, Ajna is partially open but poorly balanced. But the rest of the chakras are completely unbalanced. Where does it end? Disbalance. The man begins to fly in the clouds. He breaks away from real world becomes incapable of making correct decisions. It is easier for him to dream about what will happen tomorrow, in a month, in a year, to make plans and castles in the air, than to descend from heaven to earth and make a decision regarding today. In this case, a person can get confused in intuition. It becomes extremely difficult for him to distinguish her clues from his own imagination. And often he hears and perceives imagination more clearly than intuition. His imagination becomes even brighter than reality. A person goes into his world and spends in it most time, becoming more and more infantile.

Also, the lack of harmony in Ajna can lead to uncertainty in the Universe. Its owner ceases to understand the meaning of what is happening to him. This leads to anxiety, anxiety, fear of tomorrow. In order not to show this fear and excitement to others, a person puts on a mask of a cynic and eventually gets used to it.

Ajna and the physical body

Ajna is closely related to the condition of the nerves and the brain. It also affects the organs of vision, hearing and smell.

We all know that the eyes are the window to the soul. So, if Ajna is harmoniously developed, we can look at a nearby person and receive important information through our eyes. The higher the spiritual awareness and the wider the channel through which the messages come, the deeper we look inside the person. If Ajna is wide open, we get the opportunity to see what a person is thinking about, to understand and feel his soul.

The eyes are a reflection of how we perceive the world around us. In general, the outlook of each person is determined by how he lived before and how he lives now. First of all, childhood influences its formation. Then the accumulated life experience, social norms, stereotypes, instructions of loved ones make their contribution. In addition, our past incarnations have a considerable influence. After all, you probably remember that the body is just a shell for the soul. And she has already lived many lives, changed several bodies. And throughout all the incarnations, the soul absorbed experience, learned something. All this is reflected in today's life.

Strengthening and developing spiritual awareness, a person begins to understand that his view of the world around him is just an interpretation of the soul. And it is not always correct and objective. Let's say you don't like a certain person. The universe accepts him, but you don’t want to be near him. The reason for this is that this person has one of your shortcomings. That is why it repels you on an intuitive level. In general, the subjective perception of the world is characteristic of almost every person. All of us, seeing this or that picture, fill it with meaning. In this case, each will have its own meaning. Based on it, the picture is evaluated. She is considered good or bad. And again, everyone will make their own personal judgment based on life experience and level of development of the soul. Accordingly, everyone has a different attitude to the world. Some are positive, others are negative. What you choose is up to you personally.

Our view of things, our level of perception of their appearance and inner essence affects the surrounding reality. People tend to value everything. One way or another, we are trying to find an explanation for what surrounds us and what is happening in our lives, to give some meaning. Over time, our ideas about the world are transformed into stereotypes. Those are projected onto the cosmos and then embodied in our lives. Thus, our own worldview determines the development of life and the events taking place in it.

Living in the present, we get the opportunity to create our future by observing events and interpreting them. Every day we get more and more knowledge. Over time, we already get to see things objectively. There is no need to interpret them, create stereotypes, impose definitions. When the understanding of things in their true sense comes, a person opens up and accepts the world as it really is. And it helps to accept and understand yourself. As a result, the world also begins to treat us differently. The Universe accepts us completely and unconditionally, helping us in everything.

If a person treats the world unkindly, he is overwhelmed with envy, all events appear to him only in a gloomy light, he has vision problems. So if you want to know a person's attitude to life, ask if he wears glasses. If so, which ones. Diopters will be the answer to your question. If a person develops serious eye diseases (cataracts, glaucoma), then there is a strong hatred of the world in his life.

If Ajna is open, then a person will perceive the world with love. This will bring him harmony. The state of Ajna also affects the ability to see the invisible. We are talking about the appearance of visions or second hallucinations. They can appear during sleep, meditation, and even wakefulness. By developing these abilities, the owner of an open Ajna can learn to see the auras of other people, their energy channels. Moreover, he may develop the ability to change energy flows, helping people to recover from serious diseases.

Ears symbolize how we can listen to the world around us. Moreover, this is not only the ability to hear some sounds, but also the ability to tune in to receive messages, tips from the Universe, as well as from your inner self. In the case of a poorly opened Ajna, a person stops picking up these clues. This leads to hearing impairment, inflammatory processes. So if you notice a decrease in the hearing threshold, do not rush to go to the doctor. Of course, in the hospital they will help you restore your hearing for a while, but then the problems will start again. And they can be solved only through the development and harmonization of Ajna.

