Where is whose house the target is. Didactic game for primary and secondary preschool age "whose house"

Educational game for children preschool age“Whose house is this?”

About myself: graduated from Volgograd Pedagogical University, work experience - 12 years. I own modern educational technologies and methods, I widely use health-saving technologies, and I widely use didactic games that allow me to teach a child the ability to reason. I actively use them during direct educational activities to maximize the development of the child’s individual age potential.

Purpose of the game:
Game of in an entertaining way introduces children to different animals and the characteristics of their lives. During the game, the child develops attention, thinking, speech, and expands his horizons. Puzzle locks on elements train fine motor skills hands, develop visual-spatial perception, allow you to evaluate the correctness of the completed task, teach self-control and self-testing.

Methodological recommendations for the game “Whose house is this?”
The game is designed for 2-6 participants.
It is better to start the game under the guidance of an adult leader.
During the period of acquaintance with the animal depicted on the card, it is necessary to tell the child about what this animal looks like, where it lives, what it eats, etc.
The number of cards used in the game should be increased gradually, taking into account the age and individual characteristics of the child. It is recommended to start with 2-3 cards and add 2-3 cards in the next game.
It is very important to play the game on a positive emotional background.
The sequence of moves can be determined using a counting rhyme.

Rules of the game
1 game option
Lay out on the playing surface front side up halves of cards with images of animals.
The presenter suggests choosing animals based on one of the following characteristics:
a) Lives in a hole
b) Lives in the sea
c) Pet
d) Builds a house for himself
Elements selected by attribute are arranged in a row. How many elements are there in a row? Which row will be the longest?
The correct answer is checked with a puzzle lock. If half of the card is found correctly, the player keeps it. The winner is the one who gets greatest number cards.

Game option 2
All halves of cards with images of animals are mixed and laid out in the center of the weight surface with the pictures facing down. Elements with images of animal habitats are distributed equally among the game participants. Each player takes turns taking one element. If he has a second element of the same card, then the card remains with the player. A puzzle lock is used to check the correctness of the solution. If the elements are not connected by a puzzle lock, then the taken element is returned to its place face down, and the right to move is transferred to the next participant. The winner is the one who is the first to find suitable halves for all of his elements.

Attached is a document with already processed and adjusted to size matchboxes pictures. All you have to do is print, cut and make the game.

An alternative to a store-bought printed board game with cards.

The game is made from matchboxes, which are covered with self-adhesive colored paper, and on top of the boxes and inside there are pictures depicting animals and their homes. For strength, the top of the boxes is also covered with transparent tape. Children really like this game. It seems especially exciting to correct the mistakes of your comrades and find inconsistencies.

D/I “Where is whose house?”

Target: Deepen and expand knowledge about various types animals (insects, birds, beasts) and their homes. The ability to correlate the image of a living creature with its habitat, naming it correctly. Develop imagination cognitive interest, memory, logical thinking, fine motor skills of the hands.



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On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

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Galina Alekseeva
Didactic game: “Whose house is this?”

Explanatory note.

Man has two worlds:

The One who created us

Another one that we have been since forever

We create to the best of our ability.

N. Zabolotsky

The once relevant slogan “conquer”, “conquer nature”, “contain” it is now changing with calls to understand it, preserve and increase its wealth. Unfortunately, society realized this when negative consequences consumer attitude people to nature, when there are practically no untouched areas of nature left on the planet, when the state of the environment has negatively affected health huge amount of people.

Nowadays, the problems of environmental education have come to the fore, and more and more attention is being paid to them. Why did these problems become relevant? The reason is human activity in nature, which is often illiterate, incorrect from an environmental point of view, wasteful, leading to a disruption of the ecological balance.

Each of those who have caused and are causing harm to nature was once a child. That's why the role is so important preschool institutions V environmental education children

Preschool childhood is a short but very important period of personality development. During these years, the child acquires initial knowledge about the life around him, he begins to form a certain attitude towards people, towards work, develops skills and habits of correct behavior, and develops a character.

The main activity of preschool children is a game,during which the child’s spiritual and physical strength develops: his attention, memory, imagination, discipline, dexterity, etc. In addition, the game is a kind of, a way of assimilating social experience characteristic of preschool age. IN didactic environmental games the child gains a variety of experiences interacting with the world around him; carries out very specific environmental work; learns the rules of conduct in environment; becomes kind, sensitive, responsive to someone else's misfortune.

Didactic game: "Whose is this house

Target:formation of environmental knowledge in preschool children through didactic game.


Strengthen knowledge about animals and their habitats;

Expand knowledge about them; enrich your vocabulary;

To develop children's constructive skills and thinking, artistic imagination, fine motor skills, memory, attention;

Cultivate a love for nature.

Material: magazines "Young Naturalist", books, matchboxes, glue, scissors.

A game made with your own hands from waste material for children of senior preschool age.

Looking through old magazines "Young Naturalist" and books, together with the children we decided to make them with our own hands didactic game on the topic"Whose is this house. Have accumulated empty matchboxes. We picked up pictures of animals and their homes. On top they glued pictures on the outside depicting the home of an animal, a bird, a fish, an insect, and inside the animal itself, a bird, a fish, an insect living there. The guys were careful when working with scissors, trying to carefully cut out images of animals along the contour. Having cut out the animals along the outline, the guys were in no hurry to glue them onto the boxes, but decided to try to place them on them and only after that they started gluing the figures. For example: bear den, dog booth, starling birdhouse, fish aquarium, honeycomb-bee, anthill-ant, badger hole and others.

Didactic game, made by children, was ready!

Children with great interest play a game made with your own hands!

This is so great and exciting didactic Material - made by children with their own hands!

Progress of the game:

1 option:

First, look at all the pictures on the boxes with your child and tell them that each animal has its own house, where he sleeps, hides from bad weather and raises his cubs. Discuss what these are called « houses» and them "tenants", and then ask to disassemble all the boxes, mix and reassemble, seating the residents correctly and commenting on your actions. For example: “It's an ant. He lives in an anthill".

Option 2: you can certainly resettle "tenants" wrong and ask the child to correct the mistakes. In addition, you can discuss with whom these animals live. For example: "This is a bear. He lives in a den with a mother bear and cubs.".


1. Akimushkin I. "Animal world"-M. : Young guard

2. Bram A.E. "Life of animals"- T.P. -SPb. Comrade "Public benefit"

3. Zuev D. "Forest Life"- M. : Publishing House of the Academy of Sciences.

4. Young naturalist. 1994.-№3

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Didactic game “Where is whose house?”

Purpose of the game: Deepen and expand knowledge about various animal species (insects, birds, animals) and their homes. The ability to correlate the image of a living creature with its habitat, naming it correctly. Develop imagination, cognitive interest, memory, logical thinking.

Material: Pictures depicting animals and their “homes”.

Progress of the game: Two or more children take part in the game. One by one, the children find the suspected animal and its hiding place. Saying the words For example: an ant lives in an anthill, etc. A game also helps to diversify lexicon in children, develops curiosity and interest in the world around them.

Game option: The teacher offers the children a choice of choosing animals first, and then choosing a house for them. If a game is carried out for the first time, then the teacher tells from the pictures who lives and where, then the children can play by yourself, select paired pictures.

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