Let's look further. What is the hallmark of a person by which other people evaluate him? No, this is not clothes, as they say, but a face. By observing the face of the interlocutor, we can learn a lot about him. For example, wrinkles in the corners of the lips indicate that a person often laughs or smiles. If the corners of the lips are lowered down, anxiety and longing have settled in the heart of a person. Eyebrows apart speak of decisiveness and courage.

Each person has several characteristic facial expressions. This is how he laughs, and this is how he looks when he's upset. These expressions enter inside and remain in the memory of the cells of the skin. Thus, the same business card. The attitude of the people around us often depends on the expression of our face. A face can attract or repel, be open or inaccessible. The inner world depends on what expressions are most often imprinted on our face.

There are many reasons for facial problems. It can be small pimples, acne. In especially severe cases, a failure in the work of Ajna can lead to paralysis of the facial nerves. All of these problems have something in common. Their appearance is connected with the need to tell the world that your inner self and the mask on your face are two different things. Even a small pimple is already an occasion to think about whether you are the person you are trying to impersonate. Maybe you have too many masks behind which you cannot see the soul? These masks, strained smiles, false interest in the interlocutor sooner or later lead to violations at all levels. When the Ajna is fully revealed, the falseness goes away. A person will lose the fear of being himself, showing his inner world without embellishment.

Ajna is also responsible for the functioning of the brain and nervous system. The human brain is a kind of command post, which receives messages from organs, subtle bodies and energy centers. It also contains mental stereotypes formed over many years. All this is completely subject to man. By the way, the brain is still a huge memory bank. It contains more information than we can imagine. Another thing is that we do not always have full access to it. Often the necessary information pops up in a stressful situation. If Ajna is open, this access is expanded. We get unique opportunity control your mind and thoughts. In fact, a super powerful computer that can do anything falls into our hands. The main thing is to figure out how to manage it.

It must be remembered that the thoughts that arise in the brain today, tomorrow can become a real future. Every minute and every second we shape our future through the power of thought. If you learn to manage your thoughts, sort them and filter out the negative ones, you can transform your life for the better.

The owner of an open and balanced Ajna is aware of how great the power of thought is. He understands that the possibilities of the brain are limitless. Realizing this, he learns to correctly relate to his thoughts, works with stereotypes, directs into space only those thought forms that can bring him good. Thus, a person becomes the master of his own destiny.

Weakly opened Ajna narrows the horizons of a person. It becomes very difficult for him to perceive truths, to learn positive experience, to recognize what contradicts the stereotypes that have developed in his head. All this creates obstacles for the development of his abilities. Opened Ajna expands mental faculties. It prepares the brain to accept and understand the world around us. The owner of a balanced Ajna does not put labels on the world and does not drive it into the usual framework. He accepts him for who he is. Such a person is set to absorb the positive experience of the Universe. He is open to new experiences and emotions. As a result, his life is filled with light and joy.

Imbalance in Ajna often leads to debilitating headaches. This is how a person's inability to receive messages from the inner "I" and from the cosmos manifests itself. Sometimes pain indicates disbelief in oneself, too strong self-criticism, fear of showing people one's true face. Opened Ajna helps us realize that the main thing in a person is the soul. The body and clothes are a temporary shell of her in this incarnation. Human life is one of many points on the coordinate axis of the Universe. Therefore, there is no point in being critical of her. Understanding the infinity of life strengthens confidence in the Universe, neutralizes fear and negative attitude towards oneself, fills the heart with love.

Often, the imbalance of Ajna becomes the cause of obsessive nightmares and diseases of the nervous system. If a person gets the feeling that his thoughts do not obey him, problems with the pituitary gland begin. A balanced chakra gives peace of mind. A person no longer wants to control his life. He understands that he is the master of both the body and his thoughts. At any moment he can give the right direction to life. As a result, a person begins to go with the flow, not resisting circumstances. This way of life is the key to harmony.

Ajna and hormones

The state of Ajna affects the work of two very important organs - the pituitary gland and the pineal gland.

Scientists know not so much about the second gland. Let's try to find it. Draw two imaginary lines. One horizontal - over the ears. The second is vertical, towards the crown. So, the iron is at the point of their intersection. In shape, it remotely resembles a pine cone. It is still not exactly established whether iron enters the endocrine system. But its main functions are clear. The gland is responsible for the production of a hormone-like substance called melatonin. It helps to activate the cycles of nesting, migration, as well as the instincts responsible for the reproduction of offspring. If we talk about people, then their gland develops an inner sense of the change of day and night, on which our mood and mood depend. physical state. This is the main function of the gland. But there are several other parallel, not so important for human life. Failure of the pineal gland leads to chronic fatigue, deep depression, nervousness.

Let's now look at the pituitary gland. It is located in front of the pineal gland. In terms of functionality, the pituitary gland resembles a complex control center. Its weight is about 0.5 grams. The gland consists of two parts. The first is the body. The second is a small process that connects the body to the hypothalamus. The body splits into two parts. The first contains cells that produce hormones. And the back acts as a reservoir for storing hormones. From there they then move on to circulatory system. The pituitary gland is directly related to human emotions. He is responsible for emotional balance.

Those hormones (there are two types in total) that the pituitary gland produces are responsible for the formation of secondary hormones.

The first type is tropical hormones. They help activate the endocrine glands.

The second type is somatic hormones. Their influence extends to all cells of the human body.

The pituitary gland is not for nothing called the plant for the production of hormones. Both the first and second types are born only in this gland. The functionality of the endocrine system as a whole depends on the quantity of hormones produced by the pituitary gland and on their quality.

Pituitary hormones are responsible for the development of both physical and emotional levels. The posterior half of the pituitary sends two important hormones into the bloodstream. They are created in the hypothalamus, but are subject to mandatory testing by the pituitary gland. The first regulates the work of the kidneys. It depends on how much water will be excreted from the body with urine. As soon as a person drinks several glasses of water, the production of this hormone begins. Thanks to him, excess fluid does not linger in the body. After a serious illness that has led to dehydration, the amount of hormones increases significantly. This leads to the fact that water practically ceases to leave the body with urine. Thus, it is possible to maintain the desired water balance.

The second hormone is produced only in women: immediately before childbirth and after them. Thanks to him, strong contractions of the muscles of the uterus become possible in autumn and attempts are made. Thus, a woman gets the opportunity to give birth to a child. After childbirth, the hormone is produced in order to help the mother in stimulating milk. As for men, this hormone also periodically comes across in their body. But its role in this case has not yet been established.

In the anterior part of the pituitary gland are the cells responsible for the production of all other hormones, which are no less important for the development of the body. Let's get to know them better.

Thyroid-stimulating hormone. Its function is to regulate the functioning of thyroid hormones.

Follicle-stimulating hormone. He goes to the ovaries, where he is responsible for the formation of the egg. Its function is to stimulate the secretion of estrogen. This applies to the female body. In the male body, it initiates the production of sperm.

The next hormone is luteinizing. It stimulates the production of sex hormones. In men, this process takes place in the testicles. In women, the hormone enters the ovary, where it activates the production of progesterone. Thanks to this process, ovulation of the cell and pregnancy occurs. In addition, this hormone is responsible for the safety of the fetus for twenty-one days.

The next hormone is growth. Its production does not stop throughout life. Between the ages of eleven and seventeen, the amount of the hormone increases significantly. It is responsible for the proper formation of bones. If there is a lack of growth hormone in a growing organism, the child grows up to be a dwarf. An excess, on the contrary, leads to the so-called gigantism. This is a rare disease that ends in death in young age due to acute heart failure. Growth hormone is produced only during sleep.

As you already understood, the activity of the pituitary gland permeates all areas of human life. And its development depends on the state of Ajna. If the chakra is not balanced, diseases of the pituitary gland begin. And this means that both physical and spiritual life will be inferior. After all, for their normal development, commands from the pituitary gland are required.

If you look deeper, it becomes clear that the whole way of life of a person depends on how open Ajna is. Will he be happy, calm, balanced. If the chakra is not balanced, there is no need to talk about stability in life. Malaise, disharmony with one's own inner world, sexual dysfunction, childlessness - this is far from full list what awaits man. If Ajna is open and developed, its owner is physically healthy, full-fledged. He can create a strong family and leave behind offspring. His life is filled with Divine light, true love, deep happiness and serenity